Re: Brin: Forget global warming, let's make a difference

2005-06-15 Thread Leonard Matusik
On Tue, 14 Jun 2005 17:37:09 -0400
Erik Reuter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

* David Brin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 This is foul-mouthed insulting and sophistry.

Actually, no, this is facts.

 For several messages ER has directed nasty ad hominem attacks at me.

Not at all. I did not consider your comments about Lomborg and neocons
to be nasty attacks. I used the exact rhetorical techniques you do in
your emails to the list. Weren't you the one who said that is the way to
communicate by email?

You might try, I was wrong instead of the whining.

 I want the Brin: label removed from this set of exchanges. He has
 reminded me why I opted out.

No problem, I will leave you out of any future discussions that involve

[Rest of off-topic rant deleted...]}


Oh shit, and that was going sooo well. 

My two cents anyway it's not a matter of IF and SHOULD the u.s. sign the 
Kyoto Accords but WHEN...They HAVE to sign something like it if they 
want to keep the developing nation-states from developing the way we have (and 
let's just assume it's been extremely irresponsible). 

BUT consider our record on promoting conservation We say to the Brazilians; 
Please don't destroy your biodiversity, displace your unique aboriginal 
cultures and wantonly dump mercury into the AmazonAnd they say, 
RIGHT, seen the condition of old growth forests in Ohio and the Mississippi 

We say to the Kenyans, Please don't casually slaughter elephants and destroy 
their habitat for farmland..  and they say tell it to the buffalo..

If the US is not dragged dragged into a thing like Kyoto, kicking and 
screaming, BY the 2/3rd's world / then they will have no quarter to press the 
issue in about 20 years  (when it REALLY starts to matter). Has China 
signed Kyoto?  Russia, India?  

Leonard Matusik [EMAIL PROTECTED]

{Did you know that the two greatest problems facing people today are 
ignorance and apathy?  /  No, I didn't know that; and frankly, I couldn't 
care less!}


Erik Reuter

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Brin: Forget global warming, let's make a difference

2005-06-15 Thread Alberto Monteiro
Leonard Matusik [or someone else: you quote so badly that I can't get
what is yours and what is quote] wrote:

 BUT consider our record on promoting conservation We say to the
 Brazilians; Please don't destroy your biodiversity, displace your unique
 aboriginal cultures and wantonly dump mercury into the Amazon   
 And they say, RIGHT, seen the condition of old growth forests in Ohio and
 the Mississippi lately?

The interesting thing is that Kyoto makes it extremely profitable to
burn the damned rainforest and replace it by ethanol farms. The
useless forest gives no Carbon credits, but alcohol does evil grin

Alberto Monteiro


Re: Brin: Forget global warming, let's make a difference

2005-06-14 Thread Erik Reuter
* David Brin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 SHow me where he acknowledges any need to do anything at all.

Dan beat me to it. See the passage Dan quotes. Lomborg is a practical
guy, and the passage Dan found demonstrates it. Rather than spending
$150B a year reducing carbon emissions to make a minimal impact on
global warming, why don't we consider spending some of that money on
research for solar and nuclear fusion power, or geoengineering?

Personally, I'd add fuel cells and hydrogen-based technology to the
list, since such technology could form the basis for automobiles to run
without CO2 emissions (hydrogen or other fuel cell chemistries could,
for example, be generated at non-CO2 emitting nuclear, solar, or wind
power stations)

 His armwavings serve one function, to say all right, we won't deny
 it's happening anymore.  So now let's lazily mozey down to the bunk
 house and snooze a bit then jaw a little about it, tomorrow.

 I refuse to accept that we must choose between huge problems to

So he doesn't deny reality, but you do?

 We are vastly rich and capable.  We have proved again and again that
 we can deal with multiple problems at the same time.  Moreover, we

So you don't acknowledge that resources are finite, and that people must
choose how to spend there efforts and resources?

