Re: Hash of Arrays

2005-09-20 Thread Matija Papec

Christopher Spears wrote:

while ($line = ) {
($who, $rest) = split /:\s*/, $line, 2;
@fields = split ' ', $rest;
$HoA{$who} = [ @fields ];

The part that confuses me is:

($who, $rest) = split /:\s*/, $line, 2;

I understand that it takes the input and splits it
into two parts along the regular expression, but I
can't figure out what the 2 means.

C:\perldoc -f split

2 is the LIMIT. It makes sure that $line wont be sliced in more then two 
parts. If LIMIT is omitted, $line get splited on every /PATTERN/ occurrence.

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Re: Can't figure out

2005-09-18 Thread Matija Papec

Peter Rabbitson wrote:

I then tried to change it in the following way, but I get an error:
Can't locate object method catch via package DBException (perhaps 
you forgot to load DBException?) at ./testerror line 16.


It seems that you're missing use DBException;

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Re: naming subroutine reference parameter?

2005-09-07 Thread matija
Jeff Pan wrote:
my (%hash,@array);
sub_test(\%hash,[EMAIL PROTECTED]);

 has special meaning so it should be dropped when not needing
particular special behavior.
 I can't understand for this,can u give me some examples?

perldoc perlsub
NAME(LIST);   # Circumvent prototypes.
NAME; # Makes current @_ visible to called subroutine.

Use  only when you want described side effects.

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Re: infile data

2005-09-06 Thread Matija Papec

Tom Allison wrote:

I've been using the practice of putting something at the bottom of a
file for holding static data, like SQL, by calling a __DATA__ handle:

my $sql = join('',(DATA));

#more efficient
my $sql = do { local $/; DATA };

check perldoc perlvar if you want to know more about $/

select .

Is there any way to do this twice?
To define two sets of static SQL?

I guess that you don't really want to read two times from DATA but to 
somehow separate text below __DATA__

(undef, my %static_sql)
  = split /#(\w+)\s+/, do { local $/; DATA };

use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper \%static_sql

select * from table1 ..

select * from table2 ..

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Re: naming subroutine reference parameter?

2005-09-06 Thread Matija Papec
Jeff Pan wrote:

 Passing reference as parameter to subroutine is as easy as the normal
 way.And,if u pass some types of parameter such as hash,array,or handle
 to subroutine,using reference instead is more safer.
 for example,such below code is right:

It is, however it could be better.

 my (%hash,@array);
 sub_test(\%hash,[EMAIL PROTECTED]);

 has special meaning so it should be dropped when not needing
particular special behavior.

 sub sub_test{
 my ($hash_ref,$array_ref)[EMAIL PROTECTED];


 my %hash=%$hash_ref;

This isn't needed actually and it only makes unnecessary overhead as
keys/values are copied, so you immediately lost benefit by passing by

It's better to access them directly like,

 do something...

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Re: How do you force SOAP::Lite to use document/literal SOAP messages?

2005-09-06 Thread Matija Papec

David Adams wrote:

I am trying to write a simple SOAP client written in perl and to talk to a webservice 
written in .NET.  I am unsuccessful.  I believe the web service is expecting 
document/literal SOAP messages but I think the SOAP::Lite module sends stuff in 
RPC/encoded messages. 
Is there any way of telling?  Or, even better, is there a way to force the SOAP::Lite 
module to use document/literal messaging?

There is documentation that comes with every module, always check 
documentation first.

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Re: getting the value of a var

2005-08-28 Thread Matija Papec

Octavian Rasnita wrote:

my $module = Teddy::Languages::${lang}::${mod};
eval require $module;

Then I want to print that value, but I don't know how.

I have tried:

print Teddy::Languages::$lang::$mod::content;
print $module::content;

I am missing something and I cannot make it work. Please help me.

