Re: Global/Default Controller

2006-09-29 Thread John Zimmerman
On 9/29/06, Neves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My site has many static pages, that I don´t want to createmodel/controller for each one.How can I map to those pages and where there should be(view/pages/etc)?I want to keep using cakePHP friendly urls and put those static pages
inside my default template.The pages_controller is what serves static pages.Your pages go in /app/views/pages as *.thtml files.URL's would be  or if you have a folder.The content of each static page will be displayed where the content_for_layout variable is located in the default template.  /app/views/layouts/default.thtml

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Global/Default Controller

2006-09-29 Thread Neves

My site has many static pages, that I don´t want to create
model/controller for each one.
How can I map to those pages and where there should be

I want to keep using cakePHP friendly urls and put those static pages
inside my default template.

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Re: CakePHP Manual rev 132 for CakePHP 1.1

2006-09-29 Thread Sergei

When will be CHM-format documentation updated? It isn't even finished..

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Re: Using login page as homepage

2006-09-29 Thread John Zimmerman
You can set this up by modifying the entries in /app/config/routes.phpIf you take a look at the entries there it should make sense about what you should do (there is an entry routing "/").

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Debian Etch / Apache2 / PHP5 / + CakePHP

2006-09-29 Thread John Zimmerman
Does anyone have mod_rewrite working properly under Debian Etch Testing?I cannot get the directives in the .htaccess files to work properly.  I had everything working properly under Ubuntu 6.06, but decided to load Etch and am not sure if I am configuring something wrong or there is something wrong with the Etch packages.
The mod_rewrite module is loaded and states so in the phpinfo output, but no rewrites are happening.  I moved all the same files in my cake application over from the working ubuntu installation.If you have it working under Etch or have any thoughts please reply.

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Re: Restrictive Bakery Terms of Service

2006-09-29 Thread John Zimmerman
On 9/29/06, MJ Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If the foundation publishes a book of the Bakery without acknowledgingthe authorship and copyrights of any contributors, I think it's highlyprobable at least one of them would start legal proceedings.  I would,
but I'm not contributing, thanks to this thread.I think CakePHP Foundation should revise the Bakery Terms to only assertlicence, not copyright, and track who contributes what or require formalcopyright assignments, if there is any plan to take it commercial later.
Please re-read the updated "terms" link that gwoo posted above.  I believe your statements are unfounded.

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Model access to an unrelated model

2006-09-29 Thread hypercubed

If I have a model (say ModelA) and it has a relationship to another
model (ModelB).  I can access ModelB in ModelA by $this->ModelB.  How
can I associate ModelB without a relationship.

For example.  If i wanted to write a sting field to ModelB every time I
save data to ModelA I can place $this->ModelB->saveField() in the
beforeSave callback.  But what if ModelB is ot related to ModelA in any
way?  Do I need to explicitly create the ModelB object inside the
constructor function?  Looks to me like we need a $associated array
separate from $hasOne, $hasMany, etc.

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Using login page as homepage

2006-09-29 Thread kristian


I was playing around with the "Simple User Authentication" example
found in the cake manual:

How would I go about using this as the very first page in my cakephp

The example places it inside "views > users" and URL looks like this:

I wanted to have the login page as the very first page the user comes
to (in development mode):

Of course I want it to work the same way when it goes into

How would I go about acheiving this?

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Data structure question...

2006-09-29 Thread radioflyer


This is pretty basic I think.

I have a one to one relationship between an 'Item' and an 'Image.' The
images will be stored as BLOBs. I'm wondering if I should try to get
with making the Image attributes part of the Item Model. i.e..
image_type, image_name, image_data, are just additional Items columns.

If I do create an Image Model (the way I started out,) how can I have
'items/add-edit' actions submit data to two tables?

I was curious to see what baking a view for 'Items' would do with the
'hasOne' relationship. It didn't see to acknowledge the 'Images' table.

A common add/edit form makes sense in this case does it not?

Thanks for any suggestions,

Dan J.

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Re: Overloadable helper

2006-09-29 Thread nate

You can grab the svn version from  Lot's of new features
have been added already, including the Overloadable class.  You can
look at the Model class for a __call usage example.  (It's actually
called __call__ in the class).

