Re: cgiemail - formquestion

2004-11-01 Thread Chasecreek Systemhouse
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 16:30:39 -0800 (PST), patricia gnecco
> I made a form that is working... Now the client wants
> the form to self-update the content of the fields as
> the user fills out the form. For example, if they pick
> 2 t-shirts in a certain field (that cost 10 each),
> then in the subtotals field for t-shirts, it already
> shows up the value for 2 t-shirts, $20...

I would choose DHTML or JavaScript - which are things that happen on
the client.

Otherwise you wouod have to set each field as a submit to get the
server side CGI to process it.  It would take forever depending upon
the complexity of the form.

However, there are perl modules which allow you to write Client-side JS code:

Goto and see what modules are available.
WC -Sx- Jones

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Re: More examples on Net::NNTP

2004-11-01 Thread Chasecreek Systemhouse
On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 22:43:29 +0800, Nick Yip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> Can anyone give me more examples using Net::NNTP ??
> I don't quite understand the CPAN manual.

Hmmm, is this really a "how can I get the most power from the Network
News Protocol" question?

The documentation at is simplistic
because NNTP is a very old protocol and very stable to write clients

Maybe if you were to ask something more specific or give some example
of what you are trying we could help better.

WC -Sx- Jones

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Re: Address bar & redirects

2004-11-04 Thread Chasecreek Systemhouse
On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 07:46:13 -0500, Jonathan Mangin
> Why doesn't my IE address bar reflect successful redirects?

That's an IE thing -- depending upon how the redirect was accomplished.

> Also, does this list have an archive?

see and look up beginners-cgi
WC -Sx- Jones

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Re: Address bar & redirects

2004-11-04 Thread Chasecreek Systemhouse
> >>
> > 
> > The above URI is a frameset (eugh, icky frames).

That is one way URL cloaking works -- icky or not.  All one has to do
is right-click and select "show this frame only."  Easy.

About URL not changing in IE -- this is not within the scope of this
list; please see -

Or better still, one of the comp.infosystems.* sub-groups - maybe -


WC -Sx- Jones

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Re: Address bar & redirects

2004-11-04 Thread Chasecreek Systemhouse
On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 10:39:04 -0500, Jonathan Mangin

> Sorry. Just thought that since I'm using to perform a
> redirect and the browser doesn't reflect that successful redirect,
> maybe someone (else) had a helpful clue. I'll see if Microsoft
> knows anything about :)

The problem you are having isn't related to -- you are stuck
between a rock and a hard-place -- so then you must research it
yourself ... which you may find you have little control over remote
sites and URLs, etc...

However, before you go traipsing off to research - try using
target="_new" and have the NEW url open in a NEW window.  Maybe read and --- sites along those lines...


WC -Sx- Jones

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Re: Address bar & redirects

2004-11-04 Thread Chasecreek Systemhouse
On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 18:41:54 +, David Dorward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (d) you can't use targets in anything automatic

I guess CGIs write themselves now  =/

At any rate.  What does (or does not) show in Broswer-X's URL address
bar is not really a question.

Many things can be done both by client and server to give hard-to-debug results.
WC -Sx- Jones

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Re: screen size...

2004-11-04 Thread Chasecreek Systemhouse
On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 10:48:12 -0500, Luinrandir Hernsen
> It there a way to get the screen size info using perl?

As a CGI, not really.  Try:

toolkit = java . awt . Toolkit . getDefaultToolkit ();
screensize = toolkit . getScreenSize ();
document . writeln

" + "You screen is " + screensize . width + " pixels wide." + "

" ); document . writeln ( "

" + "You screen is " + screensize . height + " pixels tall." + "

" ); HOWEVER, The remote client must have JS enabled and have Java installed =/ -- WC -Sx- Jones -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: screen size...

2004-11-04 Thread Chasecreek Systemhouse
On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 22:03:01 -0500, Luinrandir Hernsen
> Ok.. now how do I get the screen size info to a hidden input (in a form) or
> send back to a cgi ?

Um, well, that depends upon wat you want.  See attached for an example.

WC -Sx- Jones

Description: Binary data
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Re: Manipulating programs

2004-11-11 Thread Chasecreek Systemhouse
On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 23:40:20 -0200, Augusto Flavio

> I'm trying develop a program that read the answers of interactives
> programs like su and passwd.On the fact i need change the password
> (/etc/shadow) of some users from web(CGI/PERL).

