Secure Portal Authentication

2006-04-29 Thread Chico
I am trying to create a portal using IIS/MSSQL/PERL...  I can capture user 
input, query user names, and verify passwords.  I need to know the best way 
to make sure the person has authenticated and is allowed to view the 
restricted content.  When people authenticate is there a way pass a 
variable, and if the variable isn't set redirect them back to the 
authentication page?

Also, need to make sure its secure, dont want to have something in a cookie 
or a hidden field that could be changed to grant themselves access.

Thanks in advance for the responses!

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Re: Book Recommendation: Secure web programming ?

2005-10-08 Thread Elfyn McBratney
Hiya Randy,

On Tue, Oct 04, 2005 at 03:30:23 -0400, Randy W. Sims wrote:
  I know perl. I know some basics of web/CGI programming, but haven't
  done anything where security really matters. Could anyone recommend
  books or references that discuss real-world web programming, that
  show the right way to create secure sites? Topics like creating
  logins, varying levels of access rights (some can edit, some can
  view, some have limited views), different methods of storing
  information  storing user data (plain file, DBM, DBMS;
  strengths/weaknesses), what issues arise in using web hosting vs
  having your own server.

I used to have a link to a very good (online version) of a web-based
security book around, but can no longer find it, so I'll share some
pe[a]rls ;) I use when working on perl/CGI web-apps:

  * If at all possible, use perl's built-in taint-mode - see the
man-page for `perlsec' for more info on this.  With taint-mode
enabled, all input is tainted by default until verified to be

  * Escape [shell] `meta'-characters - `', `;', '|', etc. - in all user
input.  This is especially important if you hand-off user-supplied
input to an external program (for example, `sendmail');

  * Finally, don't black-list, white-list.  In other words, don't check
for badly-formed, or `illegal' data, check for valid and correct
data.  There is just a never ending list of things that'll need
black-listing (what with new types of exploits coming out daily (in
certain areas)), and you'll always be playing catch-up if you go the
reverse route.

  Also, are there any particularly good general web development books
  you highly recommend?

If I find that link (or remember the name of the book), I'll reply with
it. :)


Elfyn McBratney
Gentoo Developer/Perl Team Lead

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  DBD3 B756 ED58 B1B4 47B9  B3BD 8D41 E597 69DF 17AD

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Re: Book Recommendation: Secure web programming ?

2005-10-08 Thread Randal L. Schwartz
 Elfyn == Elfyn McBratney [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Elfyn   * Escape [shell] `meta'-characters - `', `;', '|', etc. - in all user
Elfyn input.  This is especially important if you hand-off user-supplied
Elfyn input to an external program (for example, `sendmail');

Even better, don't let such things get near a shell.  Use multi-arg exec
or system, or multi-arg open to fork-and-pipe.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095 URL:
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

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Book Recommendation: Secure web programming ?

2005-10-04 Thread Randy W. Sims
I know perl. I know some basics of web/CGI programming, but haven't done 
anything where security really matters. Could anyone recommend books or 
references that discuss real-world web programming, that show the right 
way to create secure sites? Topics like creating logins, varying levels 
of access rights (some can edit, some can view, some have limited 
views), different methods of storing information  storing user data 
(plain file, DBM, DBMS; strengths/weaknesses), what issues arise in 
using web hosting vs having your own server.

Also, are there any particularly good general web development books you 
highly recommend?


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Re: How to secure database password? (was Re: Perl/DBI newbie: password storage / security question)

2003-11-27 Thread Todd Farmer
I've written a custom module (say dbConnect.PM) where the password is
hard-coded and is a return value from a function (e.g., get_password()).
This module is not located in a publicly-accessible folder (i.e., not in
htdocs or cgi-bin).  My scripts in the cgi-bin call this custom module's
function which returns the password, which the scripts then use to connect
to the database.

An additional security (and maintenance) benefit to this implementation is
that the password is stored in a single location, rather than peppered
throughout my scripts.  This makes regular updates of the database password
fast and simple.

