Re: [Bitcoin-development] Preparing for the Cryptopocalypse

2013-08-05 Thread Peter Vessenes
Interesting! I will refrain from digging into QC right now, per Alan's
suggestion. :)
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Preparing for the Cryptopocalypse

2013-08-04 Thread Peter Vessenes
I studied with Jeffrey Hoffstein at Brown, one of the creators of NTRU. He
told me recently NTRU, which is lattice based, is one of the few (only?)
NIST-recommended QC-resistant algorithms.

We talked over layering on NTRU to Bitcoin last year when I was out that
way; I think such a thing could be done relatively easily from a crypto
standpoint. Of course, there are many, many more questions beyond just the

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] libzerocoin released, what about a zerocoin-only alt-coin with either-or mining

2013-07-15 Thread Peter Vessenes
I'm at the Aspen Institute right now talking about Bitcoin and I mentioned
the perils of starting an alt-chain based on proof of work that pool
operators might attack; funny synchronicity!


On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Peter Todd wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 03:05:52PM +0200, Jorge Timón wrote:
  One way sacrifice (btc to zerocoin) is a non-issue since there's no
  modification required for bitcoin and you can't do anything to prevent
  it anyway.
  The controversial thing is sacrificing something outside bitcoin's
  chain and new btc appearing.

 Which is why I'm not proposing that.

  On merged mining. It is true that merged attacking the other chain
  is free, but it is still more profitable to just follow the rules and
  mine the other coin!!
  If someone considers that something he can sell in a market for btc is
  negative value...well, he's just dammed stupid. Proof of work is
  designed for rational actors, if you stop assuming miners are more or
  less rational everything falls apart. It is possible that the extra
  value is too little for some miners to bother. But the extra costs of
  validating something else are so little compared to chance-hashing
  that miners not merged mining namecoin right now are just stupid
  (irrational agents). You can merged mine and sell for btc right away.

 You are assuming value is the same for everyone - it's not.

 If I mine in a jurisdiction where zerocoin is banned, and the blocks I
 mine are public, the value of zerocoin blocks to me are at best zero.
 Equally it would be easy for the local authorities to ask that I merge
 mine zerocoin blocks to attack the chain - it doesn't cost me anything
 so what's the harm? I may even choose to do so to preserve the value of
 the coins I can mine legally - alt-coins are competition.

 Incedentally keep in mind it is likely that in the future pools will not
 allow miners to modify the work units they receive in any way as a means
 of combating block-withholding fraud; there may not be very many people
 willing or able to honestly merge-mine any given chain.

 Proof-of-sacrifice can be done in a way that is opaque to the master
 blockchain by creating txouts that look no different from any other
 txout. Hopefully not required, but it would be a good strategy against
 censorship of sacrifice-based chains.

  On prime proof of work...for me it's interseting only because it's
  moving towards SCIP-based mining but that should be the goal. Like
  Mark said, let's cure cancer while mining. That would end all
  mining is wasteful arguments about this great security system. This
  would make Ripple's consensus mechanism less attractive. People
  talking about new scrypts harder to ASIC-mine when that's the elephant
  in the room...
  Sorry, I'm going off-topic.
  SCIP-based merged mining for the win.

 SCIP is for now a dream. Give it a few more years and see how the
 technology shakes out.




[image: CoinLab Logo]PETER VESSENES

* * /  206.486.6856  / SKYPE: vessenes
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] libzerocoin released, what about a zerocoin-only alt-coin with either-or mining

2013-07-13 Thread Peter Vessenes



[image: CoinLab Logo]PETER VESSENES

* * /  206.486.6856  / SKYPE: vessenes
900 Winslow Way East / SUITE 100  /  Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Some PR preparation

2013-03-12 Thread Peter Vessenes
Can some enterprising soul determine if there were any double-spend

I'm assuming no, and if that's the case, we should talk about that publicly.

Either way, I think it's generally another test well done by everyone;
people pitched in on PR, tech, communication, yay Bitcoin!

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 9:55 AM, Alan Reiner wrote:

 On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 8:10 AM, Luke-Jr wrote:

 I think we should be careful not to downplay the reality either.
 For a number of hours, transactions could have received up to N
 and then still been reversed. While we could contact the bigger payment
 processors, I saw people still trying to buy/sell on OTC, whom could have
 scammed even by taking standard precautions.

 I don't want to misrepresent what happened, but how much of that was
 really a risk?  The block was rejected, but the transactions were not.  Any
 valid transactions to hit the network would get added to everyone's memory
 pool and mined in both chains.  Thus all nodes would still reject
 double-spend attempts.  As far as I understood it, you would've had to have
 majority mining power on one of the chains (and both had non-negligible
 computing power on them), so double-spending still required an exceptional
 amount of resources -- just not the normal 50% that is normally needed.
  Perhaps... 10%?   But how many people can even have 10%?  In addition to
 that, a victim needs to be found that hasn't seen the alert, is willing to
 execute a large transaction, and is on the wrong side of the chain.

 Is this incorrect?  Yes, there was less resources needed to execute an
 attack -- but it still required a very powerful attacker, way outside the
 scope of regular users.

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[image: CoinLab Logo]PETER VESSENES

* * /  206.486.6856  / SKYPE: vessenes
811 FIRST AVENUE  /  SUITE 480  /  SEATTLE, WA 98104
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Some PR preparation

2013-03-12 Thread Peter Vessenes
Thanks Chris.

Yep, looks like an honest-ish user managed to accidentally get one tx into
one chain and another into the other.

