Re: [Bloat] better testing, linux 3.6.1, cerowrt credits, other stuff

2012-10-09 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Dave Taht  writes:

> Moving rapidly up on my own list of priorities is developing at least
> a spec for better tests. Help?

This is probably not what you meant, but I thought I'd use this occasion
to post it anyway:

I am doing a project about bufferbloat at my university (I'm a master
student), which involves testing for bufferbloat and testing various
qdisc's performance in a controlled environment. I've been doing my
tests by running concurrent netperf instances (so far TCP_STREAM,
TCP_MAERTS and TCP_RR) and collecting the results. To make this a bit
easier I've written a small Python script to automate running the
various netperf instances and collecting the results. I thought I'd
share it here in case anyone else thinks it's useful. It's quite crude,
but works slightly better than a shell script for my purposes. :)

The code is available on github:

Oh, and in case you have any testing you'd like me to do, I'd be happy
to incorporate it. I can pretty much organise the project any way I
want, and it would be cool to do something that's useful for things
other than satisfying my own curiosity. ;)


Toke Høiland-Jørgensen

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Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] [Codel] better testing, linux 3.6.1, cerowrt credits, other stuff

2012-10-09 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Rick Jones  writes:

Hi Rick

Thanks for your feedback.

> The script looks reasonable. Certainly cleaner than any Python I've
> yet written :) I might be a little worried about skew error though
> (assuming I've not mis-read the script and example ini file). That is
> why I use the "demo mode" of netperf in
> though
> it does make the post-processing rather more involved.

Ah, I see. I'll look into that. As far as I can tell from that script,
you're basically running it with the demo mode enabled, and graphing the
results with each line as a data point?

There's a comment about using negative values for -D to increase
accuracy at a cost of performance. Is this cost significant? And if it
is, would there be any reason why it wouldn't be possible to just use
positive values and then fix the error by interpolating values to be at
fixed intervals when graphing?

> I see you are running the TCP_RR test for less time than the
> TCP_STREAM/TCP_MAERTS test. What do you then do to show the latency
> without the bulk transfer load?

I ran the TCP_RR test by itself to get a baseline result. The idea with
the different lengths is to start the streams, wait two seconds, and
then run the roundtrip so that it finished two seconds before the
streams (i.e. the roundtrip test is only running while the streams are).
This is for my test setup, which is just a few computers connected with
ethernet; so no sudden roundtrip variances should occur. I can see how
it would be useful to get something that can be graphed over time; I'll
try to look into getting that working.

> I was thinking of trying to write a version of in python but
> before I did I wanted to know if python was sufficiently available in
> most folks bufferbloat testing environments. I figure in
> "full-featured" *nix systems that isn't an issue, but what about in
> the routers?

Is there any reason why it wouldn't be possible to run the python script
on a full-featured machine and run the netperf instances via an ssh
tunnel on the router (on a different interface than the one being
tested, of course)?

And since Dave replied while I was writing this, I'll just continue
straight on:

> That said, there is a start at lua wrappers as well as various
> post-processing scripts for things like gnuplot in my deBloat repo on
> github. The last time I got serious about getting something more
> conventionally publishable is in

I'll go digging in there for ideas for tests to add. And probably just
have a general look around.

> But: It became obvious fast that long RTT tests were needed, which
> I've been trying to establish the infrastructure to do

I assume that by "infrastructure" you mean "(netperf) servers far away"? What
would be needed for a test server in terms of resources (bandwidth and
otherwise)? I could try and persuade my university to let me setup a
test server on their network (which is in Denmark)...

> I'm tickled Toke is also dumping stuff into org-mode, which makes
> publishing content much easier from emacs.

Well, I'm keeping my notes in org mode, so it seemed like the thing to
do. My plan was (is) to add other output formatter(s) if I needed to
output to something different.

> Coherently tracking certain other variables (such as the actual tc
> qdisc line and sampling tc -s statistics across an interval) across
> tests is also needed.

This is on the router, I assume? Is that just running the tc command and
parsing the output? And if so, any ideas for a good way to timestamp it?
`date && tc -s` or?


Toke Høiland-Jørgensen

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Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] [Codel] better testing, linux 3.6.1, cerowrt credits, other stuff

2012-10-10 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Rick Jones  writes:

> Mostly. The smallest step size in rrdtool is one second, so I create
> rrd's with that as the step size, but I try for sub-second samples
> from the interval results to mitigate (or try to) some of rrdtools
> averaging.

Right. I now have the runner script parsing netperf demo output and
aligning the time steps, complete with interpolation and everything (I
think; I've looked at the numbers and it seems reasonable, but I'll try
graphing the raw numbers along with the interpolated values and see if
it looks good there too). I've tried running it with a long _RR test and
then after a few seconds starting the _STREAM and _MAERTS tests. That
produces output like the attached table.

The next step will probably be adding some kind of graphing capability;
probably using matplotlib. It should also be fairly straight forward to
add parsers for different kinds of data, time series or otherwise. But
that will probably be something I'll look at as I need them, and/or when
I get around to poking around Dave's test repository.

Anyway, feedback is quite welcome. Running the sample config files in
the repository should be possible by just changing the -H parameter for

The code is, as before, at:


Toke Høiland-Jørgensen

| Time |   IN |   OUT |  RR |
|  0.0 | None |  None | 2218.57 |
|  0.5 | None |  None | 2253.46 |
|  1.0 | None |  None | .40 |
|  1.5 | None |  None | 2138.08 |
|  2.0 | None |  None | 2195.81 |
|  2.5 | None |  None | 2162.87 |
|  3.0 | None |  None | .10 |
|  3.5 | None |  None | 2109.51 |
|  4.0 | None |  None | 2227.86 |
|  4.5 | None |  None | 2132.96 |
|  5.0 | 7.97 |  7.93 |  253.65 |
|  5.5 | 9.16 |  6.50 |   21.16 |
|  6.0 | 9.25 |  6.09 |   11.56 |
|  6.5 | 9.25 |  6.11 |9.52 |
|  7.0 | 9.21 |  6.31 |8.44 |
|  7.5 | 9.25 |  6.26 |7.03 |
|  8.0 | 9.24 |  5.69 |5.41 |
|  8.5 | 9.24 |  6.15 |4.97 |
|  9.0 | 9.27 |  5.97 |4.40 |
|  9.5 | 9.24 |  6.16 |3.97 |
| 10.0 | 9.23 |  6.09 |3.66 |
| 10.5 | 9.27 |  5.98 |3.40 |
| 11.0 | 9.23 |  5.91 |3.14 |
| 11.5 | 9.25 |  5.86 |2.89 |
| 12.0 | 9.27 |  5.92 |2.83 |
| 12.5 | 9.21 |  6.58 |2.69 |
| 13.0 | 9.26 |  7.11 |2.46 |
| 13.5 | 9.20 |  7.57 |2.36 |
| 14.0 | 9.22 |  8.55 |2.29 |
| 14.5 | 9.15 | 27.59 |2.17 |
| 15.0 | None |  None |2.05 |
| 15.5 | None |  None |  189.71 |
| 16.0 | None |  None | 1514.06 |
| 16.5 | None |  None | 2231.55 |
| 17.0 | None |  None | 2232.87 |
| 17.5 | None |  None | 2213.76 |
| 18.0 | None |  None | 2217.52 |
| 18.5 | None |  None | 2212.16 |
| 19.0 | None |  None | 2180.91 |

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Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] plots

2012-11-26 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Dave Taht  writes:

> The *.svg of high bandwidths is nice, the *.ps of low is not so much.

Yeah, I see your point.

> 1) I think the way to fix the upload plot is to use a larger sample
> interval, like 1 second, when dealing with low bandwidths.

Well, the reason for missing data is that netperf "misses its deadlines"
so to speak. I.e. we tell it to output intermediate results every 0.1
seconds, and it only does so every 0.5. As I understood Rick's
explanation of how netperf's demo mode works, the problem with missing
deadlines is that netperf basically tries to guess how much data it will
send in the requested interval, and then after having sent that much
data it checks the time to see if it's time to output an intermediate
result. So if the data transfer rate is slower than expected, the
deadline will be missed.

Using negative numbers for the interval makes it check the time every
time it sends something, but it still needs to send a bit of data
between every check, and if that takes too long the holes will appear.

Using a longer sampling interval for the entire plot might alleviate
this, I suppose, but since we're measuring bytes sent per second, doing
so amounts to averaging subsequent points; so is there any reason why we
can't just do the averaging over the data we already have (i.e. just
increase the interpolation interval)?

If we do want to increase the actual sampling interval, do you propose
to do so only for low-bandwidth tests? Because in this case we would
either need to detect when the bandwidth is low and adjust parameters,
or there would have to be two versions of the test: a low-bandwith and a
high-bandwith version.

> 2) I am really hating losing the outliers entirely. In particular,
> Getting a second ping plot that used a cdf would be more accurate and
> revealing.

I agree that this is not optimal, and I've been thinking that I would
like to decouple the data gathering part from the plotting part a bit.
I.e. making it possible to specify a test that gathers a lot of data
(could add in tc stats for instance) and saves it, and then specify
several sets of plots to do on that data. CDF would be one of them,
another one could be a simpler plot that plots the average (or total)
upload and download with just the ping, similar to the simple plots we
did with just two streams. And I'm sure we can come up with more. Export
would still be there, of course; in fact, I was planning to switch to
using json as the native storage format.

I still have a way to go on my project writing before I get to doing the
tests for myself, but I can try and interleave some work on
netperf-wrapper to get the above changes in there? :)


Toke Høiland-Jørgensen

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Bloat mailing list

[Bloat] Update of netperf-wrapper testing tool - new features, CDF plots

2012-11-26 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Hey everyone

I've just pushed an update to the netperf-wrapper testing tool which
allows several different plots to be created from the same dataset,
including CDF plots from ping times. The reworked configuration file
format also allows for more flexibility in specifying tests (since the
configuration format is now full Python source), which allows more
options to be specified on the command line when running the tests (such
as test length, proper ipv4/6 handling with -4 and -6 parameters, etc).
Test data is now also saved in a json format at each test run (along
with relevant metadata), hopefully making it easier to keep track of
test data, and possibly at some point in the future allowing for
interoperability with other tools.

Get the source from github (
and give it a spin. The main test is the rrul stress test (prototyping
Dave's draft specification), but simple one- or two-stream TCP tests are
also available. To get started and run the rrul test, seeing a CDF plot
of the ping times, execute the following commands:

git clone
cd netperf-wrapper
./ -H  -p ping_cdf rrul

Provided there's a 'python2' executable available in the PATH, that
matplotlib is installed correctly, and that a netperf built with demo
mode is available, this will run the rrul test and pop up an interactive
plot browser of the results. It will also save the test data in
rrul-.json.gz for later export to csv, plotting etc.

See ./ -h and the README file for further options.


Toke Høiland-Jørgensen

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Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] FQ_Codel lwn draft article review

2012-11-26 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Dave Taht  writes:

> I keep noting that the next phase of the rrul development is to find a
> good pair of CIR one way measurements that look a bit like voip.
> Either that test can get added to netperf or we use another tool, or
> we create one, and I keep hoping for recommendations from various
> people on this list. Come on, something like this exists? Anybody?