I continue to ask the same questions you are asking, though.  If anybody has
better ideas or sees limitations with this solution, I'd love to hear.

Todd F.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 12:04 AM
Subject: How to secure database password? (was Re: Perl/DBI newbie: password
storage / security question)


 Many thanks to R. Joseph Newton, Motherofperls, essential quint and Chuck
Fox for answering my questions, however it is still not what I was asking
about. My previous posts were long and maybe unclear so I'll try to get
straight to the point this time, adding more details at the bottom of my

 It is actually an extremely common situation: There is a CGI script
written in Perl. It is a frontend to an SQL database.

 The script has to connect to the database so it has to send a password. I
need that password to be secure. I am not interested in security through
obscurity. There are other websites on the web server and other users on the

 My solution was using SUID wrappers giving my script an EUID of a system
user having only one purpose: being the only member of the only group having
read privilage to a file storing the database password. The disadvantage of
this solution is the large number of system users and groups (few for every
website/database) and corresponding database accounts (with the minimum set
of privileges each).

 I am quite new to Perl and particularly new to database programming, so
I'd like to ask how all of you Perl gurus are solving that common problem of
database password security. Is there any better solution than mine?

 This problem is simple and common, but if there is any better place to ask
this questions, I'd be grateful for pointing me there.

 I have tried my best to find any related informations on the Web and
Usenet archives, only to fail miserably. I will not believe that any sane
person has passwords harcoded into the script itself on any production
system, like it is suggested in every example of using DBI (which, as I
assume, is done only for the sake of the examples simplicity).

 For more datails of my original questions and reasoning see:

 Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 05:09:58 -0500 (EST)

 Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 21:25:55 -0500 (EST)

 I was trying to be very clear this time, moving the most important
informations to the top of my message, so everyone could know what I mean
before getting lost in the details of my own reasoning. And now some

 Joseph, I was asking about database password, not password database, but
speaking about the latter, I would never use a self-made custom hashing
algorithm you suggested, nor would I buy any third-party RSA encryption
application for that matter.[1] Also, this is not true that the hashing
algorithm is any more secure as a compiled object.[2]

 Quint, I was not wondering whether to use RDBMS or flat files, but there
are ways to make working with flat files equally convenient.[3] Of course I
use HTTPS for client connections, so the users' passwords are safe in
transit.[1] I use CPAN modules for everything I can and I make sure my own
scripts themselves are written with security in mind.[4]

 Quint, you say that the argument againts flat files is that they have to
be writable by the httpd process EUID, but then you propose embedding the
RDBMS password in the script or module instead (readable by the server
process), which essentially makes the whole database world-writable (as
anyone with read access to the script or module, like everyone exploiting
any other CGI script on the system, can gain full access to the database),
which is absolutely unacceptable for any multiuser system connected to the

 Chuck, your solutions of storing the password in another database,[5] or
moving the password outside the script[6] don't solve the problem, but only
move it to someplace else, where it is still unsolved, not improving the
security at all.



 [1] About the security of users' passwords: See

How to secure database password? (was Re: Perl/DBI newbie: password storage / security question)

2003-09-17 Thread zedgar

Many thanks to R. Joseph Newton, Motherofperls, essential quint and Chuck Fox for 
answering my questions, however it is still not what I was asking about. My previous 
posts were long and maybe unclear so I'll try to get straight to the point this time, 
adding more details at the bottom of my post.

It is actually an extremely common situation: There is a CGI script written in Perl. 
It is a frontend to an SQL database.

The script has to connect to the database so it has to send a password. I need that 
password to be secure. I am not interested in security through obscurity. There are 
other websites on the web server and other users on the system.

My solution was using SUID wrappers giving my script an EUID of a system user having 
only one purpose: being the only member of the only group having read privilage to a 
file storing the database password. The disadvantage of this solution is the large 
number of system users and groups (few for every website/database) and corresponding 
database accounts (with the minimum set of privileges each).