I think I'd cautiously say that if OKPay gets their cash back, or freezes
his balance nobody is out BTC for last night, (instead just time and

I'm doing a little FUD-fighting right now, but will try and pick up a bit
more if necessary tonight after my flight lands. I think this is mostly
over the heads of a lot of our typical media contacts, though.


On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 12:53 PM, Christian Decker wrote:

 Just a quick and dirty check if something bad actually happened. 430
 transactions that were confirmed in the alt-chain, are not confirmed
 in the true blockchain. The good news is that as far as I can tell
 most of them are low volume transactions destined for SD.

 7 transactions were true double spends, or to be more precise
 transactions in which an conflicting transaction was confirmed in the
 new chain (with their respective amount):

 12814b8ad57ce5654ba69eb26a52ddae1bff42093ca20cef3ad96fe7fd85d195 261 BTC
 cb36ba33b3ecd4d3177d786209670c9e6cdf95eb62be54986f0b49ca292714af 0.06 BTC
 7192807f952b252081d0db0aa7575c4695b945820adaf7776b7189e6b3d86f96 0.01 BTC
 355d4ea51c3b780cf0b10e8099a06a31484e0060bc140b63f3d6e5fb713ace5e 0.05 BTC
 b961bc0c663a46893afd3166a604e7e2639533522d9fec61fdb95eb665e86f5a 0.61 BTC
 138063e4bdb76feaa511f1e7f9c681eb468ef9140c141671741c965e503b84c6 1.62 BTC
 a10bd194cdbf9aa4c12eb0b120056998a081a9b0d93d70570edff24dec831f90 0.81

 So the one transaction that really hurt was the one published on
 BitcoinTalk. We're not yet out of the woods as some of the 423
 transactions still have a chance of being doublespent, but looks like
 it's not that bad after all.


 P.S.: For a complete list of transactions see
 Christian Decker

 On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 7:39 PM, Gregory Maxwell
  On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 11:09 AM, Gregory Maxwell
  On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 10:35 AM, Peter Vessenes
  Can some enterprising soul determine if there were any double-spend
  I'm assuming no, and if that's the case, we should talk about that
  I agree it would be good to confirm no one was ripped off, even though
  we can't say there weren't any attempts.
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[image: CoinLab Logo]PETER VESSENES

* * /  206.486.6856  / SKYPE: vessenes
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Key retirement and key compromise

2013-02-25 Thread Peter Vessenes
We've been toying with the idea of a 'dead' button, one that issues a bunch
of pre-generated txs sending stuff out to a previously secured 'backup' set
of addresses (we don't think in terms of wallets, just keypairs).

In this scenario, you have a long-term storage address (or set of them),
and if you need to hit the panic button, previously signed transactions
send value over to your emergency storage.

If you've mucked around sending / receiving with your long-term storage,
you'd only catch some BTC, not necessarily all, but what's nice is the
panic transaction leaking has lower security requirements than your private
keys -- worst case it's out, and you've got to deal with stuff in emergency
storage, as opposed to losing all your coins.

You could pair this with a server that checks if 'safe' addresses have
'unauthorized' transactions showing up on the blockchain, and you'd have a
reasonable automated security layer. Maybe. :)

I'm interested in thoughts on this approach as well.

Jorge -- I respectfully disagree with you, there are a number of enterprise
scenarios where your method is not appropriate.
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Fwd: Re: Bitcoin Testing Project

2012-10-03 Thread Peter Vessenes
My reply-all forward was blocked (over 40k), sigh. I figured I'd spammed
the list enough for one night.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment protocol thoughts

2012-10-02 Thread Peter Vessenes
I meant sent twice, a.

No double-spends that I'm aware of. Sorry for the loose verbiage!


On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 11:07 AM, Jeff Garzik wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 1:52 PM, Peter Vessenes wrote:
  This is small, but an interesting tidbit from BTC Foundation payments;
  roughly 3-5% of our initial members double-spent. WOW, that's terrible.

 To be specific, do you mean

 a) paid twice
 b) sent BF coins, then sent the same coins elsewhere

 Double-spend is a specific technical term

 Jeff Garzik
 exMULTI, Inc.


[image: CoinLab Logo]PETER VESSENES

* * /  206.486.6856  / SKYPE: vessenes
811 FIRST AVENUE  /  SUITE 480  /  SEATTLE, WA 98104
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin Testing Project

2012-10-02 Thread Peter Vessenes
And, finally, when I say Ditto to above I mean I have no idea, not
nope. Double oops.
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin Testing Project

2012-10-01 Thread Peter Vessenes
 Bitcoin-development mailing list


[image: CoinLab Logo]PETER VESSENES

* * /  206.486.6856  / SKYPE: vessenes
811 FIRST AVENUE  /  SUITE 480  /  SEATTLE, WA 98104
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] separate out blockchain db and wallet to two dirs?

2012-09-13 Thread Peter Vessenes
I like this idea, although I would say the blockchain should go in
/var/lib/bitcoin by default, right? I'm just a longtime LInux guy, not a
formal sysadmin, though.


On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 11:15 AM, grarpamp wrote:

 I mentioned this somewhere a while ago.
 It is enough of a sysadmin problem to warrant a feature ticket.
 Open one on github for it.
 XDGBDS is not canon. So don't hardcode said paths.
 All paths should be specifiable in bitcoin the config file, whose
 location should itself be specifiable on the command line.

