Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-22 Thread J. Oquendo
On 3/21/2011 12:16 PM, Luigi Auriemma wrote:
> The following are almost all the vulnerabilities I found for a quick
> experiment some months ago in certain well known server-side SCADA
> softwares still vulnerable in this moment.

At what point in time did you try contacting any of the vendors for
these issues?

Analogy: Car owner has his car speed up ending up in almost near
catastrophe. Car owner goes to media outlets condemning the
manufacturer: "How could you be so reckless! Thousand of lives..."
Reality: Car manufacturer was never made aware of the issue. How do you
propose a manufacturer fix an issue?

Where in any of your advisories did you take the time to let a company
know: "hey you guys have some potential issues, here they are!!!"


J. Oquendo

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to
ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things
differently." - Warren Buffett

42B0 5A53 6505 6638 44BB  3943 2BF7 D83F 210A 95AF

Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-22 Thread Luigi Auriemma
> At what point in time did you try contacting any of the vendors for
> these issues?

the vendors of the affected softwares have not been contacted.

> How do you propose a manufacturer fix an issue?

in the security field a public vulnerability is a dead vulnerability,
anyone who has found and released at least one security bug in his life
knows it and knows to what I refer.

90% of the job of fixing a bug is just finding it first, I have even
showed the details, the causes and the ways to replicate them.

> Where in any of your advisories did you take the time to let a company
> know: "hey you guys have some potential issues, here they are!!!"

I have done it in the exact moment that I have uploaded my advisories on
my website making anyone aware of the problems, included the same
vendors that now can fix them.

Luigi Auriemma

Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-23 Thread Michal Zalewski
> Analogy: Car owner has his car speed up ending up in almost near
> catastrophe. Car owner goes to media outlets condemning the
> manufacturer: "How could you be so reckless! Thousand of lives..."
> Reality: Car manufacturer was never made aware of the issue. How do you
> propose a manufacturer fix an issue?

Yes, the discussion definitely needed a car analogy...

The author decided to follow a particular route, probably not out of
malice, but because he believes that his responsibilities to inform
the public outweigh the responsibility to assist the vendor. You
wouldn't do the same, but you haven't discovered these bugs.

Unless your view is that you would rather not know about about
security problems at all, than see a disclosure mode you do not agree
with, I do not think it's fair to lash out against the reporter; and
it's not particularly fitting to do so on BUGTRAQ.


RE: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-23 Thread Jim Harrison

First; while I agree with your statement regarding the overuse of car 
analogies, the comparison is accurate and fair in this case.  The vendor's 
customers are now potentially at greater risk because of this announcement that 
includes no mitigation.

Second; I fundamentally disagree with the idea that public disclosure as a 
means of vendor notification serves any purpose beyond tooting one's own horn 
and causing a panic state for the application vendor and users.  Anyone who 
honestly believes that the "bad guys" are not watching the same lists where the 
"good guys" are communicating is operating far too close to a famous Egyptian 
river.  IMHO, "public disclosure" only serves to increase the threat for the 
vendor's customers.

Third; it is in lists exactly like this on where opinions on security matters 
and behaviors may be aired (to a degree; that's what moderators and common 
sense are for).  While it's true that a person will act as he sees fit, you may 
also reasonably expect that differing opinions on that behavior will be 
expressed when the opinions are as polarized as in the responsible vs. public 
disclosure debate.


-Original Message-
From: Michal Zalewski [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 2:24 PM
To: J. Oquendo
Cc: Luigi Auriemma;
Subject: Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

> Analogy: Car owner has his car speed up ending up in almost near 
> catastrophe. Car owner goes to media outlets condemning the
> manufacturer: "How could you be so reckless! Thousand of lives..."
> Reality: Car manufacturer was never made aware of the issue. How do 
> you propose a manufacturer fix an issue?

Yes, the discussion definitely needed a car analogy...

The author decided to follow a particular route, probably not out of malice, 
but because he believes that his responsibilities to inform the public outweigh 
the responsibility to assist the vendor. You wouldn't do the same, but you 
haven't discovered these bugs.

Unless your view is that you would rather not know about about security 
problems at all, than see a disclosure mode you do not agree with, I do not 
think it's fair to lash out against the reporter; and it's not particularly 
fitting to do so on BUGTRAQ.


Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-23 Thread R Michael Williams
While I support full disclosure, I also advocate responsible disclosure.  The 
public _has_ a right to know, but in this case, they can play no significant 
part in remedy or mitigation unless they are employees of the vendor or the 
customer.  I believe the best course of action for a SCADA vulnerability would 
be to let the vendor know first, let them know you intend to disclose publicly 
after a reasonable time, then release to the potential customers in a 
responsible time thereafter, and finally the public  (admittedly could be very 
arbitrary per researcher).  This way you can hopefully get the fix started and 
let the security-conscious vendor notify customers how to defend in the interim 
for defense purposes _before_ you let a potential attacker in on the problem.  
Just my $0.02...

