[boost] Re: Metaprogramming question

2003-08-14 Thread Thorsten Ottosen
John Maddock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm trying to remember, did someone around here come up with some code
 can tell at compiler time whether an object has a specific member or not,
 can do it for operators, but not a member typedef (which is what I

I think this might help


but I could only do it with comeau back then.

best regards


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[boost] Re: string conversion methods

2003-07-06 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

 It's only minor:

 But boost::filesystem and boost::date_time have string conversion
 methods such as


 where as boost::format (and also stringstreams in the STL) have


 I don't know about the other libraries?  Is there a standard for this in
 boost or is it up to the libraries?  Should they be commonised?

Ideally, yes. I would prefer .c_str() for const char* conversion and str()
for std::string



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[boost] Re: Any Interest in an Adapter for Sequences of Pointers?

2003-06-12 Thread Thorsten Ottosen
Hi Alex,

 There are many more possibilities beyond those described here. Does this
 sound interesting to anyone

I don't have time to comment very thoroughly, but I can say that it does
interesting. In the project I'm working on now I needed to sort the pointers
several containers which was not that hard.

 // widgets_ and widget_ptrs_ get populated with some values
 . . .
 for (unsigned int i = 0; i  widgets_.size(); ++i)

You can avoid your handcoded loop by something like

transform( ..., address_of );

of course you would have to resize the destination vector, but wouldn't you
do that
anyway to save some allocations?

What would have been nice was some kind of template that could generate
oprator, operator= etc
if there was a non-pointerversion of the class.



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[boost] random lib: Quasi-random generators

2003-06-08 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

Have anyone involved in the random lib and its standardization considered
a couple of quasi-random generators? I have recently heard of the fancy
quasi stuff which simply means that the numbers fill the range more
than normal pseudo-random sequences. These sequences are important
for Quasi Monte Carlo integration and for applications that need to
N samples uniformly in some way without knowing N in advance.



source: Numerical recipes in C++, second edition, p. 313ff

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[boost] Re: What is the status of Container algorithms in sandbox

2003-05-11 Thread Thorsten Ottosen
Alisdair Meredith :
Hmmm, it looks like we are trying to achieve slightly different things.
From my perspective, the standard library works with semi-open ranges
and iterators.  I am not trying to change that, merely make more
explicit when a pair of iterators in the parameter list form the bounds
of a range.

Can you ive some examples of this explicitness?.

This is clear when we look at algorithms that take a range for input and
an output iterator, eg transform.  Where I see a range and an iterator,
your library tries to see two containers.  I'm not entirely convinced
this is the way to go.

Neither am I. I think I'm actually for making the second arg. an iterator.
I originally thought it was good because one could do certain assertions on
size of two containers, e.g:

copy( const C1, C2 )
   assert( size( C2 ) = size( C1 ) );

but we loose a lot of flexibility by only allowing the C2.begin() iterator
to be passed.

Likewise, for me a container is simply one form of range, but I can
imagine many others.  Perhaps I should take a look at the Views
library?  To phrase the library in terms of containers seems to limit
it, to me.

How would his range phrasing sound like?

Also, is there a background paper describing the motivation for this
library anywhere?  I am currently making big assumptions about its
intent (you may have noticed!) so that might correct some of my
misconceptions :¬ )

there is no such paper, but I guess it would need to go into the
motivation section
of its stil-to-be-written documentation. But I'll summarize it as follows:

syntactic sugar, easier, shorter algorithm use

I'll make sure it is mentioned on Monday and see if we can drum up some
interest ;¬ )

great. :-)

I'll use a couple of minutes on changing the third second parameter to an



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[boost] Re: What is the status of Container algorithms in sandbox

2003-05-11 Thread Thorsten Ottosen
Also, is there a background paper describing the motivation for this
library anywhere?  I am currently making big assumptions about its
intent (you may have noticed!) so that might correct some of my
misconceptions :¬ )

when I come to think of it, it was also nice to be able to treat arrays,
iterator pairs and stl containers alilke.


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[boost] Re: Re: Re: smart assert (was:ENFORCE/betterassertiontechnique)

2003-05-08 Thread Thorsten Ottosen
 However, I think this would be a great feature (and a good name -
 BOOST_VERIFY) - to allow the same behaviour as ASSERT in release as well.
 What do you think? Do you think of a better name?

how about just VERIFY() :-)


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[boost] Re: Quantity library: any interest?

2003-04-12 Thread Thorsten Ottosen
I would say there is. But how do your work compare with SIunits?


best regards


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[boost] Re: random and msvc6

2003-03-25 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

Lapshin, Kirill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]m01.gsp.gs.com...
Hi All,
Thorsten, was the error you observed on intel 7 related to this one?

