Fw: Return of The Fun Survery!!

2003-03-25 Thread Karen

 1 --- Do you live in
 a) city
 b) suburbs
 c) country
 d) on Planet Berner
Landed on Planet Berner on March 6,2002 and are patiently awaiting other

 2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
Stevie can sleep anywhere he wants to, but he is never more than 3 feet away
from me.

 3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
Stevie's favourite toy without a doubt is his kitty, George, he carries him
around by the scruff of his neck and licks him like a mother cat would.

 4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)
I might have answered this question differently 2 months ago, but now,
Stevie's most remarkable feature is his determination and heart. Even though
this is not a visual feature, it comes through loud and clear.

 5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
No, but if I ever win the lottery, Stevie and I want a HUMMER!!Black or Gun
Metal Grey please!! He deserves it doesn't he??Plus he knows that it is
Mum's favourite ultimate SUV!!

 6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
  has won)
Stevie had just started in Obedience before his accident, and did not
complete. But once he is well and healthy we shall continue, and we would
really like to try our hand at drafting. The only title that he has won, is
the key to my heart, but that counts for alot

 7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.
When Stevie was about 7months old, we were out to the barn to play with my
horse. Stevie got into the machine shed and decided that the large roll of
baler twine was an interesting toy. I was busy in the barn with my big girl,
and never had a worry before about what Stevie was up to whenever we were at
the farm. When I brought my mare out to go to the arena to ride, everywhere
that I cast my eyes were lengths and lengths of bright orange baler twine.
Altogether he unrolled approx. 2000' of twine. He had pulled it , chewed it,
and pulled it some more. When I finally followed the trail, Stevie was
happily sleeping under the tractor on top of a lovely bed of bright orange
twine!! We took him to the vet as well as we werent sure as to whether he
had consumed any of it!! xrays showed minimum amount in his tummy and it
passed with no problems, however he did have a significant amount in between
his teeth, very expensive dental floss!!

Fw: Return of The Fun Survery!!

2003-03-24 Thread Susan Berlin

- Original Message -
From: Susan Berlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: Return of The Fun Survery!!

 Thanks for this, Catherine!

  1 --- Do you live in
  a) city
  b) suburbs
  c) country
  d) on Planet Berner

 in the country, on Planet Berner, Canada
  2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?

 On my (our) bed, of course -- along with the two cats. Riley, my other
 (non-berner) dog sleeps on a mat on the floor. I keep encouraging him to
 join us, but one of the cats is quite vehement that he not do so.

  3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?

 Neither of my two berners has been much interested in toys. Her favourite
 'toy' is my other dog, Riley, who outweighs her but loses all the

 4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)

 Her energy and smarts. Must be some tri-colour border collie snuck in
  5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
 only it's not new anymore. I live back of beyond, and the two dogs and I
 travel back and forth to the real world in a 1989 Mazda  pickup with an
 extended cab. They ride in the back seat, of course -- except when I get
 of the car for a few minutes and Djinn moves into the driver's seat and
 honks the horn. People are always amused at the big dog driving the
  6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
  has won)
  a) conformation
  b) obedience trials
  c) drafting trials
  d) agility
  e) therapy work
  f) tracking
  g) training classes
  h) digging to China

 Therapy -- for me, that is. I'll be starting her in agility in the Fall, I
 hope; her vet describes her as  'very athletic' which means she moves fast
 and bounces a lot, and she LOVES training work.
  7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.

 There I was knitting a lace vest in alpaca yarn. Ever knit lace? If you
 a stitch, you can't just rip out a row -- you have to go back stitch by
 stitch till you get to a row where the stitch pattern works out. Djinn --
 then about 4 months old -- came up behind my chair VERY quietly, grabbed
 knitting, and headed out the (open) door aiming at the woods behind the
 house. Fortunately, she dropped it just up the hill and I turned my
 attention to rescuing it, instead of having a heart-to-heart with her.

 However, if I weren't limited to ONE event, I could go on and onDjinn
 now a bit over two years old, and I've noticed recently that she's become
 lot more co-operative, but I wouldn't recognize her as my dog if she ever
 stopped having a mind of her own!

 Salt Spring Island, BC
 With Djinn and Riley and the two cats