
2003-04-03 Thread MissIndi

Check went off in the mail today... glad you were able to extend the deadline a bit.  
Thanks for all you do!

Berner Mom in NJ

Housebreaking Help

2003-03-30 Thread MissIndi
We've had Eli for nearly 2 weeks and are still having trouble with housebreaking.  He 
has good days and bad days.  On a bad day (like today), he'll go outside, doo his 
business, come in (on his own) and go to the bathroom in the house only minutes 
later... help!

We haven't had him long enough to fill out a Berner survey yet, but he's racked up a 
"naughtiest" already -- he seems to think that the door molding on our bathroom is one 
giant chew toy - a large chunk has been chomped off!

Luckily we love him... :+)

Thanks to the poster who mentioned canine cooler mats - never heard of them, found on 
Petsmart.com and ordered.  Eli thinks it's hot now (only mid 50's) -- wait till our 
Jersey summers -- thought this might help him.

Thanks again!

Berner Mom in NJ

Our Puppy Rescue

2003-03-23 Thread MissIndi
Hi Esta!  Nice to meet you -- always fun to meet someone in our neck of the woods.  
Eli is 5 months old and in excellent health.  He arrived last Tuesday weighing in at 
50 pounds -- went to the vet on Wednesday and is A-OK.  He was adopted from BARC, Inc. 
(www.barcinc.com).  Amy was very helpful, and we're all busy getting used to each 
other.  Eli didn't climb stairs before he got here, and there are 25 to our front door 
alone!  So between him and our 8-month-old baby, it's like we have twins!  Feel free 
to drop me a line if you need more info.  

Berner Mom in NJ


Happy News!

2003-03-21 Thread MissIndi
Thanks to all of you who helped us in our quest for a Berner to add to our home!  
Happy to report that Eli arrived this week, a rescue adopted from BARC Inc.  He is 
happily adjusting to his new life, though he seems to think it's hot here... if he 
thinks THIS is hot (mid-50s now), wait till the summer!  Good thing I like a cool 
house in the summer myself.  Thanks again to everyone!  

Brigitte, a new Berner mom in NJ

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

2003-03-17 Thread MissIndi
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2003-03-10 Thread MissIndi
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Thanks Rose T.

2003-03-07 Thread MissIndi
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Breeder Referral

2003-03-05 Thread MissIndi
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Breeder Referral

2003-03-05 Thread MissIndi
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