Re: [budaya_tionghua] Chinese Emperors, makan Huang Di dan Yan Di

2005-09-16 Terurut Topik liang u
Peninggalan kuno yang sudah ribuan tahun, kebanyakan
ditemukan di sepanjang sungai Kuning. Oleh karena itu 
makan Huang Di dan Yan Di yang dianggap paling bisa
dipercaya adalah di daerah propinsi Shaanxi. Di
utara ada makan Huang Di dan tiap tahun diadakan
upacara pada hari kelahirannya. Upacara ini makin lama
makin besar, karena selalu dikunjungi ribuan
pengunjung dari Tiongkok sendiri maupun dari luar
negeri. Sedang makam Yan Di ada di Baoji, bagian
selatan dari propinsi Shaanxi juga. Meskipun demikian
dibeberapa tempat lain ada makan yang bertulisan makam
Huang Di ataupun Yan Di. Mana yang benar? Masih perlu
dibuktikan, kepercayaan bahwa yang benar yang di
Shaanxi adalah karena daerah itu pusat dari kebudayaan
Tionghoa kuno.
Baru beberapa hari yang lalu di Hunan diadakan upacara
besar penghormatan hari lahir Shun, salah seorang
kaisar dari 5 Di, lima kaisar sebelum dinasti Xia.
Orang Tionghoa selalu mengakui bahwa mereka adalah
keturunan Yan dan Huang (Yan Huang Zisun). Oleh karena
itu ketika James Soong ketua partai People First Party
dari Taiwan berkunjung ke Tiongkok, ia berkunjung ke
makam Huang Di, sebagai simbol, bahwa Tiongkok daratan
maupun Taiwan adalah satu bangsa yaitu Anak Cucunya
Yan Huang.
Saya memang belum dengar ada biro travel yang
menawarkan ziarah ke makan Yan Di dan Huang Di, karena
upacara makin lama makin semarak, saya kira sebentar
lagi akan ada yang menawarkannya, kesempatan bisnis
tuh, dari Xi'an sudah tak terlalu jauh. Sedang Xi'an
sedang berkembang sebagai salah satu pusat industri
teknologi tingginya Tiongkok.


> Huang Di, The Yellow Emperor 
> The Chinese people often refer to themselves as the
> descendants of Huang Di, the Yellow Emperor, a
> part-real, part-legendary personage who is credited
> with founding the Chinese nation around 4,000 BC. He
> is known as the Yellow Emperor for his imperial
> colour, chosen for the tones ofen the yellow earth.
> Many extravagant tales have grown up around him. A
> collection of legends written down in the Warring
> States period (475-221 BC) gives the following
> account. 
> Huang Di lived in a magnificent palace in the Kunlun
> Mountains in the west, with a heavenly door keeper
> who had the face of a man, the body of a tiger and
> nine tails. The Kunlun Mountains were full of rare
> birds and animals and exotic flowers and plants, and
> Huang Di had a pet bird that helped take care of his
> clothes and personal effects.
> To Huang Di was attributed the invention of the
> cart, the boat and the south-pointing chariot- a
> chariot with a gear mechanism that enabled a pointer
> to always indicate south no matter which way the
> cart turned. Huang Di is said to have taken one with
> him in battle. He is credited with the laws of
> astronomy and drawing up the first calendar used by
> the Chinese people. His supposed conversations on
> diagnosis and treatment with the physician Qi Bo are
> contained in China's first medical book, Nei Jing
> (The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine).
> Lei Zu, Huang Di's wife, is said to have taught the
> people to raise silkworms and weave beautiful silk
> fabrics. Apparently, encouragement of the initiative
> of talented persons was a thing as much desired then
> as it is now, for the Warring States account
> mentions that this was one of Huang Di's strong
> points. As a result, a whole list of men are
> credited with inventions. Cang Jie of pictographs;
> Ling Lun, the twelve tone musical scale; Li Shou,
> various measuring instruments; and the craftsman
> Fang Bo who actually built the south-pointing
> chariot. These things all did come into existence
> four or five thousand years ago, so in this way the
> Yellow Emperor has become the symbol of the culture
> of the Chinese nation and representative of its
> talents. A pavilion on cypress-covered Mount
> Qiaoshan in Huangling county on the road north from
> Xi'an is Shananxi province marks the place said to
> be his grave. There ceremonies have been performed
> honouring him as the founder of the Chinese nation.
> A
>  theory has been advanced that Huang Di may
> represent a real leader of a tribal confederation of
> the Yangshao Neolithic culture.
> A story which may originate in a memory of tribal
> wars between Huang Di and Chi You is related in the
> Taiping Yulan compiled by Li Feng and others between
> 977 and 981. (Chi You is described therein as a god,
> and in other sources as leader of tribe). He had 72
> brothers (81 by some accounts), all of them with
> ferocious visages such as a head of bronze and
> forehead of iron, a human face and the body of an
> animal. He was skilled at making weapons and casting
> bronze, and his arrows, axes and spears were
> unparalleled. He took his men to Shangdong and
> attacked the tribe of Yan Di, driving him into Huang
> Di's territory around Zhuolu in northwestern Hebei
> province. The latter was angered and went battle
> with Ch