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observeField ajax helper and Firefox

2006-09-29 Thread znaiman

Hi all,

I've noticed a strange behavior in Firefox when using the observeField
ajax helper in conjunction with form SELECT elements, and I'm hoping
somebody has a solution.

I'm using ajax->observeField to observe a form select element;
according to the option that a user picks, data is gathered from the
server and displayed. With IE this works as I would expect -- the user
clicks on an option from the select element, and the server responds.
In Firefox, however, as soon as an option is highlighted, the request
is made to the server.

Does anybody know if there's a way to tell this helper not to send the
request to the server until the user has actually clicked on the select
option they want (as opposed to just highlighting it)?

Here's my helper code:

echo $ajax->observeField ($field_id = 'Maj, $options = array('url' =>
'updateSemesterByMajor', 'update' => 'semester', 'frequency' => '1',
'complete' =>  'completeMaj()', 'before' => 'beforeMaj()', 'loading' =>
'loading()') );

I'm using Cake version

Zach Naiman

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Re: process multiple selected rows

2006-09-29 Thread Sohei Okamoto
If each row corresponds to the data from model which has id field, maybe I would make each checkbox with the row's id as its value,then you will receive the array with selected rows' id.Am I missing anything?
Hope this helps.Sohei

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Re: process multiple selected rows

2006-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have always had to do 'field/' so that I get a bunch of data[field][]
and then do a foreach on them, counting along the way and getting the
rest with $i.  I don't know if there is a better CakePHP way to do it,
but I would sure like to know as well.

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Re: Parse error running blog tutorial

2006-09-29 Thread John David Anderson (_psychic_)

On Sep 29, 2006, at 1:21 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I ran through the tutorial at
>, and after
> modifying MySQl to use old passwords (since I'm using PHP4.4.1 and  
> it's
> not set to use MySQLi), and messing around with the mod_rewrite
> settings as much as I can stomach, I still can't get the site up and
> running.  Just to be double-sure, I copied all the text from the
> tutorial into files with the proper plurality and capitalization etc.
> I'm getting the following:
> Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_OLD_FUNCTION' or  
> `T_VAR' or `'}'' in /Library/WebServer/Documents/app/models/ 
> post.php on
> line 3
> Line 3, from the website:
> class Post extends AppModel

Should be

class Post extends AppModel {

That is, if the character '{' is the very next one after 'AppModel'.

-- John

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Parse error running blog tutorial

2006-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, all,

I ran through the tutorial at, and after
modifying MySQl to use old passwords (since I'm using PHP4.4.1 and it's
not set to use MySQLi), and messing around with the mod_rewrite
settings as much as I can stomach, I still can't get the site up and
running.  Just to be double-sure, I copied all the text from the
tutorial into files with the proper plurality and capitalization etc.

I'm getting the following:

Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_OLD_FUNCTION' or `T_FUNCTION' or
`T_VAR' or `'}'' in /Library/WebServer/Documents/app/models/post.php on
line 3

Line 3, from the website:
class Post extends AppModel

I tried some random things like adding a semicolon to the line or
removing the $name assignment statement (since it sort of seemed
optional), but these tactics just produced other error messages.  I've
also configured Cake's index.php with full path names in case it's
getting lost, but that hasn't worked, either.

I'm new to programming, so I'm careful to try everything that occurs to
me before asking for help, but this problem is getting pretty

If it helps:  I couldn't find the word "sessions" in my httpd.conf
file.  From what little I know of sessions, this shouldn't be a problem
for the tutorial, but then, I don't know much.  Also, I'm not entirely
sure I solved the mod_rewrite problem: I used the workaround since I'm
not allowed to edit httpd.conf.

