
2003-03-03 Thread Lisa Baldwin
titles that a neutered dog can still do (bernese) - obedience, tracking,
agility, draft, herding.

level 1 - novice - companion dog - cd
level 2 - open - companion dog excellent - cdx
level 3 - utility - utility dog - ud
continuing competition in open & utility can earn
utility dog excellent - udx
obedience trial champion - otch

level 1 - tracking dog -td
level 2 - tracking dog excellent - tdx
  variable surface tracking - vst (i think that's right)
if your dog earns all 3 titles, s/he is a champion tracker - ct

someone else will have to do this one, but each level has 4 titles -
standard, jumpers, preferred standard, & preferred jumpers.  my favourite
agility title abbreviation is nap - novice agility preferred.  my dogs are
good at napping. the top title in agility is master agility champion - mach.
there are several levels of this.

bmdca draft has 4 titles
novice draft dog - ndd
open draft dog - dd
novice brace draft dog - bndd
open brace draft dog - bdd
ckc draft has 2 titles
novice draft dog - dd
open draft dog - ddx

herding - i don't know too much about this one, but i know that berners can
earn herding titles with the ahba. the beginning title is junior herding dog
- jhd.

since i went to all this trouble, i want to remind people, that if you have
a barc adoptee & you ilp him/her with akc & earn a first level title -
either a cd, td, na, naj, nap, najp, jhd, or ndd, i will send you out a
goodie. actually i would extend this to any ilp'd rescue berner. send me a
copy of the title certificate & your address & i will send them out while
they last.  working dogs should work!

lisa baldwin 
(dickens, bark & zel)
seattle, wa

RE: Big Brag

2003-03-03 Thread Alex Ford
As a relative newbie to Berner-dom, can someone tell me what all these
abbreviations stand for?  It's all alphabet soup to me. :p  Also, which
ones (if any) of these titles can a dog still compete for, after he's been

I used to know most of the abbreviations used in AOL chat rooms, but I've
been out of the loop for a long while...

TTKIR (trying to keep it real),

- Alex Ford

"I am not young enough to know everything."
- Oscar Wilde

> [Original Message]
> From: Bonnie Conrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Berner list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 3/3/2003 8:27:43 AM
> Subject: Big Brag
> Hi everyone,
>   This is to let everyone on the list know that my berner just finished =
> his UKC Championship this past week-end. He is now U-CH, U-CD Pegasus =
> Azure Long-Time-Commin  CD, CGC. And Certified Therapy Dog.  Let me know =
> who to send my brag funds to. Now, it's on to open work. He is also =
> training for his draft title and tracking. Hope everyone has a great =
> day. Hug your furry ones.  Bonnie Conrad

Paw Licking

2003-03-03 Thread Jennifer Vetter
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Re: Maddy's big brag

2003-03-03 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
CONGRATULATIONS Peggy and Maddy.What a wonderful accomplishment and it 
speaks to both of your talent!!

No raffle to spend brag money on, I guess I'll have to spend it at the 
* Oh...BUT there IS a fundraiser going on right now!!!   And, you can also 
spend money at the Specialty!!!
Would you like me to tell you about our current fundraiser?Of course I 
know you do!!

Willem Wijnberg, a hobby artist from the Netherlands has donated two more 
lovely paintings of Berners to help raise money for cancer research in the 
study being done in the Ostrander Lab at The Fred Hutchinson Cancer 
Research Center in Seattle, Washington.  Heidi Parker and her colleagues 
are trying to identify the DNA variants that cause Malignant Histiocytosis. 
The efforts of these researchers will, it is hoped, lead, in the next three 
to four years, to a DNA test using associated markers for this disease.

Karen Pickel has once again made a terrific website for our fundraiser, so 
you can see Willem's paintings.   Be sure to check it out and to also click 
on the link for information on the study and read about how you and your 
Berner can help:

The first painting (14 x 10 inches)  - Willem titled this painting "Mother 
and Daughter."   This is based on a beautiful photo that Pat Long took of 
Dottie Schulte's two Berners, who were father and son.

The second painting (14 x 10 inches) -  Willem named this painting "NEW 
HAPPINESS"  and is a puppy from the litter of Fiona Gordon.  The puppy's 
name is Bella.   Be sure to read the story of this title on Karen Pickel's 
web site.

The fundraiser runs from February 25th through April 5th, 2003.  I have 
given the price of tickets in ten different currencies so it is easier for 
those not living in the USA to send in their contributions to this 
fundraiser.  Jean Cheesman and Willem Wijnberg  have already contacted 
clubs in several other countries about publicizing this fundraiser among 
it's members.

