Interactive canine holiday greeting

2002-12-17 Thread Alan & Susan Kowitz
Type or copy and paste the below addy into your search engine and have fun.
I did.

Susan Kowitz, Mercedes, and Bentley
Sequim, WA

School Fundraiser .. using Robert Duncan print

2002-12-17 Thread Teresa Dominguez
A friends daughter brought around one of those school fund raising brochures
a few weeks ago .. and well this one I couldn't pass up .. variations on two
Robert Duncan prints were used Snow Troopers and Celebration both with his
berner were combined into a wonderful foldout cover.  You can see the folded
cover at this link.

I asked for the 'catalog' when everything was over .. and tonight I got my
order and the catalog.  I wish I would of asked for her to collect the
catalogs from her friends.  Now to frame it .. I know it will just be
gorgeous ..

Teresa, Patriot and Romeo
Albuquerque, NM

Knee surgery at 4 months

2002-12-17 Thread Peter
After years of enjoying and gaining knowledge from the L, I have a difficult
question that can only be addressed by the experts.  On October 21 or so, we
sent 6 beautiful and perfect Berner boys to their various homes.  Every
owner was screened and found to be highly qualified (this is our second
litter in 3 yrs).   Today, I got the call from a local family that their
puppy (4 mos) had made a flying left turn into the kitchen. how else do they
travel! and skidded on the floor leaving a huge bump on his left knee.  This
was several days ago and after a visit to the vet today, tapping the fluid
and x-rays of both knees we learn that puppy Fenway is up for possible acl
surgery.  "Maybe not right away, could even be in several months".  "The
left knee looks pretty loose too" .  We expect the verdict from a highly
reputable surgeon, but I can't help but be concerned about any sort of
surgery on such a young, otherwise healthy puppy (49lbs).  There is so much
growing going on now and in my opinion, if it ain't broke...Keep him lean,
on a leash and quiet walks for the next year (groan) and let the ligaments
heal, grow and strengthen.  Your comments are much appreciated.
Tina Gaines
Garland Ridge Berners & Big Paws Boarding
Ch Blackstar Hennessy  CGC, NDD + Therapy Dog Extraordinaire
Swiss Star Willow Surla Seine, mother B. and Queen Soon- to- be- Empress of
all that wags
Bofus Cat & Skinny Bones

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Re: mistaken identity

2002-12-17 Thread Eileen Morgan
My favorite mistaken identity was the person who asked my if my 40 lbs black
Newfie puppy (Nessie) was a Bichon.

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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Adopting Older Berners

2002-12-17 Thread Courtney Erickson
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Update on Fred Hutchinson study sample

2002-12-17 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel
Coleen asked for an update on the Histio research, and the bad news is
that they are getting more of the samples they need. The good news is
that they are getting more of the samples they need. Thanks to all of
you who are participating, we owe you a great deal!

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA


Here are the latest counts:
13 samples from dogs diagnosed with MH
 6  from dogs suspected of having MH (awaiting necropsy reports or other
27 control dogs (Berners 10 and older)
 2  late onset MH (these were control dogs but were diagnosed after
joining the study)
 1  systemic histiocytosis

To reach the 40 control dogs and 40 affected dog goal, Heidi still needs
~13 control dogs and 21-27 affected with MH.   

berner sighting!!

2002-12-17 Thread stmaybe
there was a berner (& his/her owner) wandering around not far from my 
home today! i *never* see other berners in our town. how exciting! i 
wanted to say hi & pet the beautiful berner, but i was on my way to a 
job interview & couldn't risk being late.

laura & baka
chapel hill, nc

mistaken identity

2002-12-17 Thread Sweattees
I have to share this with the group.  As many of you know, my Deck-dog comes 
to work with me, a retail shop, and often folks make a guess as to what breed 
he is.  Since he is so over-sized most folks say St. Bernard, honest mistake 
tho some have been way off (labrador, springer, gordon setter to name a few). 
 I try to give folks the benefit of the doubt at times, assuming they are 
just saying the wrong breed when they mean person asked me if 
he was a greyhound, I assumed they meant Gt. Pyr.  Well, today the sweetest 
lady, bless her heart, looked at Deck and asked if he was a Cavalier King 
Charles.  I did not laugh, honest.  I asked her if she was thinking about 
another breed, she said no, Cavaliers have the brown dots above the eyes.  
Too true.  Happy Holidays to all, Patt