Thanks in advance,

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process multiple selected rows

2006-09-29 Thread andy corpes
Hi all,I'm a newbie trying to determine which rows in a table display have been selected. I have created a html table, column 1 is select box, the rest have data.I would like to select one or more rows, then select a command from a drop down list box,  and then process each selected row according to the command selected. I want an aiming for an interface similar to phpMyAdmin (for those that use it)
I can store the data + the check box value as session data, and then read the session data, but it feels like overkill, and i wondered if either there was an easier, cake way.I maybe going the wrong way with this, and my lack of user interface design experience maybe the reason. Has anybody got any alternative strategies for being able to select multiple rows for subsequent processing.
-- Andy

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Re: ACM Project To Reach 1.0

2006-09-29 Thread Ryan J. Peterson


Thanks, I want to make it a great asset to everyone who uses ACL and 

We will be deifinatley supporting HABTM for users and groups, also I 
will make it more user firnedly when it comes to moving users.

Thanks for the input!


>rpeterson, ACM is one of the greatest project in CakeForge.
>I think that letting users to be in more than one group is a must.
>Also it would be great not to have to reset the permissions everytime a
>user changes which group he or she belongs.
>I was using version
>I hope I can help you!

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Re: Overloadable helper

2006-09-29 Thread Matt Adams

gwoo wrote:

> Well, in 1.2 we have the Overloadable class which may help out.

How far away would you say we are from a stable release of 1.2?

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Re: Restrictive Bakery Terms of Service

2006-09-29 Thread MJ Ray

> Anyway, as long as it is stated in the Terms of Use and we all check
> that box, then we agree to whatever it says.  So, if it says that and
> that is what it means then you can't say that they don't get copyright.

Yes, you can, as it seems that copyright cannot be transferred in the US 
without a signed instrument.  If you have reliable advice otherwise, 
such as the mythical lawyer's advice, please link it.

> [...] But I doubt
> any of us are going to take CakePHP to court if and when they publish a
> book with one of our code snippets in it. [...]

If the foundation publishes a book of the Bakery without acknowledging 
the authorship and copyrights of any contributors, I think it's highly 
probable at least one of them would start legal proceedings.  I would,
but I'm not contributing, thanks to this thread.

I think CakePHP Foundation should revise the Bakery Terms to only assert 
licence, not copyright, and track who contributes what or require formal 
copyright assignments, if there is any plan to take it commercial later.

However, above all, IANAL and CakePHP Foundation should get its own 
warranted legal advice.

Best wishes,
MJ Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  +44-870-4321-9-10
Web, localisation, koha, databases, GNU/Linux and statistics.
Registered in England and Wales, partnership number OC303457

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Re: Restrictive Bakery Terms of Service

2006-09-29 Thread gwoo

Hi guys,

I know you have been having fun going back and forth, but..
I posted new, simplified terms the other day at http://
Please read them and comment if you still have problems or  


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Re: Overloadable helper

2006-09-29 Thread gwoo

Well, in 1.2 we have the Overloadable class which may help out.

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Re: How to update two divs with Ajax?

2006-09-29 Thread Samuel DeVore

try searching the group

(btw a trick to shrink number of results is to add nate to the end of
the query ;)

Sam D

On 9/28/06, carlosrg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I have the following code:
> $html->selectTag('SerialNumber/software_id', $softwareArray,
> $serial_numbers['SerialNumber']['software_id'], array('id' =>
> 'serialnumber_software_id', 'onchange' => "new
> Ajax.Updater('ajax_serialnumber_version_id','/prueba/index.php/serial_numbers/ajax_actualize_version',
> {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
> parameters:Form.Element.serialize('serialnumber_software_id'),
> requestHeaders:['X-Update', 'ajax_serialnumber_version_id']})" ))
> is there any way to update two different divs?
> Thanks!
> >

S. DeVore
(the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you

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Re: Pocky: CakePHP on a Stick (lighttpd+php for windows)

2006-09-29 Thread Lokkju

That is a pretty standard problem with any Cygwin based program - the
distributed copy of cygwin may not be the same as a previously
installed copy.  Ways of handling the problem are also pretty standard,
and can be found through a google search.

I have nothing against WAMP, I simply find it to be quite large in
size; it does *not* run from any location you drop it in (nor can you
just install it, then move your directories, without changing
environment variables); and it does not come pre-configured to run
cakephp out of the box.

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CakePHP Manual rev 132 for CakePHP 1.1

2006-09-29 Thread Gustavo Carreno

Hi there!

