Turkey VultureS Pelee Area

2003-01-17 Thread Ware Dean


On Thursday Jan. 16th there was a immaculate adult Turkey Vulture flying low 
over Kopagaron Woods ( just west of the town of Wheatley).

Today was a bedraggled individual perched in a Ash above a road killed 
rabbit at NE Hillman Marsh(located 5km N of Point Pelee).

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Sightings- Pelee Area

2003-02-23 Thread Ware Dean


Over the few weeks or so there has been some interesting sightings.

Black-crowned Night-Heron: (Wintering bird) photographed at Wheatley Harbour 
Feb.23/03. A juv. bird was eating a large Rock Bass with some degree of 

Great Blue Heron: (wintering bird) at Muddy Creek. There was two birds just 
before the cold weather set in.

Tundra Swans: (migrants) seen daily- Today 33 birds at NE Hillman Marsh.

Snow Goose: (migrant) one white morph. Seen at Jack Miners Feb.13...may end 
up at Point Pelee.

Gadwall: (migrants) 2 males seen at Stink Creek Feb.15-16. One male seen at 
Muddy Creek Feb.23.

N. Pintail: (wintering)1 male Jack Miners-Stink Creek Jan- Feb.

Northern Harrier: (most are migrants) 11 males seen thoughout the week. 
Pelee Area.

Sharp-shinned Hawk: (migrants) 2 adults males- one flying High over Jack 
Miners and another at Hillman Marsh. Feb.21

Northern Shrike: (migrant) 1 adult flying quickly N along the lake at NE 
Hillman Marsh Feb.14.

Lapland longspur (migrant) 1 flying,calling over NE Hillman Marsh. Feb.23

Black birds: Rusty,Red-wings,Cowbirds: a flock of over a 100 birds has been 
visiting feeders all winter long at NE Hillman marsh.

Am. Robins 100+ birds have been wintering at Point Pelee. Their main food 
source is Hackberries.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Red-Winged Blackbird -Pelee Area

2003-02-25 Thread Ware Dean


Early this morning I observed a immaculate male Red-winged Blackbird flying 
across hwy. #3 just west of Hwy.#77 (Leamington). I have not seen any 
blackbirds in this area all winter. - The first of many!

Some hope for spring!

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Gr.White-fronted Goose- Jack Miners

2003-02-28 Thread Ware Dean


Today I was able to pick out an adult Greater White-fronted Goose in the 
front field at Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary. The bird was darkish overall and 
much smaller that the Canadas. It had a seemingly orange bill (I didn't have 
my scope, just bins.)The scapulars were lacking in bold patterning. The 
underside was fairly dark with thick speckles, some of which were close to 
the vent. Perhaps Greenland race? I am uncertain but maybe someone who has 
experience with this subspecies will be able to tell.

As a side note, there is a tame pair of Snow Geese in the pond at the Miner 
Sanctuary (one white phase; one blue phase) - don't be fooled thinking these 
two birds are wild migrants.

A Surf Scoter was present at Wheatley Harbour on Feb 27.

Jack Miners is located on Con.3 west.- 3km north of the town of Kingsville.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Kildeer at Muddy Creek

2003-03-02 Thread Ware Dean

Good Morning!

This morning at 9:15, I spotted what may be the first Kildeer of the season 
at Muddy Creek at the Wheatley Harbour.  I also would like to report 2 White 
winged Scoters in the same location. Spring is upon us!

Dean Ware
Wheatley, ON

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Short-eared Owl etc. Cottam

2003-03-18 Thread Ware Dean


Today a friend and I observed a Short-eared Owl waited for mice to swim out 
of a flooded ditch along the McCain side rd.N- South of the town of 

Hillman marsh also had a flooded area this time it was a corn stubble field 
located near the north beach parking lot. It was interesting to see 
Canvasbacks, Scaup, Redheads and Ring-necked Ducks diving there.

Good birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Pectoral Sandpipers Cottam/Kingsville

2003-03-20 Thread Ware Dean


This afternoon there were 32 Pectoral Sandpipers and several  Ducks,Geese 
and Swans on the 6th con.E. located south of the town Cottam. One may find 
the 6 con. by exiting off #3 Hwy at Division rd.South. go 1oom  then turn 
west on the 6th con.go 1km  and you will notice the flooded field and swans. 
roadside viewing only!

Turkey Vulture: A single bird was flying over Lakeside park, Kingsville.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

P.S  - I Give the Movie: RARE BIRDS  2 Thumbs up!! now on video.

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Greater-White fronted Geese Sturgeon Creek(Pelee)

2003-03-23 Thread Ware Dean


Today there was a pair of Greater White-fronted Geese behind the Pelee Days 
Inn (Sturgeon Creek). Located along the Bevel line(Pelee drive).  Neither of 
these two individuals were the same birds I found near the end of Feb. at 
Jack Miners.

Hillman Marsh: Adult Glaucous Gull
  1 Ruddy Duck
  Eastern Phoebe
  1000 N. Pintail
  1 Richardson's Goose
  located 5km north of Point Pelee.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Great Egret Hillman Marsh

2003-03-25 Thread Ware Dean


It was a pleasant sight to see a pair of Great Egrets standing on ice near 
the Hillman Marsh Visitor Centre today.- Mar.23- D.Kok had 2 birds at Cedar 
Creek flying north.

South of the town of Cottam was a flock of 15 Pectoral Sandpipers flying 
towards lake Erie. The habitat that was in this area is now dried up.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Am.Wigeon X Mallard etc. Hillman Marsh

2003-03-29 Thread Ware Dean


Early this morning I found a American Wigeon X Mallard Hybrid at the north 
bridge( 2nd con.) Hillman Marsh.
This male bird had mostly Mallard plumage but lacked a white neck ring.  The 
bill and the silhouette was similar to a Wigeon but both were bit larger. It 
was in company with a Male Am.Wigeon.

2 Dunlin SW Hillman
127 Pectoral Sandpipers "
7 D.C Cormorants flying towards Wheatley Harbour(adults).

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Eurasian X American Wigeon Hillman Marsh

2003-03-29 Thread Ware Dean


This afternoon there was a male Eurasian Wigeon X American Wigeon hybrid in 
a corn field just north of the North Hillman Marsh Beach parking lot.Some 
Rufous on head, mixed white+ buff Crest,some pinkish from breast in flanks.