Sent from my mobile launching platform...

On Mar 22, 2011, at 16:24, Michal Zalewski  wrote:

>> Analogy: Car owner has his car speed up ending up in almost near
>> catastrophe. Car owner goes to media outlets condemning the
>> manufacturer: "How could you be so reckless! Thousand of lives..."
>> Reality: Car manufacturer was never made aware of the issue. How do you
>> propose a manufacturer fix an issue?
> Yes, the discussion definitely needed a car analogy...
> The author decided to follow a particular route, probably not out of
> malice, but because he believes that his responsibilities to inform
> the public outweigh the responsibility to assist the vendor. You
> wouldn't do the same, but you haven't discovered these bugs.
> Unless your view is that you would rather not know about about
> security problems at all, than see a disclosure mode you do not agree
> with, I do not think it's fair to lash out against the reporter; and
> it's not particularly fitting to do so on BUGTRAQ.
> /mz

Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-23 Thread Michal Zalewski
>  I believe the best course of action for a SCADA vulnerability would be to 
> let the vendor know first,

That's fine, but the controversy around the proper mode of disclosure
is here to stay. For every good argument you make, there is an equally
compelling counter-argument that other reasonable people believe in
good faith. It really comes down to personal beliefs, and nothing has
changed here in the past 15 years or so.

Any of us can disagree, but lashing out against other people seems
first of all impolite, and second, somewhat amusing on this particular


RE: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-23 Thread Jim Harrison
You appear to assume that because no one else has reported these vulns
publicly that no one else has discovered them.  This is false logic; proof
is not satisfied by a lack of evidence to the contrary.
To be clear, I do appreciate researchers who spend their time seeking and
reporting security issues and sometimes "just bugz" in vendor software -
it's this sort of independent scrutiny that keeps the vendors honest and on
their toes. 

Where I take issue is with the false notion that public reporting leads to
anything more than an increased threat potential for the customers
themselves.  Your argument that SCADA devices are by their nature less
threatened due to their use case is false at best.  If *any* threat exists,
that threat is increased by public exposure of unmitigated attack
methodology; whether that threat is limited to clean rooms or public-facing
services is merely a matter of scale. 

in fact, in many cases where full-disclosure has forced immediate reaction
by a vendor, neither the underlying problems that cause the vulnerability
nor vendor's code response were as fully vetted as they might have been
otherwise, leading to an incomplete solution caused by a rushed effort.
This frequently leads to rework and reissuing of product updates, hardly a
customer-serving process.

As to the question of "bugz for hire", there are at least as many arguments
on either side of that discussion.



-Original Message-
From: Luigi Auriemma [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 09:54
To: Jim Harrison
Cc: Michal Zalewski; J. Oquendo;
Subject: Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

> I fundamentally disagree with the idea that public disclosure as a 
> means of vendor notification serves any purpose

no problem, if you don't agree with full-disclosure or how I and the other
researchers like me handle these security vulnerabilities you have the full
power and freedom of finding them by yourself and handling them as you

so now the question is, why don't all these "good guys" spend their personal
time and skills to find these vulnerabilities and reporting them to the
vendors before me?

the answer is that usually such people don't have the skills or simply don't
like the idea of doing a professional work completely for free and even with
the obligation of doing everything the vendor wants before the releasing of
the patch that can take months or even years...
practically a slave.

or do you think that you can contact the vendor asking funds for the
research you have already found?
it would be logical but it's a non-written rule in the security
community: it's better to go with full-disclosure for free.
the only exceptions are Mozilla and Google with their bug bounty programs
but oh well, they are pioneers.

anyway regarding this particular case of SCADA I didn't like the behaviour
of ICS-CERT at all.
this entity has the full power for handling the security research and the
communication between vendor and researcher with benefits (knowledge, funds
and credits) for both but simply does nothing as resulted from the mails I
exchanged with them covering all these aspects... I even don't understand
what should be its work at this point except saying "there is a bug in this
SCADA" and "now the vendor says it's fixed".

> beyond tooting one's own horn and causing a panic state for the 
> application vendor and users.

my mail was completely neutral and had no alarmism in it, I'm even amazed
that someone noticed it.
as usual the panic is generated by non-technician people or people who have
personal interests in speculating on the thing.

Bugtraq is a technical mailing-list for people in the security field and in
same cases its content may not be ready or correctly filtered for the other
people who could see risks that are different than the reality.

> Anyone who honestly believes that the "bad guys" are not watching the 
> same lists where the "good guys" are communicating is operating far 
> too close to a famous Egyptian river.

be sure that the "bad guys" are already aware of similar problems but you
can't know it.
if I can find these vulnerabilities in some hours without knowledge of SCADA
and with a motivation not much far from the "mah let's try this program"
imagine what can be done by how has strong motivation, time and knowledge.

