Florida trip

2003-02-19 Thread Lindsay Cox
Hi all!
Is anyone out there from Florida?  Cooper and I are coming home for a LONG
visit to see the grandparents!  I'd love to get together!
Lindsay and Cooper


Xrays-Who pays

2003-02-19 Thread BernerFolk
In a message dated 2/18/2003 10:06:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Who pays for the wrays? The breeder or the owner?

The owner.  Some breeders include a 'retainer' to cover xrays and neutering 
when you buy the puppy, then refund that money to you when you've done 
them...but it's your money they're giving back so I consider it the owner's 

You're probably asking Why should the owner pay the cost of information to 
help the breeder?

The answer is that the information benefits everyone; the breeder, the owner, 
and the breed.  Janice talked about how the information benefits the owner, 
and it's true.  As my dogs have aged, it's been very helpful knowing their 
orthopedic status.

We expect breeders to evaluate their dogs for hereditary disease before 
breeding them.  Certainly a dog affected by a hereditary disease like HD or 
ED is more likely to produce affected puppies than a dog that's not affected. 

But...these are polygentic traits (more than one gene involved) so it's not 
that simple.   For polygenic hereditary disease, the majority of the 
information breeders need in order to make informed decisions is stored in 
the black beasties sleeping on our couches!  Asking breeders to reduce 
hereditary disease without screening our companion dogs is asking them to 
build a Lincoln Log tower while wearing a straight jacket.  

At some point, years ago, I found that I care deeply about the breed as a 
whole...not just my own dogs.  That translates into support for rescue, 
research, public education, learning about the standard, AND... doing 
everything I can to reduce the incidence of hereditary disease in our breed.  
That starts at home. :-)  

-Sherri Venditti
Kalie, spayed at 7 mo OFA hips  elbows, CERF eyes
Simca, spayed at 6 mo, GDC hips  elbows, PennHIP, CERF eyes, OFA cardiac
Granger (intact), OFA hip  elbows, PennHIP, CERF, OFA cardiac, vWD DNA, AKC 

Re: shots

2003-02-19 Thread BernerFolk
In a message dated 2/11/2003 3:41:34 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Sorry I can't remember who it was but a few weeks ago someone posted a
  letter from their vet discussing the why's and wherefore's of how and when
  we should vaccinate. I think they were going to follow it up with the vet
  and let us know more. Anyone remember this?

I'm not sure if you might be referring to my favorite article on designing a 
vaccination protocol.  This is on the IVIS website which is non-profit and 
targeted to vets.  Here's the URL but you might have to register with IVIS to 
gain access.  No charge, no spam, no problem g.


-Sherri Venditti

Re:Lots of Berner wishes needed!

2003-02-19 Thread Cecilia Ståhl

- Original Message -
From: Cecilia Ståhl
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 2:44 AM
Subject: Re:Lots of Berner wishes needed!

Dear Claire,
Hi, my name is Cecilia Ståhl, I live in Stockholm, Sweden with my 3½ year
old intact male Berner, Griffin. I'm sorry to hear that Lazarus has fallen
ill. I think I might be able to send you some words of hope and

My Griffin had what is called a fibrocartilagenous emboli when he was just
16 months old, on February 17, 2001. This is commonly referred to as a
spinal stroke. His right hindquarter was completely paralysed and he was
unable to stand or walk. Griffin was hospitalised for 8 days, receiving high
doses of steroids to reduce the swelling in the spinal cord during that
time. When it was time to go over to oral doses, Griffin was ready to come
home. He was emaciated, had lost all muscle tone in the effected side and
was really a miserable sight. I took 3 weeks off work and nursed him at
home. By the end of those three weeks he was on his feet again, though not
placing his paw properly but rather standing with his paw folded under his
foot. I made a protective dressing for his paw to prevent sores and to
increase his traction, I purchased a rubber boot which he wore both indoors
and out. He was very unsteady and I taped mats on all the bare floors
indoors in paths so he wouldn't slip when hobbling around. The whole world
around me stopped that spring, all my energy was focused on getting my
Griffin back on track.