3 Tree Swallow- Wheatley harbour
1 Merlin Sw Hillman
227 Pectoral Sandpipers 2 Dunlin Hillman
Partial albino Canada Goose? Hillman

Hillman marsh is located 5km north of point pelee.

Day of the Wigeon!

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Little,Black-headed, Gulls Wheatley Harbour

2003-04-03 Thread Ware Dean


Today at the mouth of the Wheatley Harbour was a basic adult Little Gull 
within hundreds of Bonapartes.
Another bird was flying along Pulley rd.(south of Harbour)..All I caught was 
the jet black underside of the wings.

Black-headed Gull: I have seen this bird 5 times(pm) in the same spot! It is 
usually located by a white shed&rock pile in the channel portion of the 
Harbour. This bird has only a trace amount of red on it's bill. The 100% 
clenching feature is the dark/black on the underside of the primaries... 
Tiny bit larger in size and the mantle is ever so slightly lighter in 
colour. I was fortunate today to hear the bird call.

Lesser-black Backed Gull(April 1) I found this 2nd yr. bird at the north 
bridge at Hillman Marsh.

Black-crowned- Night Heron: This bird posted by Bruce & Bea is a.. or was a 
wintering bird. Muddy Creek. It's pretty tuff looking.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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New Shorebird Habitat 1st's Hillman,Tern in Harbour

2003-04-05 Thread Ware Dean


This afternoon I was privileged to see the first shorebirds fly into the 

Shorebird Habitat cell at Hillman marsh, 15 Pectoral Sandpipers and a
Greater Yellowlegs. There are also hundreds of puddle ducks using the

Wheatley Harbour: Forester's Tern, this bird was feeding amongst the
numerous Bonaparte's.

  Black-headed Gull: This bird was still in the harbour at
4:20 and was near the boat SEVEN O- but if this boat is out fishing, your
best bet is to look near the White shed & rock pile -to the east.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Red-throated Loon IN Hillman Marsh

2003-04-12 Thread Ware Dean


Early this morning there was a basic adult Red-throated Loon in SE Hillman 
Marsh. This uncommon spring migrant was just feet from the South Beach 
parking located at the north end of east beach rd(along lake).

Other noteworthy sightings:
1 Am. Golden Plover  SW Hillman
8 Gr. Yellowlegs new shorebird habitat
Dozens Pectoral Sandpipers "
1 Forester's Tern "
1 Common Loon Hillman beach(flying)
numerous Horned Grebes,Tree Swallows and Great Egrets

Hillman Marsh is located 5km north of Point Pelee.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Corn fed T V's Pelee Island

2003-04-12 Thread Ware Dean


This week Dave Bracken has been feeding 20 Turkey Vultures NK brand Corn at 
Sheridan Pt. Pelee Island. He could not believe it a first but there they 
were feeding along side of geese and ducks. I have not heard of such and 
phenomenon! Has anyone else?

In early Winter 2000 a farmer on Pelee said that he saw a Great Blue Heron 
eating left over Beans dumped in a pile behind his house? Also strange 
behavior indeed.

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Black-bellied Plover etc, Hillman Marsh

2003-04-14 Thread Ware Dean


Today I observed a Black-bellied Plover along with the now common shorebirds 
species (including Golden) being reported daily at the new shorebird site. 
Also at the site was a single Barn Swallow.

Hillman marsh is located 5km north of Point Pelee.

Good birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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2000+ Swallows, Kingsville

2003-04-16 Thread Ware Dean


Remarkably there were 2000+ Tree Swallows with others on the east side of 
the Kingsville Dock along the shoreline of lake Erie. The swallows  
stretched for about a KM. I did not see the birds feeding but simply 
"bucking" the strong south east wind.

The Kingsville dock is located a the foot of Park st.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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White-eyed Vireo,Gray Fox, Pelee Island

2003-04-26 Thread Ware Dean


On Friday afternoon Irena Kenzevic and myself found a beautiful Gray Fox 
prancing down east-west road near the Tin Goose Inn.

Saturday: There was a White-eyed Vireo at Brown's Point. Green Heron at Fish 
Pt. and another near the Pelee Island Winery nature reserve along with a 
very tame Red Fox.

The ferry is running out of Leamington and is a hour and a half one way. The 
cost for one to walk on is only $7.50.

All Vehicles should be booked in advance.
Pelee Transportation: 1-800-661-2220
The ferry docks at the foot of Erie St.(south end of 77).

Good Birding,

Dean Ware & Irena Kenzevic
Pelee Island

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Yellow-breasted Chat Pelee Island

2003-04-28 Thread Ware Dean


This afternoon there was a Yellow-breasted Chat just south of Browns Pt. 
Other noteworthy sightings: Orange-crowned Warbler,Yellows,Scarlet Tanager, 
Am. Bittern, Red-headed Woodpecker and Yellow throated Vireo. Lighthouse Pt. 
had a pair of Short-billed Dowitchers, and 4 Spotted Sandpipers. I remember 
reading an article once saying that Broad-winged Hawks do not travel over 
Well.. a good count of 6 birds was seen at Mill point along with a single 
Osprey,Red shouldered Hawk and a Merlin. Migration seemed to pick up by late 
afternoon with Warblers and Vireos spread throughout the island instead of 
the "pocket" here "pocket" there as per the last couple of days.

The ferry may be caught in Leamington at the foot of Erie St.(77HWY)
Pelee Transportation: 1-800-661-2220
The cost is $7.50 one way for a walk on.. All vehicles must be booked in 

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Pelee Island

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Blue-winged Warbler Pelee Island

2003-04-29 Thread Ware Dean


Late this morning I found a stunning male Blue-winged Warbler and the 
entrance to the Pelee Island Winery nature trail. The trail starts at the 
Pelee Island wine pavilion just south of West Dock.

Also a lingering Common Goldeneye at Sheridan Point.

