bash should consult .config/bash/...

2023-12-09 Thread jidanni
Maybe on the list of config files bash looks at,
there should be also .config/bash/... as that is
the trend these days...


2014-01-29 Thread jidanni
Gentlemen, I have once again come up with a million dollar idea for bash,
revolutionizing the shell world.

As we all know, nobody in their right mind could type more than one
command per second into bash when in interactive mode.


Any faster than that means the user has once again by accident pasted
wads and wads of some essay into bash!

Bash should simply print error message(s) and _not add those lines to history_.

Voila, the damage is limited to just the first line being interpreted,
instead of feeding your (even root) shell all 1000 lines of random junk!

so it still could be available just for users that need it (badly like me.)

Re: can't just hold down ^K to clean up history

2013-10-17 Thread jidanni
On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 07:54:47AM -0400, Chet Ramey wrote:
> It's the difference between a line-oriented command editing tool and
> a screen editor.
Well, it could go that extra mile, as a extra bonus, since it is
usually doing nothing better (well most commands are all on one line),
to let us automatically start killing the next items lines after we
are finished with the current ones.

Further proof: do a ^Ra^R^R^R^R .
Notice how say three hits are on this line, one on the next, two on
the next next etc. So we are allowed horizontal as well as vertical

Re: can't just hold down ^K to clean up history

2013-10-16 Thread jidanni
>> Also why can't we just hold down ^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K ?

CD> Why do you expect to be able to do that? C-k in readline deletes to the end 
CD> the current line. There's no reason why it should also get the next line.

Ah ha, but there is also no reason why it should not!

I hereby propose that it should.

Let's compare emacs,

kill-line is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `simple.el'.

It is bound to C-k, .

(kill-line &optional ARG)

Kill the rest of the current line; if no nonblanks there, kill thru 

To kill a whole line, when point is not at the beginning, type C-a C-k C-k.

If option `kill-whole-line' is non-nil, then this command kills the whole 
including its terminating newline, when used at the beginning of a line
with no argument.  As a consequence, you can always kill a whole line
by typing C-a C-k.


kill-whole-line is a variable defined in `simple.el'.
Its value is t
Original value was nil

If non-nil, `kill-line' with no arg at start of line kills the whole line.

Anyway, this all boils down to holding down the ^K for rapid munching of
more than one line, please. Yes, ^P still needed, Greg, but one could
fix up the mess totally via the keyboard, with no need for risky file maneuvers.

can't just hold down ^K to clean up history

2013-10-16 Thread jidanni
Let's say one accidentally pastes a many lines of some email into a bash

Yes bash tries to execute each line. Can't blame it.

But now we are faced with cleaning the mess out of history.

We use ^P^P^P^P^P^P^P... to finally get to the top of the mess.

Then we must use ^K^N^K^N^K^N^K^N^K^N^K^N... to clean it up.

However this leaves many blank lines in history!

Also why can't we just hold down ^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K ?

Re: noclobber vs command not found

2013-06-10 Thread jidanni
> "GW" == Greg Wooledge  writes:
GW> I find tab completion to be a primary safeguard
Yes but in this case I am merely obediently copying the whole line with
my mouse and stuffing it into the shell. Thanks anyway though.

noclobber vs command not found

2013-06-08 Thread jidanni
Hello noclobber fans. It was a cheery day, until during an aptitude

   Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme ...

   (gtk-update-icon-cache:13613): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: Cannot open
   pixbuf loader module file
   '/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache': No
   such file or directory

   This likely means that your installation is broken.
   Try running the command #OH NO they forgot to mention the full path!
 gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders > 
   to make things work again for the time being.

So ever obedient, I do

# gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders > 
bash: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache: cannot 
overwrite existing file
# gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders >| 
bash: gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders: command not found

Now you can guess the feeling:
Why didn't it (bash) tell me in the first place (first line) before I destroyed 
the file?
It (bash) was already talking to me on the first line, goading me along,
things were looking good, and then like the O'Jays Backstabbers song,
whammo there on the second line. A sucker punch!

I know it is not in the traditional order of operations, but you might
consider telling the user somehow, "oh and by the way...'.

Re: don't just seek to the next line if the script has been edited

2013-06-07 Thread jidanni
> "CR" == Chet Ramey  writes:
CR> I think the correct solution is to retain this behavior where it is
CR> required (e.g., when reading a script from the standard input) and to
CR> discard it when reading a script from a file.  This doesn't directly
CR> address the jidanni's concern, but I think the actual occurrence of this
CR> problem is infrequent enough to not do anything more elaborate.

All I know is there I am in emacs seeing things in the output of a
running bash script that I want to tweak and get busy tweaking and saving
changes before the script finishes, thinking that all this stuff will be
effective on the next run of it, when lo and behold now it begins
executing random bytes... Yes one can say that these are not C programs
and one needs to revise ones expectations, but still I think some
parental safety cap is required to keep it from munching random bytes
which will always be wrong... such overly dynamic-ness can never be a
feature and always be a wild incident unless one gets the alignment just
right etc. etc.

Anyway my problem is always for scripts on disk and not for the stdin
case so maybe I'm covered by the coming changes.

Re: don't just seek to the next line if the script has been edited

2013-06-07 Thread jidanni
> "GW" == Greg Wooledge  writes:
GW> You're talking about adding a ridiculous amount of extra checking
GW> and performance penalty to try to avoid users shooting themselves in
GW> the foot *on Unix*.

I dunno... I thought it might be just reading a couple bytes from where
the date is stored before reading a lot more bytes from where the data
is stored. But what do I know.

Re: don't just seek to the next line if the script has been edited

2013-06-07 Thread jidanni
> "GW" == Greg Wooledge  writes:
GW> On Fri, Jun 07, 2013 at 09:09:53PM +0800, wrote:
>> Well OK but sometimes a script could be running for years, during which
>> any change to a file will result in bash executing random bytes...

GW> This is why you don't edit an installed script in-place.  Instead, you
GW> move it aside, or remove it, or hardlink it, or do some other fancy thing.

Well it is going to happen anyway, so maybe bash should check by
default, and not check if -o risky is set or something. It can't be that

Re: don't just seek to the next line if the script has been edited

2013-06-07 Thread jidanni
Well OK but sometimes a script could be running for years, during which
any change to a file will result in bash executing random bytes...

Imagine if you press down on the mouse button meanwhile someone moves
the screen up or down... you end up pressing on a different person's

So I don't see any case where allowing this adds any value to bash.
In fact I don't recall any other program with such scary behavior.

I mean it's fine with me if bash will execute my script version 1, or my
script version 2, but not some mishmosh of random bytes.

Surely a little itty bitty check can't slow things that much down.

