Berner sighting

2003-09-02 Thread Lori Simidian
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Berner Sighting

2003-08-16 Thread bernerlover
During the first 10 min of the AKC National Invitational Championship
[Animal Planet], there was a story on junior handlers. Breenie and her
berner were interviewed briefly. Beautiful girl, beautiful berner.


Cathi with Bacchus and Ari

Berner Sighting

2003-07-14 Thread Sportster
My wife is addicted to HGTV ( Home And Garden TV - dedicated to the
purchase, remodeling and redecorating of our homes).  I suppose that I
should thank my lucky stars because it's better than her former addiction to
The Weather Channel.

Anyway, Deb had HDTV on this weekend and they were doing a segment on Fisher
(sp?) Island - a VERY exclusive island community just off the coast of
Miami.  I was watching the segment (wondering how all those people got all
that money) when what to my wondering eyes should appear but two gorgeous
Berners !!  A resident was being interviewed and several clips showed her
with her Berners: Talking to them, playing with them, taking them for a ride
in her golf cart - one sitting up front with her paws majestically draped
over the front of the cart !!  I was smiling for the rest of the day.

If you get HGTV, keep an eye out for the episode featuring Fisher (sp?)
Island.  Our Berners are well represented :)

Mike, Deb
and Gertie

Re: Berner Sighting

2003-07-14 Thread Mary-Ann Bowman
And what is wrong with The Weather Channel??!!! It seems much more useful
than seeing things/places I cannot afford -- who can be jealous of a
hurricane or tornado ;)

Mary-Ann Bowman

berner sighting and Mary Townsend

2003-03-13 Thread bernese
Hi all

First the info on Mary. There WAS an obit in the Canton Repository on Wed
Mar 12 for a Mary K Townsend..I knew it wasn't our Mary when I read
that this Mary operated Dunks Diner and Catering Service as well as Dunks
Furniture in Astabulaalso that she was proceeded in death by her
husband Thomas. Walt is Mary's husband. Just so you know...the Canton
Repository is the big newspaper in the Canton/Massillon area here in Ohio.

On to the berner sighting. In Walgreens I bought the last 2 berner cards
they hada black and white of 2 darling berners, blank inside, put out by
Hallmark under their impromptu line. And, of course I HAD to tell the
check out lady we have dogs like this and show the her some pics of
Bacchus and Ari.


Berner sighting (movie)

2003-01-29 Thread BuWho
At work today, one of my co-workers called me over to her cubicle (she views the 
pay-per-view screeners before they go out) and she happened to be viewing a movie 
called Equilibrium.  She told me to watch this scene (which was aweful) the movie is 
set in the future after world war 3 and people take medication to not feel anything.  
The soldiers come across some place that has a bunch of dogs (which aren't allowed in 
the present time and must be destroyed).  They start to destroy the dogs when one of 
the men (who hasn't been taking his medication of not having feelings picks up a 
bernese mountain dog puppy (8-9 weeks old perhaps).  The dog licks the man's face.  
The soldier orders it to be destroyed along with the other dogs (I know, a horrible 
scene) but, the man who hasn't taken his medication makes the excuse that the puppy 
must be tested for diseases (trying to save the puppy's life and not get caught for 
having feels because he hasn't taken his meds).  He takes the puppy away.   The 
director obviously wanted to use the cutest puppy he could find in order to draw 
sympathy from the character and the audience.  

Berner sighting in Runner's World mag

2003-01-08 Thread Linda Horn
This morning I opened up my new issue (Feb 2003) of Runner's World and
immediately spotted Brutus the smiling Berner on page 11 of the Women's
Running section, along with his human Melanie Boock. If you're reading this
Melanie, thanks for sharing your running story with us!

Cocoa's favourite training treats are cubed cheese, cut-up turkey hot dogs
and cheerios.