New release of your packaged manuals.

Grab it at:

Greatings Bakers,

This new naming may confuse you but here's the deal:
- The documentation has been relocated to it's own repository, so the
SVN revision is a tad lower than the CakePHP one.
- This will be the naming scheme for the docs hence foward.

It's been to long since the latest release and the list is quite huge
so I'll leave the change log for the next release.

That's all,
Gustavo Carreno aka [Batch]

Gustavo Carreno
< If you know Red Hat you know Red Hat,
If you know Slackware you know Linux >

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Re: CakePHP cheatsheet

2006-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well look at that.  Learn something new everyday.

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Re: Restrictive Bakery Terms of Service

2006-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Anyway, as long as it is stated in the Terms of Use and we all check
that box, then we agree to whatever it says.  So, if it says that and
that is what it means then you can't say that they don't get copyright.
 Now, it makes it harder to argue in court which is why others fill out
tons of paperwork on this stuff.  So, there is no court.  But I doubt
any of us are going to take CakePHP to court if and when they publish a
book with one of our code snippets in it.

And Nate "reasonable expectation of privacy" might not be the exact
name in this context, but the principle is the same.  I was on a photo
forum and people's type is copyright protected when they login.  But
that and the DMCA is hard to fit with a court battle.  Much easier to
say it was in the Terms of Use and argue that.  So, since it lists in
there that Cake Foundation can use your code then CakePHP is okay and
people understand that.

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Re: formating help - best way to implement

2006-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

:S im sorry, not sure what you one about with the $_ arrays?

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Re: Can somebody baby-step me though $ajax form submission

2006-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A quick extra question, how do i go about making it so the new comment
can have an effect attached to it?

As the way ive got it working atm, after the new comment is saved it
pulls back all the comments again and then just updates the comment div

Should i not be just adding the new comment? instead of pulling all the
comments back again?

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Re: formating help - best way to implement

2006-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think you just want the helper methods you create to be black boxes
where you stick something in and get it formatted back out to you in
the end.  No need to try and setup the whole post and then just call
the methods to extract what you need from it.  Plus, then it makes the
helper extensible to more people and not just the action you are
working on.

Oh!  And don't ever look at any $_ arrays again.

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Re: choice of table name

2006-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

dkni, read the model, understand how MVC works.  By default associated
models are loaded so you can make calls to the with

But if you need to load up some others (really try and think of a way
not to do this a lot).
$uses = array('ModelName', 'otherModel');

Then, you call it directly $this->otherModel.

But DPape is right sounds like you need to spend some time with the
manual and understand MVC first.

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Re: Can somebody baby-step me though $ajax form submission

2006-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Don't worry Chris.  I just recommend that beginners try and use the
helpers because they can get the most help from CakePHP people if they
do since it is a standard.  Although is a bit confusing that it is made
to use scriptaculous yet they call it complete instead of onComplete as
in the scriptaculous documentation.  I never really liked that.

And believe you me, the road to where the AJAX helper is now was paved
with hard knocks.   The days before the RequestHandler, knowing that IE
wants it to be UTF-8 or it will choke, the AJAX helper being a little
buggy.  Such fun back then.

Whatever platform you go with I would recommend getting the FireBug
extension for Firefox.  You can turn on XMLHTTPRequest tracking.  Then,
you can see what it is posting and retrieving.  Also, the new Web
Developer toolbar has a 'View Generated Code' so you can finally see
the code for the EXACTLY what you are seeing and not if you refreshed
like it did before.  Those two tools have made AJAX debugging actually
enjoyable instead of a day at the crazy house.

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Global Elements?

2006-09-29 Thread cronus

Hellow, folks!

I need create elements to be shared by diferent apps in the cake
enviroment (like a global element). Is it possible?
I know it's possible create Helpers to be shared this way by putting
them in cake_version/cake/libs/view/helpers.
I've tried to create an element in
cake_version/cake/libs/view/templates/elements (i don't know if it's
correct) but calling $this->renderElement('element_name') in the View
wasn't successfull.
I could create Helpers instead of Elements but i'll need to load all
this Helpers in Controllers all the time so i'm trying to avoid it.
Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

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How to update two divs with Ajax?

