Re: [Bitcoin-development] Stealth Addresses

2014-01-16 Thread Mike Hearn
I think we have a winner in reusable address. Yes an existing address can
be reused and will superficially appear to work, it just won't work well.
Calling them reusable addresses helps reinforce the idea in peoples mind
that the other kind shouldn't be reused.

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 11:14 AM, Drak wrote:

 On 16 January 2014 00:05, Jeremy Spilman wrote:

  Might I propose reusable address.

 I think that describes it best to any non-programmer, and even more so
 encourages wallets to present options as 'one time use' vs 'reusable'.

 The problem is all addresses are reusable and to an average user,
 addresses are already reusable so there is little to distinguish the
 address format.
 It might be better to call it a public address in common terminology.


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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Tor / SPV

2014-01-16 Thread Mike Hearn
Yes correct, using hidden services just as a kind of more complicated, out
of process/sandboxable SSL.

 would the overall transactions/second the Bitcoin network could handle go

If all nodes talked to each other all the time over Tor, probably yes
because Bitcoin is quite sensitive to latency. But what I'm proposing here
is less ambitious. It's just about protecting (parts of)
end-user-to-network communication, which is a much less risky sort of
change. P2P nodes would still talk to each other in the clear.

SSL for everything is still an idea I like, but it's true that increasing
bitcoind attack surface area is not something to take lightly.

Considering that the clearnet sybil protection also relies on scaling
 up the resource requirements for an attacker, why not require hidden
 service addresses following a certain pattern, like a fixed prefix?

I'm sure we can come up with all kinds of neat anti-sybil techniques, but
IMHO they are separate projects. I'm trying to find an upgrade that's small
enough to be easily switched on by default for lots of users, today, that
is low risk for the network overall. Later on we can add elaborations.

The SPV node could connect to the IP using Tor.  It would preserve the
 privacy of the SPV node - hard to see it's running Bitcoin.  It also
 reduces the ability of an attacker to MITM because the routing varies
 with each exit node.

Right so the key question is, to what extent does Tor open you up to MITM
attacks?  I don't have a good feel for this. I read about exit nodes
routinely doing very naughty things, but I don't know how widespread that
is. Probably you're right that with random selection of exits you're not
excessively likely to get MITMd.

How does Tor itself manage anti-sybil? I know they have the directory
consensus and they measure nodes to ensure they're delivering the resources
they claim to have. Punting anti-sybil up to the Tor people and letting
them worry about it is quite an attractive idea.
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Stealth Addresses

2014-01-15 Thread Mike Hearn
Do any people who aren't computer programmers or physicists ever use the
term static?

I liked routing address.

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 9:44 PM, Jeff Garzik wrote:

 static address seems like a reasonable attempt at describing intended

 On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 3:38 PM, Gregory Maxwell gmaxw...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Ben Davenport
  But may I suggest we consider changing the name stealth address to
  something more neutral?

 ACK.  Regardless of the 'political' overtones, I think stealth is a
 little cringe-worthy.

 Private address would be fine if not for confusion with private-keys.

 Static address is perhaps the best in my view. (also helps improve
 awareness that normal addresses are intended to be more one-use-ness)

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 Jeff Garzik
 Bitcoin core developer and open source evangelist
 BitPay, Inc.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Tor / SPV

2014-01-15 Thread Mike Hearn

 May need to modify the network address format to include the ability to
 differentiate IPv6 clearnet vs. Tor addresses

sipa already implemented some clever hack where the 80-bit Tor keys are
mapped to a subregion of reserved IPv6 space, giving magical IPv6 hidden
service addresses. So addr packets can and do already contain onion

 but then you remove the implication that a node has to give both public
 and private IPs to a peer. If it's part of a batch of addrs, it could be
 my own hidden service ID, but it could also be one that I learned from
 someone else and is now propagating, for anyone to bootstrap with Tor
 hidden service peers if they'd like.

Hmm. So you mean that we pick a set of peers we believe to not be sybils of
each other, but they might give us hidden services run by other people? I
need to think about that. If they're getting the hidden services just from
addr announcements themselves, then you just punt the issue up a layer -
what stops me generating 1 hidden service keys that all map to my same
malicious node, announcing them, and then waiting for the traffic to
arrive? If clearnet nodes inform of their own hidden service IDs, that
issue is avoided.

My goal here is not necessarily to hide P2P nodes - we still need lots of
clearnet P2P nodes for the forseeable future no matter what. Rather we're
just using hidden services as a way to get authentication and encryption.
Actually the 6-hop hidden service circuits are overkill for this
application, a 3-hop circuit would work just as well for most nodes that
aren't Tor-exclusive.
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Stealth Payments - Sample Code / Proof of Concept

2014-01-13 Thread Mike Hearn

On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Jeremy Spilman wrote:

 I spent 1BTC on TestNet to a stealth address...
 TxID: df092896c1347b303da299bc84c92bef1946f455dbdc80ffdb01a18ea4ed8b4c

... but can you redeem it?

 Code which generated this transaction is here:

That's rather interesting code. Is this using a private C# bitcoin

 I wonder if the 0BTC OP_RETURN transactions should be hidden from the
 Transaction List?

Yes, of course. The transaction list should just say something like

Payment received from Jeremy,  0.1 BTC

Maybe the simple way to punt on this is to just show 'Merchant' in the
 address column if it is available and an address is not.

I am surprised it's not already the case! Though merchant is perhaps a
bit biased as a name, internally it perhaps should just be called
Recipient. There's no requirement for you to be a merchant to create
payment protocol requests.

 I can probably make the necessary changes to IsMine, but I don't know
 where we should keep 'd2'/'Q2' unencrypted so it's available for doing the
 necessary tests, but has no chance of ever be used as a stand-alone
 private key?

The wallet format would need extending.

I'd feel a lot more comfortable if the protocol was reviewed by a
professional cryptographer though. I think think Gregory already brought up
an issue to do with people able to detect such payments by testing if
decrypted values are points on the curve, or something like that.
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Stealth Addresses

2014-01-13 Thread Mike Hearn

 On further reflection, I'm not sure I understand this use case of the
 payment protocol.  Since a PaymentRequest currently contains the
 Outputs that specify the addresses to send to, reusing a
 PaymentRequest like this without using stealth addresses implies
 address reuse.

Yes indeed .. which is why we're talking about extending the protocol
(in a future version! the first version isn't even out yet!).
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Stealth Addresses

2014-01-12 Thread Mike Hearn
You can always just extend the payment protocol with the new fields as
well, vs making very long addresses. If this technique can be made to work
well, it would have applicability in both fixed textual address context,
and for a fixed/upload-once payment protocol file. That has the advantage
of backwards compatibility as well - the new addresses would not be
clickable or acceptable by old wallets, but with the payment protocol you
can always craft a bitcoin URI that contains a regular current style
address, and a link to a fixed payment protocol file (uploaded to a
pastebin type site), and modern wallets would ignore the address and use
the ECDH based system instead.

On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 11:33 AM, Jeremy Spilman wrote:

  Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention it in my first write-up but you can
  easily make stealth addresses include a second pubkey for the purpose of
  the communication that either isn't used in the scriptPubKey at all, or
  is part of a n-of-m multisig. (n=2) Interestingly that also means you
  can give a third-party that key and out-source the effort of scanning
  the blockchain for you.

 Great point. Even if it's not a 3rd party, I think it's really important
 to be able to scan for transactions with a key which can't actually spend
 the funds.

 The first approach is just one-pass ECDH. I think you're saying the second
 approach is two rounds of ECDH but re-using the same e/P (usually referred
 to as r/R in ECIES). I think this is safe, unlike reusing an ephemeral key
 for signing operations.

Payee: Publish Q, Q2 [d, d2 are privkeys, Q, Q2 are
Payer: 1) Generate ephemeral key: e / P  [e is privkey, P is pubkey]
   2) S = e * Q  [first shared secret]
   3) S2 = e * Q2[second shared secret, reusing
   4) Q' = Q + H(S)  [pay-to stealth address]
   5) Q2' = Q2 + H(S2)   [stealth 'marker']

Watch: 1) Look for TxOut with OP_RETURN P
   2) Q2' = Q2 + H(d2 * P)
   3) Check for Q2' elsewhere in the Tx

 S/MIME for example, allows reuse of the ephemeral keypair. When reusing an
 ephemeral keypair where A reuses (x, X) to encrypt different messages to
 more than one user, A should verify the static public keys to prevent
 small-subgroup attacks.[1][2]

 Let's say you pay-to Q' and then Q2' value has to be somewhere else in the
 transaction. You could put it next to the shared P in OP_RETURN. OP_RETURN
 P Q2' would be 66 bytes.

 But then Mallory could generate transactions with the right Q2' but with
 his own pubkey in Step 2 instead of Q. So your scanner would detect a
 payment, but you wouldn't be able to spend it, and Mallory could.

 That's a good argument for putting Q2' in a 2-of-2 multisig so that
 pulling this trick would at least make the transaction unspendable for
 both parties, which may be good enough deterrent, but you're still going
 to want to check it against your 'd' before fulfilling a large order. Your
 online watch process could queue the matching transactions, which you
 could move to your offline machine, decrypt your key, and verify the
 transactions are spendable.

 Now, you would need to get two pubkeys to the payer, throw in a prefix to
 help standardize it, and end up with addresses that could look like (for



 Those addresses are 74 bytes:

xSTL Prefix = 0xC0CB9270
tSTL Prefix = 0xB2E27D50
NOTE: I do NOT have the corresponding privkeys for these four pubkeys!

 Those just happened to be the first matching prefixes I found for 74 byte
 addresses. I could try to find ones which start with a specific byte if
 that's somehow better, like 0x04 to match BIP32.

 Unfortunately, I don't think you can just derive a second public key from
 the first to keep the address shorter, and still keep the first private
 key secure, even if the second private key is stolen. You only get
 equivalent security as BIP32 public derivation, where you can't lose a
 child private key.

 Do we also want xSTL (or whatever user friendly string) prefixes for
 single pubkey (41 byte) stealth addresses?

 I'll wait a couple days for feedback, then I'll try to implement the
 following prototypes:

 1) Pay to STL addresses
 2) Watcher process to detect and queue STL payments for a given d2/Q2
 3) Offline verifier to take output from Watcher and verify spendable given
 encrypted d/d2

 Obviously extending QT directly for #1 would be ideal, I may even be able
 to do that since supporting a new address type should be fairly contained.
 But if not I'll punt to writing a node.js or python script which connects
 to bitcoind via RPC.



Re: [Bitcoin-development] Dedicated server for, your thoughts?

2014-01-01 Thread Mike Hearn
That seems overly complicated, there's no need for the Bitcoin protocol to
be involved. Deterministic builds with threshold signed updates are a
problem the entire crypto community is now interested in solving - any
solution should be generic.

Really all you need is an update engine that allows a CHECKMULTISIG type
approach. When the update engine is not under our control, i.e. on Android,
Shoup style RSA threshold signatures can potentially work (though I must
admit, I have never found time to play with the implementation I have for
that algorithm).

On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 9:25 PM, Jeremy Spilman wrote:

  I didn't know about the dedicated server meltdown, it wasn't any of my
 infra. Anyway, my previous offer still stands.

 One less 'security theater' approach would be if we could provide
 forward-validation of updates using the blockchain. It's always going to be
 up to the user the first time they install the wallet to verify the
 provenance of the binaries/source. From that point forward, we could make
 it easier if the wallet could detect updates and prove they were valid.

 This could be as simple as hard-coding a public key into the client and
 checking a signature on the new binaries. But it could also be more

 For example, a well known address on the blockchain corresponds to
 multi-sig with keys controlled by developers (or whatever key policy the
 release team wants to impose). A spend from that address announces a new
 release, and includes the expected hash of the file.

 You would probably need some way to handle the different release targets.
 A more rigorous approach could identify all the various releases in terms
 of a BIP32 xpubkey whose branches would correspond to the different release
 trains and platform builds. Spends from a node announce the release and the
 expected hash.

 This provides zero benefit if the wallet software is already compromised,
 but I think this would allow trusted automatic update notification, and a
 trusted way to deliver the expected hashes. It also might resolve some of
 the consternation around when a release is truly released, if that's
 really a problem.

 I'm not sure how far along the slope you would want to go; 1) announcing
 updates in the UI, 2) providing a button the user could click to verify a
 binary matches its expected hash, 3) click to download and verify the
 upgrade matches the expected hash, 4) click to upgrade

 Formalizing the release process around a set of privkeys (or split shares
 of keys) may raise its own set of questions.

 For the download itself, I've heard the advocates of announcing
 availability on the blockchain leading to a BitTorrent magnet link, but I
 also understand objections to adding an entire BitTorrent stack into a

 On Tue, 31 Dec 2013 06:23:55 -0800, Mike Hearn wrote:

 The site was actually moved onto a dedicated server temporarily and it
 melted down under the load. I wouldn't call that no progress.

 Oh, it did? When was that? I must have missed this excitement :)

 Any idea how much load it had?

 Perhaps I wasn't clear on the point I was making Drak's threat model
 is not improved in the slightest by SSL. It would be improved by
 increasing the use of signature checking, e.g. by making it easier.

 Well, that depends. If you watch Applebaums talk he is pushing TLS pretty
 hard, and saying that based on the access to the source docs some of their
 MITM attacks can't beat TLS. It appears that they have the capability to do
 bulk MITM and rewrite of downloads as Drak says but *not* when TLS is
 present, that would force more targeted attacks. So to me that implies that
 TLS does raise the bar and is worth doing.

 However if we can't find a server that won't melt under the load, then
 that'd be an issue. We could consider hosting downloads on AppEngine or
 something else that can handle both high load and TLS.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Dedicated server for, your thoughts?

2014-01-01 Thread Mike Hearn

 Oh, it did? When was that? I must have missed this excitement :)

I would be very interested to learn more about this. It seems the steady
state load on the site is not very high:

(Saivann ran Google Analytics on the site for a little while to get traffic
figures). Peak of 10 visitors per second, assume a 10x blowup on resources,
that's only ~100 reqs/sec steady state, that shouldn't strain any kind of
reasonable server. So perhaps the specs of the dedicated server were not
what you might imagine.

Perhaps we should move the site over to Jeremy's hosting? It shouldn't be
very expensive to serve outside of major press cycles. Once that is done,
perhaps we can find/blag some SSL-protected file hosting.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Dedicated server for, your thoughts?

2013-12-31 Thread Mike Hearn
Given that hardly anyone checks the signatures, it's fair to say downloads
aren't protected by anything at the moment. SSL for downloads can only
raise the bar, never lower it, and if the NSA want to kick off the process
of revoking some of the big CA's then I'm game (assuming anyone detects it
of course) :)

Anyway, nobody is dragging feet, the problem is right now we get what is
effectively a huge free subsidy from github and SourceForge for site
hosting. The cost is no SSL. So getting SSL would require that we pay for
it ourselves, but the primary method we have for funding public
goods/infrastructure (the Foundation) which is the subject of various
conspiracy theories. Jeremy has made a generous offer further up the
thread, the issue being I guess none of us know how much traffic we
actually get :( I remember suggesting that we whack Google Analytics or
some other statistics package on when the new website design was done and
that was rejected for similar reasons (organisations are bad).

So we are in a position where we get a subsidy of large but unknown size
from various existing US corporations, but moving to different ones is
controversial, hence no progress :)

On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 1:48 PM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 5:39 AM, Drak wrote:
  The NSA has the ability, right now to change every download of
  on the fly and the only cure is encryption.

 Please cut it out with the snake oil pedaling. This is really over the
 top. You're invoking the NSA as the threat here? Okay. The NSA can
 trivially compromise an HTTPS download site: even ignoring the CA
 insecurity, and government run CAs certificate authorities issue CA
 certs to random governments and corporations for dataloss prevention
 purposes. Not to mention unparalleled access to exploits.

 The downloads are protected by something far stronger than SSL
 already, which might even have a chance against the NSA. Actual
 signatures of the downloads with offline keys.

 I'm all pro-SSL and all that, but you are— piece by piece— really
 convincing me that it produces an entirely false sense of security
 which is entirely unjustified.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Access to Mempool

2013-12-28 Thread Mike Hearn

 I was reading there are some commands to access a peer's mempool state.
 The purpose being to allow miners to recover faster after a reboot, I

The mempool command allows nodes to request the contents of a peers
memory pool, yes.

It is currently used by SPV clients to find transactions that were
broadcast before they were started up (but not yet confirmed).

 Reading peer mempool definitely allows recovering faster after a reboot.
 So does persisting mempool in a database locally.

0.9 has code to save the mempool to disk.

 But what can you learn about a node from its mempool? Basically, are there
 features in the mempool, or could there be?

Er, you mean, distinguishing features beyond the nodes IP address?

The contents of the mempool may vary depending on when the node was started
and what it saw at what times. I guess it's distinguishing in a way, but
not in any important way. Nodes are not intended to be completely
indistinguishable, just indistinguishable enough that it doesn't matter
which you connect to.

 Are there transactions you can receive which go into your own mempool but
 which you don't forward?

I don't think so, unless there are quirks to do with sendrawtransaction
RPCs or strangely crafted wallet spends. Normally if a tx is in the mempool
it will be relayed.

 By the way, are there recommended places to go to compare features
 implemented by different wallet software?

I don't know of any such place, but I'm sure people have compiled tables
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[Bitcoin-development] Fees / prio to be confirmed within ....

2013-12-28 Thread Mike Hearn
(nb: Gavin is on vacation at the moment, I post this now just to give food
for thought over the holidays).

