RHEL, Centos, Rocky, Fedora rpm 9.16.33

2022-09-21 Thread Carl Byington via bind-users
Hash: SHA512

https://www.five-ten-sg.com/mapper/bind contains links to the source
rpm, and build instructions. This .src.rpm contains a .tar.gz file with
the ARM documentation, so the rpm rebuild process does not need sphinx-
build and associated dependencies.



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Re: Is there an rndc command to get the list of configured zones?

2022-09-21 Thread Tony Finch
Klaus Darilion via bind-users  wrote:

> I checked all options of rndc to get the list of zones configured/served by 
> bind - but I can't find any.
> Is it really not possible to get this list from a running Bind process?

The statistics channel is your friend when rndc lets you down. Below I
have pasted a wee script I have lying around, or you might like JP Mens'
bzl program https://github.com/jpmens/bzl


case $# in
(1) ;;
(*) echo 1>&2 'usage: lszones [:port]'
exit 1

curl -Ssf http://$1/json |
jq '.views |
to_entries |
.[] |
.key as $view |
.value.zones[] |
"\($view) \(.type) \(.serial) \(.name)"

Tony Finch(he/they)  Cambridge, England
Fair Isle, Faeroes: South or southwest 5 to 7. Moderate, occasionally
slight, becoming moderate or rough. Occasional rain and fog patches,
showers later in Faeroes. Moderate or good, occasionally very poor.
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Re: DS keys with 2 digest algorithms

2022-09-21 Thread Petr Špaček

On 20. 09. 22 20:32, frank picabia wrote:

The algorithm migration I made to 8 has worked well.
Getting green lights on DNSSEC checkers, etc.

The only odd bit is some warnings at DNSVIS.NET 
about DS records using digest algorithm 1.

DNSSEC specification prohibits signing with DS records that use digest 
algorithm 1 (SHA-1).

Somehow the way I do the zone signing results in 2 pairs of DS
records - one with digest algorithm 2 and one with algorithm 1.

This is the command I've been running lately:

/sbin/dnssec-signzone -A -3 - -N keep -o mydomain.ca 
 -t -f forward/mydomain.ca.signed 

As per the howtos I followed years ago, I've provided the domain registrar
with both DS key records (one key number, two digest algorithms).

mydomain.ca . IN DS 20084 8 1 
mydomain.ca . IN DS 20084 8 2 

mydomain.ca does exist but does not show the warning you describe, so I 
suppose you are not telling us the real domain name.

If you want help for your specific domain please follow advice given here:


TL;DR post the real domain name.

In the diagram at DNSVIS.NET , it looks like the DS 
with alg 1
is dangling at the top level domain (.ca) with the yellow warning as per 

while the alg 2 links to my domain's DNSKEY properly.

How should I tidy up this digest algo 1?  Do I simply remove it at the 
domain registrar,

or is there a better way to run dnssec-signzone?

Well _maybe_ you can simply drop the DS algo 1, but we cannot be sure 
without checking on the real domain name.

Petr Špaček

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