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2003-07-26 Thread Kenneth L Babcock

- Original Message - 
From: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2003 1:01 AM
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4513

 BERNER-L Digest 4513
 Topics covered in this issue include:
   1) RE: Food for keeping weight in check...
 by Rose Tierney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   2) re: Opinion Needed
 by Timothy Forman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   3) A Dog Named Mace
   4) BMDC of Watchung Draft Test  Regional Specialty  CGC/TDI Testing
   5) Neutering question
 by Karen Aufdemorte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   6) RE: fat berners
 by Rose Tierney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   7) administrative question
 by Dawn R. Mottier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   8) Re: fat berners/green beans
 by Margareta Strand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   9) RE: Berners for Pat
 by Rose Tierney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  10) raw food diet?  any experiences?
  11) Boarding in Moab UT, Cortez CO and Sante Fe NM
 by Deborahr34 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  12) Re: raw food diet?  any experiences? and relation to fat dogs
  13) Re:  administrative question
  14) RE: fat berners--show ring
 by Nancy Melone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  15) RE: fat berners
 by Nancy Melone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  16) Doggy Stew
 by mtndog [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  17) Stevie and Drafting?
  18) Re: fat berners
 by Eileen Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  19) Re: raw food diet?  any experiences? and relation to fat dogs
 by Teresa Dominguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  20) Re: fat berners
 by jenn's [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  21) Chemo - Experience?
 by Todd/Jennifer Zaayer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  22) Berner Days at Care-a-Lot Pets  Klarsson's Anniversary
 by chellotchr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  23) Re: fat berners
  24) Re: Frozen Bones
  25) Re: Bones
  26) Re: fat berners
 by Cheryl Otis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  27) The Burmese Mountain Dog
 by Pat Long  Paul Dangel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  28) Re: fat berners
  29) deaf dog
 by Ruth Claus-Wilke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  30) Re: Fat Berners,
 by Jean Cheesman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  31) Fw:berner-l,darling
 by vestalong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  32) Re: Only in America
 by Jean Cheesman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  33) Fwd: Fw:berner-l,darling
  34) Re: Fat Berners- adding fiber
 by Andrea Stefanac [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  35) Hot spots?
 by Melissa Leaist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  36) Good Boy:  Oct 2003 Movie with Berner star
 by Jennifer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: BERNER-L digest 4467

2003-06-18 Thread Kenneth L Babcock
HI these postings come out frequently!
- Original Message - 
From: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 5:02 PM
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4467

 BERNER-L Digest 4467
 Topics covered in this issue include:
   1) Re: Rally Obedience 2004
 by Sharon Montville [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   2) RE: Archives, on CD
 by Pat Long  Paul Dangel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   3) Mast Cell Tumors
   4) Silverfish
 by george hasenauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   5) RE: Mast Cell Tumors
 by Pat Long  Paul Dangel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   6) May I be franc?
 by Lisa D Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   7) Re: Mast Cell Tumors
   8) Re: May I be franc?
   9) archives??
 by Andrea Brin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  10) Re: BERNER-L digest 4466
  11) A Bell?
 by Maria Crifasi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  12) RE: Brewers yeast
 by Rose Tierney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  13) Guess who is 10!
 by Beatriz Insausti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  14) RE: Pet Insurance- Consumer Report
 by Rose Tierney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  15) weather viens
  16) Re: weather viens
 by Molly Bass [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  17) Re: Dog Bells
 by Liz Steinweg  Crew [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  18) Tilly
 by Christine Kabler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  19) need help with research
 by Beverly Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  20) OFA Heart
 by Karyn Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  21) Re: weather vanes
  22) Berner weekend...
  23) Re: OFA Heart
 by Ruth Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  24) Re: Rally Obedience 2004
 by Pat Tackett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  25) Re: Silverfish
  26) Re: Silverfish (DE)
 by Andie Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  27) vaccines ??
  28) Re: Pet Insurance- Consumer Report
  29) Re: vaccines ??
 by Molly Bass [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  30) Re: Oozing Cyst!
 by Jean Cheesman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  31) How to stop barking
  32) Consumer reports article
 by Andrea Stefanac [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  33) Re: Silverfish (DE)
  34) Re: Rally Obedience 2004
  35) Re: BERNER-L digest 4466
  36) Re: Rally Obedience 2004

Puppy Issues

2003-03-29 Thread Kenneth L Babcock
Ok berner experts as a I am a berner in waiting my wife has a concern that
hopefully someone can respond to? Her concern is allowable length of time a
new puppy can be left at home alone? That is in the event she chooses to go
shopping with the girls or perhaps an occasional day trip.
I am out of the house at 6 AM and I return at 4:30 Pm. At some point during
the day if she decides to go out perhaps early morning what is the maximum
allowable time to keep puppy in cage or pen?