I patched my bitcoind to use a modified version of Gavin's fee estimation
framework. Here is what it's currently estimating. This shows number of
samples taken for fee-paying transactions and free transactions (where
confirmation requires priority), along with the median fee paid and then
the 10th percentile fee paid, and median priority for the free transactions
(no 10th percentile there). -1 means missing data, of course. Max 1000

2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 0 blocks based on
1000/383 samples, fee=38759.7/16155.1 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=8.41811e+08
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 1 blocks based on
1000/202 samples, fee=26738/16155.1 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=2.91473e+08
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 2 blocks based on
298/115 samples, fee=22831.1/10341.3 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=3.18117e+08
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 3 blocks based on
115/88 samples, fee=22831.1/8810.57 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=2.53442e+08
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 4 blocks based on
17/26 samples, fee=14992.5/2759.38 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=2.99917e+08
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 5 blocks based on 1/12
samples, fee=7468.26/7468.26 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=4.12797e+08
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 6 blocks based on 1/9
samples, fee=8071.03/8071.03 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=1.32007e+08
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 7 blocks based on 5/22
samples, fee=3018.41/1.91939 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=9.60733e+07
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 8 blocks based on 0/9
samples, fee=-1/-1 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=1.22123e+08
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 9 blocks based on 0/8
samples, fee=-1/-1 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=6.42686e+07
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 10 blocks based on 0/3
samples, fee=-1/-1 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=6.72846e+06
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 11 blocks based on 0/9
samples, fee=-1/-1 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=5.42872e+08
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 12 blocks based on 0/1
samples, fee=-1/-1 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=1.13419e+07
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 13 blocks based on 0/3
samples, fee=-1/-1 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=4.57343e+08
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 18 blocks based on 0/2
samples, fee=-1/-1 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=5.51321e+08
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 20 blocks based on 0/3
samples, fee=-1/-1 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=4.41654e+08
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 22 blocks based on 0/4
samples, fee=-1/-1 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=4.04413e+08
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 23 blocks based on 0/4
samples, fee=-1/-1 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=5.02467e+08
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 24 blocks based on 0/1
samples, fee=-1/-1 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=2.76975e+08
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 25 blocks based on 0/1
samples, fee=-1/-1 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=2.90481e+08
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 27 blocks based on 0/3
samples, fee=-1/-1 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=3.49409e+08
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 28 blocks based on 0/1
samples, fee=-1/-1 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=1.35682e+09
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 31 blocks based on 0/2
samples, fee=-1/-1 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=2.17966e+08
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 36 blocks based on 1/0
samples, fee=8103.73/8103.73 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=-1
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 47 blocks based on 1/0
samples, fee=608.273/608.273 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=-1
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 48 blocks based on 1/0
samples, fee=11415.5/11415.5 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=-1
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 51 blocks based on 0/1
samples, fee=-1/-1 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=1.01951e+09
2013-12-28 18:34:42 estimates: for confirming within 55 blocks based on 1/0
samples, fee=3891.05/3891.05 (10%) per kilobyte, prio=-1
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[Bitcoin-development] Testnet block explorer

2013-12-27 Thread Mike Hearn
For a long time the only block explorer for testnet has been the original, which is unfortunately often broken / behind / slow and
not really maintained any more.

There is now a new one, here:

There's also a REST/JSON API for it.

Please note one curiosity of this block explorer is that the coinbase tx
doesn't necessarily come first in the listing (it's sorted by time
received, see).

Other interesting thing to note: this site is built using bitcoinj. The
author can be contacted on IRC sometimes using the nick damethos.
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Peer Discovery and Overlay

2013-12-24 Thread Mike Hearn
Thanks Warren! That's great. It's also a prerequisite for chain pruning, so
it's not only about decentralisation but also scalability.

Looking forward to reviewing and merging that.

On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 6:11 PM, Warren Togami Jr. wtog...@gmail.comwrote:

 I was concerned about this issue so we sponsored BlueMatt to implement an
 address database for bitcoinj.  In the future it won't be entirely reliant
 on what DNS tells it.


 On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 6:02 AM, Peter Todd wrote:

 As for node addresses being a service, that's what the DNS seeds are!
  bitcoinj clients, for instance, depend very heavily on those seeds and
 can be easily compromised in a variety of ways by them.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Dual elliptic curve algorithms

2013-12-22 Thread Mike Hearn
It is irrelevant.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Fees UI warning

2013-12-16 Thread Mike Hearn
On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 12:31 PM, Pieter Wuille pieter.wui...@gmail.comwrote:

 Will that also mean no longer reusing (change) addresses?

Jim seems to be planning some parallel development to what I'm doing, but
HD wallets and stopping address re-use is the current feature I'm working
on for bitcoinj. Only code review and merging takes higher priority at the
moment. So I think we might be able to stop re-using addresses at least on
devices with sufficient memory some time in Q1
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Fees UI warning

2013-12-16 Thread Mike Hearn
On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 11:13 AM, Drak wrote:

 It just occurs to me this kind of sad story could be averted if wallets
 implemented a confirmation box if the fee amount seems crazy - for example,
 if it's 10x what the default fee should be, or if it's greater than x% of
 the sending amount.

Most good wallets have UI's designed to be safe. Unfortunately this guy was
using which is by no means a good wallet in that sense
(it's not really even a wallet app at all)

I think most of us have expressed displeasure at the existence of this site
before, and I once even asked the guy to stop running it, but he refused.
It's an extremely sharp tool which makes it easy to cut yourself, except it
doesn't look dangerous, it looks like ordinary software designed for
ordinary people.

I don't know how to solve this. Badly designed software that looks
appealing will always be a danger.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Merge avoidance and P2P connection encryption

2013-12-13 Thread Mike Hearn

 Why would there be an iteration count? The payer would handle that,
 wouldn't they?

I'm thinking about a use case I hope will become common next year -
pastebin style hosting sites for payment requests. Like, if I as a regular
end user wish to use the payment protocol, I could just upload a (possibly
signed) payment request to:

or whatever, and then can take care of incrementing the iteration
count on each download of my file. That's why it's useful for it to be

 If the use case is:  I give the Foundation a here's where to pay my
 salary PaymentRequest, maybe with several Outputs each having a different
 xpubkey, then it seems to me the Foundation's wallet software should take
 care of iterating.

Absolutely. The two use cases can both be supported. You could give
iteration ranges, for instance, if you want to specify expiry in terms of
number of payments rather than time.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Merge avoidance and P2P connection encryption

2013-12-13 Thread Mike Hearn

 Or alternatively, the user-signed payment request without iteration
 count is enclosed within a envelope that contains the
 iteration count.

But how does that show up in the user interface? I don't know how you would
explain what the signature means or implies, or what you do if the
signature is broken/missing.

The only thing that a maliciously modified iteration count can do is cause
money to be sent to an address that's beyond the recipients gap limit,
meaning they won't receive it (unless they reconfigure their software and
rescan). But you can't steal money that way.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Merge avoidance and P2P connection encryption

2013-12-12 Thread Mike Hearn
I wrote an article intended for a broad/non-developer audience on a few
Bitcoin privacy topics:

- P2P connection encryption
- Address re-use/payment protocol
- CoinJoin and merge avoidance

I don't think there's anything much new here for people who were involved
with the BIP70 design discussions, but it may prove a useful resource when
talking about privacy features in the payment protocol. Specifically the
ability to request multiple outputs and submit multiple transactions that
satisfy them. The article elaborates on how to use that feature to achieve
some useful privacy outcomes.

I also analyze what using SSL for P2P connections would buy us and what it
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Merge avoidance and P2P connection encryption

2013-12-12 Thread Mike Hearn
I think the right way to integrate BIP32 and BIP70 would be to specify
output scripts as normal for backwards compatibility, and then allow each
output to have an additional xpubkey and iteration count field. The
iteration counts could be unsigned.

Unfortunately to add data that isn't signed requires a backwards
incompatible change to the protocol :( There isn't currently any area that
isn't covered by the signature. We would have to add one, and then have a
matching array of iteration counts for each xpubkey that was specified in
the output.

I wonder if we should make a last minute change to BIP70 before wallets
have shipped and merchant support starts, something like

message PaymentRequest {
  optional byte unsigned_data = 6;

that would be deleted like the signature is before reserialization.

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 9:28 AM, Paul Rabahy wrote:

 First off, nice article. Very clear and informative.

 I don't know if this is the best place to post this, but it seems related
 to me.

 As more wallets implement BIP32, I believe that bitcoin wallets should
 begin to encourage people to use
  address instead of traditional addresses. In the end, this would
 improve privacy because users never need to merge coin if they had one of
 these super addresses.

 In addition, super addresses would fit nicely into BIP70. Right now, the
 PaymentDetails message allows the merchant to provide multiple outputs. If
 instead the PaymentDetails provide 1 traditional output (for reverse
 compatibility) and 1 super address, the payment could be broken into as
 many pieces as is needed to match unspent outputs already in the customers
 wallet. Finally, the refund_to address in Payment could also be upgraded to
 a super address to enhance privacy there.

 I am not sure if there is a large memory requirement for super
 addresses, but to me, it seems that a lot of these privacy enhancing
 possibilities will be simple to implement once BIP32 is widely deployed.

 On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 11:03 AM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 I wrote an article intended for a broad/non-developer audience on a few
 Bitcoin privacy topics:

 - P2P connection encryption
 - Address re-use/payment protocol
 - CoinJoin and merge avoidance

 I don't think there's anything much new here for people who were involved
 with the BIP70 design discussions, but it may prove a useful resource when
 talking about privacy features in the payment protocol. Specifically the
 ability to request multiple outputs and submit multiple transactions that
 satisfy them. The article elaborates on how to use that feature to achieve
 some useful privacy outcomes.

 I also analyze what using SSL for P2P connections would buy us and what
 it wouldn't.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Floating fees and SPV clients

2013-12-04 Thread Mike Hearn
On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 2:06 PM, Peter Todd wrote:

 replace-by-fee is no less speculative than your original proposals;
 you're also trying to convince people that things should work
 differently re: fees

The original proposal I started this thread with hasn't even received
comments - presumably it's uncontroversial. The other discussions are about
how to handle fees in requests that use the payment protocol, which isn't
currently used anywhere so doing things differently isn't possible.

On the other hand you have been talking about a fundamental change to the
behaviour of how all Bitcoin nodes operate, which is off topic for this

If you have something specific to say about how floating fees should be
managed by SPV wallets or how fees should be negotiated when the payment
protocol is in use, this thread is appropriate. Otherwise please take it
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Floating fees and SPV clients

2013-12-03 Thread Mike Hearn
On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 2:40 AM, Gavin Andresen gavinandre...@gmail.comwrote:

 optional uint64 allowfeetag number=1000

Let's just use a normal/low tag number. The extensions mechanism is great
for people who want to extend the protocol outside the core development
process. It'd be weird if nobody ever used the low numbers again though.

Tag numbers are varint encoded so using smaller ones does have a minor
efficiency benefit, it's not just aesthetics :)

 Allow up to allowfee satoshis to be deducted from the amount paid to be
 used to pay Bitcoin network transaction fees. A wallet implementation must
 not reduce the amount paid for fees more than allowfee, and transaction
 fees must be equal to or greater than the amount reduced.

Hmmm. Why allow? Should it not be called min_fee instead? Wallets would
have to attach at least that much in fees, right?

Also, why describe it as reducing the amount paid? Which output would be
reduced in value? Why not just have it be added to the total value
displayed to the user and the outputs are left alone/not reduced.

 We also want to allow users to pay MORE in fees, if they need to
 (fragmented wallet, maybe, or big CoinJoin transaction) or decide to.

I like the idea but it seems this gets us back to the original problem -
senders don't care about confirmations, ever, not even if they make an
annoying set of transactions. The protocol allows users to submit
transactions directly to receivers, I guess, if the receiver does not like
the transactions they get they could potentially reject the payment. But
I'd hope that's really rare.

 PS: I think there was also consensus that the BIP72  request=...   should
 be shortened to just r=... (save 6 chars in QR codes).  Unless somebody
 objects, I'll change the BIP and the reference implementation code to make
 it so...

Sweet, thanks!
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Floating fees and SPV clients

2013-12-03 Thread Mike Hearn
On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 11:36 AM, Drak wrote:

 I dont like the idea of putting the min fee in the hands of the receiver.
 Seems like that will work against the best interests of senders in the long

Senders have no interest in ever attaching any kind of fee, which is one
reason we explored child-pays-for-parent for a while. It's not the sender
who cares about double spending risk. Left to their own devices, all
senders would always attach no fee at all (or rather: whatever the min was
to get the transaction relayed to the merchant).

However, receivers do want a fee attached, and ideally we would do this
without redundant transactions. Hence, receivers asking senders to attach a
fee and effectively folding it into the price that is paid. That is, if you
go into a restaurant and the menu says Burger: 10mBTC then when you come
to pay, what you see on your phone screen is 10mBTC. The fact that actually
the shop with receiver 9.9mBTC and the tx fee is 0.1mBTC is hidden in the
user interface - creating a situation like many others, where receivers eat
a transaction cost. For instance in Europe sales taxes are included in the
price, not attached separately later.

There's no need to trust the vendor. If a vendor asks for a ridiculously
high tx fee, it will just surface as uncompetitively priced goods/services.
Buyers will go elsewhere.

 Why not try a different path of calculating the min fee like difficulty
 retarget. You can analyse the last 2016 blocks to find the average fee
 accepted per kb (which would include transactions that were included
 without fees) and then write that into the block as a soft recommendation
 that wallets could use in the UI. This way the price can vary up and down
 according to what people were willing to spend on fees and miners willing
 to accept.

That's what fee estimation does, essentially, minus the encoding into
blocks. Once you start getting miners telling people what fees are directly
you run into cases where they might try to lie about their behaviour or
otherwise influence the average. Querying all nodes avoids that problem.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Floating fees and SPV clients

2013-12-03 Thread Mike Hearn
On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Gavin Andresen gavinandre...@gmail.comwrote:

 If users want to pay with a huge transaction then it seems to me the user
 should cover that cost. Allowing users to pay merchants with 100K
 transactions full of dust and expecting them to eat the cost seems like a
 great way to enable bleed-the-merchant-dry attacks.

A merchant can always refuse the payment and refund it if that's a
practical problem. I doubt it would be though. If a user is trying to buy
something from the merchant, they will want it to work, and it'll be up to
the developers of the wallet they're using to ensure it never does anything
obnoxious or unacceptable that would result in people hating to receive
money from that app.

 RE: hiding or showing fees:  I pointed out to Peter that there doesn't
 have to be One True Answer.  Let wallets experiment with either hiding or
 exposing fees, and may the best user experience win.

Sure. I think there will be experimentation in this regard.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Floating fees and SPV clients

2013-12-03 Thread Mike Hearn
On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Taylor Gerring taylor.gerr...@gmail.comwrote:

 Why should there be two classes of transactions? Where does paying a local
 business at a farmer’s stand lie in that realm? Transactions should work
 the same regardless of who is on the receiving end.

Lots and lots of people are psychologically trained to expect that they pay
the sticker price for things. Yes in recent times some places have started
to show additional fees for using credit cards, but only as a way to try
and push people onto cheaper forms of payment, not because customers love
surcharges. It's for that reason that many merchants don't do this, even
when they could - I pay for things with Maestro Debit all the time and I
don't think I've ever seen a surcharge. That system obviously has costs,
but they're included.

This is just a basic cultural thing - when I buy something from a shop, the
social expectation is that the seller should be grateful for receiving my
money. The customer is always right. When I send money to a friend, the
social expectation is different. If my friend said, hey Mike, could you
send me that 10 bucks you owe me from last weekend and what he receives is
less than 10 bucks, he would probably feel annoyed - if I owe him 10 bucks
then I owe him 10 bucks and it's my job the cover the fees. That's why
PayPal makes sender pay fees in that case.

Maybe we need new terminology for this. *Interior fees* for included in the
price/receiver pays and *exterior fees* for excluded from the price/sender

Fees are only confusing because existing clients do a terrible job of
 presenting the information to the user. In Hive Wallet, I’m of the opinion
 that we should inform the user in an intuitive way to let them make an
 informed decision.

Have you thought through the UI for that in detail? How exactly are you
going to explain the fee structure? Let the user pick the number of blocks
they need to wait for? What's a block? Why should I care? Why shouldn't I
just set the slider all the way to the other end and pay no fees at all? Is
the merchant going to refuse to take my payment? Gavin just said that's not
possible with Bitcoin-Qt. I'm thinking for bitcoinj I might go in a
slightly different direction and not broadcast payments submitted via the
payment protocol (and definitely not have one wire tx pay multiple payment
requests simultaneously, at least not for consumer wallets).
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Floating fees and SPV clients

2013-12-01 Thread Mike Hearn
Lately I was pondering how to make floating fees and SPV wallets work well

I propose the following plan:

1) 0.9 ships with something dead simple, like a command to query what a
node estimates and then clients just take the average, or cross-check a
centralised estimate against the P2P network. It's fast to implement and
simple, but not very secure or decentralised. However it will allow the
feature to launch on some kind of reasonable timeframe.

2) We bump the protocol version and the tx message now gets an optional
protobuf buffer stuck on the end. The first thing put in this protobuf is a
list of the values of the inputs. Using this data, the fee paid by a
transaction can be calculated. In step 2 the data is unauthenticated.

3) Some SPV wallets already set themselves up so that they sync with the
network in the background, e.g. the Android wallet syncs at least every 24
hours. This should become more common, using scheduler capabilities built
into most operating systems. When the wallet syncs with the network, it
sets a deliberately very noisy Bloom filter on its peers and waits around
for 30-60 seconds or so. The wallet observes some of the broadcasts taking
place and records the hashes and associated fees that were paid to disk.
Next time it syncs, it includes the observed hashes into the Bloom filter
used to download the chain, and thus learns how quickly they confirmed. It
can calculate its own fee estimate from that.

4) Finally, when we next hard fork, we make v2 transactions include the
output value in the signature, same as the output script (this proposal has
been on the forums for a while now). That allows the fee data added in step
2 to be cross-checked against the signatures on the inputs, thus
authenticating it.

I think this is a small and easy set of steps that would make it quite hard
to attack - malicious nodes could make it appear that some transactions
never confirmed thus seeming to force the price up, but it's easy to simply
exclude transactions which never confirm at all from the calculations. Plus
of course you can cross-check nodes against each other to try and catch
nodes that are failing to match transactions properly.

One obvious concern is what to do if nodes don't converge on very similar
estimates. Wallets will always want to pay the lowest fee possible, so that
means they'll always be riding the very edge of what's acceptable, opening
up tx propagation to random flaky failures if fee estimates change whilst a
transaction is in progress, or if some nodes don't calculate the same
estimates as others.

If a wallet gets a reject message for a tx that has a fee that are by its
own estimates acceptable, what should it do? What if only some nodes report
that and others don't?
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Floating fees and SPV clients

2013-12-01 Thread Mike Hearn
 Both can be combined into adapting the current generic messages (This
 payment should become spendable shortly for incoming and This payment
 has not been transmitted yet for outgoing transactions). 

What would the new messages say?

We need to get away from the notion of senders attaching fees anyway. This is 
the wrong way around because it’s the recipient who cares about double spending 
risk, not the sender. That’s why merchants keep running into issues with people 
attaching zero fees. Of course they attach zero fees. They know they aren’t 
going to double spend. It’s the merchant who cares about getting the security 
against that.

The UI for sending money should end up dead simple - no mention of fees 
anywhere, IMO.

The UI for receiving money could be a bit more complicated but even then - I 
think if ordinary people using smartphone wallets are having to think about how 
quickly they want their transaction to confirm and adjust fees, etc on the 
receiving side then we’re getting dangerously close to the usability failure 

Unfortunately we lack the protocol pieces to get the right UI here :( Someone 
needs to sit down and figure out what the UI *should* look like, in the ideal 
world, and then work backwards to figure out what needs to be done to get us 

 For outgoing transactions, if it is very clear that they're never going
 to be confirmed, I'd like to see a Revoke button.