Unfortunately not.  The program I'm trying to compile is this:

#include boost/random.hpp
#include ctime

using namespace boost;
using namespace std;
typedef lagged_fibonacci607 base_generator_type;
base_generator_type´generator( time( 0 ) );
uniform_01base_generator_type   uni( generator );

Yesterday I actually gave up because the error was just too wierd:
apparently something as simple as a typedef and
a  pointer to a class could not compile.

Since I saw your new mail, I gave it a try again and it turned out to be a
problem with templated constructors within

  templateclass Generator
  explicit lagged_fibonacci_01(Generator  gen) { init_modulus();
seed(gen); }

I don't fully understand what the real cause for the error is; I've tried to
reconstruct the error without luck.
Anyway, I guess my local copy of the file will just have those two lines
commented out.



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[boost] Re: exception context

2003-03-25 Thread Thorsten Ottosen
Darren Cook [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I wanted something like the call stack that shows in python or java when
 uncaught exception occurs;

I tried to start a discussion on something similar, although I wanted
language support. However, one of my points also were (and is) that
it would be nice not only for uncaught exceptions, but also for running
programs. My concern is that we have no standard mechanism for
inspecting the errors in running programs when they (perhaps) have shipped
to the customer.
What is particularly irritating is that one instance of a program might work
perfect whereas another instance may contain errors. If we cannot
inspect those errors, we're in trouple if we cannot redo these errors .

The entire thread can be found here:




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[boost] random and intel v7

2003-03-23 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

random and intels compiler v7 does not work together. Does anyone know what
it would take
to make it work?



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[boost] Re: random and intel v7

2003-03-23 Thread Thorsten Ottosen
  random and intels compiler v7 does not work together. Does anyone know
  it would take
  to make it work?

 An active maintainer for the Boost.Random library ;-)

I was more thinking about what compiler features that are prohibiting the
intel compiler from working with the
library. Since I'm not really an expert in random number theory, I cannot be
a maintainer.

Anyway, If somebody knows what's needed for a fix, but doesn't have time, I
might give some of it a look  (since I might need it for
my ongoing project).



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[boost] Re: Re: how to avoid inclusions?

2003-03-08 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Thorsten Ottosen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  my code does not include vector, list or map, but it does need
  Some of the functionality of the container_traits are shown here:
  template typename C 
  bool is_container()
  return boost::container_traitsC::is_container();


 Yes, you can take an approach like this one, but it will cause false
 positives in some circumstances.  If that's acceptable for your
 application, then it's a good answer.

I guess you're  thinking about classes with eg. an iterator typedef.
Couldn't the procedure be improved a little by doing something

  template typename C 
 true_t  is_container( const C, const typename C::iterator =
  typename C::iterator(),
const typename C::const_iterator = typename C::const_iterator(),
more of the same here );

That way we would reduce the likelyhood of false positives a lot. Or would



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[boost] Re: how to avoid inclusions?

2003-03-07 Thread Thorsten Ottosen
Hereby at least a partial solution which so far works with gcc3.2 and comeau
The complete source can be found in the sandbox :


my code does not include vector, list or map, but it does need

Some of the functionality of the container_traits are shown here:

template typename C 
bool is_container()
return boost::container_traitsC::is_container();

template typename C 
bool is_sequence()
return boost::container_traitsC::is_sequence();

template typename C 
bool is_contiguous_sequence()
return boost::container_traitsC::is_contiguous_sequence();

template typename C 
bool is_associative()
return boost::container_traitsC::is_associative();

int main()
using namespace boost;
using namespace std;
typedef listint list_t;
typedef vectorint   vector_t;
typedef mapint,int  map_t;

assert( is_containervector_t() );

assert( is_sequencevector_t() );
assert( is_sequencelist_t() );
assert( !is_sequencemap_t() );

assert( is_contiguous_sequencevector_t() );
assert( !is_contiguous_sequencelist_t() );
assert( !is_contiguous_sequencemap_t() );

assert( is_associativemap_t() );
assert( !is_associativevector_t() );
assert( !is_associativelist_t() );


The implementation uses SFINAE and relys on some assumptions that I'm not a
100% sure about. The core of the implementation is this:

  template typename C 
 true_t  is_container( const C, const typename C::iterator =
  typename C::iterator() );
 template typename T, std::size_t sz 
 true_t  is_container( const T ()[sz] );
 false_t is_container( ... );

 template typename C 
 true_t  is_associative_container( const C,
   const typename C::key_type =
   typename C::key_type() );
 false_t is_associative_container( ... );

 template typename C 
 struct tag_generator
  static C c;

   BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( bool, is_container_ = sizeof( true_t )
   == sizeof( is_container( c ) ) );
   BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( bool, is_associative_container_ =
   sizeof( true_t ) ==
 sizeof( is_associative_container( c ) ) );
   BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( bool, is_sequence_container_ =
   not is_associative_container_ );
  enum { has_random_access_iterator_ =
::boost::is_same std::random_access_iterator_tag,
   typename std::iterator_traits
 typename container_traitsC::iterator 
   ::value };

   BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( bool, is_contiguous_sequence_container_
   = ::boost::is_arrayC::value ||
   has_random_access_iterator_ );

Comments are more than welcome.



