tower of Babel theory

2005-04-01 Thread Alan Ackley
My theory of the tower of Babel; (a modification of the theory in John 
Keel's Eighth Tower).

The Babylonians were building a tower to reach to the sky, and when God, 
(or in this case, the Elohim) decided to end this form of human progress, 
the method used also had the effect of causing multiple languages to occur.  
Keel suggested that somewhere in the middle east, inside some unspecified 
stone monument, (the big stone in Mecca?) is a generator which has affected 
the mentality of mankind from then until now.  Undoubtedly using ELF waves 
(extra low frequency) this hypothetical device must still be in operation, 
and constantly interferes with human communication abilities contributing to 
war and strife worldwide.

A radar jammer will pick up the radar frequency being used and will then 
broadcast a signal on the same frequency, but 180 degrees out of phase.   
Similarly I suspect a device which picks up broadcasts of human 
consciousness then rebroadcasts a wave 180 degrees (in opposition, to cancel 
or overrride) out of phase.   One possible effect of this is to block human 
telepathy.  If the odds are 50/50 that you will recieve the truth or it's 
opposite, the telepathic link becomes useless, thus humans must fall back on 
the backup method of uttering sounds.  Hypothesizing that pre-Babel humans 
were telepathic, but separate tribes also used local verbal signs, then when 
telepathy was blocked, only the widely variant tribal verbalizations 

One odd observation relating to this;  I've noted when I am meditating or 
deeply into writing or other deep mental states, I very often find the 
imagined position of my body to be reversed; ie, I awake to find I am faced 
North, when in the dream-state I was facing South, 180 degrees out of phase 
with my actual position.

Another aside;  for a while in the '70s and '80s some reserchers believed 
that Russians were beaming ELF at the USA from giant low frequency Tesla 
coils in Siberia.  Rumor had it that a lot of the beams were focused for 
some unknown reason at Oregon.  Of course the HAARP project and other huge 
phased array antenna sites may also have the ability to generate waves that 
directly affect the mass consciousness of humans.  There is no evidence this 
is being done, but the capability is growing.
I suspect such a use would require massive computers to be controlling the 
antenna output (such as is being done in Alaska with HAARP).   Would hate to 
see what advanced black magician types might do with this type of stuff.   
(but, hey, my theory IS that the Babble generator is just such an ancient 
black project, and still operates.)

On the good side;  to grow a population with immunity, you subject them to 
an environment full of the toxin.  if we, (humanity) have been in the toxic 
presence of the Babble generator for thousands of years, perhaps we will or 
are generating a population that has a natural resistance to such 


Re: tower of Babel theory

2005-04-01 Thread Dave Land
Honey? Where's my razor?
   -- Occam.

Re: tower of Babel theory

2005-04-01 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
At 10:37 AM Friday 4/1/2005, Alan Ackley wrote:
My theory of the tower of Babel; (a modification of the theory in John 
Keel's Eighth Tower).

The Babylonians were building a tower to reach to the sky, and when 
God, (or in this case, the Elohim) decided to end this form of human 
progress, the method used also had the effect of causing multiple 
languages to occur.
Keel suggested that somewhere in the middle east, inside some unspecified 
stone monument, (the big stone in Mecca?) is a generator which has 
affected the mentality of mankind from then until now.

Leading one to wonder aloud if said Mr. Keel has been standing too close to 
said stone monument for too long . . .

--Ronn! :)

Re: tower of Babel theory

2005-04-01 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Apr 1, 2005, at 9:37 AM, Alan Ackley wrote:
Keel suggested that somewhere in the middle east, inside some 
unspecified stone monument, (the big stone in Mecca?) is a generator 
which has affected the mentality of mankind from then until now.
The stone at Mecca is not big. It's a meteorite fragment that is small 
and light enough that four men can carry it by placing it in the center 
of a rug, gripping the rug at its corners. Muhammad himself proved 
that; it was how he prevented a tribal dispute.

There's no way a meteoric chunk of stone small enough to be carried by 
a procession of pallbearers could contain any sort of radar or any 
other kind of mind-affecting generator.

The effects the stone has upon the minds of believers are sourced in 
the minds of those believers, nowhere else.

Undoubtedly using ELF waves (extra low frequency) this hypothetical 
device must still be in operation, and constantly interferes with 
human communication abilities contributing to war and strife 
So god jammed our freqs and is continuing to do so? Why? Out of 
spite? Or is it satan instead -- and if so, why did god let it 

Or is it more parsimonious to suggest that the Babel myth is a just-so 
story used to explain the variety of languages in the world?