I am quite new to Perl and particularly new to database programming, so I'd like to 
ask how all of you Perl gurus are solving that common problem of database password 
security. Is there any better solution than mine?

This problem is simple and common, but if there is any better place to ask this 
questions, I'd be grateful for pointing me there.

I have tried my best to find any related informations on the Web and Usenet archives, 
only to fail miserably. I will not believe that any sane person has passwords harcoded 
into the script itself on any production system, like it is suggested in every example 
of using DBI (which, as I assume, is done only for the sake of the examples 

For more datails of my original questions and reasoning see:

Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 05:09:58 -0500 (EST)

Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 21:25:55 -0500 (EST)

I was trying to be very clear this time, moving the most important informations to the 
top of my message, so everyone could know what I mean before getting lost in the 
details of my own reasoning. And now some details:

Joseph, I was asking about database password, not password database, but speaking 
about the latter, I would never use a self-made custom hashing algorithm you 
suggested, nor would I buy any third-party RSA encryption application for that 
matter.[1] Also, this is not true that the hashing algorithm is any more secure as a 
compiled object.[2]

Quint, I was not wondering whether to use RDBMS or flat files, but there are ways to 
make working with flat files equally convenient.[3] Of course I use HTTPS for client 
connections, so the users' passwords are safe in transit.[1] I use CPAN modules for 
everything I can and I make sure my own scripts themselves are written with security 
in mind.[4]

Quint, you say that the argument againts flat files is that they have to be writable 
by the httpd process EUID, but then you propose embedding the RDBMS password in the 
script or module instead (readable by the server process), which essentially makes the 
whole database world-writable (as anyone with read access to the script or module, 
like everyone exploiting any other CGI script on the system, can gain full access to 
the database), which is absolutely unacceptable for any multiuser system connected to 
the Internet.

Chuck, your solutions of storing the password in another database,[5] or moving the 
password outside the script[6] don't solve the problem, but only move it to someplace 
else, where it is still unsolved, not improving the security at all.



[1] About the security of users' passwords: See Digest::* modules on CPAN for hashing 
digests. I use Data::Password::BasicCheck, Data::Password and Crypt::Cracklib (in that 
order) with good dictionaries to make sure the user's new password itself is secure 
enough (to users having problems with hard-to-guess passwords I recommend Password 
Safe, either the original Bruce Schneier's Counterpane Labs version, or the new one 
available on SourceForge). The password is stored in the database as a SHA-512 digest 
of the password salted with other data, as well as a large random number also stored 
in the database (Crypt::Random).

[2] Having the hashing algorithm compiled to a native binary object improves 
performance, but not security (for an example see Digest::Perl::MD5 and Digest::MD5).

[3] See DBD::CSV and DBD::AnyData modules for DBI interface to flat files with simple 
SQL queries (processed by SQL::Statement). It's great for quick prototyping, but 
quickly gets slow for larger files. What I personally prefer for prototyping and for 
any situation when there's no access to SQL database on the server, is DBD::SQLite. 
It's a DBI Driver

Re: How to secure database password? (was Re: Perl/DBI newbie: password storage / security question)

2003-09-17 Thread Chuck Fox

You are chasing the yourself into circles.  Security is dictated by 
circumstances and resources available.  In our case, we had plenty of 
both and developed for our needs the best solution.  Insofar as the 
storing of the password for the login that is used to get the password, 
we took the approach of encrypting the passwords prior to inserting them 
in our password server and using the guest login to get the passwords 
(no password on guest).  So a user could login to our password server as 
guest and get the passwords for a server, however the data is encrypted 
and would require our decryption module to make sense of it.

Again, the point is that, secure has to be defined for your particular 
circumstances.  If it makes more sense for you to use the OS to protect 
passwords, then that is your best solution.

Good Luck,




Many thanks to R. Joseph Newton, Motherofperls, essential quint and Chuck Fox for answering my questions, however it is still not what I was asking about. My previous posts were long and maybe unclear so I'll try to get straight to the point this time, adding more details at the bottom of my post.