PS: How do you all use BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT together with typetraits that
takes two parameters? As you can see I had to fall back on an enum.

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[boost] Re: container algorithms almost complete

2003-03-02 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

Alisdair Meredith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Thorsten Ottosen wrote:

  2. many standard algorithms take a single output iterator as an
  Currently the argument for output must be a container. Should
  it be posible to specify an iterator here too?

 Absolutely!  Not all iterators belong to containers eg ostream_iterator

I see your point. Does anyone have a nice idea of how to detect when the
template argument is an iterator? It's easy with pairs and arrays and the
default case is containers.



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[boost] Re: container algorithms almost complete

2003-03-02 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

Dirk Gerrits [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Dirk Gerrits wrote:
  Thorsten Ottosen wrote:
  I see your point. Does anyone have a nice idea of how to detect when
  template argument is an iterator? It's easy with pairs and arrays and
  default case is containers.
  Perhaps you can use Boost's concept check to see if the template
  argument models the Input Iterator concept? That's the first thing that
  came to mind, I haven't tried it out or anything.

 On second thought, that won't work. Concept check causes a compilation
 error when the argument does not conform to the concept.

 Perhaps you can do it the other way around? Check for a T::begin member
 function to see if the type is a container, and assume the type is an
 iterator in the default case? I'm not sure what that check would look
 like though.

I can't come up with any reason that it should be easier to detect a
container. Here's my initial attempt for iterators based on the assumption
all important iterators have derived from std::iterator:

 template typename C, typename T, typename D,
typename P, typename R 
  true_t  is_iterator( const std::iteratorC,T,D,P,R );
 false_t is_iterator( ... );

template typename C 
struct container_traits
 static C c;
 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( bool, is_iterator =
  sizeof( detail::container::is_iterator( c ) )
  == sizeof( detail::container::true_t ) );

but it doesn't seem to work for eg. an ostream iterator. Does anyone know if
the binding in is_iterator is possible with all these templates involved?



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[boost] Re: Re: container algorithms almost complete

2003-03-02 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Thorsten Ottosen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I see your point. Does anyone have a nice idea of how to detect when the
  template argument is an iterator?

 Sadly, there is no reliable way.  The closest thing I can imagine is
 to use SFINAE to check that iterator_traitsT has valid types, and
 that the types are consistent with the iterator requirements.

I imagine that will be rather non-portable (Comeau and ?). This seems to
work for como, gcc3.2, vc7:

 template typename C, typename T, typename D,
typename P, typename R 
  true_t  is_iterator( const std::iteratorC,T,D,P,R );
 template typename C 
 true_t  is_iterator( const std::back_insert_iteratorC );
 template typename C 
 true_t  is_iterator( const std::front_insert_iteratorC );
 template typename C 
 true_t  is_iterator( const std::insert_iteratorC );
 template typename T, typename C, typename Tr 
 true_t  is_iterator( const std::istream_iteratorT,C,Tr );
 template typename T, typename C, typename Tr 
 true_t  is_iterator( const std::ostream_iteratorT,C,Tr );
 template typename C, typename Tr 
 true_t  is_iterator( const std::istreambuf_iteratorC,Tr );
 template typename C, typename Tr 
 true_t  is_iterator( const std::ostreambuf_iteratorC,Tr );
 false_t is_iterator( ... );

but I'm wondering if that is enough. Can anybody come up with some cases
which will fail here and which is important?



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[boost] Re: Repost: Lock Classes

2003-03-01 Thread Thorsten Ottosen
First I want to say that I'm not experienced with multitherading, but I
would like to see a standard lib
to solve these situations.

A small question about enforcing correct parameter passing: you have these
typedefs :

  // These locks should never be passed by value to functions.
  // Instead use the following typedef to pass by reference:
  typedef const LockOnlyWillOnlyLock;
  typedef const LockWillLock;
  typedef const UnlockOnly  WillOnlyUnlock;
  typedef const Unlock  WillUnlock;

Is this the best way to enforce this? Why not just make lock objects



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[boost] Re: How to convert a template parameter into a string

2003-03-01 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

Dirk Gerrits [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 At what cost? The strings you generate are indeed very readable, but
 specializing spelling for every type that might be a template parameter
 someday seems like too much of a burden to me.

 Others might disagree though...