The ferry docks in Leamington at the foot of Erie st.
Pelee Transportation: 1-800-661-2220
The cost one way to walk on is $7.50, and sailing time 1.5 hrs.
All vehicles must be booked in advance.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Pelee Island

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EurasianXAm.Wigeon Hillman Marsh

2003-04-30 Thread Ware Dean


At 8:45am I found a male Eurasian X Am. Wigeon Hybrid at KRATZ LOOKOUT 
bench. The bird was located in the marsh side of the dyke not the shorebird 
side. Walk the shorebird dyke area to the east of the GREEN PUMP HOUSE and 
look out standing at the bench. The bird was with 41 American Wigeons.

This bird looks like the same bird I had in March.

Lesser Black-backed Gull: a first summer bird was along Hillman beach.

Shorebird Walks will begin May 3rd -meet at Hillman Marsh Visitor Centre at 
8:00am. Sunday May 4- at 8:00am & 1:00pm.

Hillman Marsh from Point Pelee: take North dyke rd.-a sharp right turn from 
park gates- follow till the road bends and then turns into Road 19 follow 
this to the end and then turn left on Con 1 and then a right on County road 
37 at the end turn right again and you are there.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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2003-05-01 Thread Ware Dean


The Male Eurasian X American Wigeon hybrid continues in the marsh portion of 
the east shorebird trail- 8:00am - 1:00pm. The lookout location is by the 
KRATZ bench only meters east of the GREEN PUMP HOUSE.
Easy bird... look for partial rufous on the head and pink and gray plumage 
on the body! The afternoon light and a scope may be best.

After Bob and I had good looks at the Hybrid we turned around to find 17 
WILLETS in the new shorebird habitat. Also in the area was:

Am. Pipit 1
Lapland Longspurs 8
Bobolink 1 singing near entrance.
Am.Golden Plovers -dozens
Black -Bellied Plovers -dozens

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Cattle Egrets West Of Wheatley Harbour

2003-05-02 Thread Ware Dean


This afternoon my 1 year old daughter and I found 2 alternate plumaged 
Cattle Egrets behind house 2010 in a wheat field on Deer run rd. West of 
Wheatley Harbour. -Road Viewing only!

Good Birding,

Dean & Allison Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Willets Wheatley/Hillman Marsh

2003-05-02 Thread Ware Dean


Late this afternoon there were 4 Willets at Wheatley Harbour Beach. At 
8:30pm the same birds moved to the Hillman Marsh Shorebird Habitat.

There were also a few Dowitchers(sp.) just before dark, further out in the 

At Muddy Creek were 3 alternate Black-crowned Night Herons. This afternoon I 
noted the "over wintered bird". Muddy creek is on the north side of Wheatley 

I have not relocated the Little Gull I had this morning at Wheatley Harbour.

Hillman Marsh is 5 km north of Point Pelee National Park.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Sightings / Sunday Shorebird Walks

2003-05-03 Thread Ware Dean


As a reminder there will be a free shorebird walk at 8:00am and again at 
1:00pm Sunday with the small admmission fee to the Hillman Marsh Shorebird 

Sightings:Greater& Lesser Yellowlegs
 Black-bellied Plover
 Semipalmated Sandpiper 4
 Solitary Sandpiper
 Short-billed Dowitcher 2
With warmer Temps. and a south or west wind, activtiy will pick up.
Also in the habitat 1000+ Bonaparte's with a single LITTLE GULL.
at the dykes first orange fence by a row White Pines was a YELLOW-BREASTED 

BLACK TERN was also seen flying into the habitat.

Hillman marsh entrance is off of county rd.37 S, 5km north of Point Pelee.

Good Birding,
Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Fwd: Sightings / Sunday Shorebird Walks

2003-05-04 Thread Ware Dean


I have made an error in my post: It should have read Semipalmated Plover 4 
not Sandpiper. I did not relocate the Black Tern today but the 
Yellow-breasted Chat continues just meters east of the Green pump house. On 
the 1pm Shorebird walk we picked up a Blue-winged Warbler in the same 
location and White-eyed Vireo.

Finish birding for the season. Good Luck and Good Birding.



From: "Ware Dean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ontbirds@hwcn.org
Subject: Sightings / Sunday Shorebird Walks
Date: Sat, 03 May 2003 10:21:30 -0400


As a reminder there will be a free shorebird walk at 8:00am and again at 
1:00pm Sunday with the small admmission fee to the Hillman Marsh Shorebird 

Sightings:Greater& Lesser Yellowlegs
 Black-bellied Plover
 Semipalmated Sandpiper 4
 Solitary Sandpiper
 Short-billed Dowitcher 2
With warmer Temps. and a south or west wind, activtiy will pick up.
Also in the habitat 1000+ Bonaparte's with a single LITTLE GULL.
at the dykes first orange fence by a row White Pines was a YELLOW-BREASTED 

BLACK TERN was also seen flying into the habitat.

Hillman marsh entrance is off of county rd.37 S, 5km north of Point Pelee.

Good Birding,
Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Red-necked Grebe IN Hillman Marsh & ATV traffic!

2003-05-13 Thread Ware Dean


This afternoon there was a Red-necked Grebe in the very SE corner inside 
Hillman Marsh. This bird is a very uncommon migrant but even more uncommon 
to be seen in the marsh itself. This location is just meters south of the 
South Beach parking lot found at the north end of east beach rd.

Well... Just before I observed the Grebe there was a ATV that buzzed by me 
and headed down Hillman Beach. I endure this almost every time I go birding 
here and I am fed up!
  So... I ask if any birders out there  have had a similar experience or 
have just seen or heard or whatever... Please email me privately so I can 
contact the proper authorities with not just my concerns.

Thank you,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Luna Moth,feeder birds Kingsville/Wheatley

2003-05-18 Thread Ware Dean


My non birding wife wishes to report our feeder activity due to the cool 
temps for Sunday 18th.

Red -headed Woodpecker
Brown thrasher
Gray Catbird
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Rufous sided Towhee
Am. Goldfinch
Lincoln's Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
White -crowned " (" the birds with the bicycle helmets") needs to be 
added to field guide descriptions

Baltimore Oriole
Orchard Oriole
Ruby throated Hummingbird

 Interesting non-bird sighting was a LUNA MOTH found by my cousin...

