HUGE brag!

2003-06-01 Thread DanniYell
hi everybody!  well, today in LA, i took my three dogs--german shepherd callisto, mutt 
oliver, and 13-month old bernese girl, hudson, to the RUGRATS GO WILD be like Spike 
(their dog) contest and you can win prizes with your dogs.  well, you get to dress 
your dogs up for pictures (they put out the clothes) and then the judge picks!  i 
dressed all three of them and hudson was wearing a red feather boa and she won second 
prize!  we got lots of goodies!  a boxer in sunglasses won first!  i was so proud of 
all my dogs.  anyway, of course people were loving hudson and her markings!  we got to 
do short tv spots with the rest of the dogs & kids for KTLA, the TODAY show and all 
that, so who knows if they'll use them and i don't even think i was looking in the 
camera correctly or if hudson was behind a kid on the stage, but if anyone sees them, 
please let me know!  also, they took a picture for USA Today that should be in the 
paper within the next few days, so look for us!  hopefully anyway!  my other two dogs 
were laying behind me but i hope hudson's face was in it!  so that's my big brag! 
take care,

southern california berner beach party

2003-04-12 Thread DanniYell
hi there fellow listgoers!  i just went to the del mar dog beach today so that my 
almost 1 year-old girl, hudson, could meet other berners!  i took quite a few pictures 
and made a photoshow, so if anyone would like to see it, please feel free!  excuse my 
lack of many photos of other dogs and not knowing their names or anything like that 
either, and being obsessed with my own dog there!  we had such a fun time!  and i hope 
some people who were there see this, too!  thank you!  danielle & hudson

Check out this hudson's berner beach party! PhotoShow!

Please click the link below to watch this PhotoShow:
(or copy and paste the above address into your browser)

limping only at night

2003-04-03 Thread DanniYell
well, this is a question about my girlfriend's 1 1/2 year old Ridegback.  About a 
month ago, se started limping, but only at night.  Whether or not she exercises a lot 
during the day, regardless, she limps at night, same right front leg, all stiff and 
looking like it hurts, but the dog doesn't cry at all when she touches her whole leg 
an foot.  In the mornings, she's fine again, maybe a little stiff, but bck to normal 
until the nighttime.  Any advice or what that may be about?
thank you,

digging to china--HELP!

2003-03-30 Thread DanniYell
hi everyone, i have a bad problem with digging with my 11 month-old girl.  now she has 
a GREAT, fun-filled life, she is out all the time with me and her "family" of 
dogs--hiking, playing, etc, so it's not from boredom.  i don't have a yard, but 
sometimes we leaves her with her 3 sisters at my girlfriend's house with their front & 
back yard when we go out.  well, the front yard was just dirt and she dug major holes 
throughout the past few months--we'd catch her at the last second or not at all, but 
know it was her.  once even to a pipe.  now, her backyard, that the dogs had never 
been in until today, has grass, and some dirt but not like the front yard so we 
thought we wouldn't have to worry about digging.  we were gone for 3 hours and called 
her mom and come to find out, her mom looked out the back window and there is hudson 
digging down to the sprinkler.  she gets yelled at and hides all the time AFTERWARDS 
because she's NOT stupid, she knows it's bad, and we think she's cured, but no, she'll 
do it again when we don't expect it, like today.  and it was HOT out today and usually 
she'll sleep on the concrete.  nope, out in the hot sun digging as fast and hard as 
she can to a pipe.  now i'm so embarrassed to leave her there and it's sad because she 
loves it but i have NO idea how to stop her from doing it without remodeling their 
backyard or having them dread her visits.  what can i do?  no one wants to put poop in 
the holes back there, and she's the only one who digs, i feel so bad.  please help!
danielle & hudson

nice question--how to make your dog throw up!

2003-03-22 Thread DanniYell
hi everyone, i have a question, we were all out hiking today and my boy mutt suddenly 
comes over gagging and choking a little, then ate a lot of grass all the way back--and 
drank water but cannot throw up, and i know he wants to--he's still gagging a little!  
i think he got something up his nose or stuck in his throat.  a big bunch of grass is 
waiting to come out somewhere!  is there a way i can help him throw up?
thank you!

best in breed p.s.