Pet Therapy

2003-03-23 Thread Kenneth L Babcock
Greetings all

As some of you may remember, I am waiting to one day bring home a berner of
my own! In the mean time I am researching for information on therapy
training. I plan to train my berner as a therapy dog and I am interested in
anyones advice or actual experiences with pet therapy?
Please feel free to forward your opinions and experiences!

Kenny (berner-in-waiting)

My Breeder

2003-03-12 Thread Kenneth L Babcock
Hi All!
I wanted to comment on the behavior post! I could not agree more about the
good and bad, regarding breeders and owners!
Reciently I attending two local shows and I met quite a variety of handlers
and breeders! There were two berner breeders I met in Monticello, and they
had no desire or intrest to speak with me! On the other hand, I also met
some extremely nice, plesant, breeders that were very interested to answer
my questions!
I don't quite understand the snobish attitude of some people, I guess it's
just human nature!
Thank goodnes I have found a breeder that I have determined to be the
right one for me! I met her and her berners and she was very impressive! I
am convinced that she is totally dedicated to the breed! Now the hard part
waiting for a littertic tic tic tic time seems to drag!
Her name..lets just say M!
Although, I continue to research the breed and talk with breeders just to
keep my mind off the fact that I am still waiting to be owned by a Berner!


Climbing the walls

2003-03-08 Thread Kenneth L Babcock
Hi gang!

This is nuts I'll admit but I am climbing the walls thinking about my
Berner! We are still waiting to see if the breeders female is actually
expecting, apparently there is a 30 day waiting periord after the actual
mating to determine pregnancy?
I'm packing up the kids today to go visit Bernie my sisters Golden!

I'm 44 yrs old and feel like a kid on Christmas Morning waiting for my new

If in fact the female is in a motherly way I will not have a pup until JUNE!
 Does anybody need a berner sitter I'M AVAILABLE!!


Whats so special?

2003-03-06 Thread Kenneth L Babcock
Greetings berner people,

Now that I am very much looking forward to the berner experience, I have
a question?
Playing devils advocate, just what is so special about a Bernese Mountain
Dog? My sisters Golden provided tons of love and affection. What do Berners
have that Goldens or other breeds don't have?

I'll be expecting some interesting feedback!

Thanks In Advance

Re: fur in ice cubes - a small price to pay (for Kenny)

2003-03-05 Thread Kenneth L Babcock
Great advice! I have found, met, interviewed and been accepted by a breeder
now we are waiting on the mother to be!


Enough is Enough

2003-03-03 Thread Kenneth L Babcock
I am going out of my mind over this Berner! Today I got feedback from my
vetinerian and he basically confirmed what I have already learned from all
of the experienced berner owners here at Berner L!
My wife is flexible but thinks I'm off my rocker! She feels the the
Felix Unger in me will not deal well with dog hair all over. She might
have a point but then again maybe not?
One thing is for sure, I love the breed and despratly want my children
to experience having a dog in the home.
However, on the other hand I realize that when the novelty weras off It will
be like getting them to do a chore around the house. See what I mean! This
stuff goes through my head day and night!

Lord give me the wisdom and strength to make the right decision!


Yet another thought

2003-03-03 Thread Kenneth L Babcock
I noticed the Greater Swiss Mountain dogs at the show! How do they differ
from the Berner??


Had enough

2003-03-03 Thread Kenneth L Babcock
At this point I am taking a break from pooch research!