> IMHO, "public disclosure" only serves to increase the threat for the 
> vendor's customers.

take the following consideration:
SCADA systems are intended to work in isolated private networks so nobody
except the authorized users should be able to even "ping" the machines where
are running the vulnerable softwares.
if this happens means that the security of the company has been alr

Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-23 Thread J. Oquendo
On 3/23/2011 12:54 PM, Luigi Auriemma wrote:
>> I fundamentally disagree with the idea that public disclosure
>> as a means of vendor notification serves any purpose
> so now the question is, why don't all these "good guys" spend their
> personal time and skills to find these vulnerabilities and reporting
> them to the vendors before me?
> the answer is that usually such people don't have the skills or simply
> don't like the idea of doing a professional work completely for free and
> even with the obligation of doing everything the vendor wants before
> the releasing of the patch that can take months or even years...
> practically a slave.

You stated: "usually such people don't have the skills" Humor me and
others on this list why don't you... Reported to CERT two days ago:

Vulnerability Report
Vulnerability Description Over 300 ActiveX based vulnerabilities have
been discovered on multiple VMWare Server applications. Vulnerabilities
range from denial of service attacks to full control of EIP which can
lead to code execution
Vulnerability Impact Attacker can trigger code execution
Date 2011-03-21T11:53:40

I contacted CERT after getting a slight run around from the vendor yet I
could have turned around and unloaded this information anywhere. The
reality is what point would it prove? This does not include the fact
that I'm sitting on vulnerabilities for SAP, IBM, CA even Siemens via
way of Stuxnet analysis. There others that I've reported and others I
haven't had time or chose not to and I'm sure there are plenty of
security researchers, hackers, attackers, etc. who do the same. Sure I
understand where the argument comes from: "they can take months or even
years" but the reality is, SCADA is "hip" right now so this comes across
as nothing more than juvenile idiocy to release SCADA based bugs. "Look
at me, I has SCADA!" You assume that every vendor is similar to the
irresponsible vendors who do take forever to respond. To that I refer
back to the car analogy. You did nothing to give anyone an iota of an
idea there was/is an issue. Bravo.

Personally, I am torn between full, responsible and even "no more free
bugs" types of disclosure, however, common sense dictates that playing
with SCADA right about now is like playing with fire. We're not talking
about a system blue screen or website graffiti as the outcome. "Look at
me I reverse shelled MS08067. With SCADA based systems, we are
potentially dealing with the risks of physical harm to individuals via
those systems. Did this cross your mind as being "responsible" or would
you rather jump out in the public with the following: "Look, I have a
gun... See I just shot someone, you can too, all you have to do is the
following" What you did was nothing more than that. "Look I have SCADA
bugs, SCADA systems can be dangerous and kill you. Here, here is the bug
to trigger potential damage. Thank you sincerely, Luigi."

> now that the users of the vulnerable products are aware of the
> vulnerabilities they can verify if their network is really safe like it
> should be in any case and in the meantime they will wait the patches of
> the vendors.

How about we reflect reality?

"Now that millions of script kiddies, organized crime groups, need I
mention the *t* word here also have this information. Now anyone can
custom target these vulnerable products. It's ok because many SCADA
systems engineers are not coders and many are incapable of making a
patch on their own but hey, what the hell!!! I has lots of bugs"

Systems that otherwise could have been secured had you taken the time to
be responsible and or mindful maybe even clueful are now at a greater
risk. What did you accomplish? SCADA vulnerabilities are no big mystery
and there are plenty of researchers who do things responsibly and make
money at the same time. You could have chose the ZDI route which would
have yielded you the same credits in the advisory while being paid for
your research. So unless you live under a rock, your argument is sort of
moot with regards to: "or do you think that you can contact the vendor
asking funds for the research you have already found?"


J. Oquendo

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to
ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things
differently." - Warren Buffett

42B0 5A53 6505 6638 44BB  3943 2BF7 D83F 210A 95AF

Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-23 Thread Theo de Raadt
> If *any* threat exists,
> that threat is increased by public exposure of unmitigated attack
> methodology

I think you have it wrong.

Public exposure increases the visibility, and therefore customers
install the patches quicker.

Without public visibility, they will keep running the old code.

Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-23 Thread J. Oquendo
On 3/23/2011 2:13 PM, Theo de Raadt wrote:
>> If *any* threat exists,
>> that threat is increased by public exposure of unmitigated attack
>> methodology
> I think you have it wrong.
> Public exposure increases the visibility, and therefore customers
> install the patches quicker.
> Without public visibility, they will keep running the old code.

You're flawed in your response: "Public exposure increases the
visibility, and therefore customersinstall the patches quicker." ...
When someone "full discloses" a vulnerability, there is no patch to
install quicker. This is obvious because there is no patch until either
the vendor releases one, or staff using the product are capable of
creating a work-around. In the case of the SCADA environment, we (again)
are not talking about the potential of a defacement, blue screen, silly
shell, we're talking about sensor, gears and often so much automation
that it would be absurd for a SCADA engineer to "go it alone" and try
create their own patch. Many of these systems don't have the option of
failing or being taken offline. You also state: "Without public
visibility, they will keep running the old code" the reality is, no one
is going to outright replace some of these systems in these
environments. These are not applications and or systems one can plop
onto donated boxes. They have no choice BUT to run the code.