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[image: CoinLab Logo]PETER VESSENES

* * /  206.486.6856  / SKYPE: vessenes
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Signing release binaries

2012-07-29 Thread Peter Vessenes
This is a good idea. I think I can come up with the cash, I will
follow up with gavin.

Sent from my smartphone!

On Jul 29, 2012, at 7:18 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 MacOS X 10.8 makes application signing borderline mandatory, in that
 you cannot run unsigned apps unless you tweak your settings via the
 control panel. You must sign with a certificate issued by Apple via
 their identified developer program.

 Windows allows but does not require signing. However, anti-virus
 systems tend to use signers with good reputation as a whitelisting
 signal. Signing Bitcoin releases makes sense because it may lead to,
 at minimum, higher performance if AV engines ignore file reads/writes
 by Bitcoin. And it can also shield us from false positives. You only
 need to see the mess that the mining tools world has become to
 understand why this is important.

 As I don't take part in the release process, I can't help out with
 this directly, but I believe it's important and would be willing to
 throw some money in towards buying the signing certs for both
 platforms. I guess Gavin would be the final signer.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Reconsidering block version number use

2012-07-24 Thread Peter Vessenes
I think it would be great to have more nonce space with less merkle
calculation; keeping track of all possible versions of a block already
takes real RAM, real computation. Being able to change one bit in the
header and send out a new block for checking would ease our pool server
work by a real amount, somewhat on the work generation side, but also on
the checking old work side; we'll have a lot fewer unique transaction /
coinbase sets to hold on to for checking when we get back a solution.


On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 4:58 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:

  That'd be 7 bytes of nonce in the block header, which is
72,057,594,037,927,936  ~ 72 petahashes = 72,000 terahashes
  So: the changes for version 2 blocks would be has height in the
  coinbase, and has a 1-byte version number with a 3-byte extranonce.

 I don't understand why more nonce bits are necessary. Is it really
 impossible for a multi-core CPU to keep up with the merkle root
 re-calculation and keep an ASIC miner fed, or is this working around a
 performance bottleneck somewhere else?

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[image: CoinLab Logo]PETER VESSENES

* * /  206.486.6856  / SKYPE: vessenes
811 FIRST AVENUE  /  SUITE 480  /  SEATTLE, WA 98104
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP 34: Block v2, Height in Coinbase

2012-07-06 Thread Peter Vessenes
On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 9:49 AM, Jeff Garzik wrote:

 On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Peter Vessenes wrote:
  The proposal is simple, and it's a small change for miners, I imagine.
  My question is: why?
  I worry about stuffing too many requirements on the coinbase. I suppose
  the coinbase is easily extendible if we run out of bytes, but I think I'd
  like to see some more discussion / good / bad type cases for making this
  change. What do we get over just the prev_hash by doing this?

 With the existing setup (sans height in coinbase), you might not have
 unique transactions, with all that entails.

 Yes, I've experienced that myself, actually.

  Anyway, some background would be great; if I missed it, I'm happy to go
  read up, but I didn't see any links on the wiki.

 Gavin wrote some notes on upgrades and BIP16 lessons-learned at

 This is a super coherent and excellent writeup. I may come back with more
thoughts, I want to let it percolate. Thanks!

 Jeff Garzik
 exMULTI, Inc.


[image: CoinLab Logo]PETER VESSENES

* * /  206.486.6856  / SKYPE: vessenes
811 FIRST AVENUE  /  SUITE 480  /  SEATTLE, WA 98104
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP 34: Block v2, Height in Coinbase

2012-07-06 Thread Peter Vessenes

The proposal is simple, and it's a small change for miners, I imagine.

My question is: why?

I worry about stuffing too many requirements on the coinbase. I suppose the
coinbase is easily extendible if we run out of bytes, but I think I'd like
to see some more discussion / good / bad type cases for making this change.
What do we get over just the prev_hash by doing this?

If this is just a voting mechanism for moving to v2 blocks, that's cool,
but it would be nice to codify voting in the coinbase a bit? Maybe? We've
now once voted with /p2sh/ and this is a different mechanism now, if I
understand it properly.

Anyway, some background would be great; if I missed it, I'm happy to go
read up, but I didn't see any links on the wiki.


On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 8:10 AM, Jeff Garzik wrote:

 Please review and comment...

 Block v2, Height in Coinbase

   BIP: 34
   Title: Block v2, Height in Coinbase
   Author: Gavin Andresen
   Status: Draft
   Type: Standards Track
   Created: 2012-07-06


 Bitcoin blocks and transactions are versioned binary structures. Both
 currently use version 1. This BIP introduces an upgrade path for
 versioned transactions and blocks. A unique nonce is added to newly
 produced coinbase transactions, and blocks are updated to version 2.


 1.Clarify and exercise the mechanism whereby the bitcoin network
 collectively consents to upgrade transaction or block binary
 structures, rules and behaviors.

 2.Enforce block and transaction uniqueness, and assist unconnected
 block validation.


 1.Treat transactions with a version greater than 1 as non-standard
 (official Satoshi client will not mine or relay them).

 2.Add height as the first item in the coinbase transaction's
 scriptSig, and increase block version to 2. The format of the height
 is serialized CScript -- first byte is number of bytes in the number
 (will be 0x03 on main net for the next 300 or so years), following
 bytes are little-endian representation of the number.