I came across this in the iperf documentation:

"Jitter calculations are continuously computed by the server, as
specified by RTP in RFC 1889. The client records a 64 bit
second/microsecond timestamp in the packet. The server computes the
relative transit time as (server's receive time - client's send time).
The client's and server's clocks do not need to be synchronized; any
difference is subtracted out in the jitter calculation. Jitter is the
smoothed mean of differences between consecutive transit times."

Iperf seems to output jitter measurements on the *server* side when
doing UDP transfers. So incorporating this into netperf-wrapper would
require either some way to notify a server to start up an iperf instance
sending to the client (and finding some way to persuade firewalls/NATs
on the way to let the packets through), or create a server-side wrapper
that monitors the server-side output and sends it to the client on
request via some sort of rpc.

The latter should be pretty straight forward, I suppose. And if I recall
correctly, you did want to measure the upstream jitter?


Toke Høiland-Jørgensen

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Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] FQ_Codel lwn draft article review

2012-11-26 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Toke Høiland-Jørgensen  writes:

> The latter should be pretty straight forward, I suppose. And if I recall
> correctly, you did want to measure the upstream jitter?

Following up on this, I've created a proof of concept python script that
starts an iperf server in the background, parses the output, and
presents a command line interface that dumps the parsed data in json
format when asked for a transfer ID (source port number).

The script is available here:

It should be pretty easy to make it listen to a socket instead and allow
clients to request 'their' data. If anyone thinks this will be useful,
I'll be happy to poke some more at it. :)


Toke Høiland-Jørgensen

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Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] [Cerowrt-devel] FQ_Codel lwn draft article review

2012-11-26 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen writes:

> iperf is a "hot rod" test. The UDP versions ignores congestion signals
> entirely, and thus is completely irrelevant to bufferbloat.

Well I wasn't going to run it at full speed (whatever that might mean),
but limit it to a relatively low speed, to get the jitter measurements
for UDP in the hope they'd be a decent indication for how a voip call
might fare on the same connection. If you have ideas for a better tool,
I'm all ears. :)

The other tests are done with netperf and good old ping.


Toke Høiland-Jørgensen

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Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] [Cerowrt-devel] FQ_Codel lwn draft article review

2012-11-27 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Oliver Hohlfeld

> The jitter measurements you have in mind will give you an idea on the
> jitter specific to the chosen traffic scenario, nothing more --- and
> in particular not the VoIP quality (although low vs. high jitter could
> /indicate/ certain /possible/ quality degradations).

Well no, in this sense the only "real" test for voip quality is picking
up the (soft)phone and talking to someone. However, since the context
here is automated measuring tools (preferably generating solid
quantitative, comparable data), that is hardly feasible.

I guess the goal of a comprehensive testing suite is to gather as many
indicators of quality degradations (in the widest possible sense) as
possible and testing for them under a variety of traffic conditions. I
am by no means an expert on VoIP, but someone suggested measuring jitter
could be useful, and I've proposed a possible way to do that (using
iperf udp flows at a low-ish bandwidth).

Since for the purpose of this particular discussion I seem to be in the
test tool building business (at least for the time being), what I really
need before going forward with this is someone to comment on (a) if
using iperf udp flows is a valid way to measure jitter, (b) if measuring
jitter is actually something someone wants to do and (c) if there are
other tests that would be useful for testing VoIP (or general)
conditions instead of / in addition to the jitter measurements.

So far I don't have an answer to (a), only negative answers to (b) and
nothing concrete for (c). So for the time being I'm shelving the idea,
and will just note that it seems quite feasible to return to it should
someone change their mind on (b) :)


Toke Høiland-Jørgensen

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Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Bufferbloat Paper

2013-01-08 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Stephen Hemminger 

> The tone of the paper is a bit of "if academics don't analyze it to
> death it must not exist". The facts are interesting, but the
> interpretation ignores the human element. If human's perceive delay
> "Daddy the Internet is slow", then they will change their behavior to
> avoid the problem: "it hurts when I download, so I will do it later".

Well severe latency spikes caused by bufferbloat are relatively
transient in nature. If connections were constantly severely bloated the
internet would be unusable and the problem would probably (hopefully?)
have been spotted and fixed long ago. As far as I can tell from their
graphs, ~5% of connections to "residential" hosts exhibit added delays
of >=400 milliseconds, a delay that is certainly noticeable and would
make interactive applications (gaming, voip etc) pretty much unusable.

Now, I may be jumping to conclusions here, but I couldn't find anything
about how their samples were distributed. However, assuming the worst,
if these are 5% of all connections to all peers, each peer will have a
latency spike of at least 400 milliseconds for one second every 20
seconds (on average). Which is certainly enough to make a phone call
choppy, or get you killed in a fast-paced FPS.

It would be interesting if a large-scale test like this could flush out
how big a percentage of hosts do occasionally experience bufferbloat,
and how many never do.


Toke Høiland-Jørgensen

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Re: [Bloat] Bufferbloat overview article

2013-03-03 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Tristan Seligmann 


Nice writeup. :)

> I'll probably also take a crack at packaging some of the tools
> (such as netperf-wrapper) that aren't currently available as Debian
> packages.

Excellent! I'll be happy to include the packaging-specific files into
the netperf-wrapper git repository (there's currently a PKGBUILD for
Arch Linux there); just email me, or send a pull request on github. :)


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[Bloat] Packages of netperf 2.6 and netperf-wrapper for Arch and Debian/Ubuntu

2013-03-17 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
I've finally managed to package netperf-wrapper and an up-to-date (i.e.
2.6) version of netperf for Arch, Debian and Ubuntu Linux.

For those interested, the packages are available in a set of package
repositories located at . There are README
files explaining the use and right package manager incantations to use

I've tested these packages on Arch, on Debian Squeeze and Ubuntu 12.04
(precise) and 12.10 (quantal). Comments / testing etc is of course
welcome; this is my first foray into Debian packaging.

The Arch repository has a packaged version of Dave's debloat script as
well, with a systemd unit file to run it. I'm planning to package that
up for Debian and Ubuntu as well, but am taking a break for the night
after fighting the deb packaging tools for way too long... ;)


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[Bloat] Describing fq_codel

2014-02-06 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
I recently had occasion to describe the scheduling mechanism in fq_codel
in plain text. I thought this might be useful to have for general
reference somewhere, so I'm posting it here to elicit comments and have
a plan to post it to the bufferbloat wiki somewhere afterwards.

See below.



The fq_codel queueing discipline in Linux is an implementation of a
somewhat modified stochastic fairness queueing algorithm, with CoDel
added as an AQM for the individual queues. As such, it consists of two
parts: the scheduler which selects which queue to dequeue a packet from,
and the CoDel AQM which works on each of the queues built in to the
qdisc. The subtleties of fq_codel are mostly in the scheduling part,
which is the subject of this description. For a description of CoDel,
refer to Kathy and Van's paper[1].

The interaction between the scheduler and the CoDel algorithm are fairly
straight forward: At initiation (i.e. at boot, or when fq_codel is first
installed on the interface, or its parameters are changed), the list of
queues is initialised so that each queue has a separate set of CoDel
state variables. By default, 1024 queues are created, and packets are
hashed into them at enqueue time. Each queue maintains the CoDel state
variables throughout its lifetime, and so acts the same as the non-fq
CoDel variant would (including retaining the control law state when the
queue drains, etc).

As for the scheduler, it is different from a straight-forward conceptual
SFQ scheduler[2] in a number of respects:

- fq_codel is byte-based, employing a deficit round-robin mechanism[3]
  between queues. The quantum is configurable, but defaults to the
  interface MTU. This means that if one flow sends packets of size
  MTU/3, and another sends MTU-sized packets, the first flow will
  dequeue three packets each time it gets a turn, whereas the second
  flow only dequeues one. This is kept track of by maintaining a byte
  dequeue deficit for each queue, which is first initialised to the
  quantum value, and decreased by the packet size on each dequeue from
  the queue.

- Queue space is shared: there's a global limit on the number of packets
  the queues can hold, but not one per queue. If the space runs out at
  enqueue time, the queue with the largest number of *bytes* in it will
  get a packet dropped. This means that the packet being enqueued will
  pretty much never be dropped; rather a different packet is dropped,
  and not necessarily from the same queue. Packets are always dropped
  from the head of a queue.

- fq_codel maintains two lists of active queues, called "new" and "old"
  queues ("new" and "old" being the terms used in the code). When a
  packet is added to a queue that is not currently active, that queue is
  added to the list of new queues. This is the source of some subtlety
  in the packet scheduling at dequeue time, explained below.

- Most of fq_codel's scheduling is done at packet dequeue time. It
  consists of three parts: selecting a queue from which to dequeue a
  packet, actually dequeuing it (employing the CoDel algorithm in the
  process), and some final bookkeeping.

  For the first part, the scheduler first looks at the list of new
  queues; for each queue in that list, if that queue has a negative
  deficit (i.e. it has already dequeued a quantum of bytes (or more)),
  its deficit is increased by one quantum, and the queue is put onto the
  end of the list of old queues, and the routine starts again.
  Otherwise, that queue is selected for dequeue. If the list of new
  queues is empty, the scheduler proceeds down the list of old queues in
  the same fashion (checking the deficit, and either selecting the queue
  for dequeuing, or increasing the deficit and putting the queue back at
  the end of the list).

  After having selected a queue from which to dequeue a packet, the
  CoDel algorithm is invoked on that queue. This applies the CoDel
  control law in the usual fashion, and may discard one or more packets
  from the head of the queue, before returning the packet that should be
  dequeued (or nothing if the queue is or becomes empty while being
  handled by the CoDel algorithm).

  Finally, if the CoDel algorithm did not return a packet, the queue is
  empty, and the scheduler does one of two things: if the queue selected
  for dequeue came from the list of new queues, it is moved to the end
  of the list of old queues. If instead it came from the list of old
  queues, that queue is removed from the list, to be added back (as a
  new queue) the next time a packet arrives that hashes to that queue.
  Then, (since no packet was available for dequeue), the whole dequeue
  process is restarted from the beginning.

  If, instead, the scheduler *did* get a packet back from the CoDel
  algorithm, it updates the byte deficit for the selected queue before
  returning the packet to the lower layers of the kernel networking
  stack for sending.

The new/old queue distinction has a partic

[Bloat] Internet in Sweden is pretty good...

2014-02-08 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
So I got a new flat in Sweden with ethernet-to-the-wall 100/100 Mbps
internet (for ~$50/month. The municipality owns the infrastructure and
providers offer service; I had 9 different providers to pick from). Did
some measurements with my laptop plugged in to it.

One plot is just plugging in the laptop without fiddling with
any settings (other than having fq_codel as the system-wide default

The second one is after putting in an HTB shaper:

And a CDF for comparison:

All the data is available at including the HTB script
that set things up.

In conclusion: Wh! :D

Now to find a router that can handle HTB at those speeds...


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Re: [Bloat] Describing fq_codel to a layperson

2014-02-09 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Rich Brown  writes:

> So I'm posting this version to elicit comments and have a plan to post
> it to the bufferbloat wiki somewhere afterwards.

Hi Rich

I like the writeup, however I'm probably not the best person to validate
how it will sound to an outsider...

One things, though...

