re invisible fencing

2003-03-13 Thread Chris Marjorie Cottle
Hi Everyone

I have never used an invisible fence but our Tory who came to us at 4
1/2 years old  (she is now 8 1/2)was trained on an ivisible fence as a
puppy.  I doubt if she even wore the collar for more than a few months,
but she did respect it  and she is a very pain insensitive girl.
BUT   something to consider is sound sensitivity.  I understand the
collars emit a beep or a click before the animal gets to the perimeter
and gets the shock.  I do think this has contributed to Tory's sound
sensitivity.  Our thermostat used to make click just before it turned
off for the night. Tory would startle every night. Some nights it was
enough to send her into panic mode and she would pace frantically around
the house .( we now replaced it with a quieter model, but sometimes the
furnace makes a tiny click and she's off into panic mode.
One day while giviing one of our girls a bath I brought our egg timer
outside and the click click click of it panicked her, she was shaking
and terrified. And went to hide under the hydrangea bush.
Now, I don't know if one day her collar shorted out on her and made the
clicking sound or what but I know it had to do with the fence. Sound
sesitivity usually gets worse as they get older and I wouldn't want to
set myself up for anything like what we have with Tory on purpose. (She
has to sleep with a fan running near her ears to mask out any creaks and
clicks that happen in the quiet house at night) It's no fun.

Tory is not one of those shy, sensitive girls either, she is an all out
nothing bothers her type of girl except for this one thing.
Just something to bear in mind if you have a choice of a solid fence or
invisible fence.

I also know of someone who used the invible fence inside the house to
keep the Berner from going into certain rooms.  We took care of her for
a few days and it took all day to convince her she was not going to get
shocked each time she went into a room with a rug in it. She also had to
be taken in the car to get her out of the driveway as she would not walk
out on her own. Very sad.

Marjorie Cottle

Re: Invisible fencing

2003-03-11 Thread Mary Shaver
I have a professionally installed invisible (radio) fence that surrounds
my 2+ acre property.  I have trained both a berner puppy at 5 months to
the fence, as well as an adult berner.  I personally have not had any
problems, no breakouts, and in fact, I still have many of the flags up
around the back and sides of my yard where the wire is located back in
the woods, and my dogs don't even wear their collars much of the time.
They seem to know where their boundary is, and evidently have little
interest in the wanderlust.  They will furiously chase the squirrels,
bunnies, deer and anything else that comes into the yard, but always
stop short of the boundary (in fact, I think the wildlife have cottened
to this as well, since I have seen the squirrels tormenting the dogs on
the other side of the wire!).

The caveat to the wire.  I live on a quiet street at the end of a cul de
sac.  We see very little traffic and what we do see is moving quite
slowly.  I live in a rural area far away from really busy streets.  My
dogs are essentially indoor dogs; I don't have a job outside the home,
so my dogs are rarely left on their own for extended periods of time.
Under these circumstances the radio fence has worked fine for me. The
biggest disadvantage is the radio fence does not protect your dog from
other animals entering your yard.  I have only had this happen a few
times where a stray or lost dog has come into the yard.  There has never
been a problem. The other big disadvantage - if you live in an area
where your dogs are at risk of being stolen, the radio fence is a big
invitation for this sort of criminal activity.

Hope this helps.  BTW, several breeders would not sell me a puppy
because of the invisible fence issue.  

Mary and the girls, Laurel and Bailey
Fayetteville, GA  

RE: invisible fencing

2003-03-11 Thread eve berman

Dear Hildy  the list-

I am a current Berner owner with a long history of other breeds, including
Great Danes, Samoyed's,  Shelties.
Although this post may not be directly responsive to your post, I feel I
must provide it anyway.
In 1993 I had an invisible fence professionally installed and trained my
dogs thoroughly with it.  I opted for it due to regulations in our
development regarding perimeter fencing.
It worked reliably with my Dane  Sheltie, but my Samoyed never minded it
all that well.  She had a lot of fur (like a Berner) and was very stubborn,
she would just walk through it when inclined and sit outside the fence on
the front doorstep.
Anyway, it never precluded other animals  dogs from coming in our yard,
which they did from time to time, and my Dane was fairly territorial.  So
this probably was not ideal.
BUT, it worked very reliably for my Dane  Sheltie.
It was not until my dear, beloved Sheltie got out for the 2nd time in 6
years, that I decided to ditch the invisible fence for an extensive,
physical dog run.
Why did I do so?  Because on that day, my dear Mogul was hit by a speeding
car in front of our house  killed.  To be honest, I have never gotten over
it, but that is besides the point.
Technically, the fence DID work, 99.9% of the time, just not on the one
occasion that it mattered.
I would hate to see anyone have the same tragedy, so I wanted you to know.
I wouldn't trust it for my Berner Davos in a million years.

Best of luck in making your decision,
Eve Berman

-Original Message-
From: Hildy F. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 8:16 AM
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List
Subject: Sensitive topic: Radio/invisable fence

Hi all,

The invisible fence issue seems to be a black and white issues (at least in
the newsgroup).  So please do not flame. I just try to make
the right decision re: fencing. Do any of you have a radio/invisible fence
installed for their Berners and does it work? I know all the basic pros and
cons of the invisible fence. So, I am just curious what your experience is
with the invisible fence and Bernese.

Greetings, Hildy
Leesburg, VA
Bijou - 5 month