[boost] Re: boost/detail/iterator.hpp update

2003-08-28 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

- Original Message - 
From: David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.lib.boost.devel
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: boost/detail/iterator.hpp update

 Anyone got a brilliant way to cause vc7 to print the error message?
#pragma message ( some text )

shown during compilation, is good enough?


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[boost] Re: memcpy_copyable and memcpy_moveable type traits

2003-08-26 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Edward Diener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Extremely dangerous and error prone. I can't even imagine a non-POD type
 where flagging it for memcpy_copyable and memcpy_moveable can be right.
 you give an example ?

It is error prone but many other constructs are too.

Example of moveable object:

struct string_buffer {
unsigned size;
   char* data; // allocated buffer

The user could then write:

template memcpy_moveablestring_buffer {
  static bool moveable = true; // or defining some type or so

and container can detect moveability and use memcpy(). If type is not
flagged, memcpy() won't be used.

Usually strings, smart pointers, vectors, pimpls are memcpy moveable. Pimpl
with back pointer isn't.

(The memcpy_copyable is probably not that good idea and not much useful.)


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[boost] Re: Re: memcpy_copyable and memcpy_moveable type traits

2003-08-26 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

John Maddock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 He needs to take a look at the has_trivial_* traits:

 has_trivial_assign is roughly equivalent to memcpy_copyable

 I guess there is no equivalent to memcpy_moveable: but it looks rather

It looks dangerous but the memcpy_moveable is intended for containers
designed to deal with this danger.

(The problem can be a bit alleviated (in debug mode) by overwriting old
storage by 0xCC bit pattern, making invalid use easier to spot.)

Combination of is_POD and has_trivial_* covers many cases for
memcpy_moveable but not all of them, IMO. Also the has_trivial_* are not yet
supported by compilers.

My intention was to give user chance to flag moveable types manually. Those
causing performance bottleneck could be examined and flagged without need to
change container/algorithm/architecture.

Performance optimization is often targeted after system gets built and being
able to improve it without major design changes looks useful.


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[boost] Re: memcpy_copyable and memcpy_moveable type traits

2003-08-26 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Edward Diener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 But even for a POD type such as this, copying would lead to
 errors if the char * data were dynamically allocated since a double delete
 would probably be done.

Containers aware of memcpy_moveable can detect this flag and avoid double
delete problems. Other code would use constructors/destructors as usual.

Intention is to give user chance to flag performance sensitive types.
Commonly used containers/algorithms (typically vector) would be able to take
advantage of this. This soulution would work with current compilers and
could be useful for performance optimisation phase of a project.

Code using memcpy_moveable can play some tricks to help troubleshooting
(like filling old storage with debug bit pattern).

memcpy_moveable cannot be deduced by compiler automatically, IMO - that's
real disadvantage.

Also memcpy_moveable is intended for situations where large arrays of
objects are moved, like vector reallocations. It is something different
and likely orthogonal to Mojo or standard move proposals.


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[boost] Re: memcpy_copyable and memcpy_moveable type traits

2003-08-26 Thread Pavel Vozenilek
Edward Diener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 But even for a POD type such as this, copying would lead to
 errors if the char * data were dynamically allocated since a double delete
 would probably be done.

Containers aware of memcpy_moveable can detect this flag and avoid double
delete problems. Other code would use constructors/destructors as usual.

Intention is to give user chance to flag performance sensitive types.
Commonly used containers/algorithms (typically vector) would be able to take
advantage of this. This soulution would work with current compilers and
could be useful for performance optimisation phase of a project.

Code using memcpy_moveable can play some tricks to help troubleshooting
(like filling old storage with debug bit pattern).

memcpy_moveable cannot be deduced by compiler automatically, IMO - that's
real disadvantage.

Also memcpy_moveable is intended for situations where large arrays of
objects are moved, like vector reallocations. It is something different
and likely orthogonal to Mojo or standard move proposals.


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[boost] Re: memcpy_copyable and memcpy_moveable type traits

2003-08-25 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Pavel Vozenilek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Type traits library may be extended with:
   - memcpy_copyable and
   - memcpy_moveable

 see boost::is_POD.

memcpy_moveable may be useful for non-POD types, like some pimpls.


