Re: Important topic ::derived fields in model ?

2006-05-31 Thread AD7six

A Model represents a table, I don't see how a table could be better
encapsulated. Try the link to the manual chapter I put in my previous
post ;).



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Re: Important topic ::derived fields in model ?

2006-05-31 Thread pat

Hi Ad7six,
OK, yep we can do this but for me it seems a little un-intuitive.

I'm a bit new to this. Is it possible you can expand on reponse:
what is it about Models that will save the day?  :-^


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Re: Important topic ::derived fields in model ?

2006-05-31 Thread AD7six

Hi Patrick,

pat wrote:
> How can create set/getter fields in my model that do not exist in the
> database?
You can modify the data in the model afterFind method.

> For example, I have field "downloadRatebps" in a table, I would like to
> do display and updates of this in Kbps (Kilo bits per second). As it
> stands, this does not appear to be an easy task.
with the beforeSave model method you can transparently change the value
before it is set in the DB table; With the afterFind you can
transparently change it to be Kbps before it is received by the

> As I see it, the issue may be more-so that there is no OO
> encapusulation of our tables (that I know of), hence no ability to
> extend the properties of our records.
Models :)



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Important topic ::derived fields in model ?

2006-05-31 Thread pat

I've seen a few posts about this but no real concensus on a solution:

How can create set/getter fields in my model that do not exist in the
For example, I have field "downloadRatebps" in a table, I would like to
do display and updates of this in Kbps (Kilo bits per second). As it
stands, this does not appear to be an easy task.

As I see it, the issue may be more-so that there is no OO
encapusulation of our tables (that I know of), hence no ability to
extend the properties of our records.

I would like to have serious discussion on a good approach for this. As
it stands, I haven't used CakePHP long enough to have good handle on
MVC approach. Perhaps that's part of the issue - MVC is data oriented
not object oriented?

any thoughts?


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2006-05-31 Thread monty

after playing around with the redirect function
i figured out that to redirect to a method within the same
controller you put

is there a way to redirect to a method within the same
controller without specifying the controller name?
ie, defaults to the current controller by default.

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Please help with Ajax controller method

2006-05-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

First, I have tried the documentation, but I'm still lost.

I'm running the 1.0 version, so I know I need to upgrade, let me know
if that is part of my problem.

I have a controller method that will only be used for Ajax calls.  I
need one method that will return JSON formatted data.  I need another
to return html.

I have my own json helper that converts an array to JSON
I tried this for my JSON version:

class MyappController extends AppController
var $components = array('RequestHandler');
var $helpers = array('Json');

function getdata()
 // this next line just gets data from the database and creates a
standard key/val array
then I have a getdata.thml view:


This never works, I get nothing in my Ajax.Request call, and if I visit
the URL in the browser, I get an empty layout, meaning I get my html
header and footer files but nothing in the content area.

So, my basic question is, what is  the 'bare Ajax layout' mentioned in
the Request Handler Component documentation?

How do I make a method that only is used to return HTML/data when
How do I make a method that returns JSON data when rendered.

Any help is appreciated.


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Re: Convert all files to Utf-8 encode,some errors occured

2006-05-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RosSoft 写道:

> You've a UTF-8 BOM at file app/webroot/index.php
> Use another editor to remove it

Yes,there is a UTF-8 BOM "FE FF",But I use ultraedit-32 can't del that

And I think it may be not the reason,because (for example),we suppose
the cake  program first excute index.php, then include and excute
paths.php ,then include and excute bootstrap.php,then some controller
,suppose that it's managerController.php;
if the file encoding is:
index.php ansi
paths.php ansi
bootstrap.php utf-8
managerController.php utf-8

under that file encoding settings,it will say
Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at
/var/www/html/source_code2/app/webroot/bootstrap.php:1) in
/var/www/html/source_code2/cake/libs/session.php on line 131

if the file encoding is:
index.php ansi
paths.php utf-8
bootstrap.php utf-8
managerController.php utf-8

under that file encoding settings,it will say
Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at
/var/www/html/source_code2/app/webroot/paths.php:1) in
/var/www/html/source_code2/cake/libs/session.php on line 131

if the file encoding is:
index.php utf-8
paths.php utf-8
bootstrap.php utf-8
managerController.php utf-8

under that file encoding settings,it will say
Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at
/var/www/html/source_code2/app/webroot/index.php:1) in
/var/www/html/source_code2/cake/libs/session.php on line 131

All together,the first file which is using utf-8 encoding will output
first,so I asked "Is the app/webroot/index.php the first file excuted
in cake?"

But may you are right:all utf-8 encoding file output a BOM,the first
utf-8 file output first,how can I kill the BOM!!

Thanks RosSoft!

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Re: Installation path

2006-05-31 Thread gwoo

if you use the methods in the HtmlHelper class it will be added  
for example:

otherwise you can always use $this->base or $this->webroot

Bake on.

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Re: Need hints for getting started with my own web-application

2006-05-31 Thread Aaron Barnes
Hi all,Following along the same lines as Sven, I am creating a Cake application, and wish to seperate the admin by giving it it's own subdomain. I have setup the routes configuration file to set routes depending on the $_SESSION['SERVER_NAME'] variable, but the default setting of attempting to route all other URI's to /method/action is causing some grief.
Is there any way to turn off this default behaviour and for URI's to only link to somewhere if a route has been set for it? I could not find anything in the manual page for Routes, so I ask here.Also, is it possible to add multiple validation regex's with seperate fail flags for a single input field? I would like to offer a more helpful error message to my users, rather than just a generic fail message. For example, on regex to check the "username" length, and another to check for unsafe characters - and to offer a different error message for each.
If multiple validation regex's are not already available I may attempt to add this functionality and submit it for review and maybe adding to the code base?Thanks in advance for any help - keep up the good work!
Aaron BarnesOn 6/1/06, Sven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks for your reply!> Cake has a define in core.php that creates an admin route.> What this allows you to do is keep all code for an object in one class.>> Adding the route would work like this.
>>'m going to check if this will fit my needs.Sven
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Re: Installation path

2006-05-31 Thread antonienko

gwoo escribió:
> just copy the contents of the app directory into any subdirectory.
> Make sure you get the htaccess file, which could be hidden. Then
> change the CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH to point to your "cake" directory.
> Assuming you have mod_rewrite, everything should go just fine.

>From what I understand, the CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH is the path to the
cake framework, not the base url to my application. I think that I
didn't explain my problem quite well...

