Re: bind configuration help

2009-11-11 Thread Błażej Ślusarek
first of all thanks to everyone for the interest and for pointing me
out my mistakes :) I've already changed recursion and transfer to
trusted acls. But unfortunately, I've been administering this server
for a short time and as I'm reading more and more through the
configuration, I'm starting to think that this DNS server is
completely misconfigured. Before I ask my next question, I'll try to
explain my situation a little:

The server I'am administering is one of nine, let's say, units,
which are parts of bigger organization (let's say, it
doesn't really matter). They units are given domain names from to Each unit's server
is responsible for their subdomains, i.e.,, and so on... At the same time, they should
be synchronized with the main dns server of the organization, let's
say, and also act as a dns server of it's own,
providing information about i.e. for first, *

I think my name cannot be resolved after some time problem
(NXDOMAIN, I've checked it) lies somewhere in the synchronization
part. I'll post a part of my zone file, which is responsible for the
domain and which is, I think, the source of this problem:

@   IN  SOA (
2006120508 ; Serial
3600 ; Refresh
86400 ; Retry
2419200 ; Expire
 604800); Negative Cache TTL

The problem is, I don't even know if *I* should synchronize with
*them* (the main dns server) or vice versa, maybe it's not my problem
at all. Also, who should I allow-update {} the zone, should the zone
be of type master and what is the authoritative server for the zone:
the one I'm administering or the main dns server or maybe both are ok?

Thanks in advance:)

On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 7:09 PM, Jeff Lightner wrote:
 I can't quite agree with that.

 While public information is indeed public it is intended to be so for 
 specific lookups not for zone transfers.  Someone external to you asking get 
 a zone transfer may be looking for what he can exploit.   Maybe he can find 
 that information anyway with enough digging but why make it easy for him?

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Kevin Darcy
 Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 12:53 PM
 Subject: Re: bind configuration help

 Holger Honert wrote:
 Security issues!

 Usually you only want *trusted* clients to use your server recursively.

 And you don't really want to allow *any* fetching your hosted zones
 for doing something bad, i.e. getting (unwanted!) infos
 over your network and infrastructure.
 If the infos are public, they're public, the only difference is that
 zone transfers are a more efficient way of fetching more than about 2 or
 3 records in a single transaction, compared to querying each one

 If you want your network and infrastructure infos to be private, then
 put them in a private zone that can't be queried from the Internet at all.

                                                   - Kevin



 Jukka Pakkanen schrieb:
 Sorry, but could You specify more accurately what is bad ? This is
 my first bind configuration, so probably I've made some mistakes, but
 I'd like to do it the right way in the end.:)

 On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Laurent CARON wrote:

     allow-recursion { any; };


     allow-transfer { any; };


 It's usually a bad idea to allow any to use your server recursively, or 
 allow any transfer zone data. Like an open dns-server.

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 SIGNAL IDUNA Allgemeine Versicherung AG, Sitz: Dortmund, HR B 19108,
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 Vorstände: Reinhold Schulte (Vorsitzender),
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 Michael Johnigk, Ulrich Leitermann, Michael Petmecky,
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 Vorsitzender der Aufsichtsräte: Günter Kutz
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 bind-users mailing list

Re: bind configuration help

2009-11-10 Thread Błażej Ślusarek
Sorry, but could You specify more accurately what is bad ? This is
my first bind configuration, so probably I've made some mistakes, but
I'd like to do it the right way in the end.:)

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Laurent CARON wrote:
 On 10/11/2009 23:07, Błażej Ślusarek wrote:



 I'd like to ask for help in setting up my DNS server. When I start the
 server, everything is fine, but only for some time. After the some
 time passes, my external domain name cannot be resolved from anywhere
 on the Internet. When I restart the Named, everything is back to
 normal after few seconds, again for the some time. Here are some
 fragments of my DNS configuration:

 options {
     directory /var/bind;
     forward first;
     forwarders {
     allow-query { any; };
     allow-recursion { any; };


     listen-on-v6 { none; };
     listen-on {; internal.ip; external.ip; };

 zone IN {
     type master;
     file pri/;
     allow-update { none; };
     //allow-transfer { slaves; };
     allow-transfer { any; };


     notify yes;
 I've got no clue what could be the cause of this behavior. The server
 should provide service to internal and external networks and allow
 zone transfers. I'd also like to ask for correct iptables
 configuration for the above dns settings. I'm quite not sure that if I
 have the forwarders option, I have to enable port 53 in FORWARD
 chain, or maybe just INPUT and OUTPUT is enough. Also, what rules are
 necessary for the zone transfer to work?

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