Disagree. There should never be any cases in which a transaction doesn’t 
confirm. Period. I know there have been bugs with bitcoinj that could cause 
this in the past, but they were bugs and they got fixed/will get fixed.

Settlement failure is just unacceptable and building a UI around the 
possibility will just encourage people to think of it as normal, when it should 
not be so.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Floating fees and SPV clients

2013-12-01 Thread Mike Hearn

 This payment did not become spendable since xxx minutes. Check with the
 sender if s/he paid the Bitcoin network fee. Check if your internet
 connection is working properly. (incoming)

That seems reasonable.

The other message should be implementable today, I think? If numBroadcastPeers 
 0 post 0.10.3 then you know the tx made it out to the internet.

Unfortunately if nodes start to diverge a lot in terms of what they will 
accept, then “transmitted” is no longer a clean binary yes/no thing. Guess 
we’ll have to jump that hurdle when we come to it.

 Guess you're right. But as you said, we're not there yet.

The payment protocol at least would need some notion of fee, or possibly 
(better?) the ability for a recipient to specify some inputs as well as some 

Originally I think we were hoping for child-pays-for-parent. I guess that needs 
someone to sit down and focus on it for a while, assuming we still think that’s 
a good idea.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Floating fees and SPV clients

2013-12-01 Thread Mike Hearn
 Bitcoin is and always will be limited in capacity - transactions may not
 confirm in a reasonable about of time because of high-demand and/or DoS

I agree in the general case, but I was talking about the mobile wallet case 
specifically (i.e. people who are sending money between themselves or making 
small purchases of physical things). I think Bitcoin should be able to scale to 
handle these sorts of ordinary every-day transactions. Where I’d expect to see 
transactions falling off the edge is in more specialised cases like very small 
single micropayments, or “optional” internal transactions like 
mixing/re/defragmentation of wallets that don’t correspond to an actual 
payment. Those sorts of transactions would I guess be the first to go when 
faced with a sudden capacity crunch, but they wouldn’t show up in a mobile 
wallet UI anyway.

 re: merchants paying tx fees, child-pays-for-parent is inefficient

I know the existing code is, but is that fundamentally the case or just how the 
code has been written? I haven’t looked at this issue much but I know you’ve 
worked on it, so I’m curious to learn about why it’s inefficient and whether 
there are any fixes possible. 

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Network propagation speeds

2013-11-27 Thread Mike Hearn
Hey Christian,

Could you sort the snapshots by date? At the moment they're kind of in a
random order.

Sometimes I wish we had real-time stats too but this is a great start.

On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 8:27 PM, Christian Decker wrote:

 Thanks Mike for the Tip :-)

 I will definitely extend the calculations to include a size-normalized
 version. As for transaction propagations, being much smaller the
 measurements tend to be much noisier, but given enough samples we
 might be able to reconstruct some of the system parameters.

 Good idea to attempt to correlate propagation speed and number of
 inputs/outputs, might be interesting to see whether processing at the
 nodes has an influence.

 Christian Decker

 On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Michael Gronager
  Hi Christian,
  Cool - thanks for posting - agree, that it would be nice to normalize
  the results with block size - so divide by size and:
  1. see if there is a correlation (we all presume there still is)
  2. plot the delay graph as e.g. normalized to the averaged blocksize or
  lets define a standard block size of 200kb or what ever so we can
  compare the plot btw days.
  Also, does the correlation of propagation times hold for transaction
  sizes as well (would be ice to find the logical t0 and the constant - I
  guess the interesting measure is not kb but signatures, so number of
  inputs - some correlation with size though).
  On 24/11/13, 17:37 , Christian Decker wrote:
  Sure thing, I'm looking for a good way to publish these measurements,
  but I haven't found a good option yet. They are rather large in size,
  so I'd rather not serve them along with the website as it hasn't got
  the capacity. Any suggestions? If the demand is not huge I could
  provide them on a per user basis.
  Christian Decker
  On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Gregory Maxwell
  On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 8:20 AM, Christian Decker wrote:
  Since this came up again during the discussion of the Cornell paper I
  thought I'd dig up my measurement code from the Information
  Propagation paper and automate it as much as possible.
  Could you publish the block ids and timestamp sets for each block?
  It would be useful in correlating propagation information against
  block characteristics.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Network propagation speeds

2013-11-24 Thread Mike Hearn
This is great, thanks for doing it. Tip sent your way.

Graphs of how propagation data change over time would also be helpful (as
well as raw data so we can calculate overhead per kilobyte and so on). I
know there are only two days worth of data, but for future, it'd be good.

I think the next part of figuring out why there's such huge disparity is
instrumenting bitcoind to find out where the time goes when relaying a

On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:

 On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 8:20 AM, Christian Decker wrote:
  Since this came up again during the discussion of the Cornell paper I
  thought I'd dig up my measurement code from the Information
  Propagation paper and automate it as much as possible.

 Could you publish the block ids and timestamp sets for each block?

 It would be useful in correlating propagation information against
 block characteristics.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Who or what is /Satoshi:0.8.99/Gangnam Style:2.1/ ?

2013-11-21 Thread Mike Hearn
Thanks. By the way, your bitnodes site is excellent. Thanks for doing that.
If you're in the mood for extending it, it'd be great to gather and chart
data on block and tx propagation times.

Do you think the recent explosion in running nodes is real, or due to some
kind of custom experimental thing?

On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 2:55 PM, Addy Yeow wrote:


 On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 12:48 AM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 I added some additional logging to my node and ran it for a few days.
 There's a pull req open for my extra logging, it is quite trivial. Here's
 what it looks like:

 2013-11-21 13:41:04 AcceptToMemoryPool: Style:2.1/ : accepted
 2d1bbcc2bf64dfcb57a2f0180b2607a48a34de4422c446929b26b190083bbfe7 (poolsz
 2013-11-21 13:41:05 AcceptToMemoryPool: Style:2.1/ : accepted
 28bb94978bdaa224faeafa95d03a0c4f5743396d6f592469c5ac2b64184ac716 (poolsz
 2013-11-21 13:41:06 ERROR: AcceptToMemoryPool : nonstandard transaction:
 2013-11-21 13:41:06
 42323d9553e4c592d27765dc3ef9152c186cb7d67b08d783d72974a56085032d from /Satoshi:0.8.1/ was not accepted into the memory
 pool: dust
 2013-11-21 13:41:06 AcceptToMemoryPool: Style:2.1/ : accepted
 2fdb19e5e87d518b7b6bb7371d547a5f60c2bb056ba4522190460f0bc41b51fb (poolsz
 2013-11-21 13:41:08 AcceptToMemoryPool: Style:2.1/ : accepted
 52c8ed6a48f89d48b1152b67ac0b718a7aadb5f9a0c70c18b9b2fed058ca3323 (poolsz
 2013-11-21 13:41:08 AcceptToMemoryPool: Style:2.1/ : accepted
 980bbdbd4a6b365fa6f13fb5247eb6cb1e54847e490c3b7c3026d1548fb9efc6 (poolsz
 2013-11-21 13:41:08 AcceptToMemoryPool: Style:2.0/ : accepted
 03f79c611bbdc1afa7afa67eb0bbd4d8bc86a730a7066622e2709ae506e61e0f (poolsz
 2013-11-21 13:41:10 AcceptToMemoryPool: Style:2.1/ : accepted
 af8096ad637af1ca022a5146e07cf1fc6bfbec877935f9e114b279fcfe26c06d (poolsz
 2013-11-21 13:41:10 AcceptToMemoryPool: Style:2.1/ : accepted
 751c2415d058d45ca602fdf1b6490edb6e57fc718e914d628c11b17e25aac834 (poolsz

 Despite that I have 87 connections from regular nodes, virtually all
 transactions seen by my node are being announced by this modified software,
 which appears to run on several different machines.

 I am wondering if anyone out there knows/owns these nodes and if they are
 relaying transactions without checking their validity. That seems the most
 likely reason for how they are always able to win the race to be the first
 to announce to my node.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Who or what is /Satoshi:0.8.99/Gangnam Style:2.1/ ?

2013-11-21 Thread Mike Hearn
I added some additional logging to my node and ran it for a few days.
There's a pull req open for my extra logging, it is quite trivial. Here's
what it looks like:

2013-11-21 13:41:04 AcceptToMemoryPool: Style:2.1/ : accepted
2d1bbcc2bf64dfcb57a2f0180b2607a48a34de4422c446929b26b190083bbfe7 (poolsz
2013-11-21 13:41:05 AcceptToMemoryPool: Style:2.1/ : accepted
28bb94978bdaa224faeafa95d03a0c4f5743396d6f592469c5ac2b64184ac716 (poolsz
2013-11-21 13:41:06 ERROR: AcceptToMemoryPool : nonstandard transaction:
2013-11-21 13:41:06
42323d9553e4c592d27765dc3ef9152c186cb7d67b08d783d72974a56085032d from /Satoshi:0.8.1/ was not accepted into the memory pool:
2013-11-21 13:41:06 AcceptToMemoryPool: Style:2.1/ : accepted
2fdb19e5e87d518b7b6bb7371d547a5f60c2bb056ba4522190460f0bc41b51fb (poolsz
2013-11-21 13:41:08 AcceptToMemoryPool: Style:2.1/ : accepted
52c8ed6a48f89d48b1152b67ac0b718a7aadb5f9a0c70c18b9b2fed058ca3323 (poolsz
2013-11-21 13:41:08 AcceptToMemoryPool: Style:2.1/ : accepted
980bbdbd4a6b365fa6f13fb5247eb6cb1e54847e490c3b7c3026d1548fb9efc6 (poolsz
2013-11-21 13:41:08 AcceptToMemoryPool: Style:2.0/ : accepted
03f79c611bbdc1afa7afa67eb0bbd4d8bc86a730a7066622e2709ae506e61e0f (poolsz
2013-11-21 13:41:10 AcceptToMemoryPool: Style:2.1/ : accepted
af8096ad637af1ca022a5146e07cf1fc6bfbec877935f9e114b279fcfe26c06d (poolsz
2013-11-21 13:41:10 AcceptToMemoryPool: Style:2.1/ : accepted
751c2415d058d45ca602fdf1b6490edb6e57fc718e914d628c11b17e25aac834 (poolsz

Despite that I have 87 connections from regular nodes, virtually all
transactions seen by my node are being announced by this modified software,
which appears to run on several different machines.

I am wondering if anyone out there knows/owns these nodes and if they are
relaying transactions without checking their validity. That seems the most
likely reason for how they are always able to win the race to be the first
to announce to my node.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Testnet under attack?

2013-11-15 Thread Mike Hearn
I don't use testnet much anymore, partly because it sometimes kind of
breaks like this. It's a public resource and people sometimes abuse it.

You can create your own local network with -regtest and that lets you mint
new blocks instantly. It's a much simpler way to do testing and app

On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 8:34 PM, Mike Belshe wrote:

 It appears that someone is minting new blocks literally every couple of
 seconds on the testnet chain right now.

 You can see it on both blockexplorer:

 and also btclook:

 Is this something we should worry about?


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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] [ANN] High-speed Bitcoin Relay Network

2013-11-08 Thread Mike Hearn
I took a brief look at the code - it's looking very reasonable. You can
replace any construct like

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
  throw new RuntimeException(e);

which is quite verbose, just with
Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptably(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); (and of
course static imports help too)

I think for this concept to take off, you'd need a website and to recruit
someone to help you market it. Pool operators won't reach out to you.

I still find it perhaps more elegant to just boost the connectivity of the
existing network with bitcoind changes, but this can help for now.

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 12:35 AM, Matt Corallo bitcoin-l...@bluematt.mewrote:

 No, the transactions relayed are piped through a bitcoind first (ie
 fully verified by a bitcoind). For blocks, for which the timing needs to
 be tighter, bitcoinj does SPV-validation. Though it is possible to
 create a block which passes SPV validation but causes a DoS score, doing
 so would cost a miner a full block's worth of profits, which they are
 fairly unlikely to do. In any case, if it every becomes a problem, its
 not hard to adapt addnode to allow higher DoS scores for individual nodes.


 On 11/06/13 07:25, Tier Nolan wrote:
  On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 5:50 AM, Matt Corallo wrote:
  Relay node details:
   * The relay nodes do some data verification to prevent DoS, but in
  order to keep relay fast, they do not fully verify the data they are
  relaying, thus YOU SHOULD NEVER mine a block building on top of a
  relayed block without fully checking it with your own bitcoin
  (as you would any other block relayed from the P2P network).
  Wouldn't this cause disconnects due to misbehavior?
  A standard node connecting to a relay node would receive
  blocks/transactions that are not valid in some way and then disconnect.
  Have you looked though the official client to find what things are
  considered signs that a peer is hostile?  I assume things like double
  spending checks count as misbehavior and can't be quickly checked by a
  relay node.
  Maybe another bit could be assigned in the services field as relay.
  This means that the node doesn't do any checking.
  Connects to relay nodes could be command line/config file only.  Peers
  wouldn't connect to them.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] On the optimal block size and why transaction fees are 8 times too low (or transactions 8 times too big)

2013-11-07 Thread Mike Hearn
I think trying to help miners figure out the propagation/fees tradeoff at
the moment is a non-starter until we understand it better ourselves. A
server that tracks and records block propagation times, how many fees per
passed up per block, orphan stats per size bucket etc would be tremendously

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 4:19 PM, Pieter Wuille pieter.wui...@gmail.comwrote:

 Correcting myself:

 On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 4:00 PM, Pieter Wuille
  I believe that C. Decker's paper used measurements for propagation
  delays for blocks 18-19, which happened between may and juli
  2012. The latest bitcoind/bitcoin-qt release at the time was 0.6.3.

 They did use data from blocks 2-21, september-november 2012.
 That was still before the 0.8 release, however.


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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] we can all relax now

2013-11-07 Thread Mike Hearn
Once the ASIC race calms down because everyone has one, has more or less
optimal power supplies, process improvements aren't easily reachable
anymore etc then I'd expect people to dissipate from the large pools
because eliminating their fees will become the next lowest hanging fruit to
squeeze out extra profit. There's no particular reason we need only a
handful of pools that control a major fraction of the hashpower.

If we end up with a few hundred pools or lots of miners on p2pool, then a
lot of these theoretical attacks become not very relevant (I don't think ID
sacrifices will be so common or large as to justify a pile of custom mining
code+strategies at any point ...)

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Peter Todd wrote:

 On Thu, Nov 07, 2013 at 02:56:56PM +1000, Gavin Andresen wrote:
   P.S: If any large pools want to try this stuff out, give me a shout.
   have my PGP key - confidentiality assured.
  If I find out one of the large pools decides to run this 'experiment' on
  the main network, I will make it my mission to tell people to switch to a
  more responsible pool.

 I hope they listen.

 A few months ago ASICMiner could have made use of that attack if my
 memories of their peak hashing power were correct. They certainely could
 have used the selfish miner version, (we need better name for that)
 although development costs would eat into profits.

 GHash.IO, 22%, says they're a private Bitfury ASIC mining pool - dunno
 what they mean by that, but they're involved with CEX.IO who has
 physical control of a bunch of hashing power so I guess that means their
 model is like ASICMiners. They're a bit short of 30%, but maybe some
 behind-the-scenes deals would fix that, and/or lowering the barrier with
 reactive block publishing. (a better name)

  And if you think you can get away with driving up EVERYBODY's orphan rate
  without anybody noticing, you should think again.

 ...and remember, if you only do the attack a little bit, you still can
 earn more profit, and only drive up the orphan rate a little bit. So who
 knows, maybe the orphans are real, or maybe they're an attack? ASICMiner
 was involved with a bunch of orphans a while back...

 You know what this calls for? A witchhunt!


   P.P.S: If you're mining on a pool with more than, like, 1% hashing
   power, do the math on varience... Seriously, stop it and go mine on a
   smaller pool, or better yet, p2pool.
  That I agree with.

 Glad to hear.


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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] [ANN] High-speed Bitcoin Relay Network

2013-11-06 Thread Mike Hearn
Very cool, thanks Matt.

I was actually thinking this morning, maybe we should require all nodes to
go through the inv/getdata dance. Otherwise it's possible to improve your
chances at racing a block by mining a block, waiting to see a block inv
from another node, then blasting out your block while other nodes are still
waiting on their getdatas.

On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 6:50 AM, Matt Corallo bitcoin-l...@bluematt.mewrote:

 Recently, there has been a reasonable amount of discussion about the
 continued fragility of the public Bitcoin network on IRC and elsewhere
 (1). To this extent, I'm organizing a system of peering between nodes in
 the network by creating a system of high-speed relay nodes for miners
 and merchants/exchanges. This system will a) act as a fallback in the
 case that the public Bitcoin network encounters issues and b) decrease
 block propagation times between miners.
 It is NOT designed to in any way replace or decrease the need for the
 public Bitcoin P2P network. It is NOT any kind of attempt at
 centralization, and I still encourage interested parties to establish
 their own private peering agreements with large miners as needed.

 Currently the network consists of one specially-designed relay node, but
 I hope to bring more online in the coming days.

 This network is open to everyone via a few public relay nodes, but also
 will have nodes which are made available only to large miners and
 merchants/exchanges to mitigate the ability of malicious parties to DoS
 the network.

 To peer with the public relay nodes, simply select the closest region
 out of us-west (West Coast US), us-east (East Coast US), eu (Western
 Europe), au (Australia), or jpy (Japan) and add to your addnode list. Note that
 since all of the relay nodes will relay between each other, you gain no
 latency advantage by peering with more than the closest node to you (and
 currently all the regions map to one node, so there they're redundant

 For each relay node, you can connect to either port 8334 or 8335.
 Connecting on port 8334 will relay only blocks, and port 8335 will relay
 both blocks and transactions. The relay nodes will request any
 transactions which appear in your invs no matter which port you connect to.

 Relay node details:
  * The relay nodes do some data verification to prevent DoS, but in
 order to keep relay fast, they do not fully verify the data they are
 relaying, thus YOU SHOULD NEVER mine a block building on top of a
 relayed block without fully checking it with your own bitcoin validator
 (as you would any other block relayed from the P2P network).
  * The relay nodes do not follow the standard inv-getdata-tx/block flow,
 but instead relay transactions/blocks immediately after they have done
 their cursory verification. They do keep some track of whether or not
 your nodes claim to have seen the transactions/blocks before relaying,
 but you may see transactions/blocks being sent which you already have
 and have not requested, if this is a problem for you due to bandwith
 issues, you should reconsider your bandwith constraints and/or are
 peering with too many nodes.
  * The relay nodes will all relay among themselves very quickly, so
 there is no advantage to peering with as many relay nodes as you can
 find, in fact, the increased incoming bandwidth during block relay
 spikes may result in higher latency for your nodes.
  * The relay nodes are NOT designed to ensure that you never miss data,
 and may fail to relay some transactions. Additionally, because the relay
 nodes do not respond to standard getdata requests, if you miss a relay
 and then reconnect, that data will not be sent again by the relay nodes.
 The relay nodes are NOT a replacement for having peers on the standard
 P2P network, they are only there to augment the existing P2P network.