If everything fails you can access package variables via symbol table,

#symbol table
my $st = eval '\%$module::';
# scalar reference
$sref = *{ $st-{content} }{SCALAR};
print $$sref;

perhaps you could rearrange your problem so it wouldn't use such access 
to globals?

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Re: getting the value of a var

2005-08-28 Thread Matija Papec

 #symbol table
 my $st = eval '\%$module::';

my $st = eval '\%'. $module .'::';

 # scalar reference
 $sref = *{ $st-{content} }{SCALAR};
 print $$sref;

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Re: Analyze Log

2005-08-11 Thread Matija Papec

Nick wrote:

Hi There,

I am trying to analyze a simple log file and pull 2 pieces of data from 
it. The log looks as follows:   42f3ca1042f8c42f0   73380 

Where each valie is tab seperated. I want to create a hash with as the key and column 5 (7338 in this example) as the 
value. There will be lots and lots of lines hence me using foreach.

This is how I am attempting it:


use Data::Dumper;

@tmp = `cat /usr/local/apache/logs/tmp`;

foreach (@tmp) {

$bw_usage{$1} = ( $6 );

print Dumper \%bw_usage;

Firstly, please don't laugh at my code too much! :o) Now I thought this 

I think, keep it simple is a key rule most of the time. :)
If you have tab separated values, then spliting on \t should be very 

my %bw_usage;
for my $line (@tmp) {
  my ($k, $v) = (split /\t/, $line)[0,4];
  #domain test?
  next if $k !~ /\.(net|uk|com|org)$/i;

  $bw_usage{$k} = $v;
print Dumper \%bw_usage;

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Re: __DATA__ Token Problem

2004-07-05 Thread Matija Papec
Bastian Angerstein wrote:
I have a few questions regarding to the DATA Filehandle:
This handle ist opend by default or do I have to open it by myself?
Is it possible to change to content of what the handle so that the
__DATA__ Sektion of my skript changes?
Can I delete anything data from DATA so that the __DATA__ section is

What did you try so far? :)
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Re: A few questions

2002-07-11 Thread Matija Papec

On 10 Jul 2002 11:06:03 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chas Owens)

 movie listing and when one item is selected via remote, 'system'
 invokes mplayer which leaves main gtk window blank after it finishes?

Perl 5.6.x is not threaded, so anything that blocks (like system) will
keep the gui from updating.  To launch another app you should fork and
then exec the other app without waiting your the child to die.

I guess another way is to somehow force gui updating?

   return(*DAT); # or should be return(DAT)?
 Is this kind of using file handles encouraging?

You are probably better served by using the IO::File module.  See
perldoc IO::File for more information.

 Is there a way to use 'format' where I could write to scalars instead
 to file handles?(usefull when cgi sends mail and shows same content in
 the browser)

I assume you are referring to the write function and formats.  I believe


there is a way to get at the Perl variables used to do the formating,
but that is ugly (see perldoc perlvar for more info).  Is there a reason
you are not using sprintf (see perldoc -f sprintf)?

Actually there isn't a strong reason for format, I just thought the
code would look more cleanly.

 How to match complex repeating patterns, i.e. I want to match
 (\d{6}.*?\t) ten times and read values of the last three?

Here is one way:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $string = ab cd ef gh ijkl mn op qr st uv wx yz;

my @matches;

for my $i (0..9) {
last unless $string =~ /(\w+)/g;
$matches[$i] = $1;

my @I_care_about_these = @matches[-3,-2,-1];

#note, if there are less than three matches 
#we will get a warning here
print @I_care_about_these\n;

This should print out qr st uv\n

Tnx, I was using split but thought that single regex would be more
optimized and shorter for this kind of task. :)


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A few questions

2002-07-10 Thread Matija Papec

How to refresh/redraw gtk-perl window? I have one script that shows
movie listing and when one item is selected via remote, 'system'
invokes mplayer which leaves main gtk window blank after it finishes?