Let's suppose I have my application installed on the webroot directory
of my local server: http://localhost

Here, if I want to link to the add action of the blog controller, I
should link to '/blog/add'... right?

What happens if I want to move my application to
http://localhost/cakeapp ? Should I change all the references to
'/cakeapp/blog/add'? Or is there any config variable where I could set
the base url, and changing only this variable the work is done?

Thanks for you help

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Re: #5 Reasons that make Acl difficult

2006-05-31 Thread Gustavo Carreno

  When I looked at my RSS unread items I first thought: "Darn, another
'fundamentally flawed' thread to ignore!!!"
  I was WRONG!! Both Felix and John had the maturity to iron out what
was on their mind and gave Kace a big lesson on how to expose that
efemerous 'fundamentally flawed' thinguy.

On a more 'On topic' sense, I'm gonna be heartly appreciative to both
when, either, the manual or those articles come up, cuz the ACL is
something thas has been keeping me worried and had me avoiding it for
a while.
< If you know Red Hat you know Red Hat,
If you know Slackware you know Linux >

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Re: Social Relationships?

2006-05-31 Thread Nick

Thank you everyone!

Using a combination of: nate's hasAndBelongsToMany tip (something I
should've noticed in the manual) and PhpNut's upgrade suggestion I got
my social networking issues resolved.

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Re: beforeFilter() and requestAction()

2006-05-31 Thread John Zimmerman [gmail]
I re-read the thread and though I would clarify that I am trying to create access control for the requestAction instead of bypassing the beforeFilter for requestAction.On 5/31/06, 
John Zimmerman [gmail] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
@Gonçalo MarrafaI am currently working on rolling my own auth system which is also role based.  I am addressing action based permissions right now.  I am not sure if it will solve your requestAction problem from another controller as I have not made it that far yet, but I have a feeling that it will.
Also, have you looked at rdAuth to see if that will be able to work like you want (or at least be modified to do so?).My code for my auth system is incomplete at this point and is not made into an easy component, but if you are interested I can email you what I am currently working on at the end of the day.
If it solves your problem you can post a snippet or something and then post a link to it in the group.On 5/31/06, 
RosSoft <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:$this->name : it has current controller name,

$this->action  it has current action name

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Re: #5 Reasons that make Acl difficult

2006-05-31 Thread John David Anderson

On May 31, 2006, at 1:16 PM, the_undefined wrote:

> Hi John,
> well you are right, this article is not directly a "how to work with
> acl"-kind-of-article.*But*, I do
> think that some of the stuff covered in there can help people that are
> stuck at one or another
> point when dealing with Acl. The problem about Acl and support through
> Irc / the List is, that
> Acl problems are sometimes long, complex and difficult to explain. For
> that reason I have choosen
> to write a blog entry summing up the ones I had and to explain how I
> approached them.

I can see that. It suppose it can work as some initial notes to help  
me see where people aren't getting things...

> Example 1: I think one can figure out that the Acl classes are Models
> by himself, but I figured that
> no explanation would be needed if we would use them like such. Just
> some request for KISS.

Maybe I can try to make the usage cases more clear.

> Example 2: I think complaining about the Wiki is valid as long as
> official documentation is rare. But
> in general I agree.

Complaining about the wiki is no longer valid: you've all been  
warned! ;)

> But when it comes to user_id I disagree. It is the
> only other way besides the alias
> to identify Aro elements (If I'm not completly wrong), therefor those
> id's have to be unique, and should
> not correspond to the ones of foreign models because if you use
> multiple models they could overlap!

AR/CO's both have unique identifiers that are auto incremented. Look  
at the table structure, and you'll see it. You need to look at the  
user/object_id as a foreign key. The alias is just there for  
convenience, so that when your structuring your ACLs, you don't just  
have to stare at numbers.

> Example 3: Well I guess I needed material to make a point ...? ; )

Sensationalist! ;) For real, though, please don't rely on the wiki.  
Its bad mojo.

> Reason #3: I hear what you are saying and I agree. But, how do I work
> it out for multiple models? All
> the Acl functions right now don't take model as a param making it only
> useful when working with 1 Model.

Not sure what you're asking here: sorry.

> Reason #4: Why do we organize things in a tree? Because it's a logical
> hierarchy that's easy to under-
> stand for others. So we also want to show those Aco & Aro trees in our
> app, and in order to that, we need to
> work with MPTT, or did I miss some existing functions for that? Is
> there a core function for retrieving an mptt
> tree as an nested array?


Its the parent class for both AROs and ACOs. Its a good place to  
start, at least.

> Reason #5: As I said, this little writing was about why I (and  
> probably
> others) struggle with their first Acl implementation.
> I think it's useful by showing wrong path's from a users perspective
> and showing a couple ways to omit them. And
> like I said in my last lines, I intend to publish 2-3 articles that  
> are
> actually going to show "how to use acl" and not the
> opposite ; ).

I'd like to see that in the Bakery.

> Maybe we can organize it so I write some of it directly
> for the cakephp manual and take out some of the spicy
> stuff for the weblog. How does that sound?

Sounds good to me. Any help is always appreciated.

> And before I forget: Thanks for reading this huge piece of Acl
> complaints, I appreciate that ; ).

Thanks for a level headed response. My initial message was written in  
a bit of a bad mood, so the appreciation is likewise.

-- John

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Re: #5 Reasons that make Acl difficult

2006-05-31 Thread the_undefined

Hi John,

well you are right, this article is not directly a "how to work with
acl"-kind-of-article.*But*, I do
think that some of the stuff covered in there can help people that are
stuck at one or another
point when dealing with Acl. The problem about Acl and support through
Irc / the List is, that
Acl problems are sometimes long, complex and difficult to explain. For
that reason I have choosen
to write a blog entry summing up the ones I had and to explain how I
approached them.

Now, "John Zimmermann" asked why I don't update the wiki. The reasons
for that are simple:
I think the wiki is full of old and incorrect information and
determined to be removed soon. So
meanwhile I don't think I'm good enough with Acl yet to contribute to
the official documentation
and I needed a place to share my current state of enlightenment *g*.

Let me comment on your comments real quick:

Example 1: I think one can figure out that the Acl classes are Models
by himself, but I figured that
no explanation would be needed if we would use them like such. Just
some request for KISS.

Example 2: I think complaining about the Wiki is valid as long as
official documentation is rare. But
in general I agree. But when it comes to user_id I disagree. It is the
only other way besides the alias
to identify Aro elements (If I'm not completly wrong), therefor those
id's have to be unique, and should
not correspond to the ones of foreign models because if you use
multiple models they could overlap!