I think that is a problem too. Maybe a macro could make things easier:

#define DECLARE_SPELLABLE( a_type ) \
template class spellinga_type { public: static const std::string
result; }; \
const std::string spellingmy_enum::result = #a_type

but this should be preferrable be put in headers, so why not make the static
data into a function instead?
Like this:

template typename T 
class spelling
const string result() const
   static const string res = ..;
   return res;

And the macro could be changed accordingly.



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[boost] Re: Re: Repost: Lock Classes

2003-03-01 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

Kevin Atkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 On Sat, 1 Mar 2003, Thorsten Ottosen wrote:

  First I want to say that I'm not experienced with multitherading, but I
  would like to see a standard lib
  to solve these situations.
  A small question about enforcing correct parameter passing: you have
  typedefs :
// These locks should never be passed by value to functions.
// Instead use the following typedef to pass by reference:
typedef const LockOnlyWillOnlyLock;
typedef const LockWillLock;
typedef const UnlockOnly  WillOnlyUnlock;
typedef const Unlock  WillUnlock;
  Is this the best way to enforce this? Why not just make lock objects

 Um, they are.  This typedef are strictly for convenience and readability.

what convenience and what readability? C++ programmers are use to const XX
Having four extra names makes the concept harder to understand.



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[boost] container algorithms almost complete

2003-03-01 Thread Thorsten Ottosen
Hi Boosters,

The container algorithms are almost finished (at least for complient
compilers). This means we can do the following for all standard algorithms:

int array[] = {  };
std::pairiterator,iterator = ...;
vector v = ;

std::copy( one_of_the_three_containers, one_of_the_containers );
All the conde is in the sandbox in


 So I would like to get some feedback on these issues:

1. by overloading some names raises ambiguity. The obvious solution is to
change the name of the algorithm slightly. Currently I have
put those algorithms in an extra namespace ext. Another possibility
was to add an underscore.
2. many standard algorithms take a single output iterator as an argument.
Currently the argument for output must be a container. Should
it be posible to specify an iterator here too?
3. What kind of documentation would be appropriate for this library? I
imagine a very short one.
4. The code implement poor mans partial specialization to enable the
container_traits to work with buggy compilers; so far so good; however,
many compilers cannot even do partial ordering of function templates
which is a real pain in the . I know the workaround might be
to  say

template typename C 
inline typename
begin( C c )
return container_traitsC::function_t::begin( c );

instead of

template typename C 
inline typename
begin( C c )
return container_traitsC::function_t::begin( c );

template typename C 
inline typename
begin( const C c )
return container_traitsC::function_t::begin( c );

but C can be a huge STL container. Can we assume compilers will inline code
and not copy anything?

   5. Should the small boost extensions like iota etc be included with this
realease as well?



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[boost] Re: Minor problem with random::lognormal_distribution

2003-02-03 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

Michael Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 There is a small correction required for lognormal_distribution.
 The problem is flagged under GCC3.2

   explicit lognormal_distribution(base_type  rng,
   result_type mean = result_type(1),
   result_type sigma = result_type(1))
   RealType mean() const { return _mean; }
   RealType sigma() const { return _sigma; }

 should probably read.

   RealType mean() const { return _mean; }
   RealType sigma() const { return _sigma; }

And while we're at it, we shouldn't use leeding underscores on variables;
these are reserved to the compiler.



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[boost] Re: Re: Re: proposal: safe arithmetic class

2003-01-17 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 1) Controlled numeric type promotion and conversion
 This would be needed for safe(r) expressions; the rules for integral
 promotions, floating point promotions, integral conversions, floating
 integral conversions, and the usual arithmetic conversions, would be
 explicitly in types or implicitly in expressions. Unary and binary
 expressions are handled to produce the correct resulting type; conversions
 that would lead to loss of precision or range are invalidated, either at
 compile time or runtime. It is probably a nontrivial task to find
 on what to allow; for example, should the special rules for unsigned
 arithmetic be prohibited or not? [No expression templates required here
 either, but could potentially simplify and add functionality to the


 Int i=std::numeric_limitsint::max();
 Short s=7;
 UShort us=i+s; // i+s results in a type equivalent to unsigned int, and us
 is assigned the least unsigned integer
 // congruent to the source integer (modulo 2n where n is the number of
 used to represent the unsigned type)
 // , i.e. it wraps around. Should this be legal for this safe type?

My personal view would be that it should throw an exception.

 2) Complex expression conversion and promotion control

 If the aforementioned mechanisms for controlling conversions and
 exist, there is still the matter of more complex arithmetic, involving
 intermediate steps. This is where the expression templates need to enter
 arena, because we can no longer simply evaluate the binary operations; we
 must consider the expression as a whole. If we don't, seemingly equivalent
 expressions will be treated differently (just as is the case with

 int x=100;
 int y=100;
 int z=100;

 int r=x*y/z; // Probably a negative number, implementation-defined.
 safe_numeric throws an exception if all variables are safe_numeric.
 r=x/z*y; // 100. safe_numeric doesn't throw an exception.

