replacing numbers around a decimal

2002-10-18 Thread Hughes, Andrew
I am creating a little calculator that is going to need to take a user
entered number that will always have 2 decimal places (using sprintf).  It
could be 89562321.29 or it could be 101.00) and take the last 4 digits (with
the period included, so five places) and do two things: 

1)Store the number in a variable.  For the two examples above that would be
21.29 and 01.00 respectively would be stored in their own variable x=21.29
or it could be x=01.00; and 

2) replace the last 4 numbers (5 places) with 00.00 -- always.  For the two
examples above they would become 89562300.00 and 100.00.  Can anyone point
me in the right direction?


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listing modules installed with CPAN

2002-10-18 Thread Justin Cook

How can I tell what modules I've installed using CPAN? When I type in 'b' or
'd' or 'm' I seem to get everything, I only want to know what modules /
bundles I've installed using CPAN.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: replacing numbers around a decimal

2002-10-18 Thread Felix Geerinckx
on wo, 16 okt 2002 20:03:31 GMT, Andrew Hughes wrote:

 I am creating a little calculator that is going to need to take a
 user entered number that will always have 2 decimal places (using
 sprintf).  It could be 89562321.29 or it could be 101.00) and take
 the last 4 digits (with the period included, so five places) and do
 two things: 
 1)Store the number in a variable.  For the two examples above that
 would be 21.29 and 01.00 respectively would be stored in their own
 variable x=21.29 or it could be x=01.00; and 
 2) replace the last 4 numbers (5 places) with 00.00 -- always.  For
 the two examples above they would become 89562300.00 and 100.00.  Can
 anyone point me in the right direction?

my $number = 89562321.29;

my $big = int($number/100)*100;
my $small = $number - $big;

printf(%.2f - %05.2f\n, $big, $small);


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RE: replacing numbers around a decimal

2002-10-18 Thread Hughes, Andrew
Thanks Felix.  I actually used

$start_discounted_gift_cert = ($total_start) *
$start_discounted_gift_cert = sprintf(%8.2f,$start_discounted_gift_cert);

$giftcert_remainder_first = substr($start_discounted_gift_cert, -5);
$giftcert_remainder_first = sprintf(%8.2f,$giftcert_remainder_first);

substr() works perfectly.  Even though substr() works well, i believe that
it was created to be used with strings not numbers.  I know that you are all
busy, but can anyone point out anything fundamentally wrong with my


-Original Message-
From: Felix Geerinckx [mailto:felix_geerinckx;]
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: replacing numbers around a decimal

on wo, 16 okt 2002 20:03:31 GMT, Andrew Hughes wrote:

 I am creating a little calculator that is going to need to take a
 user entered number that will always have 2 decimal places (using
 sprintf).  It could be 89562321.29 or it could be 101.00) and take
 the last 4 digits (with the period included, so five places) and do
 two things: 
 1)Store the number in a variable.  For the two examples above that
 would be 21.29 and 01.00 respectively would be stored in their own
 variable x=21.29 or it could be x=01.00; and 
 2) replace the last 4 numbers (5 places) with 00.00 -- always.  For
 the two examples above they would become 89562300.00 and 100.00.  Can
 anyone point me in the right direction?

my $number = 89562321.29;

my $big = int($number/100)*100;
my $small = $number - $big;

printf(%.2f - %05.2f\n, $big, $small);


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Re: [CGI ERR] Global symbol requires explicit package name ...

2002-10-18 Thread fliptop
On Wed, 16 Oct 2002 at 19:33, Colby opined:

C:Global symbol  requires explicit package name at ./myscript.cgi line
C:60, 70, 90, 108
C:I've gone over the code with a fine-tooth comb as it were, checked for
C:the usual (missing semi-colons, right parenthesis/curly braces, etc
C:...) and found nothing amiss.  I haven't run the script through the
C:Perl debugger yet and I am not able to do so on the web hosting
C:company's server because they don't allow telnet/SSH.

how long is the code?  it would help if we could take a gander at it.

perhaps you could try another small test script and see if it does the 
same thing (if your original script is too long)?

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Weekly list FAQ posting

2002-10-18 Thread casey
beginners-faq - FAQ for the beginners-cgi mailing list

1 -  Administriva
  1.1 - I'm not subscribed - how do I subscribe?