If you are sending US fund, please make your checks payable to "AKC CHF" 
(contributions to AKC CHF are tax deductible and are matched at 50% by the 
AKC) and in the memo part of your check, write "Grant #2214."

As usual, I can accept foreign cheques, with no extra charge from my bank. 
Make these cheques payable to "Joye M. Neff," so I can convert them to US 

Please mail your check to:
Joye M. Neff
1182 Firwood Drive
Pittsburgh, PA  15243-1825
Please send me the following information with your check:
Phone Number
E-Mail Address
How you want to distribute your tickets
Willem insisted that this fundraiser be in memory of my Berner, Winston, 
who lost the battle to Malignant Histiocytosis on Jan. 4th, 2003 at the age 
of 'almost five years old.'   I insisted that the fundraiser be in memory 
of all Berners who have lost their lives to this terrible cancer.   We 
compromised and it is for both!

Jean Cheesman, from the UK, has made a wonderful Histio Roll Call web site 
that has photos and stories of some of the Berners who left their owners 
much too soon because of this disease.   Be sure that you visit the site to 
see these very special, loving Berners: 

Last year, we raised a total of $5595 for the study of malignant 
histiocytosis.   I would like us to TOP that number with this fundraiser. 
Remember that the AKC matches your donation at a rate of 50% so for every 
dollar you give, fifty cents is donated as a matching amount.   So far, we 
have raised $270 for the fund.we have a LONG way to go, and I'm 
counting on each of you to help!

Please help us fight Malignant Histiocytosis.  There are far too many young 
and old Berners who lose the battle to this terrible disease every day. We 
need to find a way to eliminate Malignant Histiocytosis.   Won't you please 
be part of the solution - we CAN and WILL make a difference!!

Joye Neff and Nick (Ben)
In memory of Winston Poohbear (1998-2003)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

Re: Had enough

2003-03-03 Thread Janice Parky

I am sensing that your inquiry caused you receive more negative feedback
than positive.  Your "Pros" are right on.  As for the negatives, they are in
the eye of the beholder.  Berner fur in my ice cubes or butter does not
bother me.  Yes, if my mother is visiting, it bothers her, so she visits
less often.  This is a positive.  Tens of thousands in vet bills???  Naahhh,
I think an exaggeration.  Not the average case scenario.  House too small?
A laid back Berner would be fine in a small house or apartment as long as
they had daily exercise.  The fur balls are a gift.  They cling together,
they float, they drift.  They have  a life of their own.  It's almost like
having another dog in the house, one who can fly!

The life expectancy is an average.  It is part of the gamble you take when
you welcome a Berner into your heart and your home.  Happy in your
lifestyle?  Berners LOVE their people above anything else.  A breeder who is
looking to find the right home for one of her pups, will make sure the pup
you get fits your lifestyle.  The key is finding a breeder who you respect
and one who respects you, your lifestyle and your expectations.

All that being said, my first Berner had 3 surgeries in his first 10 months,
and died at age 4 1/2.   Would I do it again?  You betcha.  And, I have.  A
rescue, Hungarian import with no health history, no breeder to consult with,
no guarantees.  Why?  Because I love this breed.

An unhappy Berner is one who is neglected, spends too much time alone and
does not get the love, attention, and training from it's family.  Not one
who lives on the third floor of a town house. The key is researching and
finding the right breeder for you.

Peace back atcha-
Janice Parky and Halley
Cape Cod, MA

> At this point I am taking a break from pooch research!
> Berner Pros:
> Unconditional love and companionship
> Cons:
> Hair in my ice trays and butter tray
> tens of thousands of dollars in vet bills
> 7.5 life expectancy
> my home is too small ?
> can I handle the fur balls?
> Some Berner owners seem to want to discourage others from them?
> Will a berner be happy in my life style?
> Finally, Tonight a breeder from Albany told me she would not sell me a pup
> because I live in a town home and I have three flights of stairs! I don't
> want an unhappy berner.
> Peace Out All!
> Kenny

Mary Townsend

2003-03-03 Thread Karyn Beyer
On 2/28/02 Bobbie Hefner wrote:

"I got my first Bernese Mountain Dog from Mary Townsend. Ch Vonbreiterwegs
Swiss Lace , Reg. therapy Dog, became the foundation bitch to Swiss Star
Farms. Her first daughter remains alive at almost 14. Over the years, Mary
and I had our disagreements, yet I remained always loyal to her and
thankful. For if it was not for her trust in me, I would never have been
able to accomplish what I have done in the world of dogs. I told her that a
hundred times over the years she was alive and for that I am even more
thankful. So take a moment to remember who started you on the way to loving
a Bernese Mountain Dog and thank that person while they are still around to
hear you."