J. Oquendo

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to
ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things
differently." - Warren Buffett

42B0 5A53 6505 6638 44BB  3943 2BF7 D83F 210A 95AF

Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-23 Thread Luigi Auriemma
> I fundamentally disagree with the idea that public disclosure
> as a means of vendor notification serves any purpose

no problem, if you don't agree with full-disclosure or how I and the
other researchers like me handle these security vulnerabilities you have
the full power and freedom of finding them by yourself and handling them
as you desire.

so now the question is, why don't all these "good guys" spend their
personal time and skills to find these vulnerabilities and reporting
them to the vendors before me?

the answer is that usually such people don't have the skills or simply
don't like the idea of doing a professional work completely for free and
even with the obligation of doing everything the vendor wants before
the releasing of the patch that can take months or even years...
practically a slave.

or do you think that you can contact the vendor asking funds for the
research you have already found?
it would be logical but it's a non-written rule in the security
community: it's better to go with full-disclosure for free.
the only exceptions are Mozilla and Google with their bug bounty
programs but oh well, they are pioneers.

anyway regarding this particular case of SCADA I didn't like the
behaviour of ICS-CERT at all.
this entity has the full power for handling the security research and
the communication between vendor and researcher with benefits
(knowledge, funds and credits) for both but simply does nothing as
resulted from the mails I exchanged with them covering all these
aspects... I even don't understand what should be its work at this point
except saying "there is a bug in this SCADA" and "now the vendor says
it's fixed".

> beyond tooting one's own horn and causing a panic state for the
> application vendor and users.

my mail was completely neutral and had no alarmism in it, I'm even
amazed that someone noticed it.
as usual the panic is generated by non-technician people or people who
have personal interests in speculating on the thing.

Bugtraq is a technical mailing-list for people in the security field and
in same cases its content may not be ready or correctly filtered for the
other people who could see risks that are different than the reality.

> Anyone who honestly believes that the "bad guys" are not watching the
> same lists where the "good guys" are communicating is operating far
> too close to a famous Egyptian river.

be sure that the "bad guys" are already aware of similar problems but
you can't know it.
if I can find these vulnerabilities in some hours without knowledge of
SCADA and with a motivation not much far from the "mah let's try this
program" imagine what can be done by how has strong motivation, time and

> IMHO, "public disclosure" only serves to increase the threat for the
> vendor's customers.

take the following consideration:
SCADA systems are intended to work in isolated private networks so
nobody except the authorized users should be able to even "ping" the
machines where are running the vulnerable softwares.
if this happens means that the security of the company has been already
compromised before.

now that the users of the vulnerable products are aware of the
vulnerabilities they can verify if their network is really safe like it
should be in any case and in the meantime they will wait the patches of
the vendors.

Luigi Auriemma

Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-23 Thread Mike Hoskins

On 3/23/11 9:46 AM, J. Oquendo wrote:

How about we reflect reality?

We can't honestly do that, we all only have our perception.  It's funny 
how we can get stuck in a trap of 0 and 1.

My perception is we'll always disagree on disclosure technique, or at 
least nitpick some minor detail into infinity like we do with politics 
or religion.  We're human after all.

That said, bugs exist whether we find them or not, every software has 
them, and if the author had never reported them that in no way implies 
they were not already known and/or being used for subversive means with 
the potential intent to cause harm.

I guess I'm oldsk00l enough to like responsible disclosure, but also 
anti-authoritarian enough (who's making the rules?  why are they god?) 
to believe this is not black and white.  Scare away those who disclose 
(regardless of method), and you're left with undisclosed vulnerabilities 
the bad guys with the most to gain ($$$ to invest in teams of 
hacke^H^H^Hengineers, not just script kiddies) still know about and can 
most effectively leverage.

I say the only bad disclosure is no disclosure.  If vendors can't move 
fast enough, they'll be usurped by those who can make better use of new 
processes and technologies to keep up with trends.

PS: Is this really "hot" now?  My only thought when I read the original 
post was "about time" -- SCADA has been known (as in publicly aired on 
broadcast television) to have many gaping vulnerabilities for at least a 
decade.  The (obviously bogus) justification was usually it's restricted 
deployment model.

Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-23 Thread Simple Nomad

On 03/23/2011 01:36 PM, J. Oquendo wrote:

You're flawed in your response: "Public exposure increases the
visibility, and therefore customersinstall the patches quicker." ...
When someone "full discloses" a vulnerability, there is no patch to
install quicker. This is obvious because there is no patch until either
the vendor releases one, or staff using the product are capable of
creating a work-around. In the case of the SCADA environment, we (again)
are not talking about the potential of a defacement, blue screen, silly
shell, we're talking about sensor, gears and often so much automation
that it would be absurd for a SCADA engineer to "go it alone" and try
create their own patch. Many of these systems don't have the option of
failing or being taken offline. You also state: "Without public
visibility, they will keep running the old code" the reality is, no one
is going to outright replace some of these systems in these
environments. These are not applications and or systems one can plop
onto donated boxes. They have no choice BUT to run the code.