 If you are a merchant/exchange/large miner/other important node operator
 and wish to gain access to additional domain names which map to relay
 nodes with fewer peers, please fill out the form at

 You can find the source for the relay nodes at

 If you have any comments/concerns/suggestions, please do not hesitate to


 (1) There has been extended discussion on #bitcoin-wizards as well as
 #bitcoin-dev of the very small number of active, listening nodes.
 Additionally, because many of those nodes are versions prior to 0.8.4,
 it seems very likely that maliciously creating network splits or at
 least drastically reducing the number of peers for most nodes would not
 be particularly challenging in the current network. Also,
 noted that they were able to single-handledly decrease the network-wide
 orphan rate by around 50% by improving 

[Bitcoin-development] Auto-generated miner backbone

2013-11-04 Thread Mike Hearn
W.R.T. this paper and the oft-discussed miner backbone,

I'm wondering about an alternative protocol change that perhaps has less
subtle implications than their suggested change. Rather than address the
problem by assuming the network is full of sybil nodes and changing the
rules for selecting the chain to build on, how about if we wrote code to
automatically build a miner backbone by having IP addresses of nodes
embedded into coinbases, then having any bitcoind that is creating work
automatically connect to IPs that appeared in enough recent blocks?

This would have the effect of automatically linking all the major pools
together, with no administration overhead.

For bonus points, the IPs could be IPv6 and then the trick we use to pack
hidden services into IPv6 address space would allow nodes to be reached via
Tor. This might be useful in the case of pools that don't to reveal the
location of their bitcoin node[s], like for anti-DoS reasons.

It feels like this should be achievable with a few days of solid coding and
a couple of new command line flags, and the impact is much easier to reason
about than a fundamental rule change like the one proposed by the paper.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Auto-generated miner backbone

2013-11-04 Thread Mike Hearn
On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 12:53 PM, Peter Todd wrote:

 I proposed this as a means of giving a mechanism for wallets to get
 non-sybilled peers as well.

Ah yes, good point.

 Doing so encourages pools to only bother connecting to other pools,
 which is a strong centralizing force.

They could already create such a setup, but we don't observe it in practice.

 On a technical level, the coinbase is limited in size, and people use it
 for other purposes, so lets define a standard 

Given that IP address data is inherently transient, perhaps a better
solution is to define a short hash in the coinbase that commits to extra
data that is relayed along with block data (e.g. appended to the block
message). It can then be stored temporarily in the block db and erased
after some time, like a few months. It would therefore not really be a part
of the chain, but could be extended as we see fit with any other
semi-transient data required. A new getextra message would let nodes
query for it.

The hash can be short because it doesn't have to survive brute forcing
attacks longer than the expected validity period of the transient data
anyway. 80 bits would probably be overkill.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Auto-generated miner backbone

2013-11-04 Thread Mike Hearn
On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 3:26 PM, Peter Todd wrote:

 The attacker now only needs to connect to every identified miner
 with especially fast nodes. With judicious use of DoS attacks and low
 latency .

So you're back to a complicated sybil attack. I don't follow your thought
process here - I didn't say anything about numerical advantage. The attack
outlined in the paper *requires* you to be able to race the rest of the
network and win some non-trivial fraction of the time. If you can't do that
then all it means is that when you try to release a private block to
compete with the other found block, you're quite likely to lose and you
sacrifice the block rewards by doing so.

 The correct, and rational, approach for a miner is to always mine to
 extend the block that the majority of hashing power is trying to extend.

There's no stable way to know that. The whole purpose of the block chain to
establish the majority. I think your near-miss headers solution is
circular/unstable for that reason, it's essentially a recursive solution.

 Mining strategy is now to mine to extend the first block you see, on the
 assumption that the earlier one probably propagated to a large portion
 of the total hashing power. But as you receive near-blocks that are
 under the PoW target, use them to estimate the hashing power on each
 fork, and if it looks like you are not on the majority side, switch.

But you can't reliably estimate that. You can't even reliably estimate the
speed of the overall network especially not on a short term basis like a
block interval.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Committing to extra block data/a better merge-mine standard

2013-11-04 Thread Mike Hearn
I like the UUID-as-path idea. That resolves the problem of how to share the
alt-chain merkle tree quite nicely.

On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 7:16 PM, Peter Todd wrote:

 No sense in compromising - you need a whole merkle path to prove the
 extra data is valid so you might as well make this a full 256 bits;

The Merkle branch doesn't get stored indefinitely though, whereas the
coinbase hash does. The data stored in the coinbase [output] can always
just be the 256-bit root hash truncated to less.

I doubt the additional bytes make much difference really, so the additional
complexity may not be worth it. But it wouldn't be an issue to do.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Committing to extra block data/a better merge-mine standard

2013-11-04 Thread Mike Hearn
Yes, sure. I was talking about the case of transiently relayed data, like
IP addresses.

On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 8:53 PM, Mark Friedenbach wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 On 11/4/13 11:38 AM, Mike Hearn wrote:
  The Merkle branch doesn't get stored indefinitely though, whereas
  the coinbase hash does. The data stored in the coinbase [output]
  can always just be the 256-bit root hash truncated to less.
  I doubt the additional bytes make much difference really, so the
  additional complexity may not be worth it. But it wouldn't be an
  issue to do.

 The bits make a difference if you are merged mining. You can use the
 birthday attack to construct two data trees whose hash match the
 (truncated) value, each containing separate aux block headers. This
 allows you to double-count the bitcoin PoW for more than one aux block
 on the same chain, potentially facilitating aux chain attacks.

 If you want 128 bits of security for merged mined aux chains, you need
 256 bits of hash in the coinbase.
 Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.19 (Darwin)
 Comment: GPGTools -
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


 Android is increasing in popularity, but the open development platform that
 developers love is also attractive to malware creators. Download this white
 paper to learn more about secure code signing practices that can help keep
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 Bitcoin-development mailing list

Android is increasing in popularity, but the open development platform that
developers love is also attractive to malware creators. Download this white
paper to learn more about secure code signing practices that can help keep
Android apps secure.
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Message Signing based authentication

2013-11-02 Thread Mike Hearn
Guys, identity systems for the web are off-topic for this list. Other than
the anonymous passports/SINs/fidelity bond ideas, Bitcoin doesn't have any
relevance to it.

On Sat, Nov 2, 2013 at 2:19 PM, Hannu Kotipalo hannu.kotip...@iki.fiwrote:

 Maybe this is a bit off-topic, but the *real* answer to the question
 why-is-nobody-using-ssl-client-certificates is that it would force
 www pages to be encrypted and would make it a lot more difficult for
 NSA to log www-trafic.

No, it wouldn't. You can log a user in using SSL and then redirect the user
back to an encrypted page, using cookies for the rest of the session.
Please don't clutter up this list with conspiracy theories. The brutal
reality is that identity is a hard problem.
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Feedback requested: reject p2p message

2013-10-30 Thread Mike Hearn
 But if you are getting soft-forked recent versions of the reference
 implementation WILL alert you; see this code in main.cpp:

Perhaps I'm confused about how we're using the term soft fork. My
understanding is that this is where a new upgrade is designed to look valid
to old nodes, and if you don't upgrade you rely on the miner majority to
get you back on track. For instance, P2SH was done this way - old nodes
that didn't upgrade during that transition believed all spends of P2SH
outputs were valid, even those spending someone elses coins.

In this case, the code you cite won't do anything because your client will
never reject a block during a soft-forking upgrade, even if it does
something that's supposed to be invalid or nonsensical.

If a new block version changes the serialization format or script language
or SIGHASH rules such that old clients reject the block, then they will end
up on a hard fork and the alerting code will trigger, which is correct and
as it should be.
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Feedback requested: reject p2p message

2013-10-30 Thread Mike Hearn
On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 10:05 AM, Mark Friedenbach wrote:

 If I understand the code correctly, it's not about rejecting blocks.

I was referring to the fork alerts that Matt did. They also alert you if
there's a missed upgrade.
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Feedback requested: reject p2p message

2013-10-29 Thread Mike Hearn
For tx reject, should there be a code for unknown version? That is,
tx.nVersion  bestKnownVersion == reject? In that case 0x40 would become
non-standard transaction type. I think unknown transaction type is a
bit vague. Or do we want new tx messages to always be backwards compatible?

0x42 and 0x43 seems a bit similar to me. The sender knows what fee was paid
(presumably). If free transactions and fee-paying transactions end up
having a unified ranking applied, then distinguishing between them in the
reject message won't make much sense.

For block 0x11 again shall there be a separate code for block is from the
future? We don't want to lose the nVersion field to people just using it
for nonsense, so does it make sense to reject blocks that claim to be v2 or

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 6:37 AM, Gavin Andresen gavinandre...@gmail.comwrote:

 Thanks for the feedback, everybody, gist updated:

 Categories are:

 0x01-0x0f Protocol syntax errors0x10-0x1f Protocol semantic 
 policy rule

 RE: why not a varint:  because we're never ever going to run out of reject
 codes.  Eight are defined right now, if we ever defined eight more I'd be

 RE: why not use HTTP codes directly: because we'd be fitting round pegs
 into square holes.

 Gavin Andresen

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Feedback requested: reject p2p message

2013-10-29 Thread Mike Hearn
Yes, exactly. That's the point. As you well know I think the whole
soft-fork mechanism is wrong and should not be used. If the rules change,
your node is *supposed* to end up on a chain fork and trigger an alert to
you, that's pretty much the whole purpose of Bitcoin's design. Undermining
that security model is problematic.

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 12:38 PM, Peter Todd wrote:

 Hash: SHA256

 Peter Todd wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 10:52:31AM +0100, Mike Hearn wrote:
  For block 0x11 again shall there be a separate code for block is
 from the
  future? We don't want to lose the nVersion field to people just
 using it
  for nonsense, so does it make sense to reject blocks that claim to be
 v2 or
 That would prevent us from using nVersion as a soft-forking mechanism.

 Actually, that statement didn't go far enough: rejecting blocks with
 nVersions that you don't expect is a hard fork.
 Version: APG v1.0.9


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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment protocol for onion URLs.

2013-10-28 Thread Mike Hearn
On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 1:14 PM, Adam Back wrote:

 Maybe I voice this opinion a bit late in the cycle, but 

A bit late is one way to put it. All these topics and more were discussed
to death a year ago when the payment protocol was first being designed.
Bluntly, I think we're all sick of it. You are welcome to PGP sign your
payment requests if you want to. If not, then please see my FAQ for

tl;dr - the right way to tackle governments getting bogus certs issued is
certificate transparency. All other suggestions tend to boil down to
here's some handwaving that doesn't actually solve the problem.

By the way, the evidence from the Snowden case rather reinforces the
strength of the CA system. Did we see stories about bulk usage of fake
certificates? No. What we read is that the increased usage of SSL was a
major game-changer for intelligence agencies. They solve SSL by compiling
databases of private keys they obtain in various ways. True to form when
the FBI wanted access to LavaBit, they tried to obtain his private keys
rather than just push a convenient give me a fake cert button, and when
it became known that Lavabit had to hand over their key, GoDaddy revoked
their certificate. Industry policies forced their hand and those policies
don't have a get-out clause for the FBI.

It's without a doubt that there are government-issued fake certs floating
about, somewhere, just due to the scale of hacking that's been taking
place. However, demanding perfection in a system that handles security for
over a billion people and tens of millions of operators is unreasonable.
All we can ask for is that it it's being improved, which through
initiatives like cert transparency, it is.

Please, let's call time on these discussions. They long ago ceased to have
any value.
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Feedback requested: reject p2p message

2013-10-27 Thread Mike Hearn
Yeah, something like HTTP would work well.

I'm really looking forward to this. Currently bitcoinj gets a small but
steady stream of bug reports of the form my transaction did not
propagate. It's flaky because the library picks one peer to send the
transaction to, and then watches it propagate across the network. But if
that selected peer refuses the tx for whatever reason, that propagation
never comes, and there's currently no timeout to make it retry with a
different node. The transactions as created usually look fine, so it's not
clear to me why some nodes would accept it others wouldn't given the
absence of double spends, and there's no way to debug and find out :(

On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 6:32 AM, kjj wrote:

 The HTTP status code system seems to work well enough, and seems to give
 the best of both worlds.  A 3 digit numeric code that is
 machine-readable, and a freeform text note for humans.

 The clever part about that system was in realizing that the numeric
 codes didn't need to account for every possible error. They just need to
 give the other node the most useful information, like try that again
 later, I'm having a temporary problem vs. That is just plain wrong and
 it will still be wrong next time too, so don't bother to retry.

 We can leave it to the humans to puzzle out the meaning of 403: values
 of txid gives rise to dom!

 Gavin wrote:
  On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:01 AM, Jean-Paul Kogelman wrote:
  Would it make sense to use either fixed length strings or maybe even
  No. Enums or fixed length strings just make it harder to extend, for no
 benefit (bandwidth of 'reject' messages doesn't matter, they will be rare
 and are not relayed).
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Feedback requested: reject p2p message

2013-10-27 Thread Mike Hearn
These nodes are much more likely to just be broken than malicious, but
without any way to diagnose why they are dropping a transaction it's hard
to find out what's really going on.

Anyway, yes, I need to spend time adding timeouts and all kinds of other
things, although of course if the transactions are being rejected due to a
change in network rules that won't help either - if the nodes you're
connected to are silently eating your transaction, there's no sane UI that
can result from that without more explicit error handling.

On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Luke-Jr wrote:

 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 2:32:57 PM Mike Hearn wrote:
  Currently bitcoinj gets a small but steady stream of bug reports of the
  my transaction did not propagate. It's flaky because the library picks
  peer to send the transaction to, and then watches it propagate across the
  network. But if that selected peer refuses the tx for whatever reason,
  propagation never comes, and there's currently no timeout to make it
  with a different node.

 Sounds like the real bug is BitcoinJ relies on good/servant behaviour from
 other nodes. Don't assume your random node isn't hostile. Handling a peer
 that doesn't relay your transaction for any reason (including if they lie
 you about having done so) should be expected behaviour.


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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Making fee estimation better

2013-10-24 Thread Mike Hearn
On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 4:30 PM, Peter Todd wrote:

 Quick thought on how to make blockchain-based fee estimates work better
 in the context of out-of-band mining contracts: have miners advertise in
 their coinbase's what fees were actually paid, as opposed to appear to
 have been paid.

This is interesting, but I suppose some miners may have business models
that can't be easily summed up as a fee - like all-you-can-eat deals with
certain providers, or preference to certain kinds of transactions etc.

For the concern that estimation might force fees down too far if miners
include private transactions, I thought the estimates were calculated only
on broadcast transactions, so transactions that just appear in a block
won't ever influence the estimate?
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] A critique of bitcoin open source community

2013-10-19 Thread Mike Hearn
I was hoping to see something interesting and useful, but all I saw was
absurd ranting. Example quote:

It is not known where bitcoin contributors are based. Gavin Andersson, a
major contributor, is a well-known South African
anarchist/crypto-libertarian. Most contributors hide their identities.
I don't know who this guy is or why anyone should care what he thinks, but
I doubt any of us have time for someone who can't even be bothered spelling
Gavin's name correctly, thinks he is South African or would describe him as
an anarchist.

Open source development can be intimidating and brutal at times, it's
probably one factor that causes the massive gender skew. But many pages
have been written on that topic, here is probably not the right place to
thrash it out for the umpteenth time.
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[Bitcoin-development] Code review

2013-10-04 Thread Mike Hearn
Git makes it easy to fork peoples work off and create long series of
commits that achieve some useful goal. That's great for many things.
Unfortunately, code review is not one of those things.

I'd like to make a small request - when submitting large, complex pieces of
work for review, please either submit it as one giant squashed change, or
be an absolute fascist about keeping commits logically clean and separated.
It really sucks to review things in sequence and then discover that some
code you spent some time thinking about or puzzling out got
deleted/rewritten/changed in a later commit. It also can make it harder to
review things when later code uses new APIs or behaviour changes introduced
in earlier commits - you have to either keep it all in your head, do lots
of tab switching, or do a squash yourself (in which case every reviewer
would have to manually do that).

On a related note, github seems to have lost the plot with regards to code
review - they are spending their time adding 3D renderers to their diff
viewer but not making basic improvements other tools had for years.

So, I'd like to suggest the idea of using Review Board:

It's an open source, dedicated code review tool used by lots of big name
companies for their internal work. It has git[hub] integration and a lot of
very neat features, like the ability to attach screenshots to reviews. Also
more basic ones, like side by side diffs. Branches can be and often are
submitted to the system as single reviews.

The company behind it (disclosure - written and run by a long time friend
of mine) offers hosting plans, but we could also host it on a Foundation
server instead.
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Code review

2013-10-04 Thread Mike Hearn
 There is more to a git branch than just the overall difference.  Every
 log message and diff is individually valuable.

When the log messages don't accurately describe the contents of the diff,
it's just misinformation and noise. Everyone starts out by wanting a neat
collection of easy to understand and review commits, but in practice it's
extremely hard to always get it.

I know how to make squashed commits, thanks. I've done LOTS of code review
in my life. I'm making a point here as one of the few people who goes
through large pull requests and reviews them line by line. It's hard,
partly because github sucks, and partly because reviewing lots of small
commits sucks.

There's nothing that makes a single large commit harder to review. It's the
same amount of code or strictly less, given the tendency for later commits
to change earlier ones. You can easily search the entire change whilst
reviewing. There are lots of things that make it easier.

FWIW inside Google the code review process is one-commit-one-review.
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Code review

2013-10-04 Thread Mike Hearn
On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 1:53 PM, Peter Todd wrote:

 When I'm reviewing multiple commit pull-requests and want to see every
 change made, I always either click on the Files Changed tab on github,
 which collapses every commit into a single diff, or do the equivalent
 with git log.

 Why doesn't that work for you?

The files changed tab definitely works better for reading. In the past
comments I put there have disappeared, but I think that can also be true of
comments put on the individual commit reviews (which is another issue with
github, but it's unrelated to how the commits are presented). So I have
lost trust in doing reviews that way. It does make things easier to read

One advantage of using github is that they're an independent third
 party; we should think carefully about the risks of furthering the
 impression that Bitcoin development is a closed process by moving the
 code review it to a server that we control with explicit review groups.

I guess anyone would be able to sign up and comment.
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Identity protocol observation

2013-10-03 Thread Mike Hearn
Interesting observation, thanks.

I'd think any competent implementation of such an identity scheme would not
involve end users directly handling randomized nonsense words, however. I
always imagined a sacrifice as being a file that you make with a GUI tool
and load into a browser extension.