When I read this, I was quite saddened and dismayed to hear that Mary
Townsend had passed away.  My family got our first berner from Mary back in
1982; she and her husband Walt will always hold a special place in my heart.

I was also quite surprised to think that Mary had died and no one had
mentioned it, nor had any kind of tribute been done.

I asked some friends to please confirm Mary's passing.  Elizabeth Pearson,
also shocked to hear of the loss, immediately started thinking of ways we
could pay her tribute in the Alpenhorn.  Imagine my joy upon discovering
from Sylvia Howison that Mary is actually alive and quite well, as is her
husband Walt!  She was also quite amused at the report of her demise.

On behalf of Mary, the reports of her death have been greatly exaggerated!

Karyn Beyer, with Spencer and Cooper (and Cricket in my heart)
Mt. Shasta, CA

Re: speciality donations

2003-03-03 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
Hi Jeannie,

Thank you for getting such a wonderful item for the Specialty Raffle for 
us.   It makes our job much easier when we have assistance from other 

We are still accepting items for the 2003 Specialty Raffle - so if anyone 
has any spare Berner items around or if you know anyone who might want to 
donate an item or two to the raffle, please contact either Pat Long at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]   You can send your raffle 
items to:

Dana Ledbetter Pero
10016 Albee Avenue
Tustin, CA  92782-1452
(714) 734-8470
Please send her a note when you mail your raffle item to her so she can 
watch for its safe arrival.   Thank you again for getting us such a 
terrific item for the raffle.

Joye Neff
2003 Specialty Raffle Co-Chair

Faith acheives her U-CD

2003-03-03 Thread Ravhall
Congratulations on your first ever obedience title, and especially for doing 
it in such style!  There is nothing quite like that very first title and the 
special feeling you get from working together as a team.  Keep up the good 
Vicky Hall in Utah

Had enough

2003-03-03 Thread Kenneth L Babcock
At this point I am taking a break from pooch research!

Berner Pros:
Unconditional love and companionship

Hair in my ice trays and butter tray
tens of thousands of dollars in vet bills
7.5 life expectancy
my home is too small ?
can I handle the fur balls?
Some Berner owners seem to want to discourage others from them?
Will a berner be happy in my life style?
Finally, Tonight a breeder from Albany told me she would not sell me a pup
because I live in a town home and I have three flights of stairs! I don't
want an unhappy berner.

Peace Out All!


Re: Yet another thought

2003-03-03 Thread Liz Steinweg & Crew
See http://www.akc.org/breeds/recbreeds/gsmd.cfm for a really good
description (& video) of "Swissies". And then look at
http://www.akc.org/breeds/recbreeds/bermtn.cfm for the BMD. Biggest
difference is amount of hair - GSMDs have shorter hair. We have Swissies in
our club & at our events. They are nice dogs!

Liz Steinweg & The Crew
Blue Moon's Baloo Berry Torte "Baloo"
Bobby Sox (husky-x), Figaro (20+ lb Forest Cat)
Rio & Sahara (the "Rat Cats")
and in loving memory of my 1st BMD - Toby (6/29/97 - 6/30/00 lost to MH)
Colorado Springs CO


- Original Message - 
From: "Kenneth L Babcock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 4:58 PM
Subject: Yet another thought

I noticed the Greater Swiss Mountain dogs at the show! How do they differ
from the Berner??


Re: Rainbow Bridge

2003-03-03 Thread Liz Steinweg & Crew
2 excellent sites:

Liz Steinweg & The Crew
Blue Moon's Baloo Berry Torte "Baloo"
Bobby Sox (husky-x), Figaro (20+ lb Forest Cat)
Rio & Sahara (the "Rat Cats")
and in loving memory of my 1st BMD - Toby (6/29/97 - 6/30/00 lost to MH)
Colorado Springs CO


- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 11:37 AM
Subject: Rainbow Bridge

Problems with the computer, and I've lost all my bookmarked websites.  Would
someone please send me a link to the story of the Rainbow Bridge?  I have a
dear friend who's sending her 6 YO rottie there today.  Dang (edited)

Thanks all,
Julie J

RE: Kenny's choice

2003-03-03 Thread Marie-France St-Pierre
Me too! Me too! Had to go shopping for a "puppy mobile" with A/C that
would accommodate our baby berner and her friends...! Bought a Dodge
Durango (has A/C in the back).

