
2003-06-11 Thread Andie Reid
When we first brought Steamboat home, Tugboat thought he was the coolest 
toy we'd ever brought him. They just played and played and played all 
the time. Now that they're older, however, they just don't play together 
very much. They're still very fond of each other - never a harsh word 
between them, no sulking, they snuggle a lot, and like each others' 
company, but they don't jump and run and wrestle and play like they used 
to. We can take them to the neighbors', and they'll play with Maggie the 
lab, but even over there, they each play with her, and not with each other.

Has anyone else noticed this with "sibling" dogs? Does anyone have any 
ideas of how to encourage them to play together?

Andie and Tugboat and Steamboat the bored
Wilmington, NC

playing fetch

2003-03-10 Thread KahlanRule
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playing fetch!

2003-03-10 Thread Vegasbep
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RE: Food for thought--playing iwth a lab

2003-02-10 Thread Nancy Melone
Certainly there are rules of thumb that can be prudently followed in caring
for our pets.  While one may not outright restrict "playing with a lab",
according to the orthopedic surgeon who performed CCL surgery on one of my
dogs, frizbies bring him more business than any other single triggering
event.  When a dog jumps for a flying frizbie, as he lands there is a
sufficient amount of torque to cause damage.  It may not be playing with the
lab that is the problem, but rather the type of play and the prior
conditioning of the dog doing the playing.

Nancy Melone, Treasurer
Berner-Garde Foundation, Inc.
Mars, PA