Is it wrong...croak vs die...carp vs warn

2007-08-13 Thread Robert Hicks
I typically "use Carp;" and change my "die" and "warn" statements to 
"croak" and "carp". I have read a couple places croak/carp are a little 
better at telling you what and where than the standard die/warn.


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Re: Is it wrong...croak vs die...carp vs warn

2007-08-13 Thread Chas Owens
On 8/13/07, Robert Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I typically "use Carp;" and change my "die" and "warn" statements to
> "croak" and "carp". I have read a couple places croak/carp are a little
> better at telling you what and where than the standard die/warn.
> Robert

The question of whether to use croak/carp or die/warn is one of where
the error is.  If the caller of the function passed in bad data
croak/carp is the right choice.  If the problem is with the current
code or things it is calling then die/warn is the right choice.  For
instance, say I have a library function that takes the name of a file
to write to and that file is not writable, this is not the library
function's fault.  It is the fault of the person who called the
library function.  If we were to use die then the file and line number
would report the location in the library where the code failed, but
this won't help the user find where he passed bad information.  In
this case croak is the appropriate choice.  Keeping with this same
example, lets say that this function also copies a file to another
location and then does a chksum to make sure that the files are still
the same and the chksum comes back wrong.  In this case the issue is
probably with the library code, so telling the user that his/her call
to the function failed is fairly useless (he/she can't change his/her
code to fix the problem), so die would be the right answer.

However, if you really want to get the best picture of what was going
on you should use confess/cluck instead of croak/carp or die/warn.  It
will spit out a full stack trace.  Most of the time this is overkill
(the problem is usually with either the caller of the function or the
function itself), but it can be handy.

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Re: Is it wrong...croak vs die...carp vs warn

2007-08-13 Thread Paul Lalli
On Aug 13, 2:39 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Hicks) wrote:
> I typically "use Carp;" and change my "die" and "warn" statements to
> "croak" and "carp". I have read a couple places croak/carp are a little
> better at telling you what and where than the standard die/warn.

There is no right or wrong here.  croak() and die() are used for two
different purposes.  You use each one when it's appropriate to use

In a subroutine or method, you use croak/carp if the error is
something the caller of your code did wrong.  You use die/warn if the
error is something unexpected in your code.  For example:

package MyClass;
sub new {
   my $class = shift;
   my $name = shift or croak "Must pass name parameter to new()
   open my $cfg_fh, '<', 'MyClass.cfg' or die "Unable to open config
file: $!";
   chomp(my $attr = <$cfg_fh>);
   my $ref = { name => $name, attr => $attr };
   return bless $ref, $class;

If the user forgets to pass the name parameter to your class, you need
to tell the user which call to new() it was that has the error.  The
user doesn't care that it happened in line 4 of your module.

If the configuration file cannot be opened, you want to know where in
your module you attempted to open it so you can see if it has the
right name or whatnot.  You don't care where in the calling code new()
was called.

Paul Lalli

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Re: Is it wrong...croak vs die...carp vs warn

2007-08-13 Thread Tom Phoenix
On 8/13/07, Robert Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I typically "use Carp;" and change my "die" and "warn" statements to
> "croak" and "carp". I have read a couple places croak/carp are a little
> better at telling you what and where than the standard die/warn.

If to Carp is wrong, I don't want to be right.

But you don't use them because they're "a little better", but because
they're "the right tool for the job". Using croak or carp reports the
error itself in much the same way as die or warn would, but they point
the finger of blame at your module's caller. That is to say, if my
code calls a subroutine in your module, and your subroutine in turn
calls croak, then the error message is going to identify the bug as
having occurred in MY code, instead of yours. The line number and file
name report where I called your code. (See the Carp docs for the full

So, if you're trying to say, "you've misused my module", then carp and
croak are the way to do it.

If, on the other hand, you're trying to say, "something unexpected
happened, and my code wasn't prepared to deal with it", perhaps warn
and die will be more appropriate. It all depends, in the end, upon how
you can best assist the person who will be unfortunate enough to see
the error message.


--Tom Phoenix
Stonehenge Perl Training

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Re: Is it wrong...croak vs die...carp vs warn

2007-08-13 Thread oryann9

--- Paul Lalli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Aug 13, 2:39 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Hicks)
> wrote:
> > I typically "use Carp;" and change my "die" and
> "warn" statements to
> > "croak" and "carp". I have read a couple places
> croak/carp are a little
> > better at telling you what and where than the
> standard die/warn.
> There is no right or wrong here.  croak() and die()
> are used for two
> different purposes.  You use each one when it's
> appropriate to use
> them.
> In a subroutine or method, you use croak/carp if the
> error is
> something the caller of your code did wrong.  You
> use die/warn if the
> error is something unexpected in your code.  For
> example:
> package MyClass;
> sub new {
>my $class = shift;
>my $name = shift or croak "Must pass name
> parameter to new()
> method!";
>open my $cfg_fh, '<', 'MyClass.cfg' or die
> "Unable to open config
> file: $!";
>chomp(my $attr = <$cfg_fh>);
>my $ref = { name => $name, attr => $attr };
>return bless $ref, $class;
> }
> If the user forgets to pass the name parameter to
> your class, you need
> to tell the user which call to new() it was that has
> the error.  The
> user doesn't care that it happened in line 4 of your
> module.
> If the configuration file cannot be opened, you want
> to know where in
> your module you attempted to open it so you can see
> if it has the
> right name or whatnot.  You don't care where in the
> calling code new()
> was called.
> Paul Lalli

>From the Perl Review and my understanding as well, use
Carp with keywords carp and croak is supposed to
provide additional detail in your errors and warnings.
Also similar to stating 'use diagnostics;'


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Re: Is it wrong...croak vs die...carp vs warn

2007-08-13 Thread Paul Lalli
On Aug 13, 4:33 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Oryann9) wrote:
> From the Perl Review and my understanding as well, use
> Carp with keywords carp and croak is supposed to
> provide additional detail in your errors and warnings.

Your understanding is wrong.   They do not provide additional
details.  They provide *different* details.  See the other three
responses in this thread, from Chas, myself, and Tom.

> Also similar to stating 'use diagnostics;'

  no.  Carp has nothing to do with the diagnostics pragma.  They
are completely unrelated.

Paul Lalli

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Re: Is it wrong...croak vs die...carp vs warn

2007-08-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Aug 13, 9:33 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Oryann9) wrote:

> From the Perl Review and my understanding as well, use
> Carp with keywords carp and croak is supposed to
> provide additional detail in your errors and warnings.

Perl Review eh? That's foy isn't it? I'm just reviewing his book
"Mastering Perl" at the moment and the section on carp/croak seems to
be predicated on (or, at least, likely to impart) similar

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Re: Is it wrong...croak vs die...carp vs warn

2007-08-14 Thread oryann9


> On Aug 13, 9:33 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Oryann9)
> wrote:
> > From the Perl Review and my understanding as well,
> use
> > Carp with keywords carp and croak is supposed to
> > provide additional detail in your errors and
> warnings.
> Perl Review eh? That's foy isn't it? I'm just
> reviewing his book
> "Mastering Perl" at the moment and the section on
> carp/croak seems to
> be predicated on (or, at least, likely to impart)
> similar
> misconceptions.

Yes I was only stating what I read, but now I know the



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