2006-09-29 Thread carlosrg


I have the following code:

$html->selectTag('SerialNumber/software_id', $softwareArray,
$serial_numbers['SerialNumber']['software_id'], array('id' =>
'serialnumber_software_id', 'onchange' => "new
{asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
requestHeaders:['X-Update', 'ajax_serialnumber_version_id']})" ))

is there any way to update two different divs?


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CakeX - xajax in CakePHP

2006-09-29 Thread jitka

Hallo, friends!

CakeX project (CakePHP AJAX transport layer based on xajax) released
0.1 alpha version (with demo and API documentation). It uses xajax
trunk code (rev. 255), so it utilizes new xajax feature: XAJAX PLUGINS
- even before first xajax 0.5 alpha is released (planned to 3.10.2006).

homepage -
demo -
api -
download -
installation instructions -

Let me know, what You think about it, please and - ENJOY! ;-)

Jitka Koukalova

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Where should I put statistics ?

2006-09-29 Thread leo.cacheux

Hi everyone,

I have an application to write with CakePHP, and I need to display some
statistics (men/women, people in each department, ...). In the MVC
model, which is the best way for doing this ? I hesitate between doing
this in the model, with new methods to access those values, or in the

Thanks a lot in advance.

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Re: Can somebody baby-step me though $ajax form submission

2006-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well the thing that took me to jQuery before was the way they use CSS
Selectors and as im big XHTML/CSS fan it was simple for me to pick up
and start throwing out advance effects.

I've actualy finaly managed to wrap my head around what was going wrong
with the form and now having it working :D

AJAX was something ive always struggled with getting to grips with as i
hate JavaScript - so that on top of me also still only using CakePHP
(and any sort of framework) for around 3-4 days proberly added to my
confusion :D

But now i get it, all good :D

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Re: get value of input field

2006-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I see, that i can read the value of the input field by using
JavaScript. But that is client- and not server-based.
So, I think, that the only way to succeed is another form, which holds
the "Cancel"-Button. By clicking the "Cancel"-Button, the the value of
the ID-Field is send to the server and he deletes the entry in the
table of the database.

But can I use the same input field in 2 forms??

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Re: HABTM saving with checkboxes

2006-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think the manual talks about using the table/field name of
Category/Category and making it a multiple selection dropdown.  Then it
will save the HABTM relationship automatically on create.  Now, I am
not sure if there is something automagic if you need to maintain the

One thing I can say about your current method.  You need to place some
of the code in the model.  I have a function attachOption() which
executes the insert.  It creates the $SQL and then executes and returns
the result of execute (true or false).

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Re: Can somebody baby-step me though $ajax form submission

2006-09-29 Thread Chris Hartjes

> I don't recommend using jQuery.  Learn to use the AJAX helper to your
> benefit.  Personally I am going to use Event Selectors and hand write
> my AJAX this time around just so it is altogether now.
> The scriptaculous library is very easy to use.  And yes it is hard to
> wrap your brain around AJAX and how in the world it is working.

Uh oh...Troy and I are disagreeing on something again. ;)

I switched to doing my AJAX stuff with Yahoo!'s YUI because, well, the
code that the HTML helpers outputted was ugly and non-intuitive to a
beginner like me.  I guess maybe I'm not so much of a beginner any
more, which is why I can use the YUI stuff.  Don't get me wrong, I
like the helpers but found the output of them very hard to understand
when I needed to debug my application.

I recommend that beginners use the helpers and then get away from
using them once they get more comfortable with the whole AJAX concept.

Chris Hartjes

"The greatest inefficiencies come from solving problems you will never have."
-- Rasmus Lerdorf

@TheBallpark -
@TheKeyboard -

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Re: Can somebody baby-step me though $ajax form submission

2006-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't recommend using jQuery.  Learn to use the AJAX helper to your
benefit.  Personally I am going to use Event Selectors and hand write
my AJAX this time around just so it is altogether now.

The scriptaculous library is very easy to use.  And yes it is hard to
wrap your brain around AJAX and how in the world it is working.