Well Claire, it all paid off. Today Griffin can run like the wind. He does
have a slight limp and can't trot anymore, but he is completely ok
otherwise. So don't despair, Claire, I'm sure Lazarus will be okay if this
is the same illness that Griffin had. Please feel free to email me privately
with updates on your boy or if you have questions.

I have included a couple of pictures of Griffin. The first one is from
hydrotherapy, which we did 2 times a week until the end of June. The second
one is from January of this year, running in the snow. These I have removed
in the copy to the list : ).

Take care and many Berner hugs to you and Lazarus

Cecilia Ståhl and Griffin in Sweden

Re: Attracting aggression from other dogs?

2003-02-19 Thread BernerFolk
In a message dated 2/18/2003 8:25:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  All dog-dog interactions are much less complicated for a neutered dog (and
  less nerve wracking for you as well!) 

  For the most part this is very true.  However, having a neutered male 
  always gurarantee you peace from other intact males.

Absolutely!  The only sure thing in dogs is that there's NO sure thing!
Thanks for bringing this up Marjie!

-Sherri V.

Re: (OT) Re: scrapple

2003-02-19 Thread Janice Parky

I won't even go into the whole Haggis thing... Ask the residents of 
Holly Cottage at last year's Specialtyg.  Mind you, that was a 
tinned one, so there was a perfectly good excuse for it to explode 
all over the kitchen walls, window and ceiling

Ah, yes, the Haggis Incident.  It was offal.

Janice Parky
Cape Cod, MA 

RE: Attracting aggression from other dogs?

2003-02-19 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Martin,
His hormones shouldn't be an attraction for other species but his presence
might just as your's might out on your mountain hikes:-) Just take the
usual precautions.

If you feel you still would like to try showing then go ahead, we have
puppy classes and you can enter those now and see if you like the showdog
scene. Talk to your breeder about his show potential and ask for their
input and assistance in meeting your goals. There are responsibilities to
be kept when keeping an intact male but they are not insurmountable. It is
important whether or not you choose to keep him intact to continue with his
education because it will make him a good citizen and easier to live with.

Rose T.

RE: Frontline Allergic Reaction

2003-02-19 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Kaethy,
Sounds like Ginger found the Frontline irritating and scratched and in
doing so set herself a nice hotspot.

Here's my recommendation:-) Trim the fur from the affected areas with a one
inch margin and bathe gently with Hibitaine Soap, rinse and pat dry with
paper towel. Do not rub or use a heated dryer but you can use the dryer
with a cool setting but shouldn't be necessary. Ask the vet for a
corticosteroid topical spray, I use Topagen, and spritz twice a day. DO NOT
use polysporin as it has a greasy base and hot spots need air to heal. If
the area spreads and looks particularly nasty or she raises a temperature
(normal is 38.5C) then she needs antibiotics. You can also give Benedryl or
other antihistimine and your vet can prescribe dosage.

Keep her from scratching further and if necessary put an old cotton T-Shirt
on her.

Rose T.

Re: The Haggis Explosion Episode!!

2003-02-19 Thread THOMAS SLIDER
 BERNER-L Digest 4282
 From: Liz Bradbury [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: (OT) Re: scrapple

 I won't even go into the whole Haggis thing... Ask the residents of Holly Cottage
 at last year's Specialtyg.  Mind you, that was a tinned one, so there was a
 perfectly good excuse for it to explode all over the kitchen walls, window and
 ceiling - and Carol  Slider.
 Well, the dogs liked it!
 Aah, memories :-).

I will never, ever forget meeting Liz Bradbury, who is from Scotland!
She is a
wonderful English young lady and we hit it off right away at the Holly
Cottage at the
WVa specialty.
Being that we all took turns cooking dinners for each other, Liz decided
to open this
can of Haggis that she brought with her. Said it was a delicious
delicacy from
England.I couldn't wait to taste it!
Little did I know that it would explode upon opening, spraying
everything in sight,
including me!! It was on my clothes, in my hair, and on my faceI was
a MESS but
smelled great as far as the dogs went! They followed me around as if I
were their
Don't ask me what the heck it tasted like but I 'wore' it very well! g
Guess I will have to give it another try someday, if I am lucky enough
to visit Liz
in her homeland.
But I still love you Liz...no matter what!!
As far as Scrapple goes...grew up with it as my parents were from
Baltimore MD and it
was a staple in most households. The best is from the Eastern Shores of
MD and
delicious when fried crisp and served with eggs and good
toast- good
My dogs will sit and drool long, slimy strands when I cook it. Of
course, they both
get some in their dinners with scrambled eggs mixed inthey love it!
Carol Slider in NC, who will never forget the Haggis Shower!