Marie with Pistache (it's ok mom, you can drive my car to go to work

-Original Message-
From: Mary Shaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2003 9:37 PM
Cc: 'Kenneth L Babcock'
Subject: RE: Kenny's choice

Kenny,  you may find that you won't be spending $45,000 in vet bills,
but as many of us have learned, you can't own just one berner at a time.
I discovered when I adopted my second berner, Bailey, through our
Rescue, that my "free" rescue dog cost me nearly $30,000 - not in vet
bills, but in the cost of a new vehicle which could accommodate two dogs
(and their duds)!!

Betcha didn't think of THAT!!

Mary and the girls, Laurel and Bailey, lounging comfortably in the back
of "their" motor vehicle.

RE: BERNER-L digest 4302

2003-03-03 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Esta,
A lot depends on the weather, right now we are experiencing minus 37
degrees Centigrade so it is safer to leave the dogs at home rather than in
the car if it was parked while doing errands. In the summer I leave the
dogs at home during heat waves because having had my air conditioning fail
in a traffic jam one time I had a bad scare with my two dogs on board.

It doesn't take long for a dog to overheat in a car and in extreme cold the
vehicle can act like a deep freeze.

Rose T.

Yet another thought

2003-03-03 Thread Kenneth L Babcock
I noticed the Greater Swiss Mountain dogs at the show! How do they differ
from the Berner??


RE: Kenny's choice

2003-03-03 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Anne,
Our two major companies here in Canada tell you what exclusions you have
and you have 30days to cancel for full refund. They both include HD and ED
providing the dog has not been diagnosed before the policy is set up. Same
thing with OCD in the shoulder.

There is a company on the west coast that is Vet Pet Insurance and I wonder
if it is the same as the US company. The Canadian one is underwritten by
Allianz. Their rates vary according to the age of the dog and remain the
same for the duration of the policy, there is no set up fee but as a result
you don't know what your exclusions are until you put in a claim. They do
not cover congenital conditions such as HD or ED and tend to squirm out of
anything if they can out negotiate the policy holder.

Rose T.

RE: Mastitis

2003-03-03 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Bill,
I had a bitch who developed mastitis very suddenly, she had a lot of milk
and only two puppies so I had been adjusting her diet accordingly and
expressing milk when I felt she was in danger of "caking up" this term
means a hardening in the breast which makes it unattractive to newborns and
likely to get infected. Usually by four weeks the puppies are vigorous and
keep the breasts regularly empty. It is essential to gently feel through
the breasts to make sure nothing is getting too uncomfortable for mom. With
my bitch I suspected a scratch from a puppy claw and I usually make a point
of keeping the front claws well trimmed. Sometimes these things happen for
no apparent reason. With my Tali one breast flared into a dangerous
condition very very quickly and along with Clavamox we had to warm compress
the area, in a couple of days it erupted and the amount of pus was gross
but the immediate releif to the bitch was apparent. We continued to keep it
open and cleaned and let it heal from the inside out so to speak. Only one
quarter of her breast was affected and it healed well and now you would
never know which one it was. However we never had a chance to find out if
it produced milk a second time because her second pregnancy resulted in one
dead puppy and she was obviously dried up very quickly.

While I was in BC last year I left my husband looking after Jamaica and her
crew of six week old puppies, one night he thought she seemed unwell and
took her in for a checkup. A young vet found a very high temperature but no
obvious signs of problems and sent him home to "keep an eye on her". She
checked the milk on a full breast and declared it was fine. Fortunately I
came home the next night, found a bitch with mastitis (which my husband had
suggested to the young vet), I spent all night warm compressing and easing
out the affected milk. Again only part of the breast tissue was affected
and the good glands expressed easier hence the young vet (read not a lot of
time in) only got regular milk to test. I sat up all night and was very
fortunate that I was able to help my bitch be more comfortable and eight
oclock the next morning found me demanding antibiotics for my girl. Her
puppies were a greedy lot and taken off her immediately given their age and
Jamaica's ration was greatly reduced to dry her up.

It is important to learn to adjust the feed intake according to the puppies
demands and one soon discovers if one has a bitch to challenge a cow for
production:-)  Sometimes mastitis is just going to happen no matter how
experienced you are but if a nursing mother develops a sudden fever or
lethargy then mastitis or metritis is to be initially suspected. If she
gets a bit shaky then a big emergency is happening and eclampsia has to be
suspected and she needs to get to the vet's at warp speed.

Rose T.

