Re: [Bro-Dev] "delete" of entire tables/sets

2018-12-06 Thread Vern Paxson
> I believe the clear_table() function still exists in zeek, as well...

Hah^2!  Yeah, it does.  Well, glad I consulted the list before diving into
some hacking :-P.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] "delete" of entire tables/sets

2018-12-06 Thread Vern Paxson
> I guess re-assigning a new, empty table to the variable could be
> analogous to deleting all entries and also avoids the iterator
> invalidation problem ?

Hah!, yeah, that's certainly a simple way to do it.  Maybe I'll
change my hacking for now to just be adding this observation to
the "delete" documentation :-).

bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] "delete" of entire tables/sets

2018-12-06 Thread Vern Paxson
I'm working on some scripts where I want to remove every element from a
table in a single shot.  In awk, "delete tbl" would do the trick, but Zeek
restricts delete operations to removing single elements.  Worse, if I try
iterating over an aggregate to remove elements piece-wise, it doesn't
remove all of them, no doubt because the internal hash table is changing
mid-stream of the "for" loop and thus doesn't visit all of the members.

This means I have to first build up a *separate* vector of all the indexes,
then iterate over that to remove them.

Proposal: extend "delete" so that if applied to a table or a set, it clears
out all of its elements.

This seems straightforward to me, and something that I'll see if I can
find some cycles soon to hack out.


bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] Consistent error handling for scripting mistakes

2018-11-13 Thread Vern Paxson
I like what you & Robin sketch.  FWIW, it's hard for me to get excited
over the issue of leaks-in-the-face-of-error-recovery.  Presumably it would
take in practice a lot of error recovery before this actually hoses the
execution due to running out of memory.  At that point, it's not unreasonable
for things to keel over anyway.

An alternative/additional approach would be to introduce a notion of
"failure" as a first-class object.  In another life I used a language that
did that, and it worked remarkably well.  But clearly that's a bigger
undertaking than the valuable near-term notion of regularizing how Zeek
deals with errors.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] attributes & named types

2018-11-06 Thread Vern Paxson
Thanks a bunch for the further context & discussion.

The more I've delved into this, the more convinced I've become that we have
a basic architectural problem with attributes: they're associated with
identifiers and values, but not types ... *except* for hacky ways for
records and record fields.

My alternative implementation for type names fares a bit better with the
example you gave at ... but still
gives counterintuitive behavior when I introduce a minor variant (I'll
spare you the details), with the problem being that a subsequent use of
 (rather than the use when a record is declared) isn't propagated to
the record's individual fields.

I could I guess add code to do that propagation ... but testing further,
none of this fixes the original problem that I cared about, which is
to be able to declare types with  values for tables, ala BIT-248:

type str_tbl: table[string] of string ="";

Here the problem is that the only opportunity to associate a 
attribute with a table is when instantiating a table value.  It doesn't
work if str_tbl is instead used to define a record field, similar to the
lack of propagation for 

I think what we need to do is rethink the basic architecture/structure of
attributes.  In particular, types in general (not just named types) should
be able to have attributes associated with them.  The attributes associated
with an identifier are those associated with its type plus those directly
associated with the identifier (like ).

While doing this, we can also think about mechanisms for removing attributes.
I don't think the "=F" approach mentioned earlier on this thread will do
the trick, since it's syntactically/semantically quite weird for attributes
that already take expressions as values, such as  or _expire.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] attributes & named types

2018-11-03 Thread Vern Paxson
Thanks for the pointers & thoughts!  A quick question, more in a bit:

> To better understand the existing behavior, here's the commit that
> introduced this (specifically with regards to conn_id):
> ...
> > Note that for nested record types, the inner fields must likewise
> > be declared with  Consequently, conn_id is now declared with
> >  in bro.init.

Does your understanding of this accord with the current behavior when
running on testing/btest/scripts/base/frameworks/logging/attr.bro ?
The test suite result has it not logging Log$id, even though it's of
type conn_id, which has   (For my new version, it does log it.)

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] attributes & named types

2018-11-03 Thread Vern Paxson
H I've looked into this and there are some subtle issues.

First, I tried to make this work using TypeType's like I had sketched, and
it turns out to be a mess.  Too many points where a decision has to be
made whether to access the base type (what the named type points to) rather
than the TypeType itself.

I then had an Aha and realized it can instead be done in the grammar, by
associating different semantics with resolving type names depending on the
context in which they appear.  I have this working.  It's pretty simple, too.

HOWEVER: running on the test suite points up an issue I hadn't anticipated.
We have attributes associated with named types that currently aren't expected
to propagate.  One example is from share/bro/base/init-bare.bro:

## A connection's identifying 4-tuple of endpoints and ports.
## .. note:: It's actually a 5-tuple: the transport-layer protocol is 
stored as
##part of the port values, `orig_p` and `resp_p`, and can be 
extracted from
##them with :bro:id:`get_port_transport_proto`.
type conn_id: record {
orig_h: addr;   ##< The originator's IP address.
orig_p: port;   ##< The originator's port number.
resp_h: addr;   ##< The responder's IP address.
resp_p: port;   ##< The responder's port number.

So conn_id's have  associated with them.  I'm not sure why this was
done (maybe a question for @Seth), since previously this was a no-op.
However, with my change/fix, this now means that any use of a conn_id
automatically inherits   In principle, that's consistent with the
on-the-face-of-it semantics ... but it will likely lead to significant
unwanted effects if left unaddressed.

I have a couple of thoughts regarding this:

(1) I can go through the existing scripts and remove such attributes
where they currently appear.  I believe that this shouldn't have
any effect because previously those weren't propagated anyway;
their presence seems to me more a bug than anything else, but
maybe I'm missing something.

(2) This makes me wonder about adding an operator to *remove* an
attribute if present.  For example, you could imagine wanting
to now do something like:

type my_conn_info: record {
id: conn_id -

as a way of specifying "if conn_id's have a  attribute,
I don't want to inherit it".


bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] consistency checking for attributes

2018-10-31 Thread Vern Paxson
> To be honest I'm not even sure if the behavior
> is defined right now, i.e. if the later value will overwrite the first one.

I don't think it's defined.  Looking at the code, the later one will
indeed overwrite the first one.

> Do you want to error out when two  are found or overwrite the
> first with the second one?

My thinking is that listing them together should be an error.  I don't
see why it would be legitimate for this to occur, and it seems like a
mistake that could be made if there's a lengthy list of attributes.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] consistency checking for attributes

2018-10-29 Thread Vern Paxson
> I'm thinking of implementing this as an internal table of meta-attributes,
> i.e., each attribute type, like ATTR_OPTIONAL, will have its own attributes
> ...

Looking into this further, it appears that the basic issue is that while
Attributes::CheckAttr already tries to make sure that a given attribute
makes sense, its checking is deficient.  Some of this might be because it
lacks information about whether the attribute is appearing in the context
of a type or a variable.  Also, Attributes::AddAttr already checks for
repeated attributes, but it just silently replaces them.  This works okay for
a situation where a type is being refined by introducing updated attributes,
but doesn't make sense when all of the attributes are presented together
(like in my example); again, it needs more context to figure that out.

bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] consistency checking for attributes

2018-10-29 Thread Vern Paxson
Attributes currently receive essentially no consistency checking.
For example, executing this script:

global a: count
 = 10
 = 9

_func = function(d: double, t: time): count { return 3; };
print a;

simply results in:

error in /Users/vern/tmp/attr-type-check.bro, line 7: value used but not set (a)

I'm planning to add basic consistency checking, which will look for
(1) attributes that are repeated (which doesn't appear to be meaningful for
any of them) and (2) attributes that don't make sense in a given context,
like the ones listed above.

I'm thinking of implementing this as an internal table of meta-attributes,
i.e., each attribute type, like ATTR_OPTIONAL, will have its own attributes
like whether it requires a record context, only makes sense for aggregates,
etc.  Here are the ones that come to mind, based on looking at the attributes
at with examples
in parens:

applies to global variable  ()
to global type  ()
to event handler()
to record field ()
to indexed type ()
to global indexed type  (_func)
to type with expirable entries  (_func)
to a file   (_interval)

Any feedback?

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] attributes & named types

2018-09-10 Thread Vern Paxson
> My understanding was just that TypeType's currently are *not* used
> when creating type aliases.


> # Passing the type name/alias as a value.
> # The local variable/argument 'x' becomes of type
> # "TypeType".  It's not of type "count".
> foo(mytype);

(Note that here any attributes are lost, since there's currently no
 place for TypeType's to hold them.)

> At least that's how I think it's currently working, so are you going
> start using TypeType as a means of type aliasing in addition to adding
> attributes to them?

Not quite.  Rather, the type of "mytype" would be a TypeType, which would
have attributes.  The TypeType instance however would not know that it
belongs to "mytype" (just as is currently the case).

We could continue to support a call like "foo(mytype)" above by hoisting
the base type (what the TypeType points to) when evaluating the expression
"mytype", just as currently the identifier gets turned into a TypeType at
that point.  That said, just what is the use for calls like "foo(mytype)"
anyway?  Seems a bit peculiar, but maybe I'm missing something.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] attributes & named types

2018-09-10 Thread Vern Paxson
> Other ideas I'm having for solving the overall problem are:
> (1) 'a' and 'b' need to actually be distinct BroType's.  Instead of
> 'b' being a reference/alias to 'a' with extended attributes, just
> create it as it's own BroType by first cloning 'a', then adding any
> additional attributes.

I originally went down this route, but this involves adding attributes to
all types, since currently types don't have attributes.  Seems like a poor
fit given there's only one class of type (named ones) that need this.

> (2) BroType could somehow store a mapping of identifier -> attributes
> so that on declaring a variable of either 'a' or 'b', we can choose
> which attributes apply.

That seems more hacky than (1), as it involves adding still more to

Seems simplest to me to have TypeType's (and only those) include attributes.
The rest of it is easy to do from there.  We could also do this with a
separate NameType, but I don't see what that gains, since TypeType's already
come into existence because of binding names to types.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] attributes & named types

2018-09-05 Thread Vern Paxson
> I think the right solution for this is to introduce a new BroType called
> a NamedType.  A NamedType has an identifier, an underlying BroType, and a
> set of attributes.  When a NamedType is constructed ...

Huh, turns out there's already a "TypeType", which is the equivalent.
All I need to do, I believe, is allow these to have attributes.

bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] attributes & named types

2018-09-05 Thread Vern Paxson
For some scripting I'm doing, I'm running into the problem that
attributes associated with named types don't get propagated.  For

type a: table[count] of count  = 5;
global c: a;
print c[9];

complains that c[9] isn't set, instead of returning the value 5.

Having dived[*] into this and examined some potential fixes, I've identified
that the problem is that (1) the attribute " = 5" in the above
example gets associated with the identifier 'a' rather than with a's type,
and (2) when the parser processes the second line, early in the process 'a'
gets converted to its underlying type, with the attributes lost at that
point since, internally, BroType's do not have attributes.

This is a pain to deal with.  If we simply add attributes to BroType's and
for statements like the first line associate the attributes with the type,
then a sequence like:

type a: table[count] of count  = 5;
type b: a _expire = 1 min;

will wind up changing the attributes associated with 'a' even though it
really shouldn't.

I think the right solution for this is to introduce a new BroType called
a NamedType.  A NamedType has an identifier, an underlying BroType, and a
set of attributes.  When a NamedType is constructed, for its attributes
it combines both the explicit attributes in its declaration (like the
_expire for 'b' above) and the implicit (i.e., it inherits/copies the
 from 'a').

I plan to implement this soon, so please speak up if you have thoughts.


[*] The dive also exposed some other bugs in attribute processing, which
I'll enter into the tracker shortly.
bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] case-insensitive patterns

2018-06-29 Thread Vern Paxson
> > I am fine with implementing either (?[flags]) or (?[flags]:[pattern) or
> > both.
> I'm going to just do the latter then, as it's a simple syntax change from
> what I currently have, whereas the other is more involved.

(this change is now pushed)
bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] case-insensitive patterns

2018-06-29 Thread Vern Paxson
> I am fine with implementing either (?[flags]) or (?[flags]:[pattern) or
> both.

I'm going to just do the latter then, as it's a simple syntax change from
what I currently have, whereas the other is more involved.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] case-insensitive patterns

2018-06-29 Thread Vern Paxson
> Just so I have this right: it looks like the preferred would not be
> /(?i foo)/ but rather /(?i)foo/, yes?

Oh and to follow up on this, so in PCRE does /x((?i)bar)foo/ make the "foo"
part case-insensitive too, or not?  It's not obvious to me from the page
you pointed me at, and I don't have an environment set up to definitively
test this.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] case-insensitive patterns

2018-06-29 Thread Vern Paxson
> Hum. Is there a reason why we come up with our own syntax for this?

No, just that I didn't have the other syntax on my radar.  I was looking
at Snort & Suricata and didn't find this; I'm not a PCRE user myself.
It's simple to change, will do so now (though I think mine is slightly
more cool ;-).

> Python supports the exact same syntax. And - to make things easier for
> users I think it would be way nicer if we just also would do this.


Just so I have this right: it looks like the preferred would not be
/(?i foo)/ but rather /(?i)foo/, yes?

bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] case-insensitive patterns

2018-06-29 Thread Vern Paxson
Once I wound up monkeying around with the internals of the pattern-matching
code (to fix leaks, because Johanna [correctly] pushed back on adding the
&/| operators for general use if they leaked, which an old ticket indicated
they would) ... I thought what-the-heck, it's time for supporting
case-insensitive patterns.

This turned out to be tricky to implement, as I gleaned from talking with
Seth about an approach he had tried a while back but abandoned.  But I now
have it working.  Here's the blurb from the NEWS entry in the
topics/vern/case-insensitive-patterns branch:

- You can now specify that a pattern matches in a case-insensitive
  fashion by adding 'i' to the end of its specification.  So for example
  /fOO/i == "Foo" yields T, as does /fOO/i in "xFoObar".  Characters
  enclosed in quotes however keep their casing, so /"fOO"/i in "xFoObar"
  yields F, though it yields T for "xfOObar".

  You can achieve the same functionality for a subpattern enclosed in
  parentheses by adding "+i" to the open parenthesis, optionally followed
  by whitespace.  So for example "/foo|(+i bar)/" will match "BaR", but
  not "FoO".

  For both ways of specifying case-insensitivity, characters enclosed in
  double quotes maintain their case-sensitivity.  So for example /"foo"/i
  will not match "Foo", but it will match "foo".

The funky (+i ...) syntax isn't meant for general user consumption (though
it's okay if a user wants to use it directly), but rather is how I implemented
/pattern/i functionality.  Basically, /pattern/i turns into /(+i pattern)/.
That switch is necessary because the robust way to implement case-insensitive
patterns, such that they can be composed with the & and | operators and
behave as expected, is to modify the parsing of REs to turn any instance
of a letter into a character class (so that /foo/ becomes /[Ff][Oo]Oo]/,
just like people have been doing by hand for years), and also to modify
the parsing of character classes.  That requires alerting the RE scanner
that it's doing a case-insensitive (sub)pattern, which in turn requires
a prefix operator that specifies case-insensitivity.

Let me know if you have any concerns.  Otherwise, I'll tee this up
for merging early next week.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] more set operators? (equality/subset)

2018-06-29 Thread Vern Paxson
> Oh, neat. If that actually works in all cases (so also with records of
> records, etc)

Well, it almost does.  I tried it with records that contain records and
that's fine.  For records that contain sets, it often works in my testing,
but not always, evidently due to the randomized hash keying, since I can
make it go away by always loading the same seeds.

The same problem occurs with set deletion: deleting from a set of
records-containing-sets sometimes fails to delete an element that's
indeed in the set.  (Hmmm and we also don't support sets of sets, which
seems like a natural.)

I think the right answer for this is to have some sort of canonical ordering
for hash keys.  Seems like a pain given the need to also randomize hash
keys.  I'll file a ticket, but won't aim to fix it this go-around.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] more set operators? (equality/subset)

2018-06-29 Thread Vern Paxson
> I assume what will at the moment happen with sets is that the pointers of
> records are checked for equality

Specifically, in my branch they are checked for whether the composite hash
index matches.  Happily, this works:

type A: record {
a: string;

event bro_init()
local i = A($a="a");
local j = A($a="a");
print set(i) | set(j);

when run prints


and if you change j to be $a="b" then you get:


This in fact suggests we could implement record equality by converting the
records to hash indices and then comparing those.

bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] more set operators? (equality/subset)

2018-06-24 Thread Vern Paxson
I've implemented the set operators we discussed, and am now developing
test cases.

In the process, I'm finding that it would be handy to have set equality
and subset/superset testing.  These would be (for type equivalence sets):

s1 == s2  iff  both sets have exactly the same members

s1 < s2   iff  every element in s1 is in s2, but s2 has some
   elements not in s1

analogous <=, >, >=, != operators

These can already be implemented in terms of existing operators
(if I haven't screwed something up):

s1 == s2  <=>  |s1 & s2| == |s1 | s2|
s1 < s2   <=>  |s1 & s2| == |s1| && |s1| < |s2|

Any concerns with adding these too?

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] patterns and &&/|| vs. &/| operators

2018-06-21 Thread Vern Paxson
> though maybe p1 + p2 would be even better at expressing that
> concatenation is happening?

I think this is somewhat problematic, since '+' already has a
regular-expression meaning which is different.  In addition, '&' is
a more natural dual to '|' than '+' is.  Indeed, in some contexts
'|' and '+' are synonyms (e.g., I originally wanted them both for
set union).

> I also notice from [1]:
> `r/s': an `r' but only if it is followed by an `s' ...
> Maybe another option?

Note that Bro's REs don't support that ... and in general that operator
is a PITA to support correctly+efficiently.  It would also step on the
current syntax of '/'s being used to express /re/ 's.

> Just making suggestions since I didn't quite get what p1 & p2 would do at 
> first.

Interestingly, I discovered that we have a BIF merge_pattern(p1, p2) which
does the same thing as "p1 & p2" (in the new syntax).  As best as I can
tell it's not used anywhere - plus it's funky (only allows itself to be
called if Bro isn't processing traffic yet).  Perhaps we can deprecate it, too?

bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] v += e (Re: set and vector operators)

2018-06-21 Thread Vern Paxson
> > (3) Implement "v += e" to mean "append the element e to the vector v".
> Do we want to do this now, or should we potentially wait a release-cycle
> with it (to prevent the situation where v + e and v+= e means something
> different).

Turns out that "v += e" currently generates an error ("requires two
arithmetic or two string operands"), so it seems safe to me to introduce
it as append-to-vector concurrent with deprecating "v + e" (which from the
discussion on the list it seems likely current has little or no use).

BTW, "v1 += v2" likewise generates an error, even when "v1 + v2" works.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] patterns and &&/|| vs. &/| operators

2018-06-21 Thread Vern Paxson
> The meaning of "p1 & p2" would be "yields a pattern that matches both
> p1 and p2" versus the meaning of "p1 && p2" currently being "yields a
> pattern that matches a p1 followed by a p2" ?

No, p1 & p2 would be the new way to express p1 && p2.

> I'd generally say that deprecating (emit a warning message pointing to
> each usage) for a time period is a more cautious approach.

Easy 'nuf, though I'd be amazed if anyone is using p1 && p2 given it's
not documented and not intuitive!

bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] patterns and &&/|| vs. &/| operators

2018-06-19 Thread Vern Paxson
In working on adding bitwise &/| operators for counts, I've come across
apparently undocumented && and || operators for patterns:

p1 && p2 yields a pattern that matches a p1 followed by a p2
p1 || p2 yields a pattern that matches either p1 or p2

Confusingly, Bro also supports "p1 | p2", which means the same as "p1 || p2"
above, but *only* if p1 and p2 are literal patterns, not if they are
variables of type "pattern".  (This functionality is in common use.)
It doesn't support "p1 & p2" in any form.

I searched a large corpus of scripts and didn't find any instances of
"p1 && p2" or "p1 || p2" for literal patterns, so I suspect the current
feature is basically unused.

Proposal: as part of adding bitwise &/| operators for counts, I'll
also implement &/| operators for patterns, and remove the current
&&/|| functionality.

This seems pretty straightforward to me - but I've mistakenly thought
that about other things before! :-P   So if anyone has comments, plz
speak up ...


% bro -e 'print (/foo/ && /bar/) in "xfoobary"'
bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] $history extensions - zero windows, logarithmic counts

2018-06-18 Thread Vern Paxson
> My thought for this was simply if it mattered *where* in the state history
> the trouble occurred.

I agree that it could ... but I think for at least some situations where
it does, for the logs to help in diagnosing them will require something
well beyond indicator flags.  It's interesting to consider what these might
look like, but for now I'd like to get this simpler additional functionality
implemented, as I think it'll already be handy - not pointwise for diagnosing
specific connections, but as manifest more in aggregate, such as "gee when
we talk with a.b.0.0/16 we sure to rack up the checksum errors" or such.

> I'm having a tough time thinking up additional use-cases without having
> some sample data, so perhaps the best course is to add what you proposed,
> and then revisit it if we feel like anything's missing.

Sounds good.  I'll aim to have a branch that people can try out ready
in a bit.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] set and vector operators

2018-06-15 Thread Vern Paxson
1.5 months ago we haggled over adding these and came close to converging,
and then I dropped the ball on trying to ice the deal :-(.  (Well, I also
needed some time to lick my wounds, since I didn't get my way much on
syntax preferences! :-P)

Here's where I believe we wound up:

(1) Add bitwise operators on "count" variables for &, | and ~.

(2) Deprecate element-wise arithmetic operations on vectors, such
as "v * 3" meaning "multiply each element of v by 3".  Perhaps down
the road we'll introduce syntax that flags things like "for this
expression, vectorize it".

(3) Implement "v += e" to mean "append the element e to the vector v".

(4) Wait on whether "v + e" should mean "return a vector that is v with
the element e appended".  (And indeed we can't do this right now if
we're #2.)

(5) Keep "add" and "delete" for manipulating sets in terms of individual

(6) Add "s1 & s2", "s1 | s2", and "s1 - s2" as intersection, union,
and set difference.

I'm not clear whether we reached agreement on:

(7?) Add "s1 &= s2" etc. to mean "s1 = s1 & s2".  The advantage of
 having this as an operator is it might more easily enable efficient
 implementation of some set operations for big sets.  I suppose
 if we have it then we'd be expected to also have:
(7') "c1 &= c2" etc., i.e., bitwise assignments for "count"

Please chime in if you remember where we wound up differently, and also
whether you disagree with #7.

Again, my apologies for the lengthy lull in attending to this thread.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] $history extensions - zero windows, logarithmic counts

2018-06-15 Thread Vern Paxson
> it unclear on the logarithmic
> counts. Take, for instance SaDtTtT. If I'm reading this correctly, I think
> that means 10-99 retransmissions from orig, followed by 10-99 from resp,
> then more retransmissions from orig (enough to reach a total of 100-999),
> and similarly more from resp.

Correct in principle.  (1) These would be 1-9 followed by enough to
get to 10-99, since a single retransmission is already a 't' / 'T', and
(2) lower letters are responders rther than originators.

> However, I could also interpret it as 10-99
> from orig, 10-99 from resp, 10-99 from orig, 10-99 from resp.

Nope.  The counter doesn't reset at any point, it's cumulative.

> Another question I had was that most of these are TCP-specific. Would
> checksum apply to UDP as well?

Right, it would apply to UDP too, just like is done presently for
the boolean indicator.

> As you say, if what I care about is the overall
> number compared to the number of packets, that feels more like a
> percentage.

Well, I think this is yes-and-no.  For one, the overall percentage might
be quite small and still have a large impact on what's supposed to be a
high-speed transfer - particularly if it means that a connection entered
an extented timeout-and-back-off - so I don't know if there would be a
natural point of inspection for it.  (It could also quite large but no big
deal because the connection is a runt.)

> To me, it'd seem more natural to use something like "0t" means
> "of the total number of packets from the originator, 0-9% were
> retransmissions," "1t" means 10-19%, etc.

I'm inclined to wait on refinements like this.  Let's first see whether
having log-counter-style histories leaves people wanting more before
qualitatively changing the nature of the history field, or adding new

> Maybe we add the
> new letters, but don't repeat them and also add new fields for exact
> bytecounts?

I'm not following this.  If we add new letters that don't repeat *and* we
add new fields, why do we need the letters given that the fields are there?

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] $history extensions - zero windows, logarithmic counts

2018-06-15 Thread Vern Paxson
> Here we will not have cases where some repetitions are logarithmic, and
> some (like for R) are not. I guess that makes sense, but I can see it
> potentially being confusing.

Yeah, I chewed on that too, but I don't see a better solution.  The semantics
of repeated R are different, too (per the recent $history thread, it entails
differing sequence numbers), so I think once that's the case, then it's
not all that much more confusing if the significance of a repetition has
different semantics too.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] $history extensions - zero windows, logarithmic counts

2018-06-15 Thread Vern Paxson
> I really like those ideas, especially the logarithmic count.

Cool :-).

> How much would it cost to have an event fired when those thresholds are 
> crossed?

Nice thought.  I think it would be too expensive if done for the first
instance, but for each of the backed-off instances it ought to be rare
enough that it's not a problem.  So maybe something like:

## Generated each time a reporting threshold (10, 100, 1000, ...)
## is crossed, starting with 10.
event multiple_tcp_zero_windows(c: connection, is_orig: bool,
threshold: count);
event multiple_tcp_checksum_errors(c: connection, is_orig: bool,
threshold: count);
event multiple_tcp_retransmissions(c: connection, is_orig: bool,
threshold: count);


bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] $history extensions - zero windows, logarithmic counts

2018-06-15 Thread Vern Paxson
I'm working on two enhancements to the $history tracking for connections
that thought I'd tee them up for comments.

(1) A new history element, 'W'/'w', which means that a TCP receiver
advertised a zero window, indicating that the corresponding process
was unable to keep up with the incoming data.  (This element is omitted
in cases where zero windows aren't problematic: initial SYNs, and after
FINs or RSTs.)

(2) A notion of "logarithmic counts" for history events: for certain
events ('C' = checksum, 'T' = retransmission, and 'W' = zero window)
the count is repeated on the 10th/100th/1000th/etc. occurrence.  So a
history value of 'ttt' means that the responder sent somewhere between
100 and 999 retransmissions.  This is useful because for large
connections, a single checksum error, retransmission, or zero window
is much less significant for analyzing performance issues than a whole
bunch of these.


bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] set and vector operators

2018-04-30 Thread Vern Paxson
> I think I actually would prefer just keeping add/delete, at least for
> sets, and not introduce the plus-syntax.

Okay, I can live with this as long as '|' and '-' support add-to-set and
remove-from-set.   But I think those have to work, given we'll enable them
for operations on two sets.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] set and vector operators

2018-04-30 Thread Vern Paxson
> It especially feels weird to me if v + e and
> v += e are operations that perform something completely different.

Yeah, I hear you.  OTOH, I *really* would like a succinct way to say "add
this to the end of this vector", it's such a common idiom.

Robin and I discussed this a bit.  Our ultimate thinking was along the
lines of:

(1) likely there's no significant use right now of "v op e" semantics,
given how none of us initially remembered it

(2) down the line such semantics could be quite handy if we start pushing
on vector operations for doing statistical or ML computations (that's why
I added "v op e" in the first place, inspired by how easy R makes these),

(3) "v += e" really is a nice append-to-vector idiom

(4) so how about we change "v op e" into something else to avoid the
conceptual clash w/ v += e, while still having  it available for
the possible uses in (2) above?

The question then was what would be the new "v op e" syntax.
The best we could come up with (which we both found not-too-awful) is
"vector(v op e)".  Wrapped in "vector(...)", the operation becomes the
current semantics (apply "op e" separately to each element of v).
"v op e" by itself would now be an error (which could point the user
at the "vector(...)" syntax as possibly providing what they're looking
for).  "v += e" would be "append e to v".

Do you buy that?

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] pattern values and "||"/"&&" operators

2018-04-26 Thread Vern Paxson
> > p1 || p2returns a pattern that matches either p1 or p2
> ... Though having the 
> functionality of the former available in some form would be kind of 
> nice-I have a few scripts where I would have used that.

Oh I left out that that's in fact supported:

print /foo/ | /bar/ in "hello Barbara";

prints "T" :-).  As does

print (/foo/ || /bar/) in "hello Barbara";

(parens now required), which is the one we'd be getting rid of.

bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] pattern values and "||"/"&&" operators

2018-04-26 Thread Vern Paxson
In implementing bitwise operations for counts (now pretty much done!),
I found that Bro's internals actually support "||" and "&&" operators for

p1 || p2returns a pattern that matches either p1 or p2
p1 && p2returns a pattern that matches p1 followed by p2

(Note that this second is not obvious.  One might instead expect it to
return a pattern that matches only if both p1 and p2 match, where the two
could overlap.)

This doesn't appear to be documented anywhere.  I discussed it with Robin
and we both agree that this seems weird and likely not used anywhere.
Therefore we're thinking we should deprecate it and eventually remove it.

Anyone think otherwise?

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] set and vector operators

2018-04-26 Thread Vern Paxson
> A nice thing about "add" and "delete" for sets is that you can infer the 
> data type that you're operating on just looking at the local code/line. 

Only sort of.  For delete, you don't know whether it's a table or a set,
and for neither do you know what type of table/set if you can't immediately
apprehend the type of the index (e.g., "delete foo[foo2]" doesn't tell
me what type of index the set/table foo uses).

> E.g. say you come back to some code after a few months and see "foo += 
> 1".  Not obvious what 'foo' is anymore.

I don't think it's reasonable to have the bar be "can you tell what's going
on in isolation".  It should include consideration of associated context,
variable names, and comments.  In fact, even now you don't know whether
for "foo += 1" foo is an integer, a count, or a double.

> I do also notice that you had "s + e" in the proposal and not "v + e". 
> Isn't that weird by the same logic or is it just an accidental omission?

This is because "v + e" already has a meaning: apply "+ e" to each element
of v.  (Note though that "v += e" is not currently allowed.)

>  v += e   Append element to vector
> And for that, a BiF or generic script-layer function call (if that were 
> possible) would even make me happy:
>  push(v, e)
> ...
>  add_to_set(s, v)
>  delete_from_set(s, v)

Yuck.  I would hate this.  Might as well use Lisp!

A basic tenet of Bro's language design has been to minimize verbosity.
(For example, its use of type inference, and its support of C-style
operators like "++".)  Let's please not move in that direction.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] set and vector operators

2018-04-26 Thread Vern Paxson
> Just one more thing still: I'm actually feeling pretty strongly
> against having multiple different operators for the same operation
> (set union, set addition/removal).

I'm fine with removing "add" and "delete" for sets!  (But seems we gotta
keep them for a good while for backward compatibility.  Plus, what would
be the remove operator for tables?  "t -= index" seems pretty weird to me.)

But I don't think we should forego '+' and '-' for sets.  It would be too
weird that "v += e" works but "s += e" does not (and "add v[e]" blows, so
let's not consider going down that path :-P).  Once we have s += e, we
certainly should have s -= e.  And once we have "s + e", "s1 + s2" seems
very natural to me too; I don't relish having to explain "oh *that* doesn't
work, you have to use s1 | s2" :-P.

> will have different preferences which version to prefer; they may not
> even remember the other one.

Seems to me they're both sufficiently mnemonic that this isn't a big worry.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] set and vector operators

2018-04-25 Thread Vern Paxson
Hmmm thinking about it, we can get away with '&' with minimal keyword
conflict because there's such an easy (and natural-to-presume) fix -
namely, rather than "x" you use "x & attrkeyword".  Now
there's no problem, since the lexer only recognizes ""
as a unit, with no whitespace allowed.

Given that, here's my updated proposal, with 'c' standing for values of
type count:

s1 + s2 Set union
s1 - s2 Set difference
s1 | s2 Set union
s1 & s2 Set intersection
s1 ^ s2 Set symmetric difference

s + e   The set resulting from adding the element 'e' to
the set 's'
s - e   The set resulting from removing the element 'e' from
the set 's', if present

s1 {+=, -=, |=, &=, ^=} s2
Perform the corresponding set operation between
s1 and s2 and put the result in s1.
s {+=, -=} e
Add or remove the element e from the set s

c1 | c2
c1 & c2 Bitwise or/and/xor of two count values
c1 ^ c2 

c1 {|=, &=, ^=} c2
Perform the corresponding bitwise operation between
c1 and c2 and put the result in c1.

v += e  Append the element 'e' to the vector 'v'

s += v  Add the elements of 'v' to 's'
s -= v  Remove the elements of 'v' from 's', if present

How does that sound?

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] set and vector operators

2018-04-25 Thread Vern Paxson
> On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 10:40 -0700, you wrote:
> > s1 + s2 Set union (for sets of the same type, of course)
> > s1 || s2Set union
> (What's the difference between the two? Or do you mean either one or
> the other?)

No difference.  It just seems to me that we need something for intersection,
and using existing operators, the natural for that is "&&".  Once we have
that, might as well support "||" for union.  But given symmetry with other
operators, "+" should work too.

> Like Justin, I was also thinking "|" and "&" might be more intuitive.

If we didn't have the keyword issue with , then I could see that.
But that strikes me as a significant drawback.  (Also, if we do add these,
then a user might reasonably expect them to work bitwise for count's.  We
could then consider implementing that too I guess.)

> other languages mgiht also coerce set operands into booleans in such a
> context, so that, e.g., "s1 || s2" evaluates to true if either is
> non-empty. 

Hey I don't care about other seriously busted languages! ;-)

> I see the problem with the parser but maybe adding keywords is the way
> to go.


> > s += e  Add the element 'e' to set 's'
> > (same as the current "add s[e]")
> > s -= e  Remove the 'e' element from 's', if present
> > (same as the current "delete s[e]")
> I'd skip these. I don't think we should add an additional set of
> operators for things that Bro already supports

I actually feel the opposite, that "add" is clunky ("delete" a bit less so)
and thus these are more natural.  But in particular it seems we ought to
support these due to needing to support "v += e" (which is the one that
I most want!).

> > s1 += s2Same as "s1 = s1 + s2"
> (Or s1 |= s2 if we pick "|" for union.)

Yeah, if we bite off the '&'-keyword ugliness.  Ugh.

> > v += e  Append the element 'e' to the vector 'v'
> That's probably the most requested Bro operator ever! :)

Yee-up, per my note above!

> > v += s  Append the elements of 's' to the vector 'v',
> > with the order not being defined
> This one I'm unsure about. The point about the order being undefined
> seems odd. If I don't care about order, wouldn't I stay with a set?

I do have a use case, but I agree it's odd; let me revisit it to see if
I really do need it.  I might instead settle for "vector of set[xxx]".

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] set and vector operators

2018-04-25 Thread Vern Paxson
> That's very similar to what python does, except they use & and | instead of 
> && and ||.
> I think they do that because 'set or' is closer to 'bitwise or' than 'logical 
> or'

Yeah, I thought of that, but Bro currently doesn't have any '&' or '|'
operators, which makes me reluctant to add them just for this.  '&' is
particularly problematic, as it would introduce ambiguity as to whether
"" means the redef attribute, or "use the 'and' operator on the value
of the variable 'redef'".  We'd have to add a bunch of reserved words
to accommodate this.

> They also use ^ for symmetric difference.

(same here re being a new operator)

bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] set and vector operators

2018-04-25 Thread Vern Paxson
I'm working on some scripts that use sets and vectors, sometimes together,
and am finding it clunky that Bro doesn't offer much in the way of operators
for this.  To that end, I'm thinking of implementing some along the following
lines, where values starting with 's' are sets, 'v' are vectors, and 'e'
are type-compatible elements:

s1 + s2 Set union (for sets of the same type, of course)
s1 || s2Set union

s1 && s2Set intersection
s1 - s2 Set difference

s += e  Add the element 'e' to set 's'
(same as the current "add s[e]")
s -= e  Remove the 'e' element from 's', if present
(same as the current "delete s[e]")

s1 += s2Same as "s1 = s1 + s2"
s1 -= s2Same as "s1 = s1 - s2"

v += e  Append the element 'e' to the vector 'v'
v += s  Append the elements of 's' to the vector 'v',
with the order not being defined

s += v  Add the elements of 'v' to 's'
s -= v  Remove the elements of 'v' from 's', if present

These strike me as pretty straightforward, but please chime in if you
have comments!

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] [Bro] Segmentation fault while using own signature.

2017-01-11 Thread Vern Paxson
Did anyone follow up on this?


--- Begin Message ---
Hi all,

So I have a case where if I use following regex in sig file, it works, but
when I edit it and make it more strict I get segmentation fault in like 5
minutes after bro gets normally started:

The working version:

signature rootkit-potential {
  payload /.*[0-9\.]{7,15}\|[0-9]{1,5}.*/
  event "Potential rootkit"
  tcp-state originator

signature rootkit-malware {
  payload /.*SSH-2\.5-OpenSSH_6\.1\.9.[0-9\.]{7,15}\|\d{1,5}.*/
  event "rootkit malware"
  tcp-state originator

When I change regex to be more restrictive, Seg fault occurs:

signature rootkit-potential {
  payload /.*(?:\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\|\d{1,5}).*/
  event "Potential rootkit"
  tcp-state originator

signature rootkit-malware {
  event "rootkit malware"
  tcp-state originator

Any idea what might be going wrong?

Bro mailing list
http://mailman.ICSI.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/bro--- End Message ---
bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] Option -z

2016-05-26 Thread Vern Paxson
> If one
> could express such analyses easily with a few lines of script code,
> that would be quite powerful for doing script inspection that's also
> easy to customize.

Well sure, but it's not clear one can get to that point without some
significant work under the hood anyway in terms of the features needed to
make the script-level expression a few lines of code.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] Option -z

2016-05-26 Thread Vern Paxson
> Just removing this specific use
> of finding NOTICEs, which doesn't seem anybody has been using in a
> long time.

I wonder if they don't use it because it's not on their radar.  It's
actually pretty handy, a way of telling when you think the set of NOTICEs
should be X, but it's actually X'.  Can help with writing documentation
or finding dead code (of a form), or telling just what happens due to
the hierarchy of @load's that a script pulls in.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] Option -z

2016-05-25 Thread Vern Paxson
> Does anybody remember what Bro's option -z is for?

Well it's there in CHANGES, per the appended.  But yeah looks like it never
went anywhere beyond the original instigation, so I think removing it is okay.
OTOH, it's a pretty handy general notion, so instead pushing it further
strikes me as also reasonable.


0.9a8 Wed Feb 16 17:09:34 PST 2005

- Bro now has a geneal mechanism internal for traversing policy scripts
  (Umesh Shankar).  Various script analyses can be specified using the
  new -z flag.

  Currently, the one supported form of analysis is "-z notice", which
  prints all of the different types of notices that the script you've
  loaded can generate.  For example, "bro -z notice ftp" will generate:

  Found NOTICE: BackscatterSeen
  Found NOTICE: FTP_PrivPort
  Found NOTICE: FTP_BadPort
  Found NOTICE: PortScan
  Found NOTICE: FTP_ExcessiveFilename
  Found NOTICE: ScanSummary
  Found NOTICE: AddressDropped
  Found NOTICE: DroppedPackets
  Found NOTICE: SensitiveConnection
  Found NOTICE: FTP_UnexpectedConn
  Found NOTICE: SSH_Overflow
  Found NOTICE: FTP_Sensitive
  Found NOTICE: TerminatingConnection
  Found NOTICE: PasswordGuessing
  Found NOTICE: AddressDropIgnored
  Found NOTICE: AddressScan
bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1545) SSH connection not recording entire flow correctly

2016-03-10 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson commented on BIT-1545:

I'm definitely a fan of at least adding transparency that the value has not 
been properly tracked!  It would also be good to understand in what shunting 
situations one can still afford to track such values; and I would hope that 
even if there's full (blind) shunting, the FIN/RSTs that terminate the 
connection are still captured, so one can make a guess based on sequence 
numbers.  (Likewise, we'd want this annotated as a guess and not a directly 
measured value.)