Actually they have the choice to not run SCADA systems open to the 
Internet. If they are so critical that you are "playing with fire" like 
you mentioned in another email, why would they be accessible via script 
kiddie attack, or any remote over-the-tubes attack? Running SCADA 
systems open to the entire Internet is what I would call irresponsible.

At this point, it is academic anyway. The cat is out of the bag. Thanks 
Luigi, I at least know about these issues now.


Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-23 Thread Theo de Raadt
> On 3/23/2011 2:13 PM, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> >> If *any* threat exists,
> >> that threat is increased by public exposure of unmitigated attack
> >> methodology
> > I think you have it wrong.
> >
> > Public exposure increases the visibility, and therefore customers
> > install the patches quicker.
> >
> > Without public visibility, they will keep running the old code.
> You're flawed in your response: "Public exposure increases the
> visibility, and therefore customersinstall the patches quicker." ...
> When someone "full discloses" a vulnerability, there is no patch to
> install quicker.

With public involvement, the timeline goes a bit like this:

1 - Full disclosure
2 - Publically, the vendor looks bad to customers
3 - A fix is crafted immediately; tested rapidly, then released to
4 - Publically, customer and vendor would look bad if they did not
install the fix immediately -- as soon as it is available

I am very well aware of what is going on out there in industry:
Customers do not install patches unless they have to, because various
realities of the environment make it hard.  That does not make
deferring the repairs acceptable.  The public eye can help improve
this situation.

> This is obvious because there is no patch until either
> the vendor releases one, or staff using the product are capable of
> creating a work-around.

No, it is not obvious that no patch is available.  Quite often patches
or upgrades do exist, but it has not been deployed.  Sometimes the
SCADA vendor is responsible for trying to charge more, also.

> In the case of the SCADA environment, we (again)
> are not talking about the potential of a defacement, blue screen, silly
> shell, we're talking about sensor, gears and often so much automation
> that it would be absurd for a SCADA engineer to "go it alone" and try
> create their own patch. Many of these systems don't have the option of
> failing or being taken offline. You also state: "Without public
> visibility, they will keep running the old code" the reality is, no one
> is going to outright replace some of these systems in these
> environments. These are not applications and or systems one can plop
> onto donated boxes. They have no choice BUT to run the code.

Oh give me a break.  You are talking to me as if I am a child, which
means you don't know who I am.

The people involved in selling and re-selling these broken SCADA
system software are the children.  For financial or other reasons they
have assumed that the same "quality control failure leads to bugs
leads to exploits" game that has affected generations of software
would not apply to them.

It happened to the Unix environment.  Then it happened to the
Microsoft environment.  Then it happened to the Linux environment.
And then it happened to the browser environment.  Currently it is
happening to the cell phone environment.  You expect me to believe it
will not eventually happen to the SCADA environment?

And it does not make an ounce of difference how much the defenders of
the SCADA world whine about full disclosure being evil.  I expect a
surge of published exploits against SCADA software, and whining about
"full disclosure" will not stop it.  You might think you are all
creative with your arguments, but we've heard it all before.

And yes, I think someday soon we are going to start having the same
arguments about software in use at hospitals, and I think full
disclosure will happen about those too.  As it should.

Quality controls do not get strong until the risks are visible.  So go
ahead, talk about the risks but do not blame messengers.

Yes, with SCADA there is tremendous danger to our infrastructure -
from a safety perspective and from a financial perspective.  But is
the browser situation any different, for the public, if you total
potential financial losses?  (It is fair, a utility with a massive
SCADA failure would eventually socialize the losses after conversion
to dollars and cents).

If there is danger, why are the vendors not getting ahead of the
curve?  We know they are not getting ahead of the curve.  If you use
SCADA software, go read your contracts to gauge where the liability
lands.  I suspect you already know.  And I suspect all the people
arguing against full disclosure work on "that side" of the industry.

Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-23 Thread Kent Borg

J. Oquendo wrote:
At what point in time did you try contacting any of the vendors for 
these issues?

SCADA systems are infamous for being terribly insecure.  (You can search 
the internet for demonstration video of equipment catching fire because 
of such bugs.)  SCADA manufacturers seem to have a firewall mentality 
that excuses them from needing to be secure. 

I am not at all surprised to see these bugs, though I do cringe at how 
embarrassing they are.  Heaping some embarrassment on the vendors seems 
well deserved.

The downside to doing it publicly: Just because SCADA systems 
communicate with the public internet and so are directly or indirectly 
vulnerable doesn't mean the people who run them *intended* to hook them 
up to the internet nor are aware what wire got plugged in or thumbdrive 
transferred that made the bridge.  They probably think they are 
invulnerable, I bet the Iranians thought so.  The manufacturers might 
release a bug fix and customers (who discovered they have some equipment 
for which there is an upgrade), maybe won't think they need them.

Also, once I have my clothespin factory, or nuclear plant, up and 
running smoothly, how attractive is it to start applying "upgrades"?  
Should I validate them first on my testbed nuclear power plant?  It is 
hard to test a SCRAM adequately.  And if my vendor is so incompetent as 
to write so many security holes into the software in the first place, 
how much faith should I have in a different programmer, maybe years 
later, patching code s/he probably doesn't understand as well as the 
first sloppy programmer did.  And who gets this thankless task?  The 
senior programmer who is working on the new project that is already 
behind schedule, or the new guy?  Does the new guy fully understand the 
build procedure to even make all the parts correctly?  Do they even have 
good source code control to be sure they know what sources the old (and 
largely working version) was built from?  Are the upgrade procedures 
reliable and understood by the vendor and by the worker the customer 
will send out on the factory floor with a CD-ROM in hand?  (Will that 
worker stick the CD-ROM in the right slot and reboot the right box?) 


Would I install a stack of SCADA upgrades to *my* functioning factory?  
Maybe not.

Scary, scary stuff.

Security needs to be designed in, implemented carefully each step along 
the way, and reviewed.  Instead people with "security" in their job 
title so often seem to think security is firewalls, buying anti-virus 
support contracts, and requiring use of MS Outlook and Internet Explorer.

-kb, the Kent who will shut up now.

Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-24 Thread J. Oquendo
On 3/23/2011 11:27 AM, Kent Borg wrote:
> Would I install a stack of SCADA upgrades to *my* functioning
> factory?  Maybe not.
> Scary, scary stuff.
> Security needs to be designed in, implemented carefully each step
> along the way, and reviewed.  Instead people with "security" in their
> job title so often seem to think security is firewalls, buying
> anti-virus support contracts, and requiring use of MS Outlook and
> Internet Explorer.
> -kb, the Kent who will shut up now.

This is a big fact that many are overlooking. Regardless if the vendor
is a complete and utter moron, patches don't come easy for these
systems. Secondly, many of these systems are very old and are being
"propped' up by new software. There is no running out to deploy PLCs
that can fail because of a glitch.

Security wasn't a factor in the 50s, 60s, 70s and so on as it has become
now. No one foresaw that by even sending one too many ICMPs at a modbus
would crash it. THIS is the reality of SCADA systems. It has nothing to
do with "hiding the bugs hoping they will go away." It isn't about:
"they attacked Linux, then Windows, now SCADA" boo-hooisms. Completely
separate playing field.

Sure these need to be designed properly however the reality is, many of
these systems are old. Many of these systems control the quality of the
water we drink, the pollution leaving a plant, the power being
generated. This isn't: "release it... make em fix it fast... that'll
teach them." I wonder how the author would feel if say a water treatment
plant in his area was affected causing all the water around him to be toxic.


J. Oquendo

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to
ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things
differently." - Warren Buffett

42B0 5A53 6505 6638 44BB  3943 2BF7 D83F 210A 95AF

Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-24 Thread Pavel Kankovsky
On Mon, 21 Mar 2011, J. Oquendo wrote:

> Reality: Car manufacturer was never made aware of the issue. How do you
> propose a manufacturer fix an issue?

Due dilligence. If you sell a car that falls apart when someone pokes it
with a finger--or a piece of mission-critical software where someone with
a few days of free time to carry out "a quick experiment" and no prior
knowledge can find a dozen of security vulnerabilities (and do not warn 
your customers that it is absolutely necessary to operate the software in 
an isolated environment), you fail to exercise it in an epic way.

Pavel Kankovsky aka Peak  / Jeremiah 9:21\
"For death is come up into our MS Windows(tm)..." \ 21st century edition /

Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-24 Thread Jamie Riden
The correct time for vendors to do their own homework on SCADA was
2003 - that was the wakeup call. Anyone who has programmed for SCADA
has always wondered what would happen if they started poking
undocumented values into undocumented registers, but may not have the
luxury of trying it out.

Having been a security/network admin, there are many things that can
be done when you know of a vulnerability - snort sigs, snort flexible
response (thanks Jeff!), firewall configs, etc. I've done them before
when vulns have been published before patches, and it is much better
knowing that something is up than not. Do not rely on your vendor to
keep you up to date on security issues.