2003-02-12 Thread danniyell
hi everyone, i was just reading over the email i sent out and i wanted to apologize to 
anyone who has terriers or who found my email offensive in any way.  i have nothing 
against them at all, and obviously no one should pick the winner based on what i think 
or want, it just seems to me that they always win westminster (obviously not entirely 
true) and i can't possibly believe that the few dogs that have actually won the hound, 
herding and working, are so much "lesser" than the other groups--that's what i don't 
understand about all of it.  so i apologize to all you terrier owners out there--in 
fact, i was wrong, i would own a pit bull one day, and i did find the winner beautiful 
and he deserved it, but i just don't understand why so few of the other groups win.  
that's all.  i hope i explained myself, and sorry again!
take care,

best in breed

2003-02-12 Thread danniyell
hi here, just wanted to write in today because one of my clients (i walk dogs) landed 
in JFK from LA today and saw "the most beautiful bernese mountain dog," and went over 
to ask about him--because she loves my hudson so much so she had to go over!  and 
found out that was Billy, the winner!  she said he had the most beautiful big head and 
great stance.  she said it was like meeting a rock star!  anyway, just wanted to share.

anyone else find it irritating that the only dogs that ever seem to win at westminster 
are terriers, toys or non-sporting?  only one herding dog hasn?  that seems 
ridiculous.  is it a popularity contest?  not to offend any of you, but for me, why 
are terriers so popular?  i would never choose one even though they can be pretty.  i 
like big, goofy dogs with lots of fur, i wished the newfoundland had won.  i actually 
think the german shepherd and the ibizan hound were just as beautiful as te winner if 
not more--not being an expert at all--but it would have been nice if the favorite 
didn't always win. just my opinion.

anyway, take care all,
danielle & big girl hudson, now at almost 10 months and 70 lbs (no, i'm not fat, mom)

food aggression question

2003-01-28 Thread danniyell
hi there!  i need some help, please!  i have a nine month old girl, hudson.  she is 
obsessed with food, of course--nothing lasts for more than 5 minutes with her in this 
house!  i leave bones out in my apartment all day for my three dogs and they have been 
fine sharing for all i know until this point.  hudson is great with playing and 
meeting new dogs i general.  but now she's started being extremely protective over her 
bones and food, no matter where she is.  she won't try to steal another dog's treat or 
bone but if anyone comes near her wher food is or even has been but isn't anymore, she 
gets this really weird look on her face, raises her lips and has been known to growl 
or even snap.  in my apartment, she has been will lift her lip and even growl at any 
new dog who comes near her bones--but she won't ever try to take them away from them 
if they have them first--only if they come next to her while she has them, which i 
thought was normal.  but now, a few days ago, she and her older, more dominant 6 
year-old sister were waiting for dinner, i was in the kitchen and i hear a noise, 
which was my older dog snapping at hudson, turn around and my older dog runs away like 
she did something wrong and hudson was all nervous, but i swear i bet hudson was 
lifting her lips at her which provoked my older dog to snap back.  and the other 
night, in her "2nd" home she's been at since she as a baby, she was there all night 
with her other 3 doggie sisters she's grown up with, but when we gave them treats, she 
finished hers and was laying down and her ridgeback sister stepped over her, not to 
even smell her but to get up on the couch and hudson snapped and stood up and grabbed 
her whole cheek in her mouth.  didn't hurt her, but it shocked her sister so much that 
she cried.  There was no food even there, just us eating and the memory of the treat 
that was there a few minutes ago.  now tonight, we were in my apartment eating dinner 
and once in awhile handing out treats, again hudson finished hers and was laying down 
and her 5 year old brother walked by sort of just to sniff the air around her and she 
lifted her lips up completely almost like she didn't want to but did it anyway.  then 
she did it again about twenty minutes later and he wasn't even doing anything and 
there was no food there.  she got reprimanded for that because i actually saw it.  
knowing she was in trouble, she stayed out of their way for the rest of dinner and 
would not even look when they walked by.  she is not stupid, but it's like she can't 
help doing it now for some reason.  and she does this a lot in times where she thinks 
i'm not looking, and most of the times i don't even see, other people tell me.  i do 
not want this behavior to get worse.  she has been known to snap and not hurt, dogs 
who don't live with us, over her bones if they come into her vicinity, but now it's 
starting to be her own family and she seems to be becoming more of a jerk.  she is 
babysat a lot by her 2nd family and i don't want them to have to worry when i'm not 
there.  and it's a house where treats and bones are out constantly.  she hasn't done 
anything like that before (grabbing her sister's cheek) and i don't think she'd hurt 
them but i wouldn't blame another dog for snapping right back at her and then what 
happens?  and it annoys me that she does it to her own older brother and sister in 
their own home!  any advice as to why and what may lessen this behavior?  she is the 
sweetest dog with these same exact dogs when playing or anything else, but food is her 
weakness, i guess.  and she doesn't care if they have them first, it's only when it 
seems she's guarding her space and food time.  thanks in advance!  danielle

