[boost] Re: Updated Boost.Random to TR proposal

2003-07-08 Thread Joe Gottman

"David Abrahams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message >
> Neal,
> I don't think Jens has had much time for this stuff and now that the
> proposal is accepted most of the discussion has been taking place on
> the committee standard libraries reflector.  I suggest you post your
> questions there.

   Could you post a web address for the committee standard libraries
reflector?  I'd be interested in reading some of their comments, if they are
open to the public.

Joe Gottman

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[boost] Re: Interest in multiindex_set?(again)

2003-07-08 Thread Jeremy Maitin-Shepard
Joaquín Mª López Muñoz wrote:

> If we forget about the namespace name, then I have no objections against
> indexed_set (though std::sets are indexed by nature, but this is 
probably not
> a common perception between users).
> I thought long and hard about name candidates and come up with none 
> multiindex_set.
> If no one says anything against it, I'll change it to indexed_set. 
The problem
> remains
> of how to name its associated namespace.

How about indexed_table?  This container is *not* a set, since there can 
be duplicates, but it *does* resemble a relational database table.

Then it can be defined in namespace boost::table, and additionally 
promoted to namespace boost.

>> I don't see any acceptable (non-invasive) way to implement marking 
only one
>> class. But the unique/non_unique two template approach seems perfectly
>> acceptable. You could even argue that it forces the user to consciously
>> make  the critical unique/non_unique decision for each index, so may 
>> user error.
> I agree with you. The all-predicates-are-marked approach is even 
better in the
> light
> of future change

Actually, using partial specialization, you can avoid re-specifying the 
default/unique.  multiple would possibly be a better name than 
non_unique.  Additionally, I would recommend allowing a specification of 
the default "uniqueness" of the indices.

> (I plan to add hash indices sometime by the end of 2003).

A policy-based approach seems the best way to support different types of 
indices.  Currently, I am working on a policy-based equivalent to this 
class which will support an "ordered" (binary search tree-based) index 
and an "unordered" (hash-table-based) index, as well as any user-defined 
index policies (which would allow a different hash table or tree 
implementation).  This should be completed within a week or two.

> I don't think it is a question of how smartly update() is coded, but an
> actual conceptual impossibility. If we are to provide strong 
> then no fail or throw is permitted after the element has changed its 
> So, there are three scenarios:
> 1. Updating can possibly fail (because of collision with some other 
element) or
> reorder the updated element: no other soluction but to incur a copy 
of the
> element, as the actual updating has to take place *after* the 
reordering is
> done.

It seems the best behavior in the case of a collision is to delete the 
old element with which there is a collision.  This would be consistent 
with the semantics of insert.

Instead of an update method, a modify method that takes an iterator and 
a one-argument (a reference to value_type) functor which it executes on 
the value to which the iterator points.  Combined with boost.lambda and 
boost.bind, this system can be very convenient.

In the case that the modification functor (or copy constructor, in the 
case of the existing update method) throws an exception, the semantics 
could be one of the following:

1. The container is left in an undefined state, and the exception is 
propogated to the caller.

2. The exception is caught, reordering is attempted; if an exception is 
thrown while reordering, by one of the comparison, etc. functors, the 
container is left in an undefined state and the exception is propogated 
to the caller; if reordering succeeds, the original exception thrown the 
by modification functor is rethrown to the caller.  Thus, in either case 
an exception is propogated to the caller, and by the type of the 
exception whether the container is in an undefined state.

3. Same as (2), except that in the case that the reordering filas, 
before the exception thrown by a comparison function is propogated to 
the caller, the would-be-modified element is erased from the container, 
leaving it in a well-defined state.  The exception thrown by the 
comparison function is still propogated to the user.

(3) seems like the most desirable solution, thus that is the behavior I 
would recommend.

> 2. Updating won't fail (because the progammer knows it) but can result in
> reordering. Here a no-throw update is possible that doesn't require an
> additional copy.
In this case, the modify method described above is sufficient, and the 
exception behavior is irrelevant.

> 3. Updating does not alter the order of the updated element (because the
> programmer knows it). One can just change the value in-place and forget
> about it.
A non-const iterator should be provided. (I believe this is what has 
been proposed for std::set)  Requiring that const_cast is used to obtain 
a non-const value from an iterator seems like too strong a warning.  In 
the case where the key for an index (assuming you separate key 
extraction from key comparison as has been recommended) is a particular 
member of the value, it is often rather obvious whether a particular 
operation will or will not modify the key.

Jeremy Maitin-Shepard

Re: [boost] Comeau toolset configuration for Unix/Linux?

2003-07-08 Thread Beman Dawes
At 05:06 PM 7/8/2003, Martin Wille wrote:

>Jens Maurer wrote:
>> It appears that the current tools/build/como-tools.jam is
>> not usable on Unix.  For example, the linker action
>> causes "REM" lines to be passed to the Unix shell, which
>> does not work.
>> It looks to me that como-win32-tools.jam contains the Win32
>> configuration now, so I'd like to completely redo
>> como-tools.jam for use on Unix/Linux.
>> Ideas?
>I have a como-gcc toolset here that does the job for me.
>It wrote it using como-win32 as starting point. I could
>add it to the cvs if you want to. It likely can be improved.
I was the one who split off como-win32 into a separate toolset.

Because the Comeau uses different backends on different platforms, there is 
a lot of variation between the UNIX and Windows versions. I was afraid in 
making changes for Windows that I would break the UNIX version. The 
como-win32 toolset is still very much a work-in-progress. While it is 
basically working, issues like debugging are just starting to be addressed. 
I think we should continue to keep the toolsets separate for now.


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RE: [boost] Re: Re: is_nan

2003-07-08 Thread Paul A. Bristow
I think this would be excellent (and overdue). It needs to support double and
long double (and facilitate UDTs too if possible).

There is also the matter of signalling and quiet NaN. Although signalling NaN
may cause an hardware exception if enabled, I suspect it is more useful if isnan
returns ture for both types of NaN.  At least we should make this clear.  I
think this is what MSVC 7.1 does but the documentation is thin.

There is also a single IEEE FP pattern called 'indeterminate' or what Intel call
'NotAVal" (ox1fffe000...) which might become useful as a Portable Standard
"missing value" marker if portably supported?