Enough is Enough

2003-03-03 Thread Kenneth L Babcock
I am going out of my mind over this Berner! Today I got feedback from my
vetinerian and he basically confirmed what I have already learned from all
of the experienced berner owners here at Berner L!
My wife is flexible but thinks I'm off my rocker! She feels the the
"Felix Unger" in me will not deal well with dog hair all over. She might
have a point but then again maybe not?
One thing is for sure, I love the breed and despratly want my children
to experience having a dog in the home.
However, on the other hand I realize that when the novelty weras off It will
be like getting them to do a chore around the house. See what I mean! This
stuff goes through my head day and night!

Lord give me the wisdom and strength to make the right decision!


Lyme disease and vaccine

2003-03-03 Thread Barbara Flook
Hi all -
Usually I lurk but am in need of some Berner-L
wisdom.  Our Aussie pup has had some limping
problems and we checked him for lyme back in June
when he was about 8 months old - results negative.
Decided not to vaccinate him for lyme as I felt
it wasn't that effective and had heard of vaccine
induced lyme disease.  We always used the Frontline
and don't live in a wooded area but evidently Lyme
is endemic for both humans and dogs in our neighborhood.

 Recently, at 15 months, the vet did another lyme
test (in the clinic antibody test) which came back
positive.  He was treated with the 3 weeks of doxy.
and improved greatly, but we're about to go back in
for a followup test since it's been 2 weeks since his
last doxy.

 The vet wants to do another titer then vaccinate 
him for Lyme, but I'm still not convinced it does any good, 
may cause problems, and  actually will make future detection 
of lyme problems more difficult.  Am I mistaken ??

 Why not just continue the Frontline and have him 
tested every 6 months or so to insure he hasn't been
reinfected?? (testing immediately if limping or other
typical symptoms)

   The vet indicated that now that he has antibodies
we'll have to do multiple tests and compare the titers
each time to see if he has contracted the disease again.

I guess I'm wondering what those that have had some
Lyme experience think (I remembered Pat had, but a search
of the archives was VERY extensive and I never found recent
posts).  Of course I only want the BEST for my pups!!

Thanks for your time.

Barb in Maryland with Aussie Twister and BC Lizzie

RE: Big Brag

2003-03-03 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel

Congratulations! I'm always glad to see obedience teams doing well, you
hug him for me!!

As for the brag, probably the best thing you could do would be to send
in to the histio fundraiser, see:
for information. Or you can send it to me for the general health fund,
or for any other fund you'd like!

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA

Bernese and Goldens

2003-03-03 Thread STEVEN SQUILLANTE

Hello All,

>I have asked this
>occasionally of PPO's, and the conventional answer is that that goldens
>have gotten too popular.  They generally like everything about the
>goldens except their popularity.

>Are they changing from a Golden because they feel the breed has degenerated
>because of it's popularity or are they changing because they want a less
>common breed?

>Rose T. 

Berners vs Goldens; I've owned Golden's my entire adult life. (please
don't ask how long that is). My current Golden, Hunter, is 16 months
old. I also own a 9-1/2 month old Berner, Casey. Casey I acquired from a
NY breeder. I obtained Casey through an unusual set of circumstances
that brought me, a very nice (and supportive) BMD breeder, and a Berner
puppy rescue together. From my point of view, I think the experience
ended well for all involved.  I don't view my acquisition of Casey as a
"switch" I cannot envision my life without a Golden. I wrestled with the
decision to bring a BMD into our lives knowing the breed has a
reputation of being short lived for reasons continuously highlighted by
members of this list. I beleive that when dealing with purebreed dogs,
there are no guarantees. If you asked me today if I would ever own
another Berner, I'm reasonably sure I would not. I love Casey to death,
However, I find that everything from housebreaking to basic obedience
has taken an incredible amount of effort. She tends to be fearful of
everything. From what I've been reading on the L this is not an uncommon
problem.  I am encouraged by the fact that my/her trainer feels she will
overcome. I will never give up on her and I'm not concerned about her
developing a fear aggression problem. Medically, I worry just as much
over the health my Golden as I do for the health of Casey. Have Golden's
suffered due to their popularity? I think so. Visit a pet shop, any pet
shop that sells dogs and you will undoubtably find Golden puppies. In
obedience classes, you can usually find 2-3 Goldens. Are people
switching breeds because they feel the Golden has degenerated? I don't
know. I think that there is a perception that the dogs have similar
traits. I think they are both beautiful dogs. But I also think that's
where it begins and ends. Each have their own distinct breed qualities.
When it comes to beauty my father always told me  "looks attract, they
don't hold"  but I'm quite sure he was referring to women. As much as I
love Goldens, I must admit the beauty of a Berner is striking, I
disregarded my fathers advice and this time I don't think I'm any worse

Steve Squillante
Hunter the Golden
Casey the Berner

Crufts!!! Too Far!