As far as possible, a safe numeric is a type that never lead the user
into implementation defined behavior. For most of my programs I wouldn't
about if it meant a slower type; program correctness should be the only

 I don't think all of the above was the intent of your proposal though?
no it wasn't. Of course, I also wanted a discussion because it is often not
as trivial
as I tend to think.

 also, there might be value in a partial solution for detecting
 errors/problems/strange results at runtime) The three problems stated
 seem to have great potential for solutions through class libraries (and
 unlimited precision types, where art thou?), and my point has been (and
 that 0) is already covered by numeric_cast, and might not need another
 solution; the others remain open.

I think it might be hard to say if we need three levels of granularity.
Anyway, the important thing
is that there could be a need for more control of implicit
conversions/undefined behavior.

As I understand, there have been a proposal to include a recent C-standard
header which
defines int8_t, int32_t types (which are guarenteed to have the proclaimed
size) into C++ too.
Maybe these types could be defined with additional safety guarantees in
C++ so we could avoid
adding too many new names (it might be a bad idea if C programs compiled
with a C++ compiler must have
the same semantics).



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[boost] Re: Re: proposal: safe arithmetic class

2003-01-16 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I might also be beneficial when you are chaning a variable
  from one type to
  another; the change
  might cause conversion problems some different place in the
  code and/or
  require numeric_cast
  to be inserted. By using wrappers this would be detected.

 True, but the price of this detection is using wrappers everywhere, which
 defeats the purpose, IMO; how should a maintainer know which parts of the
 code contains potential conversion issues when *all* of the code is
 that is the case?

I could also imagine a syntax like this:

Double d = ...;
Int i = d.toInt();

That way you can explicitly see where you're requesting narrowing



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[boost] Re: Re: proposal: safe arithmetic class

2003-01-16 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  From: David Abrahams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  The huge advantage appears when you start looking at arithmetic
  expressions.  The result of
  if (t  u)
  x = y + z * w;
  could be a lot more predictable if we were working with types that
  didn't perform implicit lossy conversions.

 In some cases, sure. But without some exceptionally creative use of
 expression templates, you'd have a situation where the ordering of
 determine the validity of the expression

Sorry for not understanding why exceptionally creative use of expression
templates is necessary :-) Could you
elaborate a little on it?



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[boost] Re: proposal: safe arithmetic class

2003-01-15 Thread Thorsten Ottosen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  From: Thorsten Ottosen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Hi Boosters,
  I was wondering if it would be possible to implement a wrapper around
  built-in types to provide automatic detection of conversion


 What would the advantage be over using boost::numeric_cast directly, and
 thus explicitly? Using these wrappers, it wouldn't be obvious that there
 numeric_casts involved (implying possible failure [and therefore try/catch
 blocks for bad_numeric_cast]).

you would't have to worry about if you forgot a numeric_cast somewhere in
your code
or if you compiled on a platform with different ranges for built-ins which
could make conversion problems appear.

 As I see it, automatic detection of
 conversion problems wouldn't buy much unless it could also remedy the

that depends on what the problem is. I would say that an _undetected_
false conversion
is the biggest problem.

Doing it manually, and acknowledging the potential problem by
 using numeric_cast is (in addition to ensuring correct behavior)
 self-documenting, a property that I think is rather important.

by using a wrapper, you also acknowledge a potential problem.

I might also be beneficial when you are chaning a variable from one type to
another; the change
might cause conversion problems some different place in the code and/or
require numeric_cast
to be inserted. By using wrappers this would be detected.



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[boost] Re: Re: Re: Re: [multiarray] compiling problem

2003-01-13 Thread Thorsten Ottosen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 And when creating patches, it's always a good idea to check that one's
 favorite editor hasn't inserted tabs or changed the line endings (the
 is the case with the submitted multi_array files).
sorry for that.

Additionally, creating
 patches using the latest files from CVS makes them very easy to apply.
if one have cvs access, I pressume :-)


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[boost] Re: [multiarray] compiling problem

2003-01-12 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Thorsten Ottosen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  When I just try include boost/multi_array.hpp I get these errors:
  Comeau C/C++ (Aug 21 2002 15:45:32) for MS_WINDOWS_x86
  Copyright 1988-2002 Comeau Computing.  All rights reserved.
  MODE:strict warnings C++
  E:\C++\libraries\boost_1_29_0\boost/multi_array/subarray.hpp, line
  error #20:
identifier num_dimensions is undefined
assert(other.num_dimensions() == num_dimensions());

 Try this- instead:

assert(other.num_dimensions() == this-num_dimensions());

  E:\C++\libraries\boost_1_29_0\boost/multi_array/subarray.hpp, line
  error #20:
identifier shape is undefined


yep. it needs a _big_ bunch of 'this-' to compile. Is Comeau really wrong?
Who will make the changes?
I guess I can't do it since I only have access to the sandbox



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[boost] Re: Re: Re: [multiarray] compiling problem

2003-01-12 Thread Thorsten Ottosen
  Why not do it and post a patch here?