Example 3: Well I guess I needed material to make a point ...? ; )

Reason #3: I hear what you are saying and I agree. But, how do I work
it out for multiple models? All
the Acl functions right now don't take model as a param making it only
useful when working with 1 Model.

Reason #4: Why do we organize things in a tree? Because it's a logical
hierarchy that's easy to under-
stand for others. So we also want to show those Aco & Aro trees in our
app, and in order to that, we need to
work with MPTT, or did I miss some existing functions for that? Is
there a core function for retrieving an mptt
tree as an nested array?

Reason #5: As I said, this little writing was about why I (and probably
others) struggle with their first Acl implementation.
I think it's useful by showing wrong path's from a users perspective
and showing a couple ways to omit them. And
like I said in my last lines, I intend to publish 2-3 articles that are
actually going to show "how to use acl" and not the
opposite ; ). Maybe we can organize it so I write some of it directly
for the cakephp manual and take out some of the spicy
stuff for the weblog. How does that sound?

And before I forget: Thanks for reading this huge piece of Acl
complaints, I appreciate that ; ).

--Felix aka the_undefined

John David Anderson wrote:
> Since most of the article directly references stuff I've worked on,
> let me comment a bit:
> First and foremost, I want to come out and say, that the wiki is
> *not* official documentation. Its a wiki. Its days are numbered, and
> will personally burn an effigy of the wiki when it meets its maker in
> the coming weeks/months. Use it at your own risk, people.
> Example 1
> The manual explains that dbACL is made up of "a set of core models."
> "These models are used by Cake"...  etc. Its all in section three. Do
> a search in the manual for "model" in that chapter, and you'll see
> that it's everywhere. Point taken about the uses(), though. Maybe I
> assumed that people would know if you want to use a model that's not
> a controller's model, you need to use uses(), but I can see how that
> would be hard to come by for newcomers.
> Example 2
> Yeah, the wiki is wrong. It seems a little funny for someone to
> complain about the verity of a wiki page because for one, they have
> full power to change it. The user_id/link_id field allows you to
> hitch your ACL objects to real models. Its not for unique
> identification of the actual node itself. I'm not even sure what the
> rant is here, but I think you've missed the point of the user_id field.
> Example 3
> Yet another bad wiki example. Seeing a pattern with the wiki? Why are
> you still referring to it?
> Reason #3
> Um, the user_id isn't supposed to auto_increment because it is used
> as a link to another table. Its a normal foreign key to another model
> in your app. Same goes with object_id.
> ACL is a structure that sits completely separate from your other
> data. By leaving those fields in, you can tie a given ACO/ARO to an
> actual model in your application. I think most of the frustration
> you've encountered is because of a misunderstanding about how the
> system works. Maybe I haven't explained it well enough. : /
> Reason #4
> Why should you care how the data is stored and retrieved, as long as
> it is working well? This is a framework after all, and part of the
> advantage is you don't have to know the ins and outs of the guts in
> order to make magic with it. You don't have 

Re: View Comes Up without layout

2006-05-31 Thread nate

The most likely scenario is a fatal error somewhere in your action.
One thing this can be caused by is trying to use a helper that you
haven't included in your controller.  I'd double-check the source code
of the page in the browser.

If that's not it, paste your view code here, and we'll try to help
figure it out.

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Re: #5 Reasons that make Acl difficult

2006-05-31 Thread John David Anderson

Since most of the article directly references stuff I've worked on,  
let me comment a bit:

First and foremost, I want to come out and say, that the wiki is  
*not* official documentation. Its a wiki. Its days are numbered, and  
will personally burn an effigy of the wiki when it meets its maker in  
the coming weeks/months. Use it at your own risk, people.

Example 1

The manual explains that dbACL is made up of "a set of core models."  
"These models are used by Cake"...  etc. Its all in section three. Do  
a search in the manual for "model" in that chapter, and you'll see  
that it's everywhere. Point taken about the uses(), though. Maybe I  
assumed that people would know if you want to use a model that's not  
a controller's model, you need to use uses(), but I can see how that  
would be hard to come by for newcomers.

Example 2

Yeah, the wiki is wrong. It seems a little funny for someone to  
complain about the verity of a wiki page because for one, they have  
full power to change it. The user_id/link_id field allows you to  
hitch your ACL objects to real models. Its not for unique  
identification of the actual node itself. I'm not even sure what the  
rant is here, but I think you've missed the point of the user_id field.

Example 3

Yet another bad wiki example. Seeing a pattern with the wiki? Why are  
you still referring to it?

Reason #3

Um, the user_id isn't supposed to auto_increment because it is used  
as a link to another table. Its a normal foreign key to another model  
in your app. Same goes with object_id.

ACL is a structure that sits completely separate from your other  
data. By leaving those fields in, you can tie a given ACO/ARO to an  
actual model in your application. I think most of the frustration  
you've encountered is because of a misunderstanding about how the  
system works. Maybe I haven't explained it well enough. : /

Reason #4

Why should you care how the data is stored and retrieved, as long as  
it is working well? This is a framework after all, and part of the  
advantage is you don't have to know the ins and outs of the guts in  
order to make magic with it. You don't have to know *anything* about  
MPTT to use ACL like a pro.

Reason #5

Bugs are best reported to trac if you have them. I suppose that goes  
without saying. I realize you cover that in your article, but... you  
can spend a few hours writing up a section because you got mad, or  
you can log in to trac or IRC to actually help out. This project  
lives on user contribution, and I'm not sure how this article  
contributes to the project.

