Understanding TTL in "rndc dumpdb"-output

2018-10-22 Thread Tom


After querying my resolver for "testbla11.example.com", I receive a 
NXDOMAIN response with a minimum-ttl (in the soa) of 3600.
When I afterwards dump the cache of my resolver (9.12.2-P1) with "rndc 
dumpdb" and look for the negative ttl, then a value much bigger than 
3600 is shown (608363):

# grep testbla /var/named/data/named_dump.db
testbla11.example.com.  608363  \-ANY   ;-$NXDOMAIN

This number decrements every second.

What is this number? The same behavior for positive answers too. The 
A-record for "www.google.com" has a TTL for 300 seconds. In the "rndc 
dumpdb"-output I have a value for 605082.

Any hints?
Thank you.

Kind regards,
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BIND chasing DNSKEY breaks island-of-trust zone

2018-10-22 Thread Daniel Stirnimann
Hello all,

DNSSEC validating BIND resolver could not resolve cdn.ckeditor.com.
Meanwhile the zone owner "fixed" the problem and the domain name can be
resolved again. However, I wonder if BIND should do better for an
island-of-trust zone.

BIND resolver:

(1) ask upstream com. servers for cdn.ckeditor.com. A
receive delegation NSset and NSEC3 proof that this is an
insecure delegation

(2) ask (dns1.registrar-servers.com) for
cdn.ckeditor.com. A
receive CNAME to d3vxtqk803u6i6.cloudfront.net. and RRSIG

cdn.ckeditor.com.   3600IN  CNAME   d3vxtqk803u6i6.cloudfront.net.
cdn.ckeditor.com.   3600IN  RRSIG   CNAME 13 3 3600 2018102500
2018100400 65395 ckeditor.com.

(3) ask (dns1.registrar-servers.com) for
ckeditor.com. DNSKEY
receive CNAME to d3vxtqk803u6i6.cloudfront.net. and RRSIG.
Invalid answer. BIND returns SERVFAIL to client and logs:

lame-servers: info: broken trust chain resolving

The main problem is that ckeditor.com. has a CNAME at zone apex.
However, what triggered this error is in fact that cdn.ckeditor.com.
contained an RRSIG which BIND tried to validate. Meanwhile the zone
owner disabled DNSSEC which prevents BIND from chasing the DNSKEY and
the domain name resolves again. However, I'm wondering if BIND should
not SERVFAIL for an island-of-trust zone when it can not chase the
DNSKEY. Is this something to improve upon?

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Re: BIND9 and AS112

2018-10-22 Thread Havard Eidnes

reviving an old thread with some new information:

> On Fri, Mar 09, 2018 at 12:32:41PM +0300,
>  Diarmuid O Briain  wrote 
>  a message of 122 lines which said:
>> Mar 09 08:11:43 as112 named[3787]: internal_send: 2620:4f:8000::42#53: 
>> Invalid argument
>> Mar 09 08:11:43 as112 named[3787]: internal_send: Invalid 
>> argument
> I suspect that your machine is not configured for these IP
> addresses. See with ifconfig or ip addr show.

Diarmuid didn't say what platform he's running BIND on.  This may
make a difference wrt. a bug I recently stumbled over:


This will typically hit the BSD lineage of OSes (NetBSD in my
case), which will refuse to apply an IPv6 control header on a
socket used for IPv4.  The particular symptom is that attempts to
send a message over 1432 bytes in size over IPv4/UDP will cause
the above error message and the message to be dropped.

What's up with the IPv6 error message I do not know.

Best regards,

- HÃ¥vard
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