Re: [] OT: Favorite Mac OS X utilities

2003-01-03 Thread Peter R. Wood
> * Sherlock / Watson
>   OSX 10.0 came out with its version of Sherlock (3.0?), and it was...
> meh. Then Watson came out, and trounced it in every way -- this is very
> neat software for getting information of all sorts from the internet.
> Then Jaguar brought Sherlock 3.5, and -- supposedly by coincidence --
> it's much like Watson, but free (with the system). I'm told that Watson
> is easier to extend than Sherlock, and some people seem to be annoyed at
> Apple for how much the current version of Sherlock appears to be a
> Watson clone, but in any case they're both pretty good & worth playing
> with.

The general sequence of events was: Apple releases original Sherlock;
Karelia releases Watson to 'complement' Sherlock; Apple awards Karelia
'Most Innovative Mac OS X Product of 2002'; Apple releases Sherlock 3
(which is a dead ringer for Watson) as part of Jaguar.

For more information on the interesting coincidences between Watson and
Sherlock, and information on both, check Karelia software's FAQ.

Watson has advantages in performance and expandability, but does carry a
licensing fee in order to obtain full functionality.


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] OT: Favorite Mac OS X utilities

2003-01-03 Thread Peter R. Wood
> Really?  I flipped through it in the bookstore and didn't find much of
> value to a long-time UNIX user.  Specifically, I wanted to see much more
> discussion about netinfo and other darwin/osx-isms that you don't find
> on other *NIXes.  The coverage of netinfo was pretty much limited to
> "there's a utility called nidump, and another called niutil", but no
> coverage on how to add a new group, etc.

Sorry, I guess I underestimated the needs of the book's target audience.
For me, at least, it provides more than enough information. I'm sure more
advanced developer types would appreciate the documentation that Elaine
pointed to @ Apple. Perhaps the shortcomings of this book will compel
another author to write a more in-depth guide.

Let me rewrite my original recommendation, then, as follows:

"If you are a casual user of Mac OS X who would like to leverage some
existing knowledge of UNIX, and get a taste of Apple's implementation of
such, you may want to skim a copy of Mac OS X For UNIX Geeks at your local
bookstore. Hopefully this will whet your appetite to do more exploration
on your own."

My apologies if I misled anyone as to the usefulness or appropriateness of
the above mentioned title.


Peter R. Wood - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] OT: Favorite Mac OS X utilities

2003-01-03 Thread Peter R. Wood
> 4. More in-depth books than "Missing Manual". Hints on hardware
> especially  helpful.

Run, don't walk, to get O'Reilly's "Mac OS X For UNIX Geeks" - if want to
leverage your UNIX knowledge with your new Mac system, this book will be
invaluable. I got a copy for Christmas... it's very handy.

> 5. Sources of mac hardware/reviews. I still can't believe the premium I
> have to pay for a "Mac" video card...

I buy lots of stuff for my Macs at Other World Computing:  -- they don't have everything, though. Small Dog
Electronics (based in VT) is also a good place:

I'm also the member of the very active "All Things Macintosh" web forum at  We welcome switchers and the folks are usually very
willing to answer your questions:

There are some very knowledgeable people in there, and we have a good time
too. ;-)

> 6. Any other tips for a windows convert.

Keep up on the latest Mac software, news, etc:  - tracks new Mac software releases - Mac news and commentary - for folks like you who have older Macs - Mac hardware reviews and news, very good if
you're considering any type of upgrade for your Mac, be it CPU, Video,
memory, hard disk...



Peter R. Wood - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Boston-pm mailing list