On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 3:35 PM, Daniel Lidstrom lidstro...@gmail.comwrote:

 A couple more thoughts on this:

 1) Both c and k can be kept if c is pronounced 'ch', giving ~10.9 bits per
 2) An extra phoneme (4 encode 43 bits total) gives room to put extra
 information into the name, e.g. the first 5 bits could be input as the key
 to a PRP that permutes the last 38 back to a standard encoding of a tx
 location.  This would give the user 32 random names per sacrifice to choose
 from, and 38 bits to encode its location in the blockchain, which is enough
 for pretty large blocks.

 Sample 4 phoneme names:

 They're not that bad IMHO, especially if you get to pick a decent one from
 a bunch.

 On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 3:35 AM, Daniel Lidstrom lidstro...@gmail.comwrote:

 The location of a tx in the blockchain can be encoded in
 n=log2(h)+log2(t) bits, where h is the block height, and t is the number of
 transactions in the block.  Currently h~250,000 and t~500, so n~27.  A CVC
 phoneme encodes ~10.7 bits *, so a transaction today can be located in the
 blockchain with 3 of these, e.g. reb-mizvig.  This is reasonably short,
 readable and memorable.

 The identity protocol Jeff Garzik is working on will link a public key
 fingerprint to a miner sacrifice transaction.  This tx could in turn be
 uniquely described with a short name as above.  Associating this name with
 the public key becomes secure once the tx is sufficiently buried in the
 blockchain.  In the identity protocol, lightweight clients check the
 validity of a sacrifice tx by checking that its merkle path is valid.  But
 this path encodes, via the ordering of the hashes at each level, the
 location of the transaction in the block, so the lightweight client can
 verify the sacrifice tx's short name using only the information he already

 Some more random names:

 Sources of inspiration:

 * This is somewhat restricted: I disallowed q for obvious reasons and k
 because it conflicts with c, and c looks much softer and less like
 Klingon.  H is allowed for the first consonant, but not the second, and x
 is allowed for the last one, but not the first one.  Y is a vowel, but not
 a consonant.  Maybe these weren't quite the right choices.  Paint away!

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Identity protocol observation

2013-10-03 Thread Mike Hearn
1) Generate sacrifice proof file using an app
2) Load file into browser
3) Surf

Where are the names in that design? I'm not sure where NameCoin comes into
this. The point of a sacrifice is it's an anonymous identity, there's no
point attaching a name to it.

BTW I keep phone numbers in an address book ;)

On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Daniel Lidstrom lidstro...@gmail.comwrote:

 Fair enough, though people still manage okay with phone numbers.  And a
 decentralized naming system seems to come at great cost - with namecoin you
 need the whole blockchain to resolve names without trust.  Strip out a bell
 and whistle - meaningfulness and transferability of names - and you get a
 simple, rudimentary (spam killing!) system that scales on any device.  I'll
 only argue that it seems to be Good Enough *for the types of people who
 might care about decentralized names*.  Probably a very small set :)

 On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 8:00 AM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 Interesting observation, thanks.

 I'd think any competent implementation of such an identity scheme would
 not involve end users directly handling randomized nonsense words, however.
 I always imagined a sacrifice as being a file that you make with a GUI tool
 and load into a browser extension.

 On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 3:35 PM, Daniel Lidstrom lidstro...@gmail.comwrote:

 A couple more thoughts on this:

 1) Both c and k can be kept if c is pronounced 'ch', giving ~10.9 bits
 per phoneme.
 2) An extra phoneme (4 encode 43 bits total) gives room to put extra
 information into the name, e.g. the first 5 bits could be input as the key
 to a PRP that permutes the last 38 back to a standard encoding of a tx
 location.  This would give the user 32 random names per sacrifice to choose
 from, and 38 bits to encode its location in the blockchain, which is enough
 for pretty large blocks.

 Sample 4 phoneme names:

 They're not that bad IMHO, especially if you get to pick a decent one
 from a bunch.

 On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 3:35 AM, Daniel Lidstrom lidstro...@gmail.comwrote:

 The location of a tx in the blockchain can be encoded in
 n=log2(h)+log2(t) bits, where h is the block height, and t is the number of
 transactions in the block.  Currently h~250,000 and t~500, so n~27.  A CVC
 phoneme encodes ~10.7 bits *, so a transaction today can be located in the
 blockchain with 3 of these, e.g. reb-mizvig.  This is reasonably short,
 readable and memorable.

 The identity protocol Jeff Garzik is working on will link a public key
 fingerprint to a miner sacrifice transaction.  This tx could in turn be
 uniquely described with a short name as above.  Associating this name with
 the public key becomes secure once the tx is sufficiently buried in the
 blockchain.  In the identity protocol, lightweight clients check the
 validity of a sacrifice tx by checking that its merkle path is valid.  But
 this path encodes, via the ordering of the hashes at each level, the
 location of the transaction in the block, so the lightweight client can
 verify the sacrifice tx's short name using only the information he already

 Some more random names:

 Sources of inspiration:

 * This is somewhat restricted: I disallowed q for obvious reasons and k
 because it conflicts with c, and c looks much softer and less like
 Klingon.  H is allowed for the first consonant, but not the second, and x
 is allowed for the last one, but not the first one.  Y is a vowel, but not
 a consonant.  Maybe these weren't quite the right choices.  Paint away!

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol: BIP 70, 71, 72

2013-09-25 Thread Mike Hearn
We could also say that if protocol part (https://) is missing, it's implied
automatically. So just:


I think that's about as small as possible without re-using the pubkey as a
token in the url.

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 1:35 AM, Gavin Andresen gavinandre...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 11:52 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 BTW, on the make qrcodes more scannable front -- is it too late to
 change BIP 72 so the new param is just r instead of request? Every byte
 helps when it comes to qrcodes ...

 Not too late, assuming there are no objections. Smaller QR codes is a very
 good reason to change it.

 Gavin Andresen

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol: BIP 70, 71, 72

2013-09-25 Thread Mike Hearn
Low light shouldn't be an issue for QRcodes generated by phones. They have
backlit screens that should always be bright enough. I can see how it might
be an issue for printed codes.

If your phone has no Bitcoin app installed then being redirected to an
invoice page is pretty useless, you still won't be able to pay the bill no
matter what (where do you get the money from?). If they are just raw HTTP
URLs then it means the effect of scanning a QRcode with a standalone
scanner app is different to scanning it inside the wallet, which is unlike
all other uses of QRcodes I know of. So I'm not really convinced by that UX
yet. Perhaps we can thrash it out in Amsterdam. Right now I'm thinking
QRcodes should always contain bitcoin URIs.

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 4:31 PM, Jeff Garzik wrote:

 BitPay experimented with QR codes in low light, restaurant and other
 conditions.  QR codes become difficult to use even at 100 chars.

 On the merchant side, we prefer a short URL that speaks payment
 protocol if visited via bitcoin client, but will gracefully work if
 scanned by a phone with zero bitcoin support -- you will simply be
 redirected to a BitPay invoice page for a normal browser.

 On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 7:59 AM, Andreas Schildbach wrote:
  On 09/25/2013 01:45 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:
  OK, it might fit if you don't use any of the features the protocol
  provides :)
  Now you're dver-dramaticing (-:
  I'm just skipping one feature which I think is useless for QR codes
  scanned in person.
  You can try it here:
  Thanks. A typical request would be around 60 bytes, which should produce
  an URL with around 100 chars. That should be fine for scanning, but I
  will experiment.
  If you're thinking about governments and so on subverting CA's, then
  there is a plan for handling that (outside the Bitcoin world) called
  certificate transparency which is being implemented now.
  Good to hear. Let's see if it gets momentum.
  Now when you are getting a QR code from the web, it's already being
  served over HTTPS. So if you're up against an attacker who can break a
  CA in order to steal your money, then you already lose, the QRcode
  itself as MITMd.
  Sure. I was talking about QR codes scanned in person.
  In the Bluetooth case we might have to keep the address around and use
  it to do ECDHE or something like that.
  Yeah, will look at that as soon as we're implementing the payment
  protocol fully.
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 Jeff Garzik
 Senior Software Engineer and open source evangelist
 BitPay, Inc.

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[Bitcoin-development] Faster databases than LevelDB

2013-09-17 Thread Mike Hearn
LevelDB is fast - very fast if you give it enough CPU time and disk seeks.
But it's not the last word in performance.

HyperLevelDB is a forked LevelDB with some changes, mostly, finer grained
locking and changes to how compaction works:

However, it comes with a caveat - one of the changes they made is to take
away write throttling if compaction falls behind, the app itself is
expected to do that.

Sophia is a competitor to LevelDB. The website claims that in benchmarks it
completely smokes LevelDB. I have not explored how it does this or tried to
replicate their benchmarks myself:

It's written in C and BSD licensed.

As an example of the kind of speedup they claim to be capable of, they say
LevelDB could do 167,476 random reads per second on their SSD based
machine. Sophia could do 438,084 reads/sec. Random reads are of course the
most interesting for us because that's what UTXO lookups involve.

They also compare against HyperLevelDB, where the differences are much less
pronounced and actually HyperLevelDB appears to be able to do random writes
faster than Sophia.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Faster databases than LevelDB

2013-09-17 Thread Mike Hearn
Nobody has written code to use a better format, migrate old wallets, etc.

On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 1:41 PM, Jorge Timón wrote:

 Only slightly related to this...
 What's the reason why BerkleyDB is maintained for the wallet?
 I think it would be a good thing to get rid of the libdb4.8++-dev
 dependency that makes bitcoind harder to compile on debian and ubuntu.
 Unless, of course, there's a reason I am missing...

 On 9/17/13, Mike Hearn wrote:
  LevelDB is fast - very fast if you give it enough CPU time and disk
  But it's not the last word in performance.
  HyperLevelDB is a forked LevelDB with some changes, mostly, finer grained
  locking and changes to how compaction works:
  However, it comes with a caveat - one of the changes they made is to take
  away write throttling if compaction falls behind, the app itself is
  expected to do that.
  Sophia is a competitor to LevelDB. The website claims that in benchmarks
  completely smokes LevelDB. I have not explored how it does this or tried
  replicate their benchmarks myself:
  It's written in C and BSD licensed.
  As an example of the kind of speedup they claim to be capable of, they
  LevelDB could do 167,476 random reads per second on their SSD based
  machine. Sophia could do 438,084 reads/sec. Random reads are of course
  most interesting for us because that's what UTXO lookups involve.
  They also compare against HyperLevelDB, where the differences are much
  pronounced and actually HyperLevelDB appears to be able to do random
  faster than Sophia.

 Jorge Timón

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Simple contacts exchange (was: Social network integration (brainstorm))

2013-09-17 Thread Mike Hearn
The payment protocol doesn't *require* signed certificates, it just gives
the option of using them.

However if you don't have some kind of cryptographic proof of identity,
what stops me putting your name and face into my payment requests and
claiming to be you?
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] An app store and non-network transaction fees

2013-09-05 Thread Mike Hearn
Hey Wendell,

Interesting idea you have there!

On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 9:47 PM, Wendell wrote:

 Obviously there are a couple of brain-dead approaches: We could track what
 users do in the app, and send the business a bill (with blockchain proof,
 of course).

It might be simpler to not think of it as an app store, but rather see it
as a set of affiliate schemes. To get placed into the apps section you can
say that the business must have an affiliate scheme in place (i.e. open to
more than just you) and then you use the normal mechanisms of affiliate
codes and so on. The apps don't have to be offline. They can (and probably
should) be online, so the businesses can retain control of their features
and brand. If you refer a lot of users to that business, you get the
referral bonuses. Affiliate schemes are a common way for open source
projects to monetize - e.g. Firefox development is largely paid for by
search engine referrals. It's compatible with the ideals of openness
because their income relies directly on their traffic, and there are
several competing search engines the projects can play off against each
other to get the best prices. Also, users expect search engine integration
these days, so they'd be sending search traffic regardless.

The main downside, of course, is it distorts technical judgement. You can
get projects pushing certain businesses heavily not because it's
technically the best thing for users, but because their income depends on

One alternative funding model you could explore is allowing users to bid on
assurance contracts for feature development. This means you think up a
bunch of improvements you could make, then allow users to pledge
Kickstarter-style towards their development. The upside is it allows the
community to direct development, and users feel directly involved and not
exploited. The downside is, no recurring income you can use to support
yourself whilst engaged in other endeavours.

2) Although our BitcoinKit.framework supports both bitcoind and bitcoinj,
 we will be using bitcoinj with an integrated VM for the time being. The
 main draw is SPV, although to be honest we would prefer to support the
 network more via something like Peter Todd's partial UTXO sets idea (hint
 hint, anyone?).

Bear in mind that regardless of how much *you* want to support the network,
it's ultimately *your users* resources that will actually get spent. That's
why I'm a bit skeptical of any schemes that rely on random end users
donating lots of cpu time or bandwidth to the network. If they want to do
it, partial UTXO sets and other interesting ideas are worthwhile, but I
guess most users won't. I think Bitcoin will over time be more and more
like Tor where relays are run on dedicated servers by people who have some
modicum of knowledge and community involvement.
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol: BIP 70, 71, 72

2013-08-20 Thread Mike Hearn
I think the confidence of the tx is not really the users concern anyway.
They wrote it so they know it's valid. If the merchant disagrees for some
reason then the user can find out, out of band when the goods/services are
not delivered.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 1:19 AM, Gavin Andresen gavinandre...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 8:15 AM, Andreas Petersson 

 I was just reviewing the integration work to integrate the Payment
 Protocol into our products. Is there any notion of a standardized
 invoice serialisation? If i pay for two Burgers and one Club Mate, how
 would my Bitcoin Wallet be able to know that?

 No. There are XML-based (shudder) standards for electronic invoicing that
 include all sorts of bells and whistles; the PaymentDetails message could
 easily encapsulate one of them in an 'invoice' field extension. Or we could
 reinvent the wheel and come up with our own, but I'd rather use an existing
 standard (or maybe a subset of an existing standard).

 I didn't want to wade into that swamp for the 1.0 version of the payment

 Right now, i would simply
 put that into memo and come up with my own serialisation mechanism.

 Two Burgers, one Club Mate seems pretty user-friendly.

 Second, is there a way to communicate acceptance levels of TX
 (unconfirmed, 1 conf, 6 conf) maybe using several PaymentACK?

 No, because the Payment-PaymentACK communication round-trip is done in
 one, non-persistent http request-response round-trip.

 I don't think we want to allow merchants to push messages to the wallet
 (wouldn't take long for merchants to use the opportunity to push annoying
 advertising at me, I think), and I don't think we want wallets to poll the
 merchant. Although maybe a payment protocol version 2.0 feature could be a
 PaymentACK extension that says ask me how the transaction is going at THIS
 URL in THIS many minutes.

 Gavin Andresen

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Gavin's post-0.9 TODO list...

2013-08-19 Thread Mike Hearn
On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 5:09 AM, John Dillon

  Here's another question for you Mike: So does bitcoinj have any
  protections against peers flooding you with useless garbage? It'd be
  easy to rack up a user's data bill for instance by just creating junk
  unconfirmed transactions matching the bloom filter.

Unconfirmed transactions that are received show up as unspendable and in
most wallets they have a little graphic that changes as more peers announce
the tx. So if a peer sent non-existent transactions then they'd allow show
up as seen by only one peer, which would look different to how normal
broadcast transactions show up.

Whether users really notice this graphic or understand what it means is
debatable, of course, but all Bitcoin wallets have that problem. I've yet
to see any that would successfully communicate the notion of confidence to
new, untrained users. That's why the default is to not let you spend
unconfirmed transactions, unless they were created by yourself (you're
allowed to spend change).

bitcoinj does not attempt to handle DoS attacks by malicious remote peers
today, because such an attack has never been observed, has no obvious
profit motive and as you don't get to choose which nodes the wallets
connect to it'd be difficult to pull off. Unless you control the users
internet connection of course, but that's a well known caveat which is
documented on the website.
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] NODE_BLOOM BIP

2013-08-18 Thread Mike Hearn
The original Bloom filtering spec did not make this feature optional for
the same reason gzip isn't an optional part of the PNG specification. I see
no reason to revisit that. It's definitely not the case that making every
possible feature optional is smart design, often it's the opposite.

If in future there are nodes that for some reason can't technically support
this feature, then there'd be a stronger rationale for something like this.
However no such nodes exist, nor are they likely to in future given that
it's a simple feature to implement.

For these reason I oppose this BIP.

On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 4:59 AM, Peter Todd wrote:

 My draft is as follows.

 Gregory Maxwell: Can you assign a BIP # for this? The next number, 38,
 is on the wiki as Passphrase-protected private key by Mike Caldwell,
 although it isn't in the list so I don't know if that is official or

 BIP: ?
 Title: NODE_BLOOM service bit
 Author: Peter Todd
 Type: Standards Track (draft)
 Created: 17-08-2013


 This BIP extends BIP 37, Connection Bloom filtering, by defining a service
 to allow peers to advertise that they support bloom filters explicitly.


 BIP 37 did not specify a service bit for the bloom filter service, thus
 implicitly assuming that all nodes that serve peers data support it. There
 however cases where a node may want to provide data, such as mempool
 transactions and blocks, but do not want to or have not implemented bloom
 filtering. Additionally it is good practice for nodes to be given options
 as to
 the granularity of the services they are providing the public - a full-node
 operator may be able to donate only a small amount of bandwidth and may
 those efforts to be used by other full-node operators.


 The following protocol bit is added:

 NODE_BLOOM = (1  1)

 In addition the protocol version is increased from 70001 to 70002 in the
 reference implementation. Nodes that support bloom filters should set that
 protocol bit. Otherwise it should remain unset.

 NODE_BLOOM is distinct from NODE_NETWORK, and it is legal to advertise

 If a node does not support bloom filters but receives a filterload,
 filteradd, or filterclear message from a peer the node should
 that peer immediately.

 While outside the scope of this BIP it is suggested that DNS seeds and
 peer discovery mechanisms support the ability to specify the services
 current implementations simply check only that NODE_NETWORK is set.

 Design rational

 A service bit was chosen as applying a bloom filter is a service.

 The increase in protocol version is for backwards compatibility. Nodes that
 require the bloom filter service can set NODE_BLOOM for peers advertising a
 protocol version  70002, allowing the rest of the implementation to be
 unchanged. Nodes with implementations that do not know of the NODE_BLOOM
 will be disconnected immediately as though the connection failed for some
 reason, and thus will not have incoming bandwidth wasted by that peer and
 easily connect to another peer.