I want to make function which should return file handle:

F = LockFile('/some/file', 0);

sub LockFile {
  my($file, $pos) = @_;
  local *DAT;

  open DAT, +$file;
  #flock and seek to $pos
  return(*DAT); # or should be return(DAT)?

Is this kind of using file handles encouraging?

Is there a way to use 'format' where I could write to scalars instead
to file handles?(usefull when cgi sends mail and shows same content in
the browser)

How to match complex repeating patterns, i.e. I want to match
(\d{6}.*?\t) ten times and read values of the last three?

This is SQL(mySql) question but hopefully there is some simple
solution to it. Table look like:



I want to extract john's EMAIL using 'john236' as a search string. 
Unfortunately RLIKE doesn't work here


is not recognized as a valid sql query. :!


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Re: CGI scripts security

2001-11-27 Thread Matija Papec

Jonathan E. Paton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 something like opening a file, but can somebody
 show me how example below can compromise my website?
 open(F, /home/users/me/web/$in{'NAME'}.ext);

What if $in{'NAME'} started with ../../../../tmp/?

Now, if in the tmp directory a link was created with that
file extension, then they could open anything according to
your scripts permissions.  Scary, but not far fetched -
it's a frequently exploited idea.

That's true but this is not of my primary concern(there are no crackers with
telnet access to the site :)). I'm thinking more of other scary possibility,
that web visitors can execute commands abusing ';' or '|'.

 Does something like '; rm * ;' can actually execute?
 (note suffix '.ext')

Not in this instance, $in{'NAME'} must result in a string,

Yes %in is filled with parsed user variables, so I'm safe than, huh? :)

it can't magically turn into a subroutine call... unless
it's a tied hash - which you'd definately know about. 

No, actually I don't, could you point me somewhere to perldoc?

At the top of your script use:

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT

This code won't even work, since it'll be reported as
insecure.  When you've worked that bit out, you'll be back
for a way of untainting your data ;-)  We'll be waiting!

Tnx, I've read somewhere about -T switch but right now don't have time to
toy with, variable filtering works nicely.


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CGI scripts security

2001-11-26 Thread Matija Papec

I've read docs on security and I'm aware of that all user variables should
be checked before doing something like opening a file, but can somebody show
me how example below can compromise my website?

open(F, /home/users/me/web/$in{'NAME'}.ext);

Does something like '; rm * ;' can actually execute?(note suffix '.ext')


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Re: cgi

2001-11-26 Thread Matija Papec

Jon Howe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is possible to have a cgi-perl script return the html form values + names,  in the 
same order in which they appearfo in the html rm supplying the post with out having 
refer to each hash/array element.

You probably have to write your own parsing routine, something like

sub parse_form_data{
  my (@p, $input, $pair, $field, $value);
  if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq GET) { $input = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} } 
  else { read(STDIN, $input, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}) }
  foreach $pair ( split(//, $input) ) {
($field, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
$field =~ s/%([\dA-Fa-f]{2})/pack(C, hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([\dA-Fa-f]{2})/pack(C, hex($1))/eg;
push @p, $field, $value;

#and then call
@data = parse_form_data;

If someone knows in which order are hashes loaded I would also like to know.

An example of what I am Woking with :


/usr/bin/perl -w

use CGI_Lite;

$cgi = new CGI_Lite ();

%data = $cgi-parse_form_data ();

@data = %data;

open(SENDMAIL, |/usr/lib/sendmail)
   or die can't fork for sendmail: $!\n;

From: blah
To:  blah
Subject: STUFF



close(SENDMAIL) or warn its all GONE WRONG!!!;


I could reefer to each element of %data  $data{whatever value} individually but this 
seems a bit laborious.

It would be nice to have a ordered array I could pass straight out.