So if I were bash I would bail out "$0 changed on disk. Bailing out
rather than executing random bytes."

don't just seek to the next line if the script has been edited

2013-06-07 Thread jidanni
Let's say you are running a script that is doing
a loop while ... echo Enter name; read name; ..

During which the script gets edited on the disk by somebody.

Well shouldn't bash, when it goes back to the disk to read some next
part of the script, first do some sort of check to tell if the script has
changed on disk, instead of the current behavior which apparently is to
seek() to the former byte number and execute the next line which now
very well might be halfway lodged inside some comment or something.

bash: read: `0': not a valid identifier: check earlier

2013-06-06 Thread jidanni
$ read 0
bash: read: `0': not a valid identifier

Can't the check be done earier? E.g.:
$ read 0
bash: read: `0': not a valid identifier

Bug#710588: display of search string very wrongly stops when can't find any match

2013-05-31 Thread jidanni
Package: readline-common
Version: 6.2+dfsg-0.1

Do this:
C-r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ...

You will see on your screen


or you will see more or less digits depending on your history.

The point is sooner or later the digits won't reflect what the actual
current search string is!

There is NO POINT in not showing those digits.

Plus one has to hit Backspace several times until we get back to the
real digits shown.

You are already ringing the bell. The user gets the message.

Go ahead and try the same thing in emacs. Does it act that way? Do you
wish it should act that way?

variables vs. TAB

2012-08-15 Thread jidanni
$ mkdir /tmp/some_dir
$ touch /tmp/some_dir/file
$ a=/tmp
$ cat $a/some /tmp/some

Note how the former TAB just gives
Which SPACE one must replace with a / by hand to continue expanding like the 

Whilst the latter gives

  Installed: 4.2-5

$ aaa=/tmp
$ $aaa also gives the bad behavior. It's as if it never occurred to
the authors these might be directories.

Re: Why does -v not work until after "}" in scripts?

2012-07-30 Thread jidanni
Well -x works right away, but -v gets stuck until all depths of nested { } are
over with.

Why does -v not work until after "}" in scripts?

2012-07-30 Thread jidanni
Why does -v not work until after "}" in this script?

# su - nobody
No directory, logging in with HOME=/
$ cat /tmp/o
set -v
$ sh /tmp/o

  Installed: 4.2-4

Display all 224 possibilities? (y,n,t,?,...)

2012-07-01 Thread jidanni
Dudes! I've got a brilliant idea.

Instead of just saying
Display all 224 possibilities? (y or n)

Why not also offer more, like (y,n,t,?)

Add t where t is by time as in 'ls -t',
and "?" is to explain them all.

While you are at it, why not add even more, all from ls.
l = ls -l

And what about -rt... how to pack that into one character though?

Ah, add "-" which then can accept more characters until they hit RET.

Yes, another brilliant idea, from yours truly,

error messages should spit back out UTF-8

2012-05-06 Thread jidanni
$ LC_ALL=zh_TW.UTF-8
$ 哼
bash: $'\345\223\274':命令找不到

It really should spit out what it was given, not octal.

Re: protection against accidental massive pastes into the command line

2012-04-26 Thread jidanni
This would also save on later having to clean the massive blob out of
the history list.

protection against accidental massive pastes into the command line

2012-04-26 Thread jidanni
Maybe there should be a limit, MAX_INTERACTIVE_COMMAND_LENGTH on how
much can be fed into one bash command line, any more and bash should
beep and reject the whole command.

Otherwise an innocent middle click, or SHIFT INSERT slip of the fingers
could paste an entire book out of the clipboard, into the command line,
which would then cause bash to try to execute every line.

Re: let's set the positional parameters with a simple 'read'

2012-01-03 Thread jidanni
Hmmm, as S. CHAZELAS said seems zsh also gives one a chance to reset an
arbitrary positional parameter, e.g., the 42nd, whereas in bash one must
set them all at once:
$ set `seq 55`
$ echo $42
$ echo $66
Anyway isn't it rather old fashioned not to be able to somehow reset
${42} without needing to tamper with the rest?

Re: let's set the positional parameters with a simple 'read'

2012-01-03 Thread jidanni
> "GW" == Greg Wooledge  writes:
GW> Why not just use a named array?
GW> $ read -a myarray
But does that let me get a my favorite array, the positional parameters?

let's set the positional parameters with a simple 'read'

2012-01-03 Thread jidanni
One can do
$ read p
to set $p
but no just as easy method to set $@, $1, etc.
One must do
$ set -- `cat` #which involves ^D, "too much trouble"
Or set -- `read x; echo "$x"` etc.

No, nothing as easy as
$ read 1
bash: read: `1': not a valid identifier
$ read @
bash: read: `@': not a valid identifier


How about just
$ set -- sds
you say. Well that won't work as good as
$ read x

When one is pasting URLs with the mouse, and they contain special

Yes one could do
$ set ''
but that is a little more fuss.

So I propose we 'wreck the language' to allow me to do
$ read @
to set $@, same with 1, 2,.. * (almost the same as @).

Re: TAB vs. colon

2011-12-30 Thread jidanni
> "GH" == Geir Hauge  writes:
GH> A workaround would be to quote the path. E.g. instead of
GH> ls u
GH> do
GH> ls ''u
KoOl! It's a deal and I withdraw my case. Let's just hope this tip is 

Re: TAB vs. colon

2011-12-30 Thread jidanni
> "JS" == Jon Seymour  writes:
JS> You mean apart from the obvious that perhaps the user's intent was to
JS> paste unescaped colons into the command line at that point? In any
JS> case, paste is a function of the terminal, not the shell.
I'm saying normally when we build a path, we enter several TABS in the
process, and the \:  \: stuff gets added for us, so no problem.

But sometime we don't type in the path by hand, but instead paste it in
from elsewhere via the mouse or something. In this case we have to
painfully add the \   \ stuff by hand before any TAB expansion works.

TAB vs. colon

2011-12-30 Thread jidanni
The user pastes this into his shell window and adds u
$ ls 
Any point in making him painfully go back and put backslashes behind each colon 
expansion works (giving .../BAT0/uevent)?

document factors influencing select's number of columns

2011-02-22 Thread jidanni
The 'select' documentation should also document the perhaps complex way
  the number of items
  the length of the longest item
interact to determine if the items will be displayed in rows/columns, etc.

no way to give 'select' a default value

2011-02-21 Thread jidanni
There is no way to give the 'select' command a default value, so all the
user does is need to hit return.
$ help select
... If the line is empty, WORDS and the prompt are redisplayed.

Well OK,
If EOF is read...
but many users aren't familiar with ^D.

help's blank lines have four spaces appended

2011-02-06 Thread jidanni
Why add the four spaces?
$ help read|perl -nwle 's/ $/ \$/ && print'

Re: set -m +m -x and the element of chance or is it race conditions?