It is actually an extremely common situation: There is a CGI script written in Perl. It is a frontend to an SQL database.

The script has to connect to the database so it has to send a password. I need that password to be secure. I am not interested in security through obscurity. There are other websites on the web server and other users on the system.

My solution was using SUID wrappers giving my script an EUID of a system user having only one purpose: being the only member of the only group having read privilage to a file storing the database password. The disadvantage of this solution is the large number of system users and groups (few for every website/database) and corresponding database accounts (with the minimum set of privileges each).

I am quite new to Perl and particularly new to database programming, so I'd like to ask how all of you Perl gurus are solving that common problem of database password security. Is there any better solution than mine?

This problem is simple and common, but if there is any better place to ask this questions, I'd be grateful for pointing me there.

I have tried my best to find any related informations on the Web and Usenet archives, only to fail miserably. I will not believe that any sane person has passwords harcoded into the script itself on any production system, like it is suggested in every example of using DBI (which, as I assume, is done only for the sake of the examples simplicity).

For more datails of my original questions and reasoning see:

Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 05:09:58 -0500 (EST)
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 21:25:55 -0500 (EST)
I was trying to be very clear this time, moving the most important informations to the top of my message, so everyone could know what I mean before getting lost in the details of my own reasoning. And now some details:

Joseph, I was asking about database password, not password database, but speaking about the latter, I would never use a self-made custom hashing algorithm you suggested, nor would I buy any third-party RSA encryption application for that matter.[1] Also, this is not true that the hashing algorithm is any more secure as a compiled object.[2]

Quint, I was not wondering whether to use RDBMS or flat files, but there are ways to make working with flat files equally convenient.[3] Of course I use HTTPS for client connections, so the users' passwords are safe in transit.[1] I use CPAN modules for everything I can and I make sure my own scripts themselves are written with security in mind.[4]

Quint, you say that the argument againts flat files is that they have to be writable by the httpd process EUID, but then you propose embedding the RDBMS password in the script or module instead (readable by the server process), which essentially makes the whole database world-writable (as anyone with read access to the script or module, like everyone exploiting any other CGI script on the system, can gain full access to the database), which is absolutely unacceptable for any multiuser system connected to the Internet.

Chuck, your solutions of storing the password in another database,[5] or moving the password outside the script[6] don't solve the problem, but only move it to someplace else, where it is still unsolved, not improving the security at all.



[1] About the security of users' passwords: See Digest::* modules on CPAN for hashing digests. I use Data::Password::BasicCheck, Data::Password and Crypt::Cracklib (in that order) with good dictionaries to make sure the user's new password itself is secure enough (to users having problems with hard-to-guess

Re: Secure Form Submission

2003-08-23 Thread zentara
On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 20:10:37 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Greenhalgh David) wrote:

Thanks for that. The MD5 is a one way hash, unfortunately. I need to be 
able to decrypt at the server side.

I agree about SSL, unfortunately my client's host (borrowed space on a 
non-commercial server) only has 2 IPs for SSL and both are filled until 
the system upgrade late this year. What I am looking for is a fill in 
solution that will allow  some form of secure transmission of personal 
information (not a password) until the SSL becomes available.

Well you could always use Perl scripts, and setup some socket
connections. You could just ask the client to download a small
script and run it, which do a safe transfer.
It could be done alot of ways. The downloaded perl script could be
run to encrypt a file with rc4, then the client could upload the
results.  The MD5 password method would give you a way to
exchange an initial password safely, then that password could be used
by both sides for the rc4 password.

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Re: Secure Form Submission

2003-08-22 Thread zentara
On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 05:48:14 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Greenhalgh David) wrote:

Hi All,

I need to implement a form that is submitted securely. My client does 
not have access to SSL on his host. I was thinking in terms of a 
session cookie with a client side RC4 encrypt and a decrypt in the Perl 
script. Do peoople here consider that to be a secure scenario, or is 
there another method that you could recommend? The encryption needs to 
be reversible.

