Re: creating and viewing an image database

2006-08-05 Thread Dr. Tarique Sani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

JP wrote:
> I would like to make an image upload and view database, storing the
> images in the file system isn't really practical for my project.
care to elaborate why it is not practical to store images on the file
system? (in your case of course)


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Scaffolding on cake_1.1.6.3264 allowing add and delete but "server dropped reply" on others

2006-08-05 Thread BakeryBoy

Hi, It's my first post so please be nice...

I can sucessfully use the $scaffold variable to get add and delete
functionality, but view and edit are behaving strangely. I first
thought it was a rewrite problem with some kind of recursion going on
because the main problem is that (always for Edit, but only sometimes
for View) I get dropped server connections and the apache error log
shows lines like this:

>[Sat Aug 05 17:12:15 2006] [notice] child pid 16518 exit signal Segmentation 
>fault (11)

When View renders a page instead of choking on the dropped server
error, it shows an error at the top:

Undefined index : data

That appears to me to be be a problem with getting the data from MySQL.
So, then I began suspecting mysql and I rebuilt the database,
reinstalled the latest cake code, followed the tutorial again and got
the same Segmentation fault and dropped connection errors. I then tried
the several table types that mysql offers MyISAM, ISAM and INNODB all
with the same result.

Here's my set up:

Mac OSX.3
PHP 4.3.6
MySQL 4.0.18
Safari 2.0.4(419.03)

Safari tells me this error:

Safari can't open the page.
Safari can't open the page "";.
The error was: "lost network connection" (NSURLErrorDomain:-1005)
Please choose Report Bug to Apple from the Safari menu, note the error
number, and describe what you did before you saw this message.

When I cross check it from curl I see "curl: (52) Empty reply from
server" and Firefox shows me a blank page, so I know it is not a Safari

mod_rewrite installed and functioning properly on cake and other php
code. I can also move the PHP pretty URLs mode that CakePHP offers and
see the same set of errors and odd CRUD behavior.

I followed the blog tutorial and modified it to start my own
application which is a clone of tinyurl and snurl services but for my
own private set of urls.

Database created with this SQL:
# phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
# version 2.5.6
# Table structure for table `urls`

  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `linkname` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `uri` text,
  `created` datetime default NULL,
  `modified` datetime default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

I've been working on this for quite a while and I feel like it is very
close to a breakthrough and I'd appreciate it if anyone could lend me a
hand or turn my head toward a good debugging tactic. I've tried peeling
away code and inserting print statements but the code base is so large
and spread out it is hard for a newbie to really get a handle on it and
find exactly where the Edit and View steps are failing in scaffolding.


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IMPORTANT CakePHP Security Fix

2006-08-05 Thread Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut
All CakePHP users,A kind soul informed us that the Not Found error page can be exploited via inserting _javascript_ code in the address bar. This release provides a fix for this vulnerability. This release also includes some other improvements to the bake script and prepares for the day when the controller object is not available in the view. Cakebaker mentioned the addition of the session helper. It is recommended that everyone upgrade and change all references to $this->controller->Session in the view to the new helper, $session.
While not every bug in trac has been fixed, several others were, so check out the change log to see what was done.Download:
Change Log: Baking,CakePHP development team-- /**
* @author Larry E. Masters
* @var string $userName* @param string $realName* @returns string aka PhpNut* @access  public*/ 

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creating and viewing an image database

2006-08-05 Thread JP

I am a bit of a beginner to cakePHP, tried RoR but couldn't find decent
hosting so thought I'd give PHP a go.
I would like to make an image upload and view database, storing the
images in the file system isn't really practical for my project.

I read the great cakebaker article on uploads
and have a much better grasp of that now, but how do I output the blob
data stored in the database as an image in a view?

Cheers, JP

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Re: Database configuration

2006-08-05 Thread milicic.marko

This is how I switch configuration
var $default = array('driver' => 'mysql',
'connect' => 
'host' => 
'login' => 
'password' => 
'database' => 
'prefix' => '');

var $dev = array('driver' => 'mysql',
'connect' => 
'host' => 
'login' => 
'password' => 
'database' => 
'prefix' => '');

var $test = array('driver' => 'mysql',
'connect' => 
'host' => 'localhost',
'login' => 'user',
'password' => 
'database' => 
'prefix' => '');

if (0 != DEBUG)
$this->default = $this->dev;

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Re: Database configuration

2006-08-05 Thread Martin Wood

milicic.marko wrote:
> What is the best way to configure production and development
> configuration?
> Should I define $default connection depending on debug level or there
> is some smarter solution..

I use this style to switch database configurations :

which works well, you can probably expand upon it to provide more features.

In fact it would be good if it was expanded into a more general configuration 
switching mechanism rather than just the database because as you say you would 
want a different debug level as well.

anyone else ?



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Database configuration

2006-08-05 Thread milicic.marko

What is the best way to configure production and development

Should I define $default connection depending on debug level or there
is some smarter solution..

Bakers ... help me..please

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Re: Where best to put query logic?

