Annan's Legacy

2004-12-22 Thread John D. Giorgis,0,

Imagine if U.S. troops were accused of sexually exploiting children in
impoverished nations. Imagine if a U.S. Cabinet secretary were accused of
groping a female subordinate, whose complaint was then swatted aside by the
president. Imagine if the head of a U.S. government agency and the
president's own offspring stood accused of complicity in the biggest
embezzlement racket in history.

Those would be pretty big stories, no? Above-the-fold, top-of-the-newscast
stories. Yet the United Nations has been mired in all these scandals and
until just recently hardly anybody outside the right-wing blogosphere has

John D. Giorgis -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We have one country, one Constitution, and one future that binds us. 
  -George W. Bush, 11/3/2004


RE: ADMIN: Mail hiccup

2004-12-22 Thread Travis Edmunds

From: Nick Arnett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion
To: Killer Bs Discussion
Subject: ADMIN: Mail hiccup
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 17:23:56 -0800
Our mail server was misbehaving for a little while this afternoon.  If you 
had a message to the list come back to you, please re-send it. However, I 
think that probably didn't happen, but some messages have been delayed 
while the sending server retries.
I had one bounce back on me last week. Sadly (sad as in - y'all missed a 
funny post from me!!!), I had the original message that I was replying to 
deleted by the time the mailman hit me back, so I was too pissed/lazy to do 
anything but nothing about it. That made sense right?

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Great Christmas Gift Ideas!

2004-12-22 Thread Travis Edmunds (T-shirts that fuse geek culture 
with high fashion.)

Do you love a T-shirt that displays a witticism clearly defining the wearer 
as both King of the Cubicle and/or Captain of Kitsch?

Have you developed a fear of error messages, and would you love a chance to 
reclaim the computer's power over you?

Are you sick of all your geek T's being oversized, overwashed, and 

Want to make a big splash at the next Def Con? LAN Party? Office meeting?
Do you work in tech support? Have you ever used Windows for even a brief 

Be the envy of anyone who has ever crashed.
Errorwear shirts are 100% cotton, 6.1 oz (10.1 metric oz.), Gildan Ultra 
Cotton Ts, (unless otherwise specified). As you slip the T-shirt over your 
head, try to contain your girlish shriek, for knowing that you're wearing a 
bonafide error message on your chest will surely deliver you to a new plane 
of joy.

Don't be worried that the error message will be lost on your peer group. The 
Windows Blue Screen of Death has surely been seen by everyone at this point. 
Even Solitaire and Minesweeper games have ended in such a way. For the 
hardcore, may we recommend something in the way of an Apache 404 error, or 
perhaps the old school and understated DOS Bad Command?

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Re: Micropayment/online swap systems?

2004-12-22 Thread Robert J. Chassell
Micropayments will fail.  Four years ago, Clay Shirky wrote about

which could

... reward creators of text, graphics, music or video without the
overhead of publishing middlemen or the necessity to charge high

However, as Shirky pointed out

... users want predictable and simple pricing.  Micropayments,
meanwhile, waste the users' mental effort in order to conserve
cheap resources, by creating many tiny, unpredictable

That is the problem with micropayments.

There is a minimum mental transaction cost 

Put another way,

Beneath a certain price, goods or services become harder to value,
not easier, because the X [payment] for Y [good] comparison
becomes more confusing, not less.  Users have no trouble deciding
whether a $1 newspaper is worthwhile - did it interest you, did it
keep you from getting bored, did reading it let you sound up to
date - but how could you decide whether each part of the newspaper
is worth a penny?

Was each of 100 individual stories in the newspaper worth a penny,
even though you didn't read all of them?  Was each of the 25
stories you read worth 4 cents apiece?  If you read a story
halfway through, was it worth half what a full story was worth?
And so on.

When you disaggregate a newspaper, it becomes harder to value, not
easier.  By accepting that different people will find different
things interesting, and by rolling all of those things together, a
newspaper achieves what micropayments cannot: clarity in pricing.

As for solutions,

... the real world abounds with items of vanishingly small value: a
single stick of gum, a single newspaper article, a single day's
rent.  There are three principal solutions to this problem offline -
aggregation, subscription, and subsidy - that are used individually or
in combination. 

In addition, as Shirky says in

for information goods, like writings, some people are

... more interested in attention than income ... [for such people]
free makes sense.  ... as the drunks say, you can't fall off the
floor.  Anyone offering content free gains an advantage that can't
be beaten, only matched, because the competitive answer to free --
I'll pay you to read my weblog! -- is unsupportable over the
long haul.