Fwd: another link to hudson's photoshow

2003-01-22 Thread danniyell
hi there!  i was told by a few people on the list that my link had expired, so for 
anyone wanting to see my photoshow of my little 9 month old girl, here it is again!  
enjoy and i would love to see any pictures of all your dogs!  (i also have a german 
shepherd girl and a black mutt boy--whom you will also see in there)  and my 
girlfriend owns two pit mixes and a ridgeback (all girls) so hudson has quite a huge 
family!  plus, we both take care of dogs so they all have many friends!

take care,

--- Begin Message ---
I thought you would enjoy this HUDSON: the baby PhotoShow! Check it out and then pass 
it on.

Please click the link below to watch this PhotoShow:
(or copy and paste the above address into your browser)

PhotoShow is the fun and easy way to share your photos.

To create your own PhotoShow, go to:

(c) 2002-2003 Simple Star, Inc.

--- End Message ---

Fwd: another link to hudson's photoshow

2003-01-22 Thread DanniYell
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i am a proud mom!

2003-01-19 Thread DanniYell
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Fwd: HUDSON: the baby PhotoShow

2003-01-19 Thread DanniYell
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question about swelling

2003-01-11 Thread danniyell
hi everyone.  first of all, i want to thank everyone for always being so helpful and 
interesting!  i'm so glad i joined this list!
my question is not about my berner, but about my 6 yearold male mutt...i just figured 
maybe someone out there culd help me.  last septmeber, i noticed a huge lump under his 
ribcage near his waist, and it hadn't been there the day before.  so i rushed him to 
the vet and it was determined by sticking a needle in it that it was an abscess, maybe 
from another dog nicking him--pus came out of it.  so i put him on antibiotics and it 
went away.  just a few days ago, 4 months later, i noticed a bump on the same side 
almost in the same area--this was just at the end of his ribcage as well, but further 
down near his stomach.  and it also came on within a day.  well, they also stuck a 
needle in it and only blood came out, so the doctor said it was a hematoma, or 
bruise--and had he been playing rough?  i said yes, but he's been playing this same 
way since he was 8 months old with his sister and all of a sudden now he's getting 
these things?  so he injected him with anti-inflammatory and gave him cephelaxin like 
last time just to make sure there was no infection.  his tempature was also normal.  
he's eating and drinking and being normal otherwise--except that just me, i've been 
feeling he's been acting more mellow and maybe a little more scared and not running 
around as much for the past 6 months (which is as long as i've had my new puppy!) so i 
didn't know if that had to do with aging or just being jealous or what.  anyway, my 
original question is--what do you think could be causing these swellings on his 
side--because suddenly the swelling had reverted from the new place i found it, to a 
bit higher up where i had originally found the first one--which i don't understand.  
it's going down a bit, but i don't get why it moved anyway.
thank you for any help.
danielle & oliver

Re: exercise and teenagers QUESTION

2003-01-06 Thread danniyell
this is a really interesting topic.  i have a question--does anyone out there have an 
"intact" male or female for reasons OTHER than to show or breed because i would be 
really interested in knowing other reasons there could be for not doing it since so 
many other (health or otherwise) problems seem to arise from having the intact 
dogs...just a question...this coming from the owner of three dogs, one bernese and two 
pound dogs, one great shepherd girl and my adorable macho neutered boy dog who 
DESPISES unneutered boys and can smell them a mile away--i always know before we even 
get to the dog when we go out hiking or the park or whatever and he gets that weird 
high step with his tail up and a low growl...i've finally gotten to the point where i 
can handle this behavior but thank goodness most people out there tend to spay/neuter 
their dogs before they bring them out to public areas like this because i've also 
noticed my annoying boy is not the only dog who feels the need to show off when intact 
males are around.  i've witnessed many many fights...this is another reason why i will 
never get another boy dog!  i love him to death and he is my baby but i think i prefer 
girls from now on.
anyway, thanks for listening...
danielle & hudson


