New member

2003-08-16 Thread Mistari
Hi List

I am interested in getting a Bernese Mountain Dog in approx. 2 years and
have decided to start my research now. I will most likely import one to
improve the gene pool here in Australia.

I live in Australia and currently own Alaskan Malamutes and a Golden
Retriever. I do Television work; obedience; tracking; conformation
showing; agility and the occasional recreation sledding with my dogs.

I hope to learn a lot about this wonderful breed who I have fallen in
love with and what problems there are to avoid; temperament and
obedience issues and so on.

To meet me and my dogs please visit


Home of BVIS Aust Ch Diomede Mai Laika CD WPD

help requested- sudden persistant conjunctivitis

2003-08-16 Thread Susan Wankner
I'm hoping for some help here  My berner Donner is 7.5 years old and is 
generally very healthy.  Last Tuesday night for the first time I noticed 
what I believe to be a conjunctivitis of his right eye.  The lower lid sags 
down and toward the back, revealing a lot of red (swollen?) inside the lower 
lid.  On Wednesday it seemed to look somewhat worse.  I took him to the vet 
on Thursday and he was prescribed an ointment that we put in 4X/per day: 
Neo-Poly-Bac, an antibiotic with hydrocortisone.  Well, now it is Saturday 
night and it doesn't look better, and he also has been making some strange 
sniffling noises (through his nose, I think) occasionally over the past few 
days.  Also today my dog sitter, who is here when I'm at work, said she 
could tell his nose was bothering him.  Has anyone else experienced these 
symptoms together?  We live in California, so during this season I always 
consider the possibility of a foxtail playing a role here so I called 
the vet to ask about that possibility, but Donner is not doing any 
sneezingone of the classic symptoms of 'foxtail up the nose', I 
understand.  I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who has experienced 
conjunctivitis in their Berner.  (Fortunately, his left eye is still 
Thank you,
Susan Wankner ( & my best friend Donner)

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

new Berner toy!

2003-08-16 Thread Susan Wilkinson
This has been a long week.  For starters I worked 6 straight full days
(GASP! what a shock to my system, it's been months since I worked that many
hours).  We've got company coming next week in the person of my non-dog
tolerant brother & wife, so the push is on to straighten up the place
(something I'm failing miserably at!).  Aeryn has protested my absence by
eating first a 2 kg. bag of dog biscuits, then yesterday an entire large bag
of potato chips!  It's been humid & hot and the one clinic I worked at had
no air conditioner (and of course we were swamped with appointments -- I saw
19 patients in 4 hours!). Then the big black-out happened -- for some reason
our house was spared and we never lost power, but it did affect the clinic I
was working at.

So, imagine how my little heart leapt and went all a-pitter-patter and a
smile lit up my face as I trudged around the very crowded grocery store this
afternoon and found the MOST adorable plush Berner toy!  I totally ignored
the sign telling me to ask for help to get items off the top the shelf as I
ditched my shopping list and scaled the shelving unit to pull down the toy.
Hm, it's heavy and bonked me on the head as I caught it.  No matter!  No
price tag, but no it wasn't free, I flagged down the shelf stocker and sent
him on a mission to find out the price (toy is already in my cart anyway, so
it's a done deal one way or the other).  $29.99 was more than reasonable and
"Alexander" (named on the spot) rode home with me with his head hanging out
the truck window.

The toy is of a sturdy standing Berner, and is designed for a young child to
sit on it and ride!  About the size of 4-5 mos. old real Berner puppy, it
stands around 22" floor to top of the head and is around 28-30" long.  The
tail (no white tip though) is held jauntily off to the side in a perpetual
wag position (how appropriate!).  Mouth open in a cheeky smile.  Great big
feet complete with white toes, in a 4-square stance.  It really is

Devyn tackled Alexander and was disappointed when the play was not
reciprocated, Aeryn showed her domience by briefly grabbing the muzzle, and
Rowyn checked it out for privates!  Crooked kitten Jessyka has been seen
hugging those big paws and licking them!  My Dad wonders why it isn't alive
and thinks I should take it back and bring home a live one (sounds like it
might be time to start looking for that real live puppy! but I'm not parting
with Alexander).

I envision maybe making up some rockers for it.  Or it's just the right
height to rest your feet on when lounging on the couch.  Or just plain
decorating up the livingroom (what will the brother think?!!).

No manufacturer on the labels -- just says Made in China and imported for
Loblaws Canada.  I found it in my local Zehrs grocery store.  They'd be
prohibitively heavy to mail out to people, so start combing those stores for
your own standing Berner toy  I'd be happy to e-mail a picture to anyone

sue(Aeryn with Devyn & Rowyn -- and Alexander the newest addition to the
plush menagerie -- I sense a plush-filled Christmas picture for this year --
can you find the real dog(s)?!)

Basic Grooming Tools?

2003-08-16 Thread Darcy Mangan

6 month old Trista is leaving tum-berner-weeds and berner-rod pollen all over the house, even though I brush her (with a pin brush) 2-3 times a week till hardly anything comes off. (I know, I know, I WANT to do it every day but the three little humans are taking up most of my time right now!) I have been looking at undercoat rakes, but there are different lengths, and now I am confused. What would be the best tool(s) to purchase at this time? Advice and websites appreciated!!
Darcy and Trista (But mom, I LIKE the living room looking like a desert!!)