On 23 March 2011 18:36, J. Oquendo  wrote:
> On 3/23/2011 2:13 PM, Theo de Raadt wrote:
>>> If *any* threat exists,
>>> that threat is increased by public exposure of unmitigated attack
>>> methodology
>> I think you have it wrong.
>> Public exposure increases the visibility, and therefore customers
>> install the patches quicker.
>> Without public visibility, they will keep running the old code.
> You're flawed in your response: "Public exposure increases the
> visibility, and therefore customersinstall the patches quicker." ...
> When someone "full discloses" a vulnerability, there is no patch to
> install quicker. This is obvious because there is no patch until either
> the vendor releases one, or staff using the product are capable of
> creating a work-around. In the case of the SCADA environment, we (again)
> are not talking about the potential of a defacement, blue screen, silly
> shell, we're talking about sensor, gears and often so much automation
> that it would be absurd for a SCADA engineer to "go it alone" and try
> create their own patch. Many of these systems don't have the option of
> failing or being taken offline. You also state: "Without public
> visibility, they will keep running the old code" the reality is, no one
> is going to outright replace some of these systems in these
> environments. These are not applications and or systems one can plop
> onto donated boxes. They have no choice BUT to run the code.

Jamie Riden / /

Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-24 Thread Simple Nomad

On 03/23/2011 03:01 PM, Jim Harrison wrote:

BTW, now that you know about it and there is no defined mitigation, what
exactly*will*  you do about it?

This seems rather obvious, but

1. Ensure none of the affected SCADA systems are present on my work's 
network (BTW none are present on my home LAN).
2. Ensure that these systems, if they exist, are not accessible from 
either the Internet or even the local network where most of the users are.

(BTW those first two are a given as far as security 101 is concerned, 
the rest seem like common sense)

3. Use Luigi's advisories and POC to understand the nature of the 
4. Write custom IDS/IPS signatures to detect said vulnerabilities (not 
the exploits, big difference).
5. *If* these systems must, for whatever stupid reason, be attached to 
the regular LAN with the regular users, the IDS/IPS signatures will 
disallow the malicious connectivity they detect. If I am really 
paranoid, or feel that I cannot construct an adequate mitigation 
strategy that allows access, then all access is disallowed until a patch 
is available.
6. *If* the systems are not accessible, but in the future they have to 
be, for whatever stupid reason, I have some sigs and some steps I can take.

Is that perfect? No of course not. Can I sell this plan to upper 
management? Sure. All of the "bad" info is public, remember? Can I now 
lean on the vendor and bitch about how vulnerable we are? Absolutely.

I have worked at large corporations, done full/limited/responsible 
disclosure professionally and as a hobby, and have worked for vendors 
who sold security solutions and who have had bugs in their products 
reported to them. There is no solution for bug disclosure, period. 
Someone somewhere will get pissed off, and no matter what the "rules" 
are someone will break them.

The disclosure method is irrelevant actually. One learns to adapt 
quickly to new information whether "good" or "bad", or dies standing 
around bitching about something that didn't go their way they can't 
control anyway.


Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-24 Thread bugtraq
> > If *any* threat exists,
> > that threat is increased by public exposure of unmitigated attack
> > methodology
> I think you have it wrong.
> Public exposure increases the visibility, and therefore customers
> install the patches quicker.
> Without public visibility, they will keep running the old code.

Actually both are true.

More systems will be owned by these unmitigated issues since more attackers 
will be aware of their existence. While it is true
that others knew about these issues (always assume so), many more will know 
about them now, and more systems likely will be exploited. This was certainly 
the case when tavis published an unmitigated windows vuln .

To your point people who 'are paying attention' will patch once a patch is 
available, and others who wouldn't normally know
will see this in the news and become more aware of the issue/s. I don't think 
people on this list are arguing that
the public shouldn't be made aware of problems in these devices, they are 
arguing that POC shouldn't be published for
unmitigated issues as it doesn't benefit users.

If you can provide real world statistics to the list demonstrating proof that 
people are safer by being aware of unmitigated
threats with working PoC's, please send it to the list. I don't ask this to 
flame you, I think that this is data that people 
would be genuinely interested in learning from.

- Robert

Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-24 Thread Kent Borg

Simple Nomad wrote:
2. Ensure that these systems, if they exist, are not accessible from 
either the Internet or even the local network where most of the users 

Much easier said than done.

The really scary SCADA systems are small cogs in large facilities that 
have been been built up over the years.  New bits added now and then, 
old bits removed, things reconfigured.  How do they know whether they 
are connected to the larger internet?  And if they know one day how do 
they know a week later that no one plugged in something s/he shouldn't?  
("I just wanted to check my e-mail...")

I am not saying it is impossible to keep a network isolated, but when 
dealing with a big legacy system (maybe measured in acres/hectares) with 
lots of random personnel tempted to do random things, and other annoying 
daily requirements (manufacturing the clothespins, generating the 
power--whatever it is that pays the bills), it is hard to do everything 
necessary to mitigate all dangerous and poorly documented security 
decisions, some from many years ago.

And even if one is successful in being isolated, it sounds like Stuxnet 
didn't require a direct connection, I think it could spread the old 
fashioned way, via sneakernet.  How do you stop that?  (And then how do 
you apply a security fix from the responsible SCADA manufacturer?) 

