RE: Housebreaking Help

2003-04-01 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Brigitte,
When a puppy urinates within ten minutes of returning back into the house I
would assume a urinary tract infection. These infections are very very
common in puppies and are usually quickly cleared up with a course of
amoxicillin or clavamox. You will have to try and collect a sample for the
vet to analyse or being a male it is easy for the technician to catheritise
them and empty the bladder. Try to keep him from lying for too long on cold
damp surfaces. Inside the house he'll be fine on the vinyl or tile flooring
but don't use that chill bed just yet:-)

Rose T.

-Original Message-
Sent: March 30, 2003 8:25 AM
Subject: Housebreaking Help

We've had Eli for nearly 2 weeks and are still having trouble with
housebreaking.  He has good days and bad days.  On a bad day (like today),
he'll go outside, doo his business, come in (on his own) and go to the
bathroom in the house only minutes later... help!

We haven't had him long enough to fill out a Berner survey yet, but he's
racked up a naughtiest already -- he seems to think that the door molding
on our bathroom is one giant chew toy - a large chunk has been chomped off!

Luckily we love him... :+)

Thanks to the poster who mentioned canine cooler mats - never heard of
them, found on and ordered.  Eli thinks it's hot now (only mid
50's) -- wait till our Jersey summers -- thought this might help him.

Thanks again!

Berner Mom in NJ

Re: Housebreaking Help

2003-03-31 Thread Ruth Reynolds

  We've had Eli for nearly 2 weeks and are still having trouble with
housebreaking.  He has good days and bad days.  On a bad day (like today),
he' ll go outside, doo his business, come in (on his own) and go to the
bathroom  in the house only minutes later... help!

What?  No one's told you about the Two Tee tee rule?  :-)  From Pioneer's
puppy packet:

Initially after any period of sleep, your pup will probably urinate twice
with a short interval inbetween squats.  Confine your pup or stay outside
observing until you've seen him go the second time.  It might take 5-10
minutes in-between squats.

Ruth Reynolds
Pioneer Bernese

Re: Housebreaking Help

2003-03-31 Thread BernerFolk
In a message dated 3/30/2003 8:51:32 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 We've had Eli for nearly 2 weeks and are still having trouble with 
 housebreaking.  He has good days and bad days.  On a bad day (like today), 
 ll go outside, doo his business, come in (on his own) and go to the 
 in the house only minutes later... help!

This is pretty much what I'd expect after 2 weeks...especially if your puppy 
has had the opportunity to relieve himself in the house at all.  
Housetraining is really a pretty complicated process for puppies.  It takes 
time, repitition, and consistency for them to learn the various parts of the 
lesson.  The following is part of a post I sent to the list previously so I 
apologize for the incorrect gender.

Housetraining is a matter of helping your puppy to understand:
1)  That outside is the place to relieve herself.
2)  How to use her muscles to hold it until she gets outside.
3) How to let you know that she has to go outside.

No simple matter for a 3 month old brain and patience is an 
important part of the process.  The other important part of the process is 
repetition.  Every time a puppy relieves themself in the house, they're not 
learning to go outside.  Regardless of your reaction, they pretty much learn 
that it's OK to go when ever and where ever the need arises.  

So, a core element of housetraining is to do everything you can to prevent 
'accidents' from happening.  Anticipate when your puppy will have to relieve 
herself and take her outside BEFORE she does it.  When she does go outside, 
praise and perhaps give her a tidbit as a reward...both will help her to 
undersstand that going outside is a 'good thing'.  
Another part of the whole is watching her very closely for the subtle signals 
she  sends to let you know she has to go outsiderespond to them 
immediately and when she relieves herself outside, reward the good behavior. 

I use a crate as a tool for helping the puppy and I communicate with each 
other about how the process goes.  Most pups will instinctively not relieve 
themselves in the small area they sleep in.  Consequently, when a pup wakes 
up in a crate and has to urinate, they'll typically get restless, bark, or 
yelp to let you know they want *out*.  I immediately let the pup out, 
scooping her into my arms, and carry her outside to the potty area.  When I 
put her down, she pees, I praise and reward...give her a minute or two, and 
then put her back into the crate.  

You can see that this is teaching all the key elements of housetraining by 
using the dog's own instincts to keep her area clean.  She learns that if she 
barks, I'll respond and let her out.  She learns to hold herself...even if 
only in my arms at first...until she gets outside.  And, she learns that 
outside is THE place to relieve herself as she hasn't had the opportunity to 
do otherwise.

The caveat to crate training is that you MUST be there (within earshot) to 
let her out when she has to go.  You can't tell her to wait a few minutes 
because you're not ready to get up yet, you can't leave her home alone in a 
crate for long periods of time and expect her to keep her legs crossed.  
Putting a puppy in that position turns the crate into an instrument of 
cruelty rather than of learning.

 -- he seems to think that the door molding 
 on our bathroom is one giant chew toy - a large chunk has been chomped off!

There are two facets to this...
The first is that puppies need to chew and must be provided with safe items 
to chew on.  For babies that still have their their puppy teeth, I use 
Gumabones (the softer version of the Nylabone), the Booda Bone knotted rope, 
natural rubber toys, a Chewman fleece, and raw beef knuckle bones with the 
fat removed.  NOTE: the Gumabones, rope toys, and for some dogs...the fleece 
toys, can ALL be hazardous once your Berner started to get his adult teeth 
in.  Watch closely how these items are being impacted by the chewing and 
discard as soon as chuncks are being knawed off the Gumabone or the rope toy 
is looking a bit tattered or loose threads are starting to appear or the 
fleece toy is being gutted.  This can happen in a few minutes so as your 
puppy gets a bit older I wouldn't leave him alone with them.  Also remember 
to 'upsize' toys to prevent swallowing/choking as puppy gets bigger.  

The second component environmental.  Destructive chewing can result from 
either stress or boredom.  

Keep in mind that dogs are inherently social animals and a young puppy would 
never be totally alone in the normal structure of a canine pack.  When you 
leave a puppy alone (no people, no other dogs about) you can expect the pup 
to stress (unless he's tired and just wants to sleep).  

I handle this by slowly building their ability to be alone by starting small 
and working up.  Small applies to both time and space.  A dog will 
instinctively feel 'responsible' for a territory.  If a dog has more 

Housebreaking Help

2003-03-30 Thread MissIndi
We've had Eli for nearly 2 weeks and are still having trouble with housebreaking.  He 
has good days and bad days.  On a bad day (like today), he'll go outside, doo his 
business, come in (on his own) and go to the bathroom in the house only minutes 
later... help!

We haven't had him long enough to fill out a Berner survey yet, but he's racked up a 
naughtiest already -- he seems to think that the door molding on our bathroom is one 
giant chew toy - a large chunk has been chomped off!

Luckily we love him... :+)

Thanks to the poster who mentioned canine cooler mats - never heard of them, found on and ordered.  Eli thinks it's hot now (only mid 50's) -- wait till our 
Jersey summers -- thought this might help him.

Thanks again!

Berner Mom in NJ