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'' and

2001-09-11 Thread Matija Papec

Is there a reason why '' should be preferred over  when using static
expressions? My guess is that  takes a little longer at compile time for
perl to see if variables resides inside quotes, but don't know if this is
significant to bother with single quotes.

ps. I've always used  but now my boss tells me that this is a bad thing :)


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2001-08-19 Thread Matija Papec

Jim Conner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Perl is NOT an interpreted language (such as the BASIC language I learned in
high school, many, many years ago).

Just a minor correction (semantics only).  Perl *is* an interpreted 
language where BASIC and C are compiled languages.  I believe everyone, 
including myself, got the idea though.  I just wanted to make clear the 
words used between the two.

Interpreted meaning that the script/program is interpreted and compiled at 
run time by the compiler (the Perl binary) and then run.  Whereas BASIC, C, 
C++, COBOL, FORTRAN, etc, etc are all compiled into machine language.  At 
runtime the OS knows how to run the program and is therefore *not* 
interpreted but simply run.

Well, not quite. First incarnations of BASIC were interpreted, there was no
compiler for them so you couldn't do binary executable. As a matter of fact,
you could't know if BASIC program is syntax error free until interpreter
wasn't hit by offending piece of code(i.e. Locomotive BASIC on Amstrad
CPC464 ;-) ). On the other hand, Perl couldn't be referred as a interpreted
language[1] because he simply isn't. IMO, if we were into making an
appropriate term it would be more like compile at runtime language(like C
or any other with one downside? where compiling is done many times).

[1] by interpreted I mean translated and executed line by line, by some
kind of program


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Netscape 4.xx and caching problem

2001-08-10 Thread Matija Papec


I have a script which draws some graphs and everything works fine, except I
have to push reload in browser every time to get a valid picture. So far I
used these headers but with no luck. Browser is Netscape 4.xx under Linux.

print Content-type: image/png\n;
print Pragma: no-cache\n\n;

print Content-type: image/png\n;
print Cache-Control: max-age=1, must-revalidate\n\n;


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Re: arrays

2001-07-31 Thread Matija Papec

Troy Denkinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
which indicates that the first array is empty.  The problem is the undef of 
@temp.  What you've put into @array is a reference to @temp.  When you undef 
it, you're undefing the array that the reference in array points to.

In any event, I can't figure out why you'd want to do what I think it is 
you're trying to do. There certainly may be a vaild reason for it, but there 
may be a better solution.

Can you say what it is you're trying to accomplish?

I'm working with Gd::graph::bars module and want to hide all values on X
axis. Since I didn't find appropriate attribute for such thing, thought that
array of empty strings is good idea.


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Re: arrays

2001-07-31 Thread Matija Papec

Michael Fowler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 @data[0] = (, , );
 @data[1] = (1, 2, 3);

This notation is almost certainly incorrect, what you probably meant to say

$data[0] = [, , ];
$data[1] = [ 1,  2,  3];

You're right, I wrote a wrong syntax.

 I want to make @data[0] on the fly without for structure and it should
 have the same number of elements as @datumi2.

Your restriction that it not use a for loop to construct the data is
needlessly limiting.  There are several ways to do what you ask, one of them
is a for loop.

I didn't like idea where for is used for adding elements one by one..
otherwise I don't have anything at all against using it. ;)

push(@{ $data[0] }, ) for (0 .. $#datumi2);


push(@{ $data[0] }, ) for @dataumi2;

Does $_ change in these two examples? (due cycling trough @datumi2)

$data[0] = [() x @datumi2];

Each has strengths and weaknesses.

Can you explain where are these strengths(which one is the fastest?)


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2001-07-30 Thread Matija Papec

Program below works fine but I wander how to optimize this; it looks very
ugly. The final result have to be @data which contains two arrays. First
array have to be equal size of second array(@datumi2) and all their values
have to be .

my $i;
my (@datumi2) = (1..100);
my (@temp, @data);

# block for optimization

for $i (0..$#datumi2) { push @temp,  }
push @data, \@temp;
undef @temp;

# end of block for optimization

push @data, \@datumi2;


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Re: arrays

2001-07-30 Thread Matija Papec

John Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Can you explain what your trying to achieve??