The easiest way to do a form in CakePHP is to make it work first in
HTML.  Then, change your submit to $ajax->submit().  That will send the
form via AJAX.  Then in the $options array for submit you put 'update'
=> 'dividyouwanttoupdate'.  What happens is after the form is submitted
you can use the RequestHandler to get isAJAX and redirect a successful
form to the action that makes the contents of the div you want to
update.  Really easy once you wrap your brain around it.

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HABTM saving with checkboxes

2006-09-29 Thread Andre

Hi everyone.
Concerning the subject, the example in the manual uses a multiple
select tag, but I prefer checkboxes for usability reasons.

Is there a simple way to do that automatically, or should I going on
coding it by myself?

function admin_add() {
  $this->layout = 'admin';
  $categories = new Category();
  $this->set('categories', $categories->findAll());
  if (!empty($this->data)) {
if ($this->Post->save($this->data)) {
  $id = $this->Post->getLastInsertID();
  foreach ($this->data['Category'] as $k => $v) {
if ($v == 1) {
  $this->Post->execute("INSERT INTO categories_posts SET
post_id=$id, category_id=" . $k);
  $this->Session->setFlash('Your post has been saved.');

This function that I've written works correctly, I just wanted to know
if there's something more 'agile' than this... 

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Can somebody baby-step me though $ajax form submission

2006-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I actually know jQuery quite a bit, but only more on the effect side of

I belive a jQuery helper is on the way for CakePHP?

I still dont get how this works, i cant seem to grasp it at all...

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Re: incorporating many views

2006-09-29 Thread michael234

In my controller I have...
 function index()
   return $this->set('data', $this->Enquiry->findAll());

In my view (template/index.thtml) I have..

array('data'=>$this->requestAction('/enquiries/index'))); ?>

Finally in elements/index.thtml I call the data like this..

and so on...

However when I view /template..unsurprisingly I get the error..
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in..

How do I make the variable $data available to the element index?


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Re: calculated fields -- best way?

2006-09-29 Thread Scott Sharkey

AD7six wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> I think the easiest way to deal with that is define in your model the
> method afterFind. use a loop to go through the results and define what
> you need. There is no need to worry about removing the data before
> saving - if there is no corresponding field the data doesn't get
> included in the sql.

Thanks Andy, that is exactly what I was thinking, but I didn't realise 
that the save would work.


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Re: CakePHP Test Suite -- 'Inflector' not found

2006-09-29 Thread Sonic Baker
On 9/29/06, Brian Wisti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Now that everything is basically working as advertised, it looks likeI'm going to experiment with the ModelUnitTestCase class at
 tostreamline the test database interaction.
Hi Brian,

That class was meant to show an idea and thus was a rough prototype. It
only works with MySql and so isn't very cake-ish. I've since updated it
to be more cake friendly. Although it works, it's nowhere near
completion yet. Here's a link to the current version:

I haven't had a chance to finish it cause I've been seriously busy
lately. If you make any changes let me know as I'd be interested to see



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get value of input field

2006-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi there,

I would like to have an hidden input field with the actual ID. When he
clicks on a Link, the Data with the given ID should be deleted.

my code in the "view.thtml":
hidden('Input/id'); ?>

now i would like to have a Link at the bottom:
link('Delete', "/inputs/delete/{$tempID}", null,

As you can see I have a $tempID which should have the value of the
hidden input field at the top

How can i manage to get the ID?



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Overloadable helper

2006-09-29 Thread Daniel Hofstetter

Hi all,

I want to create an overloadable helper. It works fine on PHP5 with the
__call function, but how can I make it work with both PHP4 and PHP5?
Any ideas?


Daniel Hofstetter

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Re: afterFind not running on associations

2006-09-29 Thread andru

Damnit.  Why do I always figure these things *immediately* after
posting them, no matter how many hours of headscratching they've
Reading through my own post I noticed that my afterFind method was
written to process the data in a way that only lets it run when
findAll() is used on that method.

 $results[$i]['Award']['title'] =

Will work just fine on the model, but when the data comes in the form
$results[n][Category][Award] *[n]*[title]

it borks, for obvious reasons.  I've now coded it to check if it's a
multidimensional array and act accordingly.