 That's not a patch; those are the complete files.  However, I'm sure
 Ron can work with those.  If he doesn't respond in the next week,
 Bjorn (the maintenance wizard) will get on his case.

So what is a patch?



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[boost] Re: status of array_traits?

2003-01-09 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

Ronald Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 IIRC, the array_traits library was pulled off of the boost main page
 and moved into the sandbox a while ago.  What is its current status?  Is
 being actively developed or is it currently in stasis?

I recently looked into the array_traits because I needed it for the
container algorithms if they should work for
built.in arrays too. However, after a long time I came to the conclusion
that they will never work
on non-conforming compilers like vc6/7. The problem is simply the inability
to deduce the array size by this overload:

template typename T, int sz 
void foo( T (a) [sz] );

If somebody knows how to remedy this, it would enable array_traits for those



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[boost] Re: spirit and compile speed

2003-01-09 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

Vincent Finn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I assume this is the right place to post questions on Spirit now that it
 is part of boost!
 If not here, where?

 My question is about compile speed.
 Is there any way to speed it up or at least seperate it from the project?

 I have added 2 parsers to my code base and the compile time (VC6) has
 gone from 10 mins to 30mins :-(

I love Spirit for its syntax and ease of use, but I must also admit that
compile times are´
very long, even for debug builds.

I think I read something about a debug mode in uBLAS which was used to
reduce compilation
time; Could something similar be done in Spirit?


Thorsten Ottosen

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Re: [boost] Re: intrusive tagging allows omision of unneeded headers

2003-01-08 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

- Original Message -
From: Dirk Gerrits [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Boost mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 6:15 PM
Subject: [boost] Re: intrusive tagging allows omision of unneeded headers

 Thorsten Ottosen wrote:
  class X
  class tag {};
  typedef tag X_tag;
  class bar
  class tag {};
  typedef tag bar_tag;

 Why these typedefs? Why would one write X::X_tag instead of X::tag for

how can we specifiy that we want to specialize for a particular class
otherwise? Only by establising a convetion
that all (involved) classes have a unique typedef can we destinguish the
classes. For example

template typename C 
void foo_impl( const C c, typename C::bar_tag )
cout  bar specialised version  endl;

will only be a candidate when C actually has a typedef bar_tag. due to
SFINAE the instantiation is allowed
to fail for classes that does not have a bar_tag typdef. And because the
above foo_impl is more specialized

template typename C, typename Tag 
void foo_impl( const C c, Tag t )
cout  default version  endl;

the first foo_impl will be chosen as a better match.



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[boost] possible error in documentation of call traits

2003-01-04 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

In note #3 it says that param_type requires partial specialization; however,
it seems to work fine
with vc7. Does it mean that param_type defaults to const T if partial
specialisation is not available?

Thorsten Ottosen

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Re: [boost] Math constants - (in-)Formal Review?

2002-12-13 Thread Thorsten Ottosen
 9 Users extremely strongly prefer to write float area = pi * r * r;
 10 There is evidence that some compilers can generate better code from
 functions like
 double pi() { return 3.1459;}
 but that this implies writing pi() instead of plain long double pi.
 So the ()s remain the main issue.

Why won't this work:

struct Pi_impl
operator float() const
   { return 3.14...; }

operator double() const
   { return 3.14.; };

   operator long double() const
  { return 3.14..;}

namespace boost
const Pi_impl pi;


Thorsten Ottosen, AAU

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Re: [boost] Re: implicit_cast inventor

2002-11-30 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

a lot of energy wasted on whether to use he or she. So lets waste some more

Here in Denmark the correct way to refer to a person (of both genders) in
a representative sense  is simply he. Nobody is foolish enough to think
its literally a man.
So if the persons gender is unknown, simply use he. It's just a
convention, but until
there is some good reason to change it (and there isn't, BTW) it should stay
that way.

Now, the most used form is however the incorrect version where the author
he or she or some the first, sometimes the last. The result is that the
language has lost
its elegantness and consistency; it will at best make confusion.

I guess you Englishmen (and all you other folks) have seen the appearence
of this kind of language misuse. In Denmark anyway, it started as some kind
women's liberation thing and people we're stupid enough to think it was
unpolite not to say
or she. Those people complete forgot the negative uses: ...and when the
killer/terrorist he or she ...
 It doesn't really make sense to go away from using the word he  as
representative and gender neutral.

Thorsten Ottosen, AAU

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Re: [boost] Sockets

2002-11-23 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

- Original Message -
From: Hugo Duncan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 discussions, I have tried to start describing a design at:

When I look at the examples I'm curious why I see this:


Why doesn't this happen in the constructor/destructor of some object?