There is a method using javascript

It sends a timed out temporary key, which some javascript uses
to encrypt the post.

It's soo much better to use SSL.

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Re: Secure Form Submission

2003-08-22 Thread Greenhalgh David
It seems like it should be secure. I am assuming the session cookie 
would store the server's public key? or some such?  My question would 
be how do you implement an RC4 encryption (or any encryption other 
than the built-in SSL) on the client side? Possibly a Java applet with 
the encryption built-in? I suppose you could implement an encryption 
algorithm in javascript and then just call that via a form's onSubmit, 
but how would you generate a random number (built into javascript?)... 
yikes thats a lot of javascript :-)... and at that point you would 
also have to generate a private key on the client side, and send the 
corresponding public key to the server... and this would have to be 
done each time which could get slow...

That was basically the plan, use the cookie to transport the key. Your 
comment about a lot of Javascript is precisely the daunting part.
I saw in your other post about the limited IPs, if this really is a 
temp solution, the implementation difficulty still might suggest 
springing for extra hosting, or the similar until the upgrade is in 

Now there's a thought, a Summer Sale. I think I may even do it that way.


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Secure Form Submission

2003-08-21 Thread Greenhalgh David
Hi All,

I need to implement a form that is submitted securely. My client does 
not have access to SSL on his host. I was thinking in terms of a 
session cookie with a client side RC4 encrypt and a decrypt in the Perl 
script. Do peoople here consider that to be a secure scenario, or is 
there another method that you could recommend? The encryption needs to 
be reversible.



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Secure Logoff from Session CGI

2002-03-15 Thread Sean Abrahams

I have a small series of web pages that talks to a database and uses
forms to input/alter data.

In order to get to these web pages a user has to authenticate. If
valid, I put a cookie on their machine that expires in 10 minutes. So
basically, they can use the forms for up to 10 minutes, from which
time they have to log back into the system.

My problem is that when the user exists the web page, they can still
hit the back button and see all the data they entered. This is a
security issue since someone could basically sit down at the same
computer and hit back to find out some vital information, assuming the
original user doesn't exit the browser.

I'm trying to setup something that prevents the client from just going
back into the secured area by hitting back. I notice that on systems
such as Wells Fargo's online banking, once you logoff, you cannot hit
back to get back to your account. This is exactly what I'm trying to
do, yet I have been unable to find out how to accomplish this.

I already have all the no-cache meta options in my HTML. What would be
perfect would be if there were a perl/CGI function that could detect
if the user is going back to the .cgi file via the back button and
then act how you choose. However, I feel there should be an even
easier way about this.

Any ideas?

Thank you,
Sean Abrahams
SFSU : Fiscal Affairs Business Systems

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Re: Secure Logoff from Session CGI

2002-03-15 Thread Rob Roudebush

I'm not sure, but how do you set a cookie and have it
expire in ten minutes?


--- Sean Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a small series of web pages that talks to a
 database and uses
 forms to input/alter data.
 In order to get to these web pages a user has to
 authenticate. If
 valid, I put a cookie on their machine that expires
 in 10 minutes. So
 basically, they can use the forms for up to 10
 minutes, from which
 time they have to log back into the system.
 My problem is that when the user exists the web
 page, they can still
 hit the back button and see all the data they
 entered. This is a
 security issue since someone could basically sit
 down at the same
 computer and hit back to find out some vital
 information, assuming the
 original user doesn't exit the browser.
 I'm trying to setup something that prevents the
 client from just going
 back into the secured area by hitting back. I notice
 that on systems
 such as Wells Fargo's online banking, once you
 logoff, you cannot hit
 back to get back to your account. This is exactly
 what I'm trying to
 do, yet I have been unable to find out how to
 accomplish this.
 I already have all the no-cache meta options in my
 HTML. What would be
 perfect would be if there were a perl/CGI function
 that could detect
 if the user is going back to the .cgi file via the
 back button and
 then act how you choose. However, I feel there
 should be an even
 easier way about this.
 Any ideas?
 Thank you,
 Sean Abrahams
 SFSU : Fiscal Affairs Business Systems
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Re: Is this secure

