IO::Socket::SSL and SSL_verify_mode

2012-03-21 Thread ml
hello list
hello guru of perl
hello all

I seek to understand how to position the value SSL_verify_mode = 0x00. 

can you explain how to properly use this parameter in

thank for reply


 gpg --keyserver --recv-key C2626742 fakessh @
 This list is moderated by me, but all applications will be accepted
 provided they receive a note of presentation

Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée

Re: IO::Socket::SSL and SSL_verify_mode

2012-03-21 Thread ml
and though I can walk to my client and server with 0x00
when i put another value of 0x02 0x03 0x04 my script fails at the
# nonblock($socket) puts socket into nonblocking mode
sub nonblock {
my $socket = shift;
my $flags;

$flags = fcntl($socket, F_GETFL, 0)
or die Can't get flags for socket: $!\n;
fcntl($socket, F_SETFL, $flags | O_NONBLOCK)
or die Can't make socket nonblocking: $!\n;

what my client server product that works only with 0x00

Le mercredi 21 mars 2012 à 17:33 -0700, Bob goolsby a écrit :
 What was wrong with the answer you received on Perl Monks?
 2012/3/21 ml
  hello list
  hello guru of perl
  hello all
  I seek to understand how to position the value SSL_verify_mode = 0x00.
 can you explain how to properly use this parameter in
  thank for reply
   gpg --keyserver --recv-key C2626742 fakessh @
   This list is moderated by me, but all applications will be accepted
   provided they receive a note of presentation
 Bob Goolsby

 gpg --keyserver --recv-key C2626742 fakessh @
 This list is moderated by me, but all applications will be accepted
 provided they receive a note of presentation

Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée

Re: IO::Socket::SSL and SSL_verify_mode

2012-03-21 Thread ml
my error in my server script is 
Can't use an undefined value as a symbol reference at ligne

ligne 412 is
$flags = fcntl($socket, F_GETFL, 0)or die Can't get flags for socket:

Please explain me clearly

Le jeudi 22 mars 2012 à 01:45 +0100, ml a écrit :
 and though I can walk to my client and server with 0x00
 when i put another value of 0x02 0x03 0x04 my script fails at the
 # nonblock($socket) puts socket into nonblocking mode
 sub nonblock {
 my $socket = shift;
 my $flags;
 $flags = fcntl($socket, F_GETFL, 0)
 or die Can't get flags for socket: $!\n;
 fcntl($socket, F_SETFL, $flags | O_NONBLOCK)
 or die Can't make socket nonblocking: $!\n;
 what my client server product that works only with 0x00
 Le mercredi 21 mars 2012 à 17:33 -0700, Bob goolsby a écrit :
  What was wrong with the answer you received on Perl Monks?
  2012/3/21 ml
   hello list
   hello guru of perl
   hello all
   I seek to understand how to position the value SSL_verify_mode = 0x00.
  can you explain how to properly use this parameter in
   thank for reply
gpg --keyserver --recv-key C2626742 fakessh @
This list is moderated by me, but all applications will be accepted
provided they receive a note of presentation
  Bob Goolsby

 gpg --keyserver --recv-key C2626742 fakessh @
 This list is moderated by me, but all applications will be accepted
 provided they receive a note of presentation

Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée

I'd like to explain to me how to do testing on lists and list slices

2012-03-09 Thread ml
hello the list
hello the perl guru
hello this

I want to know how to work on slices of lists. 
I has 3 slices of the form.
$t[0] = user;
$t[1] = ip; 
$t[2] = time();

the registration of the list are checked by me
I know what the file contains
and recording are separated by a space (/\s+/)
I would like to test on how many times a user or an ip c is connected
via the time value and authorize or not the execution of the following

I'd like to explain to me how to do testing on lists and list slices

 gpg --keyserver --recv-key C2626742 fakessh @
 This list is moderated by me, but all applications will be accepted
 provided they receive a note of presentation

Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée

research for secure tchat client server use IO::Socket::SSL

2012-02-15 Thread ml

hi guys hi master of Fu any update

I am doing some research on the server and client for the chat. I have
long taken the trouble to consult the documentation that is different
and both PerlMonks different pages that deal with this vast subject. I
try to find a minimal example because I want to turn into non securise
securise. here is the status of my research

use warnings; 
use strict; 
use IO::Socket::SSL 'inet4'; 
use threads; use threads::shared; $|++; 
print $$ Server started\n;  
# do a top -p -H $$ to monitor server ++ threads 
our @clients : shared; @clients = (); 
my $server = new IO::Socket::SSL( Timeout   = 7200, Proto = tcp,
LocalPort = 42000, Reuse = 1, Listen= 3, SSL_use_cert = 1,
SSL_verify_mode = 0x00, SSL_key_file=
'/home/swilting/perltest/private/localhost.key' +, SSL_cert_file   =
'/home/swilting/perltest/certs/localhost.cert', SSL_passwd_cb = sub
{ return  }, 
my $num_of_client = -1; 
while (1) { my $client; 
do { $client = $server-accept; } until ( defined($client) ); 
my $peerhost = $client-peerhost(); 
print accepted a client $client, $peerhost, id = , ++$num_of_client,
my $fileno = fileno $client; 
push (@clients, $fileno); 
#spawn  a thread here for each client 
my $thr = threads-new( \processit, $client, $fileno, $peerhost )
+-detach(); } 
# end of main thread 
sub processit { 
my ($lclient,$lfileno,$lpeer) = @_; 
#local client 
# Here you can do your stuff # I use have the server talk to the client
# via print $client and while($lclient) 
print $lclient $lpeer-Welcome to server\n;  
# print $lclient $lpeer-$_\n; 
print clients- @clients\n;   
foreach my $fn (@clients) { 
open my $fh, =$fn or warn $! and die; 
print $fh  $lpeer-$_  } } } 
#close filehandle before detached thread dies out 
close( $lclient); 
#remove multi-echo-clients from echo list 
@clients = grep {$_ !~ $lfileno} @clients; } 

use warnings; use strict; use Tk; use IO::Socket::SSL 'inet4'; 
require Tk::ROText; 
#get id 
my $name = shift || 'anon'; 
# create the socket 
my $host = 'localhost'; my $port = 42000; 
my $socket = IO::Socket::SSL-new( PeerAddr = $host, PeerPort = $port,
Proto= 'tcp', SSL_use_cert = 1, SSL_verify_mode = 0x00,
SSL_key_file= '/home/swilting/perltest/private/localhost.k +ey',
SSL_cert_file   = '/home/swilting/perltest/certs/localhost.cer +t',
SSL_passwd_cb = sub { return  }, ); defined $socket or die ERROR:
Can't connect to port $port on $host: $ +!\n; 
print STDERR Connected to server ...\n; 
my $mw  = new MainWindow; my $log = $mw-Scrolled('ROText',
-scrollbars='ose', -height= 5, -width=45, -background =
'lightyellow', )-pack; 
my $txt = $mw-Entry( -background='white', )-pack(-fill= 'x', -pady=
$mw -bind('Any-Enter' = sub { $txt-Tk::focus });
$txt-bind('Return' = [\broadcast, $socket]); 
$mw -fileevent($socket, readable = sub { 
my $line = $socket; unless (defined $line) { $mw-fileevent($socket =
readable = ''); return; } $log-insert(end = $line);
$log-see('end'); }); 
sub broadcast { my ($ent, $sock) = @_; 
my $text = $ent-get; 
$ent-delete(qw/0 end/); 
print $sock $name.'-'. $text, \n; } 
use strict; use warnings; use IO::Socket::SSL 'inet4'; 
my $server = IO::Socket::SSL-new( LocalPort= 42000, 
##   Type=SOCK_STREAM, 
Reuse=1, Listen=5, Proto= 'tcp', SSL_use_cert = 1,
SSL_verify_mode = 0x00, SSL_key_file=
'/home/swilting/perltest/private/localhost.key', SSL_cert_file   =
'/home/swilting/perltest/certs/localhost.cert', SSL_passwd_cb = sub
{ return  }, )or die (Could not create server); 
while(my $client=$server-accept()){ my $child_pid; unless(defined
($child_pid=fork())){diecan not fork\n;} if(defined($child_pid)){ 
while(my $line = $client){ 
print CLIENT says:$line\n; } }
else{ while(my $line = ){ 
print $client $line\n; } } } 
redo; close($server); ; 