RE Need advice--enlarged scrotum

2002-12-17 Thread Connie Nichols

I am a people doctor not a vet.  If you only use the anti-inflammatory
sparingly (longest interval between doses) a short course will probably not
hurt the kidneys (this is what we do in people) If you want to avoid it-tell
your vet-they should respond to your concerns.
Good luck.
Connie Nichols (MD) & Penny the 5 month old wonder girl 

Re: Melatonin question

2002-12-17 Thread Claudia Brydon
Do any of you give it to your dogs and if so, how much, how often and how
long before the scary noises start? And, more importantly, if you have tried
it, were you pleased with the effect? Did it work or not really?

I tried Melatonin for my Aussie.  Not for noise but for separation
anxiety.  He would stand in his crate the whole time we were gone.  If left
out, he would frantically search the house and by the time he figured out
that he couldn't find us, he was so worked up that he would start destroying
things.  So I dosed him with 300 MCG of melatonin (Barney is under 50
pounds.) about two hours before we were going to leave.  When we returned it
was obvious that he had relaxed in his crate. I repeated this twice more.
Then we had to leave him suddenly and didn't have time to dose him.  We put
him in his crate and he relaxed immediately.  I haven't had to use it since
and the treatment was about nine months ago.
I still crate him when we leave as our Berner is intact and 18 months
old.  I just don't want to take a chance that tempers might flare when we're
not around.

Claudia Brydon in NW PA
Barney OA NAJ (Aussie)
Boomer (Bernese Mountain Dog)
Mo (Gordon Setter Granddog)

re: Puppy Leash Training

2002-12-17 Thread Claudia Brydon
but does anyone have any suggestions for a
stubborn walker?

I had to laugh!  Your Hadley is doing exactly the same thing as my
Boomer did at that age.  My suggestion is to go away from your property just
a short distance and then turn around and enjoy her enthusiasm returning
home.  That's what we did and Boomer soon outgrew his reluctance about
leaving home (by about nine months).  Now, at 18 months he wants to walk
with us a far as we want to go and is also becoming a superb agility dog.

Claudia Brydon in NW PA
Barney OA NAJ (Aussie)
Boomer (Bernese Mountain Dog)
Mo (Gordon Setter Granddog)

Melatonin question

2002-12-17 Thread Michaela Simmons
Could anyone please tell me how to dose and administer Melatonin?

We are taking the boys on vacation with us and we'll spend New Year in a
hotel with fireworks all around us. Rupert couldn't care less about bangs
but Harvey does get really stressed by them and apparently Melatonin takes
the edge of the nervousness. I have tried Rescue Remedy repeatedly without
any success thus I'm pinning my hopes on Melatonin.

Do any of you give it to your dogs and if so, how much, how often and how
long before the scary noises start? And, more importantly, if you have tried
it, were you pleased with the effect? Did it work or not really?

Many thanks!

Michaela, Harvey & Rupert

Re: Eukanuba Classic Invitational

2002-12-17 Thread Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners
Congratulations Sindi & Gunner on your BOB wins, and on Gunner's Breed & All
Breed ranking!
Sounds like you were able to "hold it together" better than you actually
thought you were! : )

Happy Holidays!


Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine
SnoBear Berners
N. California, USA

FW: Begging!!

2002-12-17 Thread Karen McFarlane

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Karen McFarlane
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 12:19 PM
To: Berner List
Subject: Begging!!

Hi to All,
Could some of you please give me some tips about begging. Since I have been
trying Stevie on some new foods, he has turned into a begging machine. How
does one safely but firmly discourage begging. Everytime somebody in the
house gets something out to eat he wants it!! Stevie, I am sure, is starting
to think that his new name is "NO"!! I do not like to put him in his crate
when people are eating as I don't want him to think that it is punishment.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Karen and Stevie
N.B. Canada

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re: Poopin' Puppy Problems

2002-12-17 Thread JEvans

There are a variety of possibilities as to why this has started, one of 
which is that there
could be a medical/disease problem, and it is always wise to rule those out 
with a Vet
check.   Another:  her diet could be wrong/too rich/too much fibre.  She 
could have been left confined too long, forced to eliminate in the crate 
and now the previous smell stimulates her need to go.  Once that smell is 
there, it is a strong stimulus for elimination.  And then there is the 
obvious: she may not have been fully trained, had an accident in the crate 
and now the
smell causes her to go - even if washed, she probably can still smell it on 
the bedding!