Really old and probably still a bad idea:

These are both indicated in the W3 Security FAQ here:

(But I haven't worked for FCCJ in almost two years  =/ so that URL
listed is REALLY out-dated.)

WC -Sx- Jones

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Re: Manipulating programs

2004-11-12 Thread Chasecreek Systemhouse
Also, you MIGHT be interested in this other one I found:


WC -Sx- Jones

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Re: CGI::SESSION, mysql, storing session data

2004-11-12 Thread Chasecreek Systemhouse
On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 13:09:58 -0600, Harley Davidson
> problem solved.  reading the module docs like a technical manual instead of
> a comic strip seemed to help;)

But you did not post the correction/solution=)

So, others may be doomed to repeat...

WC -Sx- Jones

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Re: Using object

2004-11-13 Thread Chasecreek Systemhouse
On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 00:32:47 -0300 (ART), Augusto Flavio
> Hi,

Hello :)


> I want make some code to get the values of the object
> SELECTED. But i just get the values selected on the
> object SELETED.Look my code:
> @values = $query->param('destList');
> foreach (@values) {
> print $_.;
> }
> How i get all itens of the object SELECTED without
> selected this itens? Can i do this ?

This is a client-side issue and the beginners-cgi list covers a
"server-side" type environment.

Short answer: You cannot get anything the remote client doesn't select for you.

Long answer:  You may be able to get the remote client to do more if
you make more 'selected" items the default.  But you still cannot make
the remote clent do things they may not want to do.

LONGER Answer:  research -

> ps.: Sorry my bad english


Your english seems fine to me -- but I'm an American ... so.

WC -Sx- Jones

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Re: Module to Create File

2004-11-19 Thread Chasecreek Systemhouse
On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 10:13:30 +0100, Naji, Khalid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Which  Perl module can I use to dynamically create large files with images.
> I have already used the module "PDF::Create" but i find it a bit slow.

The solution I have used over the years isn't exactly perl related but
it works on MacOS X as well as WindowsXP -

I purchased Adobe Acrobat Distiller (not sure what it is called today)
and had it monitor a "Drop Directory"

I then used Perl to create/Manipulate Postscript data and when
complete - I "wrote the new Data out to the Drop Directory.

The Adobe Distiller then simply converted the file to a normal Acrobat
file.  The process is somewhat draw-out but I converted 500-600 page
college catalogs between on-line HTML format and printed PDF like this


WC -Sx- Jones

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Re: Upload dir permissions

2004-11-19 Thread Chasecreek Systemhouse
On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 11:50:41 -0600, Ed Pigg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to setup a system where users can upload images to a
> designated uploads dir. Once the file is successfully uploaded I want

Keep account creation and uploads separate functions.

> Do I need to make the webuser part of a group that will have write
> access to the dir's? What are the best practices for this type of
> thing.

Yes; here is soemthing to get you started -- change server/directpry
references as approppriate:


use CGI;

# Set to YOUR correct upload area -- must be WWW accessible.
$upload_dir = "/home/insecuri/public_html/forsaken";
# For this example, see

$query = new CGI;
$filename  = $query->param("photo");
$upload_filehandle = $query->upload("photo");

# SiteID directory path MUST already exist!
$SiteID= $query->param("SiteID");

# Clean it up...
$filename  =~ s/.*[\/\\](.*)/$1/;

open UPLOADFILE, ">$upload_dir/$SiteID/$filename";

while ( <$upload_filehandle> )


print $query->header ( );
print <


Thanks for uploading your photo!
Your SiteID: $SiteID
Your photo:$SiteID/$filename"; border="0">





The HTML portion:

 UpLoader Test
 Photo to Upload: 
 Enter a SiteID* (or leave blank for main site): 
 SiteID must have been previously defined by Site webmaster, to
include correct directory creation.



WC -Sx- Jones

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Re: Upload dir permissions

2004-11-19 Thread Chasecreek Systemhouse
On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 12:29:21 -0600, Ed Pigg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I want to make sure that I am taking the site security seriously and
> don't expose it to threats needlessly.

=)  You have taken a step into a largewr world.  Welcome  =)

The Internet is not a secure place.  Securely creating a directory for
UserX is a file systems issue -- research how you can see a users
files on the file system without changing them -- then you have a path
toward a solution.

The reason I mentioned account creation as the file systems security
is appropriate for extended WWW security.  However, allowing users to
upload files is always a risk -- only time will tell if your best
practices are secure enough.

Generally speaking, the W3 Security FAQ is a great place to start research.

WC -Sx- Jones

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