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[boost] Re: memcpy_copyable and memcpy_moveable type traits

2003-08-25 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I don't believe you can use memcpy to move any non-POD types portably,
 i.e. without special knowledge of the compiler.

Thats my point - you may flag some types as safely moveable and then use
this knowledge in algorithms. User has the responsibility to do the


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[boost] Re: filesystem feature request

2003-08-09 Thread Pavel Vozenilek
From: David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I need the ability to do interprocess synchronization through file
 locking, c.f. Java.File.createNewFile and Java.File.deleteOnExit:
 On Posix, the first one would be done with 
   open(..., O_CREAT | O_EXCL)
 and the second, I suppose, would be done with a terminate handler.

The second feature (delete-on-exit) is supported by OS:
- on Win32 using FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE flag in CreateFile()
- on Unix using unlink() standard system call

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[boost] Re: Re: Re: Re: GUI/GDI template library

2003-08-03 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Terje Slettebø [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Make no mistake - this is a lot of work, too. However, it may be much less
 work than creating one from scratch. What do we want - vaporware of a
 GUI library coming real soon now, perhaps not appearing for many years,
 ever, due to the amount of work, or adapting an existing solution and
 able to use it here and now, with a boostified version to come?

Every project needs to start and can be labeled 'vaporware' at this moment.

 My goal was to include
 existing libraries in the discussion, and that has been met.

Exhaustive list of toolkits is on:

Here is interesting review of five GUI toolkits, including wxWindows:


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[boost] Re: circular_buffer update

2003-07-31 Thread Pavel Vozenilek
Hello Jano,

Jan Gaspar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 The updated circular_buffer implementation can be found
 at the common place

I looked briefly over the code:

1. IMO the macro based exception handling isn't needed, it is better
to use RAII, like:

void set_capacity(size_type new_capacity) {
  if (new_capacity == capacity()) return;
  pointer buff = allocate(new_capacity);
  size_type new_size = new_capacity  size() ? new_capacity : size();
  std::uninitialized_copy(end() - new_size, end(), buff);
  BOOST_CB_UNWIND(deallocate(buff, new_capacity))
  m_size = new_size;
  m_buff = m_first = buff;
  m_end = m_buff + new_capacity;
   m_last = full() ? m_buff : m_buff + size();

can be replaced by:

void set_capacity(size_type new_capacity) {
  if (new_capacity == capacity()) return;
  pointer buff = allocate(new_capacity);

  struct deleter_t {
pointer data;
   size_type capacity;
deleter_t(pointer p, size_type s) : data(p), capacity(s) {}
~deleter_t() { deallocate(data, capacity); }
  deleter_t guard(buff, new_capacity);

  size_type new_size = new_capacity  size() ? new_capacity : size();
  std::uninitialized_copy(end() - new_size, end(), buff);
  m_size = new_size;
  m_buff = m_first = buff;
  m_end = m_buff + new_capacity;
   m_last = full() ? m_buff : m_buff + size();
   guard.data = 0;

RAII may replace all the macros in the code. Source code size, runtime speed
and executable size should not get worse.

2. in function cb_iterator::operator -(), shouldn't it be std::less instead
of less? (actually I do not see why  isn't enough here).

3. cb_iterator::operator +():

instead of

cb_iterator operator + (difference_type n) const {
cb_iterator tmp = *this;
return tmp += n;

you may use

cb_iterator operator + (difference_type n) const {
return cb_iterator (*this) += n;

which looks the same but may use unnamed return value optimisation (URVO).
The original code would require compiler to support named RVO to optimize
copy away.

Some other code may or may not be changed in this way, I didn't look futher
for this.

4. circular_buffer::check_position(): raw throw  is used, it may be
disabled if  BOOST_NO_EXCEPTION or function from
boost/throw_exception.hpp may be used.