Sorry for wasting your time ;)

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Re: Can somebody baby-step me though $ajax form submission

2006-09-29 Thread georgeL

i stopped using the build in javascript / ajax functions. they can be
confusing sometime and prototype is not very intuitive to write/read ..

Instead i´m using jQuery now, which really enlightend me. I hated JS
before but with jQuery an ajax form submit can be as easy as this on
line of code:


take the form with the id of invoiceFilterForm and update the element
with id invoices_list with the results of the callback. There is no
inline markup needed.

two more hint´s you should use the "head helper" for cakePHP and look
at some jQuery plugins. It might take you some time to switch and take
a look into jQuery, but afterwards you´ll get on faster.

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afterFind not running on associations

2006-09-29 Thread andru

It seems my afterFind methods are not working when the model is fetched
via an association.

I'm using, but have found this in previous versions too...

Looking at dbo_source, it seems like the afterFind methods should be
triggered for all associations (around line 594), but that's not the
case for me.
According to this trac: someone
else found this problem in, but it has been reported fixed

In the example below Category hasMany Award, and Award belongsTo
Category.  Both models have the afterFind method below.

function afterFind($results){
foreach($results as $i => $result){
$results[$i]['Category']['title'] =
return $results;
(don't ask why I'm serializing data, it's a quick & dirty solution for
a quick & dirty project :P )

The data is returned with the first level afterFind having run, but
nothing further.

[0] => Array
[Category] => Array
[id] => 4
[order] => 0
[name] => Category 1
[title] => English Title Oh Yes
[description] => English Description

[Award] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 1
[category_id] => 4
[name] => Award 01
[title] => a
[description] => a:5:{s:2:"en";s:13:"Award



Any ideas?

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Re: Pocky: CakePHP on a Stick (lighttpd+php for windows)

2006-09-29 Thread John Zimmerman
I am using wamp and it is working fine for dev.Tried your complete dowload out.  lighttpd crashes when the start script is run.  It is complaining about mismatched cygwin1.dll and wants me to delete duplicates.  I have a current version of cygwin installed.

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Re: beginner: help with sql + database

2006-09-29 Thread carlosrg

If you have write associations between the tables (in MODELS) cake does
the sql stament itself. But if you want to write your own query:

$query("SELECT `Version`.`id`, `Version`.`name` FROM `versions` AS
`Version` LEFT JOIN `softwares` AS `Software` ON
`Version`.`software_id` = `Software`.`id`")

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Re: CakePHP cheatsheet

2006-09-29 Thread MicroAngelo

What format are you looking for?

For just accessing the raw content, Google is your friend:

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[REQ] Can somebody baby-step me though $ajax form submission

2006-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi there guys, now i know this is a really checky thing to ask but i
just dont know how to get Ajax forms to submit and update content on
the same view

On the above link you will see the basis of what i currently have for, what i was wondering is could someone please
write me a simple baby-step "how to" guide for getting Ajax form
submissions to work in CakePHP.

If someone could show me how to submit Comment/name, Comment/comment
and then updated the div#post-comments im sure i'll get my head around

I struggle with ajax at the best of times as i really hate JS :S
Any help would be really really great


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Re: Restrictive Bakery Terms of Service

2006-09-29 Thread MJ Ray

> [...] But if I extract my code and post to a public domain like the 
> Bakery then I am forfeighting my rights to the code since no one has 
> to login to view the code. [...] I am not a lawyer either, but after 
> things getting pretty hairy on a forum I was on this is the gist of 
> what the lawyer told us.

We could possibly argue that the poster has granted an implicit licence 
by posting to the site, but I am pretty sure that they don't forfeit 
the copyright on their work to the foundation.

As ever, IANAL, but I've been punished for copyright infringement (and I 
warn you, it's no fun) and tried to learn from it.  Please can someone 
post a link to the lawyer mentioned above, and their advice if possible?

MJ Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  +44-870-4321-9-10
Web, localisation, koha, databases, GNU/Linux and statistics.
Registered in England and Wales, partnership number OC303457

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Re: tmp Warning

2006-09-29 Thread davide
dkni wrote:
> I am using Fedora now. I have no idea how to do that.