[budaya_tionghua] Chinese Emperors

2005-09-08 Terurut Topik ANDREAS MIHARDJA

Huang Di, The Yellow Emperor 
The Chinese people often refer to themselves as the descendants of Huang Di, the Yellow Emperor, a part-real, part-legendary personage who is credited with founding the Chinese nation around 4,000 BC. He is known as the Yellow Emperor for his imperial colour, chosen for the tones of the yellow earth. Many extravagant tales have grown up around him. A collection of legends written down in the Warring States period (475-221 BC) gives the following account. 
Huang Di lived in a magnificent palace in the Kunlun Mountains in the west, with a heavenly door keeper who had the face of a man, the body of a tiger and nine tails. The Kunlun Mountains were full of rare birds and animals and exotic flowers and plants, and Huang Di had a pet bird that helped take care of his clothes and personal effects.
To Huang Di was attributed the invention of the cart, the boat and the south-pointing chariot- a chariot with a gear mechanism that enabled a pointer to always indicate south no matter which way the cart turned. Huang Di is said to have taken one with him in battle. He is credited with the laws of astronomy and drawing up the first calendar used by the Chinese people. His supposed conversations on diagnosis and treatment with the physician Qi Bo are contained in China's first medical book, Nei Jing (The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine).
Lei Zu, Huang Di's wife, is said to have taught the people to raise silkworms and weave beautiful silk fabrics. Apparently, encouragement of the initiative of talented persons was a thing as much desired then as it is now, for the Warring States account mentions that this was one of Huang Di's strong points. As a result, a whole list of men are credited with inventions. Cang Jie of pictographs; Ling Lun, the twelve tone musical scale; Li Shou, various measuring instruments; and the craftsman Fang Bo who actually built the south-pointing chariot. These things all did come into existence four or five thousand years ago, so in this way the Yellow Emperor has become the symbol of the culture of the Chinese nation and representative of its talents. A pavilion on cypress-covered Mount Qiaoshan in Huangling
 county on the road north from Xi'an is Shananxi province marks the place said to be his grave. There ceremonies have been performed honouring him as the founder of the Chinese nation. A theory has been advanced that Huang Di may represent a real leader of a tribal confederation of the Yangshao Neolithic culture.
A story which may originate in a memory of tribal wars between Huang Di and Chi You is related in the Taiping Yulan compiled by Li Feng and others between 977 and 981. (Chi You is described therein as a god, and in other sources as leader of tribe). He had 72 brothers (81 by some accounts), all of them with ferocious visages such as a head of bronze and forehead of iron, a human face and the body of an animal. He was skilled at making weapons and casting bronze, and his arrows, axes and spears were unparalleled. He took his men to Shangdong and attacked the tribe of Yan Di, driving him into Huang Di's territory around Zhuolu in northwestern Hebei province. The latter was angered and went battle with Chi You.
He was no rival for Chi You and at first suffered several defeats. Chi You conjured up a thick fog which blurred the vision of the Yellow Emperor's men. Luckily the south-pointing chariot helped them know their way. Huang Di also had his men make bugles. There were in Chi You's army many spirits, but they were afraid of the sound of a certain kind of dragon. So the Yellow Emperor had his men make instruments out of animal horns which duplicated this sound and the demons were paralysed with fear.
Chi You called on a god of wind and rain and blew up a tempest, but Huang Di brought out his daughter who emanated an enormous amount of heat and dried up the storm. Before Chi You's brothers could recover from their surprise Huang Di's forces defeated them.
The last and decisive battle was fought at Zhuolu. Chi You had gone for help to the Kuafu, a clan of giants in the north (its ancestor was Kuafu who raced with the sun and died of thirst ) and they drove Huang Di back 50 li. But, using strategy learned from the Goddess of the Ninth Heaven, Huang Di finally defeated them. Chi You retreated until he reached what is today's Shanxi, where he was captured by Huang Di's men and beheaded. To make sure the head would not reunite with the body, Huang Di sent it to be buried a thousand li away. The place where Chi You was beheaded came to be called Xiexian (xie, to sever, and xian, county) and is still known as that today. Nearby there is a salt lake with water of a reddish colour, tinted, people say, by Chi You's blood.
After the defeat of Chi You, Huang Di became leader of all the tribes on the central plains. He ruled an area stretching east to the sea, west to today’s Gansu province, south to the Changjiang (Yangtze) River and north into today’s