5. Similarly in   circular_buffer::allocate(). (I wonder where
does come from?)

 Regarding unused space overhead

 I share the Nigel's opinion. The circular_buffer was designed with fixed
 allocated memory. It will just complicate things. For example statements
 regarding iterator invalidation won't be true any more. On contrary it
 is quite easy to adapt std::list, std::slist or std::deque to achieve
 this goal. You can just push_back() elements at the end of e.g.
 std:list. In case the size of the container exceeds the desired capacity
 you just remove the element from the front.

Maybe in this case circular_buffer can reuse vector to keep internal
(the source code would be smaller + potential for smaller executable).

The circular_buffer could keep start+end pointers and delegate quite a lot
of functionality to std::vector.

(Since there are not many Mojo enabled vectors, using Mojo likely means
own buffer handling to be of any effect.)


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[boost] Re: circular_buffer and unused space overhead

2003-07-29 Thread Pavel Vozenilek
 In relation to the previous discussion I thought an
 alternative container may be a circular_deque that could
 have the kind of flexibility with resizing that
 also sounds desirable.

 Does a circular_deque sound like the right solution
 to your particular application, rather than a
 vector-like resizing contiguous circular buffer?

I think these solutions are (mostly) equivalent.

From practical point of view, adding auto-resize to circular_buffer is
easier than creating new container.


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[boost] Re: circular_buffer and unused space overhead

2003-07-28 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Nigel Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

  Wouldn't it be better to use smaller internal memory block initially and
  resize it only when demand goes up?

 That's a good point, but it certainly complicates both the interface
 and the semantics of the container.  Could this style of circular
 buffer be an adaptor, or perhaps a policy adaptor?

IMO the resize/shrink cannot be added via adaptor (unless it is very complex

It may be possible to design circular_buffer as adaptor over [vector |
deque | list | slist | shrinkable vector | ...].


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[boost] Re: circular_buffer and unused space overhead

2003-07-28 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Nigel Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  IMO the resize/shrink cannot be added via adaptor (unless it is very

 An adaptor that wraps push() and insert() would
 be considerd too heavy-weight?

I think it is pretty heavyweight, but maybe there's some misunderstanding.

 The point of NOT adapting a circular_buffer over
 vector, deque or list is to preserve the fixed time
 push and pop.  It is also useful to automatically
 overwrite items at the opposite end of the container,
 to obscure that with resizing semantics seems is
 undesirable.  (In other words, a resizing circular
 buffer is not consistant with the conventional
 understanding of what a circular buffer is - correct
 me if I'm wrong.)

My feeling is that with optional auto-resize feature circular_buffer may
hit the sweet spot of being good enough for 80% apps. The auto-resize would
kick in only when user explicitly asked for it.

The fixed push/pop times and optimal memory use would be guarantied if
things are going in normal, expected way.

When buffer needs to get resized it is likely result of exceptional
situation somewhere else and the resize overhead may be insignificant at
this point.

Primitive type elements may be detected and memcpy() solution used to
decrease resize overhead here.

 In relation to the previous discussion I thought an
 alternative container may be a circular_deque that could
 have the kind of flexibility with resizing that
 also sounds desirable.

I was thinking about circular_bitbuffer, space efficient bool container.
Boolean values are quite common output of sensors.


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[boost] Re: Proposal: BOOST_NO_TEMPLATED_STREAMS config macroandhelpers

2003-07-26 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Gennaro Prota [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 I had this problem with dynamic_bitset and, after discussing it with
 Phil Edwards (who is one of the maintainers of libstdc++), I came up
 with the macro that is currently in


Just note: the macros (BOOST_OLD_IOSTREAMS and BOOST_BITSET_CHAR) should get
undefined at the end of the header.


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[boost] circular_buffer: minor feature request

2003-07-22 Thread Pavel Vozenilek
Would it be possible to add helper function 'flatten()' into

After invocation, user would be sure of:

buff[0]  buff[1]  ...  buff[n]

In other words, user will be able to treat circular_buffer content as
continuous array of values in this moment.

It is not earth shaking feature, it violates 'minimal interface' ideal but
can be handy:
- when legacy C function requires continuous array (like Win32 API)
- when buffer is being saved to file or written to socket
- special purpose adaptor could present result as (nonresizable) vector

Alternatives are simple but much more CPU/memory expensive.