And can anyone help with allowing one to easily customise the display of NaNs?
(and infs, max, min...?) I believe that a new (derived) num_put facet is the way
to do this.  Does anyone have an actual implementation of this to contribute


Paul A Bristow, Prizet Farmhouse, Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 8AB  UK
+44 1539 561830   Mobile +44 7714 33 02 04
Mobile mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

| -Original Message-
| [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Joel de Guzman
| Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 5:15 PM
| To: Boost mailing list
| Subject: Re: [boost] Re: Re: is_nan
| Fernando Cacciola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > Fernando Cacciola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
| >>
| >> Thanks to Gabriel we may have an is_nan() right now.
| >>
| > Oops!
| > It was Joel de Guzman who offered his is_nan() implementation.
| >
| > Sorry Joel :-)
| No problem. I thought Gaby also offered an implementation ahead of me.
| So you guys are interested then? It would really be nice to have a
| common boost implementation. I'll put it in the sandbox tomorrow.
| --
| Joel de Guzman
| joel at boost-consulting.com
| http://www.boost-consulting.com
| http://spirit.sf.net
| ___
| Unsubscribe & other changes: http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost

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Re: [boost] Comeau toolset configuration for Unix/Linux?

2003-07-08 Thread Jens Maurer
Martin Wille wrote:
> I have a como-gcc toolset here that does the job for me.
> It wrote it using como-win32 as starting point. I could
> add it to the cvs if you want to. It likely can be improved.

Is that for como on Win32 or for Unix?

Hm... We shouldn't add too many toolsets for basically
the same thing.

Either we unify all of como (as has been done for gcc),
or at least we have como-win32 (Win32 only) and como
(the Unix-like rest).  Differences in backend C
compiler should be easy to handle in one unified file.

Please send me your file privately and I'll see what
I can do.

Jens Maurer
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Re: [boost] Comeau toolset configuration for Unix/Linux?

2003-07-08 Thread Martin Wille
Jens Maurer wrote:
It appears that the current tools/build/como-tools.jam is
not usable on Unix.  For example, the linker action
causes "REM" lines to be passed to the Unix shell, which
does not work.
It looks to me that como-win32-tools.jam contains the Win32
configuration now, so I'd like to completely redo
como-tools.jam for use on Unix/Linux.
I have a como-gcc toolset here that does the job for me.
It wrote it using como-win32 as starting point. I could
add it to the cvs if you want to. It likely can be improved.
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[boost] Re: Comeau toolset configuration for Unix/Linux?

2003-07-08 Thread David Abrahams
Jens Maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It appears that the current tools/build/como-tools.jam is
> not usable on Unix.  For example, the linker action
> causes "REM" lines to be passed to the Unix shell, which
> does not work.
> It looks to me that como-win32-tools.jam contains the Win32
> configuration now, so I'd like to completely redo
> como-tools.jam for use on Unix/Linux.

Fine with me.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

Unsubscribe & other changes: http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost

[boost] Comeau toolset configuration for Unix/Linux?

2003-07-08 Thread Jens Maurer

It appears that the current tools/build/como-tools.jam is
not usable on Unix.  For example, the linker action
causes "REM" lines to be passed to the Unix shell, which
does not work.

It looks to me that como-win32-tools.jam contains the Win32
configuration now, so I'd like to completely redo
como-tools.jam for use on Unix/Linux.


Jens Maurer

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[boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-07-08 Thread Alexander Terekhov

Glen Knowles wrote:
> Now you're arguing that the boost license requirements should be
> changed in order to make them compatible with the CPL? That's a bit of
> a stretch, especially since I like the boost requirements as they are.

Frankly, I think that boost requirements make no sense. As an 
"individual" (poor one ;-) ), I'd rather go this way:

([boost] Re: boost vs. The Lawyers (non-technical))

([boost] Re: Legal issues and licensing -- again)

OTOH, from "commercial" (and "OSS community") POV, I'd go CPL.


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[boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-07-08 Thread Alexander Terekhov

David Abrahams wrote:
> > As for "Must not require that the source code be available for
> > execution or other binary uses of the library"... well, what's the
> > problem? www.boost.org was pretty stable, thus far.
> The problem is that we don't want to force companies to assume the
> risk that www.boost.org will stick around.

Companies will keep the code anyway. The requirement is: 

"A Contributor may choose to distribute the Program in object code 
 form under its own license agreement, provided that:
 iv) states that source code for the Program is available from such 
 Contributor, and informs licensees how to obtain it in a reasonable 
 manner on or through a medium customarily used for software exchange."


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[boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-07-08 Thread Alexander Terekhov

Peter Dimov wrote:
> The answers to questions 12 and 18 from
> http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-cplfaq.html
> seem problematic.



WRT q12:

The Lesser GPL used to be called the Library GPL. For historical 
reasons this license still refers to the software application as 
"the Library" which can be confusing for licensees. Also, a 
licensee is allowed to convert the Lesser GPL to a full GPL, after 
which their enhancements could not be incorporated back into our 
version of the software. So, for us, LGPL is out. 

WRT q18:

This license strikes a good balance between making the source code 
available for use in commercial situations, while at the same time 
requiring that modifications / enhancements be published under the 
same license (thereby enabling all good enhancements to find their 
way back to us). 


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[boost] Re: Visitor-based framework to describe classes with exampleofobjectdump in XML format

2003-07-08 Thread David Abrahams
Alexander Nasonov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well, sometimes it's needed at compile-time. Though, I don't know how useful 
> it is. Can you give an example?

Heh, you caught me!

Well, if the (member) (function) pointers are available at compile
time they can be inlined away so that using them becomes more

Suppose I want to write serialization code?  Can you
serialize/deserialize with a runtime-only framework?

> Some other questions. How to map member pointers to names? 

Add a char const* const parameter?  Have an additional parallel array
of names?

> How to find a member?

By name?  By reverse-indexing whatever structure answers the previous
question, of course!

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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[boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-07-08 Thread Alexander Terekhov

Ross Smith wrote:
> On Wednesday 9 July 2003 05:48, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
> >
> > Common Public License
> The CPL is incompatible with the GPL. 