2003-03-03 Thread jean cheesman
Hi All,

Re Crufts.

Sadly I will not be able to go! Unless I can come up with a full time
crittur sitter. I don't go too far these days unless I can walk there with
Sim, Sunny and Barney and think is bit far for us though we love our hikes!!

However heard from Coral and David Dennis, they will be there! All the way
from Canada, US and all over the world! They are hoping to stop by here,
Longlease, for another visit on the way to other places Those of you who
have not met them before but have seen Coral's pieces on BMDC Mag, they are
honeys! (Step in Kelvin here, for full story of when he and Royce met Coral
and David over the Pond and flew home with giant BMD Bear!)

Have page up on my Longlease Friends' Gallery from when they visited here
last summer! So you know what they look like, if you are going to be there!
Here's the page:

Go give them Biggest Berner Hugs!

Been bit quiet here at Longlease the last few days after Hoppy's demise but
tonight as I pulled back in the drive after walk down the village with my
dogs, heard my goats going, the ponies going, and Hop's eldest daughter,
Elli, appeared in charge of the flock!

All well here! Life goes on!

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Gang

Re: Berners vs. Goldens

2003-03-03 Thread John Engstrom
Amanda wrote:

Every Golden my family has had is much more hyper than
Griffon ever was.  This was one of my main reasons for
not getting a Golden of my own.
When Griff was a pup, he would sit and want to be
loved, while  my parents' Golden was bouncing off the
walls.  The Golden we had before was the same way.
The difference in energy levels was drastic.
I've owned a hyper Lab.  I now own a very energetic four month old Berner.  
Yes, the lab was more hyper than Enzo the berner is, but Enzo is still a 
bundle of energy.  I have a feeling that there is a lot of variation in 
Berner energy levels.

The good news is that Enzo's uncle Hank is an energetic (but not overly so) 
loveable goofball.  If Enzo takes after his uncle I will be thrilled.

John Engstrom
Plano, TX
MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*  

info requested for first-time Berners

2003-03-03 Thread Tonya Castle
Hi All,

My husband and I are eagerly awaiting our first Bernese pup from a wonderful
breeder - we're so excited we can hardly sleep -  and in preparation for
this event we would appreciate feedback from all of you 'in the know'.
After having been a member of Berner-l for only a week, I am very impressed
at the level of knowledge, experience and unbridled adoration of these
wonderful pals.  We are fortunate to have such a community of like-minded
people with whom to confer and share experiences, and I thank you all in
advance for your input.

First, what are appropriate foods for pups / adults?  I know puppy food is
not good because of the too-high protein levels, but what are good
Secondly, I have been looking into Pet Care insurance and I'd like to know
your opinions of / experiences with this company.  As we are in Canada, our
insurance options are limited.

Thanks again,
Tonya, Ken and Florence (fantastic 10-month-old brown Tabby)

Rainbow Bridge

2003-03-03 Thread JJackbcop
Problems with the computer, and I've lost all my bookmarked websites.  Would someone 
please send me a link to the story of the Rainbow Bridge?  I have a dear friend who's 
sending her 6 YO rottie there today.  Dang (edited) cancer.

Thanks all,
Julie J

Maddy's big brag

2003-03-03 Thread Peggy Ford-Smith
Hi all-

Maddy, Deerpark Sheer Madness,  earned her MX in AKC agililty this weekend
becoming the fifth berner to ever earn this title. As Maddy will be eight in
July, I think this is quite an accomplishment.  She is also tied to a fairly
incompetent handler :-> which also makes this title a miracle.

No raffle to spend brag money on, I guess I'll have to spend it at the
Specialty.  Don't forget to come watch the agility trial in Long Beach.  It
will be on Wednesday at 8:00 am.

Peggy Ford-Smith
Maddy CGC MX MXJ (Mom will you stop kissing me and crying)
Niska, agility star in the making (I hear they serve food at the trials)
Moon, 4 months old (Huh?)
Petaluma CA

Healthier Care for Berners

2003-03-03 Thread Lindsay Gower
My two cents for two recent postings:

Esta, it's MUCH safer to leave your dog at home than in the car for such a 
long period of time. I've recently heard reliable stories of dogs being 
stolen from cars by people who hold dog-fights. I took my dog with me for 
errands -- stopping at the dry-cleaners, then Blockbuster, that sort of 
thing -- but he was alone 15-20 minutes tops.

Not to mention, if he gets bored at home, he can chew his Kong; what's he 
gonna chew if he gets bored in your car :-) ?