Thorsten Ottosen, AAU

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Re: [boost] Re: new initialization lib, any interest?

2002-11-20 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

- Original Message -
From: Rob Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 From: Thorsten Ottosen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  From: Yitzhak Sapir [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   On Wed, 9 Oct 2002, Thorsten Ottosen wrote:
The problem of missing a value in the assignment to
the map is hypothetical. If I wan't to map int to int, I can make

 No, it isn't hypothetical.  It is a reasonable situation to map
 from one numeric type to another, and to use integers for the
 initial values even when assigning to a floating point type.

It was hypothetical that the missing value should be a problem, not that
maps from 'int' to 'int' are.
If you fordot a value, an assertion will be triggered.

mapping just as clear by using newline or tabs:
set_map( m ) += 1,22,33,45,6;
set_map( m ) += 1,2

 As you can see, tabs can be a problem.  At least in mailing
 lists! ;-)

   Given that you yourself did not do well in giving an example of
   separation with whitespace, I think this speaks strongly for a

 I agree.
  Your point, if I understand you
 correctly, is that the compiler would have complained had you
 been able to actually attempt to compile the above with a more
 compliant compiler.

no, if I had compiled it at all. No compiler accepts white spaces in

   The parenthesis form is not that hard.  Add a space between the values
   the parenthesis, and the value isn't buried:
   init(m)( 1, 2 )( 2, 3 )( 3, 4 );

 I don't put spaces within parenthetical expressions, so I'm
 accustomed to code like this:

init(m)(1, 2)(2, 3)(3, 4);

 I find that perfectly readable.

You could then also quickly be accustomed to code like m+= 1,2,  3,4; I
don't think
we're discussing anything that has to do with ambiguity, simple people's
personal preferences
for a certain syntax.  I think I mentioned in a mail that one could choose
to support
both syntaxes, but I'm not sure that is a good idea.

   In this case white space does enhance readability, but the syntax
   guarantees the user won't make a mistake.

 I find the spaces distracting, but since they are not required,
 but merely possible should your own sense of taste dictate them,
 I have no problem either way.

good. :-)

  neither will he in the other case. ¨The concern is hypothetical and the
  interface for map and eg vector will be different which is much worse
  having both operator= and operator+=.

 The concern is not hypothetical.  If you have a
 std::mapint, double, you could easily initialize it with only
 pairs of integers, and the compiler will be happy to convert
 integers to doubles for you.  How can you find an error if the
 compiler doesn't flag it?  How will you learn that you transposed
 a 2 and a 3 in such a case?  It depends upon how that
 transposition affects the rest of your code.  It may be invisible
 in most circumstances.
My imagination is just not good enough, please show an example with both
syntaxes and pinpoint
where the error appears.

 Couldn't you use map-like notation:

init(m)[ssdsd] = Class(2, Cow(3)), [dfedfe] = Class(2, Cow(3));

 The idea is that init(m) would create an object that provides the
 subscript operator which takes the map's key type as a parameter
 and returns an object with an assignment operator which takes the
 map's value type as a parameter.  The assignment operator
 would return the original init object.  The init class
 provides the comma operator to allow chaining as shown.

 (Add whitespace to taste:

   [ssdsd]  = Class(2, Cow(3)),
   [dfedfe] = Class(2, Cow(3));

 What could be more intuitive?
   [sdsds] - Class( 2, Cow(3));

(Efficiency may be another matter,
 but it's intuitive, right?)

yes. might not be such a bad idea.

  In your case, whitespace might
   add something, but the user can still make a mistake.  Even something
   set_map(m) += 1,2,   2,3,   3,4,   5,6,   7,8,  | 9,
 9,10,  11,12, 13,14, 15,16  17,18
   With the user screen margin occuring where the | passes is possible.
   this case, white space doesn't save him from this mistake.  And it
   be hard to find.
  no. as I said earlier, a missing value  will be caught at bug-time
  first time the user runs the code).

 You're assuming the code path containing that initialization code
 will always run.  What if the situation leading to that code path
 wasn't tested?  That may not bode well for the testing
 methodology, but the point is that a compile time error is
I cannot imagine a situation where constant data in a program has not been
tested. I agree compile errors are better, but if it means you
ruin the interface, it might not be worth it.


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Re: [boost] Re: String algorithm library

2002-11-18 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

- Original Message -
From: James Curran/MVP [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 While there is a certain elegance to the names, I'd have to vote
 those.  It's not immediately obvious from the names trim/trimmed which one
 is inplace and which isn't.

well, I would say it is. verbs in the imperative donote mutation, adjectives
denote copy.

  Further, in the matter of
 lower_cased/to_lower_case, if you guess wrong, the other one isn't nearby
 an alphabetic listing of functions.

remove or add to_ from one of them?