Translation: "RMS just hates patents." (and DMCA, of course)



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RE: [boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-07-08 Thread Glen Knowles
Title: RE: [boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

From: Alexander Terekhov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> The Common Public License already has a section in the wiki and fails
>> the boost requirements as shown.
>> http://www.crystalclearsoftware.com/cgi-bin/boost_wiki/wiki.pl?Boost_License/Common_Public_License
>Yeah. That "review process" was really entertaining. Thanks for the 
>reminder. "Must be simple to read and understand" is rather subjective, 
>don't you think? As for "Must not require that the source code be 
>available for execution or other binary uses of the library"... well, 
>what's the problem? www.boost.org was pretty stable, thus far.

Now you're arguing that the boost license requirements should be changed in order to make them compatible with the CPL? That's a bit of a stretch, especially since I like the boost requirements as they are.


[boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-07-08 Thread David Abrahams
Alexander Terekhov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Glen Knowles wrote:
> [...]
>> The Common Public License already has a section in the wiki and fails
>> the boost requirements as shown.
>> http://www.crystalclearsoftware.com/cgi-bin/boost_wiki/wiki.pl?Boost_License/Common_Public_License
> Yeah. That "review process" was really entertaining. Thanks for the 
> reminder. 

Glad we could brighten your day.

> "Must be simple to read and understand" is rather subjective, don't
> you think?

Yes.  That doesn't make it unimportant.

> As for "Must not require that the source code be available for
> execution or other binary uses of the library"... well, what's the
> problem? www.boost.org was pretty stable, thus far.

The problem is that we don't want to force companies to assume the
risk that www.boost.org will stick around.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

Unsubscribe & other changes: http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost

[boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-07-08 Thread Alexander Terekhov

David Abrahams wrote:

[... P.S./P.P.S./P.P.P.S./P.P.P.P.S. ...]

Thanks for the information. I've bookmarked everything.


P.S. Please don't infringe upon my "concepts and methods". 
We can struck a licensing deal, of course.

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Re: [boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-07-08 Thread Peter Dimov
Alexander Terekhov wrote:
> Glen Knowles wrote:
> [...]
>> The Common Public License already has a section in the wiki and fails
>> the boost requirements as shown.
> Yeah. That "review process" was really entertaining. Thanks for the
> reminder. "Must be simple to read and understand" is rather
> subjective,
> don't you think? As for "Must not require that the source code be
> available for execution or other binary uses of the library"... well,
> what's the problem? www.boost.org was pretty stable, thus far.

The answers to questions 12 and 18 from


seem problematic.

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Re: [boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-07-08 Thread Ross Smith
On Wednesday 9 July 2003 05:48, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
> Common Public License

The CPL is incompatible with the GPL. Whatever licence Boost settles on,  
it has to be compatible with the GPL. At least, unless you actually 
_want_ to force developers of GPL software to throw Boost out and 
reinvent it from scratch.

See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html

Ross Smith . [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Auckland, New Zealand
  "As Unix guru types go, I'm sweet, patient, and comprehensible.
  Unfortunately, Unix guru types don't go very far in that direction.
  I used to think this was a personality flaw." -- Elizabeth Zwicky

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[boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-07-08 Thread Alexander Terekhov

Glen Knowles wrote:
> The Common Public License already has a section in the wiki and fails
> the boost requirements as shown.
> http://www.crystalclearsoftware.com/cgi-bin/boost_wiki/wiki.pl?Boost_License/Common_Public_License

Yeah. That "review process" was really entertaining. Thanks for the 
reminder. "Must be simple to read and understand" is rather subjective, 
don't you think? As for "Must not require that the source code be 
available for execution or other binary uses of the library"... well, 
what's the problem? www.boost.org was pretty stable, thus far.


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[boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-07-08 Thread David Abrahams
"Peter Dimov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> David Abrahams wrote:
>> "Peter Dimov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> * Why is the new license better?
>> I'll get the lawyers to comment on this in more detail, but here are
>> some answers as I understand them:
>>Big picture: it has been vetted by lawyers for reducing ambiguity
>>and risk for corporate legal departments, while protecting Boost
>>developers by disclaiming implicit guarantees.
> The underlying assumption being that making source available for
> download free of charge leads to implicit guarantees. But I'm not
> sure that this is the case. That's why I'm asking.

IIUC, there are no absolutes here (i.e. no law says "there is an
implicit guarantee").  Legally, it's just a question of what looks
like an attractive/vulnerable target.  IIUC, the deal is that without
an explicit disclaimer, lawyers feel they have more leverage in
claiming that there was an implicit guarantee.

>>> I'd like also to point out that it seems to me that the old "in all
>>> copies" form is better than the new one; the legal system is
>>> sufficiently flexible to reliably recognize a "copy" (i.e. a
>>> password protected RAR archive of an mp3 encoded song).
>> I'm not sure about that.  The problem is that the old version didn't
>> distinguish source code copies from object code copies.
> I think it does. Object code is not a copy of the source code.
>>> The new wording seems to allow self-extracting archives
>>> of "the Software" to not carry the license.
>> Good point.  A simple "copies of the source" might work better than
>> the wording we have now.
> It's redundant. The text "all copies" in a source file implies "all copies
> of this source file". If you consider object code to be a copy of the
> source, changing "copies" to "copies of the source" doesn't help.

Sounds convincing to me, but IANAL.  Let's see what the lawyers say.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

Unsubscribe & other changes: http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost

[boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-07-08 Thread David Abrahams
"Peter Dimov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> David Abrahams wrote:
>> "Peter Dimov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> * Why is the new license better?
>> I'll get the lawyers to comment on this in more detail, but here are
>> some answers as I understand them:
>>Big picture: it has been vetted by lawyers for reducing ambiguity
>>and risk for corporate legal departments, while protecting Boost
>>developers by disclaiming implicit guarantees.
> The underlying assumption being that making source available for download
> free of charge leads to implicit guarantees. But I'm not sure that this is
> the case. That's why I'm asking.