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[boost] Re: Re: Re: Formal Review Request: circular_buffer [long]

2003-07-22 Thread Pavel Vozenilek
Hello Jano,

Jan Gaspar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

  3. This fragment fails:
  struct Test {}
  circular_bufferTest a(2);
 I don't understand this. IMHO there will be 2 copies of Test(). Nothing
should be
 destroyed in the second push_back(). I think, everything is OK.

It works OK - I did mistake. The circular_buffer can safely pushXXX its
own values.

3. cb_iterator: is the m_end value needed?
 Should or shouldn't impact performance? What about setting m_it to 0 ?

Zero is even better.


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[boost] Re: current_function.hpp extension

2003-07-18 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Peter Dimov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 There is currently no BOOST_HAS_CURRENT_FUNCTION since the idealistic goal
 has been to cover all widely used compilers one day,
 On the other hand, perhaps you have a use case that clearly demonstrates

SMART_ASSERT library implements BOOST_HAS_CURRENT_FUNCTION equivalent (it
would be ugly to print out the default text).

If not covered yet: MSVC 7 can be added
(http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/Message/1647745) as well as HP aCC


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[boost] [thread] bugfix + possible deadlock

2003-07-03 Thread Pavel Vozenilek
Boost 1.30, Windows.

libs/thread/src/once.cpp, function call_once(), CreateMutex() should be
replaced with CreateMutexA() in one place.

Looking into the code, I have question: if the 'called once' function
throws, it leaves (under Win32) opened mutex and this can deadlock the app
(if there are more functions to be 'called once').

The mutex can be closed even in this case and function flagged as executed.


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[boost] Re: BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT - a little better

2003-06-20 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

John Torjo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi all,

 I was just thinking (actually, I needed this, while doing some coding),
 STATIC_ASSERT could get a little of the SMART_ASSERT flavour.

 What am I talking about?
 In case a STATIC_ASSERT fails, how about dumping some data that was
 in the expression?

SMART_ASSERT is very useful to provide context information for hard to
reproduce errors. STATIC_ASSERT error can be reproduced reliably during
every compilation.


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2003-06-15 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Robert Ramey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 H - I never imagined that something like this would be so problematic.

 For now with my VC  7.0 compiler I can use the following and it gives
 me almost exactly what I need.  The warning message points exactly
 to the place in my code where I have invoked it - just like

 I would hope something like this could be boostified so that I could use
it outside
 of a function.

 struct warning
 typedef int type;

 struct warningtrue
 typedef char type;

 { \
 char x = (warningB::type)0x; \

Played with, it works on Intel C++ 7 and MSVC 6 (two warnings issued).

It doesn't work for BC++B and needs change, e.g.:

#ifdef __BORLANDC__
struct warning { typedef int type };

struct warningtrue { typedef int type; };

{ \
warningB::type compile_time_warning_issued = 0; \
compile_time_warning_issued = compile_time_warning_issued; \

(It produces warning temporary used to initialize

It would not work if
  #pragma warn -8028
is defined.

I thought about preprocessor based solution (for compilers supporting
#pragma message):

file test.cpp:

#include boost/preprocessor.hpp

BOOST_PP_BOOL(x) ), .hpp ) )

int main()
  #define BOOST_STATIC_WARNING_TEXT detailed warning description

file warning0.hpp:

#error You must define BOOST_STATIC_WARNING_TEXT each time before using
#ifdef _MSC_VER

file warning1.hpp:

#error You must define BOOST_STATIC_WARNING_TEXT each time before using

Output (Intel C++ 7.0 plugged in MSVC 6 IDE, MSVC 6 as well):
Configuration: test - Win32 Debug
COMPILE TIME WARNING: detailed warning description
link: executing 'C:\PROGRA~1\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin\link.exe'

test.exe - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s)

It cannot be used to generate warnings for template instantiations etc.


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[boost] Re: Any interest in a member function pointer - functionpointerconverter? (a la boost::function)

2003-06-06 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Terje Slettebø [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 int main()
   function_ptrint (A*, int), A::a_member fn;

   // The rest the same

   A a;
   int r=fn(a, 3); // sets r to 9

Is it similar (in principle) to
http://www.code-genie.com/cpp/articles/events/events.html (long text)?