Thorsten, AAU

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Re: [boost] minor scoped_ptr/scoped_array feature request

2002-11-17 Thread Thorsten Ottosen
- Original Message -
From: Peter Dimov [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 From: Thorsten Ottosen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  From: Peter Dimov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   In general, it is recommended practice to always assert()
   client code, instead of relying on in-library asserts. First, the
   not required to have asserts, and second, the earlier you catch
   violations, the better (call stacks aren't universally available).
  I don't get this. It's a poor library if it does not even check its own
  in eg. debug mode. Moreover, if you put the precondition in the library,
  take the burden away from the client; this is highly recommeded since it
  commen code _one_ place, not O(n) places!

 Note that recommended practice in my statement above means recommended
 for library users. When you say highly recommended you mean
 for library writers.

Yes, but note that having both is less fortunate. Either we agree that
library writers check preconditions and then
clients don't or we agree that clients check preconditions and library
writers don't.  One reason that C is such
a pain in the *** to use is because its the cliets responsibility to check
conditions , e.g.

int * i = malloc( sizeof( i ) );
assert( i );

Libraries should always check as much as possible.


Thorsten, AAU

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Re: [boost] String algorithm library

2002-11-16 Thread Thorsten Ottosen

- Original Message -
From: Pavol Droba [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 06:47:35PM +0100, Thorsten Ottosen wrote:
  I would find it more naturally to say
  string s = ...;
  trim( s );
  than to use 'trim_in()'.
 Well I have reasons to put it in the way I did. Rationale was to allow
usage of the
 functions in fuctional way. I consider it quite natural to write something

 if ( to_lower(trim(s)) == OK )
 // do somethign with original s

 There are many cases like this in which you probably don't want modify
input sequence.
 So in the functional approach when you usualy stack multiple
transformation in one line
 especialy in conditions. When expression gets complicated it could be
quite anoying and
 less readable to use variants with suffix of prefix.

Perhaps one could use these names then:

Seq  trimmed(...);
void trim(...);
Seq trim( const Seq Input, const std::locale Loc=std::locale() )
Seq trim_in( Seq Input, const std::locale Loc=std::locale() )


Seq lower_cased(...);
void to_lower_case(...);

Seq  upper_cased(...);
void to_upper_case(...);

Seq tolower( const Seq Input, const std::locale Loc=std::locale() )
Seq tolower_in( Seq Input, const std::locale Loc=std::locale() )

Seq toupper( const Seq Input, const std::locale Loc=std::locale() )
Seq toupper_in( Seq Input, const std::locale Loc=std::locale() )

Your example would become

if ( lower_cased( trimmed( s ) ) = ok )

 maybe the suffix _in is not the best, and i'm open to any suggestions, but
I like you to
 consider my reasons to keep non-modifying variants as default.

Of course, just consider them suggestions :-)

  What is relevant here is that the code below does not call
  but overloaded
  freestanding begin() / end() functions. If your code should work with
  arrays or iterator ranges,
  then you could benefit from the container algo. begin/end functions
  approach. However, there is a big problem, namely that
  the container algorithms don't work on eg. VC6/7.

 This sounds interesting. I have seen your library in the sandbox, and I've
 written a mail to Jeremy who I thought is a co-author of the lib.
He is. But he's pretty busy (aren't we all?). Anyway, it was Jeremy's idea
use free standing functions s.t. pairs of iterators could be used and he
laid the basic
tagging mechanism. The free-standing functions also made array support
possible (which will make builtin arrays a _lot_
more useful), so I added that and implemented most of the algorithmic stuff
and a
1000+ lines of test. We still need concept checks and some assertions, but
it has to way till
the traits are running on more platforms.

 I'm open to any ideas, but I consider compatibility with compiler like
 as an important issue. But I coudl be possible to #ifdef sensitible code
 keep at least the core of the lib to be usable for everyone.

 It would be nice If you can provide me with more details about your work.

As I see it, the free standing begin()/end() stuff would be beneficial to
you, and perhaps
many others. Let's assume that they we're working. Then you would implement
the iterator range version of the algorithms (as you already did) and the
in the container versions would use the free-standing begin()/end() and you
would automatically
get support for pair of iterators and arrays too.

I guess we could just make some defines at present s.t. you could use
begin/end in your code
and on compilers with enough support one would be able to use everything.

In that case I guess the traits should be moved to a seperate header, to
make it more appropriate
for different libraries to use it. BTW, the array_traits was written a long
time ago by Dietmar Kuehl.

Anyway, I think the main problem is this statement:

template typename T, size_t 
struct some_traits;

template typename T, size_t sz 
struct some_traits T[sz] ; // bad bad bad on vc6/7

Unfortunately I don't know a workaround :-(.



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