We opted to take him home, feed him what ever he wanted to eat and just 
love >and make him as comfortable as we could.
I did the same with my Sealyham. Sealyhams are a healthy breed. There are no 
lists of Common Sealy Ailments, and that's one of the big reasons why I 
chose the breed. Yet Denbigh had adenocarcinoma at age 4. I never expected 
to have big vet bills much less the wrenching grief.  One lesson I got from 
this is: ANY dog might get sick, ANY dog might live to be 15.  If a breed I 
like is prone to certain conditions, I won't reject the breed, I'll find a 
breeder in whose line I have confidence.

~*~ Lindsay

Lindsay Gower, who lives in Pleasant Hill CA
with Riley the Orange Tabby Siamese
while Denbigh rests across the Bridge

MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*  

I too have a Berner who has had siezures....new diet

2003-03-03 Thread Denise Vickers
 Hi Diana,
How is Fidelios doing?  I hope all is well.  I've been out of the loop 
lately - my computer was down for a week - so I haven't been reading the 
'L'.  Have you learned any more from Fidelios recent tests?  
How is the new diet working?   This past weekend I cooked up the weekly 
meal paks and baked treats for the dogs.  At the time I was blanching 
all the veggies for the dogs, I was also making stuffed mushrooms for 
human dinner.  Well I threw the mushroom steams in the dogs pot instead 
of the trash, and because I was running out of room on the stove top, I 
also tossed into the pot BooBoo the dogs chicken breasts.  Apparently 
this mixture looked quite tasty because the next thing I knew my husband 
is helping himself to a bowl full!   I calmly stated to him, "honey, 
that's the dogs dinner, yours is in the oven".  And as all dogs sat 
drooling with anticipation - he ate it any ways.   Later though, when I 
was baking the liver biscuits, he got so sick to his stomach from the 
smell of liver that he actually took the dogs for a walk - in freezing 
temperatures - just to get out of the house!  At least I know he won't 
be eating the dogs biscuits!

-Denise with
BooBoo the Dog
The BlackCat, The GrayCat and Jimmy

some pictures

2003-03-03 Thread Hugh Hayes
Added some pictures to the site,

Hope you like 'em.



FW: Looking for Breeder in Illinois

2003-03-03 Thread Terri Taylor-Mikes

-Original Message-
From: Terri Taylor-Mikes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 7:58 AM
To: Berner List (E-mail)
Subject: Looking for Breeder in Illinois

I am looking for a breeder in Illinois.  My husband is turning 40 this May
and he really wants another Berner (we both do) and I would like to get him
a male Berner puppy for this 40th.

Anyone out there a breeder in Illinois or know of one?



P.S.  Someone on this list forwarded my last e-mail "Looking for Trainer in
Aurora, IL" to a trainer in Joliet named Joyce.  Well I wanted to thanks
this individual for doing that - Joyce has called me and she gave me some
great ideas on how to re-train Dharma and I am doing them - Dharma is
resisting, but I will win.  Also, I was wondering if that person could
e-mail me and give me Joyce's address - if what she told me to do works (and
I am pretty sure it will), I really want to send her something to show my
gratitude.  Thank You.

Where did you get your dog?

2003-03-03 Thread Annika Dobrski

We also got our Berner from Edith Williams at Echo Cascade, and Bjorn is the most wonderful addition to our family that we could ever ask for! Not only did Edith give us our first Berner, but also helped us along with very important tips on Berners and puppies in general. We owe a lot to Edith!
Annika, Vincent, and Bjorn (Our big Bear!)The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE* 

speciality donations

2003-03-03 Thread Jeannie Schoen
When in Laguna Beach I had the pleasure of meeting
artist Debby Carman. I suggested that she donate one
of her ceramic pieces for the speciality and she
generously agreeded. Unfortunately the Emails I
forwarded to her from the booklet were returned.  So I
gave her some more Emails today. Debbys work is
whimsical--some breed oriented others just
contemporary.  Debby's website is:
Happy Trails, Jeannie in Michigan Greta&Gulliver

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Berners vs. Goldens

2003-03-03 Thread Amanda
Forgot to add a signature on my post- sorry!

Amanda Harvey
Belmar, NJ

"So lets hear from the golden to berner people out
there - is that why
you are switching?  In your experience with both
breeds, are their
temperaments more alike or different?  Add anything
else relevant you
can think of."

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Berners vs. Goldens

2003-03-03 Thread Amanda
Thought I'd add my insight to this topic:

"So lets hear from the golden to berner people out
there - is that why
you are switching?  In your experience with both
breeds, are their
temperaments more alike or different?  Add anything
else relevant you
can think of."