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[boost] Re: Re: Better Intel-Win32 support

2003-06-05 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

John Maddock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

  That will certainly work, but you shouldn't have to do that since the
  compiler itself defines _WCHAR_T_DEFINED. Since I made the fix earlier
  afternoon I am able to compile some non-boost code correctly which had
  previously be failing.

 Just let me jump in here: you absolutely can not use _WCHAR_T_DEFINED to
 detect native wchar_t support: the windows headers will define this when
 wchar_t has been defined as a typedef (and wchar_t is not a native type).
 There appears to be no way to actually tell whether wchar_t is a native
 or not with Intel.

Is is possible to post tiny example which fails?


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[boost] [lexical_cast] performance related feature

2003-06-05 Thread Pavel Vozenilek
lexical_cast constructs and destroys std::stringstream
(including dynamic memory allocation/free.)
each time a conversion is done.

Maybe specialised version of lexical_cast can be developed
which takes external, existing stringstream instance as
template parameter and reuses it.

Very rough idea:

templatetypename Target, std::stringstream ss, typename Source
Target lex_cast(Source s)
// clear ss
ss  s;
Target t;
ss  t;
return t;

extern std::stringstream ss;
std::stringstream ss;

int a = 99;
std::string s = lex_caststd::string, ss(a);


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[boost] Re: Better Intel-Win32 support

2003-06-02 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Beman Dawes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I'll try to trace where BOOST_NO_INTRINSIC_WCHAR_T is being set. I'm not
 worried about ADL, at least with VC++ 7.1.

You may look on test table

(Warning : when playing with options I managed to break something in
compiler configuration and as result compiler decided to define macro
indicating wchar_t support _always_.)


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[boost] Re: Configuration for Intel compiler

2003-05-11 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Guillaume Melquiond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I found a bug in the interval library. but when I corrected it, I stumbled
 over another problem: this bug was ironically what allowed the library to
 be correctly compiled with my version of the compiler (Intel compiler 7.1
 for Linux). When I remove it, the library no longer works...

 The default configuration defines BOOST_NO_STDC_NAMESPACE for this
 compiler. So the library expects to find standard C math functions (the
 ones in cmath) in the global namespace. Unfortunately, they are where
 they are supposed to be: in the std namespace. So here is my question: is
 this macro really necessary for this compiler?

Intel C++ compiler can be embedded in VC++6 IDE and in this configuration
cmath puts functions in global namespace.

It may be different for Intel C++ embedded into VC++7 IDE and yet different
for standalone compiler.


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[boost] Re: quantity.hpp uploaded into files section

2003-04-27 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Terje Slettebø [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 If one were to implement currency conversion, how might that be done, in

 Does one need to store the conversion rates between any two currencies
 (giving an N^2 size table), or might it be possible to convert any
 to some universal currency, and from that again to any other, and still
 getting the right values (giving a 2N table)?

Currency conversion as drop-in library is IMHO not possible - currencies
differ from strict units like weight and future applications may require
functionality beyond current requirements.

Speaking about quantity.hpp uploaded to Yahoo: it is general purpose and
lightweight utility to help with conversions. It doesn't know angles or
currencies or SI. I prefere to use example of convering between screen pixel
and image point - something application specific what cannot be known and
implemented in advance by library writer.

Conversion between well known physical units is covered by SIunits (and
other libraries) and quantity.hpp doesn't try to compete with these.

Another examples:
- You may need to know date when one currency value was converted into
another (to find exchange ratio): quantity.hpp may help here to keep details
separated from application code.
- Conversion between angle and geometric point (contrived application
specific example).
- 'Dynamic' conversions: currency is converted into another using available
realtime exchange rate.
- 'Lossy' and 'one way' conversions: rounding up to nearest $ and
(intentionally) with no conversion back.

I am interested if such a utility will be found useful. It is very simple
code (just few constructors + cast operators + naming convention) but the
name quantity probably gives expectations of very specific functionality. I
may change the name (Safer Value Conversions would be better but is


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[boost] Re: [filesystem] new functions proposals

2003-04-27 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Trevor Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 So it sounds to me like the :blat is *not* part of the extension. It
 sounds like the NT file name is made up of three parts: name, extension
 and stream.