Linda  Robin Horn
Cocoa, bouncing barracuda Berner (7 months)
and Pixel the cat

Langley, BC, Canada

RE: TV Berner sighting

2003-01-03 Thread Rose Tierney
There is nothing my Ursula likes better than to go see the birdies at
PetsMart on the weekend. Not sure the birdies like her keen intensive

Ursula and her best friend Titan had a nice game of fly birdie fly in the
back yard. A young crow had fallen from the sky and the two of them were
running in tandem with the headless, one-legged gutted corpse each holding
a wing tip. A few weeks later the government in its wisdom warned about
West Nile Virus asking the public to hand in dead birds, and I was left
wondering if our birdie was a found treasure, which was more likely, than
them snatching it in low flight which they try with the barn swallows!

I doubt Berners are good bird dogs because they snack on them first.


Berner Sighting

2003-01-03 Thread steeles
Hi! Today during the Fiesta Bowl (Ohio State and Miami) a Berner appeared in
the TD Waterhouse ad. Sara Steele

RE: TV Berner sighting

2003-01-01 Thread Pat Long Paul Dangel
Posted in plain text for Andrea:

Hi all,
   I saw a tv commercial today for the company TD Waterhouse that
has a Berner sitting beside an older man.  Only the Berner's head was
shown.  Anyone we know??

Happy New Year!!
Andrea Stefanac
Richmond, VA

RE: TV Berner sighting

2003-01-01 Thread Liz Caldwell
And in an Animal Precinct episode today (they were running an Animal
Precinct marathon), they showed a dog park in New York, and there were,
among all the other dogs, a Berner and a Landseer Newfie!

Liz Caldwell

At 2:19 PM -0500 1/1/03, Pat Long  Paul Dangel wrote:
Posted in plain text for Andrea:

Hi all,
   I saw a tv commercial today for the company TD Waterhouse that
has a Berner sitting beside an older man.  Only the Berner's head was
shown.  Anyone we know??

Happy New Year!!
Andrea Stefanac
Richmond, VA

Re: TV Berner sighting

2003-01-01 Thread Judith Johnson a commercial for progress soup at the end you see a couple
walking away from home in the snow with a beautiful berner running ahead of

Judith Johnson
Kennesaw, GA
Owned by 'the girls'
April, Claudia, Puck, Hailey, Angel, Kyra and Daisy

on 1/1/03 4:08 PM, Liz Caldwell at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And in an Animal Precinct episode today (they were running an Animal
 Precinct marathon), they showed a dog park in New York, and there were,
 among all the other dogs, a Berner and a Landseer Newfie!
 Liz Caldwell

berner sighting!!

2002-12-17 Thread stmaybe
there was a berner ( his/her owner) wandering around not far from my 
home today! i *never* see other berners in our town. how exciting! i 
wanted to say hi  pet the beautiful berner, but i was on my way to a 
job interview  couldn't risk being late.

laura  baka
chapel hill, nc

Berner Sighting

2002-12-14 Thread steeles
Hi All,
I hardly ever watch TV, but tonight I had the TV on while I was doing my workout
in the basement. A Progresso ad came on---hot (better than Campbell's, it said)
clam chowder for a very snowy day. After the chowder, the front door opens to
the outside and out trots a huge, gorgeous big Berner in the falling snow! 
Look for it! Sara Steele

Berner sighting-Giant Eagle commercial

2002-10-18 Thread bernese
I don't know how many states have a Giant Eagle grocery store, but last
night during CSI, there was a commercial for Giant Eagle featuring [for just
a sec] a beautiful berner. The husband was carring in armloads of groceries
and had to step over the berner laying on the porch.

Anyone we know?


Re: Berner Sighting!!

2002-10-15 Thread Gary A Turner

Yes indeed that is a Berner butt.  We have seen that commercial for a few
weeks now.  We taped it so we could watch in slow-motion.  So watch
closely...there is nothing like a good Berner butt!!

Gary  Penny Turner and Archie (the best Berner butt there is!!!)

Re: Berner Sighting!!

2002-10-15 Thread Denise Vickers

Anybody know who the Berner butt belong to in the Flonase commercial?

Gary A Turner wrote:

Yes indeed that is a Berner butt.  We have seen that commercial for a few
weeks now.  We taped it so we could watch in slow-motion.  So watch
closely...there is nothing like a good Berner butt!!

Gary  Penny Turner and Archie (the best Berner butt there is!!!)



2002-10-12 Thread Sandy J Ongemach

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