Send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You can also specify your subscription email address by sending email to
(assuming [EMAIL PROTECTED] is your email address):


  1.2 -  How do I unsubscribe?

Now, why would you want to do that? Send mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and wait for a response. Once you
reply to the response, you'll be unsubscribed. If that doesn't work,
find the email address which you are subscribed from and send an email
like the following (let's assume your email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]):


  1.3 - There is too much traffic on this list. Is there a digest?

Yes. To subscribe to the digest version of this list send an email to:


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  1.4 - Is there an archive on the web?

Yes, there is. It is located at:

  1.5 - How can I get this FAQ?

This document will be emailed to the list once a month, and will be
available online in the archives, and at

  1.6 - I don't see something in the FAQ, how can I make a suggestion?

Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your suggestion.

  1.7 - Is there a supporting website for this list?

Yes, there is. It is located at:

  1.8 - Who owns this list?  Who do I complain to?

Casey West owns the beginners-cgi list. You can contact him at

  1.9 - Who currently maintains the FAQ?

Kevin Meltzer, who can be reached at the email address (for FAQ
suggestions only) in question 1.6

  1.10 - Who will maintain peace and flow on the list?

Casey West, Kevin Meltzer and Ask Bjoern Hansen currently carry large,
yet padded, clue-sticks to maintain peace and order on the list. If you
are privately emailed by one of these folks for flaming, being
off-topic, etc... please listen to what they say. If you see a message
sent to the list by one of these people saying that a thread is closed,
do not continue to post to the list on that thread! If you do, you will
not only meet face to face with a XQJ-37 nuclear powered pansexual
roto-plooker, but you may also be taken off of the list. These people
simply want to make sure the list stays topical, and above-all, useful
to Perl/CGI beginners.

  1.11 - When was this FAQ last updated?

Sept 07, 2001

2 -  Questions about the 'beginners-cgi' list.
  2.1 - What is the list for?

A list for beginning Perl programmers to ask questions in a friendly
atmosphere. The topic of the list is, of course, CGI with Perl.

  2.2 - What is this list _not_ for?

* Homework
* Solicitation
* Things that aren't Perl related
* Non Perl/CGI questions or issues
* Lemurs
  2.3 - Are there any rules?

Yes. As with most communities, there are rules. Not many, and ones that
shouldn't need to be mentioned, but they are.

* Be nice
* No flaming
* Have fun
  2.4 - What topics are allowed on this list?

Basically, if it has to do with Perl/CGI , then it is allowed. If your
question has nothing at all to do with Perl/CGI, it will likely be

  2.5 - I want to help, what should I do?

Subscribe to the list! If you see a question which you can give an
idiomatic and Good answer to, answer away! If you do not know the
answer, wait for someone to answer, and learn a little.

  2.6 - Is there anything I should keep in mind while answering?

We don't want to see 'RTFM'. That isn't very helpful. Instead, guide the
beginner to the place in the FM they should R :)

  2.7 - I don't want to post a question if it is in an FAQ. Where should I
look first?

Look in the FAQ! Get acquainted with the 'perldoc' utility, and use it.
It can save everyone time if you look in the Perl FAQs first, instead of
having a list of people refer you to the Perl FAQs :) You can learn
about 'perldoc' by typing:

perldoc perldoc

At your command prompt. You can also view documentation online at: and

3 - Other Resources
  3.1 - What other websites may be useful to a beginner ?

* Perl Home Page -
* PerlMonks -
* Perldoc -
* Perl Archives -
  3.2 - What resources may be harmful to a beginner?

Beware of Perl4-like code-- You might find some script archives and
unauthorized mirrors with old Perl4 versions of Selena Sol and Matt
Wright scripts. Don't use those scripts. They are outdated and may even
in some cases contain bugs or security problems since many may not have
been updated in 

[CGI ERR] Global symbol requires explicit package name ...

2002-10-18 Thread Colby
I have a CGI script accessing a MySQL DB via DBI, the script executes
almost flawlessly on my home Linux box running Apache 1.3.26 and Perl
5.8.0 (with the usual modules installed and then some :)  (The only
complaint my computer gives is a warning related to the concatenation
operator '.')

