Selling tickets...

2003-04-12 Thread wbneff+
Today we had our Three Rivers' BMD Club meeting and I collected money for 
raffle tickets for the AKC CHF Fundraiser for Grant #2214 to fight 
malignant histiocytosis and also for the Grand Prize Drawing for the trip 
to Switzerland for the Specialty Raffle.   It was a good day!!   I 
collected $150 for the histio fundraiser and $145 for the Grand Prize for 
the air fare and hotel for a one week stay in Switzerland.   I'll bet that 
there are other people who will be coming to the Specialty who could help 
their friends by bringing their money to the Specialty to buy tickets for 
them for the Grand Prize.   It's the least you can do for a friend!!!

I'm still hoping to hit our goal of $5,700 for the AKC CHF Fundraiser.   So 
far, I've had pledges from two people - I'm counting on each and every one 
of you to help support this important research so we can win the war 
against malignant histiocytosis.   Here is the web site, just in case you 
are one of the few people who have not checked out the two lovely paintings 
that Willem did for our fundraiser:
I'm waiting for your checks/cheques!!!   THANK YOU in advance for your 

Joye Neff and Nick (Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

Honoring special people on the Berner-l

2003-04-06 Thread wbneff+
Andrea Brin wrote: a special thanks to all of you who responded to my 
request for back issues of the whole world journal. i got more responses 
than i had articles. but there will be more---i will be sending joye a 
check to honor all of you. i will put your names into the raffle.  thanks 
again for sharing your libraries with me.

***  THANK YOU, Andrea!!   What a terrifice idea to honor those who 
responded to your plea and to also help our Berners at the same time!!!

I just got home from my conference in Florida and I am happy to report that 
I have 13 envelopes waiting for me!!   THANK YOU to those of you who 
responded to my plea for donation to the AKC CHF Fundraiser to help fight 
malignant histiocytosis in our Berners.   I appreciate your generosity!!!

Nowthose of you who forgot to send in your checks/cheques. THERE IS 
STILL TIME TO ENTER THE DRAWING for the two lovely paintings by Willem for 
our Fundraiser.   Please go to our website to see the paintings and to see 
how to send your checks to me!!  ;-D

The Fundraiser will officially end April 8th!   I will accept 
checks/cheques until the drawing occurs on April 16th - that gives you 
procrastinators time to still send in your money after the end of the 
fundraiser.  Please contribute to this important fund.   We still need a 
lot more money to hit our goal!!!

Joye Neff and Nick (Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

Another way to get extra tickets!!!...BETTER HURRY!!!

2003-03-29 Thread wbneff+
Another generous donor,  who wants to remain anonymous, has pledge money so 
that the next five checks over $50 will get an extra $25 worth of 
tickets!!!That means that those lucky people will get an extra 20 
tickets for the current fundraiser.   Now, how can you resist such a 
wonderful way to get a better chance to win one of Willem's beautiful 

Here is what you can currently get for your donations of $50 or more 
(checks must be dated and postmarked on or before April 28th:

(1)  For a $50 donation, I still have some pens with a tiny berner picture 
on the end of them - these great pens were donated by an anonomous donor in 
memory of her Berner, Aimee who is at The Rainbow Bridge.
You can check the pens out on the web site at:
Just tell me that you'd like one of those pens, and I'll send them to you 
as long as they hold out!!

or you can choose:

(2)  For the first two people who donate $50 or more, they will receive 8 
extra tickets from another generous anonymous donor.   Not that is a 

or you can choose:

(3)  Another very generous anonymous donor has made a $500 donation to the 
AKC CHF Fundraiser, but he wants all of his tickets go to the next people 
who donate to the Fundraiser.  I have 200 tickets to give out and I will 
give double tickets to the people whose checks are dated March 29th or late 
until they run out.   This generous gift was given in memory of Frodo, 
Winston and all the other wonderful creatures who brought us joy and were 
snatched from us by this terrible scourge.

or you can choose:

(4) For the next five people who donate $50 or more, they will receive 20 
extra tickets from another generous anonymous donor.

How can you possibly resist these marvelous temptations of getting more 
tickets for your money?