 In which case I think it is fine to have functions extension() and
 change_extension() - they just should not report or modify the stream

 To implement them I guess I'd need to know whether the file name was an
 NTFS filename, and then how to reliably locate the extension part?

Functin DeviceIoControl() with parameter IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO can
do it. It is available on NT/W2K.

Does it make sense to take into account NTFS drives for Win95/98 (from
www.systeminternals.com) or Linux NTFS drivers?


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[boost] Re: better assertion technique

2003-04-23 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

John Torjo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 assert( (i  j) || (i == 0) || (j == 1) ); would change into
 SMART_ASSERT( (v_(i)  v_(j)) || (i == 0) || (j == 1) );

 The output of the above (in case the assertion fails) can look like:

 Assertion failed:
 '(v_(i)  v_(j)) || (i  0) || (v_(k) == -1)'
 i= '3'
 j= '2'
 k= '1'

This feature looks handy. Short macro like v_ is IMHO acceptable, it won't
clash with definition like:
  int v_;

I wounder if it could be somehow merged with
http://www.cuj.com/experts/2104/alexandr.htm?topic=experts ?


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[boost] Re: [filesystem] new functions proposals

2003-04-17 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Jason House [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 :blat ???

 1. I have no clue what that would mean
 2. Is there any handling of :blat in any way shape or form in the file
 system stuff?  I don't remember seeing any description of that case...

It means alternate stream of NTFS file.

One file can contain any number of such streams. Default one - unnamed - is
what you usually use. To use alternate stream, just append :something to
the filename parameter of an API call.


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[boost] Quantity library: any interest?

2003-04-12 Thread Pavel Vozenilek
I wrote Quantity library some time ago and wonder whether it may get added
into Conversion library. If anyone gets interested I will Boostify and
submit it.

Quantity library is used to get safe conversions between different physical
units (like between Celsius and Farhernheit degrees). Instead of bare number
you have specific type and conversion rules are applied automatically.


typedef struct { float value; } speed_km_per_hour_t;

typedef Quantity

float,   // numeric type to represent speed in meter/sec
speed_km_per_hour// alternative representation

// conversion rule: define them when it makes sense
void convert_quantity(const speed_meters_per_sec_t from,
speed_km_per_hour_t to)
to.value = from.value * 3.6;

int main()
speed_meters_per_sec_t m_p_s(10);

km_p_h = m_p_s;// OK
//   m_p_s = km_p_h;   ERROR - this conversion is not defined
km_p_h = static_castspeed_km_per_hour_t(m_p_s); // OK

You can manipulate Quantity value like any other value (add, multiply,
compare), you may add  e.g. 1 inch to value of 2.1 meters.  This library
helps to avoid really hard to track down conversion errors.

Some conversions may not be needed: e.g. $1.5 money may be converted to
string one dollar, fifty cents but not vice versa. Unimplemented and used
conversions result in (relatively) readable linker error.

Ability e.g. to divide length quantity by time quantity and get speed
quantity may be added into the library.

The library is simple and uses Boost.Preprocessor to emulate variable number
of template parameters.

Shortened snippet of implementation:

templatetypename MainType, typename OtherType1
class Quantity
Quantity() {}
Quantity(const Quantity other) : value(other.value) {}
Quantity(const MainType val) : value(val) {}
Quantity(const OtherType1 val) { convert_quantity(val, *this); }

~Quantity() {}

Quantity operator=(const Quantity other) { value = other.value; return
*this; }
Quantity operator=(const MainType other) { value = other; return
this*; }
Quantity operator=(const OtherType1 other) { convert_quantity(other,
*this); return *this; }

operator MainType() { return value; }
operator OtherType1() { OtherType1 result; convert_quantity(*this,
result); return result; }

// operators like ==, /, * etc. not shown here

MainType value;

Name and inspiration was taken from Martin Fowler's article


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[boost] Re: [optional] two problems with BCB 6 and 1.30b

2003-03-24 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

- Original Message -
From: Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Following snippet of code fails:
  #include boost/optional.hpp
  #include utility
  void foo(const boost::optionalstd::pairunsigned, unsigned  aux =
  boost::optionalstd::pairunsigned, unsigned ())
  int main() {}
 I can't reproduce the problem here with the 1.30.0 release,
 BCB6, update 4, from within the IDE.
 Which command line options are you using?