I'm really open and willing to make some improvements here, but  
writing an article out of anger rather than going through the correct  
channels is definitely a less effective use of time. I'd be glad to  
put some of that writing urge to use in the manual ;)

-- John

On May 31, 2006, at 11:31 AM, the_undefined wrote:

> I just wrote a good sized article about my experiences with CakePHP  
> and
> Acl that has a list of 5 things that I believe make it very difficult
> for most people, when trying to get their first Acl experience.
> So in order to prevent other people from going through the same issues
> I thought it would be appropriate to send out a little notice to the
> group.
> The article can be found over at:
> --Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
> >

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Re: #5 Reasons that make Acl difficult

2006-05-31 Thread John Zimmerman [gmail]
And thanks for writing the article..On 5/31/06, John Zimmerman [gmail] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I believe you can update the wiki with that information too.Keeping the wiki up to date will help.
On 5/31/06, the_undefined <

[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:I just wrote a good sized article about my experiences with CakePHP and
Acl that has a list of 5 things that I believe make it very difficultfor most people, when trying to get their first Acl experience.So in order to prevent other people from going through the same issues

I thought it would be appropriate to send out a little notice to thegroup.The article can be found over at: Geisendörfer aka the_undefined

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Re: #5 Reasons that make Acl difficult

2006-05-31 Thread John Zimmerman [gmail]
I believe you can update the wiki with that information too.Keeping the wiki up to date will help.On 5/31/06, the_undefined <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:I just wrote a good sized article about my experiences with CakePHP and
Acl that has a list of 5 things that I believe make it very difficultfor most people, when trying to get their first Acl experience.So in order to prevent other people from going through the same issues
I thought it would be appropriate to send out a little notice to thegroup.The article can be found over at: Geisendörfer aka the_undefined

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Re: View Comes Up without layout

2006-05-31 Thread gwoo

>>  $this->render('savebook', $defaultLayout);

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Re: fundamental dispatcher strategy flawed?

2006-05-31 Thread John Zimmerman [gmail]
For the sake of productive discussions I suggest we let this thread die.The more time that is spent on this thread the less time is spent trying to solve "solvable" problems in other threads.Life will go on.  So will Cake.
On 5/31/06, bkuhns || (crash) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kace wrote:"A textbook hello-world app does not work when the action name wascalled "list", but works with another name "lists". Whose fault?Perhaps PHP"If you've been using PHP long enough to develop a few sites/apps
*without* cakePHP, you should have come across the lovely list() [ ] function which will take enumerated values froman array and place them into variables for you. Even in traditional
development without cakePHP, you would never create your own list()function since it already exists. This is perhaps a flaw of PHP becauseof the lack of namespaces for the core functions, but it also adds to
PHP's ease of use.Cake is not wrong for this, it's something you just shouldn't do in PHPeven without a framework. Most PHP developers would know this and wouldrefrain, but clearly you don't have the experience; which is fine, but
you went about your original message the wrong way.Just because you don't understand both the language and the frameworkdoesn't mean the system is flawed. Obviously nothing is perfect, andyes both Cake and PHP have their flaws, but by understanding your
environment you can walk around most of these problems. It's not a bigdeal to write a specific route for yourself, and it's more of a deal torequire every other cakePHP developer to start putting something like
"action_" in front of every single one of their action methods. Theissue you have is not a design flaw with Cake because the majority ofdevelopers are not affected, and the ones who are have a very simple
configuration available to resolve the problem.I don't work on Cake, and I haven't even been using MVC for very long,but as gwoo said, it's very easy to see you went about discussing thisthe wrong way. The community has been good to me, and if you submit
your development insights in the appropriate place with the correctdemeanor, I'm sure your suggestions will be considered with open arms.

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View Comes Up without layout

2006-05-31 Thread De La Groove

hello, i have a function in a controller who saves the information, it
has a related view, but after saving, only the message comes up without
the layout of all pages, idont know if i have to something rather than
please help me

if ($this->Booking->save($this->data))

if ($this->User->save($data_user)){

$defaultLayout  = $this->layout;

//Send email
$this->layout = 'email';
$this->set('data', $this->data);

$this->Email->headers = 
"Content-type: text/plain;
$this->Email->to = $email_to;
$this->Email->from = '[EMAIL 
$this->Email->subject = 
'Booking Information';
$this->Email->thtml = 
$this->Email->controller = 

'mail sent');
$this->set('sent', '1');

$this->set('message', 'Oops. 
mail not sent');


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Re: fundamental dispatcher strategy flawed?

2006-05-31 Thread bkuhns || (crash)

Kace wrote:
"A textbook hello-world app does not work when the action name was
called "list", but works with another name "lists". Whose fault?
Perhaps PHP"

If you've been using PHP long enough to develop a few sites/apps
*without* cakePHP, you should have come across the lovely list() [ ] function which will take enumerated values from
an array and place them into variables for you. Even in traditional
development without cakePHP, you would never create your own list()
function since it already exists. This is perhaps a flaw of PHP because
of the lack of namespaces for the core functions, but it also adds to
PHP's ease of use.

Cake is not wrong for this, it's something you just shouldn't do in PHP
even without a framework. Most PHP developers would know this and would
refrain, but clearly you don't have the experience; which is fine, but
you went about your original message the wrong way.

Just because you don't understand both the language and the framework
doesn't mean the system is flawed. Obviously nothing is perfect, and
yes both Cake and PHP have their flaws, but by understanding your
environment you can walk around most of these problems. It's not a big
deal to write a specific route for yourself, and it's more of a deal to
require every other cakePHP developer to start putting something like
"action_" in front of every single one of their action methods. The
issue you have is not a design flaw with Cake because the majority of
developers are not affected, and the ones who are have a very simple
configuration available to resolve the problem.

I don't work on Cake, and I haven't even been using MVC for very long,
but as gwoo said, it's very easy to see you went about discussing this
the wrong way. The community has been good to me, and if you submit
your development insights in the appropriate place with the correct
demeanor, I'm sure your suggestions will be considered with open arms.

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#5 Reasons that make Acl difficult

2006-05-31 Thread the_undefined

I just wrote a good sized article about my experiences with CakePHP and
Acl that has a list of 5 things that I believe make it very difficult
for most people, when trying to get their first Acl experience.

So in order to prevent other people from going through the same issues
I thought it would be appropriate to send out a little notice to the

The article can be found over at:

--Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined

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Re: beforeFilter() and requestAction()

2006-05-31 Thread John Zimmerman [gmail]
@Gonçalo MarrafaI am currently working on rolling my own auth system which is also role based.  I am addressing action based permissions right now.  I am not sure if it will solve your requestAction problem from another controller as I have not made it that far yet, but I have a feeling that it will.
Also, have you looked at rdAuth to see if that will be able to work like you want (or at least be modified to do so?).My code for my auth system is incomplete at this point and is not made into an easy component, but if you are interested I can email you what I am currently working on at the end of the day.
If it solves your problem you can post a snippet or something and then post a link to it in the group.On 5/31/06, RosSoft <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:$this->name : it has current controller name,
$this->action  it has current action name
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Re: beforeFilter() and requestAction()

2006-05-31 Thread RosSoft

$this->name : it has current controller name,
$this->action  it has current action name

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beforeFilter() and requestAction()

2006-05-31 Thread Gonçalo Marrafa


I'm using the beforeFilter() method to check permissions in controllers,
based on roles (each controller checks if the role of the user can access
the requested action). 