Remember the ultimate gift that you will receive is the warm, fuzzy feeling 
that you will have by donating to such a wonderful cause.  Your gift of 
love in the form of a check to the fundraiser will help fight malignant 

Don't forget to visit the web site that Karen Pickel made to see the lovely 
paintings that Willem Wijnberg painted especially for this fundraiser:

Please also visit Jean Cheesman's web site to see the Berners in the Histio 
Roll Call:

There are not many days left for us to reach our goal - we still need to 
raise $4,000 more to hit our goal.  Please help us..

Joye Neff and Nick (Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA
P.S.   This is one fundraiser that you can't dilly dally about and send 
in your money at a leisurely pace, because I am going to be out of the 
country from April 11th through April 23rd.   My son, Jay, and his wife, 
Lisa, are adopting a baby daughter from China.   Lisa is not able to go to 
China because of the SARS outbreak (she was a double transplant recipient 
five years ago and is on anti-rejection drugs) so I am going in her place. 
The fundraiser is over on April 4th and the drawing will take place in the 
evening on April 10th.   So.MAKE MY DAY!!!FILL MY MAILBOX WITH LOTS 
OF GENEROUS CHECKS/CHEQUES so we can hit our goal!!

AKC CHF Fundraiser - Have I got a Deal for you!!!

2003-03-28 Thread wbneff+
Well...we have some very generous and creative people on the berner-l who 
want to sweeten the pot and help bring in more donations for our AKC CHF 
Fundraiser.   I'm going to give you some great choices for your 
donations!!...those that are dated March 28th or later are eligible for 
these special deals!!   Here is what you get in addition to the regular 
ticket amounts for your money:

(1)  For a $50 donation, I still have some pens with a tiny berner picture 
on the end of them - these great pens were donated by an anonomous donor in 
memory of her Berner, Aimee who is at The Rainbow Bridge.
You can check them out on the web site at:
Just tell me that you'd like one of those pens, and I'll send them to you 
as long as they hold out!!

or you can choose:

(2)  For the first two people who donate $50 or more, they will receive 8 
extra tickets from another generous anonymous donor.   Not that is a 

or you can choose:

(3)  Another very generous anonymous donor has made a $500 donation to the 
AKC CHF Fundraiser, but he wants all of his tickets go to the next people 
who donate to the Fundraiser.  I have 200 tickets to give out and I will 
give double tickets to the people whose checks are dated March 29th or late 
until they run out.   This generous gift was given in memory of Frodo, 
Winston and all the other wonderful creatures who brought us joy and were 
snatched from us by this terrible scourge.

Remember the ultimate gift that you will receive is the warm, fuzzy feeling 
that you will have by donating to such q wonderful cause.  Your gift of 
love in the form of a check to the fundraiser will help fight malignant 

Don't forget to visit the web site that Karen Pickel made to see the lovely 
paintings that Willem Wijnberg painted especially for this fundraiser:

Please also visit Jean Cheesman's web site to see the Berners in the Histio 
Roll Call:

There are not many days left for us to reach our goal - we still need to 
raise $4,000 more to hit our goal.  Please help us..

Joye Neff and Nick (Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

Pet therapy - starting young - and other things!!!

2003-03-25 Thread wbneff+
Winston was a Therapy Dog and he enjoyed visiting the nursing home and 
getting so much attention.   The residents loved having a big dog visit 
because he was so gentle and calm and they didn't have to stoop over to pet 
him.   Of course, he'd do the obligatory Berner Sit on your Shoes and the 
Berner Lean, but he did the lean ever so gently with the residents.

Now that Winston is at the Rainbow Bridge, Nick is carrying on the Therapy 
Dog visits.  Nick is three months old today and he is such a sweetie. Thank 
you Libby, Kesner, for entrusting this wonderful Berner Baby Boy to Bill 
and me.

My husband, Bill, in addition to teaching at the University of Pittsburgh 
(Go Panthers!!  Playing in the Sweet 16 of the NCAA on Thursday 
evening!!!,) does consulting at senior care facilities and at in particular 
at a senior care facility that is about a mile from our home.   His 
stepfather is a resident in the assisted living part of that facility.   My 
relocation department has an affinity program with that facility and others 
in our area, where we list and sell the homes of people who are coming to 
live at the facility.   The administrator of the facility just loved 
Winston and sent us such a a caring card and note when Winston crossed the 
Bridge.   She was so thrilled to learn that we had a new Berner puppy and 
she calls Bill during the days he is not teaching sometimes and asks him to 
bring Nick to visit.   We also take Nick to visit when we go to see 
Grandpa.   It takes about 20 minutes to go from the lobby of the facility 
to Grandpa's room, which is only about a 50 foot walk.  Everyone just loves 
Nick.  Last night when we visited, Nick showed off by doing the nicest 
straight 'sit' and just stayed there looking up at me. Of course 
periodically I gave him a piece of his kibble and he just waited and 
watched for the next piece.   They were all impressed.   They couldn't 
believe that he would be just 3 months old today.   It was great 
socialization - he got to interact with a worker with a long beard, several 
people of different races and ethnic groups, people with canes, wheelchairs 
and walkers and then we visited in Grandpa's room and he sniffed 
everything, then laid down and went to sleep.   What fun!!