Oh, one other point: if we leave the question unaddressed there
appears to be uncertainty.  Corporate lawyers want to know just how
much risk is being assumed by the company when using our code.  If
they read a disclaimer, they know quickly that they are assuming
basically all of the risk.  Otherwise, they are left with questions,
which slows adoption.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

Unsubscribe & other changes: http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost

[boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-07-08 Thread David Abrahams
Alexander Terekhov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Unless you are prepared to depart
>> from your usual "hint-dropping" style and explain why you think CPL is
>> better than what we're considering, I think it's probably going to
>> remain... wherever it is that droppings end up.
> Sorry, I really can't explain it better than
> http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-cplfaq.html

Since that faq has no entries comparing CPL to the proposed Boost
license text or explaining why Alexander Terekhov considers CPL
better, it doesn't even begin to address the question.  I'm fairly
certain that you could do a little bit better than that with only a
small effort.

> regards,
> alexander.
> P.S. http://ntxshape.sourceforge.net/opensource.html

P.S. http://www.anthro.net/guides/promotion.shtml

"... I suspect most humans hate long lists of URLs without

P.P.S.  http://www.thrillingdetective.com/web_guy_2.html

"...long lists of URLs or ISBNs aren't even interesting to begin with."

P.P.P.S. http://www.nic.com/~csy2kt/errs.htm

"[Mis]use of HTML - Usenet is not the Web. If your browser posts only
in HTML, it's broken. If it repeats every post in text and HTML both,
it's broken. Usenet is a plain text medium. You are welcome to post
URLs but please explain WHY you think they are worth visiting."

P.P.P.P.S. http://www.lava.net/~sch/faq.txt

"* Naked URLs / Empty Posts - No, we don't want you to post your entire
Web page (see above -- posts written in HTML will be rejected). Posting
a URL is much better, but please tell us why you are doing it! Why
should we go there?"


Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

Unsubscribe & other changes: http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost

RE: [boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-07-08 Thread Glen Knowles
Title: RE: [boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

From: Alexander Terekhov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>David Abrahams wrote:
>> Unless you are prepared to depart
>> from your usual "hint-dropping" style and explain why you think CPL is
>> better than what we're considering, I think it's probably going to
>> remain... wherever it is that droppings end up.
>Sorry, I really can't explain it better than

The Common Public License already has a section in the wiki and fails the boost requirements as shown. http://www.crystalclearsoftware.com/cgi-bin/boost_wiki/wiki.pl?Boost_License/Common_Public_License


[boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-07-08 Thread Alexander Terekhov

David Abrahams wrote:
> Alexander Terekhov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > P.S. CPL == *WIN*-*WIN*
> These legal issues are sufficiently confusing to overwhelm the brains
> of most of us regular Boost people. 

Uhmm. Your previous posting was not bad at all. ;-)
> Unless you are prepared to depart
> from your usual "hint-dropping" style and explain why you think CPL is
> better than what we're considering, I think it's probably going to
> remain... wherever it is that droppings end up.

Sorry, I really can't explain it better than



P.S. http://ntxshape.sourceforge.net/opensource.html

Common Public License

There is one other license that we might have considered: the Common 
Public License, used for some projects on IBM's developerWorks site. 
It looks much like the IBM Public License, except that it is not 
"hard-coded" for IBM, and is is intended for general use. These 
licenses, both published by IBM, seem to strike a balance similar 
to that of the Mozilla Public License, but are easier for a human 
(as opposed to a lawyer) to read. 

However, the Common Public License bears a version number of 0.5. 
It is not a widely used license, perhaps because its version number 
implies instability. As a result it is not as well known as the 
licenses mentioned above, and has not entered into the open source 
vernacular. So, although it looks promising, this license does not 
have the same communication / project marketing value as the better 
known, more widely used licenses. 

IBM needs to release a 1.0 version of this license, and do a better 
job of marketing this license to developers, so that the license 
itself can help market IBM developerWorks' open source projects. 
Until they do those things, I doubt this license will get very much 
mindshare outside of IBM's developerWorks. 


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Re: [boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-07-08 Thread Peter Dimov
David Abrahams wrote:
> "Peter Dimov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> * Why is the new license better?
> I'll get the lawyers to comment on this in more detail, but here are
> some answers as I understand them:
>Big picture: it has been vetted by lawyers for reducing ambiguity
>and risk for corporate legal departments, while protecting Boost
>developers by disclaiming implicit guarantees.

The underlying assumption being that making source available for download
free of charge leads to implicit guarantees. But I'm not sure that this is
the case. That's why I'm asking.

>> I'd like also to point out that it seems to me that the old "in all
>> copies" form is better than the new one; the legal system is
>> sufficiently flexible to reliably recognize a "copy" (i.e. a
>> password protected RAR archive of an mp3 encoded song).
> I'm not sure about that.  The problem is that the old version didn't
> distinguish source code copies from object code copies.

I think it does. Object code is not a copy of the source code.

>> The new wording seems to allow self-extracting archives
>> of "the Software" to not carry the license.
> Good point.  A simple "copies of the source" might work better than
> the wording we have now.

It's redundant. The text "all copies" in a source file implies "all copies
of this source file". If you consider object code to be a copy of the
source, changing "copies" to "copies of the source" doesn't help.

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[boost] smart_assert and range_ template

2003-07-08 Thread popov
(not sure it's the right place to post this, but it seems smart_assert is
(or will) be part of boost, and I can't get the author email addresses. The
article is:


Here's an excerpt of some code:

template< class iterator_type>

inline client_ostream_type & operator<<( client_ostream_type & out, const
printer_range_t< iterator_type> &val) {

out << "Range= [" << &*(val.m_first) << "," << &*( val.m_last) << "); "

<< "Values= [";

val.m_first and val.m_last are STL iterators.

The problem is with *(val.m_last) (or *(val.m_first)): if val.m_last is the
end iterator of a container, can we safely dereference it as it is done ?
What the standard is saying about that one ?

The code works properly with Microsoft STL, but fails using STLPort in debug
mode: in this latter case, the program asserts and stops at:

reference operator*() const {


return *this->_M_iterator;


and STLPort outputs in the ouptut window: "STL assertion failure :

So, for STLPort, an iterator pointing to the end of a container can't be
dereferenced. That seems judicious to me, but is it in accordance with the
standard ?