A radar jammer will pick up the radar frequency being used and will 
then broadcast a signal on the same frequency, but 180 degrees out of 
phase.   Similarly I suspect a device which picks up broadcasts of 
human consciousness then rebroadcasts a wave 180 degrees (in 
opposition, to cancel or overrride) out of phase.
In that case, there should be no human consciousness.
One possible effect of this is to block human telepathy.
Or perhaps there's no evidence of human telepathy for a much simpler 

One odd observation relating to this;
Only one?
I've noted when I am meditating or deeply into writing or other deep 
mental states, I very often find the imagined position of my body to 
be reversed; ie, I awake to find I am faced North, when in the 
dream-state I was facing South, 180 degrees out of phase with my 
actual position.
And this means what, exactly? It's not an uncommon experience...
On the good side;  to grow a population with immunity, you subject 
them to an environment full of the toxin.  if we, (humanity) have been 
in the toxic presence of the Babble generator for thousands of years, 
perhaps we will or are generating a population that has a natural 
resistance to such interference.
Do you have any evidence at all -- real, hard evidence, not anecdotal 
accounts -- that any single scrap of what you posted is in any way 
objectively valid, real or otherwise not hooey?

Or is this all a big April Fool's prank?
Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress The Seven-Year Mirror

Re: tower of Babel theory

2005-04-01 Thread Dave Land
On Apr 1, 2005, at 1:38 PM, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
At 10:37 AM Friday 4/1/2005, Alan Ackley wrote:
My theory of the tower of Babel; (a modification of the theory in John
Keel's Eighth Tower).
The Babylonians were building a tower to reach to the sky, and when
God, (or in this case, the Elohim) decided to end this form of human
progress, the method used also had the effect of causing multiple
languages to occur. Keel suggested that somewhere in the middle east,
inside some unspecified stone monument, (the big stone in Mecca?) is a
generator which has affected the mentality of mankind from then until
Leading one to wonder aloud if said Mr. Keel has been standing too 
to said stone monument for too long . . .
Or to wonder if it is a coincidence that this message was delivered on
this particular day of this particular month (like another thread posted
eighteen minutes and thirty seconds after midnight).

Re: tower of Babel theory

2005-04-01 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
At 04:34 PM Friday 4/1/2005, Dave Land wrote:
On Apr 1, 2005, at 1:38 PM, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
At 10:37 AM Friday 4/1/2005, Alan Ackley wrote:
My theory of the tower of Babel; (a modification of the theory in John
Keel's Eighth Tower).
The Babylonians were building a tower to reach to the sky, and when
God, (or in this case, the Elohim) decided to end this form of human
progress, the method used also had the effect of causing multiple
languages to occur. Keel suggested that somewhere in the middle east,
inside some unspecified stone monument, (the big stone in Mecca?) is a
generator which has affected the mentality of mankind from then until
Leading one to wonder aloud if said Mr. Keel has been standing too close
to said stone monument for too long . . .
Or to wonder if it is a coincidence that this message was delivered on
this particular day of this particular month (like another thread posted
eighteen minutes and thirty seconds after midnight).

Didn't Freud say there are no coincidences ?
--Ronn! :)

Re: tower of Babel theory

2005-04-01 Thread Julia Thompson
Alan Ackley wrote:
My theory of the tower of Babel; (a modification of the theory in John 
Keel's Eighth Tower).

The Babylonians were building a tower to reach to the sky, and when 
God, (or in this case, the Elohim) decided to end this form of human 
progress, the method used also had the effect of causing multiple 
languages to occur.  Keel suggested that somewhere in the middle east, 
inside some unspecified stone monument, (the big stone in Mecca?) is a 
generator which has affected the mentality of mankind from then until 
now.  Undoubtedly using ELF waves (extra low frequency) this 
hypothetical device must still be in operation, and constantly 
interferes with human communication abilities contributing to war and 
strife worldwide.

A radar jammer will pick up the radar frequency being used and will then 
broadcast a signal on the same frequency, but 180 degrees out of 
phase.   Similarly I suspect a device which picks up broadcasts of human 
consciousness then rebroadcasts a wave 180 degrees (in opposition, to 
cancel or overrride) out of phase.   One possible effect of this is to 
block human telepathy.  If the odds are 50/50 that you will recieve the 
truth or it's opposite, the telepathic link becomes useless, thus humans 
must fall back on the backup method of uttering sounds.  Hypothesizing 
that pre-Babel humans were telepathic, but separate tribes also used 
local verbal signs, then when telepathy was blocked, only the widely 
variant tribal verbalizations remained.

One odd observation relating to this;  I've noted when I am meditating 
or deeply into writing or other deep mental states, I very often find 
the imagined position of my body to be reversed; ie, I awake to find I 
am faced North, when in the dream-state I was facing South, 180 degrees 
out of phase with my actual position.