As for encouraging creation and application of patches, say the 
responsible SCADA manufacturer sends a floppy (!) with a patch to your 
local, aging, nuclear power plant:

  Hmmm, we have three motor controllers that possibly match the model 
  they say this is for.  The one circulating the number one storage 
pool has an "-A"
  suffix that the others don't, and it isn't mentioned on the datasheet 
that came with
  floppy.  I phoned the manufacturer's help line and was told the patch 
is compatible.

What do *you* want them to do with that floppy...?

(I have no idea if nukes use computerized motor controllers--if not, 
substitute "chemical plant" or "oil refinery" or...)

Yes, one can be more stupid or more smart, I am all for the smart stuff, 
and lots of us know lots of smart stuff, but I fear some underestimate 
the difficulties with legacy SCADA.

-kb, the Kent who is willing to bet there are SCADA products available 
with features that require a connection to the public internet.

Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-24 Thread CJC

On 23/03/2011 6:13 PM, Theo de Raadt wrote:

If *any* threat exists,
that threat is increased by public exposure of unmitigated attack

I think you have it wrong.

Public exposure increases the visibility, and therefore customers
install the patches quicker.

Without public visibility, they will keep running the old code.

Whilst I understand the whole "stick it to the vendor argument", and now 
SCADA systems seem to be fair game to security researchers wanting to 
make a name for themselves in this high profile field.

A lot of people are failing to see the vendors customer side of things.  
Industrial Control Systems (ICS), SCADA users, historically have their 
focus on availability (you don`t want you 
electricity/water/petrocehmicals being cut now do you) and safety (no 
one want to die making sure you get your 
electricity/water/petrochemicals), and security was never an issue 
because the SCADA systems were air gapped and the security needs were 
different that IT security.  With Business pressures this air gap has 
gone away, but the original requirements of availability and safety 
still hold.  And whilst you can all say that scada systems are "broken" 
you are failing to understand what they are designed for and what the 
vendors and customers priorities are.

ICS/SCADA engineers also tend to be a wary and cautious lot particularly 
with changes to their systems, the last thing they need is a patch that 
breaks their functionality, and so even with patches a lot of testing 
takes place.

A SCADA system isn't something that you can simply run the equivalent of 
Windows Update, reboot the machine and all will be well.  Because the 
safety and availability requirements, upgrades can take a lot of 
planning and a lot of time to impliments.  I've heard of upgrades taking 
anything from a couple of hours to a couple of years!

Because no one wants their electricity cut off just to install the next 
round of patches.

Now obviously none of this is ideal, but with the issues of patch 
management within an ICS, full disclosure can cause a lot of problems 
that whilst the vendor could respond to quickly will cause a lot of 
grief for the end user, through no fault of their own, or the vendor.

Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-24 Thread Michal Zalewski
> A lot of people are failing to see the vendors customer side of things.
>  Industrial Control Systems (ICS), SCADA users, historically have their
> focus on availability (you don`t want you electricity/water/petrocehmicals
> being cut now do you) and safety (no one want to die making sure you get
> your electricity/water/petrochemicals), and security was never an issue
> because the SCADA systems were air gapped and the security needs were
> different that IT security.

Exactly the same arguments could have been brought up 15 years ago
against the then-disruptive and novel disclosure of vulnerabilities in
Unix systems or in Windows ("you can't just expect to shut down a bank
and roll out potentially disruptive security updates every week!"
coupled with "vendors certainly know what's best for us"). Back then,
commodity OSes have been designed insecurely because of similar
business considerations, and not because of malice.

The roots of BUGTRAQ are with the movement to end bug secrecy of that
era. It caused some pain, and also caused some significant long-term
improvements by convincing the public and the vendors that security is
something you simply can't afford not to care about.

Views on the cost / benefit balance of this process are varied, of
course, but knowing what I learned thanks to this process, I sure
wouldn't want to be using any of the operating systems available back


Re: Vulnerabilities in some SCADA server softwares

2011-03-25 Thread Willy Tarreau
On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 02:36:38PM -0400, J. Oquendo wrote:
> On 3/23/2011 2:13 PM, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> >> If *any* threat exists,
> >> that threat is increased by public exposure of unmitigated attack
> >> methodology
> > I think you have it wrong.
> >
> > Public exposure increases the visibility, and therefore customers
> > install the patches quicker.
> >
> > Without public visibility, they will keep running the old code.
> You're flawed in your response: "Public exposure increases the
> visibility, and therefore customersinstall the patches quicker." ...
> When someone "full discloses" a vulnerability, there is no patch to
> install quicker.

That does not change the fact that the bug might already have been
exploited for a long time. Without the disclosure, the vendor has
the possibility to guess that it's not the case and take a long time
to fix it. After the disclosure, this possibility vanishes and he has
to work for a fix.

Also, if vulnerabilities were waiting for disclosure to be exploited
in such environments, Stuxnet would not have existed *before* Luigi's
post, only after. Recent facts have proven you wrong here.

Granted now there's emergency and we'll possibly get poor quality
patches or workarounds in the first time. At least if some of these
vulns are currently actively being exploited, we can expect those
exploits to quickly stop from now on.