Free content is thus what biologists call an evolutionarily stable

Robert J. Chassell 

RE: Asimo running

2004-12-22 Thread Travis Edmunds

Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion
Subject: RE: Asimo running
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004 16:59:39 -0800
For all,
The web site is now blocked at my work. Can we all also include
the full URL as well (my my sake please?)
That's all I ever do anyway.
-Travis Edmunds
Don't just Search. Find! The new 
MSN Search! Check it out!


Re: Asimo running

2004-12-22 Thread Travis Edmunds

From: Warren Ockrassa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion
To: Killer Bs Discussion
Subject: Re: Asimo running
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004 18:13:37 -0700
On Dec 20, 2004, at 5:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
For all,
The web site is now blocked at my work. Can we all also 
the full URL as well (my my sake please?)
Don't like TinyURL myself, but that's because I'm just a pain in the ass.
-Travis Edmunds
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Holiday Heist

2004-12-22 Thread Travis Edmunds,5478,11764320%255E663,00.html
ONE of the biggest heists in history has left the National Australia Bank 
with a $50 million headache.

In a Hollywood-style raid, the 20-strong Irish gang robbed the NAB-owned 
Northern Bank in Belfast as thousands shopped and sang Christmas carols 

The families of two senior executives were held for 24 hours in a forest 
while bankers were forced to co-operate under threat of death.

Investigators believe the spectacular raid was the work of either IRA or 
Loyalist paramilitaries who have turned to peacetime organised crime.

This is not a lucky crime, this is a well-organised crime, Assistant Chief 
Constable Sam Kinkaid said.

There was speculation that the haul could be as high as $75 million.
The full cost of the heist will be met by the NAB, even though it announced 
last Tuesday it had reached an agreement to sell Northern Bank to a Danish 
banking chain.

The theft is covered by self-insurance and, as such, NAB will bear the 
impact of any losses arising from the theft, Melbourne-based NAB spokesman 
Brandon Phillips confirmed yesterday.

The raid began Sunday night (British time) when the families were taken 
hostage at gunpoint.

They were driven away to be held at a mystery site in cold conditions.
On Monday morning, the executives were told to head to work and act as if 
nothing was wrong.

In the evening, the gang met the managers to get special security codes and 
clear out the underground vaults full of Christmas cash.

It took two hours for the criminals to move the cash to a waiting truck in a 
nearby street.

An unknown amount was left behind because there was no more room in the 
getaway van.

By 10pm, 24 hours after the ordeal began, the bank managers were freed to be 
reunited with their families.

The raid was similar to the 2001 Hollywood movie Bandits, in which Bruce 
Willis and Billy Bob Thornton kidnap bank managers and sleep at their houses 
before looting the cash.

Most of the money stolen was in Northern Bank notes and sterling printed by 
other banks in the province, making it hard to launder.

Mr Kinkaid refused to say whether the robbers had exposed flaws in security 

And he refused to say if terrorists were under suspicion
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Re: Micropayment/online swap systems?

2004-12-22 Thread Robert J. Chassell
Warren Ockrassa [EMAIL PROTECTED] asked about micropayments:

... are there some relevant or parallel experiences that might
serve as models for exploration?

As I said in a previous message, micropayments will fail.  Clay Shirky

mentioned `three principal solutions'

aggregation, subscription, and subsidy - that are used
individually or in combination. 

Warren, in your case it looks to me that you would need to aggregate
your services as an editor and provide them by subscription.

You would sell your services as someone able to choose content to
customers who are a part of the `long tail'.

By aggregating your choices, you deal with the question of whether a
particular choice is worth a quarter or less to a customer; by selling 
through subscriptions, you provide your customers a known cost.

The online content you would provide gratis.  

You would charge for printed books and CDs, which are `rivalrous'

Like a shirt, if you have a book, I do not have it.  You can loan me
the book and the shirt, but then you have neither.  Your and my use
_rival_ each other's.  On the other hand, you can manufacture a copy
of any online collection of bytes, whether it be a program, book, or
song, and give it to me (on line) so cheaply that it is, in effect,

(Incidentally, you might consider printing or stamping rivalrous goods
`on demand'; I do not know whether the technology is up to it yet,

(Bear in mind that over much of the planet, the law does not help a
small business maintain a monopoly when production costs are low.

(In the US and similar places where laws are somewhat enforced, Apple
sells songs on line.  Also Apple sells convenience: often, it is more
convenient for people to get the tunes from them than from other

(From Apple's corporate point of view, the music sales do not make
much money; profits are only in millions of US dollars.  The sales are
mainly a device for inspiring people to purchase hardware such as

I do not know whether you could make a living aggregating your
services and selling them by subscription.  Perhaps there are people
in your business who are willing to offer editorial choices free of
charge.  If so, and if their choices are more or less `as good as'
yours, then you cannot make a living.  

On the other hand, if your services are better, than you may be able
to make a living.  Or part of a living, the rest coming from selling
rivalrous items.