2006-08-05 Thread nate

Nope, what you're doing makes complete sense.  The purpose of the
controller is to act as the "glue" between the model and the view.  The
controller can also aggregate and operate on other types of data as
well, and for some of the logic, you need data outside the model, i.e.
session data, so it makes sense that that logic would go in the

But if you have any other logic that can be completely contained within
the model, by all means, put it there.  That's what the object is there
for.  As always, use common sense.  The most important things to
remember about the principles that Cake enforces is to maintain
separation between the tiers of MVC (most importantly between view and
controller), and most importantly, Don't Repeat Yourself.

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Re: Where best to put query logic?

2006-08-05 Thread LikeSoy

Then my controller would be mostly lines like:
$this->set('widgets', $this->Widget->getAllWidgets());

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Where best to put query logic?

2006-08-05 Thread LikeSoy

I'm fairly new to OO development, and I'm probably overthinking this,
but ...

The manual explains [find($x), findAll($x), findAllBy($x)] as model
functions which leads me to want to put all of my dbaccess logic there,
within functions like getAllWidgets, getSubWidgets, etc.

Then my controller would be mostly lines like:
$this->set('widgets', $this->getAllWidgets());

This all makes sense to me, but it seems that all the tutorials and
bits of code that I see put most of the logic in the controller, using
core model functions directly ...

I know I can do it either way, but want to make sure I'm doing it right

Any thoughts?


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advanced validation, complex controller, error helper

2006-08-05 Thread vtbludgeon

I've been experimenting with advanced validation per
and the ErrorHelper  class.

I need my UsersController's update() method to update both the
underlying 'users' table as well as the 'people'  table that the User
model belongsTo. I've discovered that when you just say


cake updates 'users'  table but not 'people'. So I instantiate my own
Person object in the UsersController constructor, and assign it to an
instance var, which I update it "manually" (it's still pretty easy,
thank you Cake) in my update().

But I don't want to update anything unless both models validate. So I
check that manually before calling save(). Fine. The only hitch is that
in my view update.thtml, I have not been able to figure out to get
e.g., $error->showMessage('Person/lastname') to show the validation
error that I know to exist from the controller's point of view in
$this->Person->validationErrors. I've been trying an ugly workaround as
commented in the code below, but I would like to know how to make it
work as it does for $error->showMessage('User/username'), and/or what I
am doing wrong. Thank you!

Here is the controller:

Person = new Person();

function index() {



function update($id = null) {
if (empty($this->data))

$this->User->person_id = $id;
$this->data = $this->User->read();

// load validation rules

// if both models validate...
$valid_user = $this->User->validates($this->data);
$valid_person = $this->Person->validates($this->data);
if ($valid_user && $valid_person)
// ...try to save
if ($this->User->save($this->data['User']) &&
{$this->data['User']['username']} has been

} else {


} else {
// nasty workaround


and here is the view:


First name

Last name



showMessage('User/username') // <-- but this works fine ?>


Thanks again.

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Unable to Access the Models from Admin Controller

2006-08-05 Thread Sharan

 Here is the controller code

set('agents', $this->Agent->findAll());


and here is the view (agents_index.thtml)


Company Name

View Edit Delete

But the page shows the error :
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
/opt/lampp/htdocs/houseseeker/app/views/admin/agents_index.thtml on
line 15

and it does not show any recrods although there are records in the
table agents and also print_r($agents) also outputs nothing.

and line 15 is  $this->set('agents', $this->Agent->findAll());

Any Ideas. How to make the controller access the records of the Agent

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Re: missing table / forcing $db->listsource() to re-read tables from database

2006-08-05 Thread Dr. Tarique Sani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Once again replying to my own post - apprently the only way to achieve
this right now is
in your code write
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->Addon->useDbConfig);
$db->__Sources = null;

Yes, I am fully aware that __sources is a private variable

Thanks to gwoo for the ideas about manipulating DB object with
reconnect() etc none of which worked unfortunately 


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Re: newbie:othAuth: how to login from a page with a non Admin group?

2006-08-05 Thread gmwebs

Thanks CraZyLeGs, you pointed me in the right direction. I have now
amended my login action to this...

function login() {
if(isset($this->params['data'])) {

$user_data = $this->params['data']['User'];
$username = $user_data['username'];
$password = md5($user_data['password']);
$userdata[] = $this->User->find("User.username = '$username' AND
User.password = '$password'");

$groupid = $userdata['0']['User']['group_id'];

$user_data[group_id] = $groupid;

$auth_num = $this->othAuth->login($user_data);
$this->set('auth_msg', $this->othAuth->getMsg($auth_num));

It is all working as it should now, but I was wondering if this was
indeed the best way to do it? Should the logic to determine the group
membership of the user not be in the component itself?



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Re: newbie:othAuth: how to login from a page with a non Admin group?

2006-08-05 Thread CraZyLeGs

this is not a bug!
yes by default othAuth accepts group_id = 1

you need to have [User][group_id] set in the array you pass to the
login method
this can come from a selectTag in the form, a hidden field or set
manually in the login action before calling othAuth's login method

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