2011-01-29 Thread jidanni
> "CR" == Chet Ramey  writes:
CR> Is everything you don't like that's not explicitly documented a bug?  In
CR> any case, a little thought should tell you why having the shell stick
CR> around long enough to catch the child's death makes a difference.

With me you can exclude the concept of thought. Never had, never will.
Therefore we need hard details on the man page. E.g., "make sure there is
at least a /bin/echo, or better yet sleep 0 after your command, not just a ':' 
echo, or else the shell might finish too quick to see the message".
"To always not see the message, kill(1) with -SIG..."

CR> And what is the `set +mb promise'?
OK, I thought those messages had to do with job control.

Re: set -m +m -x and the element of chance or is it race conditions?

2011-01-29 Thread jidanni
Don't forget to mention that there better be e.g., at least a sleep 0
after it, if they want to be sure to see the message.

Re: set -m +m -x and the element of chance or is it race conditions?

2011-01-29 Thread jidanni
> "CR" == Chet Ramey  writes:
CR> Is it a problem?  Bash prints messages about signal-terminated processes --
CR> at least those that don't die due to SIGINT or SIGPIPE -- when the
CR> shell is not interactive.  Most people want to know when their jobs die
CR> and their scripts fail.

But some don't, but also don't want to do exec 2>/dev/null and take
other messages to the grave with it.

Plus it isn't documented, depends on having e.g., sleep 0 after it, and
in general looks like one big hack. And violates the set +mb promise!

CR> (And, by the way, historical versions of sh did the same thing.)
But not the oldest.

OK, never mind, I'll just do
sleep 11&
kill -INT $!
sleep 0

However you might want to document it there on the bash man page. There
is a lot about SIGINT, but not this.

Re: set -m +m -x and the element of chance or is it race conditions?

2011-01-28 Thread jidanni
I isolated the problem and submitted which I forget
to X-Debbugs-cc to, which I should have, as it probably
is a upstream problem that only the bash authors can fix.

Re: set -m +m -x and the element of chance or is it race conditions?

2011-01-24 Thread jidanni
> "GW" == Greg Wooledge  writes:
GW> You used seq, so you're clearly doing it on Linux.  Maybe it's an
GW> OS-specific thing?
Package: bash
Version: 4.1-3
Debian Release: 6.0
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (1, 'experimental')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Kernel: Linux 2.6.32-5-686 (SMP w/1 CPU core)
Locale: LANG=zh_TW.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=zh_TW.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Versions of packages bash depends on:
ii  base-files6.0Debian base system miscellaneous f
ii  dash POSIX-compliant shell
ii  debianutils   3.4.3  Miscellaneous utilities specific t
ii  libc6 2.11.2-9   Embedded GNU C Library: Shared lib
ii  libncurses5   5.7+20100313-5 shared libraries for terminal hand

I note it doesn't happen when su'ed to user nobody. Nor when using 'do
sh', nor is it easy to find if one sends it to a pipe. Also it takes
several tries to get. Now adding -p, to exclude any $ENV.
$ cat u
echo $-
set +mbi
sleep 44&
kill $!

$ for i in {1..10}; do bash -xpm u; done
Around run #5 gave
+ set +mbi
+ kill 10471
u: line 5: 10471 Terminated  sleep 44

I.e., one out of ten gave the message. Then several more runs of the
above line didn't.

Re: set -m +m -x and the element of chance or is it race conditions?

2011-01-24 Thread jidanni
Thanks Greg, but aren't I acting by the rules?
$ cat l
set +m
sleep 44&
kill $!
$ for i in `seq 33`; do bash -xm l; done

Which gives
+ kill 5256
+ set +m
+ kill 5258
+ set +m
+ kill 5260
l: line 4:  5260 Terminated  sleep 44
+ set +m
+ kill 5262
+ set +m
+ kill 5264
+ set +m
I.e., one out of the 33 cases produced the Terminated message on my one
test run.

Why must
set -m; set +m
cause a race condition?

$ wc -l l
So "line 4" is wrong too.

set -m +m -x and the element of chance or is it race conditions?

2011-01-23 Thread jidanni
Gentlemen, I am disturbed by these seemingly irregular results,
# perl -pwle 's/\d{4}//' mm|sort|uniq -c
 88 ++ kill 
 44 ++ set +m
 44 ++ set -m
  1 ++ sleep 33
  2 ++ sleep 66
  1 ./rt: line 12:   Terminated  sleep 33
  1 ./rt: line 12:   Terminated  sleep 44
  1 ./rt: line 13:   Terminated  sleep 33
  1 ./rt: line 13:   Terminated  sleep 44
  1 ./rt: line 13:   Terminated  sleep 55
  3 ./rt: line 14:   Terminated  sleep 33
  3 ./rt: line 14:   Terminated  sleep 44
  3 ./rt: line 14:   Terminated  sleep 55
from running my program
# cat rt
set -x
set -m
sleep 33&
kill $!
set +m
sleep 44&
kill $!
sleep 55&
set -m
kill $!
sleep 66&
set +m
kill $!
# for i in `seq 22`; do ./rt; done 2> mm

We see some of the sleeps are reported some of the time, and on what
line something was terminated differs too. Also didn't I run it 22
times? Why do some things show up only a couple times instead of all or

P.S., on the man page

  -m  Monitor mode. Job control is enabled. This option is on
  by default for interactive shells on systems that
  support it (see JOB CONTROL above). Background
  processes run in a separate process group and a
  line containing their exit status is printed upon
  their completion.

Perhaps mention if what happens if this is turned on or off after
starting the job but before its completion.

reveal matched chars before asking "Display all possibilities", not after

2011-01-13 Thread jidanni
Here only after I say 'n' is it revealed to me that I have already
completed /func, not just /fu:

$ w3m /usr/share/doc/php-doc/html/fu
Display all 5361 possibilities? (y or n) n
$ w3m /usr/share/doc/php-doc/html/func

Therefore, please make bash, upon receiving a , first add all the
additional matching characters it knows about, before asking us the

Here's the whole sequence:
1 $ w3m /usr/share/doc/php-doc/html/f
2 Display all 5486 possibilities? (y or n) n
3 $ w3m /usr/share/doc/php-doc/html/fu <---this u added by me
4 Display all 5361 possibilities? (y or n)
5 $ w3m /usr/share/doc/php-doc/html/func<---this nc added by bash

I want bash to add the nc at line 3 after I hit TAB, instead of waiting
till line 5.

This is clearly no skin off bash's back and a bug in that bash is not
coughing up all the info it knows at the right time.