> SSH connection not recording entire flow correctly
> --
> Key: BIT-1545
> URL:
> Project: Bro Issue Tracker
>  Issue Type: Problem
>  Components: Bro
>Affects Versions: git/master, 2.4
> Environment: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, myricom 10g capture card
>Reporter: Jason Carr
>Assignee: Johanna Amann
>  Labels: logging
> Fix For: 2.5
> Attachments: ssh-port22.pcap
> Making a connection out to a server via ssh does not write to conn.log while 
> running with broctl but it does log to weird.log and ssh.log but nothing to 
> conn.log.
> While running bro -C -r ssh-port22.pcap, a partial log entry is listed with 
> an incorrect and very low number of packets and bytes.
> It was determined that disabling the SSH analyzer gets the correct conn.log 
> output. 
> Analyzer::disable_analyzer(Analyzer::ANALYZER_SSH);   
> Testing on, 2.4+ and master has this problem but 2.3 and below it 
> works as expected.
> Attached is the SSH connection outbound pcap.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1535) conn.log conn_state field or documentation is wrong

2016-02-10 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson reassigned BIT-1535:

Assignee: Vern Paxson

> conn.log conn_state field or documentation is wrong
> ---
> Key: BIT-1535
> URL:
> Project: Bro Issue Tracker
>  Issue Type: Problem
>  Components: Bro
>Affects Versions: 2.4
>Reporter: Justin Azoff
>Assignee: Vern Paxson
> There is an issue where the conn.log conn_state field will contain RSTR, 
> which according to the documentation means "Established, responder aborted."
> The problem that I notice is that I see log entries where conn_state is RSTR, 
> but conn_history does not contain an 'h'.  Additionally, the resp_h is 
> absolutely not running a service on resp_p and the orig_h is usually in the 
> process of a tcp scan.
> Here are the top frequencies of RSTR without an h over about a weeks worth of 
> conn logs:
> {code}
> 38193 RSTR  Fr
> 3662 RSTR   DFr
> 1801 RSTR   DFdrR
> 1248 RSTR   DRr
> 432 RSTRDrF
> 232 RSTRFar
> 128 RSTRDdAFrR
> 79 RSTR DFadrR
> 64 RSTR DrR
> 58 RSTR DdAFarR
> {code}
> Compared to histories that did contain an h:
> {code}
> 425398 RSTR ShADadFr
> 204149 RSTR ShADadFrR
> 156303 RSTR ShADdFar
> 141795 RSTR ShADadFRRr
> 105704 RSTR ShADadfr
> 79697 RSTR  ShADadr
> 63493 RSTR  ShADaFr
> 51704 RSTR  ShADadF
> 42075 RSTR  ShADdar
> 37678 RSTR  ShADadfRr
> {code}
> I don't have a pcap for this, but I believe many of the weird connections are 
> related to scans or backscatter.
> I'm not sure if the code is wrong or the documentation is wrong, but I don't 
> see how a fin+reset connection could be classified as established.
> Also, One thing that would be a nice documentation addition is the answer to 
> this question:
> Given a conn.log entry, how do determine if there was a connection 
> established?  I thought it would be if the state was in 'SF S1 S2 S3 RSTO 
> RSTR', but RSTR is problematic...

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1535) conn.log conn_state field or documentation is wrong

2016-02-10 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson edited comment on BIT-1535 at 2/10/16 3:03 PM:

Yeah, historically "RSTR" was defined as established-but-responder-aborted, but 
that dates way back to a time when "surely" every connection began with a 
handshake, and RSTR was the observation that that connection ended with a RST 
sent by the responder.  I think the right fix for this ticket is to correct the 
documentation to state that it simply means that the entity that Bro 
determined/inferred was the responder sent a RST.

was (Author: vern):
Yeah, historically "RSTR" was defined as established-but-responder-aborted, but 
that dates way back to a time when "surely" ever connection began with a 
handshake, and RSTR was the observation that that connection ended with a RST 
sent by the responder.  I think the right fix for this ticket is to correct the 
documentation that it simply means that the entity that Bro determined/inferred 
was the responder sent a RST.

> conn.log conn_state field or documentation is wrong
> ---
> Key: BIT-1535
> URL:
> Project: Bro Issue Tracker
>  Issue Type: Problem
>  Components: Bro
>Affects Versions: 2.4
>Reporter: Justin Azoff
>Assignee: Vern Paxson
> There is an issue where the conn.log conn_state field will contain RSTR, 
> which according to the documentation means "Established, responder aborted."
> The problem that I notice is that I see log entries where conn_state is RSTR, 
> but conn_history does not contain an 'h'.  Additionally, the resp_h is 
> absolutely not running a service on resp_p and the orig_h is usually in the 
> process of a tcp scan.
> Here are the top frequencies of RSTR without an h over about a weeks worth of 
> conn logs:
> {code}
> 38193 RSTR  Fr
> 3662 RSTR   DFr
> 1801 RSTR   DFdrR
> 1248 RSTR   DRr
> 432 RSTRDrF
> 232 RSTRFar
> 128 RSTRDdAFrR
> 79 RSTR DFadrR
> 64 RSTR DrR
> 58 RSTR DdAFarR
> {code}
> Compared to histories that did contain an h:
> {code}
> 425398 RSTR ShADadFr
> 204149 RSTR ShADadFrR
> 156303 RSTR ShADdFar
> 141795 RSTR ShADadFRRr
> 105704 RSTR ShADadfr
> 79697 RSTR  ShADadr
> 63493 RSTR  ShADaFr
> 51704 RSTR  ShADadF
> 42075 RSTR  ShADdar
> 37678 RSTR  ShADadfRr
> {code}
> I don't have a pcap for this, but I believe many of the weird connections are 
> related to scans or backscatter.
> I'm not sure if the code is wrong or the documentation is wrong, but I don't 
> see how a fin+reset connection could be classified as established.
> Also, One thing that would be a nice documentation addition is the answer to 
> this question:
> Given a conn.log entry, how do determine if there was a connection 
> established?  I thought it would be if the state was in 'SF S1 S2 S3 RSTO 
> RSTR', but RSTR is problematic...

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] Error: Analyzer:: defined more than once.

2015-12-29 Thread Vern Paxson
> I tried recently to add an analyzer of RLogin protocol by using BinPac.

Bro already has an Rlogin analyzer in src/analyzer/protocol/login/ , so
presumably you're conflicting with that one ... ?

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] Better Handling of User Agents in Software Framework

2015-12-15 Thread Vern Paxson
> ... (and if so, maybe there are some optimizations to
> short-cut common cases or so)

(... and/or: a few key BiFs to add that don't bite off the whole task
 but accelerate some particular processing)
bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] current_time() vs network_time()

2015-11-19 Thread Vern Paxson
For the script you sent me, the 1-second skips aren't that surprising.
Bro's "schedule" sets a minimum time in the future for when the event
will occur.  The actual time will be a tad later, depending on how long
it takes the event engine to process the buffer of packets that leads
to the clock advancing past the scheduled time.  So for example if
at network time 1.95 you schedule an event for one second in the future,
that won't be looked at until a set of packets arrives for which one
of them has a network time of >= 2.95.  Those packets will first be
processed before doing the scheduled event.

In addition, network-time will lag current-time by an amount proportional
to the packet capture buffer.  If the buffer is a few hundred msec's worth,
then you will not infrequently get a mismatch regarding times of one-second

OTOH, this:

> Report time is 1447869607.383869, report hour is 10:0:7
> Report time is 1447869617.52706, report hour is 10:0:17  <- big jump 

is definitely not good.  I'm not seeing how your script could lead to
that behavior other than the event engine going away (= spending time
processing packets) for around 10 seconds.

Regarding this:

> Report time is 1447869618.188414, report hour is 10:0:18
> Report time is 1447869619.04252, report hour is 10:0:19  <- stall ? 
> Report time is 1447869619.733979, report hour is 10:0:19 <--- stall ? 

I can at least construct a theory.  Suppose the event was supposed to
happen at 10:0:18.8.  A packet comes in with that network time, so the
event fires, but only 200 msec later, so current-time shows 10:0:19.
The script schedules based on network-time rather than current-time, so
it'll set the next event for 10:0:19.8.  When that packet arrives, there's
less to process, so the script runs before the current-time advances to

In any case, I agree that Craig's proposed fix is a good way to deal
with this.  In addtion, I think this points up the utility of Bro
providing cron-style event scheduling in addition to relative-time

bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1506) Bro fails to build on OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) due to OpenSSL header removal

2015-11-16 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson commented on BIT-1506:

@Vlad: _au contraire_.  Maybe no one runs Bro on OS X for live traffic, but 
certainly there are those of us who routinely use it offline under OS X both 
for development and to munch on traces.

> Bro fails to build on OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) due to OpenSSL header removal
> ---
> Key: BIT-1506
> URL:
> Project: Bro Issue Tracker
>  Issue Type: Problem
>  Components: Bro
>Affects Versions: 2.4
>Reporter: Vlad Grigorescu
> Fix For: 2.5
> It looks like Apple removed the OpenSSL headers with El Capitan[1] (OS X
> 10.11), and now Bro fails to build on OS X. Apple's recommendation is
> that we either include a copy of OpenSSL ourselves or we use their
> Secure Transport API.
> [1] - <>

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[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-903) -b turns off -f

2015-10-19 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson commented on BIT-903:

FYI it's annoying to be told that my report is a "duplicate" of *one filed 3 
years later*

> -b turns off -f
> ---
> Key: BIT-903
> URL:
> Project: Bro Issue Tracker
>  Issue Type: Problem
>  Components: Bro
>Affects Versions: git/master
>Reporter: Vern Paxson
> Fix For: 2.5
> Attachments: signature.asc, single-tcp-conn-est.trace
> Running with \-b (bare bones) disables processing by \-f.  Boy did this take 
> me a long time to figure out :-(.
> Reproduce using the appended trace.  Invoking with *-e 'event 
> connection_established(c:connection) \{ print "yep"; }*' will print "yep".   
> Invoking with that plus *-f 'not tcp*' won't print anything.  But invoking 
> with *-f  'not tcp' \-b* _does_ print "yep".