You want an array called @data which consists of all the elements from
@dataumi2? Where does the second array with empty element values come from,
why is it needed?

ok, to simplify let's suppose that

@datumi2 = (1, 2, 3);

#so final result should look like this:
@data[0] = (, , );
@data[1] = (1, 2, 3);

I want to make @data[0] on the fly without for structure and it should
have the same number of elements as @datumi2.

This may look somehow silly but I'm working with GD::Graph module and want
to avoid X values being drawn, so there is a need for array where all
elements are .


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2001-07-27 Thread Matija Papec

This is a little bit offtopic, but I'm trying to figure out how to
plot this chart with graph module and it drives me nuts already :

Ok, it has two Y axis, one to the left and one to the right. White
and black bars are described by left Y(cijena) and little
darkblue bars by right Y(volumen). 
If you have some experience with gd:graph or some suggestions,
please speak. :)


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2001-07-20 Thread Matija Papec

I've read somewhere that perl internally uses only doubles. Does this mean
that FPU is always used when working with numbers, regardless to the fact
that I'm using only integer calculations? (is there a way to force
internal use of integers on some variables?)


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Re: question about sort

2001-07-20 Thread Matija Papec

here, it's not doing anything magical. Putting parens around it and

 ($b =~ /=(\d+)/)[0]

means treat the resulting list of matches as an array, and give me
element zero. Thus, it's getting the first matched set of digits in $b
that follow an equal sign. 

Isn't this array thing redundant in this case where we only take zero
element? (I can only think of forcing a particular context with such


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Re: MID in Visual Basic...

2001-07-12 Thread Matija Papec

Sebadamus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In Visual I used the MID function to get a part of a text... por ex. price
= 33.10 and I could get using = and EOL as delimiters the price 33.10

this might work:

$line =~ /=\s(.+)\n/s and $price = $1;

where $line is your part of text and $price is price.


Re: the right way

2001-07-10 Thread Matija Papec

Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  # a flip-flop
  $x = 1;
  $x = !$x;  # now $x is '' (which can be treated like 0)
  $x = !$x;  # now $x is 1

  # another flip-flop
  $x = 1;
  $x = 1 - $x;  # now $x is 0
  $x = 1 - $x;  # now $x is 1

Those are the typical flip-flops I've seen.

I can't see

  if ($x) { $x = 0 }

having much of a purpose unless there was some else { ... } clause
attached to it.  If there's no else { ... } clause, you could just write

  $x = 0;

and be done with it.

A was thinking more about structures rather then $x manipulating, but this
is also nice to know.


Re: the right way

2001-07-10 Thread Matija Papec

When it matters is when the visual appearance of your script is notably
altered. Sometimes the postfix is neater -- personally, I don't like
opening and closing a block on the same line in an if, but that's just
me... and I *do* do it when I have a conditional else, and both are
just one line.

   if ($x) { y() } else { z() }

though usually they're long enough that I drop them to seperate lines.

   if($x) { x() }
   elsif ($y) { y() }
   else   { z() }

I don't like that structure, either, and often rewrite it with a

   $x ? x() :
   $y ? y() :
   $z ? z() ;

But what counts most (aside from making it do what you want) is that
you can read it, that you can read it and edit it without a headache in
six months or a year, and that the next guy can read it and edit it
without having to come beat you up. =o)

lol, yes, you always have to make compromise between readable and
all-in-one-line code.

Btw, when we talk about structures is there something like switch in perl
which could replace following code?