Version 4.1-3 0

backslash required for [\/]

2010-12-25 Thread jidanni
I have discovered yet another bug in your "bash" program.

First we see how a normal program, trusty sed, deals with [ ]:
$ r=abaab; echo $r|sed 's/[:?/ba]/u/g'

Now we try "bash":
$ r=abaab; echo ${r//[:?/ba]/u}
$ r=abaab; echo ${r//[:?\/ba]/u}

Observe how a backslash is required, else the program doesn't "fire".

It's as if it is totally unaware that it is already inside the [ ].

And if the backslash was really required, then why doesn't it "blow up"
if we remove it?

While we are here, here's another interesting phenomena,
$ touch aa
$ echo a[ab]
$ echo a[ab/]
$ echo a[ab\/]
$ mkdir ab #doesn't help...

Re: quotes invade positional parameters

2010-12-22 Thread jidanni
Indeed, it is more compact to report
'  a' than
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ a
OK OK... see you next bug.

Re: quotes invade positional parameters

2010-12-18 Thread jidanni
Well anyway, it would be 'no skin off of bash's back' if it just
reported what it was given.

If it was given
'  'a b c
it should report
'  'a b c

and not just 'assume' we prefer
'  a' b c
'  a' 'b' 'c'

Just as legitimate and doesn't cause calls in the middle of the night
from the old folks home.

Wait, that stage of the program doesn't know it was given that, and to
make it know would just increase complexity. As would reporting
\ \ a b c
or would it... OK, never mind.

Re: quotes invade positional parameters

2010-12-18 Thread jidanni
> "JS" == Jan Schampera  writes:

JS> I'd say this is expected (and by the way it's not only on set -x).

I see. The spaces indeed get glued to the sides. OK, see ya next time.

quotes invade positional parameters

2010-12-18 Thread jidanni
WITNESS for yourselves as the quotes invade the parameters, absconding
with the ones at the edges, when close enough.

$ cat 201012contract
#!/bin/sh -eux
set a b c d e f
: ''$@''
: '  '$@'  '
: ''$*''
: '' $* ''
: " "$* " "
$ ./201012contract
+ set a b c d e f
+ : a b c d e f
+ : '  a' b c d e 'f  '
+ : 'a' b c d e 'f'
+ : '' a b c d e f ''
+ : ' a' b c d e f ' '
$ apt-show-versions bash
bash/unstable uptodate 4.1-3

OK, the problem may only be -x deep, affecting the -x reporting output,
but not the actual functionality, thank G.O.D.

document $MAIL for Maildir users

2010-07-21 Thread jidanni
man page says

   MAIL   If  this  parameter  is  set to a file name and the MAILPATH 
variable is not set, bash informs the user of the
  arrival of mail in the specified file.

OK, but also mention one can set it to a directory.

And say that


is what Maildir users should use.

[Qq] vs TAB

2010-06-04 Thread jidanni
$ ls /cf/20100428xindianS*
/cf/20100428xindianSQUARE.jpg  /cf/20100428xindianSquare2.jpg
$ xli /cf/20100428xindianS[Qq] #shows nothing. Wrong.
$ xli /cf/20100428xindianS[Qq]* #shows the files, but then eats the [Qq]*
20100428xindianSQUARE.jpg   20100428xindianSquare2.jpg
$ xli /cf/20100428xindianS #leaving just this.
I reported something similar recently.

^K should go to next history item

2010-05-10 Thread jidanni
or at least
should kill each line out of the history. Instead we need
to do more steps:
^P^P^P^P^A^K^N^A^K^N^A^K^N^A^K .

Re: completion gobbles partial match string

2010-05-05 Thread jidanni
CR> Should readline do this only if there are multiple matches?
Getting over my head... I'll trust your judgment.

Re: completion gobbles partial match string

2010-05-01 Thread jidanni
> "CR" == Chet Ramey  writes:
CR> I have to assume that you're using programmable completion,
CR> and the compspec for `find' doesn't impose the same restriction.
Same happens with cat or ":", not only find. It doesn't happen for
# su - nobody
And I've isolated the problem to somewhere in this chunk of $INPUTRC:
set history-preserve-point on
set visible-stats on
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
set meta-flag on
set convert-meta off
set input-meta on
set output-meta on

completion gobbles partial match string

2010-05-01 Thread jidanni
Put the cursor after the word "list" and hit TAB:
# find /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*list #|cpio -o|ssh cpio -ivdm
Emacssources.list  eeepc.list tw.list
# find /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ #|cpio -o|ssh cpio -ivdm

Notice how we are shown the completions, but then the "*list" has been
gobbled up!

~/.inputrc syntax errors not reported to the user

2010-04-10 Thread jidanni
In ~/.inputrc I put the following syntax error
   sdsddd sdsds
and save the file and run re-read-init-file (C-x C-r).
No error is reported to me.

match-hidden-files docstring

2010-04-10 Thread jidanni
We read
   match-hidden-files (On)
  This variable, when set to On, causes readline  to  match  files
  whose  names  begin  with  a  `.' (hidden files) when performing
  filename completion, unless the leading `.' is supplied  by  the
  user in the filename to be completed.
Don't you mean
   match-hidden-files (On)
  This variable, when set to On, causes readline to match
  files whose names begin with a `.' (hidden files) when
  performing filename completion. **Otherwise the leading `.'
  must be supplied by the user**.

mention bind commands too

2010-04-10 Thread jidanni
On man bash _kindly_ mention there is indeed a way to use the following,
with no further ado, by adding the stuff in parentheses:
   dump-functions (bind -P)
  Print all...
   dump-variables (bind -V)
  Print all...
   dump-macros (bind -S)
  Print all...
Otherwise we almost thought we had to make a binding just to run them once.
(Yes, a lawyer could figure out the answers from reading the whole man
page twice.)

allow printing completions vertically

2010-04-10 Thread jidanni
We read
   print-completions-horizontally (Off)
  If  set  to  On,  readline will display completions with matches
  sorted horizontally in alphabetical order, rather than down  the
Maybe the above variable is mainly talking about sorting order, in which
case it is unfortunately named... because what I want is upon me typing:
$ ls /var/cache/apt/archives/xdm_1%3a1.1.
instead of the current:
xdm_1%3a1.1.8-6_i386.deb  xdm_1%3a1.1.9-1_i386.deb  xdm_1%3a1.1.9-2_i386.deb
I want to see:
Which you will have to admit is 10 times easier on the eyes and brain to
sort out. Yes, there are just three matches in this case.