Here's what I would do:  Have her examined by the Vet, go back to square 
one in house
training and make sure I carefully monitor her - taking her out after 
eating and drinking and
after sleeping or exercise and play.

Since it sounds like she is only eliminating in areas where she is confined 
and then eliminated and now has the odor, those are the things to pay 
attention to in re-training.  Make sure she
knows the proper area where you want her to go and reward her there when 
she does!  Make
sure she isn't confined for too long, and if you can buy new bedding and 
totally manage her
so she doesn't ever have a chance to soil it, it will likely save some 
grief.  Maybe use towels,
if she doesn't chew/eat towels, for her bedding which can't be reused if 
she has an accident!  When you are past this bump in the road, then buy her 
some nice new bedding.

Management, especially never letting elimination occur in the wrong place, 
after a vet check is usually what it takes to get back on track.  Good luck 
and let us know how things go.
Oh, and give her a belly rub from me.

Jill with Indie and Gabby

Puppy Leash Training

2002-12-17 Thread Jay C. Maddox
Hello All,
I've been reading the Berner digests for a few months now, as I am the 
new owner of a Berner pup, Hadley, who is 10 weeks old.  I have a 
question regarding leash training.
Hadley is doing great...she can already sit, stay and come.  She is 
basically very good on a leash, but we run into problems on our morning 
and evening walks from our house.  We live on a busy street, so we cross 
the street on our walks to get to a dead-end street that is much more 
quiet.  Walking away from the house is a real hassle.  Hadley clearly 
doesn't like to leave her house/yard.  Once we're on our dead-end 
street, she'll more often than not, park herself and start whimpering. 
I have her on a flexi-lead and will walk to the end of it...she will 
come for a treat, but will once again sit in the middle of the street 
and whimper.  Often she will beg to be picked up and carried.  I've 
taken to "waiting her out", giving her encouragment when she finally 
gets off her behind and heads in the right direction, but she can be 
stubborn.  I don't want to make walks tramatic for her or drag her down 
the street, but she seems like a real homebody.  The walk home is a 
joy...and she often breaks into a trot as we get closer to the house. 
If I drive her in the car somewhere (like my workplace), she behaves 
perfectly on her leash - it is more of a neighborhood issue.  I think, 
perhaps, she sees our yard (11 acres) as a much more "fun" place than 
walking on a lousy dead-end street (I should note that we are walking on 
a paved street, as much of our 11 acres is now mud and lake after 12 
inches of rain during the last week).  I certainly don't expect her to 
be perfect at this stage, but does anyone have any suggestions for a 
stubborn walker?
Jay Maddox & Hadley
Santa Rosa, CA

RE: Eukanuba Classic Invitational

2002-12-17 Thread LsinBMD
Well Im finally back from Orlando Florida where the weather there was 73 when 
we arrived on the 10th of December. I was peeling clothes off as we travelled 
further south. It was nice while it lasted, now Im back up north and 

Wednesday we made our way to the Waterhouse Center to set up our grooming 
stuff and to walk around. I was amazed at the setup, it was the same as 
Westminister but larger and the show was not benched. At least I didnt feel 
like a sardine in a can at this location. We were given a bag lunch but I was 
too nervous to eat it but my husband volunteered to eat the bag lunch for me.

Time to show, and I wore a wild blazer for the judge, my daughter was 
appalled that I would wear anything this loud and I was amazed that I could 
still fit into the jacket as it had not been worn in 10 years! 

I was a nervous wreck, apparently I did not realize this but I guess I was a 
tad bossy to my husband and a Malinois friend of mine who was with us that 
also qualified to show. I started belting out orders and not realizing it, 
they forgave me in the end and my girlfriend had never seen me quite like 
this. I felt like a total novice all of the sudden with the atmosphere and 
all the dogs and show people from everywhere! Im surprised I remembered what 
I was doing LOL!

Gunner was a good boy and didnt try any antics in the ring on this particular 
day. I have had to put alot of training into this dog to keep his head up, 
when first taking this dog out to dog shows he was worst outdoors than 
indoors as he wanted to sniff the ground all the way around the ring, the 
more I attempted to pull up the more he would fight the collar and pull down. 
We have gotten him out of this habit thank goodness. 