 3.75% rule: If 750 of the last 1,000 blocks are version 2 or
 greater, reject invalid version 2 blocks. (testnet3: 51 of last 100)

 4.95% rule (Point of no return): If 950 of the last 1,000 blocks
 are version 2 or greater, reject all version 1 blocks. (testnet3: 75
 of last 100)

 Backward compatibility

 All older clients are compatible with this change. Users and merchants
 should not be impacted. Miners are strongly recommended to upgrade to
 version 2 blocks. Once 95% of the miners have upgraded to version 2,
 the remainder will be orphaned if they fail to upgrade.

 Implementation and

 Jeff Garzik
 exMULTI, Inc.

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 Bitcoin-development mailing list


[image: CoinLab Logo]PETER VESSENES

* * /  206.486.6856  / SKYPE: vessenes
811 FIRST AVENUE  /  SUITE 480  /  SEATTLE, WA 98104
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Raw Transaction RPC calls for bitcoind

2012-06-14 Thread Peter Vessenes
This is super cool!

I have a feature request: it would be awesome to be able to provide private
keys at the command line with the signature, turning the client into a
wallet-less signature machine.


On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 9:22 AM, Gavin Andresen gavinandre...@gmail.comwrote:

 I submitted a pull request yesterday that implements low-level raw
 transaction, and am looking for feedback on the API and help with
 trying to test/break it.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Defeating the block withholding attack

2012-06-03 Thread Peter Vessenes
On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 8:52 PM, Luke-Jr wrote:

 Analysis, comments, constructive criticism, etc welcome for the following:

 At present, an attacker can harm a pool by intentionally NOT submitting
 that are also valid blocks. All pools are vulnerable to this attack,
 centralized or decentralized and regardless of reward system used. The
 attack's effectiveness is proportional to ratio of the attacker's hashrate
 the rest of the pool.

I'm unclear on the economics of this attack; we spent a bit of time talking
about it a few months ago at CoinLab and decided not to worry about it for
right now.

Does it have asymmetric payoff for an attacker, that is, over time does it
pay them more to spend their hashes attacking than just mining?

My gut is that it pays less well than mining, meaning I think this is
likely a small problem in the aggregate, and certainly not something we
should try and fork the blockchain for until there's real pain.

Consider, for instance, whether it pays better than just mining bitcoins
and spending those on 'bonuses' for getting users to switch from a pool you

Watson, I don't believe the attack signature you mention is a factor here,
since the pool controls the merkle, only that pool will benefit from block
submission. The nonce / coinbase combo is worthless otherwise, and so this
attack is just in brief get lucky, but don't submit.

So, can anyone enlighten me as to some actual estimates of badness for this

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Punishing empty blocks?

2012-05-29 Thread Peter Vessenes
OK, I have a few thoughts on this:

1) Germane to the original conversation, anything hard to implement will
not get implemented by miners.
2) Coinbase is hard-limited to 100 bytes; this has to include space for
voting as well as extra nonce, etc. So, I'm not sure that a full URL is a
good plan.
3) I'm a little fuzzy on the details of BIP governance; but I'm happy to
write one up and get my thoughts down, or someone who's more familiar could
do it, I suppose.

I propose the following spec:

periodically a miner may choose to publish a url through their coinbase as

1) They shall prepend \mi: to the url to designate it as a url for miner
info, and append a trailing \ to the url
2) The url given in the coinbase shall have http:// prepended to it before
3) The destination may be a redirect (to allow short URLs), or may deliver
4) The content-type returned by the final site post-redirect shall be
either (preferred text/json) or text/plain or text/html
4) The text of the document delivered shall be a JSON format dictionary,
and shall include at minimum the following fields: 'min_fee', 'pool_name',
and 'last_modified' Optional fields can be determined over time as
necessary by the mining community
5) The Service Level Agreement isn't binding, but miners who implement it
are expected to make a best efforts attempt to follow it.

So a valid coinbase could be:

Generally a miner would occasionally publish the \mi:\ when they had
updated their SLA, or just every so often, but the canonical location would
be the final destination URL from the redirects.

Inre: Luke's complaint about JSON, it is the language of the web. There is
no easier format for both computers and humans to read, and in this case,
it includes extensibility, which is nice, since we have no idea how miners
will wish to divvy up their services; I think one would need to make a
strong case against JSON for a specific reason to not choose it by default.

Thoughts welcome!



On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 10:47 AM, Luke-Jr wrote:

 On Tuesday, May 29, 2012 8:52:49 AM Michael Grønager wrote:
  The format of the sla.php page should then be specified too - but it
  be a json-rpc call returning a json object like (as result): {
  sla_version: 0.1,
  accept_no_fee_tx: false,
  min_fee: 5,
  big_tx_fee: 1, // extra fee pr kb
  I guess miners could work out a more suitable set of fees...

 Please not JSON, and not hard-coded logic. Bitcoin already has a secure
 scripting system - perhaps we can decide on an initial stack format and
 run a
 script retrieved from the URI?

Peter J. Vessenes
CEO, CoinLab
M: 206.595.9839
Skype: vessenes
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Punishing empty blocks?

2012-05-29 Thread Peter Vessenes
I suppose I mean that I don't understand how to reverse that into a URL
when one is presented only with a block, or perhaps a coinbase in a



On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Luke-Jr wrote:

 On Tuesday, May 29, 2012 3:28:56 PM Peter Vessenes wrote:
  I don't understand what the 20 byte keyhash is. Can you elucidate?

 20 byte keyhashes are a fundamental building block of the Bitcoin protocol.


Peter J. Vessenes
CEO, CoinLab
M: 206.595.9839
Skype: vessenes
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Punishing empty blocks?