However, the web host that I've just signed up with (running RH Linux
with Apache 1.3.? and Perl 5.6.1) won't execute my script and returns
the following errors when run from the command line:

Global symbol  requires explicit package name at ./myscript.cgi line
60, 70, 90, 108

I understand that that error usually means that when using '-w' and
'use strict;' that I haven't declared a variable using 'my $varname;'
I don't have a variable that has no name or is  and so the above
error has really stumped me.

I've gone over the code with a fine-tooth comb as it were, checked for
the usual (missing semi-colons, right parenthesis/curly braces, etc
...) and found nothing amiss.  I haven't run the script through the
Perl debugger yet and I am not able to do so on the web hosting
company's server because they don't allow telnet/SSH.

Any ideas folks?

Thanks in advance.

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radio_group Could you help me?

2002-10-18 Thread Beatriz
Hello, I'm Beatriz.
I have a problem. Could you help me?
I'he done an application to generate an index using an MySql table.
When I see the CGI in the Internet Explorer I see the radio_group well
only one of them is check, but if I show it in Netscape I show all radio
I send you the source. What can I do?

while ($cod=$sth-fetchrow_array)
$abc=$conexion-prepare(SELECT Nombre FROM general where
print TR,
  td( radio_group(-name='indice', -value=$cod)),
  td(font color=#00 family=Verdana size=2 style=normal
weight=normal, $var,/font),


Thank you,

Pd.Sorry for my bad english.

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Re: listing modules installed with CPAN

2002-10-18 Thread William McKee
On 17 Oct 2002 at 14:15, Justin Cook wrote:
 How can I tell what modules I've installed using CPAN? When I type in 'b'
 or 'd' or 'm' I seem to get everything, I only want to know what modules /
 bundles I've installed using CPAN.

Read the section about autobundle in `perldoc CPAN`.


 Lead Developer
 Knowmad Services Inc. || Internet Applications  Database Integration

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RE: replacing numbers around a decimal

2002-10-18 Thread William McKee
Hi Andrew,

I think your approach should work fine as long as you put your data into a 
standard format. Perl doesn't differentiate between strings or numbers.

A few suggestions:
1. encapsulate this code into a generic function, or method if you're 
doing OOP
2. use a constant or a variable for the offset instead of hard-coding the 
value (-5)


sub get_offset_value {
my ($number, $offset) = @_;
die Invalid offset - $offset unless $offset =~ /^\d+$/;
$value = sprintf(%8.2f,$value);
my $offset_value = substr($value, -$offset);
$offset_value = sprintf(%8.2f,$offset_value);
return $offset_value;

Good luck,

 Lead Developer
 Knowmad Services Inc. || Internet Applications  Database Integration

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using CGI::SecureState with CGI::Pretty

2002-10-18 Thread Randy Perkins perl_list
if this message has came thru before, i am sorry
and wont make a habit of it.


i would like to be able to use CGI::Pretty, with the html shortcuts
along with CGI::SecureState.

if i uncomment 
#use CGI::Pretty qw/:standard/;

i get the following error:---

Undefined subroutine CGI::SecureState::cache
 at /var/www/cgi-bin/tscript line 17
 end of error

my question is:
how do i use CGI::SecureState along with CGI::Pretty and
also have acces to the html shortcuts provide by the standard CGI::

randy perkins

Here is the test script:--


use CGI::SecureState;
#use CGI::Pretty qw/:standard/;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use strict;
use warnings;

my $cgi = new CGI::SecureState(-stateDir = '/tmp/testme',
  -mindSet = 'unforgetful');

my @whatever = qw/yes no maybe ok see ya/;
$cgi-add(myparam =[@whatever]);
my $param = $cgi-state_param();
my $url = $cgi-state_url();

print $cgi-header();

print a href=\$url\I am a stateful CGI session./a;

# i used to be able to print a break like this, using a html shortcut
#print br;

# since using CGI::SecureState  i have to print it like this
print br;

foreach($cgi-param('myparam')) {
 print $_,'br';

 end of script

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question about use MODULE

2002-10-18 Thread MMKHAJAH
 I wonder wether 'use module' compiles only once. I mean that all sebsequent calls 
don't involve compiling. 


package MyLib;
use strict;
use MyConfig;

## Code the uses MyConfig
use MyLib;
use MyConfig;

Will the 'use MyConfig' in the second file compile again?

Thanks in advance