He and his girlfriend were out walking near the Kingsville Golf Course and 
almost stepped on the cocoon. The two brought the cocoon home and within 
hours it opened up into a Stunning Female(?). They documented it with video, 
digital and print film.. I was excited to see this very rare moth today. As 
I type they are releasing it to where they found it(pm).

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Whimbrels,Golden Plover Hillman marsh,Harrow

2003-05-26 Thread Ware Dean


Sunday late afternoon there was 5 Whimbrels along Hillman Marsh Beach.  
Tonight there were 51 birds that flew past my house which is north of 
Hillman Marsh... nice yard birds eh?Ethan.

Another notworthy sighting was a late Am. Golden Plover in a freshly 
"worked" field at the west end of Gore rd. Harrow.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Shorebirds- Onion fields PPNP

2003-08-17 Thread Ware Dean


For the time being there is a large amount shorebird habitat in the Onion 
fields located just outside of Point Pelee National park.  Although I was 
unable to find Buff-breasted Sandpiper today from 10am-11am. I did note  4 
Am. Golden Plovers

20+ Black- bellied Plovers
8 Short-billed Dowitchers
Ruddy Turnstone
Lesser Yellowlegs
Pectoral Sandpipers
   Semipalmated Plovers
   Semi -Sandpipers
   Least Sandpipers
Hillman Marsh has no shorebird habitat due to high water levels. A Greater 
Scaup male was observed there at 9am.

Good birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Warblers!! & New Transportation,Pelee Island

2003-08-26 Thread Ware Dean


The Warbler birding was excellent on Pelee Island this past weekend. With a 
total of 21 sp. seen on the walk to Fish Point(west shore road). With the 
bulk of the birds being Cape May and Tennessee.  Also Monarchs galore!

Birders may also wish to know that there is new transpiration to the island 
... The Pelee Flyer. The Pelee Flyer is a Hydrofoil service to the island. 
One may leave Kingsville and be on Pelee Island in only 20 minutes!!! The 
flyer runs every hour from 8am -9pm only taking passengers and bikes.
 The Pelee Flyer :  1-888-Go Pelee  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -the ticket 
booth is on Park street. (where the old lakeshore hotel was)

Pelee Transportation: 1-800- 661-2220 for reservations, vehicle & 

Both the Flyer and the M.V Jiiman/ M.V Pelee Islander maybe caught at the 
Kingsville dock located a the foot of Park st.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Long-billed Dowitcher etc. Hillman Marsh

2003-10-10 Thread Ware Dean


The water levels have now dropped at Hillman creating a small amount of 
Shorebird habitat along the edges of the marsh. This morning I observed a 
Juv. Long-billed Dowitcher,1 Short-billed Dowitcher, Pec's, both Yellowlegs, 
Semipalmated Plovers, Semipalmated Sandpipers,Least ,Dunlin, Baird's and 
also a single Buff-breasted Sandpiper flying low to the south -no doubt 
heading to the Onion fields.

Hillman Marsh is located 5km north of Point Pelee National Park.

Also...Muddy Creek(north of Wheatley Harbour) has had a steady roosting of 
11 Great Egrets for the past week.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Glossy Ibis, Wheatley(Holiday Harbour)

2003-10-17 Thread Ware Dean


This afternoon the was a juv. Glossy Ibis in one of the twin creeks located 
near the end of Pier road(holiday Harbour area). The bird can be viewed on 
the west side feeding on the mud flats amongst the shorebirds.
It is all private property here but there is a small area... perhaps 
township property were there is a well and a small paved drive in which one 
can view from.

Jim Flynn maybe able to give an update on it's status for tonight... ??

From the Wheatley Harbour..drive north on Erie st. till you get to Middleton 
line turn east(right)(across from B&B 's Bed and Breakfast) then a short 70m 
you will see Pier rd. and you will turn (right) south. and the bird is on 
the west side near the end of the road.

If the bird is not in this location... Try Wheatley P.P or Muddy Creek which 
is north of Wheatley Harbour.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Marbled Godwit etc. Sturgeon Creek/Hillman Marsh

2003-10-24 Thread Ware Dean


At around noon I spotted a Marbled Godwit resting with a dozen or so Green- 
winged Teal in Sturgeon creek.

Now the etc. part :  Long-billed Dowitcher 6
Semipalmated Sandpiper 1
Least Sandpiper 4
Dunlin 100's
C. Snipe 12's

Hillman Marsh 3 days: Am. Golden Plover 1 (oct.22)
 Black-bellied Plover 1 (oct 23)
 Spotted Sandpiper 1 (oct 23)
 Gr. Yellowlegs 13 (oct 23)
 Lesser- Yellowlegs 2 (oct 23-24)
 White-rumped Sandpiper 1 (oct 23)
 Pectoral Sandpiper 27
 Dunlin 100+
 Long-billed Dowitcher 2 (oct 24)
 C. Snipe 78!(oct23-24)
 Am. Woodcock 1 resting in my back yard!

Sturgeon creek is located along the bevel line (Point Pelee drive, 
Leamington).. The birds can be viewed behind the Pelee Days Inn.

Hillman is located 5km north of Point Pelee..

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Franklin's Gull, Hillman Marsh

2003-10-27 Thread Ware Dean


At around 7:30am there was a Frankin's Gull on the south side of the Bridge 
located on the 2nd con. Hillman Marsh.--Not the bridge by the 2 churches 
although it may show up there as well. The bird was a considerable distance 
and it was sitting very low to the water so I did not get to age it but it 
looked good for a basic adult.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Western Sandpiper! Sturgeon Creek

2003-10-29 Thread Ware Dean


The Western Sandpiper was still present at Sturgeon creek this afternoon in 
the very NW corner. the bird may be viewed behind the Pelee Days Inn.

For those of you that are asking about Mondays Franklin's Gull the answer is 
no.. I have not seen this bird since.  A rule of thumb for everyone about 
Hillman Marsh.-- is when the water level is high the bird activity is low... 
and when the water levels are low the bird activity is high.  So the past 
couple of days it has rained ...you guessed it. The bird may be in the 
fields adjacent to the marsh or Wheatley Harbour.

As for the imm. Yellow-crowned Night Heron... no luck, all I could find was 
a imm BCNH which allowed me full frame shots!