We see
  Used  by  the  select  builtin command to determine the terminal
  width when printing selection  lists.   Automatically  set  upon
  receipt of a SIGWINCH.
says it only is used by select, not what we're interested in. And even if
it was, we don't want to affect other programs too with COLUMNS (which we
export COLUMNS=80 mostly.)

are you sure you want to add all the <

2010-04-05 Thread jidanni
Are you sure you want to add all the <

have bg, fg, but lack stop

2009-12-19 Thread jidanni
Notice how I need two steps to stop this running job:

$ jobs
[1]+  Running firefox &
$ fg
[1]+  Stopped firefox

As there is no
$ stop %1
like command.

OK, I suppose I can use

$ kill -s SIGSTOP %1
[1]+  Stopped firefox

OK, never mind. Market demand too low to add...

want a M-. that ignores C-r

2009-12-18 Thread jidanni
Same question for years:
Want some way for M-. to get the last item, regardless of if we are here
via a C-r or not. I want some dumber-downed version of M-., however at
the same time I don't want to use that cshell ! stuff. I want something
I can bind to M-.. Thanks.

Re: ESC SPC please

2009-11-28 Thread jidanni
PG> maybe try the following macro:
PG> bind  '"\M- ":"\M-\\ "'
Sorry, that doesn't work on the command line or .inputrc.
No effect.

ESC SPC please

2009-11-27 Thread jidanni
Please implement emacs'

  M-SPC (translated from  SPC) runs the command just-one-space,
  which is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `simple.el'.

I mean you already implement

  M-\ (translated from  \) runs the command
  delete-horizontal-space, which is an interactive compiled Lisp
  function in `simple.el'.

Sorry I make this request every two years.

cd $x; rmdir $x; mkdir $x; ...

2009-09-11 Thread jidanni
Yes, this all is probably expected, but I'll post it here anyway, just
in case.

$ mkdir /tmp/n
$ cd /tmp/n
$ rmdir /tmp/n
$ mkdir /tmp/n
$ pwd
$ touch k
touch: cannot touch `k': No such file or directory
$ touch /tmp/n/k
$ dash
sh: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory
$ pwd

$ exit
$ bash
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent 
directories: No such file or directory
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent 
directories: No such file or directory
$ pwd
pwd: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent 
directories: No such file or directory
$ exit
$ ls .
$ ls -l
total 0
$ ls -la
total 0
$ ls -la .
total 0
$ ls -la $PWD
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 jidanni jidanni  60 2009-09-12 01:55 .
drwxrwxrwt 9 rootroot440 2009-09-12 01:55 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 jidanni jidanni   0 2009-09-12 01:55 k

Re: history --no-numbers-please

2009-08-06 Thread jidanni
> "CR" == Chet Ramey  writes:
>> $ history needs a --no-numbers-please option (-u maybe?), as I can't
>> recall when I didn't run the output through sed to get rid of them.

CR> Why not just use fc -ln?

Because "help history" didn't tip me off that I could try that. However
$ history|wc -l

$ fc -ln|wc -l
reveals that "fc" has absconded with -16 lines, and there is no
mention on "help fc" where they went.

OK, one sees on the bash man page that there are ways to get more lines.

But the onus is on the bash author to add a --no-numbers-please one
letter option just like he has to fc, as any other solution is more work
than just using sed... (and now that everything else is fixed and we can
quibble about minor issues :-) ).

By the way, type
$ history|false|less or history|true|less
then type "q"
[1]+  Stopped history | false | less

Weird. Doesn't happen with
$ date|false|less

history --no-numbers-please

2009-08-06 Thread jidanni
$ history needs a --no-numbers-please option (-u maybe?), as I can't
recall when I didn't run the output through sed to get rid of them.

line up completions vertically

2009-07-25 Thread jidanni
You know how it shows us the choices when we hit TAB,
# rm /var/tmp/dan_home_bkp2009-07-26-02-
dan_home_bkp2009-07-26-02-18-36.bz2  dan_home_bkp2009-07-26-02-27-07.bz2

Well given that we are not going to bother to make the differing endings
bold, like in emacs, well, at least we can line them up vertically,


so the eye can get a better comparison of just where they differ.

showing expansion bifurcation point better

2009-06-09 Thread jidanni
When showing choices,
$ ls /cf/124451
1244516986.31615_0.ps11007  1244517019.1029_0.ps11007
maybe indicate the bifurcation point with termcap bold, like emacs, or
with a pipe:
124451|6986.31615_0.ps11007  124451|7019.1029_0.ps11007
or just show the remaining part, like
...6986.31615_0.ps11007  ...7019.1029_0.ps11007

M-. rings bell if empty

2009-06-08 Thread jidanni
Type "# RET ESC ."
Bash replies with a ^G
Wouldn't it be more polite to just do nothing, instead of waking up the 

$ expr 2 + 2
$ #e=mcHammer <-here I typed ESC #
$ e=mc<-here I type ESC . ESC . in order to get the "2", but
after the first ESC . I must endure the ^G slap in the face, before
being allowed to climb back up to get the 2. There I was playing secret
agent man with the formula and you had to ring/flash, alerting the N.
Korean border guards.

Re: mention what characters need to be escaped inside [...]

2009-05-04 Thread jidanni
Greg Wooledge  writes:
> quotes inside -- [^" "] -- works.  But the backslash approach you used
> is probably the clearest way to write it.
Anyways, it should be mentioned in the man page's [...] discussion, even
though legally one could say it is probably already mentioned, though
scattered around the man page.

mention what characters need to be escaped inside [...]

2009-05-03 Thread jidanni
Maybe mention in the man page at
   [...]  Matches  any  one of the enclosed characters...
that one will need to backslash at least any spaces used inside it:
$ ls [^ ]
ls: cannot access [^: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access ]: No such file or directory
$ ls [^\ ]

Re: set -x prejudiced; won't smell UTF-8 coffee

2009-04-08 Thread jidanni
Mike Frysinger  writes:
> i never said you couldnt override them.  i said the *default behavior* would 
OK, it's a deal. Now all that's left is for that Chet guy to implement it :-)

Re: set -x prejudiced; won't smell UTF-8 coffee

2009-04-08 Thread jidanni
> locale variables have pretty clear definitions.  obviously LC_COLLATE wouldnt 
> be relevant here, but LC_MESSAGES certainly would.
Assumptions, assumptions, those happen to be the two C's for me. So let
me override without having to tamper with them please.

Re: set -x prejudiced; won't smell UTF-8 coffee

2009-04-07 Thread jidanni
Instead of having bash make judgements about what people want from their
personal mix of:
$ locale|sed 's/.*=//;s/"//g;/^$/d'|sort|uniq -c
  2 C
 11 zh_TW.UTF-8
instead just have a passthru option they could enable, that says "I
hereby agree that I want to be sent raw -x output back, and if it looks
weird, it's my own fault, 'garbage in, garbage out'."