> Imagine a ski shop with one employee. That employee handles
> everything: small purchases, renting skis, installing new bindings,
> making repairs, etc. He also handles customers in first-come,
> first-served order, and accepts all the jobs, even if there's already
> a big backlog. Imagine, too, that he never stops working with a
> customer until their purchase is complete. He never goes out of order,
> never pauses a job in the middle, not even to sell a Chapstick.

Sometimes I feel like this describes way too many actual ski shops (or
maybe not ski shops, but certainly other establishments)... I.e. I'm not
sure it is really that obvious of an absurdity as one would think; maybe
stating more explicitly what a ski shop 'ought' to do would help?


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Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Describing fq_codel

2014-02-09 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Jesper Dangaard Brouer  writes:

> Thank you Toke for this excellent description, it is really good!


> And where do you plan to put this excellent description (so its more
> accessible to mankind)?

Planning to stick it on the bufferbloat wiki somewhere, once I deem
people have had enough of a chance to comment. So probably sometime in
the coming week. Will link it here once I do :)


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Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Describing fq_codel

2014-02-10 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Toke Høiland-Jørgensen  writes:

> Planning to stick it on the bufferbloat wiki somewhere, once I deem
> people have had enough of a chance to comment. So probably sometime in
> the coming week. Will link it here once I do :)

Right, so stuck it on the wiki pretty much as it was posted to the list.
-- also linked from the front page of the CoDel wiki. :)


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[Bloat] Draft on fq_codel submitted

2014-03-03 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Hi everyone

This is to notify you of the availability of a draft explaining the
fq_codel algorithm. It is available from here:

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] AQM creeping into L2 equipment

2014-03-20 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Dave Taht  writes:

> The standard test that I'm most interested in is the 2 ports into 1 topology:
>   |
>  ||
> BOX1   BOX2

Did a couple of tests of this with the default configuration of a Cisco
WS-C2960X-24TD-L switch. Graphs and data files here:

Conclusion: My test boxes need offloads and quite a bit of driver
queueing to drive the 1Gbps link, which makes it difficult to say
anything about the switch...

Haven't fiddled with the QoS settings, but from what I can see they are
rather limited, and takes a great deal of fiddling to setup (at least
for someone who, like me, has pretty much zero experience with Cisco

If someone has suggestions for other switch configurations that would be
worthwhile testing (as well as some help on how to configure it), I'll
be happy to run the tests.


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Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] AQM creeping into L2 equipment

2014-03-20 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Dave Taht  writes:

> I find it puzzling that you still lose the measurement flows early on.
> Setting some QoS on via WTD might be interesting.

Well if you can be more specific, I'll be happy to. Was looking for a
way to have per-protocol QoS settings, but there does not seem to be any
From the documentation (only IP-based).

> If you have a later OS than 3.13 on the sources/sinks you might want
> to try sch_fq (and sch_pfifo_fast for reference) - the improvements to
> Linux's TCP are such that on a short path like this that the control
> loop stays very tight - only two TSO offloads per flow, really
> accurate use of tcp timestamps, etc.

Added a result set with sch_fq in place of fq_codel to the bottom of the
same page. Doesn't appear to make much of a difference...

> See also if you have hardware flow control enabled (via ethtool)

If by that you mean pause frames, ethtool seems to think not:

Settings for eth2:
Supported ports: [ TP ]
Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 
Supported pause frame use: No
Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 
Advertised pause frame use: No
Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Speed: 1000Mb/s
Duplex: Full
Port: Twisted Pair
Transceiver: internal
Auto-negotiation: on
MDI-X: off
Supports Wake-on: d
Wake-on: d
Current message level: 0x0007 (7)
   drv probe link
Link detected: yes


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Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] AQM creeping into L2 equipment

2014-03-21 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Dave Taht  writes:

> I imagine with the new tcp's pfifo_fast is going to be sub 8ms also.

Yeah, turns out I botched the qdisc setup (put it on the wrong interface
on one of the servers) for the case with no switch. So the ~6ms was with
pfifo_fast in one end.

Updated the original graphs for the host-to-host. Data capture files are
here: -- no
idea why the client seems to capture three times as many packets as the
server. None of them seem to think they've dropped any (as per tcpdump

Will add dumps from going through the switch in a bit...

> Is your hardware fast enough to run tcpdump -s 128 -w whatever.cap -i
> your interface during an entire rrul test without dropping packets?
> (on client and server)

Well, as above, tcpdump doesn't say anything about dropped packets; but
since the client dump is way bigger, perhaps the server-side does anyway?


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Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] AQM creeping into L2 equipment

2014-03-21 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
"Steinar H. Gunderson"  writes:

> I'm a bit confused if a normal machine these days can't easily
> saturate gigabit (and capture it to SSD without further problems),
> though.

Well, they're not entirely new; the machines I'm using are lab machines
that have been replaced and are now recommissioned as my test-bed.
/proc/cpuinfo says they're 'Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPUQ6600  @ 2.40GHz'.

No SSD, either...

They have no issues *saturating* gigabit (as long as the BQL max_limit
is not set too low), but capturing, not so much...


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Bloat mailing list

[Bloat] iOS meshing

2014-03-24 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
So, apparently iOS7 has built-in mesh network capability:

Anyone knows anything about it? :)


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Bloat mailing list

[Bloat] The systemd people have started doing networking

2014-04-02 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
So systemd recently grew a networking component, which is apparently now
capable of doing DHCP requests in 750 us...

Haven't had a chance to play with it yet, but if it means my laptop will
be able to acquire a network connection immediately after waking up from
suspend, I'll be quite happy :)


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Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] [aqm] the side effects of 330ms lag in the real world

2014-04-29 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Jim Gettys  writes:

> Now, if someone gives me real fiber to the home, with a real switch fabric
> upstream, rather than gpon life might be somewhat better (if the switches 
> aren't
> themselves overbuffered But so far, it isn't.

As a data point for this, I have fibre to my apartment building and
ethernet into the apartment. I get .5 ms to my upstream gateway and
about 6 ms to Google. Still measured up to ~20 ms of bufferbloat while
running at 100 Mbps...

However, as that graph shows, it is quite possible to completely avoid
bufferbloat by deploying the right shaping. And in that case fibre
*does* have a significant latency advantage. The best latency I've seen
to the upstream gateway on DSL has been ~12 ms.


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Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] How is bufferbloat prevented/fixed for UDP?

2014-05-12 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Forums1000  writes:

> 1) With UDP, you cannot uniquely identify a flow? This prevents an
> AQM-algorithm to drop packets for an (several) offending UDP flow(s).

For most cases UDP flows are determined by port number pairs, same as
TCP. Multiple flows can be multiplexed over one "connection", but this
is no different from TCP.

> 2) Unlike TCP, UDP does not back down when encountering packet loss

This is true; i.e. not back-off mechanism is built into the protocol.
However, it is quite possible to build in such a mechanism in whatever
protocol is running *on top of* UDP. Indeed this is done for things like
real-time media protocol, and also bittorrents uTP protocol runs on top
of UDP.

So I guess the answer is "it all depends".

As an aside, if you *do* have an unresponsive UDP flow (whether
misconfigured or malignant), having a flow queueing mechanism like that
of fq_codel helps a lot; the bad UDP flow is then isolated and only
hurts itself, so to speak. :)


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Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Comcast upped service levels -> WNDR3800 can't cope...

2014-08-30 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Jonathan Morton  writes:

> Looking at the code, HTB is considerably more complex than TBF in
> Linux, and not all of the added complexity is due to being classful
> (though a lot of it is). It seems that TBF has dire warnings all over
> it about having limited packet-rate capacity which depends on the
> value of HZ, while HTB has some sort of solution to that problem.

Last I checked, those warnings were out-dated. Everything is in
nanosecond resolution now, including TBF. I've been successfully using
TBF in my experiments at bandwidths up to 100Mbps (on Intel Core2 x86
boxes, that is).


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Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Comcast upped service levels -> WNDR3800 can't cope...

2014-08-31 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Jonathan Morton  writes:

> These tests were all run using nttpc.  I wanted to finally try out
> RRUL, but the wrappers fail to install via pip on my Gentoo boxes.
> I'll need to investigate further before I can make pretty graphs like
> everyone else.

The pip package of netperf-wrapper is, unfortunately, quite outdated. I
keep meaning to do a new release and upload it; will try to get around
to it real soon now! :)


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Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] [Cerowrt-devel] Fixing bufferbloat: How about an open letter to the web benchmarkers?

2014-09-12 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Dave Taht  writes:

> What if we could publish an open letter to the benchmark makers such
> as speedtest, explaining how engineering for their test does *not*
> make for a better internet? The press fallout from that letter, would
> improve some user education, regardless if we could get the tests
> changed or not.
> Who here would sign?

I would! :)


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Bloat mailing list

[Bloat] Announcing version 0.7.0 of the netperf-wrapper testing tool

2014-09-15 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Hey everyone

This is to announce version 0.7.0 of the netperf-wrapper testing tool.
It has been almost a year since the last numbered version release, and
this release adds a bunch of new features, including several new plot
types, a GUI for exploring multiple data sets, a batch run mode for
configuring reproducible test runs and several new test configurations.
And of course a whole bunch of bug fixes and minor tweaks.

As before, the package can be downloaded from Github or pypi:
 or simply run `pip install netperf-wrapper`.

Additionally, packages for Debian, Ubuntu and Arch Linux are available
From the Open Build Service repository. Instructions at:

As always, comments, feature requests and bug reports are welcome!


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Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] RED against bufferbloat

2015-02-25 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Michael Welzl  writes:

> but that's FQ (or FQ_CoDel's changed FQ variant), much more than the
> AQM mechanism in use (as we have also seen presented by Toke at the
> last ICCRG meeting).

Well, actually, that presentation did also include an evaluation of the
AQMs in an asymmetrical scenario. And that shows that while generally
ARED does perform fairly well, it tends to be a bit on the aggressive
side. In the asymmetrical case this results in too many drops on the
slow side of the asymmetrical link (typically upload), hurting throughput
in the other direction due to lost ACKs.

There's also some other issues in there, with PIE and CoDel in
particular, most notably their reactions when conditions change: it can
take tens of seconds for the algorithms to get queueing latency under
control in this case.

Slides for the IETF presentation available here:

There's also a longer version of the talk (from the Stanford Netseminar)
available on Youtube:

> But this discussion is about AQM mechanisms, not (changed)FQ.

While the academic side of me enjoys studying AQMs (and I'm still far
from anything resembling a thorough understanding of them), the
practical "I just want my network to work" side of me has become
increasingly convinced (in part by doing the experiments in the above
mentioned talk) that FQ is more important than AQM in many scenarios. As
such, I think that excluding FQ from the conversation is mostly of, well,
academic interest ;)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] RED against bufferbloat

2015-02-25 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Mikael Abrahamsson  writes:

> To me, FQ is important especially for lower speeds. This also maps
> well into the CPU based nature of FQ (that it's hard to do in
> "silicon").

Well my research has been mainly focused on the consumer / edge case.
I.e. things a Linux box can drive in hardware, so up to 100Mbit to a
Gbit depending on the size of the box. In these cases, fq_codel adds no
measurable overhead compared to the CPU load of just pushing the

> We're not going to see FQ_CODEL on a 200 interface large router
> designed to push 100 gigabit/s of traffic, at least not in any
> interesting price point.