Good Birding,

Dean Ware

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Redpolls,Titmouse, Ibis etc.. Point Pelee

2003-10-30 Thread Ware Dean


This morning the Glossy Ibis was still present at the end of Pier rd. 
Wheatley. Along with 100 or so Dunlin, 2 Blue-winged Teal, Female Gadwall,2 
N. Shoveler

At the Sanctuary Lookout I had 10 Redpolls last seen heading north outside 
of the park.

 Delaurier Trail just meters north of the "octagon" I pished out a Tufted 
Titmouse, a very uncommon migrant for the park and a Blue-headed Vireo  in 
the same spot. Near the buildings were E. Phoebe, E. Bluebirds, and Tons of 
Chipping Sparrows and Yellowrumps.

Butterflies: E. Comma 5
Morning Cloak 2
Orange Sulphur 4
Cabbage White 10
Red Admiral 2
I did not see any Monarchs but I heard someone had one at 
the tip.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Richardson's Geese Jack Miners

2003-11-03 Thread Ware Dean


This afternoon around 4pm there were 12 Richardson's Geese (a small 
subspecies of the Canada) near the road in the front field at Jack Miners 
Bird Sanctuary, almost across from the entrance to the grounds.

A Small flock shows up every year and is always interesting to see.
Snow Geese: 8 birds and Miners own Blue Goose.

Jack Miners is located 3km north of the Town of Kingsville on the 3rd. con. 
west, from Division rd.(29).  The opposite way (east)there is Colasanti's 
Tropical Gardens and Grape Tree Estate Winery.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Harlequin Duck--Pelee Island

2003-11-08 Thread Ware Dean


This afternoon at 5pm the was a female Harlequin duck 100m off shore at 
Sheridan Point (NW). After a brief study the bird flew north .. possibly to 
roost and may be back tomorrow.

A late imm. Black-bellied Plover was a interesting find at Lighthouse Pt.

Note:  All business are closed for the season but there may be the odd B&B 

The ferry is sailing out of the Kingsville dock located at the foot of Park 

Transportation: 1-519-724-2115

I will try for Cave Swallows Sunday if I am successful this may be the first 

Good Birding,

Dean Ware & Dave Bracken
on Pelee Island

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Red-throated Loon, etc. Pelee Island

2003-11-09 Thread Ware Dean


-At 7:15am a basic Red-throated Loon flew past the tip of Fish Pt. heading 
towards Middle Island. I waited at the tip till 9am but no Cave Swallows.

-Harlequin Duck continues at Sheridan Pt. and was feeding with Buffleheads 
around Hulda's Rock.

- On Saturday 8 Swallows sp. were seen by a separate observer flying south 
past West Dock but were not studied.

-White-winged Scoter, a single female was swimming with Canada Geese at 
Lighthouse Pt.

Transportation: 1-519-724-2115

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Today, the southernmost birder birding Canada!

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Sightings/Radio collared Swan- Pelee Island

2003-11-11 Thread Ware Dean


- A Swan sleeping near 50 Tundra's in south bay had a white radio 
transmitter complete with antenna around it's neck. The bird had staining on 
it's head and neck and had a band on it's right leg. I did not get to see 
the bill or compare size with the other Swans. If anyone has any info please 
email me privately... Thanks.(Nov.11)

-Greylag X Canada Goose hybrid was swimming with 50 Canada's at the "north 

-Harlequin Duck continues at Sheridan Point.

-2 Greater Yellowlegs at Lighthouse Pt.

-A late White-rumped Sandpiper with 5 Sanderlings and 60+ Dunlin at Fish Pt.

-2 Turkey Vultures Fish Pt.

-A single 1st yr. Golden Eagle flew along the east side of the island 
heading south.

-  2nd yr. Bald Eagle

-Rough- legged Hawk a juv. flew in at Sheridan pt. from across the lake 
..perhaps Holiday Beach??

-59 Wild Turkeys have set up residence at Fish Pt.

-Red-Headed Woodpecker seed flying with 12 Bluebirds into Fish Pt. woodlot.

12's of Hermit thrush ..there everywhere.

Transportation: 1-519-724-2115

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Hudsonian Godwit- Hillman Marsh

2003-11-12 Thread Ware Dean


At  8:30am there was a Hudsonian Godwit in the extreme SW corner of the 
marsh also present in this area was 4 Pectoral Sandpipers and 100+ Dunlin.

I forgot to mention in my Island post that I Had a Am. Painted Lady at Fish 
Pt. -Late!

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Gr.White-fronted Geese- Jack Miners

2003-11-13 Thread Ware Dean


Late afternoon at Jack Miners yielded 3 Greater White-fronted Geese feeding 
with Two Richardson's Geese, no doubt provided by the strong westerly winds.
At the shoreline of lakeside park in Kingsville there was 4 Snow Geese(3 
adults and one juv.) of which I have not see so far this year.
Kingsville Dock at the end of Park St. had thousands of Mergs and almost as 
many Bonaparte's. I had little time to scope but it looks good for a rarity.

Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary is located 3km north of the town of Kingsville on 
the 3rd. con. west.  Also on the 3rd con. east is Colisanti's Tropical 
Gardens(birds) and  Grape Tree Estate Winery.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Black-legged Kittiwake- Kingsville Dock

2003-11-14 Thread Ware Dean


A 1st yr. Black-legged Kittiwake was present with several Hundred 
Bonaparte's at the Kingsville dock.Weather conditions are supposed to 
change ..20km SW rather than the 100km W. I hope the bird(s) stay!

Kingsville Dock is located at the foot of Park St. South. in the town of 
Kingsville. From Point Pelee- drive west for 15min(11km) on road 20 (old 
#18)- then take Division rd.(29) south to the lake then turn east (left) and 
the dock will be on your right .5km.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Sightings-- Hillman Marsh

2003-11-15 Thread Ware Dean


Early morning at Hillman Marsh had some good finds.

Hudsonian Godwit- fed briefly at the south side of the 2nd con. Bridge then 
moved to the SW corner.

Lesser Yellowlegs- 1 same.
Black-bellied Plover 1 flyby
Short-eared Owl 1- This individual was at a extremely high altitude... odd 
Snow Geese- A mixed flock of Tundra Swans and if I remember correctly 7 
Snow/Blue mix.

