Something that might be of interest

2006-02-04 Thread Julia Thompson

A Field Guide to Quackery and Pseudoscience:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

There are examples in the comments, even, if you're masochistic enough 
to wade through all of them.  :)  (Part 2 has comments going on and on 
and on and on)  Or even just enough of them to get the flavor.


Re: Cool space picture

2006-02-04 Thread David Hobby

Michael Harney wrote:

Deborah Harrell wrote:

I was looking up the Horsehead Nebula for a friend,
and happened across this -- what a nifty cosmic
Rorschack (?sp) test!

I see:
-a saint (or other bearded fellow with outstretched
-a frontal view of a turtle's head, mouth gaping -a startled Sorting Hat
-a panting pony's head, with a very long flowing mane
-cosmic eggyolk
-a distorted Man in the Moon


I saw a firebird.  In red, of course.  I don't know
if this is because of a high wholeness quotient, or an
artifact of how far I am from what size monitor.

Now that you mention it, I do see the Sorting Hat
(low, and a bit left), and the scrambled eggyolk
(on the right).


Yes, I've been lurking for a long time, and have
often been so far behind that responding was pointless.
In fact, I saw a very helpful post about Miyazaki movies
on TMC, one day after they were all done.  This has
strengthened my resolve to stay caught up.  : )

Hello, again!


The Radioactive Boy Scout

2006-02-04 Thread Patrick Sweeney
Hi folks,
I'm currently re-reading The Radioactive Boy Scout by Ken
Silverstein. It's the true story of a teenager near Detroit who tried
to build a breeder reactor in his back yard shed in the 1990s - the
EPA eventually had to clean it up. It's an interesting read, though
the author has a strong anti-nuclear stance. Anyone else read it?

I originally read it along with Bobby Fischer Goes to War for an
obsessed prodigy two-fer. :)

Patrick Sweeney

Re: The Radioactive Boy Scout

2006-02-04 Thread Julia Thompson

Patrick Sweeney wrote:

Hi folks,
I'm currently re-reading The Radioactive Boy Scout by Ken
Silverstein. It's the true story of a teenager near Detroit who tried
to build a breeder reactor in his back yard shed in the 1990s - the
EPA eventually had to clean it up. It's an interesting read, though
the author has a strong anti-nuclear stance. Anyone else read it?

I haven't read it, although I have read *about* it.

I originally read it along with Bobby Fischer Goes to War for an
obsessed prodigy two-fer. :)

Now, that sounds like a book I might enjoy.  Of course, I've already got 
plenty to keep me going for awhile.  (You know, you really actually have 
more time to read when the twins are infants than when they're toddlers. 



Human-Animal Hybrid Ban

2006-02-04 Thread Robert G. Seeberger

White House Staff Hit Hard By Human-Animal Hybrid Ban
Chickenhawks at Risk, Among Others

A ban on human-animal hybrids announced by President Bush in his State 
of the Union address has many senior White House staffers panicked, 
and the NIH, which has been tasked with enforcing the ban, has already 
prepared subpoenas for DNA samples for most of the White House staff.

Dick Cheney, who is thought to be a chickenhawk/man, told reporters 
today that the State of the Union was not intended to be taken 
literally by anyone. It's really a rhetorical flourish, he said. 
Karl Rove, who many people freely attest is not entirely human, 
backed up Cheney, saying that almost everything the President said was 
unenforceable. Cheney and Rove then retired to the White House 
dining room where they gnawed on hanging seed sticks and sharpened 
their beaks.

A White House official, who preferred to remain anonymous because 
commenting on the genetic makeup of co-workers is frowned upon, said 
that Donald Rumsfeld, while not necessarily a chickenhawk, was 
certainly half-man, half-beast.

In this morning's press gaggle, White House Press Secretary Scott 
McClellan found himself denying rumors today that the President 
himself is half-man, half-chimp, saying only, There's just a 
resemblance. After becoming increasingly defensive, McClellan finally 
compared the press corps to a bunch of geese and left the room.

A poll this morning found that Americans, by and large, are completely 
unconcerned by events in the White House or on Capitol Hill. According 
to pollster Melonie Fisk, On the whole, Americans are more concerned 
with keeping up with the herd and the coming spring shearing.


House Of Pain Maru


Second clue: Are We Not Men?



2006-02-04 Thread Robert G. Seeberger
From Eschaton:

After sending a bunch of 24 year olds from the Heritage foundation to 
help fuck up Iraq, the Bush administration has given 24 year old 
campaign interns the authority to tell scientists what science is.

  A week after NASA's top climate scientist complained that the space 
agency's public-affairs office was trying to silence his statements on 
global warming, the agency's administrator, Michael D. Griffin, issued 
a sharply worded statement yesterday calling for scientific openness 
throughout the agency.

  It is not the job of public-affairs officers, Dr. Griffin wrote in 
an e-mail message to the agency's 19,000 employees, to alter, filter 
or adjust engineering or scientific material produced by NASA's 
technical staff.

  The statement came six days after The New York Times quoted the 
scientist, James E. Hansen, as saying he was threatened with dire 
consequences if he continued to call for prompt action to limit 
emissions of heat-trapping gases linked to global warming. He and 
intermediaries in the agency's 350-member public-affairs staff said 
the warnings came from White House appointees in NASA headquarters.


  The Big Bang memo came from Mr. Deutsch, a 24-year-old presidential 
appointee in the press office at NASA headquarters whose résumé says 
he was an intern in the war room of the 2004 Bush-Cheney re-election 
campaign. A 2003 journalism graduate of Texas AM, he was also the 
public-affairs officer who sought more control over Dr. Hansen's 
public statements.

  In October 2005, Mr. Deutsch sent an e-mail message to Flint Wild, a 
NASA contractor working on a set of Web presentations about Einstein 
for middle-school students. The message said the word theory needed 
to be added after every mention of the Big Bang.

  The Big Bang is not proven fact; it is opinion, Mr. Deutsch wrote, 
adding, It is not NASA's place, nor should it be to make a 
declaration such as this about the existence of the universe that 
discounts intelligent design by a creator.

  It continued: This is more than a science issue, it is a religious 
issue. And I would hate to think that young people would only be 
getting one-half of this debate from NASA. That would mean we had 
failed to properly educate the very people who rely on us for factual 
information the most.


  Mr. Wild declined to be interviewed; Mr. Deutsch did not respond to 
e-mail or phone messages. On Friday evening, repeated queries were 
made to the White House about how a young presidential appointee with 
no science background came to be supervising Web presentations on 
cosmology and interview requests to senior NASA scientists.

  Truthiness Actionly Maru


Re: The Radioactive Boy Scout

2006-02-04 Thread Patrick Sweeney
I enjoyed Bobby Fischer Goes to War. It focuses on the 1972 match
with Boris Spassky in Iceland, of course, but also covers the careers
 psychologies of the two chess masters, U.S.-Soviet relations, and a
lot more. It skips analyzing the arcana of the chess matches except to
explain a revealing blunder or pivotal moment, so it's accessible even
to people with only a passing interest in chess. A great read.

Here's the Amazon link:

Patrick Sweeney

Re: Human-Animal Hybrid Ban

2006-02-04 Thread Patrick Sweeney
Hi folks,
Does this mean a big-screen version of Manimal is out?

Patrick Sweeney