Then he has become so fickle as I have had a handler on him after we 
qualified for this event and he has decided he is mommified to the point I 
had to leave the building and now when I show him he has decided to become 
attached to daddy, looking all over for him. Sheesh!

When the judge pointed at Gunner for the breed my husband told me he didnt 
know if I was going to puke or cry, as I had that look on my face. Good thing 
I had makeup on or I guess I would have turned all white! I just felt numb 
and happy at the same time and was happy this was over with. This was quite 
an experience and I was very pleased to have been able to make it to Florida 
with only 4 months to qualify this dog for this event. During the groups I 
was much more calm than I was during the day, hopefully we will get to see 
the berner on tv as they did not show the berner on tv with the Philly show. 
I caught a glimpse of the dog during that televised event. My daughter told 
me she would die if I wore that blazer on tv! 

We stayed through the weekend and took the breed all three days in Orlando to 
finish off the season. Since being in what I call a training mode, Gunner is 
now ranked all breed and breed, and now the seriousness of all this starts in 
January but thank goodness I get two weeks off so that I can recouperate from 
sore muscles and shin splints and the worst part of all this is that I get to 
start from the beginning of the year instead of a portion of the year. Oh 
well I love the dog shows or wouldnt be going through all of this.

Pat I havent forgotten about the brag fund!

Sindi Leo
L-Sin BMDs
Sumerduck, VA

Re: Need advice--enlarged scrotum

2002-12-17 Thread Liz Steinweg & Crew
Also, be careful of Rimadyl - some dogs have an allergic reaction to it. We
had Baloo neutered when we got him (age 6 yrs). His scrotum swelled after
the surgery and he licked at the area a lot. The Vet put him on Rimadyl and
he got like a crazy person - pacing, panting, couldn't stay still, jumped at
every little noise or movement. After 3 days of this craziness, we couldn't
stand it anymore and took him off the Rimadyl - the nervous symptoms

We also used a (prescribed) spray-on topical analgesic - sprayed the area 2X
daily to ease irritation & promote healing.

We also had to use one of those collars to prevent him from licking so the
incision area would have a chance to heal up.

Liz Steinweg & The Crew
Blue Moon's Baloo Berry Torte "Baloo" - our rescue Berner-boy!
Bobby Sox (husky-x), Figaro (20+ lb Forest Cat)
Rio & Sahara (the "Rat Cats")
and in loving memory of my 1st BMD - Toby (6/29/97 - 6/30/00)
Colorado Springs CO


2002-12-17 Thread Karen McFarlane
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RE: BERNER-L digest 4184

2002-12-17 Thread lamars
Please disconnect e mails to this address [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thanks

-Original Message-
From: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 10:01 PM
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4184

BERNER-L Digest 4184

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Re: Carob
by "Pat Long & Paul Dangel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  2) Re: SARDS
by "Emma Goodall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  3) Health Articles, ED, Histio, etc
by "Pat Long & Paul Dangel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  4) BERNER-L digest
by "Bonnie ?" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  5) Re: Carob
by "Patricia Tackett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  6) Re: carting, training, and retrieve
by "Emma Goodall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  7) RE: Carob
by "Andrea Brin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  8) Re: dandruff problems
by "Emma Goodall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  9) RE: dandruff problems
by "Karen McFarlane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 10) RE: Aeryn does it again!
by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 11) Poopin' Puppy Problems
by Gregory Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 12) Re: BERNER-L digest 4183
 13) Molly is home!
by "Martha Hoverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 14) Dealing with Grief -- Good Book 
by Suzanne Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 15) dogs and bloat/torsion
by Bernadette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 16) Need advice--enlarged scrotum
 17) Re: Various  Berner questions
by "Joe Cheer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 18) ED surgury v.s. no surgury
 19) Hootie 4.Jan.1997- 16.Dec.2002
by Sylvia Katvala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 20) Missing Link
 21) huge, floppy, cuddly stuffed berners
 22) PVBMDC Specialty
by Robin Disler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 23) Re: ED surgury v.s. no surgury
 24) Re: Missing Link
 25) Re: BERNER-L digest 4183
 26) ad in dog fancy
by "Andrea Brin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 27) MS in Berner?
by Patti Whyte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 28) Re: BERNER-L digest 4174
by George & Diana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 29) Re: BERNER-L digest 4175
by George & Diana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Need advice--enlarged scrotum