At 8:00am there were thousands of Ring-billed Gulls that moved in from their 
roost.They gathered for an hour or so and then moved out.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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5 Ross' Geese, etc.-- Hillman Marsh

2003-11-16 Thread Ware Dean


This afternoon about 12:30 Dan Simpson and myself found 3 adult and 2 juv. 
Ross' Geese landing a corn field located behind house 2020 (SW Hillman 
Marsh.) The 5 birds were with 15 Snows.

There was also a White-rumped Sandpiper at the bridge on the 2nd. con. 
--Hillman Marsh.

At Point Pelee, I almost ran over the Townsend's Solitaire! It was drinking 
from a puddle in the bend in the road near De lauier. (" I Brake for 

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Alternate Plumaged Bonaparte's Gull-Wheatley Harbour

2003-11-27 Thread Ware Dean


Some of you may be interested to know that the is a alternate(breeding 
plumaged) Bonaparte's Gull with about 2000 others in Wheatley Harbour. I 
found the bird around 5pm so the light was diminishing but I could see that 
there was no type of molt and the bird had a complete black hood. The bird 
was easy to pick out due to the fact that all the other gulls have basic 

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Little Gull, Wheatley Harbour

2003-12-05 Thread Ware Dean


Thursday afternoon there was a basic adult Little Gull in Wheatley harbour 
along with the Bonaparte's Gull with the Black hood.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Gr. White-fronted Goose,etc. JMBS.Lighthouse Cove

2004-01-01 Thread Ware Dean


At 11:30 there was a adult Greater White-fronted Goose in the front field of 
Jack Miners. It was quite funny how I found the bird. I pulled up in my 
vehicle put the scope on the window mount, then placed it on the window 
looked in it and the bird was smack dab in the center, without focusing!  
Also in the field where 3500 Canadas and 2 Lesser Snows which have also been 
visiting the Hillman Marsh Shorebird Habitat. Jack Miners is 3km north of 

Lighthouse Cove: A few birds of interest:
A Hermaphrodite Mallard..?. Yes, a female Mallard with 90% male plumage! 
located Amongst 100's of Tundra Swans at the end(north) of County rd.37.

Richardson's Goose ..same spot.
Common Redpolls 5  "
A male Wood Duck was on the east side of Lighthouse Cove which is north of 
the town of Tilbury. I took county rd. 37 from Hillman Marsh all the way 
(north) to Lake St.Clair and then at the lake I drove east for 2km.

Happy New Year,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Yellow-headed Blackbird. Pelee(Con.C)

2004-01-02 Thread Ware Dean


This morning on Con.C west(onion fields) was a 1st. basic male Yellow-headed 
Blackbird with 4 Red-winged Blackbirds and 200 Brown-headed Cowbirds feeding 
heavily near house 1726.

Jan. 1 at 5pm there was a D.C Cormorant at Wheatley Harbour.

Good birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Gr.White-fronted Goose, etc. JMBS

2004-01-03 Thread Ware Dean


At 5pm I saw the Greater White-fronted Goose at Jack Miners on the east/left 
side of the front field.Also present were the 2 Snows and a Richardson's 
Goose.  All of these birds and 3000+ Canada Geese flew off from 5pm - dark 
to roost in West Cranberry Pond, Point Pelee Marsh. If one wishes to find 
the bird at Pelee view at north dyke or Sanctuary Pond and the Geese usually 
leave in the morning to travel back to Jack Miners.Weather conditions 
predict timing but this process will continue even after the marsh freezes 
with of course a few less birds.

The etc. part:
3 Mute Swans- Hillman Marsh
6 Gadwall Hillman Shorebird Habitat
27  N.Pintail "
2 Am. Wigeon "
3 N.Shoveler "
2 Green-winged Teal "
23 Surf Scoter East Beach Pelee
4 Ring-necked Ducks "
Hermit Thrush & Towhee- Shuster trail, Pelee
 * 2 Common Yellowthroat Warblers- Below the Marsh Tower, Pelee there 
may be more!

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Brewer's Blackbird Jack Miners

2004-01-31 Thread Ware Dean


At 12:15  I observed a female Brewer's Blackbird feeding on corn put out for 
the Ducks and Geese along the front pond near the Miner house. Also at this 
location was a E. Towhee, White-crowned Sparrow and 12 or so Rusty 
Blackbirds. I left at 12:50 and came back with Lance shortly after 2 and the 
bird was still there.

Donavan Kok had a male Brewer's 2 weeks ago at his feeder one concession 

Jack Miners is located on the 3rd.con. west, 3km north of the town of 

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Great Blue Heron etc., Pelee Island

2004-01-31 Thread Ware Dean


Dave Bracken of Pelee Island wished I post his sighting of a Great Blue 
Heron he saw flying east over Lighthouse Point. He also mentioned that he 
had not see any places where this bird could feed and felt that this bird 
may be an early wandener due to the "sunny" warmer weather today.

I myself have not seen any GRBH for a few weeks here on the main land.

Dave also said that he noticed a few flocks of Horned Larks moving south! 
The migration Begins!!!

Dean Ware

Dave Bracken
Pelee Island ON.

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Sightings Hillman Marsh

2004-02-01 Thread Ware Dean


Dave Bracken sighting of a Great Blue Heron on ice locked Pelee Island 
prompted me to go in search of this specie. I set out to frozen Hillman 
Marsh to see what I could find and within minutes into my search I flushed 4 
birds from a mixture of Cattails and Sedge type Grasses. Then another bird 
and then 2 more were spotted with a total of 7 . I immediately walked to the 
spot where the Herons had been to find there tracks littering the area. As I 
followed a few sets it seems they were hunting for mice even walking under 
dogwood and rose bushes. Five of the birds flew into the sun so I did not 
see what plumage they were but the remaining 2 were basic. One basic bird 
was also found dead.

etc: Long-eared Owl
 Red-Shouldered Hawk (adult)
 N.Pintail (female)
 Red-bellied Woodpecker (male)
 White-breasted Nuthatch
Last Sunday Jan. 25  Wheatley PP
Hairy Woodpecker (male)  uncommon bird in these parts!
Common Yellowthroat Warbler

Hillman is located 5km north of Point Pelee.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Lesser Black-backed Gull, etc.Wheatley Harbour

2004-02-10 Thread Ware Dean


This afternoon the was an adult LBBG flying along the edge of the ice south 
of Wheatley Harbour heading towards Point Pelee.