If in a controller A (that only users with role A can access) i want to
call a method of controller B (that only users can access), using
requestAction(), i will get a "permission denied" error because the check
is made in beforeFiler()!

Is there a way of using requestAction(), bypassing beforeFilter()? Or a
way of checking in beforeFilter() if the controller/action is being
requested directly or through requestAction()?.

Thanks in advance.

Gonçalo Marrafa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: public Model::order ?

2006-05-31 Thread nate

The 1.0 branch of the code is closed for new features right now, but if
you go to, you can open an Enhancement or RFC
ticket for the 2.0 milestone.

It is certainly a feature I would consider adding.

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Re: javascript question

2006-05-31 Thread nate

You can use JavascriptHelper::escapeScript or
JavascriptHelper::escapeString in your views:

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Re: Need hints for getting started with my own web-application

2006-05-31 Thread Sven

Thanks for your reply!

> Cake has a define in core.php that creates an admin route.
> What this allows you to do is keep all code for an object in one class.
> Adding the route would work like this.

I'm going to check if this will fit my needs.


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Re: fundamental dispatcher strategy flawed?

2006-05-31 Thread gwoo

No one is averse to design discussions, but you came at it from the  
wrong angle. You did not ask why the dispatcher was designed the way  
it is. You came out and said it was flawed. This approach rarely wins  
you any followers. I believe I answered pretty clearly in very early  
on in this thread warning you that you were approaching the  
discussion from a place that could piss people off.

-"Mathematically one counter-example is all it takes to "disprove" a  
but the point is that your example does not work because there is an  
optional route you can use. Again, why prefix everything when there  
are few reserved words?

In any case, we have an RFC procedure on  
that is reserved for design discussions. Its pretty simple, you  
submit a ticket marked RFC and someone replies to it. The google  
group is not where development takes place. BTW, We are working on  
2.0 which reworks some of 1.0 and adds much more. Constructive  
criticism is welcome, but the approach is as important as the  
content. Do not tell people who work extremely hard and have spent a  
tremendous amount of time thinking about the design that they are  
flawed, when you yourself just joined the list the day of your first  
post and the time you spent inspecting the framework is only a week.  
It will not get you very far.

Good Luck.

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Re: javascript question

2006-05-31 Thread RosSoft

there's one method at javascript helper something like "safe_string" .
it adds slashes to the string,
then you can do a $('element').value = ""

It will be replaced by $('element').value= "my\nvalue".

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javascript question

2006-05-31 Thread Fernando

Javascript question :(

Well, I use ajax to set some value to a textarea...

$('element').value = 'myvalue';

but, if my value contain "\n" caracter, it not works,

not that "\n" comes from my database..


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Re: Need hints for getting started with my own web-application

2006-05-31 Thread Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut
Sven, There is no reason to separate an application into user side / admin side.Cake has a define in core.php that creates an admin route.What this allows you to do is keep all code for an object in one class.
Adding the route would work like would mean inside of PostsController you would havefunction admin_index()
{// add logic here and callbacks for authentication etc...//view would be app/views/posts/admin_index.thtml}Another suggestion I have, look at some of the code from a cakeforge project, it will give you a better idea of where to start.
-- /*** @author Larry E. Masters* @var string $userName* @param string $realName* @returns string aka PhpNut* @access  public*/

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Need hints for getting started with my own web-application

2006-05-31 Thread Sven

Hi there!

I've just started using cakephp, went through some tutorials and tried
out things like scaffolding and so on.
Now I want to develop my own app and therefor need some tipps for the
following things:
- What is the best directory structure for an application using a
separated "admin"-area
that should be accessed via "";?
- A request to ""; should show an starting-page with
a navigation-menu. All subpages will be located in my "app"-folder e.g.
a blog. Now all my urls should look like "";.
What do I have to do to reach that?
- Do I need to change the "index.php" located in the cake-root?
- And what about the layout-files? I want to implement my menu only one
time, but how?

I know these are a lot of questions and my english isn't very good, but
I hope someone has got some hints for me how to get started best.

Thanks and regards,

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Re: /*+*+*+*+*+*/ ''' Paraíso Tecnológico ''' /*+*+*+*+*+*/

2006-05-31 Thread % Didac



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Re: fundamental dispatcher strategy flawed?

2006-05-31 Thread Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut
Did you read my post?If you would have approached this originally with some respect I think you would have received a better welcome.As I stated before, I do not reply to this mail list often, as I am busy working on the project full time. And when I saw your attacks on this list it pissed me off, so step back take a breath and think before posting here.
You where given the correct ways to deal with these reserved words, that is the proper way to do it, not by adding a prefix to a method name. Convention over configuration, would say do not use the word list if you know it is reserved. And if you must then this falls outside of above concept, since you are doing something the language would not normally allow anyway.
So this is not a flaw in the dispatcher, I WILL REPEAT AGAIN, it is not a flaw in the design of the dispatcher.I am on the IRC channel almost 24 hrs a day so stop in there and discuss this.
-- /*** @author Larry E. Masters* @var string $userName* @param string $realName* @returns string aka PhpNut* @access  public*/ 
This will be my last post on this thread.  Rational discussions simplydon't seem to register in this forum.To John, thanks for the first clear-headed response.  Yes everyoneshould do whatever he or she prefers, and not try to convince anyone
else.  It was my mistake to think I could discuss a design issuerationally with fanboys.To Phpnut, I don't need to prove there is a flaw -- I just call it asI saw it.  A textbook hello-world app does not work when the action
name was called "list", but works with another name "lists".Whose fault?  Perhaps PHP.  But since the list of reserved functionnames in PHP is dependent on version and installed modules, this
is a poor way to spec out a default behaviour for a framework thatmight have to support multiple hosting environment.Mathematically one counter-example is all it takes to "disprove"a framework.
I already said I don't want a pissing contest, and you still persistin doing so.  For the record, I said I have 5 years of coding MVC,not 5 years of coding.  I started coding at 13 and I am 43 yearsnow, so that's 30 years of IT experience beginning with PDP-11.
I won't stop pulling out my dicks when I need to since I do knowwhat I am talking about.Originally I have prepared a list of 25 design issues to raise in thisforum, together with my own source code changes.  But now it
is clear to me how resistant to criticism the cakesters are, so Iwon't be bothering.For those who are watching on the side and who likes Cake,I say more power to you.  My only interest is to study the
framework and learn about it -- a framework that started withso much promise and accolade, I was not prepared for thedenial attitudes.  To be honest the quality of source code isnot bad, which is why it is a big shame.
This is my last post and the Marie Antoinettes in this forumcan continuing telling people to eat cake, but in my opiniona little humility and reality check is sorely needed for the cakecommunity to move ahead.  A community that does not
allow critics to exist will never see the truth in theemperor's new clothes.Kacesign off

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Re: fundamental dispatcher strategy flawed?