2002-02-13 Thread Gunther Birznieks

There are probably multiple issues with this script.  I don't really have 
the time to do a security audit for you but in a 5 minute glance

A) -t is supposed to be -T if you are enabling taint mode
B) It appears as if there is very little checking done on the path that is 
issued. Things like
   escaped periods would allow backtracking
   possible null byte insertion in the regex would obviate the file extension
C) File open is done without explicitly putting in a  prefix to indicate 
read-only access. So if the path starts or ends with | then an arbitrary 
command could be executed.

Some of these might not work in practice, but I don't see an explicit area 
of the code which basically prevents these things from occuring, so I can 
only suspect it is possible with enough diligence.

I would suggest that if your site is using mod_perl, don't use some 
home-grown template system. There are way too many out there that are 
reallly well written and well-tested and examined for security. State your 
requirements and ask the mod-perl list for some advice.

There are really powerful ones like TemplateToolkit, Mason, EmbPerl, but 
then there are simpler ones also. And the #1 thing is that if you see 
someone trying to roll their own template system, STOP THEM!! :)

It's really annoying to reinvent the wheel that's already been reinvented 
many times.


At 01:18 AM 2/14/2002, Rednecktek wrote:
I've been asked if this script is secure. I believe it is. Can anyone find
any problems with it?

#!/usr/bin/perl -w -t
use strict;
use Apache;
my $r = Apache-request();
my %args = $r-args();
my $path = $r-uri;

$path  =~ s/\/(.*?)$//; # Strip off the scriptname
my $tmplpath = template/;  # Setup the template path
my $cont_ext = .html;  # Allow only content files with this extension
my $tmpl_ext = .tmpl;  # Allow only template files with this extension
my $template = $tmplpath .mcti. $tmpl_ext; # Setup the template path
my $page = $args{page} || index; # Are we requesting a page or root?
my $title = Microdyne;  # Default Title of not specified in page
my $debug = 1;

my ($content, $pageout, $newtitle, $newtmpl);

($content, $newtitle, $newtmpl) = pullpage( $page . $cont_ext );
if ($newtitle) {$title = $newtitle;}
if ($newtmpl) {$template = $tmplpath . $newtmpl . $tmpl_ext;}
$pageout = readfile( $template );
$pageout =~ s/%%TITLE%%/$title/g;
$pageout =~ s/%%CONTENT%%/$content/g;


# Spit out the content

sub pageout {
 my $pageout = shift;
 $r-header_out( 'Content-Length', length($pageout) );

 my $start = 0;
 my $len = 63000;
 while (my $p = substr($pageout, $start, $len)) {
  $start += $len;

# Open content page, and check for options
# checks for tags in format: %%TAG=VALUE%%

sub pullpage {
 my $file = shift;
 my ($content, $title, $template);
 $content = readfile( $file );

 while ($content =~ m/%%(.*?)=(.*?)%%/) {
  my $key = $1;
  my $value = $2;
  SWITCH: for ($key) {
  /TEMPLATE/  do {
   # Override default template
   logit(Found $key - $value,2);
   $template = $value;
   $content =~ s/%%$key=$value%%//g;
   last SWITCH;
  /TITLE/  do {
   logit(Found $key - $value,2);
   $title = $value;
   $content =~ s/%%$key=$value%%//g;
   last SWITCH;
  /INCLUDE/  do {
   #Read in an Included file
   logit(Found $key - $value,2);
   my $repl = readfile( $value );
   $content =~ s/%%$key=$value%%/$repl/g;
   last SWITCH;
 return ($content, $title, $template);