Re: Dog Park Incident

2003-02-19 Thread Lucy Yogi
I think dogs definitely distinguish between breeds.

Bowie, a golden I loved, and his owner were attacked by a husky running 
loose in the dog park (without an owner) - the husky attacked Bo first, 
then when Mike went to separate the dogs, he bit Mike.

From that point on, Bowie could not go into the dog park if there was a 
husky type dog there - he would take off like a shot from a longgg distance 
to go get that dog.  He never forgot.

He was also bitten in the face by a black lab as a young pup, about nine 
weeks of age, but seemed to forget that one (or had deserved it by being 
puppy-rude, who knows) but didn't hold a grudge against black labs.


At 01:42 PM 18/02/2003 -0500, you wrote:

  Her male was attacked as a pup, twice by
Golden Retrievers.

 I he now attacks Golden Retrievers but is fine (so far) with other dogs.
Do you think a dog can really differentiate between breeds?

Children's Dog Training Books?

2003-02-19 Thread Lucy Yogi
Any recommendations from the list regarding a good positive training book 
for a precocious 9yr old?

I remember reading Carol Lea Benjamin's _Dog Training For Kids_ when I was 
his age (taking it out from the library for months on end), and wonder 
what's out there these days that would be good.

P.S. I've been reading recommendations for Culture Clash and Don't Shoot 
The Dog for years - now have FINALLY purchased them and wish I had done so 
years ago! WOW!

Did Hugo move his paws in the pool?

2003-02-19 Thread iguanalove
We had to postpone Hugo's second hydro-therapy session due to diarrhea and a
possible infection.  Today with the vet's blessing we returned to San Diego
with high hopes.  My friend Dawn was sure that he'd move his front paws this
time because he has been moving them slightly, on command, when lying down
this past week.   

The therapist first used an electromagnetic impulse machine on him and we
got the contraction reaction we had hoped for.  But in the water he was like
last time, just letting his legs hang down lifelessly.  My heart sunk.  I
was completely in the pool this time helping and holding Hugo's head up when
suddenly I hear a scream from behind me.  Dawn was beside the pool with her
back to the water, squatting to pick up the treats when she lost her
balance.  She tried to throw her weight forward but went up in the air and
-- fully clothed -- flipped backwards and landed head first in the pool.  I
didn't see any of this, I turned to see her tennis shoes on her feet
sticking out of the water like some cartoon.  Surprisingly she didn't
resurface immediately.  It was that horrible moment, the moment that's often
the subject of jokes or conjecture, where you have to choose between your
dog and your friend.  I confess, I hung onto Hugo, keeping his head out of
water while the therapist grabbed Dawn by her legs.  She came up smiling,
thank goodness, and proceeded to stay in the pool with us, fully dressed,
cheering Hugo on. 

Maybe it was the shock of all this but for whatever reason Hugo started
*kicking* his back legs.  It was beautiful, you can imagine, a lovely
swimming motion which he repeated for several little laps while the
therapist held and moved him along.  On his last lap he added the right
front paw to the thrill of all of us.  By now there were several other dog
owners there as well as the wonderful person who had originally recommended
this therapist, and a host of dogs all marveling at Hugo's first baby
swimming steps.

Donna and Hugo, 8 yr old, 4/02 surgery for ruptured neck disc, recovered
95%, 12/02 second neck disc surgery, possible spinal stroke; Feb 1 setback,
stopped moving legs; now working hard to come back  

Re: Lots of Berner wishes needed!

2003-02-19 Thread iguanalove
Claire - my prayers are headed your way for Lazarus' full recovery.  I am
very hopeful for you, look at what you named him.