2006-05-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This will be my last post on this thread.  Rational discussions simply
don't seem to register in this forum.

To John, thanks for the first clear-headed response.  Yes everyone
should do whatever he or she prefers, and not try to convince anyone
else.  It was my mistake to think I could discuss a design issue
rationally with fanboys.

To Phpnut, I don't need to prove there is a flaw -- I just call it as
I saw it.  A textbook hello-world app does not work when the action
name was called "list", but works with another name "lists".
Whose fault?  Perhaps PHP.  But since the list of reserved function
names in PHP is dependent on version and installed modules, this
is a poor way to spec out a default behaviour for a framework that
might have to support multiple hosting environment.

Mathematically one counter-example is all it takes to "disprove"
a framework.

I already said I don't want a pissing contest, and you still persist
in doing so.  For the record, I said I have 5 years of coding MVC,
not 5 years of coding.  I started coding at 13 and I am 43 years
now, so that's 30 years of IT experience beginning with PDP-11.
I won't stop pulling out my dicks when I need to since I do know
what I am talking about.

Originally I have prepared a list of 25 design issues to raise in this
forum, together with my own source code changes.  But now it
is clear to me how resistant to criticism the cakesters are, so I
won't be bothering.

For those who are watching on the side and who likes Cake,
I say more power to you.  My only interest is to study the
framework and learn about it -- a framework that started with
so much promise and accolade, I was not prepared for the
denial attitudes.  To be honest the quality of source code is
not bad, which is why it is a big shame.

This is my last post and the Marie Antoinettes in this forum
can continuing telling people to eat cake, but in my opinion
a little humility and reality check is sorely needed for the cake
community to move ahead.  A community that does not
allow critics to exist will never see the truth in the
emperor's new clothes.

sign off

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public Model::order ?

2006-05-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Could the $order used in fidall ... be public and set like $recursive?

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Re: form action without mod rewrite

2006-05-31 Thread Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut
clemos,No the way I showed it is the cake way.-- /*** @author Larry E. Masters* @var string $userName* @param string $realName* @returns string aka PhpNut* @access  public*/ 
On 5/31/06, clemos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hi allthe following goes probably even further on the path to the "cake way" :formTag("/executions/index/","post") ?>doesn't it ?++

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Re: form action without mod rewrite

2006-05-31 Thread clemos

hi all

the following goes probably even further on the path to the "cake way" :

formTag("/executions/index/","post") ?>

doesn't it ?


On 5/31/06, Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Try doing it the cake way.
> Will make your app portable.
> --
> /**
> * @author Larry E. Masters
> * @var string $userName
> * @param string $realName
> * @returns string aka PhpNut
> * @access  public
> */
> On 5/31/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > It's already done
> >
> > I should say it first
> >
>  >

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Re: form action without mod rewrite

2006-05-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've upgraded but my View was generated first and it does.

I'll check it first next time

Thanks you

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Re: form action without mod rewrite

2006-05-31 Thread Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut
It you have the latest release yes it does.-- /*** @author Larry E. Masters* @var string $userName* @param string $realName* @returns string aka PhpNut* @access  public*/
so the bake should generate   url('/executions/index/'); ?>"method="post">instead of   
shouldn't it

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Re: form action without mod rewrite

2006-05-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

so the bake should generate


instead of

shouldn't it

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Re: form action without mod rewrite

2006-05-31 Thread Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut
Yes it would be normal since the html is not parsed by PHP and there is not way to add the needed paths that mod rewrite would normally handle. All forms should be created that way, as a matter of fact the helpers should be used as much as possible so errors like this will not sneak into your code.
-- /*** @author Larry E. Masters* @var string $userName* @param string $realName* @returns string aka PhpNut* @access  public*/ 
Yes, It works well too and it's like the "the cake way"But is it normal than I should add it to all my "baked" form ? 

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Re: form action without mod rewrite

2006-05-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes, It works well too and it's like the "the cake way"

But is it normal than I should add it to all my "baked" form ?

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Re: hasAndBelongsToMany

2006-05-31 Thread Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut
Not a stupid mistake, just one you will remember and not do again, so see it as a learning mistake :)-- /*** @author Larry E. Masters* @var string $userName* @param string $realName* @returns string aka PhpNut
* @access  public*/On 5/31/06, Copot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Stupid mistake.Thank you very much.

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Re: form action without mod rewrite

2006-05-31 Thread Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut
Try doing it the cake way.   url('/executions/index/'); ?>" method="post">Will make your app portable.-- /*** @author Larry E. Masters
* @var string $userName* @param string $realName* @returns string aka PhpNut* @access  public*/On 5/31/06, 
It's already doneI should say it first 

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Re: hasAndBelongsToMany

2006-05-31 Thread Copot

Stupid mistake.
Thank you very much.

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Re: form action without mod rewrite

2006-05-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's already done

I should say it first

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Re: hasAndBelongsToMany

2006-05-31 Thread Copot

Ohhh... .yeap

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Re: form action without mod rewrite

2006-05-31 Thread RosSoft

you need to uncomment one line of app/config/core.php :

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Re: hasAndBelongsToMany

2006-05-31 Thread Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut
So with this duplicate post I should take it that your did not understand what I said: 'joinTable' => 'ShopCategoriesCmsArticle',change it to  'joinTable' => '
shop_categories_cms_articles',-- /*** @author Larry E. Masters* @var string $userName* @param string $realName* @returns string aka PhpNut* @access  public
*/On 5/31/06, Copot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
1. table: cms_articlesmodel: CmsArticle2. table: shop_categoriesmodel: ShopCategory3. table: shop_categories_cms_articlesmodel: ShopCategoriesCmsArticle