 Supporting NODE_BLOOM but not NODE_NETWORK allows for situations where a
 may have data that its peers may be interested in, but is not a full node
 thus does not have block data in general. For instance an SPV node that
 receives a full, unfiltered, block from a peer may want to let its SPV
 know about the existence of that block and provide them that data if
 Those peers in turn may only be interested in knowing about the block if it
 matches a specific bloom filter. Note how in this example DoS attacks are
 prohibitively expensive by the work required to create a valid block

 Reference Implementation


 This document is placed in the public domain.


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Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP 32.5

2013-08-16 Thread Mike Hearn
I filed a bug in the bitcoinj tracker for this a few days ago referencing
rfc 6967, but that RFC is very complicated and I'm not sure it's really
necessary to go that far. H(sighash||key) is easy to implement and I feel I
understand it better.

In our case it wouldn't have helped anyway - if anything it would just
delayed discovery of the underlying weakness. The same RNG is typically
used to generate both keys and signatures today. However in future it may
be the case that people put more effort into generating a really random key
because they only have to do it once, and then the signing RNG would be

Your concern about hardware devices leaking private key bits via a side
channel is also well made, although I think you have to find some way to
establish trust in these devices anyway as sniffing all their IO traffic
and analysing it is really hard (plus it inverts the threat model - if you
trust your computer and not your hardware wallet, why do you have a
hardware wallet?)

The other advantage is that deterministic keys and signatures together mean
two instances of the same wallet generate identical transactions given an
identical sequence of commands. This could help keep wallets in sync. For
example we had a few users who got confused because they had cloned their
Android wallets across devices (NOT SUPPORTED!) and then one device updated
first, did key rotation, and then the other device showed a transaction
that sent all their money to a new address it knew nothing about. If they
didn't realise the other device had updated this looked identical to theft!

I don't think fractional BIP numbers are the way to go :) but a new BIP
that standardised a way to select K would, if reviewed, be something I'd

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 4:26 AM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:

 I am wondering if we shouldn't have a BIP32 addendum which makes the
 following signing related recommendations:

 (1) Recommend a specific deterministic DSA derandomization procedure
 (a deterministic way to generate the DSA nonce), presumably one based
 on HMAC-SHA512 (since BIP32 uses that construct) or SHA256 in the
 style of RFC 6979.

 DSA systems being compromised due to poor randomness at runtime is not
 new. It effected other systems before it effected Bitcoin systems,
 it's not a new problem and it's not going away.  It's difficult to
 tell if an implementation is correct or not.

 Use of a fully deterministic signature  would allow for complete test
 vectors in signing and complete confidence that there is no random
 number related weakness in a signing implementation.

 In particular, with relevance to our ecosystem a maliciously modified
 difficult to audit hardware wallet could be leaking its keys material
 via its signatures. Even without producing insecure K values it could
 use the choice of K to leak a couple bits of an encrypted root key
 with every signature, and allow the malicious party to recover the
 keys by simply observing the network. Making the signatures
 deterministic would make this kind of misbehavior practically

 We wouldn't be alone in making this change, in general industry is
 moving in this direction because it has become clear that DSA is a
 hazard otherwise.

 The primary arguments in most spaces against derandomizing DSA are
 FIPS conformance (irrelevant for us) and reasonable concerns about the
 risks of using a (less) reviewed cryptographic construct. With
 widespread motion towards derandomized DSA this latter concern is less
 of an issue.

 Libcrypt has also implemented derandomized DSA in git. The ed25519
 signature system of DJB, et. al. also uses a similar derandomization.

 An alternative is implementing a still random construct where K is
 some H(message||key||random) which should remain secure even where the
 randomness is poor, but this loses the advantage of being able to
 externally verify that an implementation is not leaking information.
 OpenSSL development has implemented a form of this recently.

 See also:

 (2) Recommends a procedure for using only even S values in signatures,
 eliminating this source of mutability in transactions.

 This can be accomplished via post-processing of existing signatures,
 but since it requires bignum math it is usually preferable to
 implement it along with signing.  I believe someday this will become a
 network requirement for Bitcoin, but regardless it makes sense to
 implement it as a best practice sooner rather than later.


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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Gavin's post-0.9 TODO list...

2013-08-16 Thread Mike Hearn
Cool. Maybe it's time for another development update on the foundation blog?

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 3:00 AM, Gavin Andresen gavinandre...@gmail.comwrote:

 Mike asked what non-0.9 code I'm working on; the three things on the top
 of my list are:

 1) Smarter fee handling on the client side, instead of hard-coded fees. I
 was busy today generating scatter-plots and histograms of transaction fees
 versus priorities to get some insight into what miner policies look like
 right now.

 2) First double-spend relaying and alerting, to better support low-value
 in-person transactions.  Related:
 *Have *a *Snack*, Pay with 

 3) Work on 2-3 whitepapers on why we need to increase or remove the 1MB
 block size limit, how we can do it safely, and go through all of the
 arguments that have been made against it and explain why they're wrong.

 Gavin Andresen

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Gavin's post-0.9 TODO list...

2013-08-16 Thread Mike Hearn
The only other thing I'd like to see there is the start of a new anti-DoS
framework. I think once the outline is in place other people will be able
to fill it in appropriately. But the current framework has to be left

If I had to choose one thing to evict to make time for that, it'd be the
whitepapers. At the moment we still have plenty of headroom in block sizes,
even post April. It can probably be safely delayed for a while.

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:11 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 Cool. Maybe it's time for another development update on the foundation

 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 3:00 AM, Gavin Andresen 

 Mike asked what non-0.9 code I'm working on; the three things on the top
 of my list are:

 1) Smarter fee handling on the client side, instead of hard-coded fees. I
 was busy today generating scatter-plots and histograms of transaction fees
 versus priorities to get some insight into what miner policies look like
 right now.

 2) First double-spend relaying and alerting, to better support
 low-value in-person transactions.  Related:
 *Have *a *Snack*, Pay with 

 3) Work on 2-3 whitepapers on why we need to increase or remove the 1MB
 block size limit, how we can do it safely, and go through all of the
 arguments that have been made against it and explain why they're wrong.

 Gavin Andresen

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Gavin's post-0.9 TODO list...

2013-08-16 Thread Mike Hearn
A ban-subnet RPC would be a reasonable addition, but obviously DoS
attackers that are IP or bandwidth constrained are really just script
kiddies. Also anything that involves every node operator doing manual
intervention rather works against decentralisation and having a big
network. That's why I keep pushing for automated heuristic driven

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 3:41 PM, Warren Togami Jr. wtog...@gmail.comwrote:
 *Anti-DoS Low Hanging Fruit: source IP or subnet connection limits*
 If you disallow the same IP and/or subnet from establishing too many TCP
 connections with your node, it becomes more expensive for attackers to use
 a single host exhaust a target node's resources.  This iptables firewall
 based example has almost zero drawbacks, but it is too complicated for most
 people to deploy.  Yes, there is a small chance that you will block
 legitimate connections, but there are plenty of other nodes for random
 connections to choose from.  Configurable per source IP and source subnet
 limits with sane defaults enforced by bitcoind itself would be a big
 improvement over the current situation where one host address can consume
 limited resources of many target nodes.

 This doesn't remove the risk of a network-wide connection exhaustion
 attack by a determined attacker, but it at least makes multiple types of
 attacks a lot more expensive.  This also doesn't do much against the io
 vulnerability, which would require major redesigns to prevent in Bitcoin.
 *Want to safely delay the block size limit increase for another year or
 two?*  This patch alone enables that.

 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:24 AM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 The only other thing I'd like to see there is the start of a new anti-DoS
 framework. I think once the outline is in place other people will be able
 to fill it in appropriately. But the current framework has to be left

 If I had to choose one thing to evict to make time for that, it'd be the
 whitepapers. At the moment we still have plenty of headroom in block sizes,
 even post April. It can probably be safely delayed for a while.

 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:11 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 Cool. Maybe it's time for another development update on the foundation

 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 3:00 AM, Gavin Andresen

 Mike asked what non-0.9 code I'm working on; the three things on the
 top of my list are:

 1) Smarter fee handling on the client side, instead of hard-coded fees.
 I was busy today generating scatter-plots and histograms of transaction
 fees versus priorities to get some insight into what miner policies look
 like right now.

 2) First double-spend relaying and alerting, to better support
 low-value in-person transactions.  Related:
 *Have *a *Snack*, Pay with 

 3) Work on 2-3 whitepapers on why we need to increase or remove the 1MB
 block size limit, how we can do it safely, and go through all of the
 arguments that have been made against it and explain why they're wrong.

 Gavin Andresen

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Gavin's post-0.9 TODO list...

2013-08-16 Thread Mike Hearn
That change was made in response to user complaints. Heck we get complaints
about battery life and bandwidth impact even with Bloom filtering. We can't
just randomly start using peoples bandwidth for relaying blocks, especially
as I guess most SPV nodes are behind NAT.

If Gavin is right and the future is dominated by mobiles and tablets, then
it will require a change of thinking in how P2P networks work. I think
there are plenty of people with private servers who would be willing to run
nodes though. I'm not too worried about this.

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 4:27 PM, Warren Togami Jr. wtog...@gmail.comwrote:

 bitcoinj-0.10 release notes:

- We now require Bloom-capable (0.8+) peers by default and will
disconnect from older nodes. This avoids accidental bandwidth saturation on
mobile devices.

 Given the user-security concern that Peter brings up, reconsideration of
 this new default behavior in SPV clients may be warranted.

 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 4:15 AM, Peter Todd wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 10:01:16AM -0400, Peter Todd wrote:
  Doing this also makes it more difficult to sybil the network - for
  instance right now you can create SPV honeypots that allow incoming
  connections only from SPV nodes, thus attracting a disproportionate % of
  the total SPV population given a relatively small number of nodes. You
  can then use that to harm SPV nodes by, for instance, making a % of
  transactions be dropped deterministicly, either by the bloom matching
  code, or when sent. Users unlucky enough to be surrounded by sybil nodes
  will have their transactions mysteriously fail to arrive in their
  wallets, or have their transactions mysteriously never confirm. Given
  how few full nodes there are, it probably won't take very many honeypots
  to pull off this attack, especially if you combine it with a
  simultaneous max connections or bloom io attack to degrade the capacity
  of honest nodes.

 Oh, here's an even better way to do the tx drop attack: when you drop
 a transaction, make a fake one that pays the same scriptPubKeys with the
 same amount, and send it to the SPV peer instead. They'll see the
 transaction go through and show up in their wallet, but it'll look like
 it got stuck and never confirmed. They'll soon wind up with a wallet
 full of useless transactions, effectively locking them out of their

 Here's another question for you Mike: So does bitcoinj have any
 protections against peers flooding you with useless garbage? It'd be
 easy to rack up a user's data bill for instance by just creating junk
 unconfirmed transactions matching the bloom filter.


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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Gavin's post-0.9 TODO list...

2013-08-16 Thread Mike Hearn
On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 4:59 PM, Peter Todd wrote:

 UPNP seems to work well for the reference client. What's the situation
 there on Android?

Not sure - it could be investigated. I think UPNP is an entirely
userspace-implementable protocol, so in theory it could be done by a
userspace library (even libminiupnp - java is not a requirement on android)

 I leave my phone plugged in and connected via wifi for most of the day;
 lots of people do that.

I suspect you mean I think lots of people do that. I'm not so sure. We
could potentially run an experiment in the Android app to measure how many
users are in a position to contribute back, but just because you have wifi
doesn't mean you can reconfigure it using UPnP. That helps a lot in home
networks, but at the office it doesn't help.

I'm wary of a ton of work being put in to achieve not very much here.
Satoshi's original vision was always that millions of users were supported
by 100,000 or so nodes. I don't think that's unreasonable over the long

Besides, prioritisation isn't very hard. Nodes can just hand clients a
signed timestamp which they remember. When re-connecting, the signed
timestamp is handed back to the node and it gives priority to those with
old timestamps. No state is required on the node side. Signing and checking
can be passed onto the general ECDSA thread pool that works its way through
pending signature operations, they'd be prioritised lower than checking
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Version 0.9 goals

2013-08-15 Thread Mike Hearn
Sounds awesome!

Pieter told me at lunch that headers first cut sync time to 45 minutes for
him, which is another amazing improvement from the master of optimisations.

Pieter, Matt and I also agreed that for maximum impact we should really try
to ship payment protocol support in at least two clients simultaneously and
ideally with a big merchant signed up too - to send a powerful message that
we really mean it. Someone volunteered last week to do it for bitcoinj and
if he doesn't pull through, I have some old code from EOY 2012 that I could
update to the latest spec and ship at least some basic support. I'd hope
that we can get Bitcoin Wallet or MultiBit updates out once bcj has support
pretty fast.

Also, Jeff said that BitPay want to be a leader in support for the
protocol. So let's try and co-ordinate release dates so we can make a bit
of a splash and grab the ecosystems attention.

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 2:29 AM, Gavin Andresen gavinandre...@gmail.comwrote:

 I plan on spending about half my time on code review and helping get pull
 requests tested, and the other half of my time working on code that
 probably won't make it into the 0.9 release.

Sounds brilliant. It'll be nice to see the pull request queue drain. Any
ideas what the non-0.9 code will be? Fee rework? DoS work?
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Version 0.9 goals

2013-08-15 Thread Mike Hearn
On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 10:22 AM, slush wrote:

 We're planning to support payment protocol in Trezor as well, if it
 counts. I think it's a missing piece in absolute security of hardware

Yup, that's always been the plan :-)

Any idea how much work it is, and would it be a v1 feature of the Trezor or
added later via firmware update?
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Version 0.9 goals

2013-08-15 Thread Mike Hearn
 Our plan is to add support for that into v1 firmware, but it also depends
 on readiness of surrounding infrastructure; mainly if there'll be support
 for payment protocol in multibit in the time of v1 release (I suppose that
 the Multibit will be the first wallet  compatible with Trezor AND
 supporting payment protocol).

Yeah, OK. Let's see how much progress Gary makes. Supporting HD wallets is
the trickiest part and I don't know how much time I will have - the Android
RNG issue and getting bcj 0.10 released have sucked up a lot of my time
lately and I need to refocus on other things for a bit. But between the guy
who volunteered to do payment protocol, and Gary doing TrezorJ, and Matija
already having done the core algorithms, I'm hoping the only parts I'll
have to do are integrating the HD code with the core wallet code. Possibly
if we're running out of time I can do a real basic HD wallet implementation
that only iterates a key once and doesn't generate new keys for each
transaction, as that's really the trickiest part (because of the need for
lookahead/behind and memory bloat on phones).
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] bitcoinj 0.10

2013-08-14 Thread Mike Hearn

I'm pleased to announce version 0.10 of bitcoinj, a Java library for
writing Bitcoin applications. BitcoinJ has been used to create everything
from end-user wallet apps to network crawlers to SatoshiDice.

To learn how to obtain bitcoinj 0.10, please see the following page:

The v0.10 release is signed by Andreas Schildbach's GPG key. The git hash
of the release is 777e6781d789. This paragraph is signed by the same
Bitcoin key as with previous releases (check their release announcements to
establish continuity).


*New in this release*

   - An implementation of *micropayment channels* was added. There have
   been many bugfixes and improvements since the first announcement. This
   feature allows you to set up a 1:1 payment relationship with a remote
   server and after a short setup process send very tiny payments, very
   rapidly. It's suitable for metered billing applications. An article,
   Working with micropayments explains how to use it. This work was a joint
   effort between Matt and myself.
   - A simple sublibrary has been added that provides async IO based
   client/server classes that transmit length prefixed protocol buffers.
   - Thanks to Matija Mazi, some classes have been added that implement *the
   BIP 32 deterministic wallet algorithm*. Note that these classes are not
   yet used elsewhere in the system and full deterministic wallet support is
   therefore not available, however, a low level API is available for
   experimentation. That API is very likely to change in future releases so
   don't get too attached to it.
   - Thanks to Gary Rowe, we have integrated *a new Maven plugin* that
   checks the SHA1 hashes of downloaded dependencies against a hard-coded
   list. This means that even if an upstream Maven repository or developer
   were to be compromised, library dependencies could not be switched out for
   corrupted versions without someone noticing. For 0.10 the dependency hashes
   were just initialised based on what was already downloaded. In future,
   reproducible builds of upstream dependencies and auditing of changes would
   provide better security. You can and should use Gary's
plugin in
   your own projects to defend against a possible compromise of the bitcoinj
   - *Callback handling* has been much improved. Each event listener can
   have an Executor specified which takes responsibility for running the
   callback. If you don't specify one they run by default on a single
   background thread, the user thread, instead of the origin framework
   threads. This means your callbacks no longer need to be thread safe as
   they're always run serially. You can also change the default executor if
   you would like to control the thread on which callbacks run, for example to
   marshal them into your GUI toolkit thread automatically. This fixes some of
   the most painful parts of the pre-0.10 API, for instance that transaction
   confidence listeners were not allowed to re-enter the library.
   - *Exception handling* has also improved. You can assign a global
   Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler which receives any exceptions thrown on
   the user thread (i.e. by your own event listeners), as well as any internal
   exceptions thrown by network threads (like inability to parse a message
   sent by a remote peer). Because your listeners now run on a separate thread
   by default, you can no longer accidentally cause internal data corruption
   or prevent other callbacks from running by leaking exceptions out of your
   callbacks; a subtle knife-edge in the previous API.
   - Support for *automatic wallet key rotation* has been added.
   - We now require Bloom-capable (0.8+) peers by default and will
   disconnect from older nodes. This avoids accidental bandwidth saturation on
   mobile devices.
   - The wallet now accepts timelocked transactions if it created them
   - The wallet can be told to empty itself out, in which case the fee will
   be subtracted from the total amount instead of added. This simplifies the
   common case of wanting to send your entire balance whilst still including a
   - Some JNI peers for event listeners were added. Auto-generated JNI
   bindings are experimental and not yet merged in to the mainline codebase:
   for now they are available as part of a separate project on github. This
   work allows you to access the bitcoinj API using relatively natural looking
   C++ code and an embedded JVM.
   - You can now register custom PeerFilterProvider implementors to add
   things to Bloom filters that aren't necessarily in wallets.
   - We have begun adding nullity annotations to the API. Combined with a
   strong static analysis engine like FindBugs or the IntelliJ Inspector, you
   can find cases where you 

[Bitcoin-development] Idea for new payment protocol PKI

2013-08-09 Thread Mike Hearn
This is just me making notes for myself, I'm not seriously suggesting this
be implemented any time soon.

Mozilla Persona is an infrastructure for web based single sign on. It works
by having email providers sign temporary certificates for their users,
whose browsers then sign server-provided challenges to prove their email

Because an SSO system is a classic chicken/egg setup, they run various
fallback services that allow anyone with an email address to take part.
They also integrate with the Google/Yahoo SSO systems as well. The
intention being that they do this until Persona becomes big enough to
matter, and then they can remove the centralised struts and the system
becomes transparently decentralised.

In other words, they seem to do a lot of things right.