Re: freezer stench

2003-08-16 Thread Darcy Mangan

Check your homeowners policy-you may be covered for the food and the freezer, depending on the situation, I don't remember what it was now, sorry!MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service:  2 months FREE*

Trying to find owners of some photos!

2003-08-16 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel
Can anyone tell me who has three Berners named Juker, Quinta, and Reika?

Rachel and Scott with Berners Jersey and Indiana?

Bob and Karen with a Berner named Cassie?

Thanks for the help!

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA

Re: East Coast US Power Down and Blasterworm!!

2003-08-16 Thread Jean Cheesman
Vilma, Phew!!

So good you are back online!

> All back up and running again here in OH, where apparently all the trouble
> started. Berners are NOT happy w/out air conditioning!

Well, my lot have been sucking extra ice cubes, not that they needed them
though still hot here UK!

We had good romp up in the woods very early this morning!

Hah! Cooling down now as we learn our pals are OK!

Biggest ever welcome back hugs!

Love Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Gang

East Coast US Power Down and Blasterworm!!

2003-08-16 Thread Jean Cheesman
Well, what with East Coast US Power Down and Blasterworm!!

Hoping, all paws crossed here, that you have survived!

Hmm! All lists slow at the moment!

Biggest hugs you all! We know what power cuts are like! Ours was down a
while ago, living in the country you expect this, always prepared! Hmm! But
did live in London many years ago too when IRA bomb took out power and phone
lines! Guess I am happier here with the outages! At least have log pile,
batteries and candles and know power down is due lightning strike or farmer
hitting pole with his tractor!

Hope you on the East Coast, US, came through OK! Must have been awful time
not knowing what had happened!

Re Blaster Virus!

Microsoft had actually put up the patch for this defect in Windows some
weeks ago, so anyone updating Windows on a regular basis would be protected
anyway. Plenty of pre-publicity on this virus so was much a non-event as the
Millenium Bug! Microsoft did not go down!!! But still many computers are

Please check out your security, this bug is still around and does not come
in through email, random computer can home in on you when you are online!
And new version out already!

Forward Update:
>It didn't take long for a quick copycat of MSBlast to show its face.
Wednesday, Moscow-based security firm Kaspersky Labs detected a variation of
the MSBlast worm loose in the wild.
The worm, which has not yet been named, is a near doppelganger of MSBlast,
with only slight changes. The name of the primary worm-carrier
file--MSBLAST.EXE in the original--is now TEEKIDS.EXE. The variation's code
has also been compressed with FSG rather than UPX, and a new string of text
buried within the code takes different potshots at both Microsoft and
anti-virus developers.

If you don't have a Firewall installed, get one fast! These worms are not
coming in through email attachments, they pinpoint weak spots when you are

Get your Firewall, check Windows Updates and AntiVirus Software! Again!

Sad but true! Being online used to be fun!

These days you have to spend time getting in the latest MailWasher, AVG,
ZoneAlert and Pestpatrol Updates (not to mention Microsoft) before you dare
to get mail in!

Thankfully, all well here at Longlease!

Porn/Spam Mail is now down to around 50 a day!! Hmmm! Is that my Mailwasher
program working at last or did those folks get Blasted by the worm?

Hah! All well here! Still hot! They said it would be cooler!

One day they will get the weather forecasts right!

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Longlease Gang

Re: hot spot or not??

2003-08-16 Thread Ruth Reynolds

How old is your dog with the hair loss on his rear foot?  

Ruth Reynolds
Pioneer Bernese

Berner Sighting

2003-08-16 Thread bernerlover
During the first 10 min of the AKC National Invitational Championship
[Animal Planet], there was a story on junior handlers. "Breenie" and her
berner were interviewed briefly. Beautiful girl, beautiful berner.


Cathi with Bacchus and Ari

Re: hot spot or not??

2003-08-16 Thread bernerlover
Hi Kathleen

My experience with hot spots is they are gooey, wet, raw sores that the dogs
can't leave alone. Bacchus will chew and lick and worry over it. They tend
to increase in size and kind of crust over, but underneath it's still raw
and gooey.

They remind me of cold sores in people, except bigger.

After trying lots of different treatments [homemade and commercial], what
works best on Bacchus has been clipping the fur, cleaning gently [including
removing any loose scabby stuffyuck] and using Gold Bond powder. For him
it serves to keep the area somewhat dry, and there is a soothing quality
that gives him some relief.

No hot spots for a few years here [knock on wood], but it used to be a
seasonal problem with him.

Cathi with Bacchus and Ari
- Original Message -
From: "kathleen mcguire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 1:19 PM
Subject: hot spot or not??

> I've noticed a dime sized spot of dry skin on Franklin's back foot (about
> from the pad). It doesn't seem to be bothering him at all, he doesn't try
> lick it. I'm just wondering if this is the infamous "hot spot". He has
> enjoying the water (up until he was fixed) and recently had a bath. It's
> been there for about 10 days and hasn't really increased in size over the
> last week. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas. Should I just leave it
> alone or what?? We're going to the vet next week for a checkup, but I
> want to be prescibed any antibiotics unless really necessary.  Thanks :)
> Kathleen and Franklin, Vancouver BC
> _
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