Nick is one very socialized Berner.  At the Potomac Valley Specialty 
several weeks ago, he must have met every person in attendance and most of 
the Berners there, too.   He sat at my feet at ringside for the whole show 
and either watched was was going on in the ring or slept or played with the 
people around him.  He loved all of the attention and was happy to meet 
people of all ages and sizes.   If you wanted to find Nick or Cathy Shipe's 
darling puppy, Callahan, all you had to do was to look for a crowd of 
people oohing and ahing.  Aren't Berner puppies the cutest thing in the 
world?  After the show on Saturday, Pat Long and I did Berner photos for 
several people.   When we were done, we did a whole row of Nick, who was 
just 9 1/2 weeks at that time.   He sat and posed for 24 photos and they 
all turned out very nicely.

If you are going to the Specialty in Long Beach next month, be sure to have 
Pat take photos of your Berners.   It is so nice to capture those puppies 
while they are so cute and small.   I can't tell you how many people have 
told us that they were so happy to have had photos taken by Pat because 
they lost their Berners not long after the photos were done.   It's a real 
bargain, too.   Pat charges $50 but only $20 of that goes to cover her 
expenses and the rest goes to a Berner fund of your choice.   You also get 
a full set of photos plus the negatives!!   We try to get the photos back 
so you get them the day after the photos are taken.  I think that we've 
raised about $10,000 for Berner funds doing these portraits.   Pat, is that 
number accurate?   We will be doing the photos from Wednesday through 
Saturday from about 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.   Sunday, we get to watch 
conformation!!!  Don't miss out on this opportunity.

Joye Neff and Nick (Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

A special gift for our fundraiser....

2003-03-24 Thread wbneff+
I have received a generous donation for our AKC CHF Fundraiser from an 
anonymous donor in memory of her Berner, Aimee, who is at the Rainbow 
Bridge.   This Berner lover has donated ten Quill pens that have an itty 
bitty berner on the end.The next ten people who donate $50 or more will 
receive one of these terrific Berner pens as a Thank You for their 
special donation.   Here is the website for our fundraiser:

Please visit the site, and then make a donation of $50 or more because you 
will be helping us fight malignant histiocytosis, a terrible cancer that 
claims way too many of our beloved Berners at way too young an age.   We 
have less than two weeks left in this fundraiser and we need to raise about 
$4,000 to reach our goal.  We will not be able to achieve it if we don't 
have the support of many Berner people on this list.   We need donations of 
all amounts - even donations of $1 will get us to our goal.  Please help!!

Joye Neff and Nick (Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

Just two more weeks and we need YOUR help!!

2003-03-22 Thread wbneff+
I have just finished entering the checks I received yesterday for the AKC 
CHF Fundraiser into my Excel spreadsheet and so far we have raised 
$1,683.68 for Grant #2214.   There are ONLY 13 MORE DAYS left for this 
special fundraiser to help fight malignant histiocytosis and we need to 
raise at least $4,000 more to beat our last fundraiser for this cause.   We 
really do need your help!!!   So far we have had 41 people make donations 
to our fundraiser.   There are 2,021 members of the Berner-l, so I would 
think that we should be able to get a LOT more donations from people in the 
USA and other  countries.   We are trying to see how many different 
countries can be represented in our donor list.  Just yesterday I received 
a donation from Switzerland!   We have also received cheques from Japan, 
the United Kingdom and Canada.  I've included the ticket amounts you 
receive for many countries on the website.  Is your country represented in 
our fundraiser?If your country isn't listed, just send me a message and 
I'll give you the information you need to make a donation.

Here is the website:		

Please check out the website, then send a check or cheque to me to help 
raise money to fight histio.	

Joye Neff and Nick (Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA