conecting cgi and mdb? help please:)

2002-04-16 Thread maxa

I have install ActivePerl in folder c:\perl
then I have run ppm and do the fallowing:

PPM> install dbi
Install package 'dbi?' (y/N): y
Installing package 'dbi'...
Error installing package 'dbi': Could not locate a PPD file for package dbi

this is error message and my question is:

1.way I can't install dbi when I am offline? This package I can install only when I am 
online like others pelage ("INSTALL DBD-Mysql")

2.Can I connect cgi with Microsoft access database " *.mdb " and how to configure 
those relationship?
3. Can I use Microsoft access database " *.mdb " on servers where is supported mysql?
4.How can I reply on messages because I don't see button "reply"??


Re: conecting cgi and mdb? help please:)

2002-04-16 Thread Mo Holkar / UKG

At 13:43 17/04/02, you wrote:
>I have install ActivePerl in folder c:\perl
>then I have run ppm and do the fallowing:
>PPM> install dbi
>Install package 'dbi?' (y/N): y
>Installing package 'dbi'...
>Error installing package 'dbi': Could not locate a PPD file for package dbi

This operation is case-sensitive -- you need to type 'install DBI'.



Mo Holkar
Undying King Games
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Re: conecting cgi and mdb? help please:)

2002-04-19 Thread Kamali Muthukrishnan

I would like to know what all needs to be done to connect to a Microsoft Access 
database using perl script. Can somebody guide me please ?
One of the perl books' website has some information , but I think the server where the 
document resides has problems and so I am not able to get to it.
Any website, books etc.?

>>> "maxa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/17/02 07:43AM >>>
I have install ActivePerl in folder c:\perl
then I have run ppm and do the fallowing:

PPM> install dbi
Install package 'dbi?' (y/N): y
Installing package 'dbi'...
Error installing package 'dbi': Could not locate a PPD file for package dbi

this is error message and my question is:

1.way I can't install dbi when I am offline? This package I can install only when I am 
online like others pelage ("INSTALL DBD-Mysql")

2.Can I connect cgi with Microsoft access database " *.mdb " and how to configure 
those relationship?
3. Can I use Microsoft access database " *.mdb " on servers where is supported mysql?
4.How can I reply on messages because I don't see button "reply"??


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RE: conecting cgi and mdb? help please:)

2002-04-19 Thread David Gray

> I would like to know what all needs to be done to connect to 
> a Microsoft Access database using perl script.

1) You need two modules: DBI and DBD::ODBC

2) You need to create an ODBC data source referring to the database

3) Connect to the database like this:

$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:ODBC:$DSN_NAME")
  or die "Couldn't connect to $DSN_NAME: $DBI::errstr\n\n";
# where $DSN_NAME is the name of the ODBC data source
# you created in step 2

> 1.way I can't install dbi when I am offline?

Because ppm needs a net connection so it can download the module for you
> 2.Can I connect cgi with Microsoft access database " *.mdb " 
> and how to configure those relationship?

See above

> 3. Can I use Microsoft access database " *.mdb " on servers where is 
> supported mysql?

A quick google search turned up:

> 4.How can I reply on messages because I don't see button "reply"??

What mail client do you use?


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RE: conecting cgi and mdb? help please:)

2002-04-19 Thread Kamali Muthukrishnan

Hi :  
Thanks a bunch.   For the first module, I would do -
   install dbi
 For the second module for the Open DB Connectivity , will I do something
similar like this ? -
  install dbd::odbc
 "need to create an ODBC data source referring to the database file" - could you 
please explain this ? does it mean creating a db and populating tables?
I appreciate all the help I get from this discussion group.

>>> "David Gray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/19/02 08:39AM >>>
> I would like to know what all needs to be done to connect to 
> a Microsoft Access database using perl script.

1) You need two modules: DBI and DBD::ODBC

2) You need to create an ODBC data source referring to the database

3) Connect to the database like this:

$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:ODBC:$DSN_NAME")
  or die "Couldn't connect to $DSN_NAME: $DBI::errstr\n\n";
# where $DSN_NAME is the name of the ODBC data source
# you created in step 2

> 1.way I can't install dbi when I am offline?

Because ppm needs a net connection so it can download the module for you
> 2.Can I connect cgi with Microsoft access database " *.mdb " 
> and how to configure those relationship?

See above

> 3. Can I use Microsoft access database " *.mdb " on servers where is 
> supported mysql?

A quick google search turned up:

> 4.How can I reply on messages because I don't see button "reply"??

What mail client do you use?


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RE: conecting cgi and mdb? help please:)

2002-04-19 Thread David Gray

> Hi :  
> Thanks a bunch.   For the first module, I would do -
>install dbi
>  For the second module for the Open DB Connectivity , will I 
> do something similar like this ? -
>   install dbd::odbc
>  "need to create an ODBC data source referring to the 
> database file" - could you please explain this ? does it mean 
> creating a db and populating tables? I appreciate all the 
> help I get from this discussion group. Kamali

Hmm... Are you on a Win32 or *nix machine?

If you're on a *nix machine, you should probably look into some of the
links from that google search and import your .mdb into mysql before you
try to access it using perl.

My Favorite DBI/DBD Reference:

If you're on a Win32 machine, you can create an ODBC data source from
"Control Panels->ODBC"



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RE: conecting cgi and mdb? help please:)

2002-04-19 Thread Kamali Muthukrishnan

Thank you once again.  I am on Win32 machine using ActivePerl.
I had been doing Google search for the past few hours.  There, sometimes you hit dirt 
( like in my case for the past 5 hours) and sometimes gold .  I hit one site which 
seems to give a lot of information on this - 
I will look into the site, you have given too.

>>> "David Gray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/19/02 09:23AM >>>
> Hi :  
> Thanks a bunch.   For the first module, I would do -
>install dbi
>  For the second module for the Open DB Connectivity , will I 
> do something similar like this ? -
>   install dbd::odbc
>  "need to create an ODBC data source referring to the 
> database file" - could you please explain this ? does it mean 
> creating a db and populating tables? I appreciate all the 
> help I get from this discussion group. Kamali

Hmm... Are you on a Win32 or *nix machine?

If you're on a *nix machine, you should probably look into some of the
links from that google search and import your .mdb into mysql before you
try to access it using perl.

My Favorite DBI/DBD Reference:

If you're on a Win32 machine, you can create an ODBC data source from
"Control Panels->ODBC"



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