Of course you can already sign payments using an X.509 cert issued to an
email address with v1 of the payment protocol, so technically no new PKI is
needed. But the benefit of leveraging Persona would be convenience - you
can get yourself a Persona cert and use it to sign in to websites with a
single click, and the user experience is smart and professional. CAs in
contrast are designed for web site admins really so the experience of
getting a cert for an email address is rather variable and more heavyweight.

Unfortunately Persona does not use X.509. It uses a custom thing based on
JSON. However, under the hood it's just assertions signed by RSA keys, so
an implementation is likely to be quite easy. From the users perspective,
their wallet app would embed a browser and drive it as if it were signing
into a website, but stop after the user is signed into Persona and a user
cert has been provisioned. It can then sign payment requests automatically.
For many users, it'd be just one click, which is pretty neat.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] SPV client in pure JavaScript?

2013-08-09 Thread Mike Hearn
Oh, I forgot to make it clear - Chrome apps/extensions can make raw TCP
socket connections:

You would do it as a packaged app:  because then they're a
lot more similar to native apps (they get their own windows, run offline,

But these aren't standard APIs. They're all Chrome extensions. I doubt
HTML5 will support USB access anytime soon, for instance, but packaged apps

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 Code that runs inside NativeClient has the same access level as JavaScript
 does. It's just a way to do things faster.

 Distribution as a Chrome app via the Chrome store is a fine approach, as
 long as people understand it's just an app platform like any other. It has
 pros and cons that must be weighed up. For instance, Chrome for mobile
 doesn't really do apps, at least not at the moment. Also, you're still
 limited by what APIs Chrome exposes, which are a strict subset of what a
 real OS provides.

 On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Wendell wrote:

 Right, I'm not suggesting that we have this wallet in a web app, but
 rather precisely what you are talking about: using special browser
 features, and bundling it. I am fundamentally monoculture-opposed, but
 given Chrome's present installed base, that initial target makes sense to
 me, provided that we could have a one-click installation (as per normal,
 via the Chrome Store).

 Chrome also has this Native Client plug-in: I know next to nothing
 about it, and this goes off the rails of the Subject, but perhaps an SPV
 implementation there could be a solution to the concerns you expressed?

 -wendell | | gpg: 6C0C9411

 On Aug 9, 2013, at 1:48 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:

  JavaScript is turing complete so of course it can be done. The real
 question you're asking is, can it be done in a web app? I think the answer
 is I think no because web apps aren't allowed to make raw TCP socket
  Now there may be a way around that by using browser-specific things
 like extensions or installable apps which give your code greater access
 permissions. This approach means you essentially use Chrome as your app
 platform instead of a JVM, the assumption presumably being that more users
 have Chrome than a JVM. The flip side is that users who don't would
 probably balk at the idea of installing an entire browser in order to run a
 wallet app, whereas a JVM can be bundled and the resulting app acts like
 any other. I don't know of a convenient way to statically link Chrome
 into a regular-looking application.
  I personally wouldn't find such a design compelling. Whilst Java isn't
 exactly a great language, JavaScript is significantly worse in virtually
 all aspects. I don't understand why anyone would want to use JavaScript
 outside the browser - you get less safety, less performance, fewer
 features, less mature tools and so on. If the end result is an installable
 app like any other, all you did is cripple yourself vs the competition
 that's using languages/platforms designed for it.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Optional wallet-linkable address format (Re-request)

2013-08-09 Thread Mike Hearn
 will always go to the next address in j=1, no matter which chains
 are used to provide inputs.
 - Add code to figure out lookaheads for each alternate chain.  Not just
 each chain, but looking ahead a couple chains, too.  Luckily, the lookahead
 doesn't have to be very big for chains j=1
 - Add an interface to display and choose the different chains in your
 wallet, and export the pubkeychaincode in some soon-to-be-standardized
 - Add code and interface to receive and track alternate j-chains from
 other clients/users, and maintain those.  Should we try associating
 incoming and outgoing chains?  What happens if they do it wrong?  Meh...

 Just as one final swipe at this idea, you can see that I gotta do quite a
 bit of work to support the multi-chain idea, and adds a little extra burden
 on the user to maintain the organization of the wallet.  This would all be
 totally unnecessary with a simple alternate encoding.  Granted, I think the
 multi-chain idea is good, and one that I will probably implement anyway,
 but it seems like overkill in terms of developer complexity, and interface
 complexity to achieve something much simpler.  Developers of much
 simpler/lightweight clients would probably find this prohibitive.

 On another note:  I thought we weren't encouraging automatic payments
 without requesting from the other party...?  It makes me uneasy, but it
 sounds like group thought has converged on that being acceptable.  I bring
 it up, because there are situations where it makes sense, but it sounds
 unsafe for general users.   Alice will give Bob his own chain for sending
 Alice money, then a year later Bob will send money automatically to Alice
 not realizing that the wallet was lost, retired or compromised.  It's not
 that Bob can't ask for a new address, it's that if the interface says Send
 Money to Alice, that looks legit enough that Bob may not feel it necessary
 to check with Alice first.   That's more of an interface issue though.  We
 can add a warning to check with the recipient that they still have access
 to wallet 3cQ398x, etc.   But I just know someone is going to lose money


 On 06/20/2013 03:32 AM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 Agree with Jeremy and once the payment protocol work is further along I'd
 like to see us define an extension that lets you send payment requests
 containing public keys+chain codes, so further payments can be made
 push-style with no recipient interaction (e.g. for repeated billing). How
 apps choose to arrange their chains internally seems like an area for
 experimentation. I definitely want to implement HD wallets in bitcoinj to
 allow this and if that means not using the same tree structure as in the
 BIP then so be it.

 On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 5:54 AM, Jeremy Spilman wrote:

  BIP 32 already specifies how to use the first three tree levels:
  i~wallet, j~Internal/External, k~address.  The first level is actually
  type-1 derived, and thus we cannot create an arbitrary number of them
  without pre-computing them from the offline wallet.  So it's not free
  create new wallets unless we redefine how the levels work.

  Initially I was thinking that you would share the public key and chain
 from [m/i'/0] so that you can receive payments at [m/i'/0/k], for a unique
 value of 'i' for each receive chain.

 For the case of generating new receive chains from a *watch-only* wallet,
 you say, the options are to either keep a cache of PubKey/ChainCode for
 unused [m/i'] or simply increment 'j' past 1 for an existing [m/i'/j] --
 concept of 'internal/'external' and change addresses at Depth=2 don't make
 sense for handing out receive chains to lots of people anyway, and
 BIP32 doesn't *require* 0 = j = 1.  So I think incrementing 'j' is the
 to go here...

 The default layout of BIP32 does NOT mean that implementations should
 check for transactions with j  1. That would be a useless constraint and
 obviously self-limiting. It might be helpful to add to the 'Compatibility'
 section some minimum expectations about how a wallet should be 'probed'
 imported. If you don't feel completely free to monotonically increment 'j'
 to your hearts content to achieve major usability benefits, then I say
 could use some clarifying.

 BTW - the spec calls for addition not multiplication now, so we should
 it the 'Addend' not the 'Multiplier' :-)

  Do these extra wallet chains behave as different wallets, or

  They could, but they certainly don't need to!  A single-wallet
 implementation treats this merely as an address-generation algorithm, and
 does not expose any hierarchy to the user interface.  The user just
 “magically” gets the ability to send multiple payments to their contacts
 without immediately sacrificing their privacy
 ( Everything
 goes into the same ledger, balance, coin pool, etc. Most

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Optional wallet-linkable address format (Re-request)

2013-08-09 Thread Mike Hearn
It's BIP specified and implemented in Bitcoin-Qt so now is the time to
start :) I'm hoping that most wallets can announce support near

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 10:12 PM, Alan Reiner wrote:

  That's fine.  I just want to make sure it's considered for inclusion at
 some point, because I really hope to leverage the identity mechanism I
 just described, and it's much easier if it's part of a standard instead of
 convincing others to go around the standard with us.

 I have not spent much time looking at the payment protocol itself.  I
 didn't feel like I'd have much to contribute (besides requesting a feature
 I know isn't there).  I was planning to wait until it was complete before
 fully grokking and implementing it in Armory.

 On 08/09/2013 03:58 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 Payment protocol is locked down for v1 already. But did you read it? It
 doesn't use addresses anywhere. Payments are specified in terms of a list
 of outputs which can contain any script. Of course it could be a
 pay-to-address script, but pay-to-address uses more bytes in the chain and
 there isn't any typeability benefit.

  The multiplication trick for deterministic keys is a nice one and worth
 doing, but it has to be a v2 feature by this point. It's more important to
 get v1 widely implemented and deployed first.

 On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 7:57 PM, Alan Reiner wrote:


 I'd like to reiterate my previous request to support this alternate
 address serialization in the payment protocol.  We got caught up in the
 specifics of one use case, but didn't acknowledge that it's still a valid
 address representation that will provide value to those who wish to use it
 and can be safely ignored by others.

 Current address format:   binary_to_base58( idbyte + hash160(pubkey) +
 Alternate format: binary_to_base58( idbyte + parentpubkey +
 multiplier + checksum)

 The receiving party will multiply the pubkey by the multiplier, and then
 hash it to get the 20-byte address to send to.  The idea is that you use
 your BIP 32 parent public key, and then you generate whatever child you
 want, and only send them the multiplier used (not the chaincode).  This
 preserves privacy, but if the recipient has your parent public key already,
 they can identify that address being linked to you, but cannot determine
 any other addresses in your wallet.

 This form has no drawbacks to the existing address format except for
 being longer and requiring an extra EC multiplication by the person sending
 to that address.  But the advantage is that it optionally allows the sender
 to provide more information than currently contained in the 25-byte hash160
 form.  The discussion about this got side-tracked with the use case I
 presented, but I believe there are plenty of other uses for this.

 The particular use case I had in mind was that certain services could be
 setup (pre-arranged), say between wallet software and a business/exchange.
 The exchange would like to be able to reliably send addresses to the user
 for deposit, without risk of MITM, or even if their own public server is
 compromised.  The author of wallet software pre-verifies the public key
 portion of the service, and either hardcodes it into the software, or
 hardcodes their own public key into the software and makes the service's
 signed public key available through query server (allowing the software
 author to offline-sign replacement keys, or add keys for new service
 providers, as needed).

 When the user's software receives a payment address, the software can
 verify it belongs to that service.  You can't use dedicated chain
 technique, because it would either have to be exchanged with the user on
 first transaction which half defeats the purpose, or they give them the
 full public key and chaincode which allows the user to see *all *addresses
 ever used by the service.  Neither one is a reasonable solution.

 This use case doesn't necessarily scale, but it doesn't have to.  It
 simply allows service providers to skip the SSL and go right to public key
 exchange/verification for a few of the important services they provide
 access to, and will provide better security than relying on SSL/PKI.  This
 would simply be one, coexisting option for providing payment details in the
 absence (or in addition to) SSL/PKI infrastructure.

 I'm sure there's other use cases, but it seems simple enough and
 non-disruptive enough that it could be supported easily for no other reason
 than to support that use case (which I intend to implement in Armory to
 help verify high-volume services).


 On 06/26/2013 11:29 AM, Alan Reiner wrote:

 Although I'd still prefer my original request, I get much of what I want
 from your guys' recommendation.  It complicates the wallet design, because
 it requires tracking and associating a matrix of addresses for each wallet,
 instead of a single linear list.  But if this is what

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol: BIP 70, 71, 72

2013-08-07 Thread Mike Hearn
 I'd like to hear from other wallet implementors. Do you have a notion
 of 'locked inputs' ?  The tricky bit in constructing a transaction but
 not broadcasting it right away is the inputs must be locked, so
 they're not accidentally double-spent.

bitcoinj separates the concept of committing a tx to the wallet from
broadcasting it. However by default transactions that weren't seen in the
chain yet will be announced when a new peer is connected to. It'd take
extra code to suppress that, and it's unclear to me why that's useful. I
agree with Pieter that it should be the merchants responsibility to get the
tx out there, but having the client do the broadcast as well can't really
hurt (except perhaps some privacy impact).
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Preparing for the Cryptopocalypse

2013-08-06 Thread Mike Hearn
 They have poor space/bandwidth usage properties, which is one reason
 why Bitcoin doesn't use them today, but as far as I know the same is
 so for all post-QC schemes.

I believe post-QC schemes based on Regev's LWE assumption are getting
competitive with more traditional schemes. A paper from 2010 says they were
able to get to around the same as large RSA key sizes (2048 bits), which is
much worse than ECC but not entirely infeasible. Especially given that
barring some breakthrough, by the time QC is a real problem we'll have
gigabit wifi and 32 core devices with a terabyte of storage embedded in our
hands :)
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] [bitcoin-list] BitMail - p2p Email 0.1. beta

2013-07-31 Thread Mike Hearn
Support for a TPM is a rather tricky thing.

By itself the TPM is independent of any CPU. However, it's also not very
useful (though for Pond's use case, it works).

The TPM gets much more useful when it's integrated with features on the
motherboard, BIOS, CPU, northbridge, IOMMU etc. Then you have a full blown
TCG-compliant TC environment, which is useful for many things. Actually it
was never very useful for DRM - that was only one theoretical possibility
that was never implemented and even if it had been, TC is to DRM much as
cryptography is to DRM. So the FUD was just that: fear, uncertainty and
doubt which probably crippled a highly useful cryptographic security tool
for good. One of the more shameful periods of the tech industries history,
if you ask me.

On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 5:39 AM, Blibbet wrote:

 On 7/30/13 3:58 PM, grarpamp wrote:
  [...] And if AMD even has this stuff.  [...]

 Yes, AMD does have TPM.

 Sorry, not sure which models support it.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] [bitcoin-list] BitMail - p2p Email 0.1. beta

2013-07-31 Thread Mike Hearn
Sorry, I just noticed that this thread was CCd to the announce list not the
development list (why is it open access?)

It's offtopic anyway. Let's continue this discussion in private if anyone
wants to.

On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 5:53 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 The reason why TPM functionality was so much hated upon is because
 it was pushed by a software/hardware monopoly, not just for DRM but
 for locking down the system in general.

 Regardless of what some people might have imagined or extrapolated at the
 time, the actual published specifications and technologies were nothing
 like that. There has never been a TC/TPM mode that would have generally
 locked systems down or even been useful for DRM (that'd have required a
 trusted hardware path which was never specced nor implemented).

 Locking a system down against tampering or for DRM does not require
 flexible open specifications with multiple competing implementations. It
 requires you to do an Xbox 360.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] BitMail - p2p Email 0.1. beta

2013-07-30 Thread Mike Hearn
The TPM is a piece of secure* hardware that provides various cryptographic
services to the host system. It is important to understand that it is not a
crypto accelerator. It is a place to store keys and small pieces of data
(like hashes, counters) where it's difficult for someone to extract them
even if they have physical access.

The TPM is designed to support trusted computing, a rather splendid set of
extensions to the x86 architecture that let you do remote attestation,
software sealing and other things. Or at least it would be splendid if it
had been really finished off and pushed to completion by the designers.
Unfortunately due to various political issues it exists in a
quasi-finished, semi-broken state which only experts can use. Without a
doubt you have never run any software in a TC environment.

As part of that role, the TPM provides some permanent storage in the form
of NVRAM. Because the TPM is designed to be as cheap as possible, it has a
limited number of write cycles. Normally you're meant to store Intel TXT
launch control policies and sealed keys there, but Pond uses it in a
different way by storing keys there that it encrypts local data with. By
erasing the key in the TPM chips memory area, the data on disk is
effectively destroyed too.

This is useful because modern disks are often SSD drives, or physical
metal disks that use log structured file systems. Because flash memory has
a limited number of write cycles per cell, internally SSDs have firmware
that remap writes from logical addresses to different physical addresses,
the goal is to avoid wearing down the drive and extend its useful life.
Normally it doesn't matter, but if you want to delete data such that it's
really really gone, it obviously poses a problem. Using TPM NVRAM solves
it, albiet, at a high usability cost.

*note: actual tamper resistance of real-world TPM chips is not something
that seems to have been studied much

On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Wendell wrote:

 Can you explain this process for those of us not too familiar with TPM

 -wendell | | gpg: 6C0C9411

 On Jul 30, 2013, at 10:40 AM, Mike Hearn wrote:

  As a testament to the seriousness with which Pond takes forward
 security, it can use the NVRAM in a TPM chip to reliably destroy keys for
 data that an SSD device might have otherwise made un-erasable.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Tor and Bitcoin

2013-07-30 Thread Mike Hearn
Various ideas are possible:

* Use the Tor SOCKS proxy in such a way that it creates a guaranteed
independent circuit to a different exit node each time you connect. This
gets you back to the slightly stronger clearnet heuristic of if I saw a
bunch of peers announce my tx, then it's probably valid. I don't know if
this is possible.

* Have a set of hard-coded long term stable hidden peers, that are run by
known community members who are not going to collaborate to defraud people.
Of course if they're run by people who are well known that rather defeats
the point of them being hidden, but you benefit from the fact that the
.onion names double as authentication tokens.

* Talk the Tor protocol directly and have the app explicitly pick its own
diverse set of exit nodes, one per p2p connection. This is likely to be
complicated. Last time I looked Tor doesn't provide any kind of library or

I agree that it's a kind of theoretical attack right now, but then again,
I'm not aware of any countries that block Bitcoin either. The thing with
Thailand seems like it might be the result of some confusion over who
exactly can make laws in that country. I'd be more concerned about
Argentina, but we're a long way from ISPs searching for people to arrest by
looking for port 8333.

Supporting SOCKS (really: blocking sockets) would be a good thing anyway.
Using blocking sockets also means we'd get SSL support, so if at some point
Bitcoin nodes start supporting SSL we'd be able to use it more easily.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] [bitcoin-list] BitMail - p2p Email 0.1. beta

2013-07-30 Thread Mike Hearn
TPMs have come as standard with nearly all computers (except Macs, doh) for
a long time. They certainly don't cost $100. More like a few dollars at
most. That's why they're so slow.

On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 10:43 PM, grarpamp wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 8:12 AM, Mike Hearn wrote:
  The TPM is a piece of secure* hardware

 I've seen some motherboards with a TPM module header but none
 came with it installed. I think the modules themselves might be
 $50-$100 range. They might come with some API docs.
 Some of you might have links to ones you've used...

  As part of that role, the TPM provides some permanent storage in the form
  of NVRAM. Because the TPM is designed to be as cheap as possible, it has
  limited number of write cycles. Normally you're meant to store Intel TXT
  launch control policies and sealed keys there

  the goal is to avoid wearing down the drive and extend its useful life.
  Normally it doesn't matter, but if you want to delete data such that it's
  really really gone, it obviously poses a problem. Using TPM NVRAM solves
  it, albiet, at a high usability cost.