2002-12-17 Thread BMDwags
Hi Dottie-

Swelling of the scrotum is not uncommon when older dogs/older adolescent dogs 
are castrated.  They simply have a lot of skin, and the potential for that 
sac to fill with fluid is sometimes expected.  You may try to place a cool 
compress on the area, to reduce the swelling.  Treat the area as if he was 
punched in the face, and there is a lot of is just the other 

Sometimes a veterinarian will need to place a needle in the scrotal sac, to 
remove the excess fluid.  Sometimes they decide to do a scrotal ligation and 
remove the extra skin altogether.  It really depends on the circumstances 
involved.  Most cases will resolve over a few days with cool compresses 2-3 
times daily, minimal activity, and pain medication.  After the scrotum starts 
to shrink on it's own, the problem will cease to exist.

Rimadyl is 'probably' your best option for pain relief, since buffered 
aspirin is an anticoagulant...and that would prevent the blood from 
clotting...and it would continue to fill the scrotal sac.  As far as his 
blood pressure goes, many clinics have a doppler in their clinic these days.  
You could request to have his blood pressure checked every few days if that 
concerns you.

Take Care,
Jennie Hoffnagle
Glenmoore, PA

AOL Problems

2002-12-17 Thread berner1
Thanks to all of you who wrote with ideas, just to clarify - I am unable to reply to 
any AOL addresses, so if I don't respond to you, you'll know why! AOL is rejecting all 
of my emails.

As best as I can figure, is now identified by AOL as a source of spam, 
so it has all been banned by them. That's how spam is going to eventually shut down 
the Internet - with every Server banning every other Server as a possible source of 

So if any of you AOL people would like to contact AOL and let them know that is not all spam, it would be very helpful!

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA

Check any e-mail over the Web for free at MailBreeze (

Sascha's Achates

2002-12-17 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Everybody,
Yesterday I received a call from "Trooper's" owner to tell me that he was
helped over the Rainbow Bridge last Saturday. Trooper weighed in at
310grams on the 9th January,1990, just a little scrap of a puppy who grew
into a magnificent and handsome fellow. He died just a short time before
his thirteenth birthday and will be sorely missed by his family. Trooper is
the last of my first litter to leave this world,  I am very proud that this
lovely dog lived a long and healthy life.

Many thanks to Janet Wright and her family for all the love and care they
shared with Trooper.

Sascha's Achates (9th January,1990-14th December,2002) sired by
Danish/Canadian Champion Tertzo's Djanis out of Tertzo's Jessica (Denmark)

Rose Tierney


2002-12-17 Thread FlowerPower216
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Re: BERNER-L digest 4184

2002-12-17 Thread FlowerPower216
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2002-12-17 Thread FlowerPower216

Chlamydia in dogs

2002-12-17 Thread P & J Smith

This is an unusual question, but I am wondering if anyone knows if this
disease has been found in dogs before?
What symptoms would one look for in a dog?   Online vet' source?
My Sophia does like to scrounge under the bird feeders in our yard, when
given the chance.

At the web page below they do mention a type of cat chlamydia and that this
disease can exist in one of its forms from birds, humans, other animals and
even marine animals.


"A person who can not love and be loved by a pet leaves the best part of
their soul undiscovered."-Author Unknown.

extra skin

2002-12-17 Thread Rhona Vantine
Someone recently made a comment about all the extra
skin their dog has.  I've been wanting to ask this
question for a long time  is all that extra
skin normal?  Louis resembles a cement mixer when he
breaks into a trot.  He's a big fluffy boy and I've
never thought of him as fat but two people have
commented that perhaps he's carrying a little extra
weight.  I can feel his ribs easily.  
Rhona and Louis
in The Netherlands

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AOL problems?

2002-12-17 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel
Everything that I send to any aol email address is being rejected, all
it says is:

" 550-The information presently available to AOL indicates that your

Which is really not that helpful a message. Is anyone else having
similar problems?

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA

My Romy

2002-12-17 Thread Klara JELIC

Hi all,

I've been on this list from September, of course I found the main page
before and have to say I don't regret to join this huge's
really amazing how people share so usefull informations...Huge thank to
all of you.
My Romy is 14 month old and for her first birthday she got her own web
site...which is not finished but it will be one day.
I would like to wish Merry Holidays to all of you...and don't forget on
your bernese...they need attention all the time :)).