In fact I forgot at the moment why they would see garbage.

Re: set -x prejudiced; won't smell UTF-8 coffee

2009-04-06 Thread jidanni
Mike Frysinger  writes:
> exactly do you suggest differentiating...
I don't know. It's all truly over my head.
All I know is "how are you going to 'market' this stuff in Asia?".

I mean the US kids get to see all their -x feedback pretty, but Asians
must see it garbled. I don't know. Some kind of set -o passthru mode, on
by default?

set -x prejudiced; won't smell UTF-8 coffee

2009-04-06 Thread jidanni
Gentlemen, -x's reporting should just pass the Chinese right back.
$ set -x; export LC_ALL=$LANG; echo 中文
+ export LC_ALL=zh_TW.UTF-8
+ LC_ALL=zh_TW.UTF-8
+ echo $'\344\270\255\346\226\207'

Or OK, to be fair, even the ASCII should come back as octal escapes.

arithmetic + > + subshell might not be documented

2009-04-01 Thread jidanni
Might not be documented:

$ cat q
for i in : :; do :|: > x$((++a)); echo =$a=; done; ls x?; rm x?
for i in : :; do :   > x$((++b)); echo =$b=; done; ls x?; rm x?
$ bash q
x1  x2

I really mean to go to EOF

2009-03-19 Thread jidanni
You know those pesky error messages,
nurdsome: line 17: warning: here-document at line 1 delimited by end-of-file 
(wanted `EOF')

Well there should be a new 'trick': <<$EOF, <<\$EOF, or something, the
meaning of which is 'I really mean to go all the way to the end of the

This is in addition to the usual ways to disable seeing such warnings.

Ah, missing since the birth of /bin/sh.

OK, never mind.

Re: <

2008-12-17 Thread jidanni
j> + If \fIdelimiter\fP is not found or \fIword\fP is null, reading proceeds to 
the end of file.
Make that just
 If \fIdelimiter\fP is not found, reading proceeds to the end of file.
I can't reproduce the other today without getting an error.


2008-12-16 Thread jidanni
*** bash.1.orig 2008-12-17 07:41:13.193756000 +0800
--- bash.1  2008-12-17 07:39:39.845759000 +0800
*** 3157,3159 
  current source until a line containing only
! .I word
  (with no trailing blanks)
--- 3157,3159 
  current source until a line containing only
! .I delimiter
  (with no trailing blanks)
*** 3195,3196 
--- 3195,3197 
  .BR ` .
+ If \fIdelimiter\fP is not found or \fIword\fP is null, reading proceeds to 
the end of file.

echo $s{2,3}

2008-12-13 Thread jidanni
What happened to 2,3? Poof, gone.
$ s=a; echo $s{ $s{} $s} $s{1} $s{2,3} ${s}{4,5}
a{ a{} a} a{1} a4 a5

document -u $@ $* special case

2008-11-26 Thread jidanni
Gentlemen, I have discovered a documentation oversight. In the manual,
we see:

  -u  Treat unset variables as an error when performing param-
  eter  expansion.   If expansion is attempted on an unset
  variable, the shell prints an error message, and, if not
  interactive, exits with a non-zero status.


  Display  Error if Null or Unset.  If parameter is null or unset,
  the expansion of word (or a message to that effect  if  word  is
  not  present) is written to the standard error and the shell, if
  it is not interactive, exits.  Otherwise, the value of parameter
  is substituted.

However, different behavior is observed between

set -u --
: $@ $*
: $1


set --
: ${1?}

Therefore the -u paragraph needs to add that "$@ and $* unset are not
caught by -u, but $1, $2... are".

"C-z bg" without the lurch

2008-11-25 Thread jidanni
There are many times one has not planned ahead, and forgets the &:
$ emacs -nw important.txt #then after a half an hour of editing:
[1]+  Stopped emacs -nw important.txt
$ compact_disk_burner_GUI_application #forgot to add &

OK, we want to get back to emacs, but we dare not stop the
compact_disk_burner lest we ruin the burn. No not even for the split
second a "^Z bg" would take.
Sure, "next time don't use -nw", "killall -1 emacs, your file will be
in #important.txt#.
Anyway, I wish there was a way to communicate a "disown" command or
something to that shell. stty -a shows a lot of weird keys. Anyway, it
would be neat if there was a key e.g., C-y, that would "have the
effect of C-z bg, but without ever letting the job in question feel
the brief sting of being stopped.

Anyway, how could it be that the mighty bash can't let me get back to
my emacs without lurching my CD burning job, even for a split second?

script vs. terminal vs. same line vs. ^C

2008-09-09 Thread jidanni
Here we see with the same $-, if you put it on the same line, you'll
run it despite ^C...

$ cat file
echo $-; sleep 7; echo BOOM
$ bash -i file
$ echo $-; sleep 7; echo BOOM

OK, same $-, and same test -t , so what does one have to do
to make bash think it is a script and not go BOOM, unset PS1 or something?

Re: test -t

2008-09-03 Thread jidanni
Is this a bug?

>> $ t=test #bash builtin
>> $ $t -t ' '; echo $?
>> 0

PJ> That looks like a bug.  bash tries to parse a number from the " "
PJ> string and ends up with zero, which is a tty.

test -t

2008-09-03 Thread jidanni
On (info "(coreutils)File type tests", and test(1) man page, we see
  `-t FD'
   True if FD is a file descriptor that is associated with a terminal.

Well please mention what happens if FD is omitted:
$ test -t
The answer is it always returns true, no matter what. Test with
$ echo 'set -x; for i in 0 1 2 3 ""; do /usr/bin/test -t $i; : $?; done; 
tty'|at now; sleep 4; mail

Same problem with the bash and dash builtin tests and documents.
bash is even more freaky:

$ t=test #bash builtin
$ $t -t; echo $?
$ $t -t ''; echo $?
$ $t -t ' '; echo $?
$ t=/usr/bin/test
$ $t -t; echo $?
$ $t -t ''; echo $?
/usr/bin/test: invalid integer `'
$ dash
$ t=test
$ $t -t; echo $?
$ $t -t ''; echo $?
test: 3: Illegal number:

Re: Dr. Evil typed sleep 666; rm -rf /

2008-06-15 Thread jidanni
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to as well.

Regarding how to defuse
$ sleep 666; echo BOOM
given only one terminal,

m> Here, running bash in a xterm, this works for me:
m> ^S ^C ^C ^Q
For me in xterm, or even on the Debian sid tty1 console with no
dotfiles to be read at login, just ^S ^C already gives
$ sleep 666; echo BOOM

BM> In most shells you can press C-z.
Won't help with bash, which is what I'm talking about here,
$ sleep 666; echo BOOM
[1]+  Stopped sleep 666

No, the only way to defuse it I find is to:
hit ^S, then wait for more than 666 seconds, then hit ^C.