Donna and Hugo

Frontline info

2003-02-19 Thread Dazyr
Chance had the same reaction to Frontline, and one of the techs at my vet, 
who is not 
in today, said to bath him immediatly in some kid of soap that I couldn't 
remember, so I
called Frontline and they said to use any regular dish soap like Palmolive, 
etc. It pulls
the residue off the skin and dries it out. 
It did work well for my Chance, but it may be too late for your your dog. 
Their number is 800-660-1842, Maybe Benedryl would help, but I would ask 
   Tailwags from Snowey CT,
   Daisy and Chance


2003-02-19 Thread berner1
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Editing BERNER Photos

2003-02-19 Thread Vicky Whitney
I'm stretching to make this Berner related, but don't know who else to ask.  
I had someone take photos of the three ITA therapy Berners in Bozeman, 
hoping their photo would be chosen for ITA's beautiful calendar next year.  
Unfortunately, one of the dogs was without her bright red uniform scarf.  
As I was the only one wrangling 300 pounds of snow-smitten Berners, who 
would rather be playing than sitting still for photos, I didn't notice it.  
Now, with the finished photos (digital), it's quite obvious and the picture 
would be SO MUCH BETTER if that third scarf were added.

So -- I would think there's some way to cut a scarf out of one of the 
rejected photos (right size, right position) and paste it onto the naked 
dog in the good photo.  Plus, one of the photos is great except that there 
is an obvious pink object centered between my boy's front legs (boys!). Is 
there a reasonably-priced computer program to work this editing magic, like 
Photo Editing for Dummies (emphasis on the dummy part)?  Help me, 
please, get the Bozeman Berners in the calendar!!

Vicky Whitney in Bozeman, Montana, with
Blackcoral Divine Miss M (Maddie) CD NDD CGC Delta/ITA Therapy Dog and
Sascha's Ursa Major CGC Delta/ITA Therapy Dog

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Thank you.

2003-02-19 Thread Dino Candelaria
A fellow BARC mommy has sent a donation for Hope. (So we at BEHAF are happy to collect
for Hope even though we don't have her up on our site as a Special Friend yet.

And to extend Thanks on behalf of Kelly and Hope, wishing them the best too.


(no subject)

2003-02-19 Thread Dtentler3
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Re: Children's Dog Training Books?

2003-02-19 Thread BernerFolk
I can't recommend a specifc book, but kids LOVE clicker training!  My young 
nephews picked it up in a flash when they visited and they still run to the 
drawer and pull out the clicker every time they visit.  

I think they see it like a super hero tool g.

-Sherri Venditti

berner communication

2003-02-19 Thread Wendi Giordano
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Moses Update: Weds., at veterinary clinic

2003-02-19 Thread Lisa D Allen
Moses' veterinarian and his internal medicine doctor at Angell feel that 
there is a strong possibility that Moses' osteosarcoma has returned, to his 
spine.  Plain radiographs at Angell do not demonstrate this but they are 
crude as a diagnostic tool for such.
A myelogram, bone scan, CT scan would be the best diagnostic tools.
Moses' is spending the night at the veterinary clinic, where he was 
re-admitted this morning so they can keep him hydrated and relieve the bad 
back pain which he is experiencing.  Too, if he cannot or will not urinate, 
he will be catheterized there.  He is resting comfortably there.  His 
prognosis is uncertain and I am feeling that special sort of agony in my 
heart that many a devoted pet parent experiences when his or her angel is 
Moses' treatment team consists of my dogs' regular veterinarian since 1983, 
his internal medicine specialist at Angell Memorial Animal Hospital in 
Boston and their oncology staff and the veterinarian who performs 
aquapuncture on Moses; she is a Cornell educated veterinarian who is also 
certified in such.  My dogs' regular veterinarian sent us to her last year 
to join those seeking good health for Moses, who was experiencing 
immune-mediated polyarthritis at the time.  She called me this evening and 
wants to make a special trip to our regular veterinarian's clinic to visit 
Moses and perhaps do a treatment.  Of course, I said yes!  God bless her!
Lisa Allen

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Re: Editing BERNER Photos

2003-02-19 Thread Ray Pat Burgett
If you would care to send it to us Pat more than likely remove the pink
candle you speak of, :-) and put a red scarf on the other Berner for you.

Just send it as an email attachment.

Ray  Pat Burgett Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,,Bell, Shadow  Max
Draminski Ovulation Detector Rep