the server running the threads fails with a segmentation fault and my
client fails after two requests I do not know why and characters
displayed on the client encodes are poorly I do not know either why

 gpg --keyserver --recv-key C2626742 fakessh @
 This list is moderated by me, but all applications will be accepted
 provided they receive a note of presentation

Description: Ceci est une partie de message	numériquement signée

Re: research for secure tchat client server use IO::Socket::SSL

2012-02-15 Thread ml

forgiveness for the bad presentation perl code see my post on PerlMonks

Le 2012-02-15 20:51, ml a écrit :

hi guys hi master of Fu any update

I am doing some research on the server and client for the chat. I 

long taken the trouble to consult the documentation that is different
and both PerlMonks different pages that deal with this vast subject. 
try to find a minimal example because I want to turn into non 

securise. here is the status of my research

use warnings;
use strict;
use IO::Socket::SSL 'inet4';
use threads; use threads::shared; $|++;
print $$ Server started\n;
# do a top -p -H $$ to monitor server ++ threads
our @clients : shared; @clients = ();
my $server = new IO::Socket::SSL( Timeout   = 7200, Proto = 
LocalPort = 42000, Reuse = 1, Listen= 3, SSL_use_cert = 

SSL_verify_mode = 0x00, SSL_key_file=
'/home/swilting/perltest/private/localhost.key' +, SSL_cert_file   =
'/home/swilting/perltest/certs/localhost.cert', SSL_passwd_cb = sub
{ return  },
my $num_of_client = -1;
while (1) { my $client;
do { $client = $server-accept; } until ( defined($client) );
my $peerhost = $client-peerhost();
print accepted a client $client, $peerhost, id = , 

my $fileno = fileno $client;
push (@clients, $fileno);
#spawn  a thread here for each client
my $thr = threads-new( \processit, $client, $fileno, $peerhost )
+-detach(); }
# end of main thread
sub processit {
my ($lclient,$lfileno,$lpeer) = @_;
#local client
# Here you can do your stuff # I use have the server talk to the 

# via print $client and while($lclient)
print $lclient $lpeer-Welcome to server\n;
# print $lclient $lpeer-$_\n;
print clients- @clients\n;
foreach my $fn (@clients) {
open my $fh, =$fn or warn $! and die;
print $fh  $lpeer-$_  } } }
#close filehandle before detached thread dies out
close( $lclient);
#remove multi-echo-clients from echo list
@clients = grep {$_ !~ $lfileno} @clients; }

use warnings; use strict; use Tk; use IO::Socket::SSL 'inet4';
require Tk::ROText;
#get id
my $name = shift || 'anon';
# create the socket
my $host = 'localhost'; my $port = 42000;
my $socket = IO::Socket::SSL-new( PeerAddr = $host, PeerPort = 

Proto= 'tcp', SSL_use_cert = 1, SSL_verify_mode = 0x00,
SSL_key_file= '/home/swilting/perltest/private/localhost.k +ey',
SSL_cert_file   = '/home/swilting/perltest/certs/localhost.cer +t',
SSL_passwd_cb = sub { return  }, ); defined $socket or die ERROR:
Can't connect to port $port on $host: $ +!\n;
print STDERR Connected to server ...\n;
my $mw  = new MainWindow; my $log = $mw-Scrolled('ROText',
-scrollbars='ose', -height= 5, -width=45, -background =
'lightyellow', )-pack;
my $txt = $mw-Entry( -background='white', )-pack(-fill= 'x', 