If it's the case, then there is a problem in the smart_assert code.

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Re: [boost] Re: Interest in multiindex_set?(again)

2003-07-08 Thread Joaquín Mª López Muñoz
Beman Dawes ha escrito:


> I'm more interested in the class name than the namespace name. One problem
> at a time. If you weren't worrying about the namespace name, would you then
> like indexed_set as the class name? What are some other alternatives?

If we forget about the namespace name, then I have no objections against
indexed_set (though std::sets are indexed by nature, but this is probably not
a common perception between users).
I thought long and hard about name candidates and come up with none except
If no one says anything against it, I'll change it to indexed_set. The problem
of how to name its associated namespace.


> Yes, I think so. It is a bit of a judgement call, but since the library is
> a very general purpose tool, and assuming the library only adds a few names
> to the namespace it lives in, I'd rather see it in namespace boost. Others
> may disagree; a lot of people like tall and deep namespace hierarchies even
> when the components are very general purpose.

OK, next installment will have the container promoted to boost::indexed_set.
There are some auxiliary classes which I don't know exactly where to put, I'll
think it over.

> I don't see any acceptable (non-invasive) way to implement marking only one
> class. But the unique/non_unique two template approach seems perfectly
> acceptable. You could even argue that it forces the user to consciously
> make  the critical unique/non_unique decision for each index, so may reduce
> user error.

I agree with you. The all-predicates-are-marked approach is even better in the
of future change (I plan to add hash indices sometime by the end of 2003).


> I understand the rationale for that, but am still concerned. There are many
> applications where the cost of a copy to apply a minor update is
> prohibitive. The user is then forced to add a layer of indirection, or use
> a home-made container. Ugh. This is one of the few cases I run into where a
> safe design is so inefficient compared to a traditional unsafe design that
> in real production code I might be forced to use the unsafe design. That
> makes me uncomfortable.

I don't think it is a question of how smartly update() is coded, but an
actual conceptual impossibility. If we are to provide strong exception-safety,
then no fail or throw is permitted after the element has changed its value.
So, there are three scenarios:

1. Updating can possibly fail (because of collision with some other element) or

reorder the updated element: no other soluction but to incur a copy of the
element, as the actual updating has to take place *after* the reordering is
2. Updating won't fail (because the progammer knows it) but can result in
reordering. Here a no-throw update is possible that doesn't require an
additional copy.
3. Updating does not alter the order of the updated element (because the
programmer knows it). One can just change the value in-place and forget
about it.

1 is taken care of by current multiindex_set::update. 3 can be solved with
appropriate const_casting: this is dangerous as any cast is, but then again
the programmer *knows* what she's doing. Furthermore, this is exactly
the same situation as in std::set. We are left with 2: please note that
it is extremely error-prone to trust the programmer in her implicit knowing
that no collision will happen (checking 3, on the other hand, is much
easier, as probably what the programmer is changing are auxiliary members
that no comparison predicate depend on). Now, if the no-collision
guarantee is assumed, the updating can be performed without throwing.

To sum it up, as it stands now mutiindex_set allows for updating in
scenarios 1 and 3. Scenario 2 (programmer knows the updated element
won't clash with some other element) can be realized (Fernando suggested
a nice way to do it), but my opinion is that this facility would be extremely
dangerous to handle. I'd rather leave things as they are now, but I'm
open to suggestions, maybe I'm missing something obvious that will solve
the whole problem in a fell swoop.

Open issues:

* Name will change to indexed_set if no one complains. What name to
use for the associated namespace?
* Is it advisable to provide an no-copy update facility relying on the
assumption that updating won't clash with other elements in the set?

Joaquín M López Muñoz
Telefónica, Investigación y Desarrollo

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[boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-07-08 Thread David Abrahams
Alexander Terekhov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> P.S. CPL == *WIN*-*WIN*

These legal issues are sufficiently confusing to overwhelm the brains
of most of us regular Boost people.  Unless you are prepared to depart
from your usual "hint-dropping" style and explain why you think CPL is
better than what we're considering, I think it's probably going to
remain... wherever it is that droppings end up.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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[boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-07-08 Thread Alexander Terekhov

David Abrahams wrote:
> > Now the disclaimer. I am not sure to what extent we are even
> > supposed to discuss such legal matters here; the public archives of
> > the mailing list can be used as evidence in a hypothetical future
> > lawsuit (SCO showed the way).  So I won't go into details.
> Heh.  Did that point kill this discussion  ?  

No doubt. 


P.S. CPL == *WIN*-*WIN*

(EE Times: SCO's Chief Taking Linux Beef to Japan)

So, this idiot at SCO (a 30 million dollar company) is going 
to make the CEO's of Sony Matsushita, NEC, Philips, Samsung, 
Sharp and Toshiba sign an NDA? These guys are going to say to 
Mc Bride, "So me the evidence or get the hell out of my 
office." I hope Sony buys SCO, then makes McBride a janitor.

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[boost] Re: Visitor-based framework to describe classes with exampleofobjectdump in XML format

2003-07-08 Thread Alexander Nasonov
Well, sometimes it's needed at compile-time. Though, I don't know how useful 
it is. Can you give an example?
Some other questions. How to map member pointers to names? How to find a 

Alexander Nasonov
Remove minus and all between minus and at from my e-mail for timely response

David Abrahams wrote:

> Alexander Nasonov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> David Abrahams wrote:
>>> A problem with this is that the introspection information is only
>>> available at runtime.  A more-flexible system would use GCC-XML output
>>> to generate something like:
>>>  template <>
>>>  struct class_
>>>  {
>>>  typedef mpl::vector bases;
>>>  typedef mpl::vector<
>>>   member
>>> , member
>>> , member
>>>  > members;
>>>  ...
>>>  };

>>> So all the introspection information could be available at
>>> compile-time.
>> Sometimes it's fine to have an introspection only at runtime.
> And sometimes it's not.
>> I just want to avoid duplications of class descriptions by multiple
>> libraries.
> Which is exactly why, if you're going to write an introspection
> framework, it should make information available in a form that works
> for libraries which may need it at compile-time.
>> For example, Python and luabind could share common
>> introspection information.
> Sure, great idea.
>> This is why I'm using visitors. Every intronspection elelemnt has
>> correspondent node that can be visited. The challenge is to build a
>> complete set of nodes with a complete set of operations.
> Sure, great idea.  Why not a compile-time visitor, though?
> mpl::for_each anyone?