As someone who grew up with Goldens my whole life, I
never even considered another breed.  That is, until I
met my first Berner.  So when I graduated college and
moved out on my own, I got my 1st Berner, Griffon.
>From my experience, the similarities between Berners &
Goldens are: good family dogs, stubborn, loyal, &
sweet.  And contrary to popular belief- I feel Goldens
shed MORE than Berners.
Every Golden my family has had is much more hyper than
Griffon ever was.  This was one of my main reasons for
not getting a Golden of my own. 
When Griff was a pup, he would sit and want to be
loved, while  my parents' Golden was bouncing off the
walls.  The Golden we had before was the same way. 
The difference in energy levels was drastic.  
We lost Griffon to MH in November- he was a month shy
of his 5th b-day.  And deciding if we would stick with
the breed a tough decision- no way could we have our
hearts broken again.  Then, about a couple weeks after
Griffy had passed, I saw my neighbor with his Berner,
Jesse, who proceeded to sit on my feet so I could pet
him.  It was definitely bitter-sweet as Jesse &
Griffon had very similar characteristics.  But my
decision was made- I wouldn't give up on the breed-
just that particular breeder.
About a week ago we welcomed our newest Berner, Bruin,
into the family- and he is a sweetheart!  And even
comparing Bruin to my parent's 2 year-old Golden- the
hyper activity isn't there.  We just had a visit from
my parents w/ Benny- and even though I love Benny to
death, he is quite a handful =).
My parents are going to get Benny a buddy- and it will
be a Berner, not another Golden.  So yet another
family is crossing over to the Berner side.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more

Berners and Goldens

2003-03-03 Thread Kelly4joy
We lost our heart dog K.C., an angel Golden at 10 years of age to cancer and 
got another Golden, Kelly as soon as we researched breeders.  Kelly is a very 
bright, beautiful, loving girl and had a tough act to follow, but she is a 
wonderful addition to our lives.  K.C. was a dark red Golden and Kelly is our 
blonde.  The Golden temperament is just that...Golden.  When we decided on a 
companion for Kelly, we had already met and fallen in love with my friend's 
Bernese Mountain Dogs. We ended up traveling twice to Canada to meet our pup 
and then to pick our up our love, Bentley, when he was old enough to travel 
with us to Long Island.  Why did we change breeds?  It was not at all because 
Goldens are too popular.  We still love Goldens, but we found that Berners 
are also wonderful companions and have very similar temperaments for the most 
part as Goldens.  Our two get along beautifully.  Kelly (5.8) had taught 
Bentley(3) how to live a Golden life and they often sit or lie down with 
one's paw crossing the other's paw.  Too cute!  Would I get another Golden? 
Of course!  Would I get another Berner?  Of course!  I love both breeds.   
Why do lovers of Goldens love Berners too?  Perhaps it is the similarities of 
breeds.  Both are big and beautiful.  Both shed a lot.  Both are "heart" dogs 
and Velcro dogs.  Both want people with them to be happy.  Both have 
wonderful temperaments.  Both love to snuggle and cuddle.  Yes, sadly both 
are prone to cancer, but I wouldn't give up living with either one.  They are 
both the center of our lives and we adore them both.
Joyce Mills (Kelly & Bentley's mom)
Merrick, NY & Pawlet, VT

Do they shed?

2003-03-03 Thread Simone de Lima
but we're lucky. The white hair flies  into the jam, while the black and tan
show up in the butter! That way we KNOW what we're having for breakfast!
: )
Simone de Lima
Brasilia Brazil
Mali (rescue lab mix)
Gimli (mini schnauzer)
Doppo (BMD)
Godot (cat)
Mel (visiting dachshund)

Big Brag

2003-03-03 Thread Bonnie Conrad
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Re: MH Questions

2003-03-03 Thread BernerFolk
In a message dated 3/2/2003 1:22:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> My Maggie had all the
>  classic signs of MH, and both my vet and I were sure that's what it was.
>  I had to insist on a necropsy - he thought it was unnecessary - and we
>  were both shocked to learn that she did have liver cancer, but it was
>  not MH. It was hepatocellular carcinoma, a type of cancer that is common
>  in older dogs and cats.


Did you use your vet's standard path lab for the cytology or did you have the 
tissues sent to UCD or other lab with specialized capability of expertise in 


Re: Rowyn's hips

2003-03-03 Thread BernerFolk
In a message dated 3/2/2003 4:31:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Any other suggestions what I can do to help bring him out of his shell???

Definitely agility.  I've seen it accomplish an incredible turnaround in a 
dog's outlook and way of dealing with the world.