Maybe not; but note that recent work in the Linux kernel makes it quite
capable of pushing 40GigE, and I believe sched_fq (which does 'real'
fairness queueing with a queue per flow, not hash buckets as fq_codel
does) has been shown to scale to millions of concurrent flows.

> Can we do bidirectional traffic FQ_CODEL on the CPE to try to achieve
> basically zero loss in the AR policer for any normal kind of use
> scenario using TCP. I have not seen any simulations looking at this.

Well this is basically what we're doing with the SQM scripts in CeroWRT:
put a software rate limiter in the CPE and configure it to a slightly
lower value than whatever the cable/DSL modem runs at. This works quite
well, but the software rate limiter is fairly CPU hungry, so small boxes
struggle. I had to substitute a full x86 box for my Netgear router to
run at 100Mbit for my home connection.

> Because my belief is that even though we might say we love FQ here,
> we're not going to see high speed FQ on higher end ISP aggregation
> routers. So if we want FQ, we're going to have to do it in the CPEs.

Well OpenWRT turns on fq_codel by default now. :)

And yeah, I'm not holding by breath for big iron vendors to include
fq_codel in their products. But that doesn't mean it can't go into CPEs.
And end hosts and access points. And inside tunnels (VPN daemons for

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] RED against bufferbloat

2015-02-25 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Michael Welzl  writes:

> +1, certainly it has a big influence. This has been well known for
> many years though, and documented broadly, perhaps most notably by Jim
> Roberts.

Being "well known for many years" in the academic community
unfortunately doesn't translate into deployment. Which is why I think
there should be a place for both approaches: the "let's simplify and get
a thorough base understanding" and the "let's run this on real stuff and
see what happens".

> Here I disagree, for two reasons:
> 1) The AQM part kicks in per flow. So, whenever you have one flow, the
> behavior of FQ_AQM and AQM will be the same. Investigating what an AQM
> mechanism does to one flow is then worthwhile.
> 2) Not everyone will always want FQ everywhere. There are potential
> disadvantanges (e.g. the often mentioned with-a-VPN-I'm-only-1-flow problem).
> What's necessary is to quantify them - to see how the effect of FQ (or
> FQ_CoDel's changed FQ) plays out, and you've done a great start there in my
> opinion.

I didn't mean that investigating AQM behaviour is not worthwhile, far
from it. But I believe that FQ needs to play a much larger role than it
does currently in solving the larger problem of network (latency)
behaviour under load. And completely separating the two is academic; not
in the derogatory sense (as in "a problem not worth discussing"), but in
the literal sense (as in "the thing we do in academia").

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] RED against bufferbloat

2015-02-25 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Mikael Abrahamsson  writes:

> I am very much aware that this is being done (I have done it myself),
> but my question was if someone had actually done this in a lab and
> found out how well it works in RRUL tests etc.

So you mean comparing the scenario where the AQM runs on both sides of
the bottleneck to one where it runs as an ingress shaper on one side

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] RED against bufferbloat

2015-02-26 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Mikael Abrahamsson  writes:

> Right now I hear more about "virtualised CPE" to save cost (ie move
> part of the CPE implementation to the data center) than to spend more
> money on features in the CPE.

Erm, how does that work? What part of the functionality can reasonably
be moved to the data center? The configuration web interface?

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] RED against bufferbloat

2015-02-26 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Mikael Abrahamsson  writes:

> Basically you extend the home L2 domain via some kind of tunnel or
> vlan to a server, and run the CPE there.
> The only thing left in the home is basically L2 bridging between WAN,
> LAN and Wifi and the possibiliy of configuring settings such as Wifi
> SSID, crypto etc.

Ah, I see. Yeah, that does seem to be the wrong direction... :(

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] [Cerowrt-devel] marketing #102 - giving netperf-wrapper a better name?

2015-03-12 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
>seemingly still whatever the programmer called it when he wrote the
>first sketchy version, one step up from "foo"'

This is accurate, BTW. I'm terrible at naming...

Do yeah, what Dave said - suggestions welcome! :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] setting queue depth on tail drop configurations of pfifo_fast

2015-03-27 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen

>I would like to reduce the tail drop queue size to 100 packets (down
>from the default of 1000) and see how that impacts the test. 3 seconds
>of bloat is pretty bad, and I would like to compare how ABR works at at
>1 second and at 200-300 ms.

Did you re-initiate the pfifo_fast qdisc after changing txqlen? IIRC, it picks 
up the len at init time, and so won't update automatically when you change it...

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Latency Measurements in Speed Test suites

2015-03-30 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Jonathan Morton  writes:

> The number-one desirable feature is to carry on measuring the latency
> while the throughput test is ongoing. This is relevant to anyone who
> wants to make a VoIP call or play an online game while using the
> connection for something else. If you have several people in one
> household, it’s often hard to coordinate their activity to avoid such
> multitasking.

+1 on this!

Otherwise pretty cool test; no plugins and manages to push quite a bit
of data, at least in the upload direction:

Bloat mailing list

[Bloat] The Great Renaming (of netperf-wrapper): Final contenders

2015-04-13 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Hi everyone

The Great Renaming (of netperf-wrapper) has now entered its final phase
(i.e., I have to make a decision now). There's a couple of contenders
for a new name, see below. I'd like some feedback on which you prefer. A
simple "This one!" is fine, but reasoning about why is also appreciated,
of course :)

So, without further ado, the contenders are:

- "ENT: The Extensible Network Tester".
  Possible name clash:

- "Exnett: The EXtensible NETwork Tester"
   Avoids the name clash; the second t is important for this.

- "Flent: The Flexible Network Tester"
  'Flent' is also the sound a bufferbloated network makes when subjected
  to testing :)

- "NetBasher"

For the first three, the abbreviation would probably be the everyday
name, name of the executable, etc, with the expansion added in
descriptions where appropriate.

Please comment by Thursday, as I have a deadline for something that
needs to include the name then...

Thanks in advance! :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] RRUL for netperf (bad hack)

2015-04-18 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
"Eggert, Lars"  writes:

> (I was interested in the delay an application sees on top of a TCP
> stream, which is not something Toke's excellent netperf-wrapper tool
> can currently do, AFAIK.)

You're quite right. If a version of this makes it upstream in netperf,
I'm quite happy to add in a parser for it so it can be used with the
other tests in netperf-wrapper :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] The Great Renaming (of netperf-wrapper): Final contenders

2015-04-18 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Toke Høiland-Jørgensen  writes:

> The Great Renaming (of netperf-wrapper) has now entered its final phase
> (i.e., I have to make a decision now).

Thank you to everyone who chimed in on this, both on and off list!

Netperf-wrapper will henceforth be known as "Flent: The Flexible Network
Tester". Expect a release under the new name (along with a proper
announcement, moving of the source code repository, etc) in the coming
weeks! :)


Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] DSLReports Speed Test has latency measurement built-in

2015-04-19 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
jb  writes:

> The graph below the upload and download is what is new. (unfortunately
> you do have to be logged into the site to see this) it shows the
> latency during the upload and download, color coded. (see attached
> image).

So where is that graph? I only see the regular up- and down graphs.

It shows up for this result, though...

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] DSLReports Speed Test has latency measurement built-in

2015-04-19 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
jb  writes:

> Oh my apologies, I see from your log you are using firefox+linux.

Nope, chromium. The first of the two links is mine. The other one I
pasted from one of the previous mails on the list; and that *does* show
the under-load latency measurements.

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] DSLReports Speed Test has latency measurement built-in

2015-04-19 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
jb  writes:

> But all is ok now, the current test does the latency thing
> irregardless.

Yup, works: -- cool!

So from that it looks like it does the under-load ping to somewhere else
than the nearest endpoint? Also, can you tell what the cause of that
spike just as the upload starts is?

> (Unless you click 3g or GPRS).

Well as someone who likes to break networks, having these measurements
on 3g and GPRS as well would be interesting ;)

What's the reasoning behind turning them off for those?

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] DSLReports Speed Test has latency measurement built-in

2015-04-19 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Toke Høiland-Jørgensen  writes:

> Yup, works: -- cool!

Oh, and here is a test with a FIFO queue and shaping turned off:

The upload latency figures are definitely iffy, but the download ones
seem to match roughly what I've measured myself on this link.

Also, I just noticed the legend on the latency-under-load graph says
"Upoading" :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] DSLReports Speed Test has latency measurement built-in

2015-04-19 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Mikael Abrahamsson  writes:

> On Sun, 19 Apr 2015, Toke Høiland-Jørgensen wrote:
>> The upload latency figures are definitely iffy, but the download ones
>> seem to match roughly what I've measured myself on this link.
> Also, I don't trust parallel latency measures done by for instance
> ICMP ping. Yes, they indicate something, but what?

Why not? They can be a quite useful measure of how competing traffic
performs when bulk flows congest the link. Which for many applications
is more important then the latency experienced by the bulk flow

I do agree, though, that other types of measurements are also needed.
Ideally we should have good latency characteristics for *both* competing
traffic and the bulk flows themselves.

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] DSLReports Speed Test has latency measurement built-in

2015-04-19 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Jonathan Morton  writes:

>> Why not? They can be a quite useful measure of how competing traffic
>> performs when bulk flows congest the link. Which for many
>> applications is more important then the latency experienced by the
>> bulk flow itself.
> One clear objection is that ICMP is often prioritised when UDP is not.
> So measuring with UDP gives a better indication in those cases.
> Measuring with a separate TCP flow, such as HTTPing, is better still
> by some measures, but most truly latency-sensitive traffic does use
> UDP.

Sure, well I tend to do both. Can't recall ever actually seeing any
performance difference between the UDP and ICMP latency measurements,

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] DSLReports Speed Test has latency measurement built-in

2015-04-24 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Sebastian Moeller  writes:

> I know this is not perfect and the numbers will probably require
> severe "bike-shedding”

Since you're literally asking for it... ;)

In this case we're talking about *added* latency. So the ambition should
be zero, or so close to it as to be indiscernible. Furthermore, we know
that proper application of a good queue management algorithm can keep it
pretty close to this. Certainly under 20-30 ms of added latency. So from
this, IMO the 'green' or 'excellent' score should be from zero to 30 ms.

The other increments I have less opinions about, but 100 ms does seem to
be a nice round number, so do yellow from 30-100 ms, then start with the
reds somewhere above that, and range up into the deep red / purple /
black with skulls and fiery death as we go nearer and above one second?

I very much think that raising peoples expectations and being quite
ambitious about what to expect is an important part of this. Of course
the base latency is going to vary, but the added latency shouldn't. And
sine we have the technology to make sure it doesn't, calling out bad
results when we see them is reasonable!

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] DSLReports Speed Test has latency measurement built-in

2015-04-24 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Sebastian Moeller  writes:

>   Oh, I can get behind that easily, I just thought basing the
> limits on externally relevant total latency thresholds would directly
> tell the user which applications might run well on his link. Sure this
> means that people on a satellite link most likely will miss out the
> acceptable voip threshold by their base-latency alone, but guess what
> telephony via satellite leaves something to be desired. That said if
> the alternative is no telephony I would take 1 second one-way delay
> any day ;).

