RE: Debating about Lepto Vax - long

2003-07-16 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Jill,
In our area two years ago there were fourteen incidences of lepto and the
one thing in common with these dogs were two frequently used off leash
parks in the Ottawa area, Conroy Pit and Bruce Pit. I do not use either of
these facilities but a retired brood bitch of mine was frequenting Conroy
Pit with her caretaker and we elected to vaccinate her. I split her
vaccines because she had her spleen removed following torsion some years
ago. She had no side effects at all. My other dogs are not vaccinated for
lepto (never used the old one either) and when they are walked off property
they are always on leash. We have incidence of raccoon rabies in our area
and coupled with risks of giardia if they were to drink brackish water we
elect to keep our dogs leashed. Fortunately I have a very large fenced area
at home for their free exercise. In recent times there has not been an
incident of lepto in my area but I would reassess the risk accordingly if
there were more outbreaks. I also do not leave water buckets out overnight
when the dogs are in the house.
If one is close to barns etc where rats and mice frequent again I would
assess the risk factor.

I give combo shots now every three years and bordetella annually and rabies
every three years at a time different from the combo. Puppies have their
course and booster at one year then go on the three year regimen. My older
dogs I try to calculate for their last three years and I never knowingly
vaccinate a dog that is unwell or showing stress symptoms. Older dogs are
subjected to a full blood panel and urinalysis commencing age five years
and thereafter annually. Those values help me determine my vaccination
When I have vaccinations done the dogs are rested and not overexercised for
a couple of days following. Just part of my attempts to minimise stress
overall in their lives:-))

Rose T.

Re: Debating about Lepto Vax - long

2003-07-16 Thread Jennifer Martyn
Hi Jill ... I had one year old Porter vaccinated
against lepto in May due to the fact we live in a
rural area with a pond and a creek inhabited by the
lepto-carrying beaver.  After receiving the first
booster (lepto only - his annual vacc's aren't due til
August) he had an allergic reaction.  Hot, swollen
gums, ears, skin etc.  He was chewing at his feet
until they were bleeding.  It took 3+ weeks to get
over it (10 days on prednisone)... now, when taking
Porter  his GSD brother Kief (8 months) for runs thru
the fields (by the creek and pond) we leash them until
we've passed the creek and always carry fresh water
for them and a collapsible bowl.  The vet at the
company that manufactures the vaccine stated Porter's
reaction very common in Berners and believes that
Porter may have already been exposed to lepto and was
immune ... All is well now, and the drug manufacturer
is refunding all of our money including the cost of
the vaccine and all subsequent vet visits and
treatments.  This is just my experience with the
vaccine and although Porter's reaction is not
classified as severe, in my books anything that causes
that much distress to my dog is severe.

After discussions with my vet we have decided that my
dogs will receive annual vaccines (distemper, parvo,
etc.) and receives a rabies vaccine bi-annually.

Just my experience ... 

--- J Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone.
 I recently took Indie (will be 7 in Sept) for a
 check up and to check 
 titers.  He has plenty of immunity against
 everything, but 
 Leptospirosis.  My inclination is to not vaccinate
 for Lepto, because there 
 is a fairly low incidence in our area, according to
 a Vet who specializes 
 in infectious diseases.  The Vet said that the Vet
 school (at Purdue) does 
 recommend the vaccination, especially for dogs who
 frequent ponds and rural 
 areas where the disease is more prevalent.  (that's
 daily, for us = where 
 we live). My dog's personal Vet also
 thinks Indie should get the vax. The newer 4 way Vac
 which covers 2 strains 
 that rarely occur and 2 newer strains, was 
 recommended. It has a low 
 incidence of side effects/problems associated with
 it (1 in 1000), but my 
 hesitation is partly due to the information that
 Berners, Poodles, Afgans 
 and ?, are more susceptible to auto-immune related
 problems which can be 
 associated with vaccines.  Because of that and
 because our older girl, 
 Trace, died not long after receiving a lepto shot,
 my emotions are 
 screaming:  DON'T!!! give this vax to an older
 Bernese.  I cannot prove 
 that Trace's anemia/decline/death was a side effect,
 but due to the timing, 
 I at least wonder.  Lepto can cause some serious
 problems and some dogs do 
 die from it - I forget the death rate due to the
 disease, itself.
 Help!  I would appreciate input from Berner owners
 concerning their call on 
 Berners against lepto.
 One other piece of the puzzle that bothers me:  In
 the past, Indie has had 
 yearly, routine vaccinations.  For about 2 weeks
 after that, he has been 
 'not himself,' and I would bet the farm it's due to
 a reaction to the 
 vacs.  It was always a combo shot, and not just
 If you do not have your Berner vaccinated for Lepto,
 why and does your dog 
 receive other routine vaccinations?
 To those who titer:  do you check Lepto?
 Given the info above, would you have Indie
 vaccinated for Lepto, if he were 
 your dog.
 I don't want to spark a vaccination controversy, but
 will appreciate 
 knowing what other Berner owners do, before making a
 decision for my dog.
 Thanks, and hugs to your dogs,
 Jill with Indie and Gabby 

Jennifer Martyn
Conn, Ontario, Canada

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