Common Grackle: at the Hillman marsh canoe launch Sunday morning. The 18 or 
so Red-winged Blackbirds at the north east end of Hillman marsh are 
wintering birds.

My 22 month old daughter and wife(non-birder) were driving into Leamington 
when my wife spotted a "Hawk type" bird. She then told my daughter that it 
was a Turkey Vulture!... My daughter looked out the window and replied... no 
mama, Bal' E..gal !  As my wife drove closer she was dumbfounded as it was a 
Bald Eagle! That a girl!

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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Sightings Pelee Area

2004-02-21 Thread Ware Dean


A hint of spring was in the air today with some new migrants!

- Killdeer- a single bird was being chased by a adult Red-shoulder Hawk 
-Muddy Creek

-12 or more breeding plumaged Red-wing blackbird males- onion fields- 
although I heard my first singing last weekend. Breeding plumaged Great Blue 
Heron also last weekend.

Waterfowl: Due to strong westwinds most of the ice that was along the east 
shores has now moved out into the lake. With this said  the numbers of 
Common Mergs & Common Goldeneye have increased significantly. With smaller 
numbers of Redhead,Gr.Scaup and Red- breasted Mergs.
also to note was a single female White-winged Scoter(Wheatley Harbour), 
Ruddy Duck (Hillman Marsh), 3 Gadwall (Con.D) and 2 Hooded Mergs(Muddy 

Gulls- A single adult "white winged Gull" flew through my scope today and 
the very quick observation lead me to lean towards Iceland.(Hillman Beach)

Glaucous Gull- a 2nd yr. bird was at Wheatley Harbour along with 5 Great- 
black Blacked Gulls.

good birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley, ON.

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Intersexual MallardS Hillman Marsh

2004-03-04 Thread Ware Dean


Early this morning I found not one but two intersexual Mallards at SE 
Hillman Marsh. A Intersexual Mallard is usually a female bird with some 
degree of male plumage and maybe told apart from hybrids by the female 
Mallard bill. Just picture in your head a male  or near male plumaged bird 
with a orange a black bill.
 These birds are being passed up as Hybrids and in my opinion they should 
be documented.

There is a photo of such a bird taken by Ethan Meleg on the ofo website 
under" photo's " near the bottom of the page which is the extreme amount of 
male plumage.

Please email me with sightings, photo's or Questions.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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[Ontbirds] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Marsh 9th

2004-05-10 Thread Ware Dean


The adult Laughing Gull that was found yesterday at the Shorebird Habitat 
has not been relocated despite a fair search of the surroundings areas of 
Hillman Marsh today. Shorebirds and gulls are now spread throughout the 
pelee birding area due to flooding in a number of fields.  Goodies in the 
afternoon at the shorebird habitat were 2 Stilt Sandpipers and a single 
White-rumped Sandpiper.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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[Ontbirds]Laughing Gull etc. Hillman Marsh

2004-05-19 Thread Ware Dean


This evening there was a adult Laughing Gull in the shorebird habitat at 
Hillman Marsh. This indivdual may be the same bird I had May 9.

10 Whimbrel were along Hillman Beach late in the evening. I believe it was 
the same flock that was on the rocks earlier at Wheatley Harbour.

1st Summer Lesser-black Backed Gull continues at Wheatley Harbour.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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[Ontbirds]Trumpeter Swan, HILLMAN MARSH

2004-05-25 Thread Ware Dean


The first Trumpeter Swan I have seen in the Pelee Birding Area was present 
this afternoon feeding on the south side of the bridge on road 2 Hillman 
Marsh.( not the bridge near the 2 churches). The adult bird had a green neck 
collar with whitish lettering 5 4 M.

Hillman marsh is located 5km north of Point Pelee.

Good birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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[Ontbirds]Laughing Gull Wheatley Harbour

2004-06-22 Thread Ware Dean


Late this afternoon the was a weak adult Laughing Gull with the many other 
Gulls along the beach located on the east side of the Harbour.

From the Town of Wheatley head south on Erie rd.( Kent rd.1) which will take 

you directly to the location.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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[Ontbirds]Pelee Island Gulls & More June 26-27

2004-06-27 Thread Ware Dean


Franklin's Gull:  first summer bird was located along the NW beach at 
Lighthouse Point.

Lesser-black Backed Gull: A first summer bird was in the same location.

Ring-billed Gull: A pure ALBINO individual was in a bean field at the NW 
corner of the island. Very interesting. I do have photo's.

Other critters of interest: A Blue Racer was seen scurrying across a paved 
road near the extreme west side of Lighthouse Point. Lake Erie water Snakes 
sunning themselves at Dick's Marina and Eastern Red Spotted Newt at Fish 

Wheatley Harbour 8pm June 27: The Am. White Pelican continues in Muddy Creek 
and a single female Sanderling was along the east beach at the harbour.

Pelee Island--From Kingsville. There is a new Transportation Service 
avaliable called the Pelee Flyer. It is a Hydorfoil which only takes 22 
minutes to cross the lake and runs 9 Times a day.(no vehicles)

105 Park Street Kingsville.  1-888-467-3533 or 733-4611(local)

From Leamingtion: The ferry may be boarded at the foot of Erie street south.
Call for reservations 1-800-661-2220 or 1-519-724-2115  email 

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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[Ontbirds]Am. White Pelican Muddy Creek

2004-06-30 Thread Ware Dean


For the many who have asked me is the bird still there The answer is 
Yes! As of Wed. 8pm the bird was still in Muddy Creek located just north of 
Wheatley Harbour. If you do not see the bird when you approach the creek it 
may be resting in the cattails on the north side of the creek behind house 
from the road.


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[Ontbirds]Streptopelia decaocto vs. risoria.. must see

2004-08-01 Thread Ware Dean


 A good comparison between Eurasian Collard dove and Ringneck Dove.