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Re: hasAndBelongsToMany

2006-05-31 Thread Copot

1. table: cms_articles
model: CmsArticle

2. table: shop_categories
model: ShopCategory

3. table: shop_categories_cms_articles
model: ShopCategoriesCmsArticle

CmsArticle hasAndBelongsToMany ShopCategory

defined by:
var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'ShopCategory' =>
 array('className' => 'ShopCategory',
'conditions' => '',
'order' => '',
'foreignKey' => '',
'joinTable' => 
'associationForeignKey' => '',
'uniq' => '',
'finderQuery' => '',
'deleteQuery' => '',
'insertQuery' => ''),

in the model

class CmsArticle extends AppModel
var $name = 'CmsArticle';

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'ShopCategory' =>
 array('className' => 'ShopCategory',
'conditions' => '',
'order' => '',
'foreignKey' => '',
'joinTable' => 
'associationForeignKey' => '',
'uniq' => '',
'finderQuery' => '',
'deleteQuery' => '',
'insertQuery' => ''),

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Re: hasAndBelongsToMany

2006-05-31 Thread Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut
Is your join table shop_categories_cms_article or ShopCategoriesCmsArticle?If it is the first use that as the joinTable value in the association array-- /*** @author Larry E. Masters* @var string $userName
* @param string $realName* @returns string aka PhpNut* @access  public*/On 5/31/06, Copot <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:We have 3 tables1. cms_articles (id, title) - CMS articles
2. shop_categories (id,title) - Categories3. shop_categories_cms_article (cms_article_id, shop_category_id)(Articles for a specific category)Data set:1. cms_articles (1, 'Article no 1')2. shop_categories (1, 'Vibrators')
3. shop_categories_cms_articles(1,1) - meaning the category Vibratorshas one article -> Article no. 1We have the model:class CmsArticle extends AppModel{var $name = 'CmsArticle';
var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('ShopCategory' => array('className' => 'ShopCategory','conditions' => '',
'order' => '','foreignKey' => '','joinTable' => 'ShopCategoriesCmsArticle',
'associationForeignKey' => '','uniq' => '','finderQuery' => '',
'deleteQuery' => '','insertQuery' => ''),} 

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form action without mod rewrite

2006-05-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I've disabled mod rewrite and every action on a form give me "not
found" error.

The trick I use is to replace the initial form definition :


by :


Is it normal or not?

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Re: hasAndBelongsToMany

2006-05-31 Thread Copot

More precisely, it acts like the three tables aren't related or the
relationship isn't defined well.

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Re: hasAndBelongsToMany

2006-05-31 Thread Copot

It's not that.
It's not a problem of traversing the involved tables.
It doesn't get  the associated category.
PS: it doesn't do the trick. (although I shouldn't have tried it to
tell you that).
It acts like hasAndBelongsToMany doesn't work.

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Re: hasAndBelongsToMany

2006-05-31 Thread Jon Bennett

> class CmsArticle extends AppModel
> {
> var $name = 'CmsArticle';
> var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
> 'ShopCategory' =>
>  array('className' => 'ShopCategory',
> 'conditions' => '',
> 'order' => '',
> 'foreignKey' => '',
> 'joinTable' => 
> 'ShopCategoriesCmsArticle',
> 'associationForeignKey' => '',
> 'uniq' => '',
> 'finderQuery' => '',
> 'deleteQuery' => '',
> 'insertQuery' => ''),
> }

try assigning var $recursive = 2; in your model


jon bennett
t: +44 (0) 1225 341 039 w:
iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett

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Re: Convert all files to Utf-8 encode,some errors occured

2006-05-31 Thread RosSoft

You've a UTF-8 BOM at file app/webroot/index.php

Use another editor to remove it

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2006-05-31 Thread Copot

We have 3 tables

1. cms_articles (id, title) - CMS articles
2. shop_categories (id,title) - Categories
3. shop_categories_cms_article (cms_article_id, shop_category_id)
(Articles for a specific category)

Data set:
1. cms_articles (1, 'Article no 1')
2. shop_categories (1, 'Vibrators')
3. shop_categories_cms_articles(1,1) - meaning the category Vibrators
has one article -> Article no. 1

We have the model:
class CmsArticle extends AppModel
var $name = 'CmsArticle';

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'ShopCategory' =>
 array('className' => 'ShopCategory',
'conditions' => '',
'order' => '',
'foreignKey' => '',
'joinTable' => 
'associationForeignKey' => '',
'uniq' => '',
'finderQuery' => '',
'deleteQuery' => '',
'insertQuery' => ''),


And we have the controller

class ShopController extends AppController {

var $name ='CmsArticle';

function index() {
$test_var = $this->CmsArticle->findbyid(1);


[CmsArticle] => Array
[id] => 1
[title] => Article no. 1

[ShopCategory] => Array

Why don't I get all the information from CmsArticle ?

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Convert all files to Utf-8 encode,some errors occured

2006-05-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session
cookie - headers already sent by (output started at
/var/www/html/source_code2/app/webroot/index.php:1) in
/var/www/html/source_code2/cake/libs/session.php on line 131

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session
cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at
/var/www/html/source_code2/app/webroot/index.php:1) in
/var/www/html/source_code2/cake/libs/session.php on line 131

Is the file app/webroot/index.php the first program file excute in

I found if all the files are utf=8 encode and  there is ansi file then
there will be a charactor come out,that will bring headers erros!

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Re: fundamental dispatcher strategy flawed?

2006-05-31 Thread Sonic

> So, before I sign off from this cesspool, let me just draw
> your attention to everything mentioned on Cake website's
> frontpage and let you know that my experience has shown
> exactly the opposite.
> -- "Active Friendly community" -- nope, not what I have seen
> -- "Extremely simple" -- just a few gotchas that nobody bother to
> document,
>   because you can sure figure out for yourself.  If not, you must be
> insulted.
> -- "Rapid development" -- if this is so, how come until now there isn't
> any major
>non-toy application like blog, albums, ecommerce, CMS created yet in
>the forge?
> -- "No configuration" -- far from it
> Kace

>From the time I started using CakePHP (less than a month ago) I have
found the community nothing less than extremely Active, Friendly and
Helpful. Since I started I have been constantly asking questions on the
IRC channel and have found that there is always someone there willing
and able to help, no matter how stupid the question (I've had a lot of
late nights lately). I have found cake to be so appealing and
interesting that I have decided to switch my current project over to
the cake framework mid way through. I have no doubt in my mind that
this was good decision. Cakeforge is constantly growing and judging
from the conversation on the IRC channel, there are number of large
scale projects being developed using the CakePHP framework.

As for your comments about the documentation, well for the amount of
time CakePHP has been available, as well as the small size of the core
developers and documenters, I'm surprised it's so well documented at
all! Sure there are gaps but these are constantly being filled as they
are found. Besides what some of us believe, the team are actually only
human and therefore can only do so much, so well, in a given time.

