perl cgi and html table td tags..

2002-07-05 Thread jmpond

Hello List,

Here is my issue.  Trying to use perl/cgi script to build a table in a form.  Building 
the table is straight forward as the code snippet below works.  The problem is -- How 
do I set up the code to align cell 1 right and align cell 2 left? Or more generally 
how do I set up the code to apply different HTML attributes to individual cells?

print $q-table((
  {-cellpadding=5, -cellspacing=0, -border=1, -width=100%},
 $q-Tr({-align='center'}, [
  $q-td([ this is cell 1,this is cell 2]),
  $q-td({-align=left},[ this is cell 3])])));

After that I will want to set up different font faces in each cell so any info on that 
would be helpful too.

Thanks in advance for helping.

Joe Pond

HTML textarea contents into Perl CGI

2002-06-30 Thread jmpond


If this has been answered before please direct me there as I am at a loss as to where 
to look as there is so much info to plow thru.

Situation:  I am reading into my script via param() a textarea called Job Duties.  
When I print out that parameter in perl all of the new lines are ignored and it prints 
as one long string.  

Q: How do I get the perl print statement to recognize the new lines so that the 
printed output looks like the html input screen?

Perhaps the print statement is the wrong thing to use but.

I've been looking at regex's and the split function and have been able to determine 
that there are infact newlines in the data but they are being ignore when I print out 
the data.

Any assistance would be great.


Joe Pond