2012-05-29 Thread Peter Vessenes
I see. That is undeniably more secure and bitcoin-y than my suggestion.

It's also really a lot more work, especially in that it requires extra
linkages between codebases that in my mind are largely separate.

I'm just one voice, but I persist in believing that the 'lighter' solution,
especially for something that may not be a particularly big problem in the
bitcoin world is good -- it carries much less technical implementation debt
going forward, and has a lower risk of sort of seizing up development with
additional necessary code to worry about for those implementing to-spec

If that lighter solution turns out to be gameable, or has problems that
require the full force of the bitcoin network and concepts, that would be
the time to implement the improved version. That's just my approach,
however. I worry that building in any additional requirements to the
protocol or codebase adds significant cost to the network as a whole over
the next 10 years.


On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Luke-Jr wrote:

 On Tuesday, May 29, 2012 3:36:34 PM Peter Vessenes wrote:
  I suppose I mean that I don't understand how to reverse that into a URL
  when one is presented only with a block, or perhaps a coinbase in a

 A new message can be added to the p2p relay network, similar to tx and
 broadcasts, that allow miners to publish/update their policy URI signed by
 key in question. Counter-DDoS rules could decline to relay or store URIs
 keys that haven't been published in - or achieved statistical significance
 - the last N blocks.

Peter J. Vessenes
CEO, CoinLab
M: 206.595.9839
Skype: vessenes
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Punishing empty blocks?

2012-05-29 Thread Peter Vessenes
I disagree with a bunch of your points, but I'll wait on others to comment,
except I will say that I don't understand what the 20 byte keyhash is. Can
you elucidate?

I am assuming major mining folks have written their own coinbasing
facilities, but perhaps this is not the case -- if so, I agree that some
work is necessary for such miners.

Finally I will just comment that I am guided by the general perspective
that many things about bitcoins are opt-in; therefore it makes sense to me
put difficult work onto those who are motivated to do it, and keep things
as easy as possible for the 'maybes' to participate -- hence small
courtesies like allowing text/plain or text/html.


On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 11:18 AM, Luke-Jr wrote:

 On Tuesday, May 29, 2012 3:05:18 PM Peter Vessenes wrote:
  1) Germane to the original conversation, anything hard to implement will
  not get implemented by miners.

 Without my got-tired-of-waiting-for-someone-to-merge-it coinbaser branch,
 anything modifying the coinbase is hard to implement.

  2) Coinbase is hard-limited to 100 bytes; this has to include space for
  voting as well as extra nonce, etc. So, I'm not sure that a full URL is a
  good plan.

 Rather, I would suggest a 20 byte keyhash, which allows the owner to
 a full URI out-of-band.

  1) They shall prepend \mi: to the url to designate it as a url for miner
  info, and append a trailing \ to the url

 How about a simple prefix to the fixed-size keyhash?
 Perhaps MFR= (Mining Fee Rules)

  2) The url given in the coinbase shall have http:// prepended to it

 I would recommend miners use https, with a specified SSL keyhash in the URI
 (so we don't need to pay for a proper SSL cert).

  3) The destination may be a redirect (to allow short URLs), or may

 Clients should simply be required to follow the relevant HTTP

  4) The content-type returned by the final site post-redirect shall be
  either (preferred text/json) or text/plain or text/html

 text/plain and text/html are just wrong and don't make any sense here.

  Inre: Luke's complaint about JSON, it is the language of the web. There
  no easier format for both computers and humans to read, and in this case,
  it includes extensibility, which is nice, since we have no idea how
  will wish to divvy up their services; I think one would need to make a
  strong case against JSON for a specific reason to not choose it by

 Bitcoin isn't the web, it's a complicated script-based cryptocurrency.
 Everything in the Bitcoin protocol requires a computer's interpretation for
 humans, and there's no reason to stray from this default. Also, JSON is not
 extensible in any of the ways needed for this specific purpose.

  4) The text of the document delivered shall be a JSON format dictionary,
  and shall include at minimum the following fields: 'min_fee',
  and 'last_modified' Optional fields can be determined over time as
  necessary by the mining community

 Last Modified and other caching rules are dealt with in the relevant HTTP

  5) The Service Level Agreement isn't binding, but miners who implement it
  are expected to make a best efforts attempt to follow it.

 While it doesn't make sense to give it the full legal force of a contract,
 think it should be expressed as a MUST in the BIP.

  Generally a miner would occasionally publish the \mi:\ when they had
  updated their SLA, or just every so often, but the canonical location
  be the final destination URL from the redirects.

 The coinbase advertisement MUST be part of every coinbase mined by the
 or there's no reliable way to prove which blocks are theirs.

Peter J. Vessenes
CEO, CoinLab
M: 206.595.9839
Skype: vessenes
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Punishing empty blocks?

2012-05-25 Thread Peter Vessenes
We just implemented our own mining tool, soup-to-nuts, and I would say that
the likely motivation for what I presume are botnet owners is just economic.

It's a lot more work to make sure your merkleing and keeping up-to-date are
happening than it is to just get an 80 byte header from a central server,
and re-calc a single transaction merkle client-side.

Not to mention the extra work to keep track of what version of
getmemorypool output you're receiving work for in a broadly distributed

For what it's worth, we did this extra engineering work since we care about
Bitcoin, but if I just wanted to pull value out of the ecosystem, we would
have skipped it.

The only solutions to this are economic solutions -- making such 'cheater'
blocks less valuable, or increasing the value of the transactions.