And even supposing one could just open another window to kill the
shell (just to diffuse this one line!), in a pinch everybody would
probably only just remember ^C. Boom.

bash --posix didn't help.

Re: what matched in a case statement

2008-05-14 Thread jidanni
Poor Yorick wrote:
> Is there any way to get a handle on what matched in a case
> statement?  Something like this:
> case "lawlesspoets" in
> *poets)
> echo $CASEMATCH one
Well, nobody would do
> case "lawlesspoets" in
in reality you would always have some variable. So just do
CASEMATCH=lawlesspoets; case $CASEMATCH in ...
so there.

Re: [Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#476519: shell-mode garbles input

2008-05-05 Thread jidanni
All I have installed else is dash: 4 successes 0 failures.
SC> perl -e '$<=$>=$(=$)=65534; exec sh'
That gets a shell without triggering the error.
SC> perl -e '$<=$>=$(=$)=65534; system sh'
That filled emacs with \377's with luckily a little CPU left over that
I could kill emacs... *
SC> Not sure how what bash_completion does could have an impact on su.
I observed the bug with and without the bash-completion package installed.
# lsof -p $$|wc -l
pstree shows no processes running left behind.
I observe the bug with both mesg y and n
SC> running out of ideas here...
Me too so I hereby wait for Sven to chime in with what else he sees.

*This side issue only happened in emacs's shell, (and not with
LC_ALL=C, but yes with my zh locale) and is one of the reasons I now
use a different HISTORY file there... piped thru cat -v.
# sleep 22 && kill -1 $$& #Safety first, also makes the \377s go away.
[1] 16017
# perl -we '$<=$>=$(=$)=65534;system q(sh)'
05:40 ~$ Use "exit" to leave the shell.
05:40 ~$ sh: syntax error near unexpected token `('
05:40 258 ~$ sh:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: command not found
05:40 127 ~$ sh: syntax error near unexpected token `('

Anyway, no I don't believe in UFOs. Never mind this side issue. Bye.

Re: [Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#476519: shell-mode garbles input

2008-05-03 Thread jidanni
SC> Could you try ulimit -a?
#  su - nobody -c ulimit\ -a|grep -v unlimited
core file size  (blocks, -c) 0
scheduling priority (-e) 0
pending signals (-i) 1791
max locked memory   (kbytes, -l) 32
open files  (-n) 1024
pipe size(512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority  (-r) 0
stack size  (kbytes, -s) 8192
max user processes  (-u) 1791
No directory, logging in with HOME=/

# ps -fjlLunobody; lsof -u nobody
both show nothing. No lots of processes for me.
SC> Do you get it from the Linux console (emacs -nw)?
Yes, just tired it in emacs -nw -f shell and after 10 good logins I got a
bad one.
SC> Have you tried changing nobody's shell?
I don't want to.
CR> Does su do anything with process groups?
That is an advanced question not for little me.

Anyway, the only other human to have reproduced any of this mess is
Nobody :-) has responded to the points of that message #52.

distinguish shell generated exits

2008-05-02 Thread jidanni
There are several situations where
$ exit
$ logout
were typed by the shell and not the user, who must specifically say "I
did not type that, some magic hand did" when sharing shell transcripts
with other people.

So perhaps those messages should have a "bash:" prepended or something
to distinguish them.

Re: [Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#476519: shell-mode garbles input

2008-05-02 Thread jidanni
CR> Does this happen only in an emacs shell-mode window?
No. It happens also in xterm. Today it at least allowed me to do -c
date. I did not type exit or logout. The magic hand did.
# su - nobody -c date
No directory, logging in with HOME=/
Sat May  3 01:03:10 CST 2008
# su - nobody -c 'sh -i'
No directory, logging in with HOME=/
sh-3.2$ exit
# su - nobody
No directory, logging in with HOME=/

Re: [Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#476519: shell-mode garbles input

2008-05-02 Thread jidanni
Here we see the typical deal. You asked me about ulimit. I tried to
get a shell oh, six times this time before the magic hand stopped
logging me out. Whereupon it bites off the first character of what I
type and logs me out, saving the message for after the next prompt.
Then I get a shell again to give you the answer.

# su - nobody
No directory, logging in with HOME=/
# su - nobody
No directory, logging in with HOME=/
# su - nobody
No directory, logging in with HOME=/
# su - nobody
No directory, logging in with HOME=/
# su - nobody
No directory, logging in with HOME=/
# su - nobody
No directory, logging in with HOME=/
# su - nobody
bash: limit: command not found
# No directory, logging in with HOME=/
speed 38400 baud; line = 0;
erase = ; kill = ;
-brkint -imaxbel

Happens also in xterm, where
# stty
speed 38400 baud; line = 0;
-brkint -imaxbel iutf8

SC> Does that happen straight away or after a delay?

The logout happens instantaneously, no waiting for me to type my first
command as nobody.

SC> The "logout" thing looks a bit like eof from the terminal.

Very much so.

SC> strace would probably help then:

No. Every time I use strace I get a shell that sticks around. The bug
is not triggered. I'll send you one anyway.

SC> And look at the last read(0 in /tmp/strace.out

SC> Could be a tty setting as well.

SC> stty min 0 time 10 -icanon

Ho ho ho, that even eats through all the shells stacked up in my emacs
shell buffer exiting each one.

SC> With readline
Has readline. I'll send you shopt output.

Re: [Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#476519: shell-mode garbles input

2008-05-02 Thread jidanni
SC> Try
SC> sudo env -i SHELLOPTS=xtrace su -p - nobody
(I don't use sudo)
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
# env -i SHELLOPTS=xtrace su -p - nobody
+ PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games
+ '[' /bin/sh ']'
+ export PATH
+ umask 022
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/root$ kill -1 $$
+ kill -1 6215
# env -i SHELLOPTS=xtrace su -p - nobody
+ PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games
+ '[' /bin/sh ']'
+ export PATH
+ umask 022
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/root$ logout

Above on my first attempt the shell stayed alive, so I typed kill -1
$$ (instead of exit, so it would be clear that I typed it, as that is
something the "magic hand" never uses.) On the second and later
attempts, some magic hand typed "logout" for me. The magic hand also
sometimes types "exit"...

