RE: hot weather haircut?

2003-06-19 Thread Rose Tierney
Personally I don't trim my dog's down with clippers but I do comb them out
and bathe them and then blow dry to get rid of any winter woollies. Spayed
and neutered dogs do tend to get a bit woolly and tatty especially around
the back legs so with a pair of blending scissors I tidy them up. Also
keeping the ears tidy helps with air circulation but this needs a skilled
hand. Shaving a dog down is a no-no as it makes the coat more woolly and
exposes the skin to more sun damage. Providing a cool floor and plenty of
shade and fresh water and most dogs will be okay. Exercise in the early
morning and at night.


Re: hot weather haircut?

2003-06-19 Thread Ruth Reynolds
One of my pup buyers shaves her dogs all over to 1.25 inches each summer.
The dog dances in her new doo when the process is over.  Lynn says that
her Berners takes less time to cool down and are able to exercise more in
the summer.

Lynn has had three Berners from me over the years.  The first two had
plush-type natural coats. Their coats grew back each winter and were very
nice.  I've not seen her current Berner's coat grown out after a summer doo.
She has a longer and very thick coat.

Remember, it IS hair and it WILL very likely grow back if you cut it.  If
you feel this is necessary to keep your dog comfortable, why not give it a

I live with a dozen Berners in north Florida. Summers here are very long and
much of July and August has days in the 90's.  I comb and comb and comb and
comb my dogs from April through September.  I find this helps remove their
insulation (undercoat) which , if left, makes it so hard for them to cool

Everyone in my neighborhood has Bernerfur bird nests in their trees. :-)

Ruth Reynolds

Re: Hot Weather Haircut

2003-06-19 Thread Kim Morrow
Berners have coat for a reason, it acts as an insulator and it also protects
your dog's skin from the sun.  As long as you are providing fresh water
frequently and a nice shady spot for your dog there is NO reason to shave
your dog.

This is one of my pet peeves if you can't tell.  Who goes around and shaves
the wolves and coyotes so that they'll be nice and cool in the summer? No
one and nor should our domestic dogs.

play and splash before lying down in a shady spot.  They really enjoy the
time playing in there and it keeps them cool as well.

Hope those of you considering shaving your dogs will please reconsider as
you could possibly burn your dogs skin by getting it shaved.

Kim Morrow
Susa Reg'd
Saskatoon, SK

Re: hot weather haircut?

2003-06-18 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 06/18/2003 11:17:41 PM Central Daylight Time, 

 I was wondering what peoples thoughts were on giving my neutered 1 1\2 
year old Quinn a summer trim.  I would appreciate peoples feedback and hearing 
about other's experiences. 

Because of Chicago areas high humidity and temperatures, plus the fact I do 
not have air conditioning at home, I have Flash's belly and inner thighs shaved 
in the summer so that when he lies on the tile floors or the damp soil, he 
has as much skin surface contacting the cool area.  I also comb and brush out as 
much undercoat as I possibly can, leaving the outer coat to protect his skin 
from sun and bugs.  I used to do the same thing with all my heavy coated sled 
dogs in the summer.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDI, 8 11/12 yrs. old Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yr. 
old Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   Annes4, Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: hot weather haircut?

2003-06-18 Thread Marjie
Sterling gets the same thing that Flash does.  After his summer trim, I see him
laying on the hearth rocks to absorb the coolness.  I add one area, however. 
The, ah, undertail area also gets shaved.  Sterling has a very heavy coat and as
he gets older, that area isn't as daisy-fresh (apologies to Maria) as it was. 
Shaving helps with keeping things clean :-)  



 Because of Chicago areas high humidity and temperatures, plus the fact I do
 not have air conditioning at home, I have Flash's belly and inner thighs shaved
 in the summer so that when he lies on the tile floors or the damp soil, he
 has as much skin surface contacting the cool area.  I also comb and brush out as
 much undercoat as I possibly can, leaving the outer coat to protect his skin
 from sun and bugs.  I used to do the same thing with all my heavy coated sled
 dogs in the summer.