Also note that botnet operators likely care, in the end, about fiat
currency, so going to 25 btc per block in what I think of as transaction
fee subsidies won't necessarily impact this -- it's a matter of what
happens to exchange rates vs generation rates that will matter.

I think we also have to moderate this consideration against the rights (and
arguable benefits) of someone wanting to build an express-delivery mining
service, one that will provide provably faster certification for those
adding a transaction fee of, say, 1 btc.

My own experience now in the MMO world is that we have to carefully
understand how we deal with griefers who control massive resources (compute
or gold-farmers). It may not be a winning battle to choose a solution which
harms the rest of the network in exchange for harming the griefers.

This is definitely out of the box, but one solution might be to change the
difficulty calculations to just ignore 1tx blocks; that would minimize
impact on others to a great extent, and would let someone set up an express
block service if they chose. I guess we'd have to settle on whether or not
such blocks counted towards the issuance countdown as well. Or, we could
allow only 1/10 generation fees on such blocks.


On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Alan Reiner wrote:

 I like the concept except that it only works if every node connected to
 the miner enforces the rule (if it works).  Once any one of the nodes
 forwards the block,  other nodes see it coming from a node that can pass
 the challenge.

 I don't think any solution based on node queries will succeed,  especially
 if it requires spontaneous super-majority-of-nodes acceptance.  I think
 it's gotta be based on the block itself and each nodes' own info.

 If you could spontaneously get all miners to agree not to build off of
 anti-social blocks (however that is defined) ,  it would have a chance of
 making a difference,  but individual miners would have an advantage
 building off the antisocial block because they only need to produce one to
 create the longest chain (and collect reward) while the miners following
 the rules need two blocks.

 --Sent from my overpriced smartphone
 On May 25, 2012 3:48 AM, Christian Decker

 How about a simple proof of work test? This one though does not ask for
 CPU work but asks the miner for a random old transaction. If the miner
 really stores the entire blockchain he will not have any problem answering
 to that getdata request, whereas a botnet would have to ask someone else
 for it, which could be detected if the response time deviates too much from
 what has been previously measured (compare it against getdata for the block
 they advertise). It's not perfect but it allows an estimate of whether it
 is a chainless miner.

 Christian Decker

 On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 3:17 AM, Jeff Garzik wrote:

 On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 8:57 PM, Luke-Jr wrote:
  Block times are not accurate enough for that.

 The times in your log are very accurate, assuming your system clock is
 remotely accurate.

 Jeff Garzik
 exMULTI, Inc.

 Live Security Virtual Conference
 Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and
 threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
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 Bitcoin-development mailing list

 Live Security Virtual Conference
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 will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP 33 - Stratized Nodes

2012-05-16 Thread Peter Vessenes
Thanks for this, Amir.

My initial reactions:

1) This is cool and useful (but see 3)
2) This is significantly less secure than validating an entire blockchain;
it's certainly worth working out some use cases here in more detail than
just a sample conversation. More on this below
3) What about discovery? Will a client now have the chance to look for
NODE_STRATIZED clients on IRC? How do you envision a stratized server
decides which transactions to relay/store? Or is it just a caching layer in
front of a high quality blockchain service? If it is just a caching
service, the question of cache hits / misses is an interesting one as well.
4) What are the economic motivations to run a stratized server? Other than
cheating people of course.
5) Seems like a 'send me everything for this source address' is going to
save a lot of roundtrip conversations for what I imagine the most common
request will be.

Inre: majority agreement on transactions, and even balances, it would be
nice to work out some theoretical security / cost / value calculations for
the following scenarios:

Likely value and cost to someone of subverting / lying about
1) An n-confirmation transaction, n  0
2) A 0 confirmation transaction
3) A NODE_STRATIZED transaction chain for a client with m connections to
4) An address balance request for a client with m connections to
NODE_BALANCE_INFO (I made this name up) servers

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP to improve the availability of blocks

2012-04-30 Thread Peter Vessenes
Blocks already checksum; they hash to a low number.

Also inre: block headers, you are furnished with a previous hash in the
first 80 bytes of the block. You can always cut the connection at that
moment if you've already seen the block headers.


On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 1:02 PM, Zell Faze wrote:

 Although quite true, I actually agree though that there should be some
 sort of checksum for the blocks.  Bandwidth may not be a bottleneck now (or
 ever), but it may be at some point.  This change will help Bitcoin scale.

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 --- On Mon, 4/30/12, Amir Taaki wrote:

  From: Amir Taaki
  Subject: Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP to improve the availability of
  Date: Monday, April 30, 2012, 3:11 PM
  This is optimisation where it isn't
  needed. Bandwidth is not the bottleneck of the Bitcoin
  system. It is the immense time needed to validate the
  And clients should never send blocks first. They always send
  an inv packet, then you request the block. It is a
  disruptive change and brings little.
  We don't need to optimise every aspect of Bitcoin :) Just
  focus on the big bits that matter, while keeping everything
  working with minimal changes.
  For instance say we did this and to maintain backwards
  compatible, we introduced a new message called hash+block.
  Now there are 2 code branches that must be maintained -
  From: Wladimir
  To: Rebroad (sourceforge)
  Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 7:26 PM
  Subject: Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP to improve the
  availability of blocks
  On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 6:40 PM, Rebroad (sourceforge)
  My proposal is that in addition to the size (which is
  advertised in
  the header), the hash is also advertised in the header
  (of a block).
  This would help nodes to determine whether they wanted
  to reject the
  download. (e.g. if it already had a block matching that
  hash). This of
  course wouldn't prevent a rogue node from sending an
  incorrect hash,
  but this would aid in saving bandwidth amongst behaving
  I suppose it would make sense for clients to be able to
  reject blocks that they already have, if that's not
  currently possible.
  The other part of the proposal is to allow nodes to request
  upload and
  download blocks that have already been partially
  This could be done by modifying the existing methods of
  download, or by adding a new method, perhaps even using
  something similar. This would also help nodes to obtain
  the blockchain
  who have restrictive ISPs, especially if they are being
  served on port
  80 or 443. This could perhaps also allow web caches to
  keep caches of
  the blockchain, thereby making it also more available
  You don't need a BIP if you want to somehow fetch the
  (initial) block chain
  outside the bitcoin protocol. You could download it from
  some http
  server or even pass it along on an USB stick. Then with a
  simple client change you can import it: .
  Currently, without this functionality, nodes with
  restrictive (or
  slow) internet have some options, such as going via a
  tor proxy, but
  due to the latency, the problem with multiple receptions
  of the same
  block still occur.
  If you're behind such a slow internet connection, and
  concerned about
  every bit of bandwidth, it is better to run a lightweight
  node. For example, Electrum.
  Even if you could reduce the wasted bandwidth a bit by
  around with partial blocks, the download will still be
  substantial (and that's going to get worse before it gets
  Live Security Virtual Conference
  Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's
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  Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Trusted identities

2012-04-26 Thread Peter Vessenes
These are interesting thoughts, karma for bitcoins essentially.

I would like CoinLab to publish a 'cost of subverting 1-n transactions with
90% probability' metric soon, and I think it would help everyone to
understand what that number is.

When we started out, you probably needed to wait 5 blocks for $10 or $20 of
bitcoin value transfer.

Now, I'd happily accept a $1k transaction with 1 confirmation.

More difficulty shortens the safe time we can transact large volumes in,
which is good for the network.

I'm not sure of the current implementation of replacement transactions, can
anyone on the core team speak to this? Can I replace transactions, or is
that part of the spec unimplemented or deprecated right now?


On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 8:49 AM, Peter Todd wrote:

 It recently occured to me that we can use the public nature of the block
 chain to create trusted identities, for a specific form of trust.

 Lets suppose Alice has some bitcoins held at bitcoin address A. She
 wants to establish trust in the identity associated with the ECC
 keypair associated with A, for instance for the purpose of having other
 users trust her not to attempt to double spend. Since the trust she
 seeks is financial in nature, she can do this by valuing the identity
 associated with A, by delibrately throwing away resources. A simple way
 to do this would of course be to transfer coins to a null address,
 provably incurring a cost to her.

 A more socially responsible way would be for her to create a series of
 transactions that happen to have large, and equal, transaction fees.
 Bitcoin makes the assumption that no one entity controls more than 50%
 of the network, so if she makes n of these transactions consecutively,
 each spending m BTC to transaction fees, there is a high probability
 that she has given up at least n/2 * m BTC of value. This of course is
 all public knowledge, recorded in the block chain. It also increases the
 transaction fees for miners, which will be very important for the
 network in the future.

 Now Bob can easily examine the block chain, and upon verifying Alice's
 trust purchase, can decide to accept a zero-confirmation transaction at
 face value. If Alice breaks that promise, he simply publishes her signed
 transaction proving that Alice is a fraudster, and future Bob's will
 distrust Alice's trusted identity, thus destroying the value needed to
 create it.

 In effect, we now have a distributed green address system.

 Now Alice could try to mount a double-spend attack on a whole bunch of
 people at once, hoping to have them all accept the transaction. However
 as it is the just trust them model works pretty well already.

 A good usecase for this idea, beyond the obvious fast payments
 application, is a distributed anonymizer. Alice can now publish her
 request to anonymize coins, and other trusted identities can make their
 bids. If Alice accepts a bid from Bob, she will want Bob to send her the
 anonymized coins *prior* to her transaction going through, thus breaking
 the temporal connection between the transactions. Now Alice can give Bob
 the signed payment transaction, and Bob can submit his payment
 transaction to the network first, knowing that Alice isn't going to try
 to rip him off. Bob can also have a trusted identity which signed the
 contract for the anonymizer transaction, and similarly if he rips Alice
 off, she can publish it for the world to see.

 A more subtle effect, is this makes sybil attacks more difficult. To
 pretend to be a thousand identities is going to now require 1,000 * n
 coins, and attempting to pull this attack off inherently strengthens the
 bitcoin network. Obviously we can apply this principle to other things
 like tor nodes as well.

 -- 'peter'[:-1]

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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 Bitcoin-development mailing list

Peter J. Vessenes
CEO, CoinLab
M: 206.595.9839
Skype: vessenes

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Adding request/reply id in messages

2012-04-12 Thread Peter Vessenes
I agree that it would be nice if the protocol stayed stateless.

I also think we should try and keep in our heads the aggregate
bitcoin-universe cost of implementing any protocol change; even a very
small change, something that truly only takes one hour of time from each
bitcoin node client developer to implement, test and bugfix (hah!) Has a
cost in the (tens?) of thousands of USD added up across those who need to
understand, implement, discuss, etc.


On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 10:24 AM, Amir Taaki wrote:

 Jeff elaborated the problems very well, but I just want to add this:

 Your change is essentially relying (trusting) the server to track a piece
 of information (your state). Anytime you start depending on another node in
 some way, it is opening yourself up to be exploited. Nodes should be doing
 their owning state maintainance, not relying on external parties.