SC> nobody's shell is sh (being bash) or bash, right?
SC> $ getent passwd nobody
SC> nobody:x:65534:65534:nobody:/nonexistent:/bin/sh
Same here.
SC> $ dpkg -S "$(command -v su)"
SC> login: /bin/su
Same here.
$ ls -og /bin/sh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 4 2008-04-29 07:04 /bin/sh -> bash
SC> Which su is your su? Is it using PAM?
SC> $ ldd /bin/su
same here except for the hex numbers.
SC> $ grep '^[^#]' /etc/pam.d/su
Same here.
SC> (also check the included files).
Never touched them.
$ cd /etc/pam.d&&find * -atime -1 -type f|xargs ls -og
-rw-r--r-- 1  392 2005-07-26 16:48 common-account
-rw-r--r-- 1  436 2005-07-26 16:48 common-auth
-rw-r--r-- 1 1097 2005-07-26 16:48 common-password
-rw-r--r-- 1  372 2005-07-26 16:48 common-session
-rw-r--r-- 1  289 2005-07-05 22:45 cron
-rw-r--r-- 1 2843 2006-09-17 15:22 login
-rw-r--r-- 1  520 2003-09-01 06:21 other
-rw-r--r-- 1 2305 2006-07-14 19:05 su
-rw-r--r-- 1  289 2007-08-13 23:54 xdm
The only thing I tampered with is probably just making a
$ ls -og /etc/environment
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 2008-05-02 03:37 /etc/environment
to stop the warning in /var/log/auth.log if it is absent.
The pam stuff came with my Debian sid installation and apt-get says
removing it "should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are
doing!" i.e., not me, so I dare not touch it.

Re: [Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#476519: shell-mode garbles input

2008-05-01 Thread jidanni
As says, maybe
it is a bash bug: with Debian sid's BASH_VERSION=3.2.33(1)-release
about half the time the below works normally, the other half some
magic hand sends "exit" to it, logging me out right away. The first
letter of which gets bitten off or something, here in an emacs shell window:
03:44 ~# env - su - nobody
bash: xit: command not found
(I do not have the bash-completion package installed, as per )

Re: TZ=... date affected PROMPT_COMMAND

2008-04-18 Thread jidanni
OK, glad that it is fixed in bashes beyond what Debian sid uses.
M> you still didn't answer my question, which was "what version are you using"?
Did too:
>> 02:26 /$ echo $BASH_VERSION
>> 3.1.17(1)-release
Over and out.

Re: TZ=... date affected PROMPT_COMMAND

2008-04-17 Thread jidanni
OK, now using Archimerged's cleaner version, I bet Matthew can
reproduce this.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/root# su - nobody
No directory, logging in with HOME=/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/$ PROMPT_COMMAND='prompt_status=\ $?'
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/$ PS1=$SPECIAL_PS1"\A\${prompt_status# 0} \W$ "
17:26 /$ TZ=America/Los_Angeles date
Thu Apr 17 02:26:11 PDT 2008
02:26 /$ echo $BASH_VERSION
02:26 /$ false
02:26 1 /$ true
02:26 /$ /bin/true
17:26 /$ 

Note how the prompt timezone becomes contaminated until we finally
shake it back off with a non-built-in command.

You know, this reminds me of some injection attacks!

TZ=... date affected PROMPT_COMMAND

2008-04-16 Thread jidanni
Never thought that putting TZ here would infect my prompt,

21:07 ~$ date
Wed Apr 16 21:07:54 CST 2008
21:07 ~$ TZ=America/Chicago date
Wed Apr 16 08:08:07 CDT 2008
08:08 ~$ set a b c
08:08 ~$ date
Wed Apr 16 21:08:22 CST 2008
21:08 ~$

all the way until the next non built-in command.
Need to do sh -c 'TZ=America/Chicago date'
if one doesn't want their prompt affected.

(On the other hand, what I do in .bashrc is black magic to me too:)
PROMPT_COMMAND='prompt_tricks_z=" $?"; prompt_tricks_z=${prompt_tricks_z# 0}
 case $PWD in $HOME) pwd=\~;; *) pwd=${PWD##*/};; esac'
PS1=$SPECIAL_PS1"$my_color_on\A\$prompt_tricks_z \$pwd\\$""$my_color_off "

document export x=1 y=$x

2008-03-17 Thread jidanni
On the man page at section "export", mention that the latter below
will not do what one expects, as here revealed:
$ set -x
$ a=1 b=$a
+ a=1
+ b=1
$ export x=1 y=$x
+ export x=1 y=
+ x=1
+ y=
Yes I'm sure it is mentioned elsewhere on the page but you might want
to drum it home again here. Maybe also at $ help export.

set +o history hard to keep turned off

2008-02-23 Thread jidanni
Put set +o history at the bottom of .bashrc and confirm that it is
indeed the last thing run via
$ bash -x
But then do
$ set -o|grep history
which will show that it is turned back on.

Re: Dr. Evil typed sleep 666; rm -rf /

2008-02-11 Thread jidanni
Your attention is drawn to the current thread, a small sample of which is:

Subject: Re: Dr. Evil typed sleep 666; rm -rf /
Date: 11 Feb 2008

>bash is the only shell that will run "rm" if you interrupt
>"sleep" with C-c.
>>All the other shells including the Bourne shell, ksh88, ksh93,
>>pdksh, zsh, csh, tcsh, rc, es and their derivatives will not
>>unless Dr. Evil has installed a trap on SIGINT.
>>With bash, you'll have to kill bash from another shell.
> Bug or feature?

Re: ESC . vs. ^R, ^P again

2008-01-07 Thread jidanni
$ bind '"\e.":"\e>\e_"'
$ : 1
$ : 2
$ : 3
$ : 4
>> I want now typing ^R 2 ^E M-. to put a 4 at the end of the line...
...and not wipe out the 2, which is what the above bind did.

Re: ESC . vs. ^R, ^P again

2008-01-07 Thread jidanni
C> "\M-.":"\M->\M-_"
Thanks but that doesn't work.
$ : 1
$ : 2
$ : 3
$ : 4
I want now typing ^R 2 ^E M-. to put a 4 at the end of the line but
the above macro does not.

Re: ESC . vs. ^R, ^P again

2008-01-04 Thread jidanni
A> I think you want ESC _ which will pull in the last word of the
A> previous command.
Thanks but it's
$ man bash|grep M-_
   yank-last-arg (M-., M-_)
   insert-last-argument (M-., M-_)
the same as M-., whose behavior I was railing against.

ESC . vs. ^R, ^P again

2008-01-01 Thread jidanni
As there years pass I use ESC . daily hoping that it will get the last
chunk of the previous line on my screen, despite any ^P's or ^R's I
might have done.

Never have I wanted it to consider those ^P's and ^R's.

So even though you said that was a early design choice, perhaps you
could still leave (behind for posterity) a toggle variable or new
binding to do my dumber mode.

My style survey of many years with
hundreds of hours with, er, 1 user, "indicates", as they say in the
medical business, that this is needed.

Surely you (all) are not such constant hammerers of ESC . as I. Vote
for Choice.

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