----- Original Message -----
From: "Susan Berlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: Return of The Fun Survery!!

> Thanks for this, Catherine!
> > 1 --- Do you live in
> >     a) city
> >     b) suburbs
> >     c) country
> >     d) on Planet Berner
> in the country, on Planet Berner, Canada
> >
> > 2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
> On my (our) bed, of course -- along with the two cats. Riley, my other
> (non-berner) dog sleeps on a mat on the floor. I keep encouraging him to
> join us, but one of the cats is quite vehement that he not do so.
> > 3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
> Neither of my two berners has been much interested in toys. Her favourite
> 'toy' is my other dog, Riley, who outweighs her but loses all the
> matches.
> 4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)
> Her energy and smarts. Must be some tri-colour border collie snuck in
> somewhere.
> >
> > 5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
> >     Yes
> >
> only it's not new anymore. I live back of beyond, and the two dogs and I
> travel back and forth to the real world in a 1989 Mazda  pickup with an
> extended cab. They ride in the back seat, of course -- except when I get
> of the car for a few minutes and Djinn moves into the driver's seat and
> honks the horn. People are always amused at the big dog driving the
> >
> > 6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
> > has won)
> >     a) conformation
> >     b) obedience trials
> >     c) drafting trials
> >     d) agility
> >     e) therapy work
> >     f) tracking
> >     g) training classes
> >     h) digging to China
> Therapy -- for me, that is. I'll be starting her in agility in the Fall, I
> hope; her vet describes her as  'very athletic' which means she moves fast
> and bounces a lot, and she LOVES training work.
> >
> > 7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.....
> There I was knitting a lace vest in alpaca yarn. Ever knit lace? If you
> a stitch, you can't just rip out a row -- you have to go back stitch by
> stitch till you get to a row where the stitch pattern works out. Djinn --
> then about 4 months old -- came up behind my chair VERY quietly, grabbed
> knitting, and headed out the (open) door aiming at the woods behind the
> house. Fortunately, she dropped it just up the hill and I turned my
> attention to rescuing it, instead of having a heart-to-heart with her.
> However, if I weren't limited to ONE event, I could go on and on....Djinn
> now a bit over two years old, and I've noticed recently that she's become
> lot more co-operative, but I wouldn't recognize her as my dog if she ever
> stopped having a mind of her own!
> Susan
> Salt Spring Island, BC
> With Djinn and Riley and the two cats

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