 I am very much against the change. As someone who has implemented the
 complete bitcoin protocol, I had no problems implementing the blockchain
 download. In fact, I dislike that nodes have to store the last inventory
 they sent as part of a getblocks in order to trigger the next round. It's
 be better if there was no state whatsoever.

 From: Jeff Garzik
 Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 6:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [Bitcoin-development] Adding request/reply id in messages

 On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 2:39 PM, Christian Bodt wrote:
  I would like to discuss the following bitcoin protocol improvement
   Adding request/reply id in all messages (in the message header,
  based on what was done for the checksum field)
  The original reason is that I found it very hard to implement robust
  blockchain downloading as we are missing context information:
  The download protocol relies on the other peer sending one (or more)
  reponse(s) to getblocks and sending the hashContinue.
  But if the other peer doesn't send a response to getblock, send a partial
  response to getblocks, mixes it with some unrelated blocks inventories
  or doesn't send the hashContinue it is very hard to detect and handle
  (e.g. ban the peer and switch to another).  This could cause some DoS
  attacks by misbehaving peers.

 If the peer is misbehaving, then disconnect.  Your protocol change
 does not offer any clear benefits in this area, as these sorts of
 attacks/misbehaviors/bugs are still just as possible, and just as
 damaging (or not).

 Just disconnect the strange peer!

  The problems are that 1/ we don't know how many inv messages to wait
  after getblocks and 2/ we don't know how to distinguish between result
  getblocks and spontaneous inv notifications.
  The same is true for  addr messages (it is both a notification and
  but this is less of a problem as a lack of response to getaddr
  doesn't constitute a DoS.
  The idea would be to add a new requestid field in messages and define

 Stateless protocols have a lot of value.  They are easiest to
 implement, and easier to prove correct.  Existing clients like
 ArtForz' half-a-node, variants of which are deployed all over the
 place in bitcoin-land, rely on the stateless-ness to one degree or

 Stateful protocols, too, have their problems as well.  One must add
 code to help remain synchronized between local and remote states,
 which your suggested change only hints at.  NFSv4 and RPC have a long
 history of dealing with stateful-ness issues.  Obviously bitcoin P2P
 is nowhere near as complex, but the history of NFS development offers
 several lessons applicable to your proposed change.

 Overall, IMO your listed reasons for needing this major change
 (stateless-stateful) do not really justify the change.  Handling
 initial block download can be accomplished in a number of ways, and
 peer(s) may crash or return odd results.  You must handle these cases
 properly, regardless of the presence of req/reply id's.

 Jeff Garzik
 exMULTI, Inc.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Signature Blocks and URI Sign Requests

2012-04-03 Thread Peter Vessenes
I don't think it's minimally invasive to layer PGP's web of trust on top of
Bitcoin, in fact, the opposite.

From a certain angle, bitcoin exists as a sort of answer / alternate
solution to the web of trust. Digital cash with an existing web of trust in
place was a working concept in the mid-1990s, courtesy of David Chaum, I

I totally agree on the kitchen sink concern; I would personally like to see
something like a one-year required discussion period on all non-security
changes proposed to the blockchain protocol. We know almost nothing about
how bitcoin will be used over the next 20 years; I believe it's a mistake
to bulk up the protocol too rapidly right now.

There's a famous phrase from the founder of Lotus about Lotus' engineering
process: add lightness. The equivalent for protocol design might be add
simplicity. I'd like to see us adding simplicity for now, getting a core
set of tests together for alternate implementations like libbitcoin, and
thinking hard about the dangers of cruft over a 10+ year period when it
comes to a technology which will necessarily include a complete history of
every crufty decision embodied in transaction histories.


On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 1:42 PM, Wladimir wrote:

 On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 8:55 PM, Luke-Jr wrote:

 On Tuesday, April 03, 2012 2:46:17 PM Gavin Andresen wrote:
  We should avoid reinventing the wheel, if we can. I think we should
  extend existing standards whenever possible.

 I wonder if it's possible to make sigs compatible with PGP/EC ?

 Or we could take a step back, further into don't reinvent the wheel
 territory. Why not simply make use of PGP(/EC) to sign and verify messages?
 It has many advantages, like an already existing web-of-trust and keyserver

 I still feel like this is sign message stuff is dragging the kitchen sink
 into Bitcoin. It's fine for logging into a website, what you use it for,
 but anything that approaches signing email (such as S/MIME implementations
 and handling different character encodings) is going too far IMO.


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Peter J. Vessenes
CEO, CoinLab
M: 206.595.9839
Better than sec? Nothing is better than sec when it comes to
monitoring Big Data applications. Try Boundary one-second 
resolution app monitoring today. Free.
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] SOPA/PIPA blackout

2012-01-17 Thread Peter Vessenes
It seems to me that the internet as a whole has got this one covered. I say
this as someone who thinks that BitCoin needs to choose its battles and
craft its reputation extremely carefully; this isn't the most important
fight for BitCoin, nor the most deadly.

I do think SOPA and PIPA could impact bitcoin, what if, for instance,
copyrighted material made its way into the blockchain?

Already the DMCA would make it hard for someone publishing blocks online to
do anything but cease under a DMCA request. SOPA, at least, would go
farther and allow the US to cut all access to 'offending' sites elsewhere
in the world.

At any rate, I don't think these bills are 'aimed at' BitCoin, and the
companies with the most stake are taking the threat quite seriously.
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