Re: Oey Tee (Re: [budaya_tionghua] Chinese Emperors)

2005-09-07 Terurut Topik Rinto Jiang

ABS menulis:

Membahas para cikal-bakal orang
Tionghoa ini, saya jadi ingat ketika OKT menerjemahkan karya Chin Yung
(Jin Yong, Zhang Liang Yong, Louis Cha), "Bi Xue Jian", yang oleh OKT
diberi judul Hokkian: "Kim Coa Kiam" ("Pedang Ular Emas").
Dalam karya terjemahan itu, pada
bagian ketika pemimpin pemberontakan petani, Li Cu Seng, hampir
menerjang ke ibukota, diceritakan beberapa pejabat pemerintah ahala
Beng (Ming) berpikir untuk berkolaborasi dengan pasukan bangsa Boanciu
(Manchu) demi menghambat Li Cu Seng. 
Lalu tokoh protagonis utama dalam
cerita itu, Wan Sin Ci, berkata: "Bagaimana kalau tentara Boan
menduduki seluruh Tionggoan? Tidakkah negara menjadi musnah, dan cucu-cucu Oey Tee semua menjadi budak-budak?"
Nah Kang-heng, siapakah Oey Tee ini?

Rinto Jiang:

Oey Tee ini adalah Huang Di. Merujuk kepada orang yang sama, cuma Oey
Tee adalah dialek Hokkian, Huang Di adalah dialek Mandarin.

Huang Di = Oey Tee = Kaisar Kuning.

Orang2 Han atau orang Tionghoa menyebut diri sebagai anak-cucu
(keturunan) Kaisar Kuning karena pengaruh besar dari buku sejarah resmi
Tiongkok yang pertama, Shi Ji yan ditulis oleh Sima Qian. Di dalam buku
ini, Sima Qian menuliskan bahwa setelah Fu Xi, Nu Wa dan Shen Nong,
Huang Di adalah penguasa yang meletakkan fondasi kebudayaan Tionghoa
dengan menciptakan tulisan, kalender Imlek, struktur pemerintahan.
Huang Di juga memberikan 14 marga berlainan kepada anak2nya, ini yang
menyebabkan mengapa banyak marga yang sejarahnya sudah 4000-an tahun,
karena marga2 ini berasal dari zamannya Huang Di.

Legenda yang dicatat oleh Sima Qian ini diperkuat oleh tokoh2 besar di
zaman sebelumnya, seperti Konfusius, Mencius yang juga menarik garis
silsilah mereka sebagai keturunan dari Huang Di. Jadilah setelah itu
ada muncul penyebutan diri sebagai "anak-cucu Kaisar Kuning" atau
lengkapnya "anak-cucu Yan Huang".

Yan Huang adalah nama 2 orang, yang satu Kaisar Kuning, yang lainnya
Kaisar Yan. Mereka dituliskan sebagai kakak beradik yang memerintah

Rinto Jiang

.: Forum Diskusi Budaya Tionghua dan Sejarah Tiongkok :.

.: Kunjungi website global : :.

.: Untuk bergabung : :.

.: Jaringan pertemanan Friendster : [EMAIL PROTECTED] :.



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Oey Tee (Re: [budaya_tionghua] Chinese Emperors)