Robert J. Chassell 

Re: Scouted: Popists: 'Christianophobia' = Anti-Semitism; Demand UN Recognition

2004-12-22 Thread Travis Edmunds

Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion
To: Killer Bs Discussion
Subject: Re: Scouted: Popists: 'Christianophobia' = Anti-Semitism;Demand UN 
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 08:28:35 -0800

Whether one believes that Christians are under attack or not, perhaps
Christians forget that we were /promised/ persecution by Christ himself,
and it is to be a source of blessing:
Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake for
theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when men revile
you, and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you
falsely for my sake. (Matthew 5:10-11)
Sounds like a ton of fun...
Tell me if this sounds familiar: a famously Christian world leader props
up his position by using a pack of lies to sell a Middle East invasion to
drive out despotic Muslims.
Bush II in '03?
No: Urban II in '95. Pope Urban II, in 1095, selling the first
Crusade to oust what he called A race absolutely alien to God from
Wasn't there a Pope Rural as well? Succeeded by Urban I, due to outmigration 
I believe...

-Travis ... Edmunds
Take charge with a pop-up guard built on patented Microsoft® SmartScreen 
 Start enjoying all the benefits of MSN® Premium right now and get the 
first two months FREE*.


Re: ADMIN: Mail hiccup

2004-12-22 Thread Nick Arnett
Travis Edmunds wrote:
I had one bounce back on me last week. Sadly (sad as in - y'all missed a 
funny post from me!!!), I had the original message that I was replying 
to deleted by the time the mailman hit me back, so I was too pissed/lazy 
to do anything but nothing about it. That made sense right?
Now *we're* pissed.

Re: Usenet

2004-12-22 Thread maru
I feel like following in the steps of others using this list for tech 
	Lately, using Thunderbird 1.0, I've been having serious problems 
connecting to Optimum Online's USENET server after a while of doing just 
fine.  It's not my bandwidth, I still receive all my other traffic fine, 
but Thunderbird keeps giving me error messages that it is timing out in 
connecting to Optonline's server.


Re: Usenet

2004-12-22 Thread Nick Arnett
maru wrote:
I feel like following in the steps of others using this list for tech 
Lately, using Thunderbird 1.0, I've been having serious problems 
connecting to Optimum Online's USENET server after a while of doing just 
fine.  It's not my bandwidth, I still receive all my other traffic fine, 
but Thunderbird keeps giving me error messages that it is timing out in 
connecting to Optonline's server.
I don't use Thunderbird very often to check news servers and I haven't 
seen this.  If I were you, I'd try another news client when Thunderbird 
is timing out, to see if it's your client or the server that's acting 
up.  Are you hitting other news servers without timeouts?

I had to write a fair bit of timeout management in my news robots, as 
servers can become awfully slow when they're busy.  But that's usually 
just on open news servers.  If this is something you pay for, it 
shouldn't get overloaded very often if they're a good outfit.


Tommy going home soon

2004-12-22 Thread Nick Arnett
Julia says it looks like they'll be going home with Tommy in a couple of 


Re: Tommy going home soon

2004-12-22 Thread Kanandarqu

Good time to have the whole family together,

 Julia says it looks like they'll be going home with Tommy in a couple of 


Re: Tommy going home soon

2004-12-22 Thread Medievalbk
In a message dated 12/22/2004 11:13:05 A.M. US Mountain Standard Tim, 

Good time to have the whole family together,

And big headaches will turn back into small headaches.
The ones of everyday life.
When Tommy grabs the phone, he's going to call Woy Woy Australia.

RE: Tommy going home soon

2004-12-22 Thread Horn, John
 Behalf Of Nick Arnett
 Julia says it looks like they'll be going home with Tommy in 
 a couple of hours.

Fantastic!  This is really great news.

 - jmh

Re: Tommy going home soon

2004-12-22 Thread Ronn Blankenship
At 10:08 22-12-04 -0800, Nick Arnett wrote:
Julia says it looks like they'll be going home with Tommy in a couple of 


Yay, too!

At least I didn't say Me, too! Maru

-- Ronn!  :)


Homeless Martians with Squeegies?

2004-12-22 Thread Dave Land
[New Scientist Magazine] said something -- or someone -- had regularly 
cleaned layers of dust from the solar panels of the Mars Opportunity 
vehicle while it was closed down during the Martian night.
And, for everyone but Warren:

Weekly Chat Reminder

2004-12-22 Thread William T Goodall

As Steve said,

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over six
years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
-(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.

The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
hours after the start time.

If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
do is send your web browser to:

..And you can connect directly from William's new web

My instruction page tells you how to log on, and how to talk
when you get in:

It also gives a list of commands to use when you're in there.
In addition, it tells you how to connect through a MUD client,
which is more complicated to set up initially, but easier and
more reliable than the web interface once you do get it set up.