H. Okay, well then why don't you choose to fund a lab to find better
solutions to global warming? You should be able to fund a world-class
lab for less than $1 billion a year. That won't be a problem for you,
will it? After all, you apparently agree with spending $150B a year on
reducing carbon emissions.

 Shall we employ a million biologists to cure AIDS and NOT employ a
 million engineers to improve energy efficiency?

Of course not. Lomborg agrees with you that we should research cleaner
energy sources. The disagreement is with implementing current plans to
reduce carbon emission.

 Excuse me?  There's a tradeoff here?  Not one that I can see.  Our
 descendants will judge us according to the things we neglected and
 fires we did NOT put out.

I'm beginning to wonder if you only read the unfortunate title of
Lomborg's article, and neglected to read the actual text. Yes, his title
is sensational and not to be taken literally. But anyone who reads the
text sees that Lomborg is quite concerned about helping people. Shall we
spend $150B a year on Kyoto and cut 0.2C from globabl warming in 2100?
Or should we spend half of that money on ensuring clean drinking water
for millions of people around the world? Which one do you think our
descendants will more appreciate?

 That is what a person would do if he were the reasonable fellow you
 portray Lomberg to be.  He never even tries.  His sole effect is to
 attack the credibility of all people who want to address this problem
 with any urgency.

Woud you care to revise this statement?

 The shoe fits.  These monsters have most of the world's media shilling
 for them.

 Nu? feudalists did that in most human cultures.  We should be
 surprised they are doing it now?

Talking about shoes fitting, this ranting sounds a lot like a rich,
spoiled teenager shouting save the whales while millions are dying from
lack of clean water.

Erik Reuter

Re: Brin: Forget global warming, let's make a difference

2005-06-14 Thread David Brin
This is foul-mouthed insulting and sophistry.  For
several messages ER has directed nasty ad hominem
attacks at me.  I want the Brin: label removed from
this set of exchanges.  He has reminded me why I opted

BTW, none of his rants change the essential fact.  The
neocons first denied warming.  Then denied it was
human-caused.  Then that it was significant.  Now they
claim it is TOO significant for any human-funded
palliative measures to be effective without breaking
the world's budget to solve other problems.

And all this time they have repeated one refrain over
and over.  In reasonable tones, yet.  We need more

...while savagely cutting the research budgets every
chance they get.  

...while taking a trillion dollars from our kids (in
the form of new debt) to hand to their fellow
artistocrats, on a promise that they would invest it
all in new plants and inventions and equipment and
factories (guess what?  They heven't.)

 while they preside over the first war in our
history in which the top tiers did not vote to tax
themselves to pay for it.  The first.  The very first.

With a smidgeon of that $trillion we could do many
things, supplying both clean water and money for AIDS
research, while applying reasonable prudence to our
children's planet, so don't give me that crap about my
not being pragmatic.  Those are better projects than
the biggest one currently financed... a trillion
dollar project to socially re- engineer American
society along gilded age aristocratic lines.

That IS the big project, boys and girls.  It is the
one on which we are spending the most money.

And oh... I am NOT a big fan of Kyoto.  I would be
happy to deliberate alternative
efficiency-conservation approaches.  Only there's a

When Lomberg et al say I would be happy to deliberate
alternative efficiency-conservation approaches. 
They are LYING!  Because after they preen and say
that... they never ever do.  It is an Orwellian big
lie.  The SUV standards are the smoking gun.

Enough. I am outta here. What's sad is that these
jerks are so hurting the image of conservatism that it
will sink lower than post watergate.  In five years,
reasonable people will be fighting against the lefty
backlash.  Pragmatism is the victim.


PS  Today announced.  The service academies have seen
a plummet in applications of unprecedented
proportions.  ranging from 12% (west point) to 22%
(air force academy.)  All services are plummeting in
recruitment as our military readiness and morale
plunge.  But the service academies are a litmus.  They
reflect the other side of this.  The administration's
recent all-out political purge of the US Officer

Leftists won't even notice these issues because of
their  patriotism is stupid reflex.