2005-09-07 Terurut Topik Akhmad Bukhari Saleh


  - Original Message - 
  From: Rinto Jiang 
  Sent: Wednesday, 07 
  September, 2005 12:19
  Subject: Re: 
  [budaya_tionghua] Chinese Emperors
  Fu Xi, Nu Wa dan 
  Shen Nong seharusnya berkuasa bersama2, masanya adalah antara 3000 SM sampai 
  2700 SM. Ini makanya kebudayaan Tionghua dikatakan telah berumur 5000 tahun, 
  karena dihitung mulai dari 3000 SM sampai 2000 M.Huang Di mulai 
  berkuasa pada tahun 2697 SM, ini juga sebab mengapa ada yang mengatakan kalau 
  tahun kalender Imlek (Tionghua) sekarang (tahun 2005) tidak seharusnya 2556, 
  melainkan adalah 4072, karena kalender ini diciptakan oleh Huang Di, bukan 
Membahas para cikal-bakal orang Tionghoa ini, 
saya jadi ingat ketika OKT menerjemahkan karya Chin Yung (Jin Yong, Zhang 
Liang Yong, Louis Cha), "Bi Xue Jian", yang oleh OKT diberi judul Hokkian: "Kim 
Coa Kiam" ("Pedang Ular Emas").
Dalam karya terjemahan itu, pada 
bagian ketika pemimpin pemberontakan petani, Li Cu Seng, hampir menerjang 
ke ibukota, diceritakan beberapa pejabat pemerintah ahala Beng (Ming) berpikir 
untuk berkolaborasi dengan pasukan bangsa Boanciu (Manchu) demi menghambat Li Cu 
Lalu tokoh protagonis utama dalam cerita itu, 
Wan Sin Ci, berkata: "Bagaimana kalau tentara Boan menduduki 
seluruh Tionggoan? Tidakkah negara menjadi musnah, dan cucu-cucu Oey Tee semua 
menjadi budak-budak?"
Nah Kang-heng, siapakah Oey Tee 

.: Forum Diskusi Budaya Tionghua dan Sejarah Tiongkok :.

.: Kunjungi website global : :.

.: Untuk bergabung : :.

.: Jaringan pertemanan Friendster : [EMAIL PROTECTED] :.



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Re: [budaya_tionghua] Chinese Emperors

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Rinto Jiang

Stevan Raharjo menulis:

Saya mau numpang tanya :
Setelah Fu Xi, Shen Nong, Huang Di lalu berikutnya yang berkuasa siapa??
Setahu saya juga ada Yao dan Shun.
Dari Kelima Raja Bijak tersebut, apakah makamnya sampai sekarang masih

Rinto Jiang:

Fu Xi, Nu Wa dan Shen Nong seharusnya berkuasa bersama2, masanya adalah
antara 3000 SM sampai 2700 SM. Ini makanya kebudayaan Tionghua
dikatakan telah berumur 5000 tahun, karena dihitung mulai dari 3000 SM
sampai 2000 M.

Huang Di mulai berkuasa pada tahun 2697 SM, ini juga sebab mengapa ada
yang mengatakan kalau tahun kalender Imlek (Tionghua) sekarang (tahun
2005) tidak seharusnya 2556, melainkan adalah 4072, karena kalender ini
diciptakan oleh Huang Di, bukan oleh Konfusius.

Urutannya sbb:

1. Huang Di
2. Zhuan Xu, cucu Huang Di
3. Di Ku, cicit Huang Di
4. Yao
5. Shun

Kelima raja ini berkuasa antara kurun tahun 2697 SM - 2033 SM.

Setelah Shun, Yu mendirikan Dinasti Xia, dinasti pertama dalam sejarah
Tiongkok pada tahun 2033 SM.

Fu Xi, Nu Wa dan Shen Nong adalah penguasa mitologi, artinya mungkin
ada mungkin tidak ada. Jadi, tidak ada makamnya.

Kelima raja adalah penguasa semi-mitologi, artinya ada orangnya, namun
biografi mereka berupa mitologi. Sampai sekarang belum ada makam
ditemukan atas nama mereka. Saya kira, kalaupun ada sudah mustahil bisa
tercari. Makam raja terkuno di Tiongkok yang pernah ditemukan adalah
makam Raja Zhou dari Dinasti Shang, yang memerintah tahun 1076 SM - 1046

Rinto Jiang

.: Forum Diskusi Budaya Tionghua dan Sejarah Tiongkok :.

.: Kunjungi website global : :.

.: Untuk bergabung : :.

.: Jaringan pertemanan Friendster : [EMAIL PROTECTED] :.





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[budaya_tionghua] Chinese Emperors

2005-09-06 Terurut Topik Stevan Raharjo
Saya mengucapkan turut berduka cita atas kepergian Koh.Wilson Kusumo,
semoga keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberi kekuatan dan ketabahan. 

Saya mau numpang tanya :
Setelah Fu Xi, Shen Nong, Huang Di lalu berikutnya yang berkuasa siapa??
Setahu saya juga ada Yao dan Shun.
Dari Kelima Raja Bijak tersebut, apakah makamnya sampai sekarang masih

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