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[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-903) -b turns off -f

2015-10-19 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson commented on BIT-903:

Got it.  The phrase then to use would be "Superseded by BIT-1407"

> -b turns off -f
> ---
> Key: BIT-903
> URL:
> Project: Bro Issue Tracker
>  Issue Type: Problem
>  Components: Bro
>Affects Versions: git/master
>Reporter: Vern Paxson
> Fix For: 2.5
> Attachments: signature.asc, single-tcp-conn-est.trace
> Running with \-b (bare bones) disables processing by \-f.  Boy did this take 
> me a long time to figure out :-(.
> Reproduce using the appended trace.  Invoking with *-e 'event 
> connection_established(c:connection) \{ print "yep"; }*' will print "yep".   
> Invoking with that plus *-f 'not tcp*' won't print anything.  But invoking 
> with *-f  'not tcp' \-b* _does_ print "yep".

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[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1411) SQL_Injection_Victim is a misleading name

2015-09-08 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson commented on BIT-1411:

I fully agree with the rationale behind splitting it - just want the name to 
not imply that the attack has been successful.  So changing Victim to Target 
should do the trick.

(Also, FWIW, our paper on detecting distributed SSH bruteforcing 
[] might be useful fodder 
for thinking about the general problem of detecting attacks distributed across 
a bunch of sources.) 

> SQL_Injection_Victim is a misleading name
> -
> Key: BIT-1411
> URL:
> Project: Bro Issue Tracker
>  Issue Type: Problem
>  Components: Bro
>    Reporter: Vern Paxson
> I suggest changing the name of this notice to {{SQL_Injection_Target}}.  
> Having "victim" in the name implies to me that the attack succeeded, which is 
> not what the associated logic is about.
> Indeed, I even wonder if this notice is useful.  The information should be 
> directly available from {{SQL_Injection_Attacker}} notices (though it doesn't 
> appear to be currently set up to provide this - why not?).

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[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1411) SQL_Injection_Victim is a misleading name

2015-09-06 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson commented on BIT-1411:

@Matthias: perhaps.  That works for values/types that can have attributes 
associated with them, but not for things like language features.  Maybe that's 
the common enough case that we should go this route.  I'm thinking then the 
syntax might be something like =expr, where evaluates to a string 
displayed at compile time (though perhaps only if a show-me-deprecation flag is 
used).  The string could include information (or a link to a discussion) on how 
to migrate.  

> SQL_Injection_Victim is a misleading name
> -
> Key: BIT-1411
> URL:
> Project: Bro Issue Tracker
>  Issue Type: Problem
>  Components: Bro
>    Reporter: Vern Paxson
> I suggest changing the name of this notice to {{SQL_Injection_Target}}.  
> Having "victim" in the name implies to me that the attack succeeded, which is 
> not what the associated logic is about.
> Indeed, I even wonder if this notice is useful.  The information should be 
> directly available from {{SQL_Injection_Attacker}} notices (though it doesn't 
> appear to be currently set up to provide this - why not?).

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Re: [Bro-Dev] Pattern matching for the Bro language

2015-08-19 Thread Vern Paxson
 I want to propose introducing pattern matching for the Bro language.

Per our discussion yesterday, I like this notion in general.  (Seems we
need a better term for it, though, as pattern matching is very generic -
plus will confuse some people who'll think it refers to NIDS rules rather
than generic type safety!)

 Some languages (Ruby comes to mind) design switch as an expression,
 which would allow constructs like:
   local result = switch( x )
 case T:
 case U:

Personally, this strike me as a tad weird, since now result might not
have a statically determined type, so we're back to it being any.
So I'd want to wait on going this far until we have use cases where
it clearly would help with code clarity.

bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] NTOP DPD

2015-07-17 Thread Vern Paxson just came on my
radar.  Do folks already know about it?  Has anyone assessed what they've
put together and whether any of it is leverageable for Bro in a useful way?

bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1431) Loss of information due to analyzer capitalization changes

2015-07-08 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson commented on BIT-1431:

This can break in a nasty way.  The original reason for making the casing 
uniform was (1) semantically, it shouldn't matter, but (2) without doing so, 
it's easy to have analysis holes like *if ( domain == ) ... * then 
an attacker can just send and the test will fail.  The same holds 
for grep'ing through log files and missing stuff just due to casing mismatches.

What's the scenario where you're concerned about the lost casing information?

If it's compelling, then I'd want to consider an interface that provides both 
the name (which in fact is downcased) and the raw_name (say) which has the 
original casing.

 Loss of information due to analyzer capitalization changes

 Key: BIT-1431
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: Bro
Affects Versions: 2.5
Reporter: Seth Hall

 Currently some of Bro's analyzers are changing the case of data before 
 passing it along to events which is fairly dramatic loss of information in 
 some cases.
 The two known examples right now are the query in DNS (lowercased) and the 
 header field name in HTTP (uppercased).  The question is if we should brute 
 force change these to stop modifying the original values and have people fix 
 any scripts that it breaks (watching for header value names is the biggie 
 here) or if we should use some alternate mechanism to allow the existing 
 behavior to have a sundown time period.
 I say we should just break it since the quantity of existing scripts in the 
 world is still fairly small and the number of scripts that it affects is even 
 less (many scripts won't be affected at all).

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bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1427) rare SSH successful login heuristic FPs

2015-06-21 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson logged work on BIT-1427:

Author: Vern Paxson
Created on: 21/Jun/15 11:19 AM
Start Date: 21/Jun/15 11:19 AM
Worklog Time Spent: 5 minutes 
  Work Description: Already presumed fixed in 2.4.

Issue Time Tracking

Worklog Id: (was: 10100)
Time Spent: 5 minutes
Remaining Estimate: 0 minutes

 rare SSH successful login heuristic FPs

 Key: BIT-1427
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: Bro
Affects Versions: 2.3
Reporter: Vern Paxson
 Fix For: 2.4

  Time Spent: 5 minutes
  Remaining Estimate: 0 minutes

 During a bruteforce attack that made 27M attempted logins, 2 were flagged as 
 successful by one instance of Bro monitoring the traffic, but not by another 
 running an identical config on the same traffic stream.  I wasn't able to 
 reproduce the FPs from bulk traces of the event.  Both instances were 
 associated with two Weirds, SYN_after_close and 
 excessive_data_without_further_acks that were otherwise quite rare in the 
 traffic.  This suggests that there's a flaw in the heuristic whereby it's 
 analyzing traffic streams that have confused state.  Perhaps an adequate fix 
 is to track whether a given flow has experienced those Weirds, and if so, 
 don't apply the heuristic to it.

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bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1427) rare SSH successful login heuristic FPs

2015-06-21 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson updated BIT-1427:
   Resolution: Fixed
Fix Version/s: 2.4
   Status: Closed  (was: Open)

Already presumed fixed in 2.4.

 rare SSH successful login heuristic FPs

 Key: BIT-1427
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: Bro
Affects Versions: 2.3
Reporter: Vern Paxson
 Fix For: 2.4

 During a bruteforce attack that made 27M attempted logins, 2 were flagged as 
 successful by one instance of Bro monitoring the traffic, but not by another 
 running an identical config on the same traffic stream.  I wasn't able to 
 reproduce the FPs from bulk traces of the event.  Both instances were 
 associated with two Weirds, SYN_after_close and 
 excessive_data_without_further_acks that were otherwise quite rare in the 
 traffic.  This suggests that there's a flaw in the heuristic whereby it's 
 analyzing traffic streams that have confused state.  Perhaps an adequate fix 
 is to track whether a given flow has experienced those Weirds, and if so, 
 don't apply the heuristic to it.

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bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1427) rare SSH successful login heuristic FPs

2015-06-21 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson commented on BIT-1427:

Thanks, Vlad.  I'll close this.  Once we upgrade to 2.4, surely the Internet 
will provide another opportunity to test this :-P.

 rare SSH successful login heuristic FPs

 Key: BIT-1427
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: Bro
Affects Versions: 2.3
Reporter: Vern Paxson

 During a bruteforce attack that made 27M attempted logins, 2 were flagged as 
 successful by one instance of Bro monitoring the traffic, but not by another 
 running an identical config on the same traffic stream.  I wasn't able to 
 reproduce the FPs from bulk traces of the event.  Both instances were 
 associated with two Weirds, SYN_after_close and 
 excessive_data_without_further_acks that were otherwise quite rare in the 
 traffic.  This suggests that there's a flaw in the heuristic whereby it's 
 analyzing traffic streams that have confused state.  Perhaps an adequate fix 
 is to track whether a given flow has experienced those Weirds, and if so, 
 don't apply the heuristic to it.

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bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1428) Customizable email subject lines

2015-06-20 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)
Vern Paxson created BIT-1428:

 Summary: Customizable email subject lines
 Key: BIT-1428
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: New Feature
  Components: Bro
Reporter: Vern Paxson

There should be a hook of some sort to allow customizing email Subject lines.  
In particular, I want emails sent for alarm summaries to include the hostname 
of the Bro that's sending them (since at ICSI we run two concurrent Bros).  
Looking at *pp_send* in *base/frameworks/notice/actions/pp-alarms.bro* I don't 
see any way to do this currently.