Fortunately, while the left may be mired in an insane
hostility toward the Officer Corps that is now our
only bulwark and protection, not all democrats are
lefties. See: Many on
the left would sneer at these folks as GOP Light.
That is entirely wrong. These people want to reclaim
the long democratic tradition of assertive foreign
policy that is both prudent and bold, both moral and
unafraid. Cooperative and yet unabashed at willingness
to lead. The kind of leadership and assertive/decent
Pax Americana that stepped into the Balkans and left
the European Continent at peace under law for the
first time in 4,000 years.

Back when we still had allies who would trust us with
more than a burnt match.

Re: Brin: Forget global warming, let's make a difference

2005-06-14 Thread Erik Reuter
* David Brin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 This is foul-mouthed insulting and sophistry.

Actually, no, this is facts.

  For several messages ER has directed nasty ad hominem attacks at me.

Not at all. I did not consider your comments about Lomborg and neocons
to be nasty attacks. I used the exact rhetorical techniques you do in
your emails to the list. Weren't you the one who said that is the way to
communicate by email?

You might try, I was wrong instead of the whining.

 I want the Brin: label removed from this set of exchanges.  He has
 reminded me why I opted out.

No problem, I will leave you out of any future discussions that involve

[Rest of off-topic rant deleted...]

Erik Reuter

Re: Brin: Forget global warming, let's make a difference

2005-06-14 Thread Warren Ockrassa

On Jun 14, 2005, at 12:32 PM, David Brin wrote:

PS  Today announced.  The service academies have seen
a plummet in applications of unprecedented

The No Child Left Behind bill had an elegant little solution built 
into it, one that has seen essentially no publicity. Kids' school 
records are made available to military channels, presumably so the mil 
folks can better judge who is the most suitable to be the next crop of 
cannon fodder. This strikes me as being a sickening cynical practice.

Evidently neo-conservatives are comfortable with cannibalism.

Parents can opt their kids out of the program, but the whys and 
wherefores are different from school district to school district.

More here:

Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress The Seven-Year Mirror


Re: Brin: Forget global warming, let's make a difference

2005-06-14 Thread Maru Dubshinki
On 6/14/05, Warren Ockrassa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jun 14, 2005, at 12:32 PM, David Brin wrote:
  PS  Today announced.  The service academies have seen
  a plummet in applications of unprecedented
 The No Child Left Behind bill had an elegant little solution built
 into it, one that has seen essentially no publicity. Kids' school
 records are made available to military channels, presumably so the mil
 folks can better judge who is the most suitable to be the next crop of
 cannon fodder. This strikes me as being a sickening cynical practice.

What, the eugenics bit, or the civil liberties bit?
 Evidently neo-conservatives are comfortable with cannibalism.
 Parents can opt their kids out of the program, but the whys and
 wherefores are different from school district to school district.
 More here:
 Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books


Re: Brin: Forget global warming, let's make a difference

2005-06-13 Thread David Brin

--- Erik Reuter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Personal view: Forget global warming. Let's make a
 real difference
 By Bjørn Lomborg (Filed: 13/06/2005)

Yes, this is Lomberg, all right.  Shilling for the
ruling class.  

Unbelievable.  There is AIDS in the world, so let's
NOT talk about other problems.  By all means let us
only take on the priorities listed by his Copenhagen
Consensus.  Never consider that the great Academies of
Science may have reached a consensus that the Earth is
in danger for good reason.

feh.  Lomberg is smarter and better than Crichton and
the worst neocons.  That only makes his shilling for
them even more shameful.

Re: Brin: Forget global warming, let's make a difference

2005-06-13 Thread Erik Reuter
* David Brin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Unbelievable.  There is AIDS in the world, so let's NOT talk about
 other problems.  By all means let us only take on the priorities
 listed by his Copenhagen Consensus.  Never consider that the great
 Academies of Science may have reached a consensus that the Earth is in
 danger for good reason.

 feh.  Lomberg is smarter and better than Crichton and the worst
 neocons.  That only makes his shilling for them even more shameful.