Well I agree that this is relevant information in relation to the total
link latency. But keeping the issues separate has value, I think,
because you can potentially fix your bufferbloat, but increasing the
speed of light to get better base latency on your satellite link is
probably out of scope for now (or at least for a couple of hundred more

>   What I liked about fixed thresholds is that the test would give
> a good indication what kind of uses are going to work well on the link
> under load, given that during load both base and induced latency come
> into play. I agree that 300ms as first threshold is rather unambiguous
> though (and I am certain that remote X11 will require a massively
> lower RTT unless one likes to think of remote desktop as an oil tanker
> simulator ;) )

Oh, I'm all for fixed thresholds! As I said, the goal should be (close
to) zero added latency...

>   Okay so this would turn into:
> base latency to base latency + 30 ms: green
> base latency + 31 ms to base latency + 100 ms:yellow
> base latency + 101 ms to base latency + 200 ms:   orange?
> base latency + 201 ms to base latency + 500 ms:   red
> base latency + 501 ms to base latency + 1000 ms:  fire
> base latency + 1001 ms to infinity:   fire & 
> brimstone
> correct?

Yup, something like that :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] DSLReports Speed Test has latency measurement built-in

2015-04-24 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
jb  writes:

> Ok I think I talked myself around in a complete circle: a buffer is
> only bad IF it increases latency under load. Not because of its size.

Exactly! :)

Some buffering is actually needed to absorb transient bursts. This is
also the reason why smart queue management is needed instead of just
adjusting the size of the buffer (setting aside that you don't always
know which speed to size it for).

> It might explain why these fiber connection tests don't show much
> latency change, because their buffers are really inconsequential at
> those higher speeds?

Well, bufferbloat certainly tends to be *worse* at lower speeds. But it
can occur at gigabit speeds as well. For instance, running two ports
into one on a gigabit switch can add quite a bit of latency.

For some devices, *driving* a fast link can be challenging, though. So
for fibre connections you may not actually bottleneck on the bloated
link, but on the CPU, some other link that's not as bloated as the
access link, etc...

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] bufferbloat effects on throughput

2015-04-27 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Paolo Valente  writes:

> If there are, could anyone please point me to further reading on these
> aspects?

Bufferbloat can definitely adversely affect throughput in some cases.
Mainly because it causes throughput to oscillate: when the queue fills,
a lot of data can be dropped at once, causing throughput to drop, which
takes a while to recover. This can degrade aggregate throughput. Having
smart queueing smoothes out the traffic, so the oscillations are lower
and average throughput thus better.

The effect is most visible when you have several flows sharing a link:
when the (FIFO) queue fills, they will tend to all experience drops at
once, and so all slow down.

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Detecting bufferbloat from outside a node

2015-04-27 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Paolo Valente  writes:

> a network-monitoring company got curious about bufferbloat issues and
> asked me to investigate a little bit the following issue (quite
> interesting in my opinion). Is it possible to detect, from outside a
> node, if the node is bufferbloated? In particular, the only action
> allowed would be to observe the packets entering and leaving the node
> (plus, of course, their timing).

Sure. Just measure the timing when the network is unloaded and compare
it to when it is loaded to capacity. We do that all the time.

The details of course depend on what you define by a 'node', what role
it plays in the network (does it forward or originate packets?), and
what control you have over the traffic flowing through it. :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Detecting bufferbloat from outside a node

2015-04-27 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Paolo Valente  writes:

> I am sorry, but I realized that what I said was incomplete. The main
> cause of my concern is that, from outside the node, we do not know
> whether a VoIP packet departs ad a given time because the application
> wants it to be sent at that time or because it has waited in the
> buffer for a lot of time. Similarly, we do not know how long the VoIP
> application will wait before getting its incoming packets delivered.

No, not unless the application tells you (by, for instance,
timestamping; depending on where in the network stack the timestamp is
applied, you can measure different instances of bloat). Or if you know
that an application is supposed to answer you immediately (as is the
case with a regular 'ping'), you can measure if it does so even when
otherwise loaded.

Of course, you also might not measure anything, if the bottleneck is
elsewhere. But if you can control the conditions well enough, you can
probably avoid this; just be aware of it. In Linux, combating
bufferbloat has been quite the game of whack-a-mole over the last
several years :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Detecting bufferbloat from outside a node

2015-04-27 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Neil Davies  writes:

> You are asking about the epistemology! Good start. The only things you
> can “know” outside the node are the things you can observe. You can
> infer, from the characteristics of the observations, conformance to
> some avowed model of behaviour.

If we're going all philosophy of science on this, I'll add that the nice
thing about networking is that the computers attached to it can give us
some very specific measurements and we can (with care) provoke quite
specific behaviour to reason about the performance. Try asking a
biologist about the interactions between the life cycle of parasitic
species, their hosts and the ecosystem they live in! :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Detecting bufferbloat from outside a node

2015-04-27 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Neil Davies  writes:

> Take a look at, you may find
> as a good starting
> point.

I've seen this referred on the list before (I assume by you ;)), but
haven't really grok'ed it before. I like the delta-Q measure as a way of
thinking about overall network performance; and there's definitely
parallels to thinking about the end-to-end 'latency budget', which I
also find quite instructive (I think I it picked up from Joe Touch at
some point).

How do you deal with the fact that loss and delay can be exchanged for
each other (via retransmissions)?

Also, which publication would you recommend if I'm interested in
specifically how you 'Mathematically model behaviour and delta-Q' as you
mention in that slide set? :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Detecting bufferbloat from outside a node

2015-04-27 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Neil Davies  writes:

> The interesting thing is making all those local decisions add up to a
> (set of) end-to-end outcomes, and the answer is not to make the same
> decision(s) everywhere - unfortunately that doesn’t stack up.

Yes, well, I do also like the E2E principle of not making too many
decisions within the network, instead letting the endpoints sort it out.
For me, the fight against bufferbloat is mostly about restoring the
assumptions that it has eroded (i.e. "packet loss is not to be feared,
but on the contrary is an important indicator that we're hitting
congestion"). I'd really rather prefer the network itself to be fairly

> We have (some level) of control over our “universe of discourse” - my
> joke with my mates at CERN is that they only have one universe to
> investigate, we can create three in one day and still be home in time
> for tea!

Hehe, quite. That is both fascinating and frustrating! :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Detecting bufferbloat from outside a node

2015-04-27 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Neil Davies  writes:

> I don't think that the E2E principle can manage the emerging
> performance hazards that are arising.

Well, probably not entirely (smart queueing certainly has a place). My
worry is, however, that going too far in the other direction will turn
into a Gordian knot of constraints, where anything that doesn't fit into
the preconceived traffic classes is impossible to do something useful

Or, to put it another way, I'd like the network to have exactly as much
intelligence as is needed, but no more. And I'm not sure I trust my ISP
to make that tradeoff... :(

> We've seen this recently in practice: take a look at
> - it is
> based on a real problem we'd encountered.

Well that, and the post linked to from it
is certainly quite the broadside against end-to-end principle. Colour me

> In someways this is just control theory 101 rearing its head... in
> another it is a large technical challenge for internet provision.

It's been bugging me for a while that most control theory analysis (of
AQMs in particular) seems to completely ignore transient behaviour and
jump straight to the steady state.

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] bufferbloat effects on throughput

2015-04-27 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Paolo Valente  writes:

> Thanks. So, if I understood correctly, average throughput may or may
> not be affected, but large throughput fluctuations will always occur
> in the presence of bufferbloat.

I'm always wary of saying 'always', but I'd hazard an 'often' ;)

> Sorry for my usual refrain, but … any pointers to tests, results,
> papers and the like?

Hmm, not sure if there's any papers dealing specifically with this.
However, it's quite easy to provoke this behaviour. Compare, for


The two top graphs on each are throughput (download and upload

For the aggregate behaviour, I had some data on that in my presentation
at the IETF in Hawaii:

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] bufferbloat effects on throughput

2015-04-27 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Paolo Valente  writes:

> One question: how can one be sure (if it is possible) that the
> fluctuation of the throughput of a TCP flow on a given node is caused
> by bufferbloat issues in the node, and not by other factors (such as,
> e.g., systematic drops in some other nodes along the path followed by
> the flow, with the drops possibly even caused by different reasons
> than bufferbloat)?

You can't, and it might. However, if you measure a performance
degradation that goes away when the link is idle, consider that a
hint... :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Detecting bufferbloat from outside a node

2015-04-27 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Neil Davies  writes:

> You'll find the way that ∆Q can be decomposed into basis set of ∆Q|G,
> ∆Q|S and ∆Q|V - helps work out which parts of the budget get eaten up
> by different elements of the network design/architecture.

Right, I got that part. What I'm missing is how you define the actual
measure for ∆Q -- but that is application dependent? E.g. for web sites
it might be load time, for VoIP it might be MOS score?

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Detecting bufferbloat from outside a node

2015-04-27 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Neil Davies  writes:

> Depends on your starting point:

Right, having looked a bit more at this:

>  - if it is "how does this relate to the end user" - look at "the
>  properties and mathematics of data transport quality"

This mentions, on slide 30, an analytical model for predicting (changes
in) ∆Q. Is this Judy Holyer's "A Queueing Theory Model for Real Data
Networks", or does it refer to something else?

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Detecting bufferbloat from outside a node

2015-04-27 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Neil Davies  writes:

> ∆Q is both the concept (quallity attenuation - the fact that delay and
> potential for loss is both conserved and only every increases[1]) and
> for its representation as an improper random variable (one who's CDF
> doesn't necessarily reach one).

Right, got it.

> One of my adages is that "network quality" doesn' t exist - just like
> you can't buy a box of "dark" and make a room dark by opening the box,
> you can't buy a box of "network quality" - delivering quality in
> networks is managing (through bounding) the "quality attenuation"

That much seems obvious. But do you have any analytical models that can
actual predict the magnitude of the quality attenuation for a given
network, say? And if so, are they available somewhere?

Also, some of the documents linked to from your web site seems to allude
to a scheduling algorithm of some sort. Is that available in paper form
(or better, code!) anywhere?

Thanks for your answers, will also take a look at the paper you linked
in your other email. :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] DSLReports Speed Test has latency measurement built-in

2015-04-28 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
David Lang  writes:

> Voice is actually remarkably tolerant of pure latency. While 60ms of
> jitter makes a connection almost unusalbe, a few hundred ms of
> consistant latency isn't a problem. IIRC (from my college days when
> ATM was the new, hot technology) you have to get up to around a second
> of latency before pure-consistant latency starts to break things.

Well isn't that more a case of "the human brain will compensate for the
latency". Sure, you *can* talk to someone with half a second of delay,
but it's bloody *annoying*. :P

That, for me, is the main reason to go with lower figures. I don't want
to just be able to physically talk with someone without the codec
breaking, I want to be able to *enjoy* the experience and not be totally
exhausted by latency fatigue afterwards.

One of the things that really struck a chord with me was hearing the
people from the LoLa project
talk about how using their big fancy concert video conferencing system
to just talk to each other, it was like having a real face-to-face
conversation with none of the annoyances of regular video chat.

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] the dslreports png

2015-04-28 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
jb  writes:

> I agree! but I don't want to rush. What latency should substitute? average?
> median? latency during upload? download? both? should it be the excess over
> idle ping, expressed as a multiplier? an absolute value?

A range? So keep the base ping, but add a "bloat" value underneath it
(colour-coded as appropriate)?