Berner Pros:
Unconditional love and companionship

Hair in my ice trays and butter tray
tens of thousands of dollars in vet bills
7.5 life expectancy
my home is too small ?
can I handle the fur balls?
Some Berner owners seem to want to discourage others from them?
Will a berner be happy in my life style?
Finally, Tonight a breeder from Albany told me she would not sell me a pup
because I live in a town home and I have three flights of stairs! I don't
want an unhappy berner.

Peace Out All!


Re: Kenny's choice

2003-03-02 Thread Kenneth L Babcock
Thanks Lisa,

Although your information was very negative I apprieciate and need to know
both good and bad of berner ownership. You say you paid 30X the purchase
price of your berner for his illness?  The breeder I met and very much liked
gets $1500 per pup. If in fact that is the going rate do you mean to tell me
that I should expect to pay
$45000.00 for vet charges for my berner? Is there insurance available for
them because $45k is way over my expected berner vet budget expectations??


My Berner Opinion

2003-03-02 Thread Kenneth L Babcock
First off I'd like to thank everyone that has offered their opinions and
experiences both good and bad.
It seems like your mailing group contains a very diverse collection of
Bernese Mountain Dog lovers! Some seem to dwell the negative while others
embrace the positive. At this point I don't see myself spending several
thousands of dollars for the illness of a dog that is near an unavoidable
death. Hopefully that does not make me a bad person?
Next, I am in love with the breed and choose to persue finding a good
reputable breeder (which I think I already found). My decision will be based
on my breeder and rest assured all the issues brought up in this forum will
be discussed at great length between myself and which ever breeder I decide
Finally, NO Teressa I don't cast away a sick pet! I will do the best I
can with what ever means I have but I will not be spending ten's of
thousand's of dollars on berner or any other pet that ultimatly faces
terminal illness. I hope someone out there understands my point of view and
that I am not condemed as some animal hater

Thanks to ALL!

I'm SOLD!!!!!!!!!

2003-03-01 Thread Kenneth L Babcock
Thanks to All for the Great responses!!

I think I can deal with the hair (fur) issues? Hopefully the consciensous
breeder will help avoid serious health issues?
I noticed the poop eating issues in the mailing (YUK-YUK-YUK-YUK) gotta
break that habit!!!
Cost is an issue as well and hopefully my Berner does not put me in the poor
Just came home from the Montecello NY,  Dog Show  and met some very
friendly Berners! The Champion was from Penn., his head was enormous! I am
very impressed with the size of some of these males!!! I am interested in
showing and breeding however I don't want to get in over my head here, as
they say inch by inch life is a cinch!
My next obstacle is convincing my wife that all the fur is worth the
wonderful love and joy provided by the Berners! Again thanks to all the
support and I will keep in touch!!

Kenny-(Wants a Berner)- Babcock

To Berner or not to Berner??

2003-02-28 Thread Kenneth L Babcock
Greetings to all the expert Owners of Bernese Mt. Dogs!

My name is Kenny and I reciently fell in love with the BMD!  I am
seriously considering,,  I mean I'd love to own a BMD!! However I
have a few concerns:
Shedding/is my home large enough/temperment/barking/and will the breed fit
into my lifestyle?

I live in a 3 floor townhome with a fenced in back yard (20' X35),
hopefully daily walks and the small yard will please the breed? Last week I
dog sitted my sisters 70Lb. Golden Retriever to experience life with a large
dog (although 20 or 30Lbs  a Berner). The first two days were difficult in
that he was heavly shedding and the hair was a nusance! However I seemed to
adjust by day three and just vacummed and brushed daily! By the end of the
week I and my family were attached to this beautiful dog. Bernie filled
our home with a special warmth and love with his laid back temperment. He is
missed, as he went home 3 days ago and my children, (3boys, 20,12,9) enjoyed
him greatly. I'm told the berners are similar in temperment to the Golden?
Finally barking, neighbors have a Sheltie and a besicon that are cronic
barkers and is quite unplesant at times! I prefer a controlled to
non-existent barker. You may ask, why not get a Golden? I just loved the
look and size of the BMD
I met a few breeders and found one I am comfertable with. I met her and her
BMD's and loved playing with all of them.
I guess I'm seeking advice or reassurance that my home and lifestyle will
accomidate a Berner.

Thanks for any possible advice!

Kenny B.