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[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1418) SSH::Login_By_Password_Guesser is not implemented

2015-06-05 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)
Vern Paxson created BIT-1418:

 Summary: SSH::Login_By_Password_Guesser is not implemented
 Key: BIT-1418
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: New Feature
  Components: Bro
Reporter: Vern Paxson

While that tag for this notice is defined, it's commented as not implemented.  
Seth indicated this is because it requires drawing upon distributed 
information, which doesn't have an apt framework yet.  But this is precisely 
the sort of good-value, non-trivial-behavior notice that Bro should support.  
Presumably this can be done without requiring extensive inter-cluster-node 

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[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1417) FTP_UnexpectedConn notice has gone away

2015-06-05 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)
Vern Paxson created BIT-1417:

 Summary: FTP_UnexpectedConn notice has gone away
 Key: BIT-1417
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: Bro
Reporter: Vern Paxson

This notice went away during The Great Policy Script Rewrite.  It would be good 
to reintroduce, even though it's not so straightforward to do so given it 
requires cross-connection analysis.

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[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1419) HTTPProxyFound notice has gone away

2015-06-05 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)
Vern Paxson created BIT-1419:

 Summary: HTTPProxyFound notice has gone away
 Key: BIT-1419
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: New Feature
  Components: Bro
Reporter: Vern Paxson

This one also went away during The Great Policy Script Rewrite, but unlike 
FTP_UnexpectedConn really ought to be pretty straightforward to support again.

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bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1407) -f silently fails if base/frameworks/packet-filter isn't loaded

2015-06-01 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson commented on BIT-1407:

While there's an appeal to processing arguments in script-land, because some 
arguments control basic script processing (e.g., -p), I'm not sure this can be 
done in a coherent fashion without some significant under-the-hood kludges.

Regarding replacing -f with PacketFilter::filter=, yuck - I wouldn't want 
to have to remember that, and there's no ready way for a user to discover this.

I'd be happy settling for -f warning (or exiting) with a statement that without 
the packet filtering framework loaded, it's a no-op.  Though I have a forboding 
that you're going to tell me that that's actually hard to implement :-P.

 -f silently fails if base/frameworks/packet-filter isn't loaded

 Key: BIT-1407
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: Bro
Reporter: Vern Paxson
 Attachments: signature.asc

 I know we've been through this before (though searching the tickets in Jira, 
 I couldn't find the thread).  But to revisit: the -f filter option silently 
 does nothing if base/frameworks/packet-filter isn't loaded (so the scenario 
 here is using -b to suppress its automatic loading).  This can lead to 
 seriously confusing behavior.  It would be preferable if there's either an 
 error message indicating that the option won't be supported, or if it forced 
 loading of packet-filter.

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bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1409) DNS ZoneTransfer notice missing

2015-06-01 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)
Vern Paxson created BIT-1409:

 Summary: DNS ZoneTransfer notice missing
 Key: BIT-1409
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: Bro
Reporter: Vern Paxson
Assignee: Seth Hall

The DNS analyzer used to generate a ZoneTransfer notice that can be handy for 
some operational settings.  This fell by the wayside, apparently (per Seth) for 
no particular reason, so would be nice to restore it.

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[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1407) -f silently fails if base/frameworks/packet-filter isn't loaded

2015-06-01 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson commented on BIT-1407:

Also, regarding the policy script adding the -f flag: how would the user 
discover that that's what they need to do (have the policy script loaded) to 
get the flag?  I can see quite a bit of perplexment if Bro just tells the user 
that the flag doesn't exist without explaining why, if they don't have the 
script loaded.

 -f silently fails if base/frameworks/packet-filter isn't loaded

 Key: BIT-1407
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: Bro
Reporter: Vern Paxson
 Attachments: signature.asc

 I know we've been through this before (though searching the tickets in Jira, 
 I couldn't find the thread).  But to revisit: the -f filter option silently 
 does nothing if base/frameworks/packet-filter isn't loaded (so the scenario 
 here is using -b to suppress its automatic loading).  This can lead to 
 seriously confusing behavior.  It would be preferable if there's either an 
 error message indicating that the option won't be supported, or if it forced 
 loading of packet-filter.

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bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1411) SQL_Injection_Victim is a misleading name

2015-06-01 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)
Vern Paxson created BIT-1411:

 Summary: SQL_Injection_Victim is a misleading name
 Key: BIT-1411
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: Bro
Reporter: Vern Paxson

I suggest changing the name of this notice to {{SQL_Injection_Target}}.  Having 
victim in the name implies to me that the attack succeeded, which is not what 
the associated logic is about.

Indeed, I even wonder if this notice is useful.  The information should be 
directly available from {{SQL_Injection_Attacker}} notices (though it doesn't 
appear to be currently set up to provide this - why not?).

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bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1412) Documentation/control of Jira markup shortcuts?

2015-06-01 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)
Vern Paxson created BIT-1412:

 Summary: Documentation/control of Jira markup shortcuts?
 Key: BIT-1412
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: TicketTracker
Reporter: Vern Paxson

I find that some of the keystroke bindings for markup when typing in a 
Description (like this one!) are counterintuitive for me and would like to 
change them.  However, searching the Jira documentation I haven't been able to 
find where these shortcuts are documented (as opposed to more general ones that 
aren't about markup).  Where do I look for info like this?

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[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1412) Documentation/control of Jira markup shortcuts?

2015-06-01 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson commented on BIT-1412:

Yes I see those but those aren't the shortcuts enabled for Description/Comment. 
 For example, if right now I try to use ctrl-B to back up, instead I get 
*bold*, which isn't even mentioned on that menu.

 Documentation/control of Jira markup shortcuts?

 Key: BIT-1412
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: TicketTracker
Reporter: Vern Paxson

 I find that some of the keystroke bindings for markup when typing in a 
 Description (like this one!) are counterintuitive for me and would like to 
 change them.  However, searching the Jira documentation I haven't been able 
 to find where these shortcuts are documented (as opposed to more general ones 
 that aren't about markup).  Where do I look for info like this?

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[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1405) Notice framework documentation glitch

2015-05-30 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)
Vern Paxson created BIT-1405:

 Summary: Notice framework documentation glitch
 Key: BIT-1405
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: Documentation
Reporter: Vern Paxson
Priority: Low

The [Notice documentation|] 
includes the phrase _Users should directly make modifications to the 
Notice::Info record given as the argument to the hook_.  Presumably this is 
instead should *not* directly make ...

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[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1406) Trouble locating -b documentation

2015-05-30 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)
Vern Paxson created BIT-1406:

 Summary: Trouble locating -b documentation
 Key: BIT-1406
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: Documentation
Reporter: Vern Paxson

I'm trying to locate the documentation for -b (run Bro in bare mode) but the 
paths I'd expect to work aren't.  I don't see it or command line arguments (or 
flags) in the general index at [], and 
at [] a search on -b doesn't turn up 
anything.  While the using Bro from the command-line section mentions the 
flag, it doesn't link to any documentation for it.

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bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1407) -f silently fails if base/frameworks/packet-filter isn't loaded

2015-05-30 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)
Vern Paxson created BIT-1407:

 Summary: -f silently fails if base/frameworks/packet-filter isn't 
 Key: BIT-1407
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: Bro
Reporter: Vern Paxson

I know we've been through this before (though searching the tickets in Jira, I 
couldn't find the thread).  But to revisit: the -f filter option silently 
does nothing if base/frameworks/packet-filter isn't loaded (so the scenario 
here is using -b to suppress its automatic loading).  This can lead to 
seriously confusing behavior.  It would be preferable if there's either an 
error message indicating that the option won't be supported, or if it forced 
loading of packet-filter.

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[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1405) Notice framework documentation confusion

2015-05-30 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson updated BIT-1405:
Description: The [Notice 
documentation|] includes the 
phrase _Users should directly make modifications to the Notice::Info record 
given as the argument to the hook_.  Initially I read this with a presumption 
that it was a typo and what was meant was instead should *not* directly make 
  Then when I got to the example I see that it actually does mean 
go-ahead-and-modify, though presumably it only makes sense to modify some 
fields (such as $actions) and not others (context provided by the Info record). 
 So this phrasing should be clarified, maybe along the lines of Users alter 
notice processing by directly modifying certain fields in the Notice::Info 
record given as the argument   (was: The [Notice 
documentation|] includes the 
phrase _Users should directly make modifications to the Notice::Info record 
given as the argument to the hook_.  Presumably this is inste!
 ad should *not* directly make ...)
Summary: Notice framework documentation confusion  (was: Notice 
framework documentation glitch)

 Notice framework documentation confusion

 Key: BIT-1405
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: Documentation
Reporter: Vern Paxson
Priority: Low

 The [Notice documentation|] 
 includes the phrase _Users should directly make modifications to the 
 Notice::Info record given as the argument to the hook_.  Initially I read 
 this with a presumption that it was a typo and what was meant was instead 
 should *not* directly make   Then when I got to the example I see that 
 it actually does mean go-ahead-and-modify, though presumably it only makes 
 sense to modify some fields (such as $actions) and not others (context 
 provided by the Info record).  So this phrasing should be clarified, maybe 
 along the lines of Users alter notice processing by directly modifying 
 certain fields in the Notice::Info record given as the argument 

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bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1397) broctl --help is mysterious

2015-05-23 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson commented on BIT-1397:

@robin: yeah, I think that's fine.  I just want the error message to be clear!

 broctl --help is mysterious

 Key: BIT-1397
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: BroControl
Affects Versions: 2.4
 Environment: MacOS Mavericks
Reporter: Vern Paxson

 For a newly installed Bro 2.4 beta, issuing {{broctl --help}} yields the 
 cryptic output:
 {{Error: unable to open database file: /usr/local/bro/spool/state.db}}

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[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1397) broctl --help is mysterious

2015-05-17 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)
Vern Paxson created BIT-1397:

 Summary: broctl --help is mysterious
 Key: BIT-1397
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: BroControl
Affects Versions: 2.4
 Environment: MacOS Mavericks
Reporter: Vern Paxson

For a newly installed Bro 2.4 beta, issuing {{broctl --help}} yields the 
cryptic output:

{{Error: unable to open database file: /usr/local/bro/spool/state.db}}

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[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1397) broctl --help is mysterious

2015-05-17 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson commented on BIT-1397:

No, I don't have write access.  I had expected that ordinary users can run Bro 
after it's installed - is that wrong?  (In any case, the error message sure is 

I installed from source.

 broctl --help is mysterious

 Key: BIT-1397
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: BroControl
Affects Versions: 2.4
 Environment: MacOS Mavericks
Reporter: Vern Paxson

 For a newly installed Bro 2.4 beta, issuing {{broctl --help}} yields the 
 cryptic output:
 {{Error: unable to open database file: /usr/local/bro/spool/state.db}}

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bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1255) TCP reassembly issue

2015-02-27 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson commented on BIT-1255:

That behavior is to not chew up tons of buffer when asymmetric routing leads to 
not seeing any acks.  *However* I'm finding that modern traffic not 
infrequently is using much larger initial windows such that indeed there's 
routinely  4KB of data at the beginning of a flow without any acknowledgments. 
 I think this value needs to be cranked to at least 16KB lest a lot of routine 
traffic goes unanalyzed.