The BCB flags are:
= -Od -H=$(BCB)\lib\vcl60.csm -Hc -Vx -Ve -X- -r- -a8 -b- -k -y -v -vi- -tWC

-tWM- -c

IDLCFLAGS = -IC:\Temp\optional_test -I$(BCB)\include -I$(BCB)\include\vcl \

-IC:\Work\Editor\3pp\boost_1_30_0 -src_suffix cpp -D_DEBUG -boa

PFLAGS = -$YD -$W -$O- -$A8 -v -JPHNE -M


AFLAGS = /mx /w2 /zd

LFLAGS = -D -ap -Tpe -x -Gn -v

It is normal console IDE project in BCB Enterprise, using default options.
It fails with 1.30 as well here.

I may send you the whole project if you want.


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[boost] Re: [date_time] enabling microsec_clock under C++Builder

2003-03-24 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Alisdair Meredith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Russell Hind wrote:

 WinAPI Note: we can get a higher resolution using the
 QueryPerformanceCounter API (and QueryPerformanceFrequency if resolution
 info is required)

It is (was) not completely reliable: see Q274323 bug in MS Knowledgebase:

Symptoms: The result that is returned by the QueryPerformanceCounter
function may unexpectedly leap forward from time to time. This leap may
represent several seconds.

The MSDN article specifies what HW can cause the problem and how to work it


PS: my experience with this API is positive, I got resolution cca ~1
microsecond and the call overhead was tiny.

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[boost] [optional] two problems with BCB 6 and 1.30b

2003-03-19 Thread Pavel Vozenilek
I use Borland C++ Builder 6, update 4, STLPort 4.5.1 (provided by Borland)
and Boost is 1.30.0beta1.

Following snippet of code fails:

#include boost/optional.hpp
#include utility

void foo(const boost::optionalstd::pairunsigned, unsigned  aux =
boost::optionalstd::pairunsigned, unsigned ())

int main() {}

with error message:
[C++ Error] Unit1.cpp(12): E2188 Expression syntax
[C++ Error] Unit1.cpp(12): E2299 Cannot generate template specialization
from '_STLD::pair_T1,_T2'
[C++ Error] Unit1.cpp(12): E2299 Cannot generate template specialization
from 'boost::optionalT'
[C++ Error] Unit1.cpp(13): E2257 , expected
[C++ Error] Unit1.cpp(33): E2151 Type mismatch in default value for
parameter 'aux'
[C++ Error] Unit1.cpp(12): E2293 ) expected

The same code compiles OK with Intel C++ 7.0.

If I use typedef it works OK with both BC++B and Intel C++:
#include boost/optional.hpp
#include utility

typedef boost::optionalstd::pairunsigned, unsigned  AType;

void foo(AType  aux = AType())

int main() {}

Borland also fails with this construct:
#include boost/optional.hpp

int main()
  boost::optionalint aux(0);
  if (aux  *aux == 0) {

with this error message:
[C++ Error] Unit1.cpp(24): E2094 'operator' not implemented in type
'boost::optionalint' for arguments of type 'bool'

Intel C++ 7.0 compiles and executes this snippet OK.

This works in BC++B:
#include boost/optional.hpp

int main()
  boost::optionalint aux(0);
  if ((!!aux)  *aux == 0) {

These problems may be caused by bugs in BC++B compiler. Sorry if this
problem was already spotted.


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[boost] Re: shifted_ptr w/ lock mechanism

2003-01-29 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Peter Dimov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  From: David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Philippe A. Bouchard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Lock mechanism was added to shifted_ptr:
   Benchmarks are also updated.  Still shifted_ptr is using less
   twice faster for reconstruction time.
  One easy way to estimate the impact of an optimized allocator is to
  BOOST_SP_USE_STD_ALLOCATOR, to make shared_ptr use std::allocator. On
  derived STLs, std::allocator is usually faster than plain new.