$mw -bind('Any-Enter' = sub { $txt-Tk::focus });
$txt-bind('Return' = [\broadcast, $socket]);
$mw -fileevent($socket, readable = sub {
my $line = $socket; unless (defined $line) { $mw-fileevent($socket 

readable = ''); return; } $log-insert(end = $line);
$log-see('end'); });
sub broadcast { my ($ent, $sock) = @_;
my $text = $ent-get;
$ent-delete(qw/0 end/);
print $sock $name.'-'. $text, \n; }
use strict; use warnings; use IO::Socket::SSL 'inet4';
my $server = IO::Socket::SSL-new( LocalPort= 42000,
##   Type=SOCK_STREAM,
Reuse=1, Listen=5, Proto= 'tcp', SSL_use_cert = 1,
SSL_verify_mode = 0x00, SSL_key_file=
'/home/swilting/perltest/private/localhost.key', SSL_cert_file   =
'/home/swilting/perltest/certs/localhost.cert', SSL_passwd_cb = sub
{ return  }, )or die (Could not create server);
while(my $client=$server-accept()){ my $child_pid; unless(defined
($child_pid=fork())){diecan not fork\n;} if(defined($child_pid)){
while(my $line = $client){
print CLIENT says:$line\n; } }
else{ while(my $line = ){
print $client $line\n; } } }
redo; close($server); ;

the server running the threads fails with a segmentation fault and my
client fails after two requests I do not know why and characters
displayed on the client encodes are poorly I do not know either why

 gpg --keyserver --recv-key C2626742 fakessh @
 This list is moderated by me, but all applications will be accepted
 provided they receive a note of presentation

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Broken unsubscribble

2002-01-04 Thread rich+ml

List admin: please unsub me manually, the ezmlm mailto is barfing on the
'+' in my address.

Thanks -- Rich

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Re: Need help with workweek to week dates ...

2001-12-03 Thread rich+ml

Been a while since I had to do this... you need 'zeller congruence', an
arithmetic formula to convert date to day-of-week (circa late 1800's
IIRC). Google says 475 hits -- Rich

On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, C.E.O. wrote:

 Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 13:25:18 -0600
 Subject: Need help with workweek to week dates ...

 My company uses a custom workweek that begins
 at Midnight on Saturday and ends on Friday at 23:59:59.99.

 I need a subroutine that can take as input a workweek (12, 26, 36)
 and take as input a year (2002, 2003, 2004) all in the same
 operation. Then I need the subroutine to return values as
 custom workweek dates, like ...

 For workweek 12 of 2002, the return values would be ..

 16-MAR-2002, 17-MAR-2002, 18-MAR-2002, 19-MAR-2002, 20-MAR-2002,
 21-MAR-2002, 22-MAR-2002.

 For workweek 26 of 2003, the return values would be ..

 21-JUN-2003, 22-JUN-2003, 23-JUN-2003, 24-JUN-2003, 25-JUN-2003,
 26-JUN-2003, 27-JUN-2003.

 For workweek 36 of 2004, the return values would be ..

 28-AUG-2004, 29-AUG-2004, 30-AUG-2004, 31-AUG-2004, 1-SEP-2004,
 2-SEP-2004, 3-SEP-2004.

 I can take a yearday and get a workweek number like ..

 March 25th is the 85th day of the year, if there is no leap year that year.

 (85/7)+1 = 13.14285714

 So I know it's in workweek 13. I can take 7*.14285714 and get approximately 1.
 Assuming that Zero is Sunday, I can match up 1 with Monday and so on.

 My problem is that the custom workweek starts on Saturdays.

