RE: Bath time!

2003-06-05 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Andie,
Just ignore them, do the wash and the towel dry and if Steamboat wants to
be pouty about it for two hours don't play into it by trying to persuade
him to love you again with treats. Berners hate to be ignored so quit the
bribes and dollars to doughnuts he'll be seeking contact with you soon
enough, then give him praise. Just a little, you are the King of the Hill
not him!

Rose T.

Bath time!

2003-06-05 Thread Andie Reid
OK folks, I know you have some grooming wisdom to impart.  I just gave 
Steamboat (more commonly called "Tiny") and Tugboat their baths. Does 
anyone know any way to help them hate it any less? Steamboat is the 
worst. They'll both stand there and tolerate it, but Steamboat literally 
will not speak to me for a couple of hours after his bath, it makes him 
so mad. If I come up to him after bathtime, he just turns his head away 
and ignores me. Treats are taken grudgingly. (Of COURSE they're taken, 
but it's more like they're doing me a favor...) I mean, it's not a major 
crisis at all. I just wondered if there was anything I could do to make 
it more enjoyable, or at least LESS miserable for them. The whole 
process is only about 15 minutes long.

Here are some things I thought of to answer the obvious questions:
Yes, I use tepid, not hot or cold water.
No, I don't get shampoo in their eyes.
Yes, I'm very gentle with them - I promise it doesn't hurt them.
No, the sprayer isn't too hard for them. I check it on myself 
(temperature too) first.
I do not confine them in any way. They'll stand there. They're just 
miserable while they're doing it.

Andie Reid
Wilmington, NC