Wow, David, I wonder if someone could totally miss the point more. Yes,
many scientists agree that there is a global warming problem. _Lomberg_
himself agrees.

That is not the issue Lomberg was addressing. The issue is whether
we should spend resources implementing any of the currently proposed
solutions to global warming.  That is an economic question. We have
limited resources. Where are these resources best spent? Certainly not
on Kyoto.

Lomberg doesn't have anything against talking about the global warming
problem. And I doubt he would say investing money to research solutions
to global warming would be a waste.  If someone comes up with an
effective solution to global warming that is cost competitive with other
solutions to important world problems, then I am sure that Lomberg would
be all for it.

Shilling for the neocons? Feh. You have conspiracy theory on the brain,

Erik Reuter

Re: Brin: Forget global warming, let's make a difference

2005-06-13 Thread David Brin

--- Erik Reuter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lomberg doesn't have anything against talking about
 the global warming
 problem. And I doubt he would say investing money to
 research solutions
 to global warming would be a waste. 

SHow me where he acknowledges any need to do anything
at all.

His armwavings serve one function, to say all right,
we won't deny it's happening anymore.  So now let's
lazily mozey down to the bunk house and snooze a bit
then jaw a little about it, tomorrow.

I refuse to accept that we must choose between huge
problems to address.  We are vastly rich and capable. 
We have proved again and again that we can deal with
multiple problems at the same time.  Moreover, we

Shall we employ a million biologists to cure AIDS and
NOT employ a million engineers to improve energy

Excuse me?  There's a tradeoff here?  Not one that I
can see.  Our descendants will judge us according to
the things we neglected and fires we did NOT put out.


 If someone
 comes up with an
 effective solution to global warming that is cost
 competitive with other
 solutions to important world problems, then I am
 sure that Lomberg would
 be all for it.

Show me a scintilla of evidence that he is inclined to
do this.  His statements all manifest as attacks upon
the reasonableness of the vast majority of esteemed
scientists, never does he pose a rank order of carbon
palliating measures that either (according to him)
make sense or do not.

That is what a person would do if he were the
reasonable fellow you portray Lomberg to be.  He never
even tries.  His sole effect is to attack the
credibility of all people who want to address this
problem with any urgency.

 Shilling for the neocons? Feh. You have conspiracy
 theory on the brain,

The shoe fits.  These monsters have most of the
world's media shilling for them.

Nu?  feudalists did that in most human cultures.  We
should be surprised they are doing it now?


Re: Brin: Forget global warming, let's make a difference

2005-06-13 Thread Dan Minette

- Original Message - 
From: David Brin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: Brin: Forget global warming, let's make a difference

 --- Erik Reuter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Lomberg doesn't have anything against talking about
  the global warming
  problem. And I doubt he would say investing money to
  research solutions
  to global warming would be a waste.

 SHow me where he acknowledges any need to do anything
 at all.
Third, we should realize that the cost of global warming will be
substantial - about $5 trillion. Since
cutting back CO2 emissions quickly turns very costly and easily
counterproductive, we should focus
more of our effort at finding ways of easing the emission of greenhouse
gases over the long run. Partly,
this means that we need to invest much more in research and development of
solar power, fusion and
other likely power sources of the future. Given a current US investment in
renewable energy research
and development of just $200 million, a considerable increase would seem a
promising investment to
achieve a possible conversion to renewable energy towards the latter part
of the century. Partly, this
also means that we should be much more open towards other techno-fixes
(so-called geoengineering).
These suggestions range from fertilizing the ocean (making more algae bind
carbon when they die and
fall to the ocean floor) and putting sulfur particles into the stratosphere
(cooling the earth) to capturing
CO2 from fossil fuel use and returning it to storage in geological
formations.30 Again, if one of these
approaches could indeed mitigate (part of) CO2 emissions or global warming,
this would be of
tremendous value to the world.
end quote