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[boost] Re: Visitor-based framework to describe classes with exampleofobjectdump in XML format

2003-07-08 Thread David Abrahams
Alexander Nasonov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> David Abrahams wrote:
>> A problem with this is that the introspection information is only
>> available at runtime.  A more-flexible system would use GCC-XML output
>> to generate something like:
>>  template <>
>>  struct class_
>>  {
>>  typedef mpl::vector bases;
>>  typedef mpl::vector<
>>   member
>> , member
>> , member
>>  > members;
>>  ...
>>  };
>> So all the introspection information could be available at
>> compile-time.
> Sometimes it's fine to have an introspection only at runtime. 

And sometimes it's not.

> I just want to avoid duplications of class descriptions by multiple
> libraries. 

Which is exactly why, if you're going to write an introspection
framework, it should make information available in a form that works
for libraries which may need it at compile-time.

> For example, Python and luabind could share common
> introspection information.  

Sure, great idea.

> This is why I'm using visitors. Every intronspection elelemnt has
> correspondent node that can be visited. The challenge is to build a
> complete set of nodes with a complete set of operations.

Sure, great idea.  Why not a compile-time visitor, though?

mpl::for_each anyone?

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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[boost] Re: Re: test_fp_comparisons and rounding errors

2003-07-08 Thread Fernando Cacciola
Rozental, Gennadiy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > A half-way solution is to have something like:
> >
> >
> > and let users specify their own Preciates.
Yes, I know.
My point was that with BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_NUMBERS() the test library
could output something readable of the form:

"numbers x and y are not approximately equal"

It could even add to the output something of the form:

" according to " << Pred ;

which would use the comparator << operator so it can
output the relevant information such as epsilon, scale,

> > By default, the Test library could provide
> > a straight-forward ABSOLUTE-ERROR comparator:
> By default, the Test library provides relative error comparator, which is
> according to my understanding is more correct.
But there is no such thing as a "more correct" way to compare
FP values in the context free level of a test library.
You know already that relative errors have to be scaled to be
meaningful, but choosing the right scaling is the complex.
A default semantic that simply scales epsilon() times any of the
arguments will be simply unusable for most practical tests
because actual errors will easily exceed that; yet OTOH,
suppling a factor to increase the scaling will mainly lead users
to the problematic Illusion of Simplicity that brought us
to this discussion.

A comparison based on absolute errors is pesimistic, but for unbiased
comparisons it often results on what is expected, much more often
that relative-error based comparisons.
It isn't smart but is easy to understand.

BTW: The default comparator I showed before might better be named

Fernando Cacciola

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[boost] Re: Draft of new Boost Software License

2003-07-08 Thread David Abrahams
"Peter Dimov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Beman Dawes wrote:
>> Let's see what the lawyers say before worrying too much about what
>> may be a non-issue.
> I'd like to add some of my concerns to the list.
> First of all let me say that I fully realize that we just got a ton
> of free legal advice and that I do appreciate the efforts of
> everyone involved. And of course I am not a lawyer, not even able to
> impersonate one in front of laymen. But I do have some questions.
> Let's put the disclaimer aside for a moment; I'll return to it later. Here
> is the old Boost "standard" license (minus the disclaimer):
> //  Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software
> //  is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
> I'll repeat here the new license (minus the disclaimer) for completeness:
> [start new license--
> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization
> obtaining a copy of the software covered by this license (the "Software")
> to use, reproduce, display, distribute, execute, and transmit the Software,
> and to prepare derivative works of the Software, and to permit others
> to do so, all subject to the following:
> The copyright notice in the Software and this entire statement, including
> the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer,
> must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and
> all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative
> works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by
> a source language processor.
> -- end new license]
> My questions are failry obvious.
> * Why is the new license better?

I'll get the lawyers to comment on this in more detail, but here are
some answers as I understand them:

   Big picture: it has been vetted by lawyers for reducing ambiguity
   and risk for corporate legal departments, while protecting Boost
   developers by disclaiming implicit guarantees.

   It uses the correct legal terms for granting copy rights: "use,
   reproduce, display, distribute, execute, and transmit"...

   It is explicit about the differing requirements on source
   vs. object code.

> * Isn't there a conflict of interest between Boost contributors and the
> legal departments of some Boost users? 

Sure, at some level.  Contributors want to guarantee nothing and legal
departments want us to guarantee everything.  Everyone benefits from
better clarity, though, and that's what this license accomplishes.

> Which license of the two provides the better balance between the
> interests of these two groups? 

The 2nd one, IMO, because it doesn't hurt contributors at all while
it helps the legal departments.  In fact, it probably helps
contributors by giving them a standard license with some legal
foundation behind it that is less likely to cause legal SNAFUs
later.  Win-win.

> What is more important, encouraging contribution or encouraging use
> by large corporate clients?

I don't think we have to choose.  Nobody is willing to sacrifice
contribution to the interests of corporate users, AFAICT, but IMO we
can make the legal situation more solid and that will smooth things
for everyone.

> * It is recognizable that the new license has been prepared with the
> help of a lawyer. Is this a good thing from a legal perspective?

Just my opinion, but yes: it means that legal departments are getting
communication in a language they understand and aggressive lawyers are
less likely to mess with us.

> I'd like also to point out that it seems to me that the old "in all copies"
> form is better than the new one; the legal system is sufficiently flexible
> to reliably recognize a "copy" (i.e. a password protected RAR archive of an
> mp3 encoded song). 

I'm not sure about that.  The problem is that the old version didn't
distinguish source code copies from object code copies.  

> The new wording seems to allow self-extracting archives
> of "the Software" to not carry the license.

Good point.  A simple "copies of the source" might work better than
the wording we have now.

> Now the disclaimer. I am not sure to what extent we are even
> supposed to discuss such legal matters here; the public archives of
> the mailing list can be used as evidence in a hypothetical future
> lawsuit (SCO showed the way).  So I won't go into details.