 Any help/code examples are really appreciated,


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Re: Listing directory contents

2001-10-18 Thread rich+ml

Mebbe something like this?

sub ls { for ($_[0]/*) { print $_\n; ls($_) if -d; } }

ls .;

On Tue, 16 Oct 2001, The Black Man wrote:

 Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 08:10:31 -0700 (PDT)
 From: The Black Man [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Listing directory contents

 Hi all,

 Is there a command to recursively list the contents of
 a directory, and all subdirectories?



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 AIM: TaoJonesin

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Re: convert hexa to text

2001-09-24 Thread rich+ml

If you mean that you have a string containing 61626364 and you want

print pack a*, 61626364;

 On Mon, 24 Sep 2001, Hernan wrote:

 Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 13:50:52 -0400
 Subject: convert hexa to text

 I need to know how can get to convert a hexadecimal string to text,
 there are some function or something, thanks!!
 sorry by my english

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Re: Problems using REGEXP

2001-09-11 Thread rich+ml

OK, first:


does two things: returns true if $job{ra} contains two digits, and assigns
the portion of the string BEFORE the two digits to $1.

Second: The ? is not part of the regex. Syntax x?y:z evaluates to y if x
is true, or to z if x is false, basically an inline if-then-else.
So equivalent to:

if ($job{ra}=~/^(.*)\d\d/)
  $p = length $1;
} else
  $p = -1;

length $1, of course, is the offset to the two digits.

On 11 Sep 2001, Rupert Heesom wrote:

 Date: 11 Sep 2001 14:20:57 -0400
 From: Rupert Heesom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Beginners Perl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Problems using REGEXP

 On 10 Sep 2001 10:15:38 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For position, try:
  $p=($job{ra}=~/^(.*)\d\d/?length $1:-1);
  $p is 0-based index of '\d\d', or -1 if none.

 Wow, I can hardly follow the syntax above.  It's very compact.

 Could you perhaps break it down so that I can understand what  you've
 put in it.  Particularly the REGEXP of '/^(.*)\d\d/', the next part
 ?length and the $1:-1.

 Actually having looked at one of my Perl books, I can see that /^(.*)/
 means match any character from the beginning of the string.

 //? I can't quite find the meaning of.  //*? means match 0 or more
 times, //+? means match 1 or more times, //?? means match 0 or 1 time.

 However, once the regexp is matched, can I compare each of the 2 digit
 numbers found with a reference number?

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Re: Problems using REGEXP

2001-09-10 Thread rich+ml

For position, try:

$p=($job{ra}=~/^(.*)\d\d/?length $1:-1);

$p is 0-based index of '\d\d', or -1 if none.

On 10 Sep 2001, Rupert Heesom wrote:

 Date: 10 Sep 2001 12:28:11 -0400
 From: Rupert Heesom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Beginners Perl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Problems using REGEXP

 Hi guys:

 I'm a linux enthusiast who is trying to get stuck into Perl.

 Currently I'm trying to put together a script which will handle text

 I'm having problems with one line which is trying to ascertain the
 position of ascii 2-digit numbers in a string.

 I've used the following line --

 if (($x = index($job{Ra}, /[0-90-9]/,0)) != -1)

 -- in which $x keeps on being assigned 0 instead of 4.

 The content of $job{Ra} is:  Ra: 45k

 I've fairly sure that I'm correct on the REGEXP syntax of /[0-90-9]/
 which is looking for 2 consecutive numbers in the string.  I've checked
 the REGEXP syntax with lines like --

 if ($job{Ra} =~ /[0-90-9]/)

 -- which are evaluated as True.

 What's going wrong in the index function above?  I should be able to use
 a REGEXP for the SUBSTR in the INDEX function shouldn't I?

 BTW, in case I can do this a better way, what I am trying to do is
 extract any numbers in this string.  May be 0, 1 or 2 numbers.  Then
 compare the number(s) with a reference number.

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