# Reads a file and returns the content

sub readfile {
 my $file = shift;
 my $rv;
 logit(Opening file $file,2);
 open( FILE, $file ) || return Could not find file $file;
 my @lines = FILE;
 close FILE || return Could not close filehandle;
 logit(Closed file $file,2);
 for (@lines) {
  $rv .= $_;
 return $rv;

sub logit {
 my $warning = shift;
 my $level = shift || 1;
 my $caller = (caller(1))[3];
 if ($debug = $level) {
  warn $caller:\t$warning;


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Gunther Birznieks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
eXtropia - The Open Web Technology Company

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Re: Is this secure

2002-02-13 Thread Rednecktek

+ACI-Gunther Birznieks+ACI- wrote:

+AD4- There are probably multiple issues with this script.  I don't really have
+AD4- the time to do a security audit for you but in a 5 minute glance
+AD4- A) -t is supposed to be -T if you are enabling taint mode

Doh+ACE- Missed that one.

+AD4- B) It appears as if there is very little checking done on the path that is
+AD4- issued. Things like
+AD4-escaped periods would allow backtracking
+AD4-possible null byte insertion in the regex would obviate the file
+AD4- C) File open is done without explicitly putting in a +ACIAPAAi- prefix to
+AD4- read-only access. So if the path starts or ends with +AHw- then an arbitrary
+AD4- command could be executed.

I couldn't introduce errors using the null-byte, but I won't stop testing
just yet. I have no idea to escape a period on the URL. Could someone give
me an example please.

+AD4- Some of these might not work in practice, but I don't see an explicit area
+AD4- of the code which basically prevents these things from occuring, so I can
+AD4- only suspect it is possible with enough diligence.
+AD4- I would suggest that if your site is using mod+AF8-perl, don't use some
+AD4- home-grown template system. There are way too many out there that are
+AD4- reallly well written and well-tested and examined for security. State your
+AD4- requirements and ask the mod-perl list for some advice.

Thanks, but nope, this is a test project.

+AD4- There are really powerful ones like TemplateToolkit, Mason, EmbPerl, but
+AD4- then there are simpler ones also. And the +ACM-1 thing is that if you see
+AD4- someone trying to roll their own template system, STOP THEM+ACEAIQ- :)
+AD4- It's really annoying to reinvent the wheel that's already been reinvented
+AD4- many times.

No offense, but I don't want to +ACI-stand on the shoulders of giants.+ACI- Part of
the reason I'm doing this is to understand the security issues involved,
even in a simple script like this. I know there is always more to learn, now
I know /what/ I need to learn.