 TCP reassembly issue

 Key: BIT-1255
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: Bro
Affects Versions: git/master, 2.3
 Environment: CentOS 6
Reporter: Jimmy Jones
 Attachments: out.pcap

 Been testing bro with some messy (but valid) TCP streams, using docker and 
 netem (happy to upload a gist if people are interested).
 The attached file reassembles correctly in wireshark, but bro only gives the 
 first 4069 bytes when extracted with the file analysis framework, and 
 obviously the wrong hash (md5 is the URI).

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bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] Bro + real-time question

2014-09-28 Thread Vern Paxson
For performance concerns, it's not clear that individual packets are the
right granularity to examine.  For example, if you stop processing one
packet you might be giving up on any subsequent analysis for the remainder
of its flow, which can have a large amplifying effect (or not) depending
on the size of the flow.

For a different approach to the problem, see section 5.3 (Dynamically
controlling packet load) in the Operational Experiences paper, .

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] Bro + real-time question

2014-09-27 Thread Vern Paxson
 I believe it the value of : watchdog_interval

Unless things have changed, that instead is a global timer which kills Bro
(rather than skipping to the next packet) if that much time has elapsed
and it hasn't gotten past the current packet..  The notion is that Bro has
become wedged and needs a hard recovery.

bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1167) Add subnet support to intel framework

2014-03-27 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson commented on BIT-1167:

I don't know if this is the issue Robin had in mind, but one thing about 
subnets as table indexes is that they can overlap (two indices, one of which is 
a superset of the other), introducing ambiguity.

 Add subnet support to intel framework

 Key: BIT-1167
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Patch
  Components: Bro
Affects Versions: 2.2
Reporter: Brian Little
Priority: Low
  Labels: intel, subnet
 Attachments: bro-intel-subnet.patch

 Here is a patch to add Intel::NET data as a type to search on. This allows 
 adding whole subnets to the intel data rather than just individual addresses.
 I have also updated the btest.
 I'm not sure if the lookup is the best way of doing it - currently if loops 
 through each subnet and then checks if the host is part of each. Is it 
 possible to do it in a more efficient way?

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[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1159) type checking inconsistencies

2014-03-20 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson commented on BIT-1159:

Runtime as a general style for this sounds fine, but I'd still like to know 
whether it works at compile-time like it used to.  It's also not clear to me 
that at run-time one will always know when it's necessary to look up a name 
(for which there may be zillions) on the off chance that it has changed.

 type checking inconsistencies

 Key: BIT-1159
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: Bro
Affects Versions: git/master, 2.2
Reporter: Justin Azoff
Assignee: Jon Siwek
Priority: Low
  Labels: language
 Attachments: signature.asc, signature.asc

 If you try to compare a count to a port directly, you get the following:
 operands must be of the same type (1500/tcp  2000)
 but if you have a record, and mixup the types like so, it silently fails:
 type PortRange: record {
 min: port default=1/tcp;
 max: port default=65535/tcp;
 global pr = PortRange($min=1000,$max=2000);
 #CORRECT: global pr = PortRange($min=1000/tcp,$max=2000/tcp);
 event bro_init()
 print (pr$min = 1500/tcp   1500/tcp  pr$max) ? OK : NOTOK;
 $ bro a.bro

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[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1156) DNS analyzer parses TXT records imcompletely

2014-03-13 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson commented on BIT-1156:

Does payload of DNS TXT records mean that an individual TXT record can 
consist of multiple character strings?  If so, and if the order is 
significant/preserved, then set[string] wouldn't be the right type.

If instead this is referring to multiple TXT RRs, then likely set[string] is 
okay (but worth double-checking the RFC regarding the semantics for that case).

 DNS analyzer parses TXT records imcompletely

 Key: BIT-1156
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Problem
  Components: Bro
Reporter: Robin Sommer
 Fix For: 2.3

 The payload of DNS TXT records can consist of multiple character strings but 
 the DNS analyzer parses out only the first. We should parse them out all and 
 then probably concatenate into a single string to pass to the event, 
 separated with semicolons or something.
 I have a trace with an example but it would need anonymization before 
 inclusion into the test suite.

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bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] Bare Mode

2013-11-23 Thread Vern Paxson
Yeah, I sometimes find when running on ginormous traces with limited disk
space available for (what will be massive) logs that -b really helps.

bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] doc/install/CHANGES-bro.txt

2013-09-29 Thread Vern Paxson
Is it a bug or a feature in the 2.2 beta that this file stops off in the
middle (well, actually near the top) of the 0.9a2 CHANGES items?

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] doc/install/CHANGES-bro.txt

2013-09-29 Thread Vern Paxson
 Is it a bug or a feature in the 2.2 beta that this file stops off in the
 middle (well, actually near the top) of the 0.9a2 CHANGES items?

Hmmm, part of the problem is that the top-level CHANGES file has two copies
of many changes in it.  At line 10466 the changes starting at 2.1-826 repeat.

bro-dev mailing list

[Bro-Dev] [JIRA] (BIT-1045) Review usage of InternalError when parsing network traffic

2013-07-29 Thread Vern Paxson (JIRA)


Vern Paxson commented on BIT-1045:

In line with what you frame, the history behind these is that they're meant
to reflect should-never-happen situations; not weird activity, but apparent
internal inconsistencies in Bro's processing/execution.  So they don't really
fit with the notion of weird.  (Of course it's definitely possible there's
some mission-creep and InternalError is misused when Weird really is the
right notion.)

That said, for sure I agree that we don't want to give adversaries a way
to tickle a Bro crash.  So ideally the solution here would be to come up
with something similar to the weird/notice framework, but that expicitly
captures the notion that Bro-is-confused rather than


 Review usage of InternalError when parsing network traffic

 Key: BIT-1045
 Project: Bro Issue Tracker
  Issue Type: Task
  Components: Bro
Affects Versions: git/master, 2.1
Reporter: Vlad Grigorescu

 Creating issue for tracking purposes.
 Reporter-InternalError denotes a fatal error, and will cause Bro to stop. 
 Calling this function when parsing network traffic creates the possibility 
 for an attacker using a packet of death, which could stop Bro.
 I suspect that in most cases, a weird should be generated instead, and Bro 
 should just move on to the next packet. A quick grep shows some likely 
 candidates for incorrect use of InternalError:
 src/  reporter-InternalError(Bad IP protocol 
 version in DoNextInnerPacket);
 src/  reporter-InternalError(fragment block not in 
 src/  reporter-InternalError(fragment block 
 src/  reporter-InternalError(unknown 
 transport protocol);
 src/  reporter-InternalError(bad IP version in fragment 
 src/ with 
 truncated IP header);
 src/ bad 
 header %d, type);
 src/IP.h: reporter-InternalError(bad IP version in 
 IP_Hdr ctor);
 src/   reporter-InternalError(multiple rsh client names);
 src/   reporter-InternalError(multiple rsh initial client 
 src/  reporter-InternalError(command not known);
 src/ rlogin client 
 src/  reporter-InternalError(unexpected IP proto in 
 ICMP analyzer: %d,
 src/  reporter-InternalError(unexpected next protocol in 
 src/   reporter-InternalError(command mismatch for 
 src/  reporter-InternalError(unrecognized HTTP message 
 src/  reporter-InternalError(HTTP ParseRequest failed);
 src/   reporter-InternalError(unknown protocol);
 src/   reporter-InternalError(RPC underflow);
 src/   reporter-InternalError(RPC resync: skipping 
 over data failed);
 reporter-InternalError(inconsistent RPC record marker extraction);

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Re: [Bro-Dev] viability of stand-alone (not installed) Bro

2013-07-29 Thread Vern Paxson
 Try source build/

Cool, that does it.  The only problem is surely I'm going to fail to
remember that bit of voodoo, and bug you with similar questions in the
future at least three more times :-P.

bro-dev mailing list

Re: [Bro-Dev] Meta-programming

2013-03-22 Thread Vern Paxson
 Would this functionality working like I wish it did be difficult?

First, as best as I can figure, the current functionality is seriously
broken.  It's reaching into a interpreter stack frame at the offset
associated with x.  That just happens to be the offset associated with 'a'
during your my_addr()/your_addr() invocations, which is why the output is
a doubling of 'a'.

Indeed, I've confirmed that if your outer function had an additional
argument that comes before 'x', then the my_addr()/your_addr() invocations

To fix this, it makes sense that for functions defined inside other
functions, there's a clear binding model.  The only trick is what
that model should be.  If it's bind-on-function-creation, then you'd
get the semantics you desire.  But I suspect there are other uses
for such interior funtions where bind-on-application is handy - *providing*
of course that the interior function doesn't escape to the exterior like
it does in your example.

My proposal would be to introduce bind-on-function-creation semantics,
and if later we find we sometimes want bind-on-application semantics,
introduce that using an attribute.

But there's still the would this  be difficult question.  I suspect
it's going to be messy.  I'm having a hard time seeing how it doesn't
involve a full parse-tree traversal of the interior function's body during
creation.  (And I leave the problem of the interior function itself having
an interior function as an exercise for the reader. :-)

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