For me, CakePHP is one of those things, like your favourite song, you
wish you were the one who had written it. Serious respect goes out to
the team.


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Re: CakePHP findAllThreaded

2006-05-31 Thread Copot

It should have been:

$this->ShopCategory->findAllThreaded('id =
'.$id.' or parent_id = '.$id,null)

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Re: fundamental dispatcher strategy flawed?

2006-05-31 Thread flasheru


I am far from even 5 years of PHP development but anyway the subject of
this topic is also far from the content.
I just want to answer to kaceong's last points on this group and point
out that they're, well "fundamentally flawed".

"Active Friendly community" - now that comes with a price and that's
usually "a friendly approach" mind you.

"Extremely simple" - true, Cake is not as simple as asking a question.
But darn close. And asking usually implies not trying to discredit
anyone for their hard work.

"Rapid development" - 1.0 stable was relased May 2'nd so one month for
a huge and serious app would be in the "Lightning Fast Development"
area. Cake just goes for "Rapid".

"No configuration" - well the truth is that if you go with the standard
install there's none. But as we're developers with habits here each one
of us has his own setup more or less.

As I've already said it here:
I personally love Cake and am willing to bet my next project's success
on it. So anyone has any problems with the community or the framework
can just move on from my point of view.

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generateFieldNames from 'alien' model

2006-05-31 Thread V

I have set up a controller that uses a differently named model.
class BlogController extends AppController {
$uses = array('Post');

In one of the methods I would like to use generateFieldNames, but it by
default searched for the model $this->modelClass, what is Blog.

Should I be concerned about changeing $this->modelClass = 'Post' or I
can do it freely? What would you recommend to me, to change it in the
method of to do it in the class itself?

thx for your advices!

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Re: fundamental dispatcher strategy flawed?

2006-05-31 Thread Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut
Kace,Your opinion why it is flawed is still lacking any proof.Until you have proof that this is truly a flaw in our design and not your opinion, which like assholes everyone has one, I would keep it to yourself. Maybe if you would have approached this topic with a little less arrogance, you would have received a better response, but dude you came pissing into the wrong house.
You must think it is more productive to duplicate a prefix over all methods in a class, which is not the case. You think you lose robustness by adding a route vs. adding prefixes and having to check these prefixes?
Cake has conventions that are used for method names the only prefixes are _ and __ . Since PHP 4 does not have private and protected methods we use these to block access to "private" and "protected" methods in the url.
And please explain the non toy application comment?
You have no clue what your talking about.We have just completed a project thorough the foundation
Not to say there are plenty others out there.One that comes to mind is:
Do a little research before coming here pulling your dick out, you might save yourself the embarrassment.You might want to do a little research on me also while your at it, I have been around the open source community much longer then your 5 years of software development, and back up my arrogance with proof and code.
-- /*** @author Larry E. Masters* @var string $userName* @param string $realName* @returns string aka PhpNut* @access  public*/ 

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Re: fundamental dispatcher strategy flawed?

2006-05-31 Thread John Zimmerman [gmail]
Lets all agree to just leave this thread alone.Both sides have a point.  The Cake Devs didn't feel the issue brought up was a problem.Both sides are one developer's opinion.Cake Devs are free to do with the code as they like.
Kace is free to use what he likes.Most of us are happy with what the Cake Devs are doing and will run with it.The thread can go on an on, but basically it is what it is.
Nate and LarryI definitely do not intend to use Cake now that I see how inflated thedeveloper's ego is, that they cannot take any criticism of theirapplication.What I brought up in this forum is to bring up my experience
encounteringan aberration in the framework, and all I get in return are(1) denial (2) personal attack.I have not attacked anyone, only the architectural design decisionwhichI found to be less than orthogonal.  Those who take offence have
inferred their own proximity to the issue and inflictedit upon themselves.I don't know which developer made the decision to tie the name of anaction to the name of a method as a default execution path.  This is
notsafe nor universally workable.  But I did not attack him or her, onlythestrategy itself.Whether or not anyone agrees with me, there is no denying thatsuch a decision has made the framework less than robust, and
requires additional code in route construction and additionaldocumentation to point this out to new developers.My email raised this and nothing more.  Everything elsecoming from you are overreactions because you cannot
separate the programmer's ego from his project.Pulling out your resume to see who's balls are bigger?  Howterribly immature.So, before I sign off from this cesspool, let me just drawyour attention to everything mentioned on Cake website's
frontpage and let you know that my experience has shownexactly the opposite.-- "Active Friendly community" -- nope, not what I have seen-- "Extremely simple" -- just a few gotchas that nobody bother to
document,  because you can sure figure out for yourself.  If not, you must beinsulted.-- "Rapid development" -- if this is so, how come until now there isn'tany major   non-toy application like blog, albums, ecommerce, CMS created yet in
   the forge?-- "No configuration" -- far from itKace

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Re: fundamental dispatcher strategy flawed?

2006-05-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Nate and Larry

I definitely do not intend to use Cake now that I see how inflated the
developer's ego is, that they cannot take any criticism of their

What I brought up in this forum is to bring up my experience
an aberration in the framework, and all I get in return are
(1) denial (2) personal attack.

I have not attacked anyone, only the architectural design decision
I found to be less than orthogonal.  Those who take offence have
inferred their own proximity to the issue and inflicted
it upon themselves.

I don't know which developer made the decision to tie the name of an
action to the name of a method as a default execution path.  This is
safe nor universally workable.  But I did not attack him or her, only
strategy itself.

Whether or not anyone agrees with me, there is no denying that
such a decision has made the framework less than robust, and
requires additional code in route construction and additional
documentation to point this out to new developers.

My email raised this and nothing more.  Everything else
coming from you are overreactions because you cannot
separate the programmer's ego from his project.

Pulling out your resume to see who's balls are bigger?  How
terribly immature.

So, before I sign off from this cesspool, let me just draw
your attention to everything mentioned on Cake website's
frontpage and let you know that my experience has shown
exactly the opposite.

-- "Active Friendly community" -- nope, not what I have seen

-- "Extremely simple" -- just a few gotchas that nobody bother to
  because you can sure figure out for yourself.  If not, you must be

-- "Rapid development" -- if this is so, how come until now there isn't
any major
   non-toy application like blog, albums, ecommerce, CMS created yet in
   the forge?  

-- "No configuration" -- far from it


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