+AD4- Later,
+AD4-  Gunther
+AD4- At 01:18 AM 2/14/2002, Rednecktek wrote:
+AD4- +AD4-I've been asked if this script is secure. I believe it is. Can anyone
+AD4- +AD4-any problems with it?
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4AIwAh-/usr/bin/perl -w -t
+AD4- +AD4-use strict+ADs-
+AD4- +AD4-use Apache+ADs-
+AD4- +AD4-my +ACQ-r +AD0- Apache-+AD4-request()+ADs-
+AD4- +AD4-my +ACU-args +AD0- +ACQ-r-+AD4-args()+ADs-
+AD4- +AD4-my +ACQ-path +AD0- +ACQ-r-+AD4-uri+ADs-
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4AJA-path  +AD0Afg- s/+AFw-/(.+ACo-?)+ACQ-//+ADs- +ACM- Strip off the 
+AD4- +AD4-my +ACQ-tmplpath +AD0- +ACI-template/+ACIAOw-  +ACM- Setup the template path
+AD4- +AD4-my +ACQ-cont+AF8-ext +AD0- +ACI-.html+ACIAOw-  +ACM- Allow only content 
+files with this extension
+AD4- +AD4-my +ACQ-tmpl+AF8-ext +AD0- +ACI-.tmpl+ACIAOw-  +ACM- Allow only template 
+files with this extension
+AD4- +AD4-my +ACQ-template +AD0- +ACQ-tmplpath .+ACI-mcti+ACI-. 
++ACQ-tmpl+AF8-ext+ADs- +ACM- Setup the template path
+AD4- +AD4-my +ACQ-page +AD0- +ACQ-args+AHs-page+AH0- +AHwAfA- +ACI-index+ACIAOw- 
++ACM- Are we requesting a page or root?
+AD4- +AD4-my +ACQ-title +AD0- +ACI-Microdyne+ACIAOw-  +ACM- Default Title of not 
+specified in page
+AD4- +AD4-my +ACQ-debug +AD0- 1+ADs-
+AD4- +AD4-my (+ACQ-content, +ACQ-pageout, +ACQ-newtitle, +ACQ-newtmpl)+ADs-
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-(+ACQ-content, +ACQ-newtitle, +ACQ-newtmpl) +AD0- pullpage( +ACQ-page . 
++ACQ-cont+AF8-ext )+ADs-
+AD4- +AD4-if (+ACQ-newtitle) +AHsAJA-title +AD0- +ACQ-newtitle+ADsAfQ-
+AD4- +AD4-if (+ACQ-newtmpl) +AHsAJA-template +AD0- +ACQ-tmplpath . +ACQ-newtmpl . 
+AD4- +AD4AJA-pageout +AD0- readfile( +ACQ-template )+ADs-
+AD4- +AD4AJA-pageout +AD0Afg- s/+ACUAJQ-TITLE+ACUAJQ-/+ACQ-title/g+ADs-
+AD4- +AD4AJA-pageout +AD0Afg- s/+ACUAJQ-CONTENT+ACUAJQ-/+ACQ-content/g+ADs-
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-pageout(+ACQ-pageout)+ADs-
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4AIw- Spit out the content
+AD4- +AD4-sub pageout +AHs-
+AD4- +AD4- my +ACQ-pageout +AD0- shift+ADs-
+AD4- +AD4

trying to secure text input.

2002-01-28 Thread Luinrandir Hernson

Below is the code i'm using to filter out non alphanumeric charecters... however when 
i type
yeilds this:

The ?!$ should be stripped away and come back empty, not
ANY ideas as to what I'm doing wrong???
I'm asking for an email address.

my $eaddress = ;
$eaddress = $buffer;

$eaddress=~tr/A-Z/a-z/;##changes everything to lowercase !!! THIS 
$eaddress=~tr/a-z0-9/_/c; ##changes everything but a-z 0-9 to _

print -$password-;

Fwd: [ [REDIRECT] Re: Perl and secure CGI]

2001-10-09 Thread Kevin Meltzer

- Forwarded message from Kevin Meltzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

I am redirecting this to the cgi-beginners list, which is more appropriate.
Please send responses to the sender (Edd Dawson [EMAIL PROTECTED]) and
the cgi-beginners list. Thanks.


On Tue, Oct 09, 2001 at 04:29:06PM +0100, Edd Dawson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said 
something similar to:
 I have created a secure website using Perl and the CGI module, LDAP module, 
 and HTML::Template module,
 Basically I authenticate a user to Novell via LDAP, then control access to 
 HTML files using HTML::template.
 Now I need to add controlled access to a pdf file on the server, and I'd 
 like to use a Perl method to do this similar to the template method.
 Has anyone else ever tried this or know of any modules that might help me 
 achieve this?
 Thanks for your time
 Edd Dawson
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[Writing CGI Applications with Perl -]
Seen the city, seen the zoo, traffic light won't let me through.
-- Phish (Slave to the Traffic Light)

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secure scripts

2001-06-11 Thread charles

anyone have a url that is a decent intro for writing secure cgi scripts?


Re: secure scripts

2001-06-11 Thread Curtis Poe

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 anyone have a url that is a decent intro for writing secure cgi scripts?

Best bet (IMHO):  read section 6 of

Also, Lesson 3 
( of my
Perl/CGI course has some good, basic information about this.  It'll give you a good 
start on many
of the basics, but is not as comprehensive as the above faq.

'perldoc perlsec' is also good.  An online version is at

Curtis Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (
Ovid on

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