Heh.  Did that point kill this discussion  ?  I'll ask the

> * Does free (beer) software need a disclaimer of any kind? Does it
> carry any implied warranties that need to be disclaimed?
> * Does the disclaimer provide any legal protection?

Some, IIUC.  Remember that the law here is applied in civil suits, so
the kind of protection you need is "discourages lawyers from suing
because it weakens their case".  That's what the disclaimer does.

> * Worse, if the disclaimer isn't strictly necessary and doesn't
> provide much legal protection, doesn't it _weaken_ our postitio

[boost] Re: Updated Boost.Random to TR proposal

2003-07-08 Thread David Abrahams
"Neal D. Becker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Monday 07 July 2003 05:06 pm, Jens Maurer wrote:
>> I've updated the current Boost.Random CVS to the interface
>> contained in the C++ library TR proposal:
>> The boost documentation has not yet been updated, I hope to be able
>> to do that later this week.  Reading the TR proposal should give
>> you a sufficient idea.
>> There have been various suggestions for changes from C++
>> committee members, so additional (but minor) interface changes
>> may happen after the October 2003 meeting.
> Just one quick question: It is vital that "variate generators" can hold 
> references to "engines" in order to share a single engine instance, and thus 
> guarantee independence between variate generators.  The proposal supports 
> this?


I don't think Jens has had much time for this stuff and now that the
proposal is accepted most of the discussion has been taking place on
the committee standard libraries reflector.  I suggest you post your
questions there.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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RE: [boost] Re: test_fp_comparisons and rounding errors

2003-07-08 Thread Beman Dawes
At 05:54 PM 7/7/2003, Rozental, Gennadiy wrote:
>> A half-way solution is to have something like:
>> and let users specify their own Preciates.
>> By default, the Test library could provide
>> a straight-forward ABSOLUTE-ERROR comparator:
>By default, the Test library provides relative error comparator, which is
>according to my understanding is more correct.
Could you please be more specific about which Boost.Test features you think 
should remain and which should be removed or modified? I'm having trouble 
relating the discussion to the actual Boost.Test public interface.



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[boost] Re: Visitor-based framework to describe classes with exampleofobjectdump in XML format

2003-07-08 Thread Alexander Nasonov
David Abrahams wrote:
> A problem with this is that the introspection information is only
> available at runtime.  A more-flexible system would use GCC-XML output
> to generate something like:
>  template <>
>  struct class_
>  {
>  typedef mpl::vector bases;
>  typedef mpl::vector<
>   member
> , member
> , member
>  > members;
>  ...
>  };
> So all the introspection information could be available at
> compile-time.

Sometimes it's fine to have an introspection only at runtime. I just want to 
avoid duplications of class descriptions by multiple libraries. For 
example, Python and luabind  could share common introspection information. 
This is why I'm using visitors. Every intronspection elelemnt has 
correspondent node that can be visited. The challenge is to build a 
complete set of nodes with a complete set of operations.

Alexander Nasonov
Remove minus and all between minus and at from my e-mail for timely response

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Re: [boost] Updated Boost.Random to TR proposal

2003-07-08 Thread Neal D. Becker
On Tuesday 08 July 2003 08:01 am, Neal D. Becker wrote:
> On Monday 07 July 2003 05:06 pm, Jens Maurer wrote:
> > I've updated the current Boost.Random CVS to the interface
> > contained in the C++ library TR proposal:
> >
> >http://std.dkuug.dk/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2003/n1452.html
> >
> > The boost documentation has not yet been updated, I hope to be able
> > to do that later this week.  Reading the TR proposal should give
> > you a sufficient idea.
> >
> > There have been various suggestions for changes from C++
> > committee members, so additional (but minor) interface changes
> > may happen after the October 2003 meeting.
> I would also like to suggest one addition that is very useful.  It is very
> common in communications to need a generator that produces a 1-bit
> sequence.

After some reflection, I think a somewhat more generalized version might be 
even better.  This one can produce sequences of n-bit rather than only 1-bit.

I'm not sure what to do with max_value and min_value.  It depends on 
interpretation- whether you intend to sign extend the values and interpret 
them as signed or zero extend and interpret as unsigned.

#ifndef pnseq_generator_H
#define pnseq_generator_H


namespace boost
  namespace random

template < class RandomNumberGenerator, int width=1 >
class pnseq_generator

  typedef pnseq_generator  self_type;
  typedef RandomNumberGenerator  base_type;
  typedef int   result_type;

  BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT (bool, has_fixed_range = true);
  BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT (result_type, min_value = 0);
  BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT (unsigned int, max_value = ~(unsigned(-1) << 
  BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT (int, mask = ~(unsigned(-1) << width));

  result_type  min() const
  { return min_value; }
  result_type  max() const
  { return max_value; }

  explicit  pnseq_generator (base_type & rng)
: rng_( rng ), count_()
  { init(); }

  template < typename T >
  void  seed( T s )
  { rng_.seed( s ); init(); }

  result_type  operator()()
int const  bits = cache_ & mask;
cache_ >>= width;
if ( --count_ <= width-1 )
return bits;

  bool  validation( result_type x ) const
  { return valid == x; }

  friend bool operator ==( self_type const &x, self_type const &y )
return x.rng_ == y.rng_ && x.cache_ == y.cache_
  && x.count_ == y.count_;
  friend bool operator !=( self_type const &x, self_type const &y )
  { return !(x == y); }

  typedef typename base_type::result_type  cache_type;

  void  init()
cache_ = rng_();
count_ = std::numeric_limits::digits;

  base_type&   rng_;
  cache_type  cache_;
  int count_;

};  // boost::random::pnseq_generator

  }  // random
}  // boost


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Re: [boost] Re: Interest in multiindex_set?(again)

2003-07-08 Thread Beman Dawes
At 06:25 PM 7/7/2003, =?windows-1252?Q?JOAQUIN_LOPEZ_MU=3FZ?= wrote:

>Hi Beman,
>- Mensaje Original -
>> *  The "multiindex_set" name seems awkward to me. Maybe
>> "indexed_set" or
>> "set_index"?
>I don't like the name either, and would be happy if someone comes
>with something better. Nevertheless, I don't think indexed_set is a
>good choice: when picking up a name another one must be chosen
>for the associated namespace (and it is convenient that these two are
>not the same, for reasons explained vg in Boost.Tuple docs). I
>chose multiindex_set/multiindex. The analogous indexed_set/index
>does not fit: index is too broad a denomination for the namespace.
I'm more interested in the class name than the namespace name. One problem 
at a time. If you weren't worrying about the namespace name, would you then 
like indexed_set as the class name? What are some other alternatives?