 Yeah; I'm pretty sure that my specialized allocator was faster still,
 since it just allocated fixed-sized blocks and linked them back into a
 free-list.  It was pretty trivial to implement on top of a std::deque
 of POD unions.

Latest C++ compilers come with fairly good allocator for small object .
I played with Loki's SmallObjAllocator and even heavily sped up version
didn't match
the native allocators used in BCB or Intel C++ (being still 30% slower and
no MT safety).
I guess small object optimisation was already provided, maybe mixed together
with tricks
as assembler optimisation or cache wizardry.

OTOH GCC 2.95.* was significantly slower than Loki.


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[boost] Re: Re: Re: undo library

2003-01-24 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Ihsan Ali Al Darhi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Can I use this library to implement multiple undo/redo in GUI applications
 under Windows? For example in a word processor.

Undo/redo is generic mechanism that can be used for whatever purpose.
in wordprocessors/graphics editors is the most common case.

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[boost] Re: is_abstract_baseT ?

2003-01-24 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Robert Ramey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Is there such a thing as is_abstract_baseT similar to is_polymorphicT

 Is such a thing possible?  I could use it but have been unable to figrure
 out how to do it.

Rani Sharoni wrote is_abstract_classT type trait (see

It compiles on Comeau, Intel C++ 7.0 and VC++ 7.1beta.


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[boost] Re: Re: undo library

2003-01-23 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Andrei Alexandrescu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
b0pu01$bqd$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:b0pu01$bqd$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Al Stevens has an article in a past DDJ about a generic undo/redo library,
 can anyone dig it out? I recall it was interesting.

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[boost] is_abstract_class type trait

2003-01-06 Thread Pavel Vozenilek
Rani Sharoni posted one possible implementation on http://tinyurl.com/459q 
(c.l.c++.m, 2002-07-11, topic 'is_abstract_class implementation!').

The implementation depends on border-case C++ feature (more in Rani's text). 
I compiled it sucessfully with Comeau online compiler.

It may be considered as addition to type_traits library, after the standard 
settles on it.

is_abstract_classT may be useful e.g. to enforce don't derive from 
non-abstract classes constraint.


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[boost] Re: statistics

2002-12-03 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Beman Dawes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 If I understand you correctly, those are counts of the number of files.

Yes. The visible tendency is to provide all formats: zip/gz/bzip2. Previous
releases typically come with only zip/gz and this skews statistic a bit.
Bzip2 is catching on lately.

 It would also be interesting to look at the download counts for projects
 which make several formats available.

SourceForge, for what I know, doesn't provide statistics breakdown on single

 In other words, what formats do users prefer to download when several are

Question for SourceForge staff, if exact number is needed. I personally
always pick the smallest file available.


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[boost] statistics

2002-12-02 Thread Pavel Vozenilek

Beman Dawes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 At 03:05 PM 11/29/2002, Pavel Vozenilek wrote:

  Bandwith and time of those with dialup can be saved by compressing Boost
  release by BZIP2 compressor (http://sources.redhat.com/bzip2/).
 Regardless, thanks for bringing it up.  I've been wondering if bzip2 was
 becoming a commonplace format.

Statistics for first 15 projects from SourceForge, keyword C++:

Compressed downloadable files:
 - ZIP files: 250
 - GZ files: 212
 - BZIP2 files: 50

No other general purpose compressors were used (there were few Mac specific
files and some RPM).

4 out of 15 projects provided BZIP2 compressed files.


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[boost] Boost release compressed by bzip2

2002-11-29 Thread Pavel Vozenilek
Bandwith and time of those with dialup can be saved by compressing Boost 
release by BZIP2 compressor (http://sources.redhat.com/bzip2/).

For example boost_1_29_0.tar.gz has size 5 272 kB, tared and compressed by 
bzip2 size is 4 282 kB (down to 81%).

Boost size will grow (Spirit lib has over 600kB) and bzip2 can reduce the 
growth a bit. Bzip2 is available on many platforms, free to use, stable and 
quite used.


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