 If said TPM storage has a 'limited [but unfixed number of write cycles',
 sounds unreliable. It would seem to me that both reliable and 'really gone'
 are achievable on platters (or lesser, with ssd) provided the disk was also
 encrypted. Nuke that key and it's reliably gone.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Introducing BitcoinKit.framework

2013-07-22 Thread Mike Hearn
As an FYI, I've sent Wendell and co some example code for how to use CPPJVM
to use bitcoinj from native code. A rather rough Hello World app looks like

So, fairly C++ like.

Further discussion of this should take place on the bitcoinj mailing list.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] [RFC] Proposal: Base58 encoded HD Wallet master seed with optional encryption

2013-07-22 Thread Mike Hearn
This isn't usable for SPV wallets unless it has a birthday in it. Otherwise
you either need to scan the entire chain (slow) or find a fully indexed
copy of the block chain (expensive, more centralised). Just add a UNIX time
as an extra 4 bytes, or if you want to save a few characters then use a
uint16 that represents days since birth of this specification.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Introducing BitcoinKit.framework

2013-07-21 Thread Mike Hearn
Actually bitcoinj typically doesn't download all the headers (just from the
last checkpoint) and it throws away headers that are very old. By now
there's quite a lot of difference in how they manage things and I guess it
will diverge from bitcoind even more in future. For instance we're going to
start only storing relevant outputs in the wallet and doing other things to
try and save memory. Some people managed to get themselves wallets that
don't actually fit in ram :(
On 21 Jul 2013 17:55, Pieter Wuille wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 12:59:56PM +0200, Mike Hearn wrote:
  I think that's a great approach. Here is the patch Satoshi sent me back
  2010. All the code has changed since but it can be a source of
  From Satoshi:
  *The simplified payment verification in the paper imagined you would
  receive transactions directly, as with sending to IP address which nobody
  uses, or a node would index all transactions by public key and you could
  download them like downloading mail from a mail server.

 I'm currently working on headers-first sync, which I believe is generally
 very useful (it fixes tons of edge-cases block synchronization currently
 experiences), but it's also a first step towards SPV mode.

 So headers-first sync means you first synchronize just the headers, and
 when you already know (or have strong evidence for a guess on) the best
 start requesting blocks along that best chain - potentially in parallel
 different peers.

 SPV mode is basically headers-first sync, but never do the full block sync
 step, and replace it with a bloom/birthday/...-based fetching of blocks
 interesting to the associated wallets. In SPV you'll also need to disable
 the mempool though, and there will be more small changes, but I think
 the separate headers-sync phase will be most of the work.


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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] SPV bitcoind? (was: Introducing BitcoinKit.framework)

2013-07-18 Thread Mike Hearn
 The 90 minutes is not - the blockchain has grown quite a lot since last
 year, and as for the 3.5 speed, I havn't tested it since Pieter's
 ultraprune - libcoin also has something similar to ultraprune, done
 directly in the sqlite database backend, but I should run a head to head
 again - could be fun. I would assume, though, that the result would be
 similar timings.

ultraprune made a huge difference. I think it's very likely that this claim
is no longer true. Bitcoin got a lot more optimised since you first did
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] SPV bitcoind? (was: Introducing BitcoinKit.framework)

2013-07-18 Thread Mike Hearn
 SPV clients behaving normally are highly abusive: they use up maximum
 node resources with minimum cost to themselves.

This must be a new use of the word abuse I haven't come across before :)

At any rate, some of these assumptions are incorrect. Botnets of
compromised web servers are quite common, and asymmetry in node resources
is obviously biased against the kinds of devices people increasingly have
(phones, tablets) where extremely limited memory bandwidth is common and
apps routinely have just 16 or 32mb of memory to do everything including
the GUI.

A good anti-DoS strategy looks much the same as a good load shedding
strategy. There's little reason to treat them separately. Perhaps instead
of talking about DoS we should instead talk about what happens if Bitcoin
suddenly gets too popular. Now there are suddenly lots of good users all
wanting to use the network, and not enough nodes to support them all. What
do we do?

Some rules seem obvious - try to prioritise existing users over new users,
old coins over new coins (dPriority already does this) etc. If you run out
of TCP sockets prefer to disconnect recent connections (probably new users)
to long lived connections (probably high powered backbone peers). If you
run out of disk seeks prefer processing new blocks to serving old parts of
the chain, etc.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] SPV bitcoind? (was: Introducing BitcoinKit.framework)

2013-07-17 Thread Mike Hearn
Partial UTXO sets is a neat idea. Unfortunately my intuition is that many
SPV wallets only remain open for 1 minute at a time because the user wants
to see they received money, or to send it. It'd be neat to get some
telemetry from the Android wallet for this - I will ask Andreas to let
users opt in to usage statistics.

So for anti-DoS I think smart prioritisation heuristics are the way to go
again. Perhaps by letting clients have an identity that they provide to a
node when it's load shedding. Clients that have been seen before, have a
track record of not being abusive etc get priority and new clients that
were never seen before get dropped. Coming up with a way to do that whilst
preserving privacy sounds like an interesting cryptographic challenge.

On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 12:58 PM, Peter Todd wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 04:16:23PM +0200, Wendell wrote:
  Hello everyone,
  In the previous thread, I expressed interest in seeing an SPV bitcoind,
 further stating that I would fund such work. Mike Hearn followed up with
 some of Satoshi's old code for this, which is now quite broken. The offer
 and interest on my side still stand, as more diversity in SPV options seems
 like the right way to go.
  Time-permitting, I would really appreciate feedback from knowledgable
 parties about the possible approaches to an SPV bitcoind. We at Hive
 ideally want to see something that could one be merge into master, rather
 than a fork.

 Keep in mind that SPV mode is newer than many realize: bloom filters are
 a 0.8 feature, itself released only last Febuary. As John Dillon posted
 earlier this week in Protecting Bitcoin against network-wide DoS
 attack the Bitcoin codebase will have to implement much better anti-DoS
 attack defences soon, and in a decentralized system there aren't any
 options other than requiring peers to either do work (useful or not) or
 sacrifice something of value. SPV peers can't do useful work, leaving
 only sacrifice - to what extent and how much is unknown. In addition SPV
 nodes have serious privacy issues because their peers know that any
 transaction sent to them by the SPV node is guaranteed to be from the
 node rather than relayed; bloom filters are only really helpful with
 payment protocols that don't exist yet and don't apply to merchants.
 Then you have MITM problems, vulnerability to fake blocks etc.

 It'll be awhile before we know how serious these issues are in practice,
 and we're likely to find new issues we didn't think of too. In any case
 Bitcoin is far better off if we make it easy to run a full node,
 donating whatever resources you can. Fortunately there's a whole
 continuum between SPV and full nodes.

 The way you do this is by maintaining partial UTXO sets. The trick is
 that if you have verified every block in some range i to j, every time
 you see a txout created by a transaction, and not subsequently spent,
 you can be sure that at height j the txout existed. If height j is the
 current block, you can be sure the txout exists provided that the chain
 itself is valid. Any transaction that only spends txouts in this partial
 set is a transaction you can fully verify and safely relay; for other
 transactions you just don't know and have to wait until you see them in
 a block.

 So what's useful about that? Basically it means your node starts with
 the same security level, and usefulness to the network, as a SPV node.
 But over time you keep downloading blocks as they are created, and with
 whatever bandwidth you have left (out of some user-configurable
 allocation) you download additional blocks going further and further
 back in time. Gradually your UTXO set becomes more complete, and over
 time you can verify a higher and higher % of all valid transactions.
 Eventually your node becomes a full node, but in the meantime it was
 still useful for the user, and still contributed to the network by
 relaying blocks and an increasingly large subset of all transactions.
 (optionally you can store a subset of the chain history too for other
 nodes to bootstrap from) You've also got better security because you
 *are* validating blocks, starting off incompletely, and increasingly
 completely until your finally validating fully. Privacy is improved, for
 both you and others, by mixing your transactions with others and adding
 to the overall anonymity set.

 In the future we'll have miners commit a hash of the UTXO set, and that
 gives us even more options to, for instance, have relayed transactions
 include proof that their inputs were valid, allowing all nodes to relay
 them safely.

 As for specifics, you need to maintain a UTXO set, and in addition a set
 of spent txouts (the STXO set) for which you haven't seen the
 transaction that created the txout. As download newer blocks you update
 the UTXO set; as you download older blocks you update the UTXO set and
 STXO set.

 Nodes now advertise this new variable to their peers:


Re: [Bitcoin-development] SPV bitcoind? (was: Introducing BitcoinKit.framework)

2013-07-17 Thread Mike Hearn
On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 2:37 PM, Tamas Blummer ta...@bitsofproof.comwrote:

 A majority coalition of miner (pool operator) might even decide to change
 block reward
 rules if the rest of the network only verifies POW.

Which is why it's still vital that any important node in the economy uses
full validation.

A majority miner coalition could change the block reward and award
themselves money which SPV clients would accept, however, the moment
somebody tried to cash that money out via an exchange, or use it to
purchase something from an online shop, or just see if it propagated across
the P2P network effectively, they'd notice something had gone wrong. Of
course it'd be in the news long before this happened 

SPV is really meant for nodes that go away and come back a lot, i.e. end
user wallets. If you're a merchant it'd be dumb to run one unless you're on
such a tight budget that your server resembles a powerful tablet.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] SPV bitcoind?

2013-07-17 Thread Mike Hearn
Yeah, what I meant is, it'd be useful to know the average amount of time
that the app was holding connections open for.

On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 4:32 PM, Andreas Schildbach

 Android apps do whatever they are programmed to do. They become active
 when the user installs and inactive when they are uninstalled.
 Inbetween, they are not limited in runtime.

 That said, the current programming is that when receiving a block, it
 stays connected for at least ~2 more minutes. This generally allows the
 chain to catch up while at the same time avoiding endless battery drain
 because something gets stuck. Upon sending or receiving of a
 transaction, it stays connected for at least ~8 more minutes, because it
 is likely the wallet will see more activity.

 Additionally, on the send and request coins screens and the network
 monitor it stays connected for as long as the screen is on and the app
 in the foreground (= resumed state).

 On 07/17/2013 02:29 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:

  Partial UTXO sets is a neat idea. Unfortunately my intuition is that
  many SPV wallets only remain open for 1 minute at a time because the
  user wants to see they received money, or to send it. It'd be neat to
  get some telemetry from the Android wallet for this - I will ask Andreas
  to let users opt in to usage statistics.

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 Bitcoin-development mailing list

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Introducing BitcoinKit.framework

2013-07-16 Thread Mike Hearn
 Clear. Your right. C++ would give us more flexibility (other platforms)
 and also android compatibility (through NDK).

I'm a bit confused I'm afraid. bitcoinj already runs SPV wallets on Android
on top of Dalvik. In fact that's what it's designed for. The NDK is not
necessary to work with Bitcoin at any point.

 That's a great idea.
 Let me look into the quality of j2c's output.

There's an example of what it looks like here:

If you're serious about playing with j2c let me know. It's an amazing piece
of work BUT it was written for fun, and as such isn't really documented at
all. It took me a little while to figure out how to make it work properly.
I'm now fixing bugs in it and making various improvements along with
filling out the native stubs (a.k.a. portability layer). If you want to
catch up to where I'm at, I can send you some notes because otherwise you
might waste a lot of time on blind alleys.

The main things be aware of so far are:

   - Lots of explicit null pointer checks are generated. The reason is that
   the output is meant to be entirely portable, so Jacek doesn't want to rely
   on platform specific stuff like signals or SEH. Simplest solution is just
   to disable npc() generation entirely because normal C++ libraries just
   segfault if a null pointer gets in the wrong place, they don't throw
   exceptions. Losing the Java behaviour would not be a downgrade for people
   used to C++.

   - Array accesses don't seem to be properly bounds-checked. That's a part
   of the Java security model - bitcoinj is written on the assumption that
   buffer and heap overflows aren't possible because they're caught by the
   runtime. If those checks go missing then it'd likely become possible to
   hack your program by exploiting buffer overflows. So that needs to be fixed.

   - Generated code doesn't use the STL of course, it can't because the
   Java library has more features than the STL. However as the way j2c works
   is you transpile your code alongside a copy of the (open source) Java class
   library, you can go in and modify the generated code for java::lang::String
   or java::util::List and so on to add helper methods for converting to
   various other forms. On Linux you'd have implicit c'tors to go back and
   forth between std::string, on MacOS X you'd have conversions for NSString,
   you could add code for QStrings or raw C strings too. Once the code has
   been generated you can extend or patch it to make the API more convenient.

   - Obviously, the resulting code requires the Boehm GC because there are
   no explicit delete calls anywhere. This is a safety feature though, it
   avoids use-after-free and double-free bugs that can create security holes.

   - The code generator doesn't do dependency tracing, so you end up with
   generated code that isn't used anywhere. It's up to the linker to do a dead
   code elimination pass. Otherwise the resulting binaries can be huge.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Introducing BitcoinKit.framework

2013-07-16 Thread Mike Hearn
Let's re-add the list as this is a topic of general interest.

On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 11:36 AM, Jonas Schnelli

 What do you think about extending the BitcoinKit.framework (based on
 bitcoind) so that the kit could handle the very basic SPV concept
 (getHeaders aka fast catchup, wallet-birthday, bloom filters)?
 Maybe it would be possible to only port some of the bitcoinj work to c++
 (and use it for extending BitcoinKit or bitcoind)?
 Maybe then it could also be a starting point for someone who likes to
 create a SPV mode for bitcoind?

Making bitcoind/Bitcoin-Qt support SPV mode was the original plan some
years ago, Satoshi even sent me some code he wrote that did the first
parts, but it was incomplete.

At the time, I decided to do a separate implementation for a few different
reasons. One is that my understanding of his code wasn't so good back then
and I lacked confidence to change it. Especially as there were no unit
tests back then (and still aren't any for most of it), making invasive
changes to the core validation code was and is highly risky. A separate
code base seemed to reduce the risk a lot.

Another reason is that Satoshi encouraged me to write a simple
re-implementation that people could learn from. And I wanted a documented,
object oriented API that people could use to build a variety of apps.

Yet another reason was bitcoind is security critical code that scrapes
complex data structures from untrusted sources on the internet, and it's
written in an unmanaged language. Ordinarily this would be a recipe for
disaster as a single overflow or memory management error could lead to
hacking and theft on a massive scale. It's like taking a chainsaw and using
it to carve an ice sculpture. Satoshi, incredibly, pulled it off, mostly by
using advanced C++ features that made his code hard to read for many people
and by being very, very careful. I was not convinced I could do such a good
job and was worried about accidentally introducing vulnerabilities.

A final reason is that it was clear that the bitcoind codebase would need
serious changes for mobiles, beyond that required for ordinary SPV support.
For example, Satoshi's code assumes it has access to block headers via a
std::map and that assumption is made in a lot of places. On Android phones,
you can't fit all the block headers in RAM. bitcoinj uses a circular ring
buffer of the last N thousand headers for this reason. It's quite different
to how bitcoind works.

All that said, it was a ton of work and it's still unclear that it was the
right call.

Anyway, your situation is a little different. Firstly you don't care about
mobiles, your app is intended for desktops. So the changes required are
less invasive. Also, there are more unit tests and more people with a good
understanding of the code these days, so perhaps the risk of introducing
bugs is lower. And these days we have some nice APIs for building apps so
that need is already met.

If you wanted to implement SPV mode in bitcoind, Gavin or I could send you
Satoshi's old patch although of course it is no longer usable. It would
indicate the basic cut lines though.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] SPV bitcoind? (was: Introducing BitcoinKit.framework)

2013-07-16 Thread Mike Hearn
You'd want to create and get merged patches in the following order:

1) Be able to store just block headers in the blk.dat files instead of
full block contents. At this point you are still *downloading* full blocks,
but they are not being stored. The contents are still sent to the wallet
for extracting relevant transactions though (see SyncWithWallets).  You
also need to disable listening and addr announcements to the P2P network at
this point. You need to be able to re-org and do all the usual things
without storing block contents. You also need to short-circuit the leveldbs
so they aren't created or used. All that needs to be unit tested. You need
to also rewrite the mempool logic so it throws out irrelevant transactions.
The RPC interface needs to adjust itself so you can't try to start mining,
query the utxo set, etc.

At this point you have an SPV node, albeit one that still downloads the
entire block chain. However total disk storage used will be much lower.
Getting this written and reviewed is a big chunk of work but is the hardest
part. Once it's done you can breath easy.

2) Next step, use getheaders to catch up with the chain until the
min(wallet birthdays) is reached. You can see in Satoshi's patch where he
adds support for receiving headers messages. Because key times are
recorded as dates and you don't know the dates of blocks in advance, you
need to download headers until you see one that goes past the key birthday
minus some slack period, then throw out the headers you downloaded and
switch to downloading full blocks again from that point onwards.

3) Next step, implement client side support for Bloom filtering. Switch
from downloading full blocks to filteredblocks, verify the Merkle branches
then apply them to the wallet. Watch out for accidental re-orderings of
transactions here from block order (e.g. if you accidentally insert them
into a std::map or other unordered collection it can lead to bugs). Come up
with some way to decide on a FP rate. Probably you want a fairly high FP
rate for desktop wallets.

4) Next step (optional), implement monitoring of broadcast propagation for
transactions that are received. SPV clients cannot verify unconfirmed
transactions so you can either just give up entirely and accept any old
garbage, or assume a non-MITMd internet connection and use network
propagation as a rough proxy for likely to be valid and mined upon.

4) Optimize!

How much you need to optimize really depends on a lot of things. I found
that to be competitive with Electrum/ I had to do a ton of
optimizations including very aggressive checkpointing so new users don't
have to download more than a month or twos worth of headers, as downloading
all the headers was becoming a bottleneck. You'd need to download about
16mb+ of data at the moment to grab all the headers and on a weakass mobile
phone with a weak Dalvik VM and 3G internet this was way too much. I also
had to spend some time profiling to ensure we weren't accidentally
thrashing the UI due to too-fast updates, we weren't bottlenecking on
updating last seen block data in the wallet, we weren't accidentally
de/reserializing messages redundantly etc.

After about 3-4 evenings of non-stop profiling and optimising I ended up
with a relatively flat profile whilst doing initial catchup and chain sync.
On a desktop I bet you can get away with much less optimisation because
your CPUs, network and disk tend to be much stronger.

On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Wendell wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 In the previous thread, I expressed interest in seeing an SPV bitcoind,
 further stating that I would fund such work. Mike Hearn followed up with
 some of Satoshi's old code for this, which is now quite broken. The offer
 and interest on my side still stand, as more diversity in SPV options seems
 like the right way to go.

 Time-permitting, I would really appreciate feedback from knowledgable
 parties about the possible approaches to an SPV bitcoind. We at Hive
 ideally want to see something that could one be merge into master, rather
 than a fork.

 -wendell |

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