International Dove Society:


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[Ontbirds]N.Bobwhite 4 locations

2004-08-30 Thread Ware Dean


The last 2weeks I have watched a Covey of 6 juv. or more Bobwhite Quail at a 
residence outside of the town of Kingsville. After viewing these birds last 
Saturday I observed 2 juv. birds running across #3 Hwy. just before the town 
of Wheatley. On monday in the same local I noticed a bird dead in the same 
spot. Tonight I observed 4 birds, one male adult and the other 3 I could not 
ID. at Hillman Marsh on the burm across from the canoe launch.**Also I found 
a adult male mid June outside of the town of Cottom.

Pen raise or not these birds were very "wild"!!

My Question : Has there been a release program?


Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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[Ontbirds]Early Ross' Goose, Wheatley

2004-09-26 Thread Ware Dean


This evening about quarter to seven a flock of Canada Geese forty or so with 
a single adult Ross' Goose landed behind my house south of Wheatley Harbour. 
This is the earliest Ross' Goose I have seen in Essex County.  ... I do not 
think the Geese will be back because some yahoo decided to run after them!

Nice yard bird eh?

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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[Ontbirds]Ross' Goose JMBS

2004-10-09 Thread Ware Dean


I have recived a report of a Ross' Goose at the Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary. 
Perhaps this is the same bird I had in Wheatley on the 27th of Sept.

JMBS is located 3km north of the town of Kingsville on the 3rd. con. west.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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[Ontbirds]Cackling Goose & GRAY FOX Hillman Marsh

2004-10-10 Thread Ware Dean


About mid morning there was a Cackling goose flying with 4 Canada Geese over 
the Visitor Center at Hillman Marsh.
At 6am I had a short but good look at a very healthy looking Gray fox 
crossing Mersea road 21 which is NE of Hillman Marsh. This fox is rare here 
but common on Pelee Island.

Hillman Marsh is located 5km north of Point Pelee.

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

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[Ontbirds]California Gull Wheatley Harbour !

2004-10-15 Thread Ware Dean

Pelee Listers,

At 4:15 today I found a basic adult California Gull on the east side of 
Wheatley Harbour resting on the beach area ,the usual resting spot for 
gulls. The bird has a mantle colour slightly darker than that of the 
surrounding Herring Gulls. So take the time to search!  Alan Wormington 
joined me after and we had a few great looks.  This is only the 2nd record 
for Point Pelee and the first fall record.

Wheatley Harbour: At the 4 corners of Wheatley turn south and drive down 
Kent rd. 1 till you arrive  to the lake and your at the spot.

Be careful not to scare the gulls and approach slowly.** also there was a 
adult Lesser-black Backed Gull.

Good Luck,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

[Ontbirds]GBBG X HEGU, Cattle Egret etc. Wheatley Harbour

2004-10-16 Thread Ware Dean


Late this afternoon I an others had no luck finding the California Gull 
(albertaensis) but it is probably still around the problem is that the wind 
was so strong today that the many number of Gulls where scattered about .
I did however find a 3rd. yr. Great Black-backed Gull X Herring Gull Hybrid 
which was last seen on the "rock break wall" south of the harbour 6pm. 
photos were taken.

Cattle Egret: A basic adult was in Muddy Creek which is just south of the 

4 Lesser-Black backed Gulls, various ages.

Wheatley Harbour. From the 4 corners of Wheatley turn south on Kent rd. 1 
continue to the lake and your there!

Good Birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

[Ontbirds]Cattle Egret, Muddy Creek

2004-11-01 Thread Ware Dean


At 6:50am Nov.1 there was a single Cattle Egret and 5 Great Egrets roosting 
in the trees at Muddy Creek which is located just north of Wheatley Harbour.

good birding,

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

[Ontbirds]Pacific Loon, etc. Pelee Island

2004-11-13 Thread Ware Dean


Today at fish pt. Dave Bracken and myself observed a adult Pacific Loon 
flying over the" point" to the west  following a Common Loon.

Purple Sandpiper: found with Sanderlings,Dunlin and a late White-rumped 
Sandpiper at Browns Pt.

Northern Goshawk: a juv. bird hunting the Stone rd. Alvar.

Oldsquaw: 4 female type birds flying west past Sheridan Pt.

The ferry leaves from the Kingsville Dock off of Park St.
Transportaion: 519-724-2115 or 1-800-661-2220

good birding,   eh,  Rob!

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

[Ontbirds]Pyrrhuloxia @ Eagle

2004-12-31 Thread Ware Dean


The Pyrrhuloxia was absent from just after 8am till it put in a 
brief(seconds) apparence at 1:17 at the far west side of the wood lot in the 
Sumacs and Grape vines. I left shortly after... hopefully the others who 
stayed were rewarded with a closer look from the feeder.

There was also 5 Eastern Bluebirds in the Small Vinyard south of the" look 
out spot" taking turns going in and out of a Bluebird box.

Also there was a Nothern Shrike on the road south of the property across 
from a conservation area on the Hydro line and 3 Bald Eagles of different 
ages few by and were seen by all.


Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

[Ontbirds]Iceland Gull, Wheatley Harbour

2005-01-03 Thread Ware Dean


Late this afternoon there was a 1st winter Iceland Gull resting on a ice 
flow far out in the lake south of the rock breakwall. If the bird is not in 
this location a good place to try would be Hillman Marsh as there is more 
and more gulls being attracted due to the available food from the low water 
and receding ice.

Wheatley Harbour: at the lights in Wheatley head south on kent road 1 for 
2km and your there.

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

[Ontbirds]Ross' Geese, Jack Miners

2005-02-22 Thread Ware Dean


Today (22nd) I observed a adult pair of Ross' Geese in the front field at 
Jack Miners.

Jack Miner Sanctuary: 3km north of the town of Kingsville located on the 3rd 
con. west.

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.

[Ontbirds]Eurasian Wigeon, Hillman Marsh

2005-02-23 Thread Ware Dean


Late this afternoon there was a calling male Eurasian Wigeon flying south 
with a drake Mallard over Hillman Marsh.

hillman Marsh: 5km north of Point Pelee.

Dean Ware
Wheatley ON.