Another aside;  for a while in the '70s and '80s some reserchers 
believed that Russians were beaming ELF at the USA from giant low 
frequency Tesla coils in Siberia.  Rumor had it that a lot of the beams 
were focused for some unknown reason at Oregon.  Of course the HAARP 
project and other huge phased array antenna sites may also have the 
ability to generate waves that directly affect the mass consciousness of 
humans.  There is no evidence this is being done, but the capability is 
I suspect such a use would require massive computers to be controlling 
the antenna output (such as is being done in Alaska with HAARP).   Would 
hate to see what advanced black magician types might do with this type 
of stuff.   (but, hey, my theory IS that the Babble generator is just 
such an ancient black project, and still operates.)

On the good side;  to grow a population with immunity, you subject them 
to an environment full of the toxin.  if we, (humanity) have been in the 
toxic presence of the Babble generator for thousands of years, perhaps 
we will or are generating a population that has a natural resistance to 
such interference.
There's a glaring hole in this theory:  there is no explanation as to 
why communications get messed up when Mercury is in retrograde.


Re: tower of Babel theory

2005-04-01 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
At 05:37 PM Friday 4/1/2005, Julia Thompson wrote:
Alan Ackley wrote:
My theory of the tower of Babel; (a modification of the theory in John 
Keel's Eighth Tower).
The Babylonians were building a tower to reach to the sky, and when 
God, (or in this case, the Elohim) decided to end this form of human 
progress, the method used also had the effect of causing multiple 
languages to occur.  Keel suggested that somewhere in the middle east, 
inside some unspecified stone monument, (the big stone in Mecca?) is a 
generator which has affected the mentality of mankind from then until 
now.  Undoubtedly using ELF waves (extra low frequency) this hypothetical 
device must still be in operation, and constantly interferes with human 
communication abilities contributing to war and strife worldwide.
A radar jammer will pick up the radar frequency being used and will then 
broadcast a signal on the same frequency, but 180 degrees out of 
phase.   Similarly I suspect a device which picks up broadcasts of human 
consciousness then rebroadcasts a wave 180 degrees (in opposition, to 
cancel or overrride) out of phase.   One possible effect of this is to 
block human telepathy.  If the odds are 50/50 that you will recieve the 
truth or it's opposite, the telepathic link becomes useless, thus humans 
must fall back on the backup method of uttering sounds.  Hypothesizing 
that pre-Babel humans were telepathic, but separate tribes also used 
local verbal signs, then when telepathy was blocked, only the widely 
variant tribal verbalizations remained.
One odd observation relating to this;  I've noted when I am meditating or 
deeply into writing or other deep mental states, I very often find the 
imagined position of my body to be reversed; ie, I awake to find I am 
faced North, when in the dream-state I was facing South, 180 degrees out 
of phase with my actual position.
Another aside;  for a while in the '70s and '80s some reserchers believed 
that Russians were beaming ELF at the USA from giant low frequency Tesla 
coils in Siberia.  Rumor had it that a lot of the beams were focused for 
some unknown reason at Oregon.  Of course the HAARP project and other 
huge phased array antenna sites may also have the ability to generate 
waves that directly affect the mass consciousness of humans.  There is no 
evidence this is being done, but the capability is growing.
I suspect such a use would require massive computers to be controlling 
the antenna output (such as is being done in Alaska with HAARP).   Would 
hate to see what advanced black magician types might do with this type of 
stuff.   (but, hey, my theory IS that the Babble generator is just such 
an ancient black project, and still operates.)
On the good side;  to grow a population with immunity, you subject them 
to an environment full of the toxin.  if we, (humanity) have been in the 
toxic presence of the Babble generator for thousands of years, perhaps we 
will or are generating a population that has a natural resistance to such 
There's a glaring hole in this theory:  there is no explanation as to why 
communications get messed up when Mercury is in retrograde.

Clearly because they're coming through Uranus . . .
American Standard Maru
--Ronn! :)

Re: tower of Babel theory

2005-04-01 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: Ronn!Blankenship [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 7:08 PM
Subject: Re: tower of Babel theory

 At 05:37 PM Friday 4/1/2005, Julia Thompson wrote:
Alan Ackley wrote:
My theory of the tower of Babel; (a modification of the theory in 
John Keel's Eighth Tower).
toxic presence of the Babble generator for thousands of years, 
perhaps we will or are generating a population that has a natural 
resistance to such interference.

There's a glaring hole in this theory:  there is no explanation as 
to why communications get messed up when Mercury is in retrograde.

 Clearly because they're coming through Uranus . . .

They want to take our pottyable water.

Moen Maru


Re: tower of Babel theory

2005-04-01 Thread maru
Robert Seeberger wrote:
- Original Message - 
From: Ronn!Blankenship [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 7:08 PM
Subject: Re: tower of Babel theory


At 05:37 PM Friday 4/1/2005, Julia Thompson wrote:

Clearly because they're coming through Uranus . . .

They want to take our pottyable water.
Moen Maru


Noo!!! Not our precious bodily fluids! Anything but!