Re: [CAF] Proposed 0.27 release of CAF

2005-12-09 Thread Michael Graham

I wish I had time to install this and play around with it, but I don't.
Thanks to Rick for putting in the work for this release!  I agree with
Matt that this is still Alpha software (as listed at the top of the
docs), so we should release early and release often.

However, I have two minor points that I brought up before.

First off, for the test scripts, I don't think the test SQLite database
should be stored in blib.  That directory belongs to Module::Build, and
the test scripts should stay out of it.

The issue is that the test sqlite_db file is under the control of
perforce, right?  Can't we make a directory like t/tmp and then tell
perforce to ignore it?  Then we can put all our temporary files there:
the database, the session files, the logfile etc.

If the issue is automatic cleanup, then we should make a script called 
99-teardown.t which can remove the temp directory and everything in it.  

But since we're not cleaning up any of our our session files or logfiles 
at the moment either, I don't think that the need for cleanup needs to
block the issue of where to put the SQLite database.

For now we should copy it to t/tmp/sqlite_db and deal with the cleanup
issues later.

Secondly, in copy_database() (in t/  the use of `pwd` is
not cross-platform safe:

-e $db or die `pwd` . $db;

This should be changed to something like this (untested):

use Cwd;
-e $db or die getcwd . $db;


Michael Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

caf mailing list

Re: [CAF] Proposed 0.27 release of CAF

2005-12-09 Thread G. Matthew Rice
Richard Dice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This is a fairly significant release as it has patches in it from Rick
> Delaney regarding the creation of no-login-required interaction.  I've been
> sitting on these for a few weeks without time to test, review, ruminate,
> etc.  But I figure that's it's unfair of me to keep myself forever on the
> critical path, so I'm going to ask the rest of you to take a look, give it
> a try, and let me know how it seems.  If I get enough positive feedback
> I'll upload to CPAN.

Definitely release early and often.  It's still a 0.x release so people
should be willing to take that into account.
g. matthew rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   starnix, toronto, ontario, ca
phone: 647.722.5301 x242  gpg id: EF9AAD20  professional linux services & products
caf mailing list

[CAF] Proposed 0.27 release of CAF

2005-12-09 Thread Richard Dice

Hi everyone...

Here is a link to a tentative 0.27 tarball, for your review and testing.

This is a fairly significant release as it has patches in it from Rick Delaney
regarding the creation of no-login-required interaction.  I've been sitting on
these for a few weeks without time to test, review, ruminate, etc.  But I figure
that's it's unfair of me to keep myself forever on the critical path, so I'm
going to ask the rest of you to take a look, give it a try, and let me know how
it seems.  If I get enough positive feedback I'll upload to CPAN.

Rick is on this list so if anyone has questions I'm sure he'll be able to help
you out.


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