William T Goodall
Web  :
Blog :

This message was sent automatically using cron. But even if WTG
 is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up.

Re: Homeless Martians with Squeegies?

2004-12-22 Thread Damon Agretto
Presumably the native, homeless martians get tired of
waiting for a tip and eventually wander off...thus
explaining why we have no pictures! :P



Damon Agretto
Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
Now Building: Revell Germany's M60A3

Do you Yahoo!? 
All your favorites on one personal page – Try My Yahoo! 

Re: Usenet

2004-12-22 Thread maru
Hah! I finally figured it out!  What I was doing was trying to connect 
with SSL, which uses a different port from normal NNTP connections. So I 
set it back to insecure connection, and that finally did the trick!
Thanks anyway.

Nick Arnett wrote:
maru wrote:
I feel like following in the steps of others using this list for tech 
Lately, using Thunderbird 1.0, I've been having serious problems 
connecting to Optimum Online's USENET server after a while of doing 
just fine.  It's not my bandwidth, I still receive all my other 
traffic fine, but Thunderbird keeps giving me error messages that it 
is timing out in connecting to Optonline's server.

I don't use Thunderbird very often to check news servers and I haven't 
seen this.  If I were you, I'd try another news client when Thunderbird 
is timing out, to see if it's your client or the server that's acting 
up.  Are you hitting other news servers without timeouts?

I had to write a fair bit of timeout management in my news robots, as 
servers can become awfully slow when they're busy.  But that's usually 
just on open news servers.  If this is something you pay for, it 
shouldn't get overloaded very often if they're a good outfit.


Re: Great Christmas Gift Ideas!

2004-12-22 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Dec 22, 2004, at 7:14 AM, Travis Edmunds wrote: (T-shirts that fuse geek 
culture with high fashion.)
At last, empirical proof to support my assertions of platform 

# Mac errors: 2
# Windows errors: 6 (3 different BSoD's + 3)
Told you so. ;P
Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress The Seven-Year Mirror

Re: Asimo running

2004-12-22 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Dec 22, 2004, at 8:43 AM, Travis Edmunds wrote:
Don't like TinyURL myself, but that's because I'm just a pain in the 
Once in high school I had a teacher mispronounce my name deliberately: 
OCK-ruh-suh. I looked at him strangely and he said I'm talking the 
CRASS out of oh-CRASS-uh.

He was a pretty cool teacher. And my spots haven't really changed much. 

Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress The Seven-Year Mirror

Re: Great Christmas Gift Ideas!

2004-12-22 Thread maru
Windows: 6
Mac: 2
Linux: 0
Warren Ockrassa wrote:
On Dec 22, 2004, at 7:14 AM, Travis Edmunds wrote: (T-shirts that fuse geek 
culture with high fashion.)

At last, empirical proof to support my assertions of platform superiority.
# Mac errors: 2
# Windows errors: 6 (3 different BSoD's + 3)
Told you so. ;P
Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress The Seven-Year Mirror

Burt Rutan Interview

2004-12-22 Thread William T Goodall
Question: Whats on the horizon in terms of future interests?
Answer: Well, I think I will spend a large percentage if not all of my 
main efforts for the rest of my career on manned-space travel. I think 
we can, if we do it right, be within 20 to 25 years of being able to 
visit hotels in orbit and many thousands of people being able to afford 
to do that. I would like to see affordable travel to the moon before I 
die, so I am starting relatively soon on developments for orbital-space 

William T Goodall
Web  :
Blog :
If you listen to a UNIX shell, can you hear the C?

Re: Burt Rutan Interview

2004-12-22 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Dec 22, 2004, at 5:39 PM, William T Goodall wrote:
Question: Whats on the horizon in terms of future interests?
Answer: Well, I think I will spend a large percentage if not all of my 
main efforts for the rest of my career on manned-space travel. I think 
we can, if we do it right, be within 20 to 25 years of being able to 
visit hotels in orbit and many thousands of people being able to 
afford to do that. I would like to see affordable travel to the moon 
before I die, so I am starting relatively soon on developments for 
orbital-space tourism.
I believe it was Carl Sagan who thought space tourism was important to 
the survival of the species. His feeling was that the more people who 
saw how relatively small and fragile Earth was, the more would take 
interest in behaving prudently while on its surface.

Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress The Seven-Year Mirror

Re: Tommy going home soon

2004-12-22 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 12/22/2004 1:37:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Julia says it looks like they'll be going home with Tommy in a couple of 
 Yay, too!
Yay three


Re: Tommy going home soon

2004-12-22 Thread maru
In a message dated 12/22/2004 1:37:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Julia says it looks like they'll be going home with Tommy in a couple of 


Yay, too!

Yay three
Yay.. quad?