Do what? Extract the archive or create/give access to tmp directory?


By the power of Greyskull...

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: tmp Warning

2006-09-29 Thread D. Pape

ah right! that could be the reason!

> maybe you have extracted the zip using winzip. Winzip by default (i
> don't know if it's settable) didn't extract empty folders contained in
> the zip archive. If so, try for example winrar or a porting of tar for
> windows :).
> However as Pape said, it should be enough to create a writable tmp
> folder by hand.
> Bye
> Davide

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formating help - best way to implement

2006-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Im starting to create a nice simple helper for formating elements for
my blog app, im just wondering what would be the best way of doing
parts of it.

Im basicly wanting to do stuff like $formating->title($before,$after);
or $formatting->content(); but i dont really want to have to pass
through the $post['Post]['content']; and such through the helper.

I attempted to GLOBAL $post but it didnt pass through to the
$formatting helper, should i create some form on
$formatting->hasPosts(); function that i could pass the $post too and
then global it there?

Now i know this would make the $helper not all that helpful as it would
be restricting what can be passed through it, but i wish to make it a
little simpler/cleaner for my views.

If anyones got any thoughts on how i could archive this that would

Although while writing this i think it may just be simpler to just have
the $formatting helper do the actual changes and just pass the values
through it.

Im looking at doing some stuff like a autoParagraph() function and bits
and bobs like that, could be quite useful for some of us bloggers :)

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Re: tmp Warning

2006-09-29 Thread dkni

I am using Fedora now. I have no idea how to do that.

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Re: tmp Warning

2006-09-29 Thread davide
dkni wrote:
> ok i will thx u

maybe you have extracted the zip using winzip. Winzip by default (i
don't know if it's settable) didn't extract empty folders contained in
the zip archive. If so, try for example winrar or a porting of tar for
windows :).

However as Pape said, it should be enough to create a writable tmp
folder by hand.


By the power of Greyskull...

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: tmp Warning

2006-09-29 Thread dkni

ok i will thx u

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Re: tmp Warning

2006-09-29 Thread D. Pape

i´ve downloaded the latest version of cakephp (zip-file) a minute ago 
and there is a tmp folder in app/! :o)

i don't know what happens if you make the tmp folder manually and set it 
will cake make the subdirectories automatically?!

> I downloaded it but there is no tmp folder :(
> >

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Re: tmp Warning

2006-09-29 Thread dkni

I downloaded it but there is no tmp folder :(

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Re: tmp Warning

2006-09-29 Thread D. Pape

usually the tmp folder is in the cake-zip!
the tmp folder have to be writeable!

> Warning:
> file_put_contents(/PATH_TO/app/tmp/cache/models/default_FOLDER_list)
> [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or
> directory in /PATH_TO/cake/basics.php on line 835
> Hi Guy,
> I am having this problem. I downloaded the lastest version of Cake but
> I didn't have tmp folder. How should I fix this error?
> Cheers,
> >

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Re: choice of table name

2006-09-29 Thread D. Pape

You want two or more tables in one model?? that?s impossible, i think.
You should work with associations!

Maybe you should read the manual first..

> yup. but how do i have multiple tables in one Model?
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tmp Warning

2006-09-29 Thread dkni

[function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or
directory in /PATH_TO/cake/basics.php on line 835

Hi Guy,

I am having this problem. I downloaded the lastest version of Cake but
I didn't have tmp folder. How should I fix this error?


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Re: choice of table name

2006-09-29 Thread dkni

yup. but how do i have multiple tables in one Model?

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Re: choice of table name

2006-09-29 Thread D. Pape

> set member "$useTable" if your table name is different to your model name.

i meant: if the table name is not the plural of the model name.

of couse, in my example table name and model name are equal! ;o)

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Re: choice of table name

2006-09-29 Thread D. Pape


set member "$useTable" if your table name is different to your model name.

class User extends AppModel
  var $useTable = 'user';



is this what you want to know?


> Can I have a table name that is singular and how should I implement it
> in model?
> Everytime when I run it, it asked for a table name 'models'.
> regards,
> >

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