$x==1 and $y = 1;
$x==2 and $y = 2;
$x==3 and $y = 3;

I like postfix conditions whenever I can use them, but I like them best
when I have a complex condition that has optional parts:

   if ($x) {
  x();   # doesn't execute unless $x
  y() if $y; # doesn't execute unless $x *AND* $y

y() is ideal for a postfix, because all other conditions have already
been tested; this keeps the program from suffering excessive
indentation caused by another block of curlies, though with such a

Yes, although I like conditions on the first place thus,
y() if $y;
could be replaced by:
$y 0 and y();

So, to answer your question, it depends largely on the code your
writing, but mostly on someone's style.



the right way

2001-07-09 Thread Matija Papec

I'm curious which of the two examples is more preferred or it depends
entirely on someone style? 

$x = 1;

if ($x) { $x = 0 }
$x = 0 if $x;

IMO first is more convenient and orthodox but that is just me. :)


Re: Editor

2001-07-07 Thread Matija Papec

Wine, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Try for a 'vi on steroids'...

If you area vi freak, you'll love vim!

:) Somehow it isn't my favorite, besides it says that syntax coloring
:syn-on isn't implemented, huh? Guess I'm stuck with some weird version.

-Original Message-
From: Matija Papec [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2001 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: Editor


Re: simple regexp

2001-07-06 Thread Matija Papec

Matija Papec [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Array is a text file with lines as its elements. It looks like:

--txt file--
# ARIN:, VA - US
# ARIN:, VA - US
# ARIN:, VA - US
--txt file--

Array is already sorted by IP, so I have to insert a new record
somewhere(i.e. between 1st and 2nd record) and write a whole
array back to the file.

How about this, it isn't fastest option but it seems very elegant:

@array = (0..7, 9..15);
@cutoff = splice (@array, 8); # @array is now (0..7)
push (@array, 8); # adding new element
@array = (@array, @cutoff);   # @array is now (0..15)


Re: simple regexp

2001-07-06 Thread Matija Papec

Mario Todorow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
perl -ne ' print $1\n if /\s(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s/ ' file

is better.

Tnx, I'm already using something similar. Now there is another catch when
I have to deal with two IPs in a single line. I have to use regexp in LIST
context(i.e. @myips = $line =~ /(blahblah)/g ) in order to evaluate second
blahblah from $line. If I use $1 and $2, *only* $1 get filled, don't
know why..


Re: Editor

2001-07-06 Thread Matija Papec

Aigner-Torres, Mario [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Bill,

my choice is gnuemacs 

Does it support script debugging? I'm looking for nice *nix editor
/debugger with breakpoints, step execution, etc. Have you tried

with cperl!

What is cperl?


Re: Editor

2001-07-06 Thread Matija Papec

anton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've listen to you all about the editors problem


Is anybody out there still using the old bottom-dweller vi ?

On Fri, 06 Jul 2001 14:48:53 +0200, Matija Papec [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Aigner-Torres, Mario [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Bill,
 my choice is gnuemacs
 Does it support script debugging? I'm looking for nice *nix editor


simple regexp

2001-07-04 Thread Matija Papec

This is pretty beginners question, how can I extract IP number from $s?

$s = ALL: # PORT: 59
Pattern have to match four numbers separated by .

Besides I have some array and need to insert some values into it(somewhere
in the middle). perldoc -f splice says that it only does replacement and
truncation. Do you guys have some idea how to make this work? tnx!


Re: simple regexp

2001-07-04 Thread Matija Papec

John Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Here's a solution I sent to the group earlier...

tnx, but I used simpler regexp since IP numbers which I use are already
verified as valid.
For the array thing, have you considered using a hash instead?? How do you
know where to insert the data in the array? Is it needed after another
value, or at a certain element??

Array is a text file with lines as its elements. It looks like:

--txt file--
# ARIN:, VA - US
# ARIN:, VA - US
# ARIN:, VA - US
--txt file--

Array is already sorted by IP, so I have to insert a new record
somewhere(i.e. between 1st and 2nd record) and write a whole
array back to the file.



2001-06-26 Thread Matija Papec


is there a more elegant way to find out who is running a script? %ENV is
not reliable and it doesn't contain USER when booting the system, and
whoami is external command(yuck :) ) tnx!