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] DSLReports Speed Test has latency measurement built-in

2015-05-06 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Jonathan Morton  writes:

> Compare these totals to twice the ITU benchmark figures, rate
> accordingly, and plot on a map.

A nice way of visualising this can be 'radius of reach within n
milliseconds'. Or, 'number of people reachable within n ms'. This paper
uses that (or something very similar) to visualise the benefits of
speed-of-light internet:

That same paper uses 30 ms as an 'instant response' number, btw, citing

Bloat mailing list

[Bloat] Announcing Flent (formerly netperf-wrapper) v0.10.0

2015-05-24 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Hi everyone

This is to announce version 0.10.0 of Flent: The FLExible Network Tester
(formerly netperf-wrapper).

This is the first release under the new name: I'm hoping not too much
broke in the transition. A list of changes since v0.9.1 is included

To install the release, use `pip install flent`. Arch Linux users can
install through the AUR. Pre-built packages for Debian and Ubuntu are
available from the Open Build Service at

Please report any bugs through Github at


List of changes sine v0.9.1:

- Package installation should now work through `pip` on most platforms.
  In addition, two binaries are now installed: `flent` and `flent-gui`.
  The latter will launch the GUI directly (corresponding to passing
  --gui to the normal `flent` binary).

- The file format has changed. It now uses the .flnt extension and is
  bzip'ed instead of gzip'ed. In addition, raw data as parsed from the
  underlying test tools is now always included, but it has been moved
  outside the 'metadata' key and resides under its own top-level key
  ('raw_values') in the json object. Finally, the file format is now
  explicitly versioned, and a compatibility layer has been added so
  Flent will still load the old .json.gz files.

- Test runners can now depend on each other, so one test tool can be
  made to run when another finishes. In addition, a 'watchdog' feature
  has been introduced to the runners, so one runner exiting can trigger
  forceful kill of (an)other runner(s). This can be used along with the
  new 'timer' runner to enforce a maximum duration of tests, but can
  also be used with an external script to exit on arbitrary events; for
  instance when a bandwidth quota is used up.

- Flent should now better handle unicode output from test tools under
  different locales. Fixes bugs on OSX in particular, where output from
  the `ping` binary can be non-ASCII.

- Flent no longer crashes on broken pipe for text-based output
  formatters. Allows doing things like `flent -o csv | head` without

- A couple of new tests has been added: `rrul_50_down`, `rrul_100_up`
  and `dslreports_8dn`.

- A --swap-up-down parameter has been added to swap the meaning of "up"
  and "down" when running tests.

- Various bug fixes.

This release announcement is also available on Github:

Description: PGP signature
Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Announcing Flent (formerly netperf-wrapper) v0.10.0

2015-05-24 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Dave Taht  writes:

> This contained the never-merged (some licencing issues) web based
> parser for the data.

The main reason (apart from licensing issues) that it was never merged
was that I don't want to maintain two plotting implementations within
Flent itself. So the possible scenarios for a web-based viewer are, as I
see it, roughly:

1. Leverage the existing matplotlib plotting implementation to produce
   javascript plots. This is issue #27
   ( and depends on how well
   the mpl-to-d3 library works in practice.

2. Replace the whole plotting implementation with a javascript-based
   one, and serve that from within Flent itself.

3. Have an entirely separate web viewer implementation.

Which scenario that works best will probably to a large extent depend on
the actual use case this mystical beast is supposed to support. Which I
don't believe has been articulated properly...

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Announcing Flent (formerly netperf-wrapper) v0.10.0

2015-05-24 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Dave Taht  writes:

> well,1) we need a flent-devel mailing list... no need to have this
> discussion so widely here..

Yup, will try to set one up soonish. ENOTIME so far.

> I agree that *you* do not want to maintain two plotting
> implementations inside flent. But:
> I am hugely in favor of various implementations of stuff that can read
> the file format and do various (new and interesting) things with it.
> The number of python-matplotlib capable developers is small. The
> number of javascript capable developers (and web based plotting tools)
> is huge. Other means of dealing with the data (postgres json) are also
> needed.

Oh, sure, quite happy with more implementations. That was option 3.
However, until someone actually starts working on such an implementation
this is all hypothetical. I'm happy to discuss interoperability issues
when such an implementation actually materialises :)

> So the json.gz file format WAS readable and translatable by many web
> servers and browsers, flent is not (so far as I know, even with adding
> a mime type.)

Yes, but .json.gz also makes it hard to distinguish from other random
gzip'ed json data. I'd rather have a separate file extension for offline
storage, and then solve the web problem as a separate problem, which as
far as I'm concerned is orthogonal to the encoding of the files on disk.
The important thing is the structure of the JSON object, not which
compression format and file extension it is stored in.

> I liked the original web based prototype, it needed a db back end, but
> it seemed like a promising start.

And odds are that db back end is going to store the JSON object in its
own encoding anyway, hence rendering this whole discussion moot... :)

> I don't have a lot of hope for the canvas approach, personally. Too
> many abstractions.

Yeah, I'm sceptical, but willing to give it the benefit of the doubt if
it means I have to write less code...

> Personally what I most prefer is that the "expert" implementation be
> blazing fast!

Yes, well, matplotlib is not exactly a cheetah...

Bloat mailing list

[Bloat] Announcing Flent v0.11.0

2015-05-25 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Hey everyone

So, yesterday's release of Flent uncovered a couple of issues. True to
the 'release early, release often' principle, I have released a new
version 0.11.0 that fixes these. Please use this version rather than

As before, Flent can be installed via pip by issuing `pip install flent`,
or on Arch Linux through the Aur. Pre-built packages are available for
Debian and Ubuntu at

The issues discovered after the release of v0.10.0 which are fixed in
this release are:

- The file format extension has changed to `.flent` as plain-text JSON
  files, with optional compression as `.flent.gz` and `.flent.bz2`. The
  default output is `.flent.gz`.

- Data files are no longer written to the current working directory by
  default. Instead, they are written to the system TMPDIR. A new switch,
  `-D` controls the location of the data files. Run with `-D .` to
  retain the old behaviour. This can also be set from the rcfile to have
  a default directory to store all data files.

- Name clash issues in the Debian packaging preventing the `flent`
  binary from working has been fixed.

- The `notsent_lowat`, `limit_output_bytes` and `timestamps` sysctl
  settings are now captured as part of the extended metadata.

As always, please report issues to Github:

Bloat mailing list

[Bloat] Flent now has its own mailing lists (and web site!)

2015-06-02 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Hi everyone

Flent (The FLExible Network Tester, formerly netperf-wrapper) now has
its own mailing lists. See for the web interface
and subscription options. This is running on mailman3, so fairly
bleeding edge with a few rough spots, but should generally work.

This means that I'll stop posting announcements on these lists, so if
you want to continue to be notified of new releases, please subscribe to
flent-announce. And of course, feel free to use the -devel and -users
lists as well!

The lists are also available on Gmane as{announce,devel,users}.

Flent now also has its own web site at - and the
documentation (i.e. the man page) has been reformatted for the web so
should now hopefully be more accessible. This documentation is also in
the source code repository in the doc/ directory - contributions very

Hope to see you on the Flent list(s)! :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] AQM and PPP on Linux

2015-07-28 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Juliusz Chroboczek  writes:

> I'm currently away from home, and using a 3G modem for Internet
> access. I've found out that both NetworkManager and wvdial/pppd setup
> the interface to use pfifo_fast (with a qlen of a mere 3 packets!).
> Setting fq_codel manually appears to work fine, but needs to be redone
> every time the modem has a hiccup.

I don't think NetworkManager does anything to set qdiscs. The kernel
simple sets pfifo_fast if not told otherwise (but see below).

> Is that the expected behaviour? Shouldn't we be pushing patches
> somewhere to change the default?

What distro are you on?

There's a sysctl to set the default qdisc: net.core.default_qdisc. Set
this to fq_codel and you should be good to go. This is becoming the
default in more and more distros (currently at least Arch and Fedora;
and OpenWrt has been patching out pfifo_fast entirely for a while).

There's a bug for Ubuntu here: -- feel
free to bug them :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] AQM and PPP on Linux

2015-07-28 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Juliusz Chroboczek  writes:

>> What distro are you on?
> Debian.  (One machine stable, one testing.)

Right. Don't know if there's already an effort to convince the Debian
devs to switch the default...

>> Set this to fq_codel and you should be good to go.
> Is that safe?  I'm thinking lo and virtual interfaces.

Why wouldn't it be? The lo interface doesn't have a queue at all AFAIK.
And if you have congestion at your virtual interfaces wouldn't you want
it de-bloated? :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Fwd: Did *bufferbloat* cause the 2010 flashcrash?

2015-08-07 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Mikael Abrahamsson  writes:

> On Fri, 7 Aug 2015, Steinar H. Gunderson wrote:
>> [1] For the purposes of the question, the “BitTorrent problem” is when you 
>> and
>> I are on the same network, and your 200+ BitTorrent upload sessions makes it
>> impossible for me to upload my single cat video to YouTube.
> Isn't this dependent on the upload speed? I would imagine that if it's 5-10
> megabit/s, then using Codel or similar technique that doesn't allow the buffer
> to grow to hundreds of milliseconds, would improve things a lot?
> For a 500 kilobit/s link, I'm not sure even that would work...?

There are two separate issues: 

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Fwd: Did *bufferbloat* cause the 2010 flashcrash?

2015-08-07 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Toke Høiland-Jørgensen  writes:

>>> [1] For the purposes of the question, the “BitTorrent problem” is when you 
>>> and
>>> I are on the same network, and your 200+ BitTorrent upload sessions makes it
>>> impossible for me to upload my single cat video to YouTube.
>> Isn't this dependent on the upload speed? I would imagine that if it's 5-10
>> megabit/s, then using Codel or similar technique that doesn't allow the 
>> buffer
>> to grow to hundreds of milliseconds, would improve things a lot?
>> For a 500 kilobit/s link, I'm not sure even that would work...?
> There are two separate issues: 

(three if you count me hitting send too soon...)

1. When you turn on bittorrent, everything becomes unbearably slow
   because you have huge amounts of bloat. I.e. web browsing doesn't
   work, your voice calls drop, etc. fq_codel solves this pretty nicely
   (I don't even notice when bittorent is on anymore).

2. Bandwidth sharing between bittorrent and other protocols. Bittorrent
   uses utp to try to be a scavenger that will back off and not use
   bandwidth if other traffic needs it. fq_codel breaks this by
   isolating flows and taking away the signal utp uses to back off.
   Diffserv with a suitable scheduler (cake, for instance) can fix this
   if the bittorrent client is configured correctly; or you could use
   deep(er) packet inspection to try to figure out which traffic is
   bittorent. But we don't have a shrinkwrap solution to this presently,

I believe the cat video upload falls into category 2.

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Fwd: Did *bufferbloat* cause the 2010 flashcrash?

2015-08-07 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
"Steinar H. Gunderson"  writes:

> On Fri, Aug 07, 2015 at 04:43:19PM +0200, Sebastian Moeller wrote:
>>> switching to IP-level fairness makes life hard for the torrent
>>> user (not that it seems to even exist in fq_codel;
>>  fq_codel does not care as far as I know one can specify different
>>  hashing schemes (expect I have not tried it myself so that might not
>>  work).
> How? I've searched for it, I've checked the documentation, I've looked for it
> in the code. What am I missing?

The mechanism is not specific to fq_codel, it's a tc thing. You can
attach arbitrary tc filters which fq_codel will then use as a
classifier. has
some (fairly old) information on this, but I've never tried it in
practice with fq_codel so can't give you any more specific pointers.

An alternative, of course, is to try out cake. Jonathan did a
presentation on it at Battlemesh yesterday, which also has instructions
on how to obtain it:

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] how to submit your signatures for the cerowrt letter to the fcc

2015-09-29 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Dave Taht  writes:

> If someone can roll a web form, all the better.

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Last call for signatures to the FCC on the wifi lockdown issue

2015-10-09 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
David Collier-Brown  writes:

> I just voted for Dave's slashdot posting: anyone else with karma, go to
> and hit the "+" button to vote for it.

Reddit post:
-- feel free to upvote! :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Difference between codel and fq_codel?

2016-02-03 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
John Klimek  writes:

> I'm currently using pfaense which only supports codel and not
> fq_codel. Is there a big difference between them? Is it worth looking
> into using a different router?

Yes, and quite possibly. :)

Basically, Codel drops packets to try to keep queues small. This works
reasonably well. However, what FQ-CoDel adds is flow isolation and
priority for sparse flows, which is what in most cases gets rid of
almost all of the added latency under load.

For a (much) longer version of the above, see this: -- In
particular, figure 2 shows the performance of a bunch of different
algorithms, including CoDel and FQ-CoDel :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] review: Deployment of RITE mechanisms, in use-case trial testbeds report part 1

2016-02-28 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Alan Jenkins  writes:

> I wouldn't complain that I can't sustain 2056Kbps goodput when my fair
> share of the shaped bandwidth is 2000Kbps.  The results might be
> showing a significant degradation, or it could be a marginal one that
> pushes over the boundary (between the 2056k and 1427k encodes).  Which
> of those conclusions you start from might be influenced by whether
> you're developing a different AQM, hmm.

Exactly. And note how they just so happen to pick 11 total flows (10
competing, one video) to share the bottleneck, putting the per-flow
throughput just below the rate needed to go up one quality level. What a
coincidence. At least it shows how difficult it is to design experiments
that put fairness queueing in a bad light ;)

Oh, and of course HAS is in itself a hack to work around badly managed
queues in the network. In a nicely fairness queued world, we could do
away with HAS entirely and just, y'know, stream things at the desired

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] review: Deployment of RITE mechanisms, in use-case trial testbeds report part 1

2016-02-28 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Alan Jenkins  writes:

>> Exactly. And note how they just so happen to pick 11 total flows (10
>> competing, one video) to share the bottleneck, putting the per-flow
>> throughput just below the rate needed to go up one quality level. What a
>> coincidence. At least it shows how difficult it is to design experiments
>> that put fairness queueing in a bad light ;)

> Ug. I try not to assume malice. It does indeed come across as
> motivated absence of curiosity.

Oh, didn't necessarily mean it was malicious. Can totally picture the
discussion landing on 10 competing flows (a nice round number). However,
it does just so happen to result in there being a bit too little
bandwidth for the 2Mbps video flow...

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] review: Deployment of RITE mechanisms, in use-case trial testbeds report part 1

2016-02-28 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Juliusz Chroboczek  writes:

>>> Oh, and of course HAS is in itself a hack to work around badly managed
>>> queues in the network. In a nicely fairness queued world, we could do
>>> away with HAS entirely and just, y'know, stream things at the desired
>>> rate...
> Perhaps I'm missing something -- how do you to pick the right rate for
> a given user?

Congestion control? With something like fairness queueing that keeps
bandwidth very stable at the fair share, you could conceivably get away
with a much shallower playback buffer in the application and stream at
something very close to real time, rather than using the chunk-based
retrieval of HAS.

However, that remark was mostly meant to be tongue-in-cheek... not sure
if there exists any really good congestion control algorithms for
real-time video.

Bloat mailing list

[Bloat] M-Lab hit by performance degradation caused by TCP micro-bursts

2016-05-25 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Seems their switches were overwhelmed by simultaneous line-rate
micro-bursts from several servers connected to it. There's a nice report
on the issue and their mitigation here:

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] is sorely missed.

2016-06-10 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant  writes:

> Possibly/probably as a result of CAKE getting into LEDE I note a few people
> saying '' is down.  This is unfortunate just at a time when a
> hoped for uptick in interest factor may well be upon us.  Interest has been
> expressed in

I'm working on converting the old wiki and issue pages to a static site.
Got some of the way, but a bit more to be done. Will take another stab
at it over the weekend.

> In the shorter term, to satisfy some sort of interest, would it be possible to
> point at an archive of the site?  I know not how this could be done.

The Wayback Machine is your friend:

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] is sorely missed.

2016-06-11 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Rich Brown  writes:

> Thanks for taking on the revival of the bufferbloat site. 

Okay, updated the conversion to preserve the directory structure.
Current version is here: The
overview pages and index are somewhat lacking at the moment, but the
wiki pages are there at the same relative URLs as on the old site.

I can update the DNS to point at that server and have old links start
working again; if no one objects, I'll do that later today.

There's a github repo with the contents linked from the above link; pull
requests welcome if anyone wants to contribute to improving things :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] is sorely missed.

2016-06-11 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Dave Taht  writes:

>> Okay, updated the conversion to preserve the directory structure.
>> Current version is here: The
> I get a 404 on that right now across the board...

Was moving things around and hadn't set up a redirect yet. Should work
now, and the server also answers to I did an
nsupdate, but the linode nameservers don't seem to have picked it up
yet. Not sure how to poke them to do so.

>> overview pages and index are somewhat lacking at the moment, but the
>> wiki pages are there at the same relative URLs as on the old site.
> Having the original data available to those willing to work on fixing
> it would be useful, I was reluctant to share the sql dump widely due
> to passwords being in it. Can more of the sql dump land somewhere? Do
> you have other conversion scripts lying around?

This is all in the github repo in the export/ dir - both scripts and csv
files. Did another export from the database, merging several tables with
the information needed for the wiki. There's also an export of the
attachments which I haven't done anything with yet.

> (I used pandoc to convert from textile to markdown originally plus a
> few sed scripts)

Yes, mine are python scripts that also run pandoc.

>> I can update the DNS to point at that server and have old links start
>> working again; if no one objects, I'll do that later today.
> Well, to save on cost and improve bandwidth I'd rather it moved to the
> web server is on. (and ultimately a cdn). I was
> reluctant to move it there because the redmine integration was
> failing, but for a static web site, no problem.

Have no objections to moving it once we hit something a bit more stable;
but for now, having it on my own server allows me to iterate quicker.
It's at my uni on a gbit link, so should be fine (famous last words).

Having several mirrors and sticking all the addresses in DNS would also
be a way to do things, if we can make sure they all update from git
regularly. Figure these things can be sorted out once we get the
conversion itself done and have it go into maintenance mode (where we
actually take pull requests for the *content*). :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] is sorely missed.

2016-06-11 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Toke Høiland-Jørgensen  writes:

> I did an nsupdate, but the linode nameservers don't seem to have
> picked it up yet. Not sure how to poke them to do so.

Ah, they seem to be switching over now...

Bloat mailing list

[Bloat] Revival of the site

2016-06-11 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
So, I finished the conversion of the wiki page to a
static version build with the Hugo site generator. The DNS updates are
almost finished propagating, which means that the new site should be
available soon. If your DNS has not updated yet, you can access it by
this URL:

The conversion includes the wiki pages of the bloat, cerowrt, codel and
make-wifi-fast projects in the old redmine installation. It should be
fairly complete as far as these parts are concerned, and the old links
should start working as the DNS update propagation finishes.

Now, there are still some rough patches on the conversion. I plan to
convert over the attachments to the wiki pages and the news items from
the old site. I am also thinking that having the old issue pages
available might be good, but haven't been able to figure out exactly how
redmine stores them (database model here:

The source files for the site are available on github: -- if anyone wants to help
out, filing issues with the new site would be a way to do that. Once I'm
satisfied that the conversion scripts have done their job I figure we
can also start improving the content itself by pull requests to the
markdown source files; but I'd advise people to hold off on this until
the risk of everything being overridden by another run of the conversion
script is not so imminent ;)

Oh, and I am aware that the ssl certificate is wrong right now. As soon
as the letsencrypt servers start seeing the new DNS information I'll put
in a working cert. In the meantime, access the site via plain http, or
add an exception for the current cert.

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] is sorely missed/Now it's back!

2016-06-11 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Rich Brown  writes:

> The new site just went live here in the shrubs of New Hampshire, USA.
> (It wasn't working ~10 minutes ago.)

Awesome! The letsencrypt servers seem to have picked up the change too,
so there's now a cert in place and non-https redirects to serve via

> WOW! This is a wonderful piece of work! It manages to regain most of
> the structure of the separate parts of the Redmine system.

Thanks! Yeah, tried to keep the structure from the Redmine install. The
only thing that may not be too obvious from the git repo is that the
static site uses the /project prefix as its root. This is to take
advantage of the built-in 'section' functionality of Hugo. The Hugo
output is simply put in a subfolder on the server, and I configured it
to redirect / to /projects.

> I just forked the repo and will start looking for places to make it
> better. Thanks!

Awesome! Will update the README with a few pointers on how it's
structured (unless you beat me to it ;)).

> PS I will leave my placeholder site up in case anyone wants
> to go back via the Wayback Machine.

Cool. Also added the 404 helper to the 404 page for the new
site :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] Revival of the site

2016-06-12 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Toke Høiland-Jørgensen  writes:

> Now, there are still some rough patches on the conversion. I plan to
> convert over the attachments to the wiki pages and the news items from
> the old site. I am also thinking that having the old issue pages
> available might be good,

I have now finished converting attachments, news items and issues from
the old site. As far as I'm concerned the conversion is now 'good
enough', which means that hopefully the conversion scripts don't need to
be re-run.

Which means that the ball is now open for actually improving the
content. Going through the old pages, seeing what is broken and filing
issues and/or pull requests. I've already started:

I figure that if there's going to be a lot of activity on this that we
can setup some kind of automatic building and updating of the live site.
For now, I'll do it manually.

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] - Organizing, curating, and workflow

2016-06-12 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Rich Brown  writes:

> Thanks again to Toke for all this good work. It's terrific to see the
> pages resurrected, and to have the site living
> again.

You're welcome! Just glad it's being appreciated ;)

> I've been thinking of the next steps - to make all this work really useful. I 
> see there are three important issues:
> Organizing: Thinking about the best way to display the current information:
>   - Should Cake be listed as a top-level project?

No opinion.

>   - Is there a way to display newest entries? I'd like to see a
>   sidebar element showing the 5 newest posts

Yes, certainly. Was thinking of putting a list of newest news items on
the front page. However, for the wiki pages it is not necessarily
obvious that having a notion of 'newest' is useful.

>   - Can an RSS feed be generated automatically?

Yes, but see above.

> Curating: The current site makes it seem as if all pages are equally 
> important. I feel the urge to do the following:
>   - Categorizing the "List of Wiki Pages" for a project (e.g., 
> ) 
>   so there's a sense of their importance

A way to do this would be to update the 'index' wiki pages to be more
useful (e.g. and
keep the overview pages as a 'complete' list. However, it's certainly
also possible to mark some of the pages as 'important' and have those
show up on top of the list.

>   - Discard old/outdated/useless articles

Yes, this is probably needed. And also fixing broken links (see the
issue I opened for this on github).

> Workflow:
>   - Rules for making posts: Who can make them? How do they get
>   published?

Well, it's a git repo. I figure anyone can do pull requests.

>   - Auto-publish - if it's not already happening, could we
>   re-render and publish after a commit?

Yes, that is certainly possible. For now I figure I'll do it manually
(it's just re-running a script), but if we get enough activity that that
becomes a bottleneck, I can certainly set up something automated.

>   - I see the 404 handler in place, but it doesn't seem to show a
>   link to

It includes a javascript from which *should* show a link if
(and only if) an archived version exists. Haven't verified that it
actually works.

>   - Is there a way to do page redirection? It looks as if Toke has done a 
> great job of replicating
>   URLs in the new site, but if we see frequent broken
>   links, is there a way to redirect a page to its
>   equivalent on the new site?

Yes. This is already used for news items and issues.

>   - Should we add a Google search box on 404 page? On every page?

Not sure what it takes to do this properly, and if it's worth the

>   - Would it make sense to review error logs from time to time?

Possible. Split out the logs to a separate file; can provide it if
someone wants to go digging. Or I can just parse out a list of 404
errors from time to time.

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] - Organizing, curating, and workflow

2016-06-12 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
moeller0  writes:

> So how do I contribute changes to existing pages? The cake page has
> some inaccuracies regarding VDSL2 encapsulation that I would like to
> fix…

Clone the repo at, make
changes to the right markdown file and submit a pull request with the
change :)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] - Organizing, curating, and workflow

2016-06-12 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
moeller0  writes:

>> Clone the repo at, make
>> changes to the right markdown file and submit a pull request with the
>> change :)
>   Thanks, I just saw this information is also on the bottom of the
>   entry page, sorry for not looking more closely…

If you missed it, it's probably not visible enough... ;)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] - Organizing, curating, and workflow

2016-06-12 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Dave Taht  writes:

>> Clone the repo at, make
>> changes to the right markdown file and submit a pull request with the
>> change :)
> Arguably it will be faster as expertise is gained to allow more (most
> or all) of the core authors direct access to the primary github repo,
> and autopublication is possible with a post-push hook.

No objection to that :)

> One of the big "fixes" inherent in this design is that hugo supports a
> "draft" concept, where stuff can be iterated on inside of git by one
> or more parties before it makes it to the public web. I have a problem
> in that I'm always working on 6 things at once and have had a tendency
> to realize "oh, that's a topic that needs more work", and yet never
> get around to fleshing out that topic, in part, because I forget it's
> essentially a broken link.

Well, isn't the idea of a Wiki that you just publish the draft, and it's
always a work in progress? ;)

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] is sorely missed/Now it's back!

2016-06-13 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant  writes:

> Thank you to all involved in getting that sorted out. I don't know how
> you did it, it's magic to me, fantastic result and very much
> appreciated.

Thanks! :)

The 'how' is simply: Python! Available here for your perusal:

Obligatory XKCD:

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] - Organizing, curating, and workflow

2016-06-13 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Rich Brown  writes:

> Good comments all... Let me preface these responses by saying that I'm
> willing to help out, but don't want to get in the way of the rapid
> progress being made.
> Toke: Let us know when you think you're done with major
> reorganizations...

Awesome. I think I'm done with most of the reorganisation stuff now, and
am happy to let other people go nuts :)

> I also want to see if there's consensus about when and how to make
> updates, so that we're not stepping on toes. TL;DR questions:
> - Do we only want to use pull requests, or should core authors have
> edit access to github?

Quite happy to give out push access. Only caveat is that there needs to
be an understanding that updates should be tested and if someone breaks
something it is going to break on the live site. However, I figure the
people involved here knows how to deal with that ;)

> - Or do we use the 'draft' facility? (How?)

My thought was that for most things (like news articles, etc), just
writing it up and pushing it 'live' is the right thing to do. But there
may be cases where several people want to explicitly collaborate on,
say, a news article before it is published, in which case the draft
facility can be a way to use the git repo to do this. Using branches
would be another.

>>> - Is there a way to display newest entries? I'd like to see a
>>> sidebar element showing the 5 newest posts
>> Yes, certainly. Was thinking of putting a list of newest news items on
>> the front page. However, for the wiki pages it is not necessarily
>> obvious that having a notion of 'newest' is useful.
> I see the (new) News column on the home page. The content is right,
> but it takes too much space on the page. Maybe there could be a box
> above the "Find us elsewhere" panel that just had news article
> titles...

Hmm, I do tend to use fairly wide monitors. Can certainly move it if it
takes up too much space. Feel free to play around with it :)

> Random updates to the wiki pages wouldn't need to be mentioned. But if
> there's a new topic added, maybe we should publish a corresponding
> News item to call it out.

I think it's possible to do a 'new items' feed that uses only initial
publication date as the sort key; which would make new wiki pages show
up as well, but not edits of old ones.

>>> - Can an RSS feed be generated automatically?
>> Yes, but see above.
> I wonder whether an RSS icon could go in the heading of the News
> panel...

Sure. Just link it to /projects/index.xml - there's already a  in the header.

>> Yes, this is probably needed. And also fixing broken links (see the
>> issue I opened for this on github).
> I figure that members of this group can take on sections as the spirit
> moves them.

That was my hope ;)

> I suspect bigger experiments should be done as PR's (especially if we
> figure out how to use pages to display the new form of the
> site from our own repos...)

Yeah. For local experiments, running 'hugo serve' is all you need. For
things that need review, just publishing the files somewhere is all that
is needed. If we end up needing to have a long string of review on some
new feature (say), it is also possible to host automatic builds from
other branches at some other location.

>>> - Auto-publish - if it's not already happening, could we
>>> re-render and publish after a commit?
>> Yes, that is certainly possible. For now I figure I'll do it manually
>> (it's just re-running a script), but if we get enough activity that that
>> becomes a bottleneck, I can certainly set up something automated.
> Cool! It looks as if you added code to do that. Is it operational?

Yup. Had some more time last night and set it up. It will automatically
pull and build from the master branch whenever it changes. Takes less
than a minute from push to live update :)

>> It includes a javascript from which *should* show a link if
>> (and only if) an archived version exists. Haven't verified that it
>> actually works.
> Ahah! I think this is going to be hard to test - Toke has done too
> good a job of matching Hugo URLs to the old Redmine URLs... :-)
> I did fire up LinkChecker on the site, and it found a few bad URLs.
> I'll send a separate message about it.

Saw that in the logs. I am including a filtered error log below, listing
the wiki URLs that seem to be missing.

>> Possible. Split out the logs to a separate file; can provide it if
>> someone wants to go digging. Or I can just parse out a list of 404
>> errors from time to time.
> I know how to add Google Search, and can take it on after other stuff
> has settled.


> Given the good match between new and old URLs, we might only need a
> one-time survey of error.log files to see if there's major traffic to
> a particular "lost" page.

See list below.


$ grep 404 /var/log/nginx/bufferbloat.access.log | awk '{print $7}' | sort | 
uniq | grep wiki | egrep -v 'annotate|history|diff|edit|

Re: [Bloat] - Organizing, curating, and workflow

2016-06-13 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Dave Taht  writes:

> On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 10:49 AM, Rich Brown  wrote:
>> To all the Bufferbloaters out there...
>> Thanks again to Toke for all this good work. It's terrific to see the pages
>> resurrected, and to have the site living again.
> And it's fast - even half a planet away. I am still looking around at
> various cdn technologies

I played around with using cloudfare through amazon for my blog at some
point; for static pages you can get it to pull from an S3 bucket.
Syncing to that is fairly straight forward.

I gave up on the effort at the time because I botched the SSL cert setup
(cloudfare only accepts up to 2048 bits, and this was pre-letsencrypt,
so getting a new one once issued was non-trivial), and because the
propagation delay for changes was too high.

We can certainly stick it in a CDN if you find something that works
well, but for now at least I'd call that a premature optimisation.

I did configure the web server to do most of the obvious speed
optimisations (for instance, everything will be statically compressed on
build, so the server basically just has to do sendfile() on the right
file on request).

> Definately agree it would be good to track what people have been using
> as inbound links, on plain access also. People kept linking to the
> oddest parts of the site...

I can have the server generate awstats reports for the site
( - these include the most common inbound
referrers and most common 404 pages. Not sure if they should be public,
though. Don't *think* they usually contain sensitive content (given that
the whole site is public, anyway). But I could be wrong; thoughts?

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] & LinkChecker

2016-06-13 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Rich Brown  writes:

> I have pasted the resulting CSV file at:

Cool. Now someone just needs to go fix all those ;)

I note that I have other stuff to attend to, so I am not expecting to do
more work on the site for the time being. So don't be shy, go fix stuff
(that goes for everyone, not you in particular). I'll be happy to review
pull requests and/or assist with explaining some of the ways I've had to
wrangle Hugo to get it to do stuff the way I wanted it to, as needed.

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] ultrafast broadband conference june 27-30

2016-06-18 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Jan Ceuleers  writes:

> Either you perceive the problem to be located in the link technology
> (i.e. DSL generally or only specific flavours of it). If this is the
> case what needs to be fixed is the standard so that implementations
> thereof will improve.
> Or else you perceive the problem to be located in the CPE that implement
> DSL, but in the layer above the DSL link layer. In this case what needs
> to be fixed is those implementations, probably starting by the reference
> firmware written by chipset vendors.
> I think it's the latter. If it's the former then indeed don't hold your
> breath because the standardisation is done and dusted.

It is indeed the latter. However, it is correlated with DSL technology
because the equipment tend to be using binary blobs for drivers that
themselves have huge buffers; so even if the device is running Linux,
sticking FQ-CoDel on it doesn't do much good without a software rate
limiter. And also, most devices are owned by the ISP, so the consumer
can't upgrade them anyway.

So while it is nothing inherent in the technology per se, in practice it
is a fairly safe bet to say "ah, you're on DSL? Well, you are probably
suffering from bufferbloat, then".

I know of at least one DSL vendor who supposedly has started paying
attention after pressure from a clueful ISP; not idea if they started
shipping non-bloated products yet.

Bloat mailing list

Re: [Bloat] ultrafast broadband conference june 27-30

2016-06-18 Thread Toke Høiland-Jørgensen
Jan Ceuleers  writes:

> On 18/06/16 12:51, Toke Høiland-Jørgensen wrote:
>> I know of at least one DSL vendor who supposedly has started paying
>> attention after pressure from a clueful ISP; not idea if they started
>> shipping non-bloated products yet.
> Got it.
> To get more ISPs interested in this subject we need to get Ookla to take
> account of bufferbloat. So long as and the Ookla servers
> many ISPs have in their labs ignore latency under load there will not be
> any pressure on the CPE industry to clean up its act.

Yup. Unfortunately we've had no luck thus far. is an alternative speedtest that
does include bufferbloat scores.

Bloat mailing list

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