> 4. More in-depth books than "Missing Manual". Hints on hardware
> especially  helpful.

Run, don't walk, to get O'Reilly's "Mac OS X For UNIX Geeks" - if want to
leverage your UNIX knowledge with your new Mac system, this book will be
invaluable. I got a copy for Christmas... it's very handy.

> 5. Sources of mac hardware/reviews. I still can't believe the premium I
> have to pay for a "Mac" video card...

I buy lots of stuff for my Macs at Other World Computing:
http://www.macsales.com/  -- they don't have everything, though. Small Dog
Electronics (based in VT) is also a good place: http://www.smalldog.com/

I'm also the member of the very active "All Things Macintosh" web forum at
dslreports.com.  We welcome switchers and the folks are usually very
willing to answer your questions:


There are some very knowledgeable people in there, and we have a good time
too. ;-)

> 6. Any other tips for a windows convert.

Keep up on the latest Mac software, news, etc:

http://versiontracker.com/macosx/  - tracks new Mac software releases
http://www.macintouch.com/ - Mac news and commentary
http://www.lowendmac.com/ - for folks like you who have older Macs
http://www.xlr8yourmac.com/ - Mac hardware reviews and news, very good if
you're considering any type of upgrade for your Mac, be it CPU, Video,
memory, hard disk...



Peter R. Wood - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://peter.prwdot.org/

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