>A related question: Should boost::multiindex::multiindex_set be
>raised into Boost namespace as boost::multiindex_set (or whatever
>its final name)? Seems the standard practice, but I think it is safer
>to ask first.
Yes, I think so. It is a bit of a judgement call, but since the library is 
a very general purpose tool, and assuming the library only adds a few names 
to the namespace it lives in, I'd rather see it in namespace boost. Others 
may disagree; a lot of people like tall and deep namespace hierarchies even 
when the components are very general purpose.

>>   typedef boost::multiindex::multiindex_set<
>> employee,
>> boost::tuple< unique< employee::comp_id >,
>>   non_unique< employee::comp_name >,
>>   unique< employee_name::comp_ssnumber > >,
>> > employee_set;
>This is definitely a good idea, Fernando also hinted at symplifing
>the specification of unique/non-unique indices. Any suggestion on how
>to implement it? With two templates for unique and non-unique indices
>the thing is simple; it is not as simple when only one class is marked.
>Suggestions here are most welcome.
I don't see any acceptable (non-invasive) way to implement marking only one 
class. But the unique/non_unique two template approach seems perfectly 
acceptable. You could even argue that it forces the user to consciously 
make  the critical unique/non_unique decision for each index, so may reduce 
user error.

>> * It isn't clear (or I missed it) if iterators are always
>> logically
>> const-iterators or not. In other words, could your example have
>> been
>> written like this?
>>   typedef index_type::type employee_set_by_name;
>>   employee_set_by_name& i=es.get<1>();
>>   employee_set_by_name::iterator it=i.find("Anna Jones");
>>   it->name="Anna Smith"; //she just got married to Calvin Smith
>No it couldn't. Iterators and const_iterators (which incidentally are the
>same) behave logically as const-iterators, just the same as in STL sets.
>update() has been carefully crafted so that strong exception-safety is
>provided: for that, it is necessary that a copy of the element is 
>instead of allowing some sort of in-place modification of the element.
>This is discussed in some detail with Fernando somewhere up this thread.

I understand the rationale for that, but am still concerned. There are many 
applications where the cost of a copy to apply a minor update is 
prohibitive. The user is then forced to add a layer of indirection, or use 
a home-made container. Ugh. This is one of the few cases I run into where a 
safe design is so inefficient compared to a traditional unsafe design that 
in real production code I might be forced to use the unsafe design. That 
makes me uncomfortable.

>Thanks for your interest. If no objection is raised I plan to submit
>the library for pre-formal review in a couple of weeks.


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Re: [boost] Updated Boost.Random to TR proposal

2003-07-08 Thread Neal D. Becker
On Monday 07 July 2003 05:06 pm, Jens Maurer wrote:
> I've updated the current Boost.Random CVS to the interface
> contained in the C++ library TR proposal:
> The boost documentation has not yet been updated, I hope to be able
> to do that later this week.  Reading the TR proposal should give
> you a sufficient idea.
> There have been various suggestions for changes from C++
> committee members, so additional (but minor) interface changes
> may happen after the October 2003 meeting.

I would also like to suggest one addition that is very useful.  It is very 
common in communications to need a generator that produces a 1-bit sequence.

#ifndef pnseq_generator_H
#define pnseq_generator_H


namespace boost
  namespace random

template < class RandomNumberGenerator >
class pnseq_generator

  typedef pnseq_generator  self_type;
  typedef RandomNumberGenerator  base_type;
  typedef bool   result_type;

  BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( bool, has_fixed_range = true );
  BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( result_type, min_value = false );
  BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( result_type, max_value = true );

  result_type  min() const
  { return min_value; }
  result_type  max() const
  { return max_value; }

  explicit  pnseq_generator (base_type & rng)
: rng_( rng ), count_()
  { init(); }

  template < typename T >
  void  seed( T s )
  { rng_.seed( s ); init(); }

  result_type  operator()()
bool const  bit = cache_ & 1;
cache_ >>= 1;
if ( --count_ <= 0 )
return bit;

  bool  validation( result_type x ) const
  { return valid == x; }

  friend bool operator ==( self_type const &x, self_type const &y )
return x.rng_ == y.rng_ && x.cache_ == y.cache_
  && x.count_ == y.count_;
  friend bool operator !=( self_type const &x, self_type const &y )
  { return !(x == y); }

  typedef typename base_type::result_type  cache_type;

  void  init()
cache_ = rng_();
count_ = std::numeric_limits::digits;

  base_type&   rng_;
  cache_type  cache_;
  int count_;

};  // boost::random::pnseq_generator

  }  // random
}  // boost


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Re: [boost] Updated Boost.Random to TR proposal

2003-07-08 Thread Neal D. Becker
On Monday 07 July 2003 05:06 pm, Jens Maurer wrote:
> I've updated the current Boost.Random CVS to the interface
> contained in the C++ library TR proposal:
> The boost documentation has not yet been updated, I hope to be able
> to do that later this week.  Reading the TR proposal should give
> you a sufficient idea.
> There have been various suggestions for changes from C++
> committee members, so additional (but minor) interface changes
> may happen after the October 2003 meeting.

Just one quick question: It is vital that "variate generators" can hold 
references to "engines" in order to share a single engine instance, and thus 
guarantee independence between variate generators.  The proposal supports 

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[boost] boost::signal patch

2003-07-08 Thread Dave Gomboc
At the top of signal.hpp:

namespace boost {
namespace detail {
  struct real_get_signal_impl;

MSVC 7.1 complains: warning  C4099:
'boost::signals::detail::real_get_signal_impl<0,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5>'  : type
name first seen using 'struct' now seen using 'class'

at several later points in the same file.  These can all be removed by
changing struct to class in the declaration quoted above.


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