2003-01-03 Thread DanniYell
hey there--i was wondering if anyone would want to share pictures of their dogs?  i 
know it's not allowed to post them to the group, but i would be interested in seeing 
people's dogs on our own!  so...i hope i'm not doing anything wrong by asking...also i 
have an 8 month old girl, and i would really love to see pix of other puppies, too!
take care,
danielle & hudson

raw meat bones question

2002-12-30 Thread DanniYell
hi there everyone!  i know it's been a topic of discussion, but just to cut through 
any confusion, i was wondering which raw meat bones from the supermarket i could buy 
and safely leave my 8 month old puppy alone with?  i already know that the marrow 
bones, the small ones, are pretty much unbreakable, but they don't have so much meat 
on them--so any other choices?  the beef ribs?  and i want to be able to hopefully buy 
them from my supermarket.  i just want to be able to keep her occupied in her crate 
for awhile when i leave...and she eats ANYTHING and as fast as she can unlike my other 
two i need to be very careful.  thank you!  danielle

christmas visitor

2002-12-11 Thread DanniYell
hi there, i'm just wondering what to do in this situation.  i have an 8 month old BMD 
who has been around dogs all her life.  i have two other mutts who are 5 and 6 and she 
adores them.  i also walk dogs so she has been around all those dogs forever.  now i 
have these other dogs stay with me sometimes--she is fine with these two girl dogs 
that have stayed here a few times since she was very little.  but this holiday i am 
taking care of a boy vizsla who i have had since he was 6 months old, he's 4 years old 
now, for 3 weeks.  she loves him when we go out hiking and they're fine.  he is 
extremely submissive to everyone, too.  he just likes to run and be chased.  well, 
today i brought him home for a trial run to see how he was in my place and she was a 
total jerk.  every time he walked by, her lip would raise.  i have a basket of bones 
that i leave out and she snapped at him for no reason when he sort of went near it and 
he totally cried.  she doesn't do this to the other dogs i take care of that she also 
knows.  every afternoon when i come home to take my shower, she lays in the bathroom 
with me.  well, today the vizsla was nervous so he came in there and i was petting him 
and she got all jealous and came over to be pet and snapped at him again.  he got so 
scared he wouldn't walk by her for the rest of the afternoon and she was very cocky.  
but he did take a bone and start chewing on it and she just looked at him and got 
another one.  she's not mean and she loves to play but i have never really seen this 
side of her.  so what's any advice on why she's being like this and what i can do when 
he stays for 3 weeks so he's not terrified.  also, the only other dog she's been like 
this with is her "sister" a 1 year-old ridgeback who lives upstairs and they see each 
other every day and were raised together--she gets a little weird with her, too, out 
of the blue, she gets mad and will raise her lip or snap suddenly--never fighting, but 
just snap.  what should i do?  thank you!  and thanks to everyone who has every helped 
me out with one of my questions in the past!
danielle & hudson

Neutering poll

2002-12-07 Thread DanniYell
Hi there everyone...I was just thinking it would be interesting to do this since it's 
been a subject we've been talking about a lot lately.  I was wondering how many of you 
have neutered/spayed/unneutered/unspayed females and males, and what you're reasoning 
for doing it or not doing it is--i.e. breeding purposes or personal preference, or 
whatever--and how many BMDs you do have.  And, then, if the owners with unneutered 
BMDs will fix them in the future.  I just think it would be an interesting topic to 
see everyone's reasons why their dogs are fixed or not.

Thank you...I myself have a spayed 8 month-old BMD, and two mixed breeds who are of 
course, both fixed.

Take care,

question about front legs part 2

2002-11-26 Thread DanniYell
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question about front legs

2002-11-26 Thread DanniYell
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southern california bernese

2002-11-21 Thread DanniYell
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strange behavior

2002-11-20 Thread DanniYell
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age question

2002-11-19 Thread DanniYell
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your other dogs & the new puppy

2002-11-02 Thread DanniYell
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poop eating

2002-10-15 Thread DanniYell

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Re: Shy Dog help

2002-10-11 Thread DanniYell

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2